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Notice that Chapter 10 & 26 - 27 & 31 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

A Shameful Secret
Chapter 2

Over the next two weeks Dunlup finished up the last of his hauling
job's, explaining to everyone who would listen that he finally had
enough to open his own Blacksmith shop. He really did have some coin
saved up, not nearly enough to start a shop of course. But enough so
that he could hire a couple of males, to keep his hauling and junking
business going. That would just barely pay for its self, paying the
two young Horses he hired to do the work. But the appearance was of a
business fur, doing so well that he could afford to own two different
business's. It added an air of affluence to the otherwise poor Donkey,
he bought some nicer clothes to wear as he strolled around town.

Of course Rollan's house servants grew curious about the Donkey's
visits, and began sneaking out of their rooms on nights he visited. He
could tell by the looks they gave him, even the otherwise reserved
Boar butler flashed him questioning looks. And later rueful smiles
that said louder than words, that the fancy servant had figured out
what the Donkey was doing in his late night visits. And he quickly
began treating Dunlup like he was a wealthy guest, something that had
not been going on before. Whether he told the others or they figured
it out on their own, soon the whole staff knew what was going on when
Dunlup visited. And oddly they were treating the Donkey very well,
even referring to him as 'yer lordship' just as they did Rollan. Advar
the Butler seemed to take real pleasure in greeting the Donkey, and
actually introduced Dunlup to Rollan's handsome teenage colts. Troy
and Rory were very handsome young studs, looking a lot like their sire
although Troy had his mothers slender build. The young equines seemed
to find the old Donkey intriguing, Dunlup realized it was because they
rarely got to interact with anyone outside their sires social circle.
Which was of course very small indeed, in a remote border town like
this one. The handsome young stud colts talking to him like he was a
favorite uncle, until their sire shooed them away. Rollan had not been
happy about the colts meeting the Donkey, but Advar took the heat for
it which made Dunlup smile.

Dunlup laughed out loud, when he discovered a new lock on the Stallion
and mares bedroom door the very next night. Rollan kind of surprised
him by being there to watch the rutting every time, sitting or
standing not far away the wealthy Stallion came once or twice a visit
now. And the old Donkey delighted in putting on a show for him,
getting his prim and proper mare to scream and squeal in pleasure. Or
even better to do things she had never done for her husband, the look
on Rollan muzzle the first time Dunlup had cum in Nellus mouth was
priceless. And then there came the night he talked to pretty mare into
letting him put it up her tail hole, and the proud white Stallion had
cum all over himself as soon as the Donkey penetrated that virgin butt

Near the end of the first week, Dunlup decided to get a little more
personal with the Stallion himself. Inviting him over into the bed, to
stroke off beside them as Dunlup fucked that pretty mare. And then the
old Donkey reached over fondling and stroking the wealthy Stallion's
aroused organs himself. Rollan looked shocked to the core at that like
he might protest at first, but soon he was laying back glassy eyed
letting that rough hand pleasure him. Dunlup toyed with him until he
was on the verge of erupting, and then stopped stroking making the
handsome Stallion moan out in need. Reaching up he grasped the white
Stallion's rough mane, pulling his head down to feed the wealthy Horse
his own flare. "Let's not make a mess now." He teased ironically since
he left the bed and sexy mare very messy every time he visited, the
lowly common Jackass made the once oh so proud Stallion lock his lips
around that throbbing erection. As the Donkeys rough hands went back
to stroking that hard cock, working the wealthy stud up to the peak of
orgasm. Soon Rollan was snorting and gasping as his balls drew up, and
he was forced to cum into his own mouth. The moment his orgasm had
past, Rollan leap out of bed and ran off to spit that hot load into
the bathroom sink. Even as all the while he could hear the Donkey's
mocking laughter follow after him... even while he's choking and
gagging standing over that sink.

But by the end of the second week the sneering Donkey forced Rollan to
swallow his own spoo, by holding onto the rich Stallion's balls with a
vice like grip; so he couldn't get out of bed. All of this was having
more and more of an effect on Nellus, the pretty mare was quickly
losing her respect for her pampered husband. And the look on her
pretty muzzle, as she watched Rollan gulp down his own thick spoo
spoke volumes. Not that the handsome white Stallion noticed, because
his eyes were locked with the lewdly grinning Donkey's. "How'd ya like
the taste of that? Good was it?" Dunlup teased as he slammed his thick
fucker into Nellus harder and harder, making the sexy mare squeal out

"Weehehee... Weehehee." The pretty mare squealed and bucked, her
muzzle contorting in passion and pleasure. Even as her long slender
neck craned up, kissing all over Dunlup's rough ugly muzzle. While
those flabby gray hip's pounded up and down frantically, as those
hefty Donkey balls spanked her sexy ass loudly.

"I hope so... because your mare tells me her heat is coming up soon.
So unless you want to raise my mules... yer gunna have to lick a lot
of my spoo out of her." Dunlup chuckled naughtily, as the handsome
Stallion's eyes widen in shock and horror at hearing that. "Now I knew
my cum aint gunna be as tasty as yer spunk. But I figure if you
weren't up for taking that chance tho'... you would have bargained to
have me not visit when she was in her season." The wicked old Donkey
grunted, more to convince the mare of that; than to sway the wealthy

"Wha... I..." Rollan stuttered blushing in embarrassment, at the low
born Jackass having tricked him once again. His sweaty exhausted body
trembling, in a confusing mixture of repulsion and humiliation at
having not out thought the common Donkey. "May... maybe we can come to
some arrangement..." Rollan snorted belatedly, as the smirking Dunlup
licked his thick lip's at having the rich Stallion at a disadvantage.

"What do you have to offer... I can't image it being better than sweet
Nellus's hot sex." Dunlup panted, as his strong hip's drove that fat
fucker in and out of the sleek mares quivering sex faster and faster.
Making her moan and pant for breath, as the pleasure his hard rutting
was giving her tingled within her loins.

"One hundred gold..." The white Stallion started licking dribbles of
his own cum off his lips, only to be cut off almost at once by the
lustfully rutting Jackass.

"Nawww... I wouldn't take coin over this tight pussy." Dunlup snorted
dismissively, enjoying the idea of making the rich Stud realize that
he was already taking the Horse's most valuable possession. The fat,
old Donkey's body pounding into that sexy mare more and more
lustfully, even as the Horse racked his brain for something...
anything else.

"Errr the deed... the deed to your shop... you'd own it completely."
Rollan counter wheelingly, as Dunlup looked at him hard for a long
moment... even while his thrusts battered wild moan's out of Rollan's

"Nice try... but I think we both know that's not nearly equal to sweet
Nellus here." Dunlup leaned in kissing the sexy mares lip's lustfully,
even as she gripping his ass cheeks pulling that hard cock as deep as
it would go into her. Dunlup could tell this was getting under the
handsome Stallion's skin, from the look on his attractive muzzle. "Now
if you had another mare... or maybe some sexy young gelding with a
tight tailhole." Dunlup laughed as he saw the wealthy Horse's muzzle
fall, and decided he'd push the Horse a bit farther. "Ya know I have
fucked a male who wasn't gelded once... a virgin young Doe boy. It was
a lot of fun... How about this..." Rollan's eyes bulged and the Donkey
could tell the Horse had jumped to the wrong conclusion once again.

"I'm not going to let you mount my sons..." The rich Horse grumbled,
as the greasy Donkey rolled his eyes and shook his head before cutting
the Horse off.

"I'm not asking to... I was thinking... if you don't want me to rut
your mare in her heat cycle... You could play the mare for me that one
week." It was an unthinkable request for a real straight breeding
Stallion, and Dunlup was half expecting to get punch in the mouth. The
look of shock on the other males muzzle certainly was one of horror
and repulsion, but when the punches didn't come Dunlup pressed on.
"And then afterwards I'd go back to lovely Nellus here... That way you
wouldn't need to explain to anyone how you sired a mule." Dunlup
watched the good looking Stallion's muzzle twisting and contorting, as
he realized the Jackass had out maneuvered him yet again. No true
Stallion wanted to give himself up to be another males fuck toy, it
was the worse insult one male could hurl at another. And if Rollan
hadn't been so well mannered he would have physically attacked the
Donkey, but the wealthy Stallion prized himself on being civilized.
But the fact was in this strange sexual situation, the handsome white
Stallion was feeling oddly submissive to the male rutting his wife.
"So whatcha say... will ya play my pretty mare boy?" Dunlup taunted,
enjoying the look of disgust and discomfort on Rollan's muzzle and for
a moment the Donkey feared he'd pushed the Stallion too far.

"Fine..." Rollan growled through gritted teeth, as he watched the
smirking Donkey throw his head back. Braying out loudly as he dumped a
fourth thick load into Nellus's quivering sex, even while the sexy
mare was squealing as wave after wave of orgasm thundered through her
body and mind. Nellus eyes flew open wide as she heard her husband's
answer, no true Stallion would ever willingly play the mare for
another male. It was the height of ignominy for a breeding male,
utterly degrading and debase debauchery. That was in the realm of
geldings, creatures who weren't males at all anymore. Her pleasure
glazed eyes starred at her husband with real loathing in them now, he
wasn't worthy of siring offspring on her.


At the end of the second week the old Donkey moved into his forge,
using the upper floors to live in. All the furniture was new, brought
for him just like the tools and coal he'd used in the smithy. Using
the last of his saved coin the Donkey hired a serving girl to come in
once a week and clean the place up for him. Word had gotten around
that the Jackass had the support of the wealthiest Stallion in town,
so he had work on his very first day open. Spending the day mending
broken items, and shoeing dozens of young Horses while taking orders
for new items to craft. A couple of older herd Stallions stopped by,
to discuss other business that they had for him. Plans for him to geld
some rival of theirs, or some of their own more unruly offspring. It
was a highly arousing thought for the old Jackass, to have these
wealthy highborn studs paying him to geld their own sons. Most of
those same Stallions use to sneer at the sight of him, and their
pampered sons spat on the old Donkey in the street. So he would have
been willing to geld them for nothing, getting paid for it was like
icing on the cake. Turning so overly proud highborn Stallion, turning
them into fuck toy's for other males. "Hahaha..." Dunlup laughed out
loud at that idea, loving the thought of humble those over inflated
Highborn ego's. And he knew that he'd never miss a chance to take some
wealthy Horse's balls, be they young upstart's or old herd Stallion's
that had sired hundreds. If he had them at his mercy, they would all
feel the knife and end up sexual toys.

The old Donkey was just closing up for the night... his half naked
body covered in frothy equine sweat. The air around him smelling of
sweaty musk, and burnt fur from the sparks that had landed on his
body. The fat old Donkey looking over the bucket of precious male
orb's he'd trimmed off high born young studs, snickering at the
thought that their own herd Stallions sires had brought them to him.
When he heard a knock on his shop door, strolling over to it he opened
the heavy door up. The door creaked open, letting in a rush of cool
air from the night, it was raining outside, and the small figure's
cloak glistened wetly. It was a nice oiled leather cloak though, not a
cheap cloth one, so it didn't surprise the old Donkey as much when he
saw the nervous face of Rollan's pretty daughter beneath the hood. "H-
hi there." She said, stammering as though she were meeting a handsome
or important highborn Stallion for the first time. "Can I come in?"
Dunlup asked grinning... he found her shyness flattering, and her
young, beautiful body very appealing. A cool, damp breeze blew his
loosely-fastened loincloth to one side, and his fat, bristly scrotum
shifted as he stepped over to let the filly pass. His long dick was
already dropped, and he could feel it rising against the loincloth
that blew against it.

"Sure thing cutie." The heavy Donkey said as he stepped aside, his
eyes following the fillies body through her cloak as she passed. "Your
dad doesn't know you're here, does he?" Dunlup asked as he closed the
door behind her, after making sure no one was watching from the

"What? Daddy... No, no he wouldn't like it." The pretty young filly
admitted with a nervous smile, that somehow made her look all the more
appealing. "Wow so this is your shop huh?" She asked looking around at
all the shiny new tools, benches and restraint racks with a kind of
wide eyed wonder. "This must have cost a lot of money." She gushed,
not realizing that none of it had been the Donkey's coin... her father
had paid for it all. "Ammm so... I was just..." She stated to explain
what she was doing there, when her eyes widen as she saw the half full
bucket. Those pale bloodless orbs glistening in the flickering light
coming from the lamps, and the red glow of hot coals in the forge it's
self. "Wha... wha... are those... did you..." Her soft equine lip's
had formed the cutest little 'O', as she looked from the bucket to the
grinning Donkey her eyes suddenly noticing the bulge outlined under
his loin cloth. A bright blush making her nose redden, still her wide
eye's kept wandering back to Dunlup's crotch.

The fat Donkey smirked, and chuckled at the fillies innocence, his old
belly jostling as it partly hung over that ragged loincloth. Brushing
the fabric aside, he grabbed his hefty balls and stretched his sac
out, spreading his legs a bit and waving his balls at her. "Yep,
that's what happens when you open up a Horse's sac and dump out his
cummers." As the hefty older Donkey exposes himself to her, the
fillies eyes grow impossibly wide. And a faint scent began to drift
through the air in the shop, Dunlup picking it up as he watched her
expressive muzzle.

"You're welcome by the way... since officially, it's all to make the
world a better place for little fillies like you." The wicked old
Jackass explained with a wink, licking his lip's as he admired the
pretty young equine. "Makin' sure unworthy colts don't get to breed,
you know. Because among pretty Horses like y'all, if a boy ain't
perfectly pretty, perfectly able, perfectly smart and gots all his
paperwork perfect, he ain't worth nuthin." He was plain from his tone
of voice that the Donkey felt that was all foolishness, and that he
held it in contempt. "So, yeah yer welcomed." Dunlup winked at her and
strolled over to the bucket, standing by the gathered lusts and dreams
of dozens of young Stallions proudly.

"Godsss... they really are." The pretty filly breathed reaching down
to grasp one slippery orb in her small hand, lifting it up to look at
it more closely. "Wow and this is what all the fuss is about... they
really don't look like much all disconnected like this huh." She
smirked dropping that young highborn Horse nut back into the bucket,
as she pranced over closer to the Donkey. Dunlup watched her pick up a
bare ball, remembering the squealing teenage colt it had come off of.
How much that boy would have wanted to fuck that cute young filly...it
would probably drive him mad to know that she was handling his young
nuts like that. And then she came over and lifted his own balls! The
doughy donkey snorted as her pretty little hand lifted his dirty,
sweaty scrotum, and his slopping dick snapped to sudden hardness. He
looked down at the young girl, the older, nearly naked donkey
breathing deep enough to make his chest flex and his belly rise and
fall, and he put his calloused, soot-covered hands carefully on her
hips. "They're much more impressive when their connected to a big
lustful male... like these." The pretty filly said softly, as her
small freshly washed hand, reached out to caress Dunlup's fat hairy

"I've been busy all day snipping your potential boyfriends. Their own
dads bring'em down because a Smith like me's got good metal tools, and
hot irons for closin' up, and the heat in here makes'em hang nice and
low." With the heavy shop door closed, the warmth was building up
again inside the room.

"I guess a thank you is in order then huh." Lorna breathed, slipping
off her pricy leather cloak, the grinning old Jack took the wet
garment and hung it by the hot forge to dry. "That really is something
you know... makes you powerful... makes you very interesting...
because you hold all those Stallions fate in your hands..." The sexy
young female was looking up at the smirking Donkey's muzzle, blushing
brighter than ever as she tried explaining why she was there once
again. "I saw you... with my... on top of... and father was just
watching... letting you... And I was thinking... I mean if you're
doing it for mother..."

"Saw me with my dick in yer mom... heheh." Dunlup chuckled lewdly as
he remembered the young filly busting in, humiliating her sire as she
caught the Donkey rutting her mother. "Your dad would be real mad, at
ya if he found out you were here. He made me promise I wouldn't go
trying to talk to you... this don't count cuz you come lookin' to talk
to me." The nasty Donkey explained with a smirk cautiously, and then
winked at her as if he didn't care. "So you better clean up good

Lorna's cute little nostrils were flaring as she panted for breath,
the strong musky scent of the old Donkey's loins rising up from her
delicate hands cupping his heavy balls. "Oho!" She panted as that
short thick black rut stick suddenly sprung up, jutting out straight
at her as he stood close. Those rough hands on her black satin dress,
as he gripped her hip's so strongly it made her knees tremble. "Yes...
yes he... he's ordered me to stay away from you when you visit the
house, Advar locks me in the south wing on the nights you come by."
She confessed, hinting that she would have approached him earlier if
she hadn't been locked away in her rooms. "Ummm... I... I'll bath as
soon as I get home." The young filly moaned, even as those rough soot
stained hands moved over her lush young body. One squeezing those pert
young breasts, while the other swept up under her skirt finding her
silky panty clad mounds.

The portly Donkey snorted with lust, as he groped under the young
filly's fancy dress. He slid his calloused fingers unto the crotch of
her panties, fondling that precious young slot, finding it slick,
gooey and hot to the touch... perfect. He pulled her panties down
while his own fat black dick throbbed against her side, leaking his
clear sludge from the blunt tip. "Better take your dress off honey.
It's gonna get splattered on otherwise." The lusty Donkey advised,
licking his lips as he fondled her hot sex through that silky fabric.

Lorna inhaled sharply as those rough fingers rubbed over her damp
slot, through the silky fabric of her frilly black panties. The young
filly growing even more excited as he gently slid her panties down
those lush equine thigh's. "Hur hur hur... Yes... yes of course take
it off." Lorna breathed, reaching up quickly to unlace the front of
her fancy dress as the old Donkey's lustful grin widened as he

"Now I gotta make something clear girl." Dunlup said as she slowly
undressed for him, right there in the middle of his work shop. "I'm
not big on the whole self-control thing. So you're gonna get what your
momma gets... I won't be coverin' up, and I won't be pullin' out." He
breathed deeply as he slowly removed his ragged loincloth, his fat
balls hanging heavily, his thick dick rock hard... trembling in the
heat and flickering light from the forge.

The pretty silvery white female swallowed hard, as Dunlup told her he
was going to treat her just like he treated her mother. In her mind's
eye, the young filly could still see Dunlup smiling as he lay atop her
mother's sweaty body. The look of pleasure and self satisfaction on
both their muzzle shining brightly within her memory, she wanted to
feel like that to know that pleasure. "No... no don't cover up...
don't pull it out..." She repeated weakly, as that expensive dress
fell to the dirty shop floor, leaving her naked before the horny older

The fat Donkey leered at the sexy little filly as she stripped, and
once naked he groped her again, grasping her cute little mound and
fondling her deliciously underage breasts. "Well ya know if we're
gonna do this, let's do this the old-fashioned way." He said with a
smug smirk as he held that perfect, pretty filly by her most sensitive
parts. He guided her over to his new anvil, and turned her towards
it... then pushed her down, bending her over it, and stepping between
her hooves. Lorna found herself staring down at the basket of severed
colt's balls and a few partly buried Horse dicks as well, as the lewd
Donkey pushed up behind her.

"Wha... I... Ohooo." Lorna exclaimed, as her soft lush body was
pressed down over that cold metal anvil smudges of ash and soot
marking her clean white fur. As those strong callused hands held her
in place, even as her eyes dropped down to that bucket. A nicker of
surprise escaping her as she noticed those young Horse cock laying
there looking pathetically small and limp compared to the thick fucker
waiting to enter her.

"I've daydreamed all my life about what I'd do with a hot little filly
like you... if I ever had the chance." Dunlup muttered, caressing the
fillies shapely rump, and gently moving her hooves wider apart with
his own. "I figured it was just fantasy, but at least I still had some
sort of laughable hope, since I still had my balls, unlike a lot of
other Horses... Yeah look down at those young nuts in that bucket...
God those boys woulda done anything to be where I am right now... but
nope, they're getting beat to it by a fat, dirty, old Donkey."
Leering, he guided his big blunt flare to the young filly's pristine
pussy, and started sliding himself into that hot young tunnel.

"Oh? So I'm kind of your fantasy girl huh?" The sexy, highborn filly
giggled, not really understanding why the commoner Donkey had been
dreaming of having a female like her. "Getting beat by... by...
OHOHOOO GODS." Lorna squealed, as that huge flare push between her sex
lip's, stretching them open wider and wider than they ever had been.
That unwashed fucker going where no male organ had ever been, ending
the pretty highborn fillies virginity. As that throbbing organ thrust
slowly deeper and deeper into hot sex, her juices flowing around that
thick organ. As the young Horse's sexual excitement grew and grew,
even as the gloating Donkey push his way past her maiden head. A pain
flare for a instant, before it was replaced with a glow of pleasure as
that thick fucker vanished within her. Those heavy ball within
Dunlup's hair sack slapped against the new mares sex, even as her own
sexual fluids ran down her inner thigh's.

"Yeah... that's right... you're a horny Donkey's fantasy, little
filly." The old Jack grunted, as he worked his hips against that cute
round little ass as the filly moaned. "Uhuh yeah... fuckin' popped ya
cherry, didn't I... FUCK." He groaned and his eyes bulged... he
couldn't help it... his thighs trembled and his fat balls lurched;
Dunlup almost stopped breathing as his flared tip gushed, shooting a
big load into that hot little fillies's cunt. He let out a loud bray,
and convulsed, almost bending over as he throbbed in that tight young
sex; it took him almost a minute to recover, and he had to grab hold
of the anvil to stay upright. Finally his eyeballs stopped spinning
and he could support himself on his own two legs again; he
straightened up, and just stood still for a minute, feeling the young
filly move and squirm under him. "Hooooo... just... just a minute,
cutie. I ain't done with you yet... just need a minute..."

Lorna's sleek young body wiggled and squirmed under the weight of the
older males sweaty body on-top of her, that virgin sex tingling with
never felt sensation's. As that thick invader twitched and jerked
within her, that massive flare gushing hot cum deep within her sex. It
was confusing if very pleasant, and the young female gasp for breath
as pleasure filled her. "Ummm... Ummm gods it feels sooooo hot inside
of me... so much... wow." She rambled as hot streams of Donkey cum
oozed out of her tight sex, and crawled slowly down her inner thighs.
"Was that... that it?" She asked looking back over her shoulder at the
smirking Dunlup, even as his strong hip's began to thrust in and out
of her once again. "Ohooo Ohoo gods... yes Ohooo again... please
more." She begged, as the chipped toothed old Jackass smirked down at
the highborn mare... it seemed these ladies really were just as
sluttish as he'd fantasized all those years.

The fat Donkey huffed as he got going again, his thick cock throbbing
once more, his balls feeling nearly as full as they had a moment ago.
Now the edge was taken off though... he could go for a lot longer this
time. "Mmm, yeah, you're a hot little treat for a fat old Jack like
me." He teased her softly, smirking lewdly as he felt her tight young
sex grip his hard on eagerly. "A real fantasy fuck... oh yeah. 'HUFF'
and you love it don'tchya... my knobbly old fucker... slidin' in and
out of that pretty tunnel... you like how it stretches ya?" He
breathed deeply, thrusting a little harder, making his big balls smack
her mound again and again. "Yes....Yes... YES!" The pretty young mare
moaned out louder and louder, as his massive organ stretch that young
sex almost to the point of ruin. And yet even as it slowly grew worn
and looser from his rutting, it dripped almost begging for more. Each
smack of those heavy testicles against her quivering sex, making a
point that was not lost on the highborn mare. And she reach down
playing with those severed nuts and Horse cocks in that bucket, making
her hot little sex clench down on Dunlup's pumping fucker.

"You loved gettin' fucked full a' Donkey cum, you horny little mare
you. Hnnn, I can feel it in your pussy." Dunlup panted as he picked up
the pace even more, those wide hip's pounding that cock in balls deep.
"You like a dirty, filthy fucking...Yeah, you like that it's a dirty,
sweaty Donkey that popped your cherry... came in your sweet pussy...
you like fucking a fat old lecher like me... Want me to dirty you up,
get my sweat and soot all into your soft fur... rub my big balls on
your hot little cunt..." He groaned as his shaft throbbed again
wildly, inside the younger females so recently virgin sex.

"Ummm gods it feels soooooo good... all your hot cum swimming around
inside of my cuntie." Lorna confessed naughtily, even as the Donkeys
dirty fingers rubbed black smudges in her shiny white fur. "Gods you
make it so exciting... Yes... Yes dirty me up... make me your filthy
slut." The fancy highborn mare moaned, as she watched Dunlup gather up
a handful of dark black soot rubbing it over her pretty muzzle.

"Ohoh, I wish all those colts could see this, see me fucking your
cunt! I spent all morning makin' sure those horny colts would never be
able to do this... Held 'em down, grabbed their velvety little nuts...
I cut their pouches open and' popped their precious boys out, dropped
'em right in my bucket while they screamed... cried... some of 'em
came. And their fathers just watched, trying not to show me how hard
it made 'em... I wish those boys could see me fuckin' you now!"

"Oho wow... Ohooo yes tell me all about how you cut this off." She
moaned lifting up a severed horse cock, waving the limp organ around
playfully. "Ummm so do I... those useless geldings watching as a real
male fucks me. While they stood there knowing they never could now...
now that you took their male-hood from them."

Dunlup panted hard, his doughy, shaggy body damp with sweat as he
plows the slutty young filly. "Yeah, I'll dirty you up alright... I'll
fill your belly up with old Donkey spunk." He lewdly teased the sexy
mare, as he bred her tight love tunnel without any self restraint.
Even just saying it was a wicked, forbidden thrill to a lowborn male
like him... Knocking her up an under aged, noble and virgin filly
would be a sure way to send his own balls into someone's bucket, if he
didn't have her father's own balls figuratively in his pocket.

"Do it... go on do it... please." The pretty young mare whinnied out
pleadingly, her sweet sex gripping and squeezing Dunlup's thick
fucker. "I love the feeling of your thick seed... inside of me... use
me... fill me." Lorna begged breathlessly, as Dunlup sneered down at
her as he rolled his hip's plunging in and out frantically.

"Oho that dick? Well both of them really... so these two drunk
Stallions come in last night, wanting me to judge their dick measuring
contest... and castrate the loser." The nasty old Jackass laughed
crudely, he'd certainly got the better of those two drunken herd
Stallions. "What a couple of stupid fucks, betting their junk on
something silly like that! So I told 'em sure, but first you both
gotta sign over your tackle to me, so I can cut the loser before he
runs off. So they both did... and then I got 'em both tied up against
this anvil here... pulled their junk out, laid their stuff across the
surface, started strokin both those Horse dicks... Yeah I got those
horny, drunk studs nice and hard... and then I threw my own dick down
and told 'em they both lose." He leered and leaned forward, whispering
in the filly's pointed equine ear as his fat belly pressed down on her
lower back. "And then I hacked them both into geldings... with one
chop each of a crude, flat blade. Now their herd got someone new
runnin'em... hopefully a Stallion that's got more sense."

The dirty highborn mares half closed eyes shot open wide, as she
listened to the fat Donkeys wicked story. Her sex dribbling faster and
faster, filling the air with the sweet scent of her young sex. "Hoo
hooooo... gods you.... You did... and then... then you... you!
WEEHEEHEE." Lorna screamed as a massive wave of orgasmic pleasure
thundered through her young body, her hot sex sucking the old Donkeys
seed deep into her pussy. While above her Dunlup was laughing softly,
looking down as she held that severed cock and pictured it within her
mind's eye. "Gods that sooooo hot... you gelding them both... took
their cock as well as their balls. You're so much more of a male
than.... than..."

Dunlap groaned as he felt that filly's cunt squeeze his throbbing
pole, and he let out a loud bray, gripping her shapely hips with his
sooty hands and plunging his pole in hard. His fat balls jostled and
throbbed against her prefect young sex as he felt his dick pulse, and
the rutting Jack delivered a second filling load of hot Donkey spunk
directly into that pretty filly's belly. He let himself hold there and
just pulse, filling the needy mare, his excess cum dripping from her
stretched pussy, making a mess down her legs. "Ohh... hurr. Heh, I
don't.. .don't care who I'm more of a male than." Dunlup grunted as he
caught his breath, just enjoying the feeling of her sex quivering on
his cock. "Just give me horny females here and there." Dunlup said
with a chuckle, and patted the filly's rump before finally pulling out
of her. "Ohoh, fuck, my little mare, you're really a gift for this old
Jack." The heavy older Donkey said, wiping his wet fucker off on the
silvery white fur of her thigh. "Won't do to let your father get wise,
though. When do you have to get back?" The feeling of that scalding
hot cum blasting into her womb, sending the sexy young mare into a
state of bliss. As that lush body hung over that heavy steel anvil, as
she lay there enjoying the afterglow of the powerful orgasms the
wicked old Donkey had given her. "Ammm gods that was fucking
magnificent... you... your such a Stallion." Lorna panted weakly, as
that thick cock was dragged out of her bringing gushes of cum with it.
"I... I think... I've got friends who need this kind of... pleasure."
The highborn mare whimpered breathlessly, even as that thick fucker
was wiped clean on her once pristine white fur. "I'm a gift you are
welcomed to have anytime you like." Lorna volunteered softly, as she
tried to stand up only to find her leg's far to rubbery to stand on at
that moment. "Before dinner... so another hour and twenty minutes..."
She licked her lip's as the homely gray Donkey moved around in front
of her, his thick cock throbbing semi hard. "Long enough for you to
show me a few other ways to please you... I am your dirty slut girl
after all."

Dunlap grinned and chuckled, his belly jostling, and wiped his thick
black tool across Lorna's pretty muzzle. "Mmm, go after it then." He
invited with a big lewd smirk, dangling it in front of her soot
blacken muzzle playfully. "Don't forget to leave time for a hot
bath... before you sit down to dinner. You can wash up here if you
want to." He let go of his dick and slid his sooty hands down to
fondle the young filly's breasts, his sweaty, twice-spent nuts
twitching in their sac as she started to nuzzle his cock. "Ohoh, fuck,
you're a hungry little slut... don't even charge, heh. Well I'd be
delighted to meet and fuck all your filly friends. I'll be your best-
kept secret, haha."

The sexy young mares pretty soot stained muzzle slipped under his
hefty belly, the scent of that sweat body powerfully intense. As her
soft mouth nuzzled his half hard cock, slick tongue snaking out to
lick along his length. "Ammm you taste strong..." Lorna admitted as
she rubbed his sweaty balls with her soft nose and lip's, before
taking that semi hard cock into her mouth. Feeling very dirty and
naughty as she suckled on it like it was a huge nipple, while above
her the older male was chuckling as he buried one big hand in her
sweaty mane.

"And I'll have you whenever you can sneak over here." The leering
Donkey added, choosing not to mention that her own mother was
sometimes the cloaked figure knocking on his door.

"Ammm yes... my stud." Lorna purred happily around that swiftly
hardening fucker in her mouth, her suckling lip's beginning to move up
and down his shaft eagerly. As Dunlup spread his legs and began
rocking his hip's slightly, but really was letting her do most of the
work. Just looking down at her soot covered muzzle, which had a look
of delight plastered all over it. "Thank you... thank you." She
rambled softly, as Dunlup smiled down at her while rolling his hip's

Dunlap had to smirk... what was it with these pretty, perfect mares?
Had they just had enough of being treated like princesses? Or was it
just Horse mares in general? 'Eh whatever...' He leaned his head back
and gently humped that perfect little soot-dirtied muzzle, letting his
doughy gut mash against her nose now and then his still-heavy balls
swing and tap her chin. From where he was standing, his dirty scrotum
was swaying right over top of the bucket, and Dunlap could almost feel
the screaming envy of those severed young Horse nuts between his
hooves. That gave him another lewd thought... on a whim, he kicked the
bucket over, sending those young balls rolling across the floor.
Smirking, he put his right hoof down on top of one, and gradually put
more of his weight on it... He waited until Lorna glanced down at the
floor, then stamped down, splattering a young Stallion's lusty dreams
across the stones.

"Ohooo!" The sexy new mare let out a loud grunt, as a shiver of shock
and sexual delight raced through her young body. Watching some young
highborn Stallions orb splattered under the hoof of a common Donkey
strangely excited her. "Gods next time I wish... I wish I could watch
you do it to some Stallion." Lorna blurted out as that well fucked
sex, dripped and dribbled eagerly once again. Making her mouth lick
and suck at that hard cock more and more eagerly, as the smiling
Donkey tugged her mane playfully. Rolling his hip's a bit faster as
that lustful muzzle begged for him to feed her his thick slimy Donkey
cum, making Dunlup's muzzle ache from smiling so widely. "I heard...
heard sometimes common males like to rut a mare up the tailhole as
well." Lorna babbled as her suckling mouth grew so eager that the
suction was almost painful on the old Donkeys throbbing fucker.

The fat Donkey chuckled, and roughly stamped on another young colt's
testicle, splattering a pink mess across his workshop floor. "Ohoh,
one thing at a time honey, you've got a tight little pooper, and I'd
tear you if I stuffed you right now. We'll do that soon, but right now
tho'..." He took her hands and guided them, putting one of her palms
on his sweaty, low-hanging nuts, and the other on his fat belly. "Mmm,
work that muzzle, make me cum... heh, or, grab my dick with your hands
and make me cum all over your muzzle."

"Oh... ok stud." Lorna giggled loudly, at how naughty and nasty she
was being and feeling her fondness for the horny older male only
growing. He really was treating her gently, and seemed to have already
developed feeling for her. "You're so good to me." She moaned gripping
his huge cock in both her small hands, jacked up and down its length
as she licked and sucked on that huge flare. Those soft hands working
up and down that huge throbbing fucker, looking up into the old Jacks
eyes as a thrill raced through them both as more Horse nuts are
stomped into dirty paste on the bottom of Dunlup's hoof. "Paint my
muzzle with your sweet cum." She begged soft and sweetly, like a colt
begging for candy.

Dunlup gritted his teeth, oh this was too good, too good... He pranced
around, almost slipping on the wet stones, then grasped the young
filly by the mane hard and grunted lustfully. He thrust into her
hands, his balls flapping, his doughy belly shaking, and his tail
flagged as he shot his third load in ropy, thick streaks that striped
the young filly's muzzle, neck and shoulders where it landed. "Ohhhh!
Uhuh." He grunted, the old Donkey releasing the filly's mane and
staggering a bit, before catching himself against the anvil. "Whoo!
Damn, sweety, you got me off again... heh, sorry if I was a little
rough there." He said with a grin, softly brushing her cheek with the
back of his otherwise rough hand. "Mmmm. That's a good look for you,
my dirty little filly slut." Dunlup said with a lewd grin, and winked
down at her as they both panted for breath. "You show up at dinner
like that though... and yer Pa'll send you off to a nunnery."

Standing up at last Lorna staggered over to a work bench picking up a
piece of polish metal and looking at her own reflection in it.
"Heheh... wouldn't he just explode." She smirked seeing her shiny
white fur covered in grayish Donkey cum, dark black and gray patches
of ash and soot. "I really am a dirty girl now... Hehehe." She giggled
again before prancing over to Dunlup, kissing his shiny black lip's
lustfully even as she stomped one of those Horse nuggets scattered
across the floor. "Hmmmm I wonder if I knew him?" She smiled as that
kiss broke, looking around at all the naked orbs laying on the floor.

Dunlup laughed wildly as he watched another young nut get smashed
under the sexy mares hoof. "I figure you probably did, I thought all
you breeding lines knew each other... hmmmm?"

"Yes... yes that's true we all kind of do..." The pretty mare snorted,
thinking that everyone pretty much knew everyone else in her small
border town. "Is it true what that say?" The young mare asked, getting
a confessed look from the old Donkey for a moment. "You know... about
what happens to geldings afterwards?"

"You mean, get shipped off to the big whorehouse? Well it depends...
plenty of 'em do, especially if the herd has too many sons already,
but some Stallions keep their gelded boys around to work or for their
own fun, or trade 'em between friends." He leaned back a bit, setting
his bare ass on his anvil, and watched the nude filly for a short bit.
If they kept this up she would for certain, get knocked up very
soon... "Thinking of boys that you know... I have a little... homework
for ya, my dirty little slut." Dunlup said with a smirk, stepping over
to her and rubbing the pretty young mares shoulders. He grinned
looking deep into her eyes, as they snuggled together for a second. "I
want you to seduce your brothers."

"Homework... I didn't realize I was in school... I guess that makes
you the head master huh? What? My brothers... you want me to... get
them to mount me? Or just want to mount me... because one of them
already does." Lorna grinned as she thought about Rory always trying
to walk in on her in the bath, and peeking in her bedroom door at
night when he knew she would be changing...

"But yeah, I want you to let your brothers mount ya. Both if possible
but one will do..." He had a feeling just from his brief meeting with
them, that one of them was more into other Stallions anyway. "That way
if we fool around too much and I put one in your oven...you can blame

"Oh that's shrewd... your much smarter than I would have thought. Is
that how you got daddy to let you mount mother... being clever?
Heheh... and telling him Rory has been mounting me... will just make
blood shoot out of his eyes."

"I really should get washed up though... I can't go all the way home
looking like this, someone would notice and you know how gossipy they
are in this town." Lorna smirked looking back over at Dunlup, even as
she crushed another testicle under her shiny hoof. A odd little squeal
escaping her, as that male jewel was ground to goo between the floor
and her hoof. A shiver of delight racing up her spine, as she looked
around for her clothing.

The fat Donkey grinned at the cute little filly, thinking about how
perverse his request was. "Well m'lady I can offer you a hot bath, if
you don't mind an iron bathtub," he said with a wink. "I can even soap
you up...but then, I think you prefer it when I get you dirty, huh."
He chuckled a little and stepped over, handing the filly her discarded

"Hahah... as long as it's you doing it... you can clean or dirty me
either one." The smiling mare joked, plainly having matured a lot in
the short amount of time she'd been around the Donkey. Lorna chuckled
following along behind the older Donkey as he lead her into his bath
room, the tub looking very nice if a bit unused. The two of them got
the water running, as the young mare teased the older male with her
lush body. Soon she climbed in and sat there as Dunlup soaped her up
with crude lye soap, cleaning the ash and soot out of her fur. Getting
the sticky half dried cum out took a bit more effort, and there was
still a lot of it dripping out of her gaping sex when she dried off.
Slipping into her black satin dress, she started to put her panties
back on... but changed her mind handing them to the Donkey instead.
"Something for you to remember me by." She explained with a sly smirk,
even as the homely stud pulled her back to him and kissed her again

"Heh... now get off home my dirty mare." Dunlup ordered, lifting those
silky panties to his nose and taking a long sniff as the young mare
trotted off.


"I can't believe your sire never brought you here..." The old Donkey
grunted, as he lead the two young equines up the steps and into the
lobby of Vyndorns gelding whorehouse. The two young well dressed colts
talking excitedly to each other, as they followed along behind the old
Donkey. They owed this trip to the family butler, Advar had made up a
nice cover story that he told Rollan. So that Dunlup could introduce
these horny young colts to the carnal pleasures, something their
father should have done... but had not.

"Father never does anything with us." Troy snorted unhappily, as he
and his brother Rory both looked around the gaudily decorated room
wide eyed. The handsome young colts had really started thinking of the
Donkey like he was a favorite uncle, especially after he'd caught the
two young equines masturbating each other and hadn't told their
parents about it. Dunlup had not only promised not to tell, but had
offered to show them something much better than jerking each other
off. "Sometimes I think he forgets we exist at all."

"Yeah he just asks us about school and if we've been behaving
ourselves." Rory explained, trotting along after Dunlup as the fat
Donkey waddled up to the management desk.

"Well... that's not good. Cause there is so much more to being a
Stallion than good grades and behaving." Dunlup snickered darkly, as
the smiling Horse behind the desk nodded as he saw the Donkey, and
then looked at the two colts curiously. But he was smart enough not to
ask to many questions, even if he was curious about the two finely
dressed young equines.

"Hello ol' sport." The desk clerk greeted, as Dunlup lay a full purse
on the polished wooden counter with a soft 'Clink' that instantly got
the Horses attention. "We haven't seen you in here in awhile..." The
sleek black Stallion grunted, his beady eyes never leaving that fat
purse of coins. "What can we do for you today? That Deer you like is
busy at the moment..."

"That's ok... I'm treating the boys here to their first time... and my
good friend Rollan's son's deserve the best." The fat old Jackass
watched the other equines eyes widen, at the mention of the wealthy
Stallion's name. "We want to ride the gelding King... all three of
us... until we're sated." The pimp's eyes lit up at that, it would
empty the Donkey's fat purse and while the gelded King was popular.
He'd been making less and less money, now that almost everyone had
fucked him. From foreign monarchs and nobles from half a dozen
kingdoms, to the lowly soldiers of the old Kings own army had came in
at first. Now things we're really slowly down, and management was
thinking of auctioning him off to his old enemies. "Wise choice... I'm
not sure how much longer he's going to be working for us... very
popular you understand... someone might buy him off of us any day

"Yeah... yeah we're so lucky." Dunlup snorted, as he watched the clerk
empty out his money purse leaving him only a handful of silver coins.
"Alright you two... let's go rut us a gelded former King." The Donkey
lead the colts up past the third floor, which in point of fact was as
high as he'd ever been. There were only three rooms on the four floor
one had a Baron's son, one was for a gelded former famous bandit
leader. And the last room housed the gelded former King... Dunlup had
seen him once when the brothel owners were showing him off. He looked
pretty much like a normal middle aged gelding, of course the fact that
his head was stamped onto all the coins gave it away.

There was a huge draft Horse guard outside the door, two more one at
each of the other doors on the fourth floor. It was more to protect
the geldings than to keep them from escaping... some furs still hated
the old King and the bandit leader. The guard had been told they were
coming, and smiled opening the door for them as they approached. The
huge draft Horse grunting a warning at Dunlup, as the old Donkey
followed the colts through the door.

"No rough stuff... I'll be watchin'."

"We're just here to have a good time." The fat old Jack assured with a
smile, as he waddled into the room and closed the door behind them.
The room was every bit as plush and richly decorated as even Rollan's
house, and bigger than the house Dunlup had lived in the last dozen
years. The colts where looking around, when a chestnut colored middle
aged Stallion came walking in through the doors from the balcony. He
looked at the two young colts and frowned slightly, before his eyes
swept over to the fat old Donkey. And the look on his muzzle made it
plain he was less than pleased, thinking that it was beneath him to
service such a lowly male no doubt.

"So what can I do for the three of you?" The former King inquired,
looking over the colts to the dirty Jackass who was plainly the one in

"You can start by sucking these handsome lads off... and then I'll be
showing them how to properly mount a gelding." The old Donkey flashed
the royal gelding a gloating chip toothed grin, as he read the
contempt in those eyes. "And they'll need to practice mounting you
themselves after that, it's their first time fucking a bitch." Dunlup
explained, as he began to strip off his clothing until he stood there
just as naked at the gelded King. It was plain to the watching colts,
what the difference between the two older males was. Those fat, hair,
low dangling balls below the old Donkeys thick sheath, were a marked
contrast to the emptiness below the former Kings shriveled sheath.
Slowly the nervous young equines stripped down, to stand there
shivering in their nakedness. Their young cock's already stiff and
eager, those small testicles tight underneath. The royal gelding moved
over to them, dropping to his knees in front of the sexy young colts.
Licking his full equine lip's as he reached out to fondle their firm
young erections, looking up at them as they stood over him. Leaning in
he took Rory's fresh young fucker into his mouth, suckling on it
gently as the handsome young Horse lifted up on hoof tip's. Even as
his big hot hand gripped Troy's slender shaft, stroking it slowly as
he sucked his brothers cock.

"Oh Godsss... that feel sooooo..." Rory panted breathless as that hot
muzzle took his whole length inside, suckling on it more and more
eagerly. "Wow... that's like... Wow." Rory panted out loudly, his eyes
going kind of glazed as the former king fondled his firm little balls
with on warn palm.

"Better than just jackin' it..." Troy asked, as he watched the older
gelding's thick lip's slid up and down the shaft of his brothers
erection a little jealously. The young silvery white colt licked his
lips, gasping for breath as that flabby hand worked his aching hard

"Oho fuck yeah." Rory moaned, as his young hip's began to buck and
hump against the older royal geldings soft nose and lip's. "This is
sooooo much better... Dunlup was right jerking off is nothing."

The old Donkey was leaning back against the foot of the royal geldings
huge bed, watching the colts have their first real sexual experience.
Shrewdly reading the horny young males, Rory the more effeminate of
the two was reacting just like he should. But Troy, the colt who most
closely resembled his sire was watching the gelding suck his brothers
cock jealously. Not jealous of his brother for getting that pleasure
first, but jealous of the former King for getting to pleasure that
cock. A faint smirking grin spread across the Donkey's full lip's, as
he wondered just how far the apple and tree were apart. He'd find out
next week, when Rollan had to play the mare for him while sweet Nellus
was in season. "Now... now Rory, give your brother a chance." The
nasty old Jackass joked, watching Troy's muzzle contort in shock as
the young Horse at first thought he meant suckling. The Donkey could
read it plainly on his muzzle, that look of excitement mixed with

Rory stepped back sliding his throbbing young hard on, the gelded
former King sliding over to take Troy's hard fucker into his mouth.
"Ummm gods." Troy moaned as Dunlup circled around behind the young
colt, rubbing up against his backside as the young stud panted for
breath. Looking over Troy's shoulder, watching the horny colt starring
at the old gelding's mouth working his throbber. The old Donkey leaned
in close, his lip's brushing against the colt ear lobe as he whispered
softly. One hot rough hand sliding down Troy's back, coming to rest on
one firm young rump cheek.

"Yeah... that's it. Watch how he does it close... learn all you can.
We both know your real desire is to try it." Dunlup felt Troy's body
stiffen at his words, so he flickered his tongue tip out licking along
the rim of that ear. "It's ok... I'll not tell anyone... it'll be our
little secret just like you jerking your brother off." The old Donkey
let his hand slide up under that long flowing equine tail, one finger
tip caressing the hot rim of that puffy equine tail hole. Feeling that
tight little hole quiver at his touch, making the fat, old Jack
snicker softly. "If you're a good boy... maybe I'll let you practice
on me sometime... but first you're going to learn everything you can
from this gelding. You're going to watch what he does, how he reacts
to being used by real males like me and your brother here." Dunlup
paused to lick his finger tip, before slipping it back under Troy's
tail. "And you're going to decide if that's what you want for
yourself, if it is I'll help you learn to be just as good a pleasurer
as the former King here." The old Donkey promised, even as he pushed
that saliva slickened finger tip against that virgin tail hole.

"OHOOO." Troy moaned out loudly, inhaling deeply as that finger was
slowly working up his clenched anus. Across from them his clueless
brother was smiling, thinking it was all about that hot suckling mouth
on Troy's cock. "Yes... Ohooo YES." The young colt moaned out loudly,
as Dunlup's callused finger pushed deep into that hot hole. The old
Donkey chuckled again more nastily, as his thick finger abused that
virgin tail hole more and more roughly. The royal gelding glanced up
at the smirking Donkey, with a curious look on his muzzle... plainly
he knew something was going on. The young equines hard on was tensing
and jerking like crazy within his mouth, and he could hear the Donkey
whispering something. Even if he couldn't make out what the older male
was saying, the gelding plainly knew something was going on.

"Look at your brother over there... see how hard watching you get
sucked is making him." Dunlup grunted teasingly into the helpless
colt's ear, his finger making soft 'Slurp slurp slurping' sounds now
as it punched in and out of that twitching asshole. "Give him a
smile... we both know you wish you were sucking his hard cock right
now." The wicked Donkey observed, watching as Troy smiled weakly at
his watching brother... even as his ass pushed back on Dunlup's
invading finger. The young equine licking his lips, as the wicked
Donkey talked about him sucking Rory's hard young cock. A powerful
shudder race through him, as that rough finger found his male pleasure

"Ammm gods I'm gunna cum." The young Horse moaned out loudly, his
hip's bucking and plunging wildly appearing to rut that suckling
mouth. But was in reality thrusting back on the Donkey's probing
finger, his long flowing tail having popped up and was flicking wildly
back and forth.

"That must feel real good." Dunlup said out loud, as his finger tip
worked on that smooth lump within Troy's ass. "Why don't you tell us
how much you like it."

"Love... I... I... love it." The young Horse moaned out weakly,
practically prancing in place as his head laid back over his
shoulders. "It... it feels... Soooooooooo good. Thank you... thank you

"Heheh oh your welcome." Dunlup snickered, knowing the fancy colt was
thanking him for the finger up his tail hole rather than the gelding
on his cock. "There plenty more to enjoy in the future..." The old
Donkey assure with a snort, leaning in close again his grunted into
Troy's ear. "It'll be my cock next time." The handsome young colt's
eyes flew open wide, as he heard that and then he squealed out wildly.

"WEEEHEHEEEE." As his full young nuts drew up, that eager cock surging
as it exploded. Spurting it hot creamy stud milk into the royal
geldings eagerly suckling mouth, while the colt's hard hooves tap
danced on the floor. The fat Donkey watched the royal gelding milk
every last drop out of the horny young colt's throbbing fucker.

"There now... wasn't that just the most fun?" Dunlup sneered as Troy
just nodded his head weakly, grinning the horny Jackass looked over at
Rory. "Now why don't we get out of the way and let your brother finish
up. It looks like he's about to burst over there." Dunlup smirked, as
he pulled Troy away from the kneeling gelding muzzle and Rory hurried
over to take his brothers place. Carefully the older Donkey backed
Troy up behind his brother, and then shoved the young Horse to his
knees. Leaning down the fat older Donkey whispered lustfully into
Troy's pointed equine ear in a husky voice.

"Ok mare boy show uncle what you've learned." Standing back up the
nasty Donkey rubbed his fat oozing cock flare against Troy's nose and
lip's. The handsome young equine looked up into the smirking Donkey's
eye's, as he opened his mouth and let that flare slip inside. Dunlup
stroked Troy's rough equine mane, as the handsome colt wrapped his
lip's around that big throbbing black Donkey cock. "Ummm that's
nice... roll your lip's over your teeth." The fat Jackass moaned, as
he thrust his hip's forwards burying more of his fat fucker into the
younger equine muzzle. Thinking lewdly, that Troy's momma's cunt was
the last thing that had been wrapped around that thick rut muscle.

"Now suck mare boy... you know what the gelding was doing for you."
Gripping the colt's pointed ears, Dunlup looked over the kneeling
Horse's head... watching as Troy's brother bucked and humped the royal
gelding's toothless mouth. The old Donkey wasn't that needy, and so
just stood there grinning down at Troy letting the young equine go at
his own pace. Offering helpful tip's now and then, to get the
inexperienced fancy mare boy to give him the most pleasure possible.
Even with that help the old Donkey was nowhere near cumming, when Rory
squealed bucking and fucking frantically. "Hahah yeah that's right
colt... feed that gelding your spoo." Dunlup called, clapping
mockingly as he pulled his thick fucker out of Troy eagerly suckling
mouth. Rory panted and moaned a few more times, and then took a step
back gasping for breath.

Even as the royal gelding licked the fresh cum off his lips, and stood
up looking at the old Donkey with a kind of sly respect. As the big
equine strolled over to his big bed, climbing up on it he looked back
over his shoulder at the Donkey. "Well?" This was the formers Kings
way of trying to take control of what was happening to him, Dunlup was
smart enough to understand that.

"Heh... yeah that's right King of the geldings." Dunlup sneered, as he
climbed up onto the big bed behind the royal gelding rubbing and
roughly fondling those sexy round rump cheeks. "Lift yer tail...
that's right, now hand me that jar of scented grease." The homely old
Donkey ordered, taking the fancy jar from the royal geldings hand.
Dripping one thick finger inside of it, to scoop out a large glob of
grease. Smearing it all over the former Kings exposed anus, and then
using the rest on his own wide flare. "Ok boys move in and watch
closely... I'll show you how to mount a mare properly. So that when
you get the chance you won't end up disappointing her, like certain
Stallion's I could name." Dunlup sneered, as he pushed that big blunt
cock head against the royal geldings well used rut hole.

"Yes that's it put it in me." The big former King ordered in a soft
moan, even as the dirty gray Jackass gripped his hip's and shoved that
big fucker forwards. The colts watched wide eyed, as the former royals
pink anal doughnut stretched around that thick black flare. It made
the wicked old Donkey chuckle, he'd never expected his fucking to be
the center of attention like this. But couldn't deny it felt damn
good, the colts really looked up to him it seemed.

"Ya see boys... ya gotta slip it in nice and slow. Don't get in to big
of a hurry... cuz it can hurt a nice tight little hole." Dunlup
flashed Troy a particularly wicked smile, knowing the colt he'd so
recently finger fucked to orgasm knew that very well. The fat Donkey
huffed as he worked his thick fucker into that hot hole deeper and
deeper, until his fat ball's slapped against the scar where the old
geldings balls once hung. As he leaned over the old King's broad back,
as he began to slowly roll his strong hip's. Plunging his thick fucker
in and out of that hot tail hole, as Troy and Rory watch those big
gray orbs swing and sway. Rory was leaning over watching that tail
hole squeeze around the older males fat black shaft. While Troy's hand
had slipped down between the sweaty Donkey's thigh's, his fingers
lightly fondling those huge balls. Cradling them for a long moment,
before moving up to caress Dunlup's sheath and the base of this thick
throbbing fucker. The old Donkey imagined he could almost feel the
colts desire to serve that fat organ, glancing back he flashed Troy a
know wink.

"Ammm that looks even better than... the muzzle." Rory moaned softly
as he pressed his nose in between Dunlup's musky body, and the royal
gelding's soft round ass. "Fuck... I wish I could do that right
now..." The young Stallion snorted, breathing in and out very deeply
as Dunlup stroked his own thick fucker in and out slowly.

"Well... perhaps..." The older Jackass said slowly... making the young
colt lift his head up looking at Dunlup sharply. "If we just had
another gelding..." The Donkey snorted rolling his hip's a bit faster
now, as he watched the horny young colt's eyes roll in disappointment.
"Or... someone who might be willing to pretend he is... just this one
time... just for his brother." Dunlup watched Rory's eyes widen, it
had been Troy's idea to jerk each other off. Slowly the young Horse
looked around the old Donkey's fat body, catching Troy fondling
Dunlup's fat balls and throbbing fucker. Looking up Troy froze as
their eyes met, the brothers starring at each other for a long moment.
And for a second Dunlup thought it was going to happen, but the two
inexperienced colts chickened out. Rory not having the courage to ask
Troy to play the gelding for him, and Troy not finding the courage to
volunteer even though he wanted to badly.

"Heheh..." The colts laughed together nervously, going back to
watching Dunlup driving his thick fucker in and out of the geldings
squeezing tail hole. "That was funny uncle." Rory grunted softly, as
he lay on the bed beside the moaning gelding to enjoy the show.

"Errr... yeah." Troy agreed, moving around to put the Donkey's fat
body between him and his brother. Before going back to touching and
exploring Dunlup's hot junk, even leaning in to nuzzle those big
sweaty balls. Enjoying the strong musky male scent of the hefty
Donkey's low dangling orbs, flicking his tongue out to lick the sweat
off of them. Making Dunlup chortled, even as he reached over to grab
Rory's throbbing fucker in one rough callused hand. Rubbing it just
fast enough to be teasing, but being careful not to get the colt to

"Hah... now pay attention boys. You can't just pound away and cum just
to please yourself... well you can but that won't please your mare.
And if you can't please her... someone better will come along and take
her away from you. And you'll deserve that... because you were
thinking only of yourself. No one likes a selfish lover... now these
poor geldings can't really object. Which makes them perfect to
practice on of course, but even here you should always try your best.
And try to get better at it every time, so that maybe one day you can
be as good a fucker as me." That heavy, low hanging ball sac swinging
and swatting the royal geldings wide rump firmly, as the lusty Donkey
vigorously thrust his stiff pole as deep as it could go into that tail

"Ummm fuck..." The high born gelding cursed like any commoner, as that
throbbing fucker pounded deep inside of his clenching rut hole. "Uhu
Uhu Uhu... you filthy beast." The former King moaned, plainly nauseous
that a nasty commoner was filling him with so much pleasure. The once
overly proud King had been dismissing the pleasure he was getting from
his more high born customers, but looking up into the muzzle of a
homely Donkey. He was forced to admit... that he was enjoying been a
gelding slut for maybe the most common male he'd ever meet. And that
re-enflamed the former Kings shame at having fallen to be a simple
gelding whore, it had been bad enough serving his old rivals. But at
least they had been royals, or at the very least high born nobles.
Even the common soldiers that came later had been handsome well born
males, but this Donkey was plainly the lowest of the low in this
kingdom of Horse's. And yet there was no denying the Donkey's cock was
making him feel good, the royal gelding gasped for breath as he lay
there moaning softly.

Dunlup leaning in close, smirking as he nibbled at the royal geldings
long neck, and then reaching under him to fondle that empty sheath
hole. "I'm gunna pound this sweet pussy next yer high geldingness."
The dirty old Donkey taunted, bucking and fucking the big handsome
Horse faster and harder. "Ammm I love your hot ass tho'." The Jackass
moaned out softly, even as his strong hip's pounded that clenching
hole all the harder. The Donkey's strong body jerking, as Dunlup's
cock head smack hard against the royal geldings pleasure button. The
lowly Donkey couldn't wait for the royal gelding to have his seedless,
cockless orgasm. Couldn't wait to hear his slutty moans, as he was
dumping his own load into the former King's sweet rut-hole. The
rutting Dunlup snorted, bucking hard, squeezing the gelding's wide
hip's as he felt that strong rump clench down. The wicked Jackass
snickered, as he kept working his thick cock back and forth, sawing it
in and out of that royal asshole. His homely muzzle split so wide by
his victorious grin that it ached, while his strong hip's pounded that
fat cock deep inside the equines passive body. The Donkey panted,
giving that tight rump quick, strong pushes, stroking his dick through
that snug, fluttering sphincter. Dunlup ground his teeth together, and
groaned out loudly... lustily rutting one the most exclusive butt
holes in the kingdom. And he felt it begging his cock for more... so
with a groan, he let the former King have it. He bucked and jerked
between those royal ass-cheeks, as he pumped his thick load deep into
that hot rut hole. "Now that's how you do it boys..." The naughty old
Donkey moaned, as he slowly slid his spent fucker out of that well
fucked hole. "Rory why don't you hop on in there... and show us what
you can do first." Dunlup grunted sliding off the bed, as he watched
the horny young colt climb up behind the panting gelding. "Were you
really a King?" The young Horse asked excitedly, as he rubbed the
flare of his long, slender, equine cock in the river of Donkey spoo
running out of that tail hole. "Yea... yes..." The royal gelding
panted weakly, as he felt the handsome young colt grip his hip's.
"Just look on any coin and you'll see my profile." "So how did you end
up here..." Rory asked with a faint smile, as he began to slowly push
his wide flare into that gaping tail hole. As the royal gelding
inhaled sharply, as that rock hard young cock was slowly worked into
him. Waiting until that sweet fucker was inside, the gelding squeezed
down his anal muscles down tightly around it. "Ammm fuck that feels
sooooo good." The horny colt moaned, as the royal gelding began to
tell his story to the sexy stud using him.

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Notice that Chapter 10 & 26 - 27 & 31 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.