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Humbling The Jocks...
Chapter 1

Terry the sleek roan red stallion, tossed his head to get the light
blond mane out of his eyes. The last bell had rung at Colverland high
school, most students had already jump on the bus's or in cars for the
ride home. The sleek muscular jock stud had his own car of course...
He was the star of the varsity football squad. It was going to be his
leg's that carried them to state this year... Everyone said so and
thus he was the most popular male in school. The handsome horse was
rutting half the girls on the cheerleader squad, of course his steady
girl was Brenda the prettiest mare in school and the most popular. The
sleek horse swaggered down the hall... He was staying late for
football practice. But first he had some business to attend to, he
ducked to in a disused equipment room.

Sneering as he saw the slender sissy looking Dragon waiting, strolling
up to the nerdy male faking a punch at his chest that made Chen flinch
away. "Hah... yer a pansy Chen... I should give you two for
flinchin'." Terry chortled as he moved up close towering over the
other male, the big horse licking his thick lips. "So you got my
homework finished... or do I have to hurt ya?" He demanded
aggressively, enjoying the other males obvious fear of a grass eater
like himself.

"I've got it right here." Said Chen softly, holding up the papers to
lure the big equine in a little closer. "But I was wondering if you
could look into my eyes. They've been troubling me of late, and I want
to know if you could look at them deeper, and deeper."

Deciding he'd play his favorite game... of teasing the homo lizard boy
the big equine wrapping a arm around that slender body. One huge three
fingered hand gripping the other male's ass cheek, even as Terry
rubbed his big hot body against him. "Tell ya what... I'll let you
touch my dick." The Horse snorted, grabbing the Dragon's wrist and
shoving the other male's hand down into his loose-fitting sweats
rubbing that scaly hand over his hot junk. "Damn you are a real sick
Queer! Now give me... my homework and I better get A's this time."

"Ha-ha look dude I ain't gunna kiss ya..." The big Horse snorted
tauntingly, and yet as the smaller Dragon ask him to look at his
hurting eye's the equine jock leaned in close. His nervous tongue
licking those thick equine lip's, which looked like they were almost
really to kiss someone.

Chen was fed up with how Terry has been treating him and now it was
time for some payback if everything went well. The truth you see, was
that Donny Chen was walking home after getting off the bus one day...
when he was struck by lightning. The bolt should have killed him, but
it didn't do that... instead it changed him... gave him strange mental
powers. He tried it on his mom when he got home from the hospital and
he got her to bake some chocolate chip cookies. At school today, he
wanted to try his mentalist abilities again and managed to hypnotize
one of the Cheerleader squad. He got her to kiss him on the lips for
being one of the smartest guys in the school. Now he's looking for
bigger fish to fry, looking to get back a bit at the jocks who had
been bullying him.

Terry was one of the jocks who was always bullying him around school,
because he was smaller and smarter than them. They called him a queer
and a pansy, they pushed him around and used him to get good grades.
Terry was always slamming him against the lockers, or giving him
wedges in front of everyone. And he was always trying to get the
dragon to do his homework, which usually worked because Terry was much
stronger than him. The horse was the star of the varsity football
squad, and was bigger and better looking than most guys. Donny wanted
to get in Terry's girlfriend Brenda's pants, but she was more
attracted to Terry's muscles than to his brain.

"Yes, look into my eyes Terry." The young dragon purred in a soft
monotone, that somehow, he just knew helped his new power work better.
"Deeper, closer, deeper, deeper. Follow their every movement, yes,
follow them. You are getting drowsy."

"Naw I... I... don't see nothin'... same old eye's ya've always
had..." Terry mumbled his voice growing weak and rambling as he lost
himself in the depths of Chen's eyes. It was plain by the tone of his
voice, the jock stallion was still trying to make fun of the dragon.

As he stood there towering over the slender scaly male, his powerful
body began to relax. That long narrow head sinking on to his broad
equine chest, as his honey golden eyes began to glaze over. Terry's
breath deepened and slowed down, even as his body pushed against the
dragon's. And the smirking scaly can't help noticing the horse's huge
blunt cock, slithering out of its sheath and down the baggy leg of his
gray sweats. "Wha... wha... are you tryin' to do..." Terry grunted, as
at last his eye lids fluttered and then lazily began to close... he
forced them open again a moment later. Only to have them over power
him and close again, this went on for a few more minutes. Until they
finally closed and stayed that way, making the sleek handsome Dragon

"You are now in my power, Terry." Donny snickered, shocked to hear the
wicked pleasure in his own voice. "You will go up to the
cheerleaders... you're having sex with and slap their muzzles." The
wicked delight in his own voice scaring Donny just a little, still he
couldn't deny the feelings of pleasure and power he was feeling in
that moment.

It was a fairly straightforward command, he just wanted to test his
new hypnosis powers on Terry. This would be the first of a few
humiliating commands, he was planning if everything working out.
Eventually he would find out Terry's deepest secret desires, and then
he would force Terry to live of these desires. Idly he wondered what
those desires would be, knowing that no matter what it would be
something shameful. But right now, his first act was to see if Terry
would slap the muzzles of those young cheerleaders he'd been rutting.
That would tell him if Terry was truly in his power, or if he needed
to spend more time putting the jock deeper under. "When I say now, you
will go and slap the Cheerleaders' muzzles. Listen to me, when I snap
my fingers, you will wake up and remember nothing." Donny instructed,
as he then placed Terry's homework in the big jock's hands and then he
snapped his fingers. "Now."

At the sound of those snapping fingers the Roan stallion's head
snapped up, and his hands shot up shoving the smaller dragon away.
"Dude yer eyes are fine..." Terry snorted, as he watches Chen bounce
off the wall behind him and stagger grunted in pain. Lifting the
papers, the big jock looked over them quickly, most of it something he
really didn't understand. "Ok this looks good... but I better not get
C's again on it, or I'll kick yer ass..." The handsome equine tossed
his head, as if he were trying to ward off a biting fly. Terry
blinking once or twice shaking his head, and then spun on his hooves
throwing the door open. He strolled through the gym and out to where
the cheerleader squad was getting ready for their own practice.

"Hey sweety." Brenda called as she saw Terry approaching, the pretty
mare was smiling brightly as he strolled up. As the big horse walked
down the line of pretty females' kind of mechanically, his arm flicked
out... that big hand smacked first one muzzle and then another. Tammy
the doe, Marcy the lioness, Genie the antelope, Sarah and Roxxie the
mares, and at last Brenda. All the female looked at the stallion in
open mouthed shock, each of them clapping a hand to their burning

"Bro... what the fuck are you doing..." Randy the male cheerleader
demanded as he hurried over, only to catch a firm backhand from the
big jock. Which shut the slender young bull up, as Terry suddenly
looked around startled at everyone gather around him.

"What the hell was that?" Brenda screamed at the confused stallion,
whose eyes had gone very wide as he looked around in confusion.
Stammering as he tried to explain something, he didn't understand
himself, even as half the girls and Randy ran off sobbing. While the
other girls screamed and cursed at him, the big jock holding up his
hands stammering weak apologies. "What the fuck were you thinking?
You're a big brain-dead asshole." Brenda screamed at him angrily,
slapping his long muzzle repeatedly as Terry blushed brightly...

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I dunno..."


Donny hadn't seen the results other that Terry walking away, smiling
the sleek young dragon ambled away. If he was right, and the big jock
managed to smack the stuck-up cheerleading squad. It was his first act
of revenge, but he had lots of plans for the most popular jock in
school. If Terry was violent against him, the half back could be
violent to others. Donny wiped his hand, the one where Terry had
shoved down his front of his sweats to force to touch the horse's

"Someday Terry..." Donny muttered to himself, as he strolled back
across the gym to head out where the bus's picked up students. "You'll
be eating out of my hand... because you're not at all squeaky clean.
I'll find out your dark nasty secrets and use that knowledge to make
your life a nightmare. Sure, you happen to be the best athlete in the
school, with a good girlfriend and a squeaky-clean high school record.
But you have skeletons in your closet, and I intend to find out just
exactly what they are."

Donny passed the huge glass case, that contained all the school's
sports trophies from past victories. Terry wasn't the only stallion
jock that Donny wanted revenge on of course, there were a number of
others who had targeted the dragon. There were five more big equine
jocks that had been pushing him around, three of them were on the
Varsity football team. One was on the basketball team, and the other
one from the track and field events. Donny smiled, all six would be
within his power soon, and he'd know their deeper secrets and would
bring them all out. 'Queer, was he?' The slender dragon snorted
angrily, knowing that it was generally the worse thing a teenager
could call another. 'Well, what if they were the queer ones?'

Cameron was just finishing up on the weight machines, when his spotted
the dragon strolling across the gym. The big draft horse was the
fullback on the football team, blocking for Terry so that the star
running back could rush down field. He wasn't nearly as popular as the
other stallion, but he was still right up there in the hierarchy.
Far... far above the slender dragon, and if anything, he was even
worse a prick than Terry. Reaching out with one huge hand the draft
horse gripped Chen around his thin neck, dragging the other male into
the otherwise empty weight room. "Well... well... lookee who it is..."
The handsome young stud smirked his expressive lip's curling up into a
huge grin, as he shook the much smaller serpent. "What are you doin'
in the gym pencil neck?" The big horse asked with a sneer, flexing his
heavy muscles and posing in front of the mirror. Shaking the other
male's sleek body, as he compared himself and the dragon with a smirk.

"Just... brought Terry his... his homework." The Dragon explained with
a fake gulp of fear, as the huge draft horse looked down at him.

"More like spying on him in the locker room I bet... ya faggot."
Cameron taunted bluntly, he really didn't have the mind to be crafty
or supple... he was a hammer. "Ya tryin' to get him to let ya suck his
dick... why don't ya try that with me?" Cameron teased, he knew very
well Chen wasn't gay and had never offered to do anything of the sort.
"I aint got a girlfriend right now." The fact was the huge stallion
never kept a girlfriend long... there were certain rumors going around
about him. Chen smiled as he thought about those rumors, that the big
horse had bouts of impotence. That after he'd mounted a girl a few
times, be stopped being able to get it up for her and so dumped her
and moved on. Suddenly the mighty draft horse roughly shoved Chen onto
his knees, looking down at the dragon with a nasty smile on his
expressive equine muzzle. "Yer gunna love sucklin' this big dick." As
the big draft horse shoved his shorts down, exposing himself to the
smaller male. That massive equine cock sliding from its sheath, to
hang throbbing between Cameron's hefty thigh's. "Open wide fagboy."
Cameron ordered looking right into the panicked young dragon's eyes,
even as Chen focused all his thoughts on the jocks small brain.

"I would but you're feeling drowsy, aren't you? I'm not going to suck
your big dick, you are going to suck your big dick." The full force of
Chen's power came to bare on the horse's mind, the dragon watching as
Cameron's eyes unfocused and his mouth flopped open.

"You're not going to suck my dick..." The big draft horse mumbled,
repeating the words the kneeling dragon had just spoken to him softly.
"I... I'm going to suck my big dick..." Chen's lip's curled back into
a wide smile, as Cameron's long organ jump up and down swiftly growing
hard. The big draft horse's mouth hung open slightly, drooling as that
big fucker sprang to life. The big stallion's eye's leaving the
dragon's, as they studied his own huge throbbing fucker. It was plain
from the look in those eyes and the faint drool that Cameron was in
love with that pulsing cock.

The command was very simple, yet apparently the huge fullback was
lacking cards. Whatever this big guy wanted, the Dragon would soon
find out exactly what it was. But he wanted to make sure that Cameron
could eventually do auto-fellatio on himself, knowing that hypnosis
could not make the jock do something he didn't really want to do. And
after all, Cameron didn't have a girlfriend at the moment and most
guys were willing to suck themselves. If the rumors about him weren't
just that... rumors, then it sounded like the draft horse really
wasn't that into females. Still it was something that Donny could take
advantage of... licking his lip's the young dragon hissed. "Yes. You
are in my power... aren't you?" Donny panted weakly, as he watched the
drooling draft horse's head fall onto his cheat. "Your suppler than
you think. You want to suck your own dick. And you want to do it in
front of the cheerleaders. Yes."

"Yes, I'm in your power..." Cameron repeated numbly, his voice still
just a faint whisper as he spoke. "Supple... yes I am suppler. I want
to suck my own dick... In front of the cheerleaders?" That numbed
voice took on a questioning tone, and Chen could see the big stallion
was not really liking that idea. "No..." His hypnotic suggestion was
getting the most of Cameron, and yet there was still some resistance
there. The dragon smirked, eventually he'd make the rumors about
Cameron come true. He didn't like being pushed around, fortunately the
accident had given him hypnotic powers and the means to get back at
Terry and Cameron. And all the other proud horse athletes that been
pushing him around most of his life.

"Actually yes you are..." The dragon insisted as he pushed against the
jocks tiny mind, feeling the apprehension and embarrassment with the
horse's mind. Using his power, the dragon removed the horse's
inhibitions, replacing them with the thought that it would be
impressive and exciting.

"Yes... yes they will be so impressed... seeing me suck myself it's
very exciting to think about." Cameron stammered happily, his long
shaft bobbing up and down while that huge flared tip began to drip
pre-cum. Forcing Chen to scoot back to keep from having it splash onto
him, wondering if this was really working as well as it appeared to
be. Maybe he should follow the big stallion and see for himself, it
might be worth missing the bus home for.

"After I snap my fingers, you will awake and remember nothing. But
feel the overwhelming need to blow yourself in front of the
cheerleading squad." Donny reinforced the earlier suggestion, and then
he snapped his fingers still looking up at the big horse from his

Cameron's massive body jerked as the dragon snapped his finger, the
huge stallion taking a couple of steps backwards. Stepping out of his
sports shorts and sweat stained jock strap, the big draft horse stood
there naked from the waist down. Even while a big silly grin spread
across his muzzle, his eyes still looking kind of glassy as he looked
at Donny. "I'm... gonna go bud..." Cameron snorted, turning around he
staggered off through the gym leaving the slender serpent behind. Chen
climbed to his own feet, and followed along behind the big horse who
marched straight through the gym. Pushing open the door, and walking
out onto the small green... where the cheerleader squad was now
practicing. They didn't notice him at first, until he was only a few
dozen feet from them. Suddenly all the girls turned, starring in shock
at the half naked stallion... who stopped as soon as the girls started
looking at him.

"What the shit Cam?" Brenda demanded, as her and the other girls
watched the huge draft horse sit down on the grass. The pretty mare
was just about to yell a second time, when Cameron hunched over and
shoved the head of his massive cock into his own mouth. All the girls
froze in open mouthed shock, as they watched the huge full back start
to fellatio himself. Only Randy the single male cheerleader seemed
pleased, as he watching the huge jock go down on himself. "What the
fuck... are you guys all high or something?" Brenda choked in disgust,
while the other cheerleaders began to point and laugh at the huge
football player.

"Damn... isn't someone a lucky boy?" Randy the young bull snickered,
fumbling in his pocket to fish out his cell phone and take a number of
quick pic's. Before remembering his phone could record video, the
young bull getting the girl's shocked reaction. Which was followed by
tittering laughter, as they started telling stories about the short
time, they had dated Cameron.

From his place in the half-opened doorway Donny watching for a few
moments, before he had to run to catch his bus ride home. Knowing that
he'd be hearing all about it the next day, something like this was
sure to be all over school by the next day.


Chen was on his way to school early the next morning, still highly
excited about what had happened the day before. The young dragon
snickered to himself as he caught the bus to school, wondering just
what all he would get up to that day. Knowing that it kind of depended
on others, he didn't go looking to trouble. However, if they came to
him again, trying to abuse or force him to do stuff. He smiled
wickedly to himself knowing he could charm his way into making Cameron
and Terry do stuff that they wouldn't normally do. Terry was the one
who was the most violent to him, and so he could slap the Cheerleaders
around easily. Cameron was, shall we say, frustrated which made him
very entertaining in a completely different way. The big horse would
be trying to get a date, but after the self-sucking incident got out,
he wouldn't be able to. But Cam's dick was impressive, and getting
Cameron to suck it off was a feat in itself. Chen was wondering just
how far he could make this go... was the big draft horse willing to
suck other cocks?

Terry was the handsomest jock in school and being a star athlete also
made him the most popular jock in school, especially with the ladies.
But now that he slapped them around, the dragon wondered how far can
he take Terry. How far was Terry willing to go? Chen could score well
with the jock if he turned him gay... it would be humiliating to the
big stud if he was catching tail instead of giving it to some girl.
Maybe Terry would then break up with Brenda and then Chen could move
in on her himself. He wouldn't have to do Terry's trig homework any
longer, the dragon had decided that the day before. Donny knew he
could score with Brenda, steal her away from Terry at some later date
using his powers.

There were already whispered rumors about Cameron, and soon everyone
was laughing on the bus. Chen leaned over and spoke to Doug the rabbit
who he was sharing the seat with.

"What's happening?" The slender dragon asked the small gray rabbit,
who was his best friend and lived on the same street. Doug was looking
at pictures of Cameron pleasuring himself, it seems Randy the bull
cheerleader had posted them online. Word quickly spread and Doug had
been sent the link by his lab partner Fred the Wolf. "Hahaha... look
at that prev... I guess it's true what they say... jocks or all
secretly fags... Now at last the big jock got what he deserved!" The
little rabbit crowed, quickly sending the link to everyone on his
friends list including Donny. "Cameron sucked himself off... in front
of the Cheerleading team. There's even pic's of him with a huge mouth
full of his own cum, while all the girls point and laugh. Rumor has it
he always had a limp big dick with the girls, but he sure wasn't limp
when he was blowing himself. Ha-ha I bet now he's going to be in so
much trouble with the Principal!"

Chen giggled at that, enjoying the reactions of another small fur the
jocks had bullied. "Yes, I imagine that he will." The sleeker, young
dragon snickered, knowing that what Cameron had done actually broke a
number of laws.

"I wonder why he decided to suck himself off in public?" Doug giggled
loudly, and he was not alone the whole bus was laughing at the big
jock by now.

"Maybe he wanted to suck himself in public, to prove he could get an
erection." Chen said mildly, a faint smile playing across his scaly
lip's as he thought about how easy it had been to bent the big horse
to his will.

"Maybe..." The little rabbit agreed skeptically, as he flipped through
the pictures slowly. "Oh, wow there's a video..." Doug exclaimed
excitedly, quickly clicking on the link to watch it.

Chen sat back in his seat steepling his fingers, wondered if he could
get Cameron to suck his dick. No... not just suck it, but worship it
and wanting to please it more than anything. A slow wicked grin spread
over his scaly muzzle, that would be the ultimate revenge. And judging
by the way the big draft horse had savored his own cum, it just might
be very easy.

Things didn't quite go as Chen expected, sure the whole school was
having a laugh at Cameron. Sure, the big draft horse was thoroughly
humiliated, and all the girls were whispering that he was a closet
homosexual. Yet it was Randy the cheerleader who got punished,
suspended from school for a week for cyber-bullying. The Principal
turning the big jock into the victim, and while Cameron did get a
severe ass chewing. He was pretty much let off scot-free, the dragon
understood almost at once why that was. They had a big game coming up
soon, and if the school wanted to go to the state finals the team had
to win. So, the jock who bullied smaller furs all the time got away
with it, while Randy who was a sissy male cheerleader was punished.

Still if the school admin didn't punish the stallion, the student body
in its own way did. The lewd gloating smiles as he walked down the
hall, or the soft chuckles as he entered a classroom. Chen could see
that it was taking its toll on the once proud stud, by the second
class of the morning. Cameron almost punched out a fat boar, who
laughed openly at him as he came in. That almost got the big horse
sent to the Principals office, and Cameron was forced to sit by
himself off in one corner. Donny was feeling a kind of nasty delight
at the horse's suffering, and yet he was not without pity. He decided
to help Cameron if he could, an in between class when he saw the
stallion duck into a empty classroom the dragon followed.

"Wha... what do you want?" The big draft horse snarled as he saw Chen,
plainly he thought the dragon had come to tease or make fun of him.
"Listen... I know you didn't wanta blow me the other day..." Cameron
confessed, his long narrow head dropping low onto his chest, and his
big round equine nose burning with blush. "I'm sorry about trying to
make you..." Chen strolled up close to the big horse, placing his
scaly hands on either side of Cameron's muzzle lifting it up so he
could look directly into the horse's eyes.

"Sleep." The dragon said simply, as he brought the power of his own
mind to bare against the big dumb jocks. Cameron's eyes first glazed
over, and then his eyelids dropped closed. Donny was surprising, to
find it so much easier to master the other males mind this time. It
was like walking a familiar path, having done it once it was easy
because he knew all the ends and outs. "You are falling deeper and
deeper under my control, I only want what you want. I am here to help

"You only want to help me..."

Donny felt elated inside, that he was getting closer to the dumb
jock's heart and mind. "You will tell me the desire of your heart."
Donny ordered gently, thinking that it better not be something stupid.
The fullback was talented in the game of football, sure he wasn't
punished by the Principal. But the big varsity football fullback had
some merit as a fur, and Donny was feeling that maybe this power was
more to help than get revenge.

Donny could read the conflict in the big Horse's mind, a part of
Cameron wanted to sing out his desire. And yet there was a powerful
block, the dragon whispered encouraging words into those pointed
equine ears. His voice soft and melodious, putting the draft horses
mind more and more at ease. "I... I'm not supposed to... it's not
right everyone will hate me..." Cameron moaned, as his mind resisted
the question... not wanting to admit even to himself the truth.

"After you tell me the desire of your heart, I'll help you make it a
reality." Donny promised softly, thinking that if it made the big
horse an outcast in school all the better. "Remember, I'm here to help
you." He touched Cameron's temples lightly with his fingertips, and
massaged them as he spoke. He was getting very closer to his goal of
finding out what really made Cameron tick, there was a deep dark truth
about the stud that was hidden. Why he didn't have a steady
girlfriend, or why he couldn't get it up for any other girl. Cameron
was definitely a big stud, who wasn't at all performing like one.
Chen's power over the big jock was getting stronger, as his
understanding of the jocks mind grew. If only the cheerleaders he
wanted to date could see and understand it now, they would be so
impressed by his power. And after he broke Cameron, he'd go after
Terry and the others. The next time Terry wanted him to do his
homework, he'd put Terry under his control again. Maybe he could make
Terry do his own Trigonometry work next time, and who knew what
secrets lurked in the star running backs mind.

But he had Cameron right now, the big Clydesdale jock was his. This
time there was no doubt in his mind, he could utterly master the
horses mind. "Tell me the desire of your heart..." After Cameron had
told him the desire of his heart, Donny only had to snap his fingers
to release the Clydesdale from his control. Today, Cameron's inner
most desire would be his to know, and tomorrow, he would bring that
desire into reality. "It's alright no matter what it is... I'll be
your friend I promise." The dragon said softly, watching as the big
horse's body sagged relaxing as his mind slipped even deeper under
control. The big horse giving that control to Chen, rather than having
it forced upon him by the dragon's power.

"You... you'll like me... you'll help me... cuz your here to help."
Cameron repeated almost like a mantra, for a few long moments before
he cringed slightly. "I want to be me... the real me... I wanta suck
cock... wanta get fucked... wanta just be me." The huge draft horse
confessed at last, blurting it out like a dam bursting with raw
emotion. "I've tried dad... I've tried fuck girls... but I just
can't." Cameron was sobbing softly now, his huge body trembling as he
let his deep dark secret out. The dragon stroked the big jocks long
muzzle softly, feeling more and more sorry for the equine.

"So all this time you were gay and you want to be fucked?" Donny asked
with a smirk, as the dragon stroked the big jock's muzzle again
lightly. "Everyone won't hate you for being you." That was a lie...
the biggest insult in their teenage world was to be called queer after
all. "I certainly don't..." That was more truthful, Donny didn't
really hate the big draft horse anymore. "It's okay, you can cry on
me." The dragon assured gently, before probing at the others desires a
bit more. "Let it all out, I know you and I'm here to help you." The
dragon continued to stroke the Clydesdale's long muzzle, running a
fingertip over those soft equine lips playfully. They were so soft and
smooth, the young Dragon could just imagine how they would feel
wrapped around his cock.

"YES." The big handsome draft horse stud moaned out need fully, his
huge powerful body trembling at the dragon's gentle touch. "They...
they won't?" Cameron whimpered, his sobs slowing as hot tears rolled
lazily down his furry cheeks. "You don't... you still like me..." The
big horse moaned out weakly, the sound of gratitude and happiness
plain in his voice. "Thank you... but I'm feeling better now. I'm so
glad you're here to help me."

"So who's the lucky stallion... you want to have fuck you?" Cameron
had just been pent up all this time, the dragon thought with an amused
grin. Wondering just who did he want to have fuck him? "Whose cock do
you want to suck?"

"Oh there's not just one... tho' I guess Jerome our middle linebacker
is super sexy he's always tackling me in practice. But really, I want
to suck every guy I can... I want to get fucked by every cock I can
find." Cameron confess, snickering kind of naughtily as he finally
admitted his nasty sexual desires. "In fact, ... I've been thinking
about gelding myself... because geldings aren't really males
anymore... so more guys would feel better about fucking me." The big
draft horse explained, Donny shook his head ruefully horses certainly
had strange traditions in this matter.

"Oh wow really." Donny smirked, thinking lustfully that all this time,
he could have had the big jock sucking his cock. Although a blowjob in
class would be distracting to say the least, at least this was an
empty classroom to be sure. It was just the two of them here, to be
sure again. Perhaps he could let the big guy suck him off... but there
had to be a more private place to do that right. Perhaps the roof...
sometimes he and his friends ate lunch up there. "Do you want to meet
me on the roof during lunch?" The sleek dragon asked, feeling
strangely calm about planning his first bi sexual experience. He slid
one finger down to the horse's soft lip's again, fondling them
teasingly for a moment as Cameron answered.

"Yes the roof... I'd love to meet you up there." Cameron lips moved
taking in that finger, suckling on it gentle for a moment until the
bell rang for the next class.

"When I snap my fingers you will awake feeling refreshed and happy...
so happy that the laughter of others will no longer bother you. You
will laugh and joke about being caught sucking yourself off... stating
that no girl could do it as good. You will remember what we're talked
about here, and you are grateful to have a friend to comfort you in
your time of need." 'Snap'

Now to find Jerome... the middle linebacker that Cameron thought was
such a super sexy hunk. Come to think of it, Jerome was in Terry's
Trigonometry class next period. So Donny picked up his school stuff
quick, flashing Cameron a big friend smile. "I think I know where
Jerome is..." Donny said to Cameron softly, watching at the big draft
horse looked very happy. "I'll just meet with Jerome and talk him into
coming to the roof with us. Jerome is the big tiger, right?"

"Yep... he's got those lovely stripes... looks so handsome... you
should see him in the shower." The big draft horse babbled on
lustfully, as he picked up his fallen book off the floor. "It makes be
tingle all over when he's on top of me in the pile up... feeling his
big hard body against mine."

"See you at lunch time." The dragon called, as he darted out of the
empty classroom into the almost deserted hallway beyond. Heading
quickly off to his next class, even as his mind raced with what he'd
just learned. Donny's thoughts drifted back to what the draft horse
had admitted earlier, Cameron wanted to geld himself. 'No, he couldn't
hypnotize him into doing that... of course if the horse really wanted
to do it... He couldn't order him not to either... and he did know the
team Vet.' Donny had read about hypnotism and how far you could go
with it, still if it was something the horse wanted... Cutting one's
own balls off was a horrible thought, but at least Cameron wasn't
going to bully him anymore. Jerome the tiger is going to meet with
Cameron, on the roof during lunchtime he'd see to that much. While
that meeting was going on... well... the young Dragon shivered
wondering if he was really brave enough to go through with it.

"Oooof!" Donny bumped into Terry by mistake, causing Terry to drop his
Trigonometry books. The next thing the dragon knew his muzzle met that
face of a locker, so hard that shiny bright lights danced in front of
his eyes. "Ouch." Was all Donny could manage to say, looking back over
his shoulder to see Terry trying to get Brenda to go out with him
However it looked like their steadiness was on the rocks, the sexy
mare was still pissed off about Terry slapping her. At least that was
what he surmised, from the glimpse that he could get of her and
Terry's argument. Brenda was being cold to Terry, and now Chen's
muzzle was planted against some locker. "Hi Terry, I was just looking
for you." Donny muttered as Brenda stormed off into the classroom,
leaving the horse and dragon alone in the hall.

"Oh yeah?" Terry grunted, turning to look at Donny as Brenda stormed
away from him, the dragon could tell by the look on his long muzzle
the horse was in a rotten mood. "What the fuck do you want dweeb?"
Terry demanded, pulling himself up to his full height and glaring at
the smaller male... to intimidate him. Through the half open class
room door, they could hear the teacher starting roll call. Moving up
closed Terry pushed Donny back against the locker again, this time it
was his back that slammed into the hard metal. Suddenly the huge
stallion leaped forwards pinning the dragon against the lockers, as he
looked down into at him angrily. "You didn't hear nothing..." He
snarled warningly, it was plain he didn't want the fact that he and
Brenda where on the rocks to get out. Looking deep into the stallion
blood shot eyes, Donny concentrated and reached into the others mind.

"Sleep." Donny said clearly, only to watch Terry shake his head and
take half a step back a strange look coming over his muzzle.

"What?" The big jock grunted confused, as he shrugged off the dragon's
first try at putting him under.

"You just look tired... you need sleep I think..." Donny said softly,
never breaking eye contact with the running back... even as the horse
took another step backwards. Once again Donny felt like he was moving
down familiar pathways... his mind slowly opening before the dragons.
"Your eyelids are so heavy... your mind slowly sink deeper and
deeper." Terry powerful body was swaying, his eyes glazed fought to
stay open a moment longer before slowly closing.

"You're a twit, Terry." Donny snapped in anger, this stallion was far
less sympathetic than Cameron had been. Of course they hadn't got in
to the running backs deep dark secret, would he be as relatable as the
big draft horse. "You act like a twit... but we can change that. You
will tell Brenda that you're a twit, that doesn't deserve to be with
her. If she's smart she'll break up with you... if not, well there's
my younger sister."

"I... I'm a... a twit." Terry agreed in a weak monotone voice, as the
dragon reached out to steady his swaying body. "We can change that...
yes we can change that." The sleek stallion mumbled, apparently he
understood that he was not the most likable guy at times. "Yes I'll
tell Brenda... I don't deserve her... she's so smart... to good for
me. She' should break up with me... she will I just know it. If she
doesn't I'll just leave her for Sandra your younger sister... she's so
sexy with that scaly little tail of hers..." Donny winced as he heard
the big horse talk about his sisters tail, and for a moments felt like
telling the horse to do something nasty in class.

Donny continued with his instructions, his younger sister had a huge
crush on Terry most girls in school did. And this was the best time to
introduce his sister Sandra to Terry, since he and Brenda were on the
rocks. It was time for Sandra to find out how terrible the super
popular jock was, what a crappy furson the stallion actually was.
Hopefully he could get Terry to spill the beans that he's a twit, who
didn't deserve even half the things that were just given to him for
being good at a silly sport. Maybe it would convince his sister Sandra
to not try out for the Cheerleader team and become one of those stuck
up mean girls. Well, one could certainly hope, but there was one other
hypnotic suggestion he wanted to try. It was finding Jerome and
inviting him up on to the roof during lunch so Cameron could live out
his desires.

The big Tiger might want to have sex with Cameron, the dragon didn't
know one way or the other. While it was supposed to be Donny's first
experience being a bisexual, he didn't want to try it alone. Jerome
might like the idea of having sex with Cameron, since he tackled the
full back every time during football practice. Perhaps a threesome?
But Donny's mind was wandering, so he had to get back on task with
Terry. "You will tell Jerome that Cameron wants to meet him on the
roof during lunch time." Donny ordered firmly, as the big running back
nodded his head and assured the dragon that he would do it. "After I
snap my fingers you will wake up and remember nothing, but get to your

He saw Doug in the hallway trying to get him to class, and Donny
snapped his fingers quickly. He allowed Terry to come to his senses,
the big equine looking around kind of lost for a moment. To be fair,
he had gotten deeper into Terry's mind this time, but he wanted to
make sure that Terry and Brenda weren't an item. And that the big
bully wasn't going to be an item with his sister Sandra, since he was
going to be showing her what a twit he was...

Once released Terry looked around as if lost for a long moment, before
he wandered off to class without a look back at the dragon. The horses
mind lost in strange thoughts, all his own short comings and faults
running through his mind. As he strolled into class and took a seat
beside Brenda, who was doing her best to ignore him. Waiting until Mr.
Grundy was busy at the blackboard, he leaned over close and got her
attention. "Brenda... I'm a twit." He whispered softly, as the pretty
mare and the girls sitting in front and behind her looked over at him.

"You really so are..." The pretty mare agreed, making the other two
girl's giggle behind their hands at Terry.

"But you're smart... smart enough to break up with me and find a guy
who treats you good like you deserve." The big running back pointed
out, making the pretty mare turn her head to look at him at last.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Brenda demanded sharply, watching the
look on Terry's muzzle twist into one of confused.

"Fuck no... but I know your smart enough not to keep dating a twit
that slaps your muzzle... that fucks every girl he can get behind your
back. Hell I've even let that faggot bull on your cheerleader squad
blow me a couple of times." Terry confessed, stunned at the fact that
he was telling her every nasty thing he's done while dating her. "Am
such a pathetic bastard, I fucked Lorna's little sister while she was
passed out drunk at the lake after homecoming last year."

"You fucking prick!" Brenda shout leaping up out of her seat, and
smacking Terry across the mouth so hard it split his lower lip. "Your
one sick fucker... and your right I am totally dumping your pathetic
ass." The pretty mare yell even as she began to sob, grabbing her book
up she ran out of class. As a very confuse old bear turned around,
looking back at the suddenly laughing class.

"Ahem... well now that all the drama is over... it's time to get back
to learning about Trigonometry." The old bear grunted disinterestedly
turning back to the board, even as every other fur in the room was
staring at Terry.

Donny Chen was in Journalism rather than Trigonometry, he had
Trigonometry the next day. Journalism was sure different than all of
the other classes, not just because of the subject matter. Donny
sighed, he wasn't a reporter for the Pirate Journal, he was
responsible for the layout of the paper. The main gossip of the day
with the reporters, was the fact that Cameron the fullback had sucked
his own dick in front of the cheerleaders. The teacher, Mrs.Whippet,
who was in fact a actual whippet herself oddly enough.

"Now class, we won't dwell on the fullback's performance yesterday."
She insisted pursing her lips, it was plain she found the stallions
actions disgusting. "There is pressing matters here at school that
need addressing."

One of the reporters... Charlie a tall orange tabby cat spoke up,
quickly to that. "We have to report on it, Mrs. Whippet. In sports."

"Yes, yes I know." Mrs. Whippet replied, as kindly as she was able the
class was here to learn. "But it's an embarrassing situation for
Cameron the fullback, we are not about shaming here. Plus someone
already recorded it live, making it somewhat of an old story."

Still another reporter spoke up, it was Alice a fluffy little vixen
female. "Mrs. Whippet, you said we should go after a story lead, no
matter where it takes us." She pointed out questioningly, the issue
taxing her normally calm unflustered nature.

"Yes that's true, but we also have to consider the feelings of
Cameron," Mrs. Whippet reiterated strongly, her tone hinting that she
wanted the subject dropped. "We only report the facts, we don't tell
anyone our feelings on them."

Donny just put his head on his desk, rolling his eyes at that last
statement. Most Journalists he knew in the private sector, would
report on their feelings of what happened instead of sticking to the
facts. Donny was a libertarian, he didn't believe in this sort of
journalism where a reporter can be triggered. Donny was responsible
for the layout of the school newspaper and not responsible for
reporting any incident. That 'privilege' was revoked from him when he
stated he was a libertarian instead of a plain old liberal. His
parents were libertarians, and they carefully taught their ideologies
to their children.

Doug was a reporter for the Journal, though, he mostly did movie
reviews. It allowed him to go to the movies, where he enjoyed himself
in that wonderful twilight of fantasy. The movie theater was one place
where everyone was the same, and that held a great appeal for him as
well. "Dude, why are you uncomfortable?" Doug asked, leaning against
his friends side watching the debate with only mild interest.

"I can't stand the reporters talking about the incident yesterday."
Donny explain softly, a long sigh escaping from him as he thought
about it. "I'm responsible for it."

"How can you be responsible for it?" Doug asked, sounding extremely
skeptical about his friend culpability in the act that he'd watched at
least two dozen times online.

"I made Cam suck his own dick." Donny explained softly, making Doug
giggle softly at the silliness of that idea.

"You didn't do it, he sucked it himself." Doug pointed out, taking out
his cell phone and bringing up the video of Cameron once again. "You
can't be responsible... you're not even in the video dude." And then
he did a double take, as the shaky video flickered over the half open
gym door for half a second. Quickly the rabbit ran the video back,
pausing it in that split second to see Donny looking out the door.
"Duuuuude... you were there!" The nerdy little rabbit exclaimed a bit
too loudly, drawing unwanted stares from the rest of the class. "Why
didn't you tell me?" Doug demanded in a hushed voice this time, even
as the Dragon sat back up looking at his friend carefully. Could he
tell Doug... would that be smart... would his friend even believe him
it certainly didn't sound like it.

"Yes, I was there." Donny admitted weakly, seeing the suddenly burst
of interest in his best friends eyes. "I was there the whole time...
well until I had to run and catch my bus."

Doug licking his fuzzy lip's excitedly, and then said in a harsh
whisper. "I gotta know, tell me the facts."

"Not right now." The dragon countered, still bothered by doubts about
reveling his new found abilities even to Doug. "I'm still getting used
to it... I wagered with Cameron. I told him that I didn't believe he
could suck his own dick, and he was adamant that he could do it. So I
wagered that if he could suck his own Johnson, I'd do his Trig
homework for him. And... and I lost."

"I don't believe it." Doug snorted, he knew Donny better than anyone
else aside from the dragons family of course. "I know you, you're
bullied by the studs all the time and you always have extra homework.
What really happened?" The small gray rabbit demanded, his nose
twitching cutely as he looked closer at his friend.

Donny was caught, he knew that at once of course he was very bright
after all. His best friend knew what went on between them, Terry and
those other bullies. The dragon needed an out from the rabbit, so he
hoped that Mrs. Whippet could save him. "I uhm... " Could he trust
Doug with the knowledge of his mentalist powers? Would it be fair? Of
course he could make the rabbit forget the conversation later on, but
he really didn't like the thought of using his power on a friend.
Donny checked the clock, hoping it was nearly lunchtime, but no,
lunchtime was still a half-hour away.

"Let's get back to true Journalism, please?" Mrs. Whippet called,
giving the two young furs a disapproving look for their whispered
conversation. The elderly whippet then put Donny's name on the board
and along with Doug's. It was a basic class reprimand, and it put an
end to Doug's questioning. At least Donny was doing the layout for the
paper, which was something he really liked to do. Donny opened
Indesign up and checked his grids on where the articles should be
pasted. With the class in order, and with Doug and Donny turned back
to their homework. Donny adjusted the grid on his Indesign template,
working everything into place in the space allotted. He really liked
doing layouts, and the layouts he enjoyed doing was for the newspaper.
After adjusting the grids to Mrs. Whippet's specifications, he then
printed out the layout using greeking. He turned this in for his work
on today's class, his homework will be taking the actual articles and
laying them out. But he can't do that until the articles were turned
in, at least there were certain word lengths.


Cameron stamped one huge hoof, on the rough roof gravel as he looked
out over the campus. The big draft horse had gotten there early,
because he was so excited by what Donny had promised him. His soft
expressive lip's were twisted into an eager smile, he had been smiling
all day since talking with the dragon. And things had been a lot
better for him since then, laughing with others and even joking around
about what had happened. He'd told a couple of the guys from the team,
that he'd only sucked himself off because he couldn't find a female to
do it as good. And Ben the huge bison line fur had kind of jokingly
asked if Cameron could do it for him, when the big draft horse assured
him that he'd be happy to. The Bison's eyes had went huge, and then
Ben had shared a eager grin with his teammate. Dave the wolf outside
linebacker who had been talking with them also chuckled, saying that
he'd been interested in trying that as well. It had really made the
big stallion happy, just to think that he might be able to pleasure
his teammates. He was just reflecting on his own desires, and how they
mostly centered on giving pleasure to others. The idea of that always
made him very aroused, but he was happy to just jerk off or even suck
himself. It would be nice to have someone please him, but it really
wasn't that important to him.

Behind him the old gray metal door swung open with a creaking,
twisting his head around on his long sleek equine neck. The big draft
horse looked back, grinning and waving as he saw the thin dragon. "Hey
buddy..." Cameron called, turning around and moving back from the edge
to move over and greet Donny. "I'm here so what do you want my
friend?" The big stallion asked with a big happy smile on his soft
furry muzzle, at the sight of the dragon.

"I was expecting Jerome to be here." Donny blurted, suddenly finding
himself frightened by the idea of what he was about to do. "I don't
know when he's coming."

Donny had no idea if Jerome was coming or not really, he'd told Terry
to make it happen. His plan was to engineer the meeting between the
two football players, up here on the roof where they had a bit of
privacy. It would be perfect... as least in his fantasy plan that was
how it would work out. They'd meet and everything would be like
flowers and stuff, true love like in a Disney movie. Donny waited, he
knew he put a hypnotic suggestion in Terry's head to send a message to
Jerome to meet them upon the roof. Or perhaps the suggestion was
faulty, in any case, Donny was very nervous now that he was there.
There they were, a big Clydesdale and an eastern dragon alone on the
roof. One of them being excited to see him, and the other, Donny in
this case, was highly nervous.

It was a rare nice late fall day, the sky was pure pale blue with the
sun just warm enough to make it comfortable. Especially with the game
coming up, state championships rested on this big game, and now
Cameron was here all ready to do something with Donny. Donny had
planned the meeting between them and Jerome the Tiger Cameron had a
crush on. He was hoping that Jerome would be there first, but him
being alone with the Clydesdale wasn't what he originally had in mind.
"Do you want to have lunch together, just the two of us until Jerome
arrives?" Donny asked weakly, knowing the draft horse had been
expecting a bit more than just lunch.

"Sure..." Cameron grunted, and then the big draft horse smiled
ruefully as he realized that he hadn't brought anything to eat. The
big stallion sat down on to a brick projection that was jutting up
from the roof top. "I don't bring my lunch tho'." Cameron admitted
blushing slightly, as Donny starred at him from a moment.

Just then the door squealed again, and the big Tiger strolled out in
his black and gold Letterman's jacket. "Hey." The handsome striped
feline grunted looking back and forth between Donny and Cameron
questioningly. "Terry said you wanted to talk to me." He talked to the
big draft horse over the slender western dragons head, it was obvious
the big feline was kind of ill at ease. Like he was afraid of what the
big stallion might say to him, it seemed like everyone else he had
seen the video of Cameron sucking his own cock. And was now fearful of
what the draft horse might want to tell him, or what he might want to
do to him.

"Ammm well..." Cameron stammered, starring at the sleek striped feline
longingly for a moment... which just made the big Tiger all the more

"Look buddy..." Jerome started, when Donny stepped between the two of
them looking up at the big Tiger who was startled and looked at him
questioningly. "What are you his girlfriend?"

"Actually, I wanted you to meet Cameron." Said the dragon softly,
making the big tiger look even more uncomfortable. "Cameron is a big
fan of yours... even as you tackle him during practice. He really
likes that."

Donny then stepped out of the way and took out the lunch he purchased
from the school cafeteria. He sat down and wondered how this was going
to work out, he was really hoping it would make Cameron happy. The
dragon had got a burger and fries, so he had enough food for him and
Cameron. He wondered how the Clydesdale could go without any food,
since he had such a big frame to contain. "I'm not Cameron's
girlfriend." Donny assured, the thing was that it was more like the
draft horse wanted to be Jerome's. "But I hear that Cam really admires
you and this is as a good time as any for you to know that."

Donny started eating his burger, quickly as the two jock stood kind of
starring at each other. "Don't mind me. I'm just here to put you
together." He assured, once again noticing the look on Jerome's muzzle
twist up into a kind of uncomfortable mask.

The dragon then took another bite out of his hamburger and nervously
watched the tension in the air. He wished he anticipated what Cameron
needed for lunch, but he only had enough money to get what he enjoyed.
A hamburger cooked to perfection and he was savoring it, while
enjoying the crisp fall afternoon.

"Yeah ok..." The big handsome predator grunted, looking from the
eating dragon to Cameron who was looking far too happy. "Look yer a
nice guy... and fun as hell to tackle cuz it's a challenge right."
Once again the feline was looking nervous and unconformable, licking
at his fuzzy lip's with his raspy tongue. "We're team mates and I aint
makin' no judgments." Jerome was plainly trying to say something,
without making the big horse feel bad. More than likely because he was
trying to keep team fellowship, for the upcoming big game. It was
obvious to the dragon, than Jerome cared more about winning a silly
game than he did about Cameron. "But I aint gay or nothin'."

"Oho... naw of course you're not." Cameron snorted, although it was
pretty obvious the draft horse was fairly disappointed about the
Tigers answer. "I wasn't thinking about trying to mount you or
anything." Cameron assured Jerome, as he looked off into the distance
as the green campus stretched out in front of him. "I was just
thinking maybe ya know you'd like a blow job sometime... now that
every-bodies seen how good I am at doing it." He twisted his head
around to look at Jerome, noting the wild look in the tigers big green
eyes. "You wouldn't have to do anything for me... just enjoy my muzzle
and cum down my throat." Jerome gulped looking from his teammate to
the dragon eating nearby, it certainly sounded like a good offer. But
the tiger didn't want it getting out, that he was letting another guy
blow him.

"Ammm well... maybe just once... if..." He tossed his head at Donny,
who was still sitting there munching on his lunch silently. Cameron
smiled as he joined Jerome in looking at the dragon, and smiled softly
at the idea.

"Hey Donny buddy... would you like me to blow you to... cuz I'd love
to do it ya know."

"I know you do." Donny said softly, a faint smile playing across his
scaly lip's as he turned back to his lunch. "But after I had my

Donny was hoping never, but you can never tell with Cameron now.
Instead of wolfing his food down, Donny took small bites, savoring
each bite of the burger. He also ate his fries slowly, one at a time
even as Jerome and the stallion ate awkwardly. Eventually he would
have to finish his lunch, but not right now. He was liking the breezy
fall weather, and the bright sunlit afternoon. The changing of the
leaves into that bright riot of colors and so forth as the two jock
exchanged looks. The big game was also near, and the dragon wanted
Cameron to perform at his best. So if Cameron was happy now blowing
Jerome today, then he would play better during the big game.

Slowly went the burger, and slowly went their allotted lunch time.
"Jerome, you better let him blow you." Donny advised, without looked
at the two jocks as he was nearing the end of his food. "We are
running out of time, and I want Cameron to be happy right now."

"Yeah come on dude..." The big draft horse moaned, looking over at the
sexy tiger who was really looking nervous. "Whip it out..."

"Look I don't trust your friend... and I damn sure don't want to be
seen online getting my jointed serviced by some guy." Jerome growled,
plainly he was thinking this was some kind of set up maybe to out him
as gay just like Cameron had been ousted. Donny sighed softly, the
dragon had been hoping he wouldn't have to force anything. Turning the
sleek serpent looking into the predators big green eyes, he held the
stare a long moment. His mind reaching out... expecting to find the
big predator hard to influence, yet before he even said something. The
big feline's eyes which had gone very wide, suddenly snapped closed as
the Tiger sat there breathing deep and slowly. Turning to Cameron the
the dragon gestured, with one hand while focusing his thoughts on the
stallions mind.

"Sleep." Instantly Cameron's head dropped, it was getting ridiculously
easy to put the big horse under. Turning back to the tiger, Donny then
addressed him directly. "Jerome... your watching Cameron sucking my
hard cock right now... it's a really nice looking cock... your
impressed by it. And you will talk it up to every female you know...
especially Brenda, but right now your marveling at how skilled Cameron
is at pleasing a male. It looks soooooooo very good... and your rock
hard just thinking about his mouth doing that to your cock. Isn't it?"

"Yes I'm fuckin' rock hard..." The sleek striped feline moaned, the
sound of the desire in his voice making the dragon smile.

"Are you gay?" Donny asked the big jock, watching the feline's muzzle
as he answered that question.

"No..." The big tiger grunted harshly, that didn't bode well for
Cameron having a relationship with the sexy feline.

"But you're ok with Cameron sucking you off?" Donny asked just to make
sure, he wouldn't have to disappointed the big draft horse.

"Yes..." Jerome admitted, with a kind of naughty grin that left little
doubt he was fine taking advantage of the passive stallion.

"Would to do it for him?" The dragon asked, just to make sure the
tiger he wasn't wrong about the feline.


"What about fucking his tail hole would you do that..."


"Alright good to know... thank you. Now when I snap my fingers you
will awake up, remembering watching Cameron blowing me. I enjoyed it
so very much... but you will never speak of it to anyone but me. And
once your awake you will want Cameron to do it for you more than
anything, and once he is done to will feel ungrateful for being
unwilling to do anything for him." It most likely wouldn't work, but
Donny hoped that it made the Tiger more willing to be good to Cameron.
Standing up Donny slid his zipper down, as he moved over in front of
the big draft horse. 'Snap' Both big jocks heads snapped up, and they
looked up at the dragon as he quickly zipped his pants back up.
"Thanks buddy that was... amazing."

"Ammm your welcomed Donny." Cameron grunted licking his soft thick
lips, which were wet with drool as if he'd just finishing sucking a
cock. The plainly excited stallion glanced over at Jerome, noticing
the bulge in the big tigers jeans. "So you wanta have a go?"

"Hells fuckin' yeah!" Jerome exclaimed leaping up onto his foot paws,
and moving over in front of the sitting stallion. "That looked super
good..." The tiger moaned breathlessly, as he unbuttoned his jeans and
shoved his boxer briefs down to free his short slender feline spike.
Donny looking at it for a second, surprised to discover such a big
male had such a small organ. That didn't seem to matter at all to
Cameron however, leaning forwards the big draft horse eagerly took
that hard fucker into his muzzle. Those velvety soft equine lip's
wrapping around it tightly, even as the horses slick tongue curled
around it. As soft suction began to draw the horses cheeks in, while
Jerome stood there his legs wide away. Hip's thrust out forwards,
those big paws gripping the horse's long narrow head as Jerome's eye
half closed. "Ummm fuck dude your mouth feels so good."

Donny tried to finish his lunch, as the pair of jock's went at it
right there in plain sight only a few feet away. But he soon had his
own dick out and was slowly stroking it in the warm Autumn sun. The
action between Cameron and Jerome was very erotic, and it forced the
dragon to admit that it excited him. Donny leaned back relaxing and
stroking in the sun, and it felt very good to be doing it. "Fuck ya."
Moaned the young dragon, hardly believing how exciting watching two
guys enjoying each other could be. "This is so hot even a guy like me
has to respond."

Soon Donny had his pants and underwear all the way down around his
ankles felling the breeze on his lower body. He was stroking in the
warm light without a care in the world, below he could faintly hear
the noise from the school cafeteria. The feeling up on the roof
between the three guys was so amazing, that he make the dragon forget
about his troubles for awhile. But Donny was casually stroking,
keeping his dick rock hard yet without cumming. Donny loved it when
his dick was hard like this, so he had to stop and go to keep his dick
erect. The dragon's dick had ridges along its length and a pretty good
hole at that. Donny didn't realize that he was stroking in the sight
of Cameron, who was going to town on the tiger's own dick. Donny also
noticed that Jerome's pink feline cock was covered in rubbery spines
that plucked at the horse's soft lip's. Not too roughly, but in a way
that Cameron could probably tell they were there, not that it slowed
the eagerly suckling stallion down.

Then Donny realized he was stroking his dick outside, and quickly
pulled up his underwear and pants. "Oops." He grunted guiltily, even
as Cameron's big hand reached over... and before the dragon could stop
it engulfed his rock hard cock. The slender dragon let out a soft
moan, as that huge three fingered hand gripped his organ. And he tried
to shove it away, but the huge draft horse was some much bigger and
stronger than he was. "Ohoho... Cameron please." Donny moaned pleading
for the horse to let him go, but Cameron thought he was pleading for a
different kind of release. And so just kept stroking that ridged
length, as Donny lay back stretching his leg's out and letting that
massive hand have its way with him. He could use his powers to make
the stallion stop of course, and yet this was the first time anyone
other than himself had touch his dick.

The big striped feline grasped the back of Cameron's big broad head,
while pounding his spiny fucker down that willing throat. Excitingly
rutting the big draft horse's muzzle... almost suffocating the passive
equine jock. Cameron was growing flush and light headed from lack of
oxygen, he was rarely getting a small gulp as Jerome rutted his
throat. Even as the horses own lusts burned out of control, reaching
down his big three fingered hand tore his own thick erection out of
his baggy trousers. Tugging on that aching hard on excitedly, as the
two younger males moaned in pleasure at his efforts. Alternating
rutting his gasping suckling throat, and that huge hot hand as Donny
and Jerome tried to ignore the fact they were sharing a guy.

"I'm about to cum." The big predator moaned, looking down at the big
horny stallion to get his ok to release in his mouth. Cameron moaned
softly and suckled even harder, making it clear without words he
wanted his tiger buddies cream. "RRAWR!" The lustful young feline
exclaimed, as he humped and bucked even harder against the horses soft
round nose. The air alive with the stallion and tigers sexual musk.
And then suddenly that fat spike surged, deep down inside the horses
throat that rock hard organ tensed. And then pulsed harder... Cameron
feeling a sudden warmth in his belly as the tigers load shot almost
directly into his stomach.

"Ammm... Ammm yeah." Cameron exclaimed lustfully, around that still
spurting cock even as the last of Jerome hot spoo blasted all over
Cameron broad tongue. Making the big horse pause to lick the tigers
spiny fucker, even as Jerome looked down at his cock shooting his
cream into the others mouth.

"Damn that's super hot... watching you take my cum. Swallow it all
up." Jerome panted, shivering in delight as the big horse eagerly gulp
his creamy mess down. "Dude that's sick... but I love it." The tiger
admitted breathlessly as he slipped his now very sensitive organ out
of his friends mouth, even as those velvety lip's tugged at it again

Suddenly Cameron's smiling muzzle appeared above Donny's, and the
dragon could see creamy dribbles on those soft lip's. "Your next
buddy..." Cameron panted, and the dragon could smell the scent of
Jerome's cum on the big horse's breath as well as the musky scent of
the felines crotch. "Ahem." Donny started to deny, but it was much too
late because at that moment the horses hot mouth closed around the tip
of his tensing male hood. "Oho Gods!" The young dragon exclaimed
loudly, if he'd thought that big hot hand felt good. It was nothing
compared to the stallion mouth, Donny inhaled sharply as that soft wet
flesh engulfed his needy organ. And though he knew Cameron had teeth,
he felt nothing but smooth hot flesh on his dick. "I... you don't have
to..." The dragon babbled weakly, as he saw the grinning tiger
watching the action above him. "Ahaha... please I can't hold back."
And then his tense body felt a massive rush of pleasure, surging
through his body rushing out the tip of his cock. While rolling around
in his brain at the same time, down between his knee's he heard
Cameron gulping and swallowing. And knew the big draft horse was
swallowing everything he had to give, glancing down he saw Cameron's
huge cock flare throbbing..

Donny didn't do anything at first, he just lay there widen eyed
looking at a cock as big as his forearm. He was locked in the
afterglow of Cameron's oral servicing, plus the throbbing horse dick
was mesmerizing. It would bob up and down eagerly, and then either
left or right as it drooled clear shiny pre-cum. Sometimes it would
throb in a circle, sending out splatters of hot pre-cum as it did.
Donny had to look away from it, Cameron's dick was starting to
hypnotize him the dragon realized. The energy released during his
orgasm had washed over him leaving the young serpent exhausted yet
energized. And even as he looked away from that huge fucker, the rush
of afterglow was like a drug. The release of dopamine's in his system
was exquisitely powerful, and make him enjoy things a bit more than he
thought he would. Everything seemed so right, the energy release after
someone blew you was something else.

It was then that Jerome grabbed Cameron's massive dick and started to
stroke it with those big striped paws. "Time for you, Cam." Jerome
growled, lustfully into the draft horse's little pin equine ears as he
pressed against Cameron's back. Donny watched Jerome stroke Cam and
thought it was something beautiful going on. Jerome stroked Cameron's
member with almost precision, those furry paws like a machine as they
stroked and squeezed. Jerome knew how to stroke dicks, that is what
Donny thought as he watched. As Donny came down from his orgasmic
high, he saw that Jerome was stroking Cam from the back.

"Hot yeah." Said Jerome, stroking that huge cock of Cameron's with a
kind of wild enthusiast that spoke volumes. "Cam, is this the first
time you've been stroked by another male?"

"No..." The big draft Horse admