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Notice that Chapter 10 & 26 - 27 & 31 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

A Shameful Secret
Chapter 3

Lorna looked back over her shoulder, smirking as she saw the shadow
through the crack of her partly open bedroom door. The young mare knew
very well who it was, her younger brother Rory was always trying to
see her naked. Seeing the flash of creamy white fur, she turned away
from the door and slowly began undressing. Unbuttoning her dress, the
pretty young mare wiggled out of it. To stand there in only her
underwear, as she draped the dress over the back of a nearby chair.
Next she unhooked her brassiere slowly stripping off the garment, her
pointed equine ears swiveling on her head. Picking up the sound of
panting breath come from the door behind her, tossing the bra on her
bed. The sexy young mare slowly began to work her panties down her
lush thigh's, until they at last dropped to the floor. Stepping out of
them Lorna bent over at the waist, exposing her pink teardrop shaped
sex to watching eye's outside her room. As she pretended to pick up
those frilly panties, when really she was looking back between her

Seeing her brother Rory standing in the half opened door, the young
Stallion was stroking his firm young erection. Lorna reached up with
her other hand, to fondle her own damp sex knowing her brother was
watching. It was already very wet from the naughty idea of what she
was going to do, slowly she began to finger herself as her brother
watched. She heard Rory inhale sharply, as he watched her slip first
one and then two fingers inside of herself. Slowly masturbating in
that very submissive position, as Rory stood there just inside the
room stroking his long hard on. It was time to make her move Lorna
decided, as the air was filled with the soft 'Slurp slurp slurp' of
those fingers sliding in and out of her aroused sex. The pretty mare
moaned out in a breathless husky voice, the sound of her voice making
Rory jump in surprise. "There's things to do with that big thing...
that feel so much better than just jacking it."

"Errr... I... Ahem yeah... I've been to the gelding house." The
surprised young Stallion admitted, weakly blushing in shame at having
been caught. Watching and masturbating to the sight of his own sisters
naked body, and her pleasuring herself. "My dick would feel so much
better than those fingers as well." The young Stallion propositioned
making Lorna smile, deciding she would let him think he was seducing

"Oh really? Heheh... then why are you spying on me to get your rocks
off?" Lorna teased looking up at her younger brother from between her
legs, as Rory let go of his throbbing cock quickly. "Are you offering
to teach me a thing or two about mounting little brother?" She
teasing, reaching back between her legs to fondle her younger brothers
long thick stud cock.

"Because... while geldings are fun... their just practice for fillies
like you." The young colt stammered repeating Dunlup's words, doing
his best to sound mature and Stallion like. Even as his young body
trembling wildly, at the touch of a actual females fingers on his
arching hard rut stick.

"So you want to mount me huh..." The pretty young mare asked
teasingly, as she slipped her other fingers out of her sex and stood
up. Moving over to her younger brother, she wiped those wet fingers on
his burning red nose. The young Stallion sniffing and snorting at the
scent of her aroused sexual fluids on his nose, his long tongue
flicking out to lick it off. "Close the door so the servants won't
see... we don't want anyone telling sire about this." Lorna snickered,
as she watched Rory hurry over to the bedroom door, closing it before
turning around to find his sister laying on the bed. "Come on over
here... and show me what you've learned from all of those geldings
lil' brother."

"Hah... does this look little to you filly?" Rory bragged, double
fisting his long equine cock was he swaggered back over towards the
bed. The young Stallion feeling full of himself, believing that the
sight of his masturbating that long cock had convinced his sister to
let him rut her.

"I've seen bigger..." Lorna teased, not telling her brothers that
Dunlup's fat fucker would make two of his thin slender little dickie.
Or that she'd had it inside of her nearly a dozen times now... six
times in her hot sex and four more in her muzzle. And she had gulped
that thick seed down eagerly, in fact she could still taste his last
load in her mouth at that moment.

"Oh really and where would a silly filly like you see a real
Stallion's cock?" Rory scoffed, he knew that she didn't even have a
boyfriend and anyway sire had never let her date. Just because there
was no one in town he considered good enough to marry into his family,
mother claimed they were looking for some noble family in the capital.
Rory wasn't planning on waiting... he wanted to mount every mare he
could talk into letting him. Not that he got to be around many... of
course now that Advar was helping him and Troy get out with uncle
Dunlup. Maybe he'd get a chance to meet some fillies, and talk his way
between their legs.

"Oho... you might be surprised lil' brother." Lorna chuckled softly,
as Rory trotted over to the bed and climbed up awkwardly between her
long shapely equine legs. Watching as Rory rolled his eyes at her
words condescendingly, plainly he really believed she was just teasing
him. And why wouldn't he... as their father had made sure she would
never get the chance to have a boyfriend. And honestly Dunlup wasn't
at all a boyfriend... he was more like something all about pleasure
for them both. Lorna understood that... she might have been innocent,
but she understood that much which was why she was willing to share
him with her filly friends. In point of fact... she couldn't decide if
he was her sexual play thing or she was the Donkey's little rut toy.
Not that it mattered... because right now Rory was her own private
little diddle stick to use for her pleasure. She looked up at the
eager, nervous colt as he awkwardly tried to line up his throbbing
hard on with her wet sex. "And here I thought you were experienced
lil' brother." Lorna teased, as Rory managed to get his blunt cock
flare against his older sister's delightfully hot sex lip's. Feeling
the dampness of that velvety flesh, not grease like he had to use when
he fucked the geldings. This was the silky wetness of a fillies sex,
something the young Stallion had craved for years now.

"Ummm gods..." Rory moaned softly, as those sweet folds swallowed the
bulbous flare of his throbbing young cock head. Rory looked down as
his shaft sliding deeper and deeper into his own sisters sex, thinking
that he'd just taken her virginity. Not knowing that Dunlup had done
that days ago, he suddenly felt a wave of guilt at what he was doing.
The was very nasty... rutting one's own sister, and yet as he thought
about the fact that one day she would be married. And that Stallion
would have no idea, someone had already beaten him to the privilege of
rutting the delightful orifice. As Rory's long slender stud stick
bottomed out within Lorna's hot sex, his firm young balls slapping
against her taint firmly. The young Stallion couldn't help noticing
that although it felt really nice, Lorna's hot sex just wasn't as
tight as the geldings tail holes had been.

Still rutting a real female, was much more intensely arousing mentally
for the straight youth than practicing on a gelding. For one thing
there was her soft teats, cupping them in either hand the young colt
buried his muzzle between them. Kissing and nibbling wildly, as his
strong young body began to thrust and grind his arching hard erection
inside of her. "Ummm ok maybe fucking all those nut-less males really
did pay off." Lorna moaned softly, laying back and wrapping her long
shapely equine leg's around her brothers slim waist. As his hot tongue
licked and lapped at her tingling nipples, while his soft hands
squeezed her soft breasts. This really was turning out to be much more
fun than she had expected, sure Rory wasn't nearly the male Dunlup
was. But there was a number of things that made up for it, first his
teenaged horniness made for some hard eager fucking. Second was the
secret knowledge that while Rory thought he was her first, the old
Donkey had taken her cherry and had been pounding her for days. Lastly
Rory really had learned a lot from those geldings, and of course
Dunlup's sly tutoring. "Uhu Uhu Uhu... you really are a lusty
Stallion." Lorna whimpered, that hot sex growing even wetter as she
clenched down on his pulsing rut muscle. Making the horny your colt
giggle out loud, this really was the hottest thing he'd even

"YES... Oh yes, I'll show you lusty." The aroused young colt grunted
gruffly, savagely thrusting into that hot mare sex faster and faster.
"I'll fuck you so hard you'll be bedridden for a week, and cum deep
inside you." Rory promised breathlessly, her brothers vulgar boasts
both amusing and arousing Lorna to new heights. That well used sex
squeezing down on the colts throbbing rut stick, even as she began to
moan softly with each deep thrust. "Your my first herd mare now... now
that I've taken your virginity." Rory moaned breathlessly, as those
sleek young hip's bucked harder and harder driving that slender cock
deep inside.

"Yes...YEs...YES...YES!" Those firm young nuts spanking Lorna's sleek
round ass, making her feel more and more nasty each time they slapped
against her. Soon the pretty mare was groping and stroking her
brothers sweaty mane, licking her soft lip's as her brother slammed
into her harder and harder. "That's what I need... your cock feels so
good inside of me." Lorna admitted breathlessly as Rory, chewed on her
hard nipples roughly. He gripped her perfectly shaped tits firmly,
snorting lustfully as he drove himself into her, his rigid rut stick
sliding swiftly into that soaking wet sex. Lorna's soft hands groped
and stroked at his hard body, as the lusty colt pounded in and out of
her roughly, making the sexy mare pant and moan sweetly. The lewd
sound of slurping and nuzzling could be heard as Rory licked and
suckled on his sisters nipples, even while slamming mightily into her
yielding body. The bucking colt's tail flagged in the air as his rump
rose and fall, those plums size orbs flapping and flailing along with
it. While Lorna watched, Rory seized her trembling tits in his slender
hands, kneading them firmly as he moved his mouth over them, slurping
lewdly. He slowed down the pace of his thrusts, giving his pretty
sister long, hard strokes. Making her feel every inch of his shaft
inside her, and letting her feel every smooth inch of her slick
tunnel, leaving both wanting more... And then he let go of those tits
and let them bounce and wobble as he slid his arms around her body,
holding her tightly, and began plunging into her sex hard and fast

"Ummm, damn Lorna I'm gonna cum in your hot pussy." The young colt
squealed out, even as his firm balls began to draw up within their
sack. Lorna's moans and squeals grew louder and longer as those slow
deep thrusts made her body quiver with pleasure, her back arching
pushing her crotch up to meet those thrusts eagerly.

"OHOO YES." The sexy young mare screamed as those thrusts grew hard
and fast once again, her eyes rolling with intense pleasure as a wave
of orgasms rushed through her sleek white furry body.

"Weehehehe..." Rory screamed out loudly, throwing his head back even
as his back arched and hip's drive forwards between Lorna's thigh's.
The pretty mare joining her brother in screaming and squealing, as the
sweaty bodies bucked and plunged in passion. The horny young colt
blasting a huge load into his older sister's hot sex, as Lorna lay
back panting and moaning in pleasure.

"Damn lil' brother... you're a real stud after all." The pretty young
mare giggled, as Rory collapsed onto her soft furry body. "We're going
to be doing this a lot I think."


"So where is your brother?" Dunlup asked, as Troy brought the Smith
some lunch back from the restaurant across the square from his shop.
The two colts had been stopping by at lunch time, almost every day
since the old Donkey had taken them to the gelding whorehouse. Buy his
lunch out of the money their sire gave them, and which they did
nothing to earn at all.

"Ammm... I think he's got a girlfriend." Troy admitted weakly as
Dunlup began to eat his lunch, the dirty old Donkey was sitting at his
dinner table upstairs from the shop. As he eyed the handsome colt
across the table, a faint smile playing across his thick black lip's.
Lorna was doing exactly as he'd told her, something she gave him
reports about every time he saw her. Which was every night he wasn't
rutting her mother or father, his fat cock having opened her up so
much Rory had actually complained about her looseness. "He's not
telling anyone about it tho'... even me. Anyway I've smelled female on
him a couple of times, even though he's tries hard to wash it off."

"That so... well then I guess you still aint had the nerve to tell him
about your own desires." The old Jack grunted around mouthfuls of
food, watching as the young equines muzzle reddened brightly. Troy had
sucked the Donkey off a dozen times by now, while his brother had been
busy with that family pussy. Still the colt hadn't been brave enough
to admit his true nature to his brother, even though he desperately
wanted to pleasure Rory.

"Ammm no..." Troy admitted weakly as his eye's went to the older males
crotch, making Dunlup sneer as he saw that. It was plain the young
equine was wanting to suck him off again, something the wicked old
Donkey was more than happy to allow.

"Alright you can practice sucking on me again... get down there and
get me good'in hard." The chipped toothed Donkey grinned, as the
handsome young Stallion slipped under the table at once. "And once I
finish my meal... we'll move on to training you how to take a cock up
your tail hole."

"Really?" Troy squealed so excitedly, from under the table where he
was licking and nibbling on Dunlup's semi hard cock. That it made the
old Donkey laugh out loud once again, and reach down patting the young
highborn Horse's head. Gripping the back of Troy's head, the smirking
Jack pulled his mouth down the length of that thick black fucker.
Using the well born young Horse's mouth like it was a masturbation
toy, until he felt Troy gagging and choking weakly.

"That's right my sissy little mare boy... it's going up your tail
hole... so you better get it good and wet." Dunlup teased as he
finished off his meal, and sat back in his chair enjoyed a cold mug of
beer. And the handsome young Horses hot lip's wrapped around his thick
fucker, thinking about where that cock had been the night before. He
almost asked Troy, if he could taste his mothers pussy on that fat
throbber. The old Donkey pressed his hand lightly on the back of Troy
head, smiling as he felt that sucking mouth slide down to kiss his

"Ammm damn your getting to be really good at that... I hear you've
been visiting the gelding brothel a lot." Dunlup moaned gruffly, as he
guided the handsome colt's soft lip's up and down his aching hard
cock. "I hear from some of the geldings... that you've been trying to
suck on their limp cocks to practice technique. That'll never work
tho'... so I've talked to my favorite gelding rut boy Avon and he's
agreed to let you help him with his customers. That way you'll have
hard cocks to practice with... once I get your tail hole broken in you
can let them mount you if you like. Speaking of breaking your sweet
little tail hole in, I think you've got it nice and hard so hop up and
let's take this to my bed." Standing up the old Donkey pulled his
stiff fucker out of Troy's mouth with a lewd 'Slurp' before dragging
the young Horse to his hooves. "Time to make a real mare boy out of
you..." Dunlup snickered, as he frog marched the handsome young equine
down the hall to his bedroom... there was still a faint scent of the
rutting he'd done the night before in the air. It made Troy's nostrils
flared... there was something very familiar and comforting in that

"Alright mare boy let's see that tail hole." The wicked old Donkey
teased, as he shucked off his own dirty work clothes. As he watch Troy
undress quickly, the colt's slender marbled cock already jutting out
stiffly as he crawled into the older males big bed. That long slender
Horse cock, leaving a smear of shiny pre-cum on the Donkey's already
damp sheets. Dunlup picked up a small jar of scented grease off his
night stand, it was the same kind they used at the gelding brothels
Troy couldn't help noticing. The heavy old Donkey gathers some on his
finger tip, as he sat down on the bed just behind the highborn colt.
"Damn you've got a pretty little tail star here." He grunted
lustfully, as he smeared that warm grease all over Troy's virgin
pucker; while the sexy young Horse watched him over one shoulder.
After coating the outside good, Dunlup pressed his greasy finger tip
into the center of that pucker. Watching it sink into that hot hole
with a lewd chuckle, the sound of which sent a shiver down Troy's

"Ammm damn this is gunna be a lot of fun for me to fuck." Dunlup
snorted slipping a second greasy finger into Troy's tight little
asshole, working that scented grease as deep into it as he could.
Before smudging a globe of greasy onto his own big blunt cock flare,
getting up on his knee's behind the handsome colt. The homely old
Donkey gripped those firm young ass cheeks, spread them wide apart
with his thumbs. Dunlup planted his huge flare against that well lubed
rosebud, feeling it quiver against the tip of his fat fucker. The fat
old Jackass slide his rough hands up to grip Troy's equine hip's,
pulling back on the as he thrust forwards. Slowly by fraction of an
inch, the horny older male worked his hefty fucker into that trembling
pucker. Feeling it spread delightfully slowly around his throbbing
flare, the sensation so pleasant he had to bite his lower lip
savagely. Fighting with his own desire, to keep from just plunging in
and splitting the young equine wide open. At long last he was able to
push past the colt clenching sphincters, and his thick shaft slide
smoothly into Troy's depths.

"Weeheheee..." The sexy highborn white equine screamed uncontrollably,
as he felt the old Donkey's huge fucker throbbing hotly deep within
him. Felt that big soft belly pressing against his lower back, as he
collapse flat on the bed with Dunlup on top of him. The musky male
scent of the older male, thick on the pillows Troy's muzzle was
pressed into. There were others scents in that bed as well, tangy
female scents that tickled at Troy's memory.

"Fuck... you feel sooooo good on my dick." Dunlup whispered into
lustfully into the sexy mare boy's ear, as he just lay there a long
moment enjoying the sensation of that squeezing anus on his fucker.
And then he slowly began to draw his hip's back, pulling that huge
throbbing flare back out.

"Ohoho gods!" Troy's eyes were open very wide with pain and terror, as
the old Donkey was now pulling the full length of his thick fucker
out. Even as a new feeling was coming over the colt... a feeling of
excitement and euphoria at feeling that mighty throbbing organ moving
inside of him. The fat Donkey's sweaty body covered the colt's own, as
Dunlup's strong hips were now pulling the full length out of him. Just
moments before, the highborn young Horse had been stuffed, stretched
and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. They
hadn't of course, and as the dirty old Jack held his massive cock in
place, Troy could feel his once tight, virgin ass stretch to
accommodate that thick intruder. The sharp burning pain of penetration
slowly turned to an odd euphoric pleasure as the young colt lay there
panting for breath.

Troy had squealed uncontrollably, when the hefty old Donkey had made
that first painfully thrust deep into his young body. Sure Dunlup had
slowly worked that fat flare into him, just like he'd instructed the
colts while mounting that royal gelding. But once inside the dirty
bastard hadn't held back, he'd rolled his hip's slamming his crotch
right against Troy's sleek young rump, his rock hard dick forcing its
way balls deep inside. Now after what seemed like hours, but had
really only been a few minutes of deep thrusts. The fat Donkey was
pulling out slowly... inch by glorious inch Troy could feel that fat
cock being drawn out of his burning tail hole.

"Ohohoh gods your soooo big." It was all that Troy could manage to
moan, as the hefty old fucker on top of him chuckled nastily in his

"That's right mare boy... but we both know you love it." Dunlup
sneered, as he watched the handsome colt who looked so much like his
sire pant for breath. "Jest let yer muscles relax a bit... and then we
can get to the real fuckin'. I'm gunna wear your tight little ass
out... just like I've been doing your mothers pussy." The vulgar old
Donkey grunted, feeling the colt's tiny anus clench painfully tight on
his thick fuck stick. "What didn't you know... your sister caught me
balls deep in her... while your sire stood there watchin' and jackin'
like a colt."

The wicked Donkey didn't pull all the way out, as Troy had been hoping
he would. And the young colt could feel Dunlup's huge cock flare,
resting just inside the rim of his widely stretched ass. "Wha...
wha... sire watchin' as you..." Troy was having a hard time thinking
about anything, but that huge flare throbbing inside if his aching
tail hole. He looked up at the horny Donkey's ugly muzzle, for some
sense of what the nasty Jackass was planning to do next. Only to see
that his expression was one of maddened lust, a big gloat smile spread
across his shiny black equine lip's and his eyes were half closed in
pure sexual bliss as he held that thick cock in place. "Ummm Umm...
Well?" Troy moaned weakly, as his young rut hole struggled to squeeze
closed around that huge throbbing Donkey cock raping it.

"I'm just enjoying your tightness, my little mareboy." Dunlup moaned,
leaning down to cover the colts mouth with his own... sharing a
powerful aggressive kiss that left Troy knowing his place. He was a
mare boy without a doubt, he loved being on the bottom and having a
strong male rutting him. He loved the feeling of that heavy masculine
body on top of him, even the pain of penetration was erotic in a
strange way.

"That's... that's all I want... for you to enjoy me... uncle." Troy
panted, as those big rough hands pushed down on his shoulders, while
that hard cock started sliding in and out of his aching tail hole
faster and faster. Sending quivers of pleasure racing through his
young body, soft pleading moans began to escape from him. As that sexy
round equine ass pushed up to meet the horny old Donkey's hard
pounding rut thrusts. "Ummm yes uncle... Ohooo that... feelings sooo

"Oh I'm enjoying the hell out of you colt..." Dunlup snickered into
the handsome young Stallion's ear, as he rolled his hip's harder and
harder. Cramming his fat fucker up that delightfully tight tail hole
over and over again, as the sensation of Troy's quivering ass tight
around his fucker drove him on. "So you are liking this huh... colt?"
Dunlup snorted into one of those short cute equine ears, as he sweaty
body pinned the younger male down. A single big rough hand reaching
under the colt's body, gripping his hard young cock in one big rough
hand. The older males strong scent filling Troy's senses, and rubbing
off all over his young body. "You do know what happens to males who
like playing the mare..." The old Donkey teased the highborn male
softly, as he nibbled on the rim of younger equines soft furry ear.
While stroking up and down the length of that pulsing fucker, while
was drooling a steady stream of slimy pre-cum.

"Yes... yes uncle they... they end up geldings..." Troy moaned weakly,
his mind drifting down stairs to the tools and restraints Dunlup used
to unmale Stallions. Those almost new restraints already smelling of
fear sweat, from the couple of dozen males the Donkey had already cut.
Dunlup had been promising the colts they could watch him make a
gelding sometime, and both young Stallion's had been secretly turned
on by that idea. And at that very moment, Troy was picturing himself
locked up in those restraints. His own sleek, shiny white fur covered
in fear sweat... his young cock jutting out rock hard. As the old
Donkey's strong hands gripped his firm young ball's, getting ready to
take them away from the aristocratic young Stallion. "WEEHEHEEE." The
young colt squealed without any warning, his hard young cock twitching
and tensing in Dunlup's stroking fist. As the noble born young colt,
painted the old Donkey's sheets with his fresh young cum.

"Aha Hahaha... you like that idea colt?" Dunlup moaned, as he crammed
the moaning young horses clenching tail hole as full as it would go
with his thick black cock. "You want ol' uncle Dunlup to cut these
highborn little plums off?" The fat nasty Donkey moaned into Troy's
soft pointed equine ear, even as he nibbled along the edge of it

"Ye.. yes uncle..." The sleek well born colt moaned out breathlessly,
while the sweaty older male atop him pounded that hard fucker deep
into his soft hole. "Make a... please make a... a gelding out of...

"Yer daddy wouldn't like it." Dunlup warned in a husky breathless
voice, his strong hip's thrusting away out of control now. "But then
he aint gunna have anything to say about it for much longer."

"Wha... wha..." Troy stammered lost in post orgasmic bliss, and the
intensity of being used by a horny older male.

"Yer mom is gunna have me nut him soon." The old Donkey confided in a
lustful grunt, his huge balls beginning to draw in their hairy sack.
"So he just might get there before you do... cuz I aint gunna cut you
until you've learned to serve males really good." Dunlup snorted,
tossing his homely head back and letting out a long nasally 'Bray' as
he dump a huge load in that formerly virgin asshole. "But once you've
learned everything Avon has to teach you, I'll pop those nuts right
out for you. Heh maybe I'll even let Rory helme... I know he's gunna
want to try you out afterwards." The panting Donkey felt Troys young,
soft body quiver under him, as he mention Rory wanting to fuck him
once he was a gelding.

"Thank you uncle."



Advar lead the hefty old Donkey down the hall, with Nellus in her
season and locked in the master bedroom. Rollan had agreed to serve
the Donkey, but didn't want to let Dunlup anywhere near his wife. And
so was meeting with the blackmailing Jackass, in one of the many spare
bed rooms that Nellus used as a dressing room. The hefty Boar had
explained, when he had mean the old Donkey at the front door. The
butler knew what was going to be happening, and in fact had helped the
colts Troy and Rory into the secret passages that ran through the
house. Strolling up to a door, the Boar butler opened it for Dunlup...
bowing deeply as he did so. "Have a wonderful night yer lordship."

"Thank you Advar." Dunlup grunted, looking into the room to see Rollan
sitting on the edge of the bed looking very nervous. "I'm sure I
will..." The wicked older Donkey smiled, winking at the heavy Boar as
he walked past him into the room. Hearing the servant chuckle lewdly,
as he closed the door behind the horny old Donkey. Slowly the fat
Donkey waddled across the room, deciding that he was going to make the
wealthy Horse work really hard for him. "So... my little mare... are
you ready to please your Stallion?" Dunlup asked, as he came to a stop
in front of the uncomfortable looking highborn Stallion... looking
down at the other male contemptuously. "Go on little mare... tell me
what you're going to do for your Stallion."

"I... Ummm... I... am going to let you mount me." The wealthy Stallion
stammered weakly, the look on the wealthy equine's muzzle making it
plain he wasn't liking this at all. Even as the smirking Jack shook
his head, at Rollan's soft passively stammered words. Dunlup's long
ears picked up the sound of muffled laughter within the wall, glancing
up he saw the eyes of a portrait move. So Advar had already got the
colts in place... that was good the old Donkey wanted them to see and
hear everything. Hopefully they would have sense enough to keep
silent, Dunlup didn't want Rollan to know his sons were watching yet.

"No... that's what I'm doing for you little mare." Dunlup mocked
loudly, as he grabbed the other males wrists and pulled the rich
Stallion's soft hands over to his belt. "Why don't you undress me
first and then..." The hefty older Donkey looked around at all the
clothing, Nellus had laying around the unused bedroom. "And then you
can try on a few of these frilly things... to get me in the mood for
rutting you. Since you're not as appealing a mare as Nellus, you're
going to have to work harder to get me aroused." Dunlup watched the
handsome white Stallion grit his teeth, as those fumbling hands slowly
unbuckled his belt. And then carefully unbutton first the old Donkey's
trousers, and brand new shirt the old Jack had on. At last standing
there completely naked, Dunlup looked down at the shivering silvery
white Stallion. Feeling intensely powerful, as he ordered the wealthy
highborn male around... and Rollan didn't even try to protest. Moving
around him, Dunlup flopped down onto that soft bed laying back with
his hands behind his head. Looking up at the handsome white Stallion
with a wide gloating smirk, Dunlup licked his thick lip's lewdly.

"Now why don't you do a little striptease for me... get out of those
unflattering things." Dunlup taunted, watching in amusement as Rollan
slowly began to take off his own male clothing. The wealthy Stallion
was moving slow and awkwardly, as he began to prance around removing
his fancy tailored male clothing. Once again the Donkey's long ear
picking up the sounds of tittering laughter coming from behind the
wall, as the colts watched their father dance for Dunlup's amusement.
Making the nasty old Donkey chortled jeeringly, until the highborn
Stallion at last stood in front of him naked. "That was more amusing
than arousing... luckily you've got four nights to practice before I
go back to pleasing your wife. Now why don't you go over to that
wardrobe... and pull on some of those frilly things. And then prance
your pansy ass back over here and beg me to take them off of you...
and treat you like the slutty mare you are."

Rollan swallowed hard as he looked over the sexy lingerie, he'd seen
it on his wife at one time or another. And it had all been very
exciting, but there were things that the Stallion liked better than
others. First the silvery white Stallion pulled on frilly black satin
panties with sleek black stockings, slowly rolling them up his long
equine leg's. And then hooked them to the garter belt that came with
the set, next he picked out a deep red bustier. Struggling to pull it
over his masculine torso, and then pulling the straps as tight as
possible. Turning that normally masculine body, into a lush curvy
mareish shape even as the stunned Stallion looked at himself in the
full length mirror. "Ammmm yeah I'm likin' that... mareboy." Dunlup
called from across the room, as Rollan next slipped on long velvet
gloves to cover his arms, and a lace choker buttoned around his long
slender equine neck. And then he turned around showing off for the
watching Dunlup, who was chuckling lewdly as he looked over the
wealthy Stallion.

"Heh that's nice... you look really good my little mare." The old Jack
leered as he patted the bed beside him, and then gestured to his fat
black cock that had dropped from his sheath. That thick rut muscle
bouncing up and down excitedly, as the cross-dressed Stallion walked
over towards him. Rollan's hips swaying seductively as he strolled to
the bed, that silky fabric rubbing against male organs exciting him.
And as his arousal grew the Horse got more and more into the Donkeys
sexy games, swinging his hip's and prancing like a sexy little mare.

"Would it you please you to take these off of me?" The prancing
Stallion begged, as he had been ordered to; even while taking up a
very mare like pose. The handsome Stallion's pointed equine ears
flickering, as he imagined that he had heard tittering laughter

"Ammm damn you are looking so much sexier, only this ruins it." Dunlup
smirked ignoring that request, reaching out to fondle the semi hard
male organ that was making those black satin panties bulge out.
"Luckily this towns got a Smith now... I can take care of it for you
little mare." The grinning Donkey teased, as he sat up in bed and
pulled the suddenly stiffened, disgruntled Stallion down onto the bed
with him. "But that's something to talk about another day... Nellus
will have to have a say in it." Dunlup purred nuzzling that long
equine neck, as his rough hands groping Rollan's lingerie clad body.

Rollan was feeling highly confused, for some strange reason he
couldn't understand this was all making him oddly aroused. And as
those strong, rough hands fondled his body through those silky female
things, the already half hard Stallion grew more and more excited.
Those frilly black panties stretching out farther and farther, a shiny
wet spot forming at the end of that big blunt equine flare. Even as
Dunlup pulled the sissified Stallion over on to all fours in the bed,
the wealthy Stallion finding himself looking down at the chipped
toothed grin of the fat old Donkey. "Why didn't you start by sucking
my dick little mare..." Dunlup smirked, amused by the look of disgust
and humiliation on the handsome Stallion's silvery white muzzle. "I
know you like sucking cock... I've watched to suck your own cock
enough, while I was fucking your wife." Dunlup taunted, loving having
so much power over the wealthy Stallion that he could insult him
freely; while forcing the proud stud to let him treat him like a mare.

The gloating Donkey lay back watching, as the sleek white Stallion's
muzzle moved down to his big throbbing cock. Dunlup watched as the
pretty males muzzle dropped slowly down to his big blunt cock flare,
those rough hands brushing that long white mane back. So he could
watch the wealthy Stallion's pink lip's kiss his flare, the old
Donkey's grin only growing wider. As he felt Rollan's slick tongue
caress his throbbing male hood, the sensation intensely pleasurable.
"Can you taste Nellus's sweet pussy... oh that's right you've never
licked her. That's ashamed she tastes wonderful... and she's sooo
grateful afterwards, well you saw her suckling my cock." The wicked
Donkey teased, as he gripped Rollan's long pointed ears with both
strong hands, pulling the Stallion's mouth down onto that hard cock.
"Now it's your turn my little mare." Once again the Donkey's long ears
picked up the sounds of stifled giggling behind the wall, followed a
moment later by the soft 'Slurp slurp' of suckling. The nasty old
Donkey's smirk widening, so Troy had finally got the courage to do
what he really wanted. Like son like sire it seemed, because as
Dunlup's cock thrust into his pretty mouth the oh so proud Stallion's
muzzle began to suckle more and more fawningly.


In the secret passage behind the wall, Rory looked down as his
kneeling brother in wide eyed shock. "Gods Troy." The handsome colt
choked, as he watched his handsome brother's soft lip's slide down the
length of his pulsing hard on. "Oh fuck Tro... that feels so g..ggg...
just as good as... one of those geldings at the whorehouse." Rory
moaned, going back to the eye hole to watch their own sire doing the
same thing to Dunlup's thick black fucker. "How... how... have you
gotten sooooooo good at this?" Rory asked weakly, as he stroked his
brothers rough mane with one hand as Troy's lip's kissed his sheath.
"It couldn't have been just from feeling those geldings blow you."
Rory moaned, after all he'd gotten sucked by those gelding just as
many times as his brother... and knew he wouldn't have been able to
suck like this. "Ahaha fuck YEAH." Rory grunted while watching their
sire learn to please a fat black cock from the sneering Donkey's
grunted instructions. "Have... have you been sucking uncle Dunlup?"

"Amm Hmmm..." Troy moaned out through his long slotted nose, not
willing to take his mouth away from his brothers throbbing cock for
even a second. Now that he'd finally gotten up the nerve to do it, he
wanted to keep that sweet dick in his mouth for as long as possible.
The passive colt's slick tongue curling around his brothers stiff
cock, even as he listened to Rory snicker in lewd amusement.

"Uncle is really giving sire the gelding fucking treatment." He
whispered to his passively suckling brother, his hand stroking Troy's
ear's gently. "Hey... do you think he's really gunna do it... you know
geld father?" Rory asked excitedly, plainly the young Stallion was
turned on by the thought of his sire being taken down. Troy was only
half listening, and yet shivered as Rory spoke because he'd already
asked the Dunlup to make a gelding out of him.


The Donkey's ears flickered, as he hear the muttered whispering within
the wall and for a second feared Rollan would hear it too. But the
aristocratic Stallion was concentrating to hard on what he was doing,
to pay any attention to what was going on around them. "Ohooo yeah
that's it my highborn little mare... serve your big hard Stallion's
desires." Dunlup moaned exultingly, as he pulled the sissy Stallion's
hot suckling mouth up and down that fat filly fucker. As the
indecorous Donkey felt a sharp desire to tell the rich Horse, that the
last fur that huge fucker had been inside of... was his darling
daughter. That he'd pumped the young mare's hot little cunt full of
his seed not once or even twice, but three times in a single night...
before feeding her a fourth load. And that just like her mother she
had loved it... begged for more even as he had sent her off home. But
he managed to resist that urge... instead just enjoying the knowledge
privately even while enjoying Rollan's subservient mouth.

The wealthy Stallion's technique was crude, as he had only began to
cock sucking a few weeks before and only on himself. However it wasn't
completely artless, which meant that like most Stallions he'd had
someone... most likely a gelding suck him off in the past. So he kind
of knew what was done that had felt good to him, and was now trying to
do the same for his filth Donkey blackmailer. Dunlup was actually very
pleasantly surprised, the rich noble born male was doing a very good
job for his first time. But it wasn't just the skill level that
startled him, it was the uptight acting Horse's rapidly growing
enthusiasm for the task. "Ummm someone enjoying having my big cock in
their mouth." Dunlup sneered derisively, gripping the high born
Stallion's head so that he couldn't try denying it. "It's ok... little
mares are allowed to love their Stallion's big hard cocks... Heh, your
gunna love it even more when I put it up yer sweet ruthole." The
wicked Donkey flashed Rollan a big chipped toothed grin, as the
wealthy Stallion looked up at him with that fat fucker sliding in and
out of his suckling mouth. Dunlup's memory going back to the way
Rollan had once treated him, acting like the Donkey was so far beneath
him. Not worthy of kissing the ground the high born Stallion walked
on, and now here he was dressed in his own wife's lingerie. Sucking on
Dunlup's thick fucker, as he Donkey lay back and enjoyed using him
like gelding.

"Ammm..." Rollan moaned softly around that pulsing fucker, as Dunlup
brushed that long mane back again. Watching as the rich Horse's soft
hands fondle his musky sheath and fat hair ball sack gently.

"But first I'm gunna feed ya... oh yes I've been saving up, so you'll
have a nice full belly of my spunk." That nasty old Jackass sneered,
deciding that he was going to be making the well born Stallion swallow
more than just cum. Reaching down the Donkey cupped his sweaty nuts in
one hand, and slowly rubbed them all over the other males muzzle.
Knowing that the strong scent of his sex organs, would linger on the
wealthy males fur for days afterwards. And he had three more days
after this to turn the once aggressive Stallion, into a passive cock
craving little bitch mare.

Rollan's big amber eyes began to water slightly, small tears oozing
from the corners of them. Rolling down the soft fur of his cheeks, for
some reason the Stallion was feeling a strange sense of loss. Even as
the Donkey's words rolled around in his mind, at last Rollan realized
what that loss was... He would never be able to truthfully refer to
himself as a straight breeding Stallion again, not after tonight...
dressed up like a mare... servicing another males pleasure. Even now
his mouth was suckling harder on the Donkey's thick fucker, his body
oddly eager to please the other male. While his mind... well a part of
his mind was revolted by the very idea of it... two males enjoying
each other was so unnatural. He'd always been told that... even as a
colt when he'd asked his sire for a gelding playmate. His father had
told him bluntly that any male who mounted a gelding... who enjoyed
the pleasures of a geldings body... secretly wanted to be a gelding
himself. He'd been allowed no gelding playmates, but he and his
friends had slipped off to the gelding brothel a few times. Rollan had
always felt sorry for those geldings, even while his hard cock had
been pounding deep inside of them. And yet laying there atop their
sweaty bodies in the afterglow of orgasm, listening to them pant for
breath and moan softly. He had secretly wondered what they had been
feeling... his sire had been right he understood.

Lost in self realization, the high born Stallion had hardly been aware
of what his mouth had been doing. Even as the Donkey rubbed his potent
ball sack over those wet cheeks, the rich Stallion had paid very
little attention. Now suddenly the greasy Donkey was gripping his ears
painfully tight, strong hip's thrusting up to slam that smelly crotch
against Rollan's soft equine nose and lip's. The big Stallion needing
no prompting to suckle harder, the suction of his lip's being broken
at times by Dunlup's wild thrusting. Making loudly perverse 'SLURP'
sounds, as the fat Donkey grunted encouragements and orders.

"Ammm what a good little mare you are... look at you loving my hard
cock in your mouth." The fat common Donkey chuckled wickedly, as he
rammed that thick fucker in and out of Rollan's fawning mouth. "Fuck
yeah... your learning quick little mare. Keep fondling my big hairy
balls... that's it you know how to please a Stallion." Dunlup panted
breathlessly, gripping the well born Stallion's pointed equine ears
roughly. Pulling that handsome white muzzle all the way down his thick
cock, until Rollan's soft pink lip's were kissing his furry sheath.
Even as those heavy ball's drew up, and the Donkey unloaded a long
spurt of cum down that quivering throat. A loud 'Bray' of pained
escaped the fat old Donkey then, and he drew back so that his second
hot spurt filled the wealthy Stallion's mouth. Giving Rollan a taste
of his thick common seed, the Horse moaning softly through his long
slot like nostrils. As he gulped down that spurt and two more,
discovering that Dunlup's cum taste no different than his own. As the
low born Donkey finished cumming, Rollan looked up at him as he lay
back with a big blissful smile on his homely muzzle. "Keep swallowing
bitch." Dunlup grunted his smile going from blissful to nasty and
gloating, this confused the handsome noble Stallion for a moment.
Until he felt a watery gush fill his mouth, the sweet pleasant taste
of cum being instantly replace by the bitter rank favor of piss.

"AGAGGAA." Rollan tried to protest was his mouth filled up with common
Donkey piss, even as Dunlup grinned down at him nastily.

"Swallow it all." He ordered watching that the wealthy Stallion's
cheeks bulged out, and then with a shudder the helpless Horse was
forced to gulp. Swallowing the other males strong foul tasting urine,
the fat Donkey was that first mouthful get choked down and laughed.
"Yeah that's right swallow my piss you sissy gelding." As again and
again he filled the rich Stallion's mouth, watching his muzzle contort
in disgust shiver and his body shudder wildly. "You know I've been
going to the gelding brothel for years... and never once pissed in a
geldings mouth like this. Because I thought that even a gelding... a
passive nut-less gelding would have more pride that to swallow it.
Hahaha... Now here look at you... the richest, highest born Stallion
in town and your gulping it down like it's fine wine." Dunlup as last
pulled his fat rut stick out of the rich Horse's mouth, watching
Rollan gasp for breath and retch slightly. Aiming his big flare the
old Donkey spurted the last few drop of his dark yellow piss onto the
silvery white fur of Rollan's muzzle. "There now everyone will know
who's mare you are." He joked before pulling the cross dressed
Stallion muzzle down in the bed, and rolled over on top of him.

Gripping the waist band of those frilly panties and dragging them
slowly down over Rollan's sexy round rump. The handsome Stallion
whimpered weakly, as Dunlup's soft round belly came to rest atop his
lower back. As those silky panties were pulled slowly down, exposing
his virgin tail hole under his long flowing tail. "Lift your tail."
The hefty Donkey ordered as he took a jar of scented grease from the
bedside table, using his thick thigh's to push the other males legs
wider apart. "Don't make me tell you twice..." The wicked Jackass
snarled, as he felt the aristocratic Stallion's body tremble
uncontrollably. "I don't want to hear in sobs of protest... you knew
this was coming. And if your tail isn't up in two seconds I'm going
down the hall and rutting your little wifie." The gap toothed Donkey
grinned as he saw that tail pop up and to the side instantly, taking a
large glob of grease onto his thickest finger. Dunlup smeared it
around the rim of that super clean tail hole, slowly he began
massaging it into that delightfully tight hole.

"Damn that's the cleanest tail hole I've ever seen... ya could eat off
that drum tight little pucker heheh." The old Donkey chuckled, as he
added another finger to that clenching pucker making the fancy noble
male moan. "Now ya just lay there and push out like yer tryin' to take
a real big dump. Cuz I got a real wide flare... as you very well
know." The flabby Donkey chuckled degenerately, as he rubbed some of
that grease over his wide flare. Before pushing it up against the
aristocratic Stallion's quivering anus, that tight hole resisted
intrusion for a long moment. Before slowly starting to give up to the
pressure, that the old Donkey's hefty body weight was putting onto it.
Dunlup's homely muzzle split into a smile so wide, he thought maybe
he'd injured himself. As he felt the wealthy high born Stallion's
virgin hole giving up to him, and he felt a powerful urge to tell the
wealthy Horse that he was every bit as tight as his colt Troy. But
instead he just reached up and took the back of the Stallion's long
neck in his teeth. Biting and chewing on it lustfully like he might a
mares, as Rollan panted and whimpered weakly as that flare spread his
anal gates.

Suddenly there was a soft 'Pop' as that fat flare pushed past Rollan's
sphincters, the rich Stallion letting out a sharp breathless groan.
And then that fat shaft was sliding almost effortlessly inside of him,
even as the handsome equine panted and chewed at the pillow under his
muzzle. "Ammm damn you do feel good... I'm really going to enjoy
breaking you in little mare."

"Ummm gods... I can feel you... soooo far inside of me... throbbing...
Oho gods." Rollan whimpered weakly, as the heavy Donkey began to make
tiny, little, jabbing thrusts. Enjoying the fancy Stallion's squeals
and exclamations, finding that deflowering the condescending noble was
even more fun that doing it to his colt or daughter.

"It sounds like your liking it little mare..." Dunlup gloated, as he
rubbed his throbbing flare back and forth across high born males
prostate gland teasingly. While the once proud Stallion moaned and
whimpered loudly, as pleasure he'd never expected to feel sent shivers
through his body.

"No...no..no." Rollan was moaning in breathless denials, even while
the muscles of his so recently virgin tail hole as gripping and
milking Dunlup's thick rut stick like crazy. The old Donkey had fucked
enough males and females, to recognized when someone was reacting to
being fucked well. The ugly old Donkey chortled nastily, just smashing
the flare of his cock into that sensitive gland. "Uhuuu... Ummm... oh
fuck..."The handsome silvery white Stallion grunted more and more
lustfully, as each thrust sent a strong jolt of pleasure tingling
through him.

"Ya know what..." Dunlup snorted, reaching down under Rollan's rough
hand fondled the wealthy males rock hard erection. Finding that hard
fucker pulsing like crazy, and leaking a steady stream of slimy pre-
cum onto the bed sheets underneath. "I think you're lying little
mare." The old Donkey snickered, his finger tip rubbing over the slick
pre-cum covered flare of the other male's cock flare. Even as he
nipped along the pretty Horse's long slender neck roughly, making the
wealthy stud's whole body shuddered. "I don't know why you high born
mares always feel the need to lie about loved commoner cock. But I'll
break you of that habit... just like I did Nellus... now a day's she's
happy to admit she loves the feel of my fat fucker inside of her. In
fact she begs for it these days... my big dick broke her and it will
break you to little mare." Dunlup whispered huskily into the Stallion
small pointed equine ear, as he drew that long shaft back until only
the flare was still inside of the Stallion's tail hole. "Are you
liking it little mare?"

"No..." The wicked Donkey plunged back inside sharply, beating his
throbbing flare against that prostate roughly. "Ohooo damn." And then
once again pulling almost totally out, feeling that tight rosebud
twitching and squeezing.

"Tell the truth mare slut." Dunlup insisted, licking his lip's in
excitement in anticipation of Rollan's forthcoming answer.

"Nno." The nasty Jack's evil grin only widened, as he got the answer
he was expecting from the still conceited rich male. Instantly the fat
Donkey slammed that fat cock deep inside the now withering, bucking
noble Stallion... but not just once this time. Those strong hip's
pounding in and out half a dozen times with bone jarring force, as
Rollan bit down hard on his lower lip. Even as loud gasps and moans
escaped from his mouth anyway, each sound making Dunlup's lips twisted
up in to a nastier and nastier smirk.

"Ammm I love the sound of a slut mare... adoring my big hard cock."
The uncouth Donkey snickered smugly, this time not giving the other
male time to deny it. But instead going right back to pounding that
tight butthole hard, his savage thrusting filling the air with more
weakly suppressed moans. Intermixed this time with loud curse's,
Dunlup savored the sissy sounding moans and rough common curses with
equal relish. Knowing that they were opposite sides of the same coin,
the pleasure his cock was giving was fucking the last of Rollan's
pride out of him. "That's it little mare... tell me how much you love
being my whore."

"Nnnna... Whore?" The sexy white Stallion's denial was smothered by
shock, as the flabby old Donkey called him a whore. Once again Dunlup
paused, withdrawing his thick cock so far that the Horse anus was
actually pulled out a bit.

"Yes that's right you're a whore..." Dunlup laughed, pile driving that
squeezing asshole as hard as he could just once before grunting. "I
bought your services for just agreeing to not come visit your wife for
a few days." The old Donkey yanked hard on the other males mane,
twisting his head around to kiss him powerful on the mouth. Rollan
froze for a second before choking and spitting, the straight Stallion
both disgusted and yet stunned at the pleasure of that kiss. Tasting
the common Donkey's dinner in that mouth, and less savory things he
didn't want to think about. "You sold your body... it belongs to me
for the next three days. And I'm going to use you like the common
whore you are... like those geldings at the whorehouse. I'm going to
pound your sexy ass... until you're begging me to never stop." And
with that he went back to hammering the rich Horse's soft hole,
gritting his teeth as he working him huge flare back and forth over
the Stallion needy gland. While his rough hand gripping Rollan's
throbbing cock, kept track of the noble Horse's growing arousal until
it told him the Stallion was on the edge of orgasm. And then that
merciless rutting stopped, drawing a whining moan of frustration from
the helpless horny Stallion. "If you want more you're going to have to

"Huuuhuuu..." The handsome Stallion moaned out, his body trying to
move over the fat Donkey. Hoping to move back and forth on that thick
fucker, but the wicked old Jack held her perfectly still. Not letting
the high born male have anymore pleasure, until he broke down as asked
for it. Rollan snorted and whining that sleek body sweating heavily by
that time, even as the evil old Donkey teasingly nibbled on his ear

"All you have to do... is ask me to fuck you like your my gelding
whore." Dunlup grunted, playfully thrusting his tongue tip into that
pointed equine ear. This sending a wave of disgust running through the
passive Stallion's body, even as he fought to ride that throbbing hard

"Please..." Rollan panted breathlessly, as his soft rut hole milked
and squeezed at the stout Jackass's fucker which was still buried deep
inside of him.

"Please what?" Dunlup demanded in a gravelly snarl, biting down hard
on the pent up and needy Stallion's neck ridge.

"Please fuck me?" It came out as a tiny pleading whimper, that almost
made Dunlup sing out in delight.

"Fuck you? Fuck you like what? What are you?" The old Donkey demanded
in a nasty aggressively sneer, wanting the wealthy over privileged
noble to feel the contempt and odium he felt for him.

"A whore... a gelding whore... Fuck me like I'm your gelding whore."
The aristocratic Stallion begged eagerly now that he had broken, the
Donkey's smile was so wide it felt like the corners of his mouth had

"I'm glad you've finally excepted what you are... nothing but a
gelding whore who plays the mare for real males." Dunlup chuckled, as
his hips instantly went back to pile driving his thick black fucker in
and out of that needy pink equine asshole. It didn't take him long to
send Rollan over the edge into a screamed orgasm, the rich Stallion's
cock dumping a huge loud onto the bed sheets. While Dunlup's own thick
load was blasted up the upper class Horse's squeezing, clenching tail
hole. Until at last the old Donkey collapsed onto that soft furry
back, panting for breath as below him Rollan was groan softly.

"It's over... its over..." In a kind of slow mantra of relief, that
made the naughty old Donkey smirk.

"Hahaha..." The old Donkey snickered lewdly into one of those short
pointed equine ears, before gripping the broken Horse's muzzle and
pulling it over to his own. Kissing those soft wet lip's hard, while
thrusting his tongue into the other males mouth. Rollan offer no
resistance, in fact he even began to kiss back weakly as Dunlup
savored the moment. And then broke the kiss looking down into the
plainly relieved Stallion's big dark eyes. "You should know by now I'm
good for at least four times a night... more when I'm really enjoying
it... and I'm enjoying the hell out of your pussy ass."

"Oho Gods!"

Dunlup looked up from his work, wiping the sweat off his brow as he
shoved the hot iron back into the fire. Looking out his open shop
doors, the grubby old Donkey spotted a cluster of young fillies. They
stood out in the square, throwing quick glances at the heavy older
Donkey as he worked. Clad only in his heavy leather apron, over a thin
loincloth to keep cool in the summer weather. Dunlup smirked as he saw
Rollan's pretty daughter talking excitedly to them, as they looked
over at him again giggling naughtily. Lorna giving him a little wave,
which he returned with a big gloating grin. Dunlup flashed those
pretty highborn females a chip toothed grin, before turning back to
his forge and going back to work.

Finishing up a piece that had been ordered a few days before, he was
just setting it aside when Cameron a local herd Stallion came in. The
big roan Stud had a couple of his son's with him, the old Donkey
turned to greet them with a big friendly smile. Dunlup had years of
practice hiding his feeling from the highborn Stallions, back then he
had been forced to be nice even when treated badly. Now they were
giving him a certain degree of respect, because of his appearing of
wealth and success. As well as him being the town's only Blacksmith,
now those high tone Stallions we're greeting him like an old friend.
An act that made the old Donkey's teeth ache, he understood it of
course he just didn't like it.

"Came in to get the boys their first set of shoes... and I threw one
of my own." The tall handsome roan stud grunted, holding up one hoof
so the Donkey could see. "So I'll need to get it replaced." The big
handsome highborn Stallion explained, as the old Donkey nodded his
head and guided them back to his shoeing tables. Noticing out of the
corner of his eye, that the cluster of young fillies had moved over to
just outside of his shop door. So that they could watching what was
going on, Lorna telling her friends something that made their eyes
grow wide. Dunlup smirked, knowing the young mare was telling them
about the time he'd tricked and gelding two drunk herd Stallion's who
were having a pissing contest about cock size.

And the old Donkey could tell the young Fillies were just hoping, to
see him exercise his power of these three highborn Stallions. Which as
luck would have it... was in the cards for these three particularly
young studs. Their sire had planned it all out... these three young
Stallion's were all to be gelded and sent off to other herds to serve.
The only thing Cameron hadn't planned was throwing a shoe, but that
made things easier... because it put the colts at ease. "I'm going to
use your pisser." Cameron grunted, his nose wrinkling at the Donkey's
strong sweaty musk... plainly the highborn herd Stallion was offended
by it. Dunlup could read that much on the tall handsome roan stud's
muzzle, and it made feelings of the anger well up within the Donkey.
He nodded his head, as the older Stallion excused himself to use the
restroom, when one of the young Stallion's approached the heavy

"So sire has paid you to nut me, Zander and Doran." The young Stallion
grunted softly, holding up a hand to stop Dunlup from denying it. "Naw
its alright... that's your job. I just want to offer you a better
deal..." The young Stallion bargained taking out a heavy purse,
putting it into the chipped tooth Donkey's rough hands. "That's three
times what he paying you... and all you gotta do to get it is geld my
sire along with my brothers. While I get to walk away in-tacted... and
take over sires herd." The young Stallion glanced over at the fillies
watching from the door, and elbowed the old Donkey in the ribs gentle.
"It would be a better show for your adoring fans." Dunlup smirked at
the young Horse's word, and yet he knew the young stud was right...
deballing a mature herd Stallion would make him look that much more
exciting and powerful in the fillies eye's.

The stout Donkey looked down at the bag of coins, and shook his head
in disbelief, chuckling at the craziness of it all. Fathers having
their sons gelded... sons sabotaging their kin to take over the
herd... He gave the young colt a measuring look, the lad couldn't be
more than 16 winters. "All I gotta do, huh?" The hefty older Donkey
mused, looking back and forth between the colt and the bag full of
gold coins. "You think that's all there is to it? There are certain
laws, y'know b'sides if a Stallion can't so much as use my pisser
without losing his balls, it's gonna cost me customers. So I cannot
accept this from you." Dunlup watched the young Horse's muzzle drop,
as saw his shoulder start to shake a bit. "But..." The old Donkey
caught the young Horse's wrist before he could pull the coins away,
licking his lip's as the colts eyes looked up at him. The young colt's
muzzle took on a grim look as the Donkey denied him, but then as
Dunlup opened the door to his escape. "If it came with a note from the
head mare of a herd, that her husband was impotent and needed gelding
so her favored son could take over. Well... that I could accept." He
said with a discreet winked at the young colt and then lightly punched
him in the shoulder. That grim muzzle gave way to a look of relief,
the colt clutching his money pouch. Licking his lip's as he nodded
quickly, his mother would be the savior of his malehood. "And once
you're in charge I wanna fuck your mom. You have 'till I get done with
your brothers."

"You'll have that note... an visiting rights to my... my mom." Morlun
whispered, even as the nasty old Donkey moved over to strap his two
brothers to the shoeing tables, something neither of those young
Stallion's understood meant the end of their male-hood. Quickly Morlun
bolted out of the shop, past the group of giggling fillies who flashed
him little smirks. Already he could hear the old Donkey working on
Zanders hooves, as he raced down the street to where his herd lived...

Dunlup chuckled as he watched the colt race off, wondering if he could
pull off what he promised. If he didn't make it back, the Donkey could
tell his sire that the colt hadn't fallen for the shoeing charade and
run off. Speaking of that charade, while the two younger colts were
strapped to his shoeing table, he coaxed them out of the clothes they
were wearing. Explaining that he didn't want to get their fine
clothing dirty, so their bare rumps stuck out, facing the street. Of
course this wasn't out in the open, that would be crass and rude...
but he couldn't be faulted for forgetting to close his doors. Leaving
those young fillies with a good view of the doughy old Donkey lewdly
reaching down and fondling those young colt's velvety young balls,
their tails swishing as their precious stones were handled in between
the hammer of nails into their hooves. He alternated between the two
colts, and then let his apron slip off to the side, letting those
fillies get a good look at his heavy old Donkey scrotum, while he
toyed with the colt's tender young balls.

Dunlup's long ears picking up the fillies giggling, and whispered
comments about the two young Stallion's tight little sack compared to
his hefty older orbs. All the while Lorna is telling them about her
getting bent over the Donkey's anvil, about his massive cock taking
her maidenhood. The air drifting in through those wide open doors,
carrying the faint scents of the fillies wet pussies. The two young
males on the tables were soon sporting slender young erections, that
dangled down under the them dribbling pre-cum onto the dirty floor.
"Ammm are you gunna be done soon?" Doran asked breathlessly, as the
older Jackass's sweaty hands toyed with his velvety soft ball sack.
The sensation combined with the faint scent blowing in through the
doors to make both colts very excited. "Ammm... ya know some Smiths
offer extra services..." Doran moaned softly, as that hand cupped and
rolled his firm young nuts around within that velvety sack.

Dunlup chuckled, stroking those plump young Horse nuts, giving that
tender sac a firm tug, and then grasped the colt's noodlie erection to
give it a few firm strokes. "Heh, yeah... some of us do." He admitted,
sharing the colt's hushed, secretive tone as if it was a secret just
between the two of them.

"How... how... much for a handy..." Doran moaned softly, as the old
Donkey's rough hand stroked his thin little fucker playfully.

"You smell 'em too, huh? Those sexy little fillies... they're watchin'
us, you know. I left the doors open, it get so hot in here ya know.
Yep, they can see me playin' with your balls right now... strokin'
your dick..."

"Wait wha.... smell them too..." The young stud inhaled deeply, even
as Dunlup kept talking making the young Horse try to look around.
"Fillies watching... through... the... the open door?" Doran panted
for breath feeling both embarrassed at females seeing him naked, and
yet very turned on at the same time.

"Smellin' those fillies turns me on too, heh. Hope you don't mind I
can't help but get hard myself." The greasy Donkey teased, rubbing his
own thick black dick against the high born colt's rump.

"Wha... wha... your getting hard too huh." He jump as he felt that hot
throbber touch him, and Dunlup could hear that the well born stud was
less than happy to hear that the older male was getting a hard on
while he was helpless like this.

"Mmm...You want me to make you cum while those girls watch? This
little service is on the house, heh... just let me see to your
brother." He took a moment to attend to the other colt first, and
smoothly slipped a muzzle around the surprised colts head. So that he
could then only moan, when the Donkey tied a leather cinch tightly
around his virgin colt nuts. He jerked it tight, making Zander jerk
his hips, and he left it taut like that, the colt's balls in obvious
distress while the girls watched...

"Well I... well... dunno if I want it while they watch... Wait on...
on the house... Wait... why him first?" Doran moaned, not realizing
what the old Donkey was doing to Zander just hearing his brother moan
loudly for a moment. Across the way on the other table Zander was
moaning and breathing heavy, rolling and tugging at the restraints as
the Donkey came back.

Dunlup went back to Doran and played with the young Horse's tender
balls... while jerking that undeveloped dick against the side of his
shoeing table... "Ohooo oho wow yeah..." Doran moaned as that sweat
rough hand started working on his small cock, making the helpless
Stallion buck his hip's against the table. "Ummm fuck do they look
impressed? Do you think they'll let me mount them sometime after
seeing this?"

Dunlup snorted derisively, and he couldn't help but grin at the colt's
naive questions. Even this young, Horses were so self-absorbed... a
hand on his dick and the scent of nearby mares, and this colt had no
care why his brother was mumbling and struggling. "Ummm, you wanna
mount those fillies?"

"Yeah... Ammm fuck they sure smell good huh?" Doran moaned out softly,
trying to roll his hip's and fuck the Donkey's filthy hand faster but
unable to move because of the restraints.

"Yeah, maybe they'll come over and want to fuck." Dunlup said with a
smirk, as he stroked Doran's throbbing young colt cock, thinking about
those fillies coming back later. While Zander whined wordlessly and
struggles as his young nuts flopped between his thighs, a tightly-
pulled bag jostling on a narrow fulcrum where the band cinched it...

"Really... you think so... fuck I'd love that." The horny young
stallion moaned breathlessly, his eyes rolling around in his head
wilding. That upper lip pulled back so he could taste the females
scent in the air, they were aroused but not in season.

"I think they're eyein' me, personally." Dunlup teased, as he stroked
Doran's young dick and tugged on his sweaty balls roughly. "But if
they do, it looks like there'll be enough to go around..."

"YOU! Hahah... those aren't the kind of females you fuck..." The high
born colt exclaimed in amusement, laughing at the thought that a ugly
old Donkey would dream of mounting fillies like these. "Hahah oh sure,
enough to go around..."

The portly Donkey sneered darkly, though from that angle the young
Horse couldn't see it. "Heh... Well right you are young master.
Probably enough to split between you and your brothers though." He
teased Doran, as that dirty hand continued to stroke the colt's stiff
young shaft against his shoeing tables rough wood. He knew just how to
apply pressure, just when to squeeze, and how to tease the colt up...
after all he'd been young once. Doran snorted, glad to hear that his
words had put the common old Donkey in his place... just because he'd
made some gold the dumb fucker had gotten a big head.

"Heh yeah there are three of us...." He snorted, glancing around for
Morlun but couldn't see him... of course he couldn't see much tied
down like he was.

"Though... you'd get more fillies if we gelded him." He smirked, the
reaction was instant, the colt's eyes and ears snapping open, and
those young nuts jumping, he had to adjust his grip to keep a hold of

"What... gelded Zander..." The young stallion snorted glancing over at
his struggling brother, who was covered in frothy sweat.

"Hmmm, you like the idea, huh? Turn your brother into a gelding, and
that's two more things you can fuck... your brother, plus your
brother's girl." The nasty old Donkey laughed, as he jerked the colt's
quickly tensing young fucker.

"Gods... Ohoooo gods..." Doran moaned, feeling his excitement grow
almost as soon as the old Donkey brought up the idea... finding the
idea of fucking fillies in front of his gelded brother intensely

"Yeah, it's a hot idea... geld your brothers and take what's theirs...
too bad for you, your other brother thought of it first."

"Wait... wha... Morlun." Doran choked as panic gripped his heart, had
Morlun bargained with the smith to have him and Zander nutted. "No...
no he wouldn't do that..." Doran denied, even as he knew that if he'd
thought of it... he would have done it to Morlun and Zander. "No... no
please whatever he paid I can pay more... please I..." The handsome
young Stallion threw his head back whinnying loudly, as his fat young
balls drew up from the Donkeys stroking hand and lewd words. Doran's
slender cock head flaring out, as he spurted out a massive load onto
the floor below him.

Dunlup chuckled softly as he gave that pulsing Horse prick a firm
squeeze with his strong, calloused hands. "Yeah... yeah, that's it,
show those fillies your cum... give 'em a good show get them all hot
and bothered for me." Dunlup sneered into the high-born colt's soft
pointed ear, gloating in the knowledge that he was be breeding those
fillies soon. Doran felt the Donkey's rough hands go from gentle to
firm as they closed like a vise around his sweaty velvet soft sac The
dirty Donkey's fist gripped his nuts, squeezing them down into the
bottom of his young bag. So that they bulged out obscenely... the
pressure, oh gods, the pressure made Doran's gut young guts ache. He
thrashed in his restraints, wide eyed from the pain, his softening
dick flopping against the shoeing table, smacking its own splattered
cum... He almost didn't notice the slashes down there, until he felt
the sudden release of pressure... the fillies got a great view though,
of the Donkey expertly balling his fist and making the colt's balls
bulge obscenely. Even as the young Horse's spunk was a cooling mess;
they watched the colt bucking and jerking until the grinning Donkey
took out a wicked knife. Making two quick slashes on that young sac...
and those pinkish white orbs popped out into his dirty hand, the colt
going limp almost immediately. He jerked again when Dunlup sliced
through those cords... and then the little gelding lay still as his
last seed trickled down the side of the table.

"Ohooo... ohoooo gods..." Doran moaned softly even as he realized that
the fillies he'd been hoping to rut, had just watched the Donkey make
a gelding out of him. He could hear those young females laughing at
him, and felt a shameful blush burning on his muzzle. The new geldings
eyes rolled back in his head then, as pain and shame overwhelmed him
mind. And so he didn't hear Zander squeal through his long slotted
nostrils, as Dunlup quickly cut his balls off next just like he had to
Doran. The dirty sweaty Jack holding up the younger males pale orbs,
for the sexy fillies to see... before tossing them into a bucket. Just
then Morlun came trotting back into the shop, the breathless colt
pressed a paper into Dunlup's hands along with his money pouch.
Together they then unstrapped the two semi-conscious geldings, moving
them over to a waiting pen. And then the Donkey strapped Morlun down
on one table, even as they heard the colts sires hoof steps coming
down the stairs. "That's some good reading material you have in there
Smith..." Cameron smirked as he strolled over to the empty shoeing
table, laying down on it as the old Donkey moved up and strapped him
down. "Ammm are all these straps really necessary Smith?" The herd
Stallion asked, it was just a single shoe he needed replacing after

Dunlup grinned as the mature Stallion strolled boldly back into view,
carelessly laying himself on the same table the Donkey just castrated
his son on. The nearly naked Donkey was obviously hard, and there was
a white mess dribbling down the table under Morlan's loins. Seems like
this filthy Donkey lived up to his reputation, like he'd used at least
one of those colts. "Oh, I'd say they're necessary; you Horses do like
to kick sometimes." Dunlup replied as he made sure the herd Stallion
was strapped down good and tight on that heavy wooden table. "I mean
sure... not for fittin' shoes. But fact is, someone's actually here to
get gelded, aren't they?" Dunlup chuckled nastily, and couldn't help
but grasp his thick black dick, stroking it now that both Horses were
his to play with. And sure, it showed off his meat and potatoes for
those hot fillies who had moved into the shop a bit.

"Hahaha so true Smith." The big herd Stallion chuckled, glancing over
at his helpless son laying there on the table just a few feet away
from him.

"But it's a good job of you to get in the straps anyway, so as to lull
our victim into a false sense of security. Ha ha, I mean, what idiot
would really think that these were necessary for a shoeing?" He leaned
back and laughed heartily, his belly shaking, and he smacked Cameron
firmly on that firm ass. When suddenly Morlun joined the Donkey in
laughing, as Cameron felt a sudden sensation of fear race down his
strong back.

"But hey, look on the bright side. Your boy's smarter than you are."

"What... what do you mean?" The big herd stud grunted, as he looked up
helplessly at the fat greasy old Donkey. Dunlup flicked the letter
open and held it in front of the shocked Stallion's muzzle, letting
him read it. Cameron's eyes widened in shock as he read it slowly,
horror replacing shock as he looked up at the grinning Donkey. "I
think your herd is in good hands... just, not your hands." With that
the leering Donkey sat down on the table between the two Horse's hips,
his own thighs splayed open to show off his goods, as he leaned over
Cameron's back, reaching under the Stallion's rear and grabbing his
big, velvety sac!

"No wait this is a... a lie!" The herd Stallion squealed bucking hard
against the thick leather straps now, his sleek smooth fur quickly
growing slick with frothy equine sweat. Just like Zander it smelled of
fear, even as the herd Stallion screamed in protest. "No... NO...
NOOOOO you can't do this! I'm not impotent... I can still sire, his
mother is just trying to protect him. I... I can prove it... a jerked
off reading that porn book you had in your pisser..."

Dunlup chuckled lewdly, before shrugging his broad shoulders and
tossing his short blunt head. "Is it true? Is it a lie? Hey, I'm just
a Donkey, not a doctor, I gotta go by what I'm told." Dunlup flashed
those watching fillies a wide grin, making the loud out loud as his
lame joke. "What I do know is, if you weren't impotent before, you're
sure GONNA be." He added with a dark laugh, and slowly rolled the big
horse's fat, firm plums around in their sweaty pouch. "Mmmhm. Damn
you've got some fine balls, stud. And they'll join your colts' fine
balls in my bucket, a fine, handsome family." He teased, then took his
knife and ran the flat of it over Cameron's bulging sac, letting him
feel the cool metal that had just castrated his two sons.

"No... NONONOOO PLEASE GODS NO SMITH." The big herd Stallion begged
wildly, even as the scent from those watching fillies grew stronger
and stronger. Dunlup could feel his thick black Donkey dick getting
harder as he squeezed and pulled on Cameron's big nuts, the common old
Donkey reveling in his power over them. But no need to keep the
fillies waiting too long... he poised that sharp blade against the
left side of the stallion's sac. Even as Cameron screamed promising
the Jack anything he wanted, even as that blade cut... a firm squeeze,
and out popped his left testicle. "Owww gods." Dunlup repeated the
motion on the Stallion's right ball, and soon he held both steaming
stones in his filthy hand. With a sly grin back to the young fillies,
he then yanked down hard, tearing the trapped herd Stallion's bare
balls free with a 'SNAP!' of his thick cords. A long loud squeal of
pain and loss escaped from Cameron, his head dropping down onto the
table with a loud 'Thump' Dunlup laughed as he held those once
treasured Horse balls, and then dropped the gelding's harvest in the
bucket. And then turning back to his work, shoeing both Morlun and his
gelding father whimpering. Before unstrapping them both, the newly
minted herd Stallion quickly trotting off to his new herd. While a
Stallion came in to collect his new geldings, guffawing as he saw that
one of those new gelding was on the old side.

"Hahah... I guess some herd has a new Stallion." The Stallion laughed,
as he dragged the three new geldings out of the smithy. Teasing the
former herd Stallion, as he lead the naked middle aged former Stallion
though town in full view of everyone.

Go back to chapter 2 | Go to chapter 4
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Notice that Chapter 10 & 26 - 27 & 31 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.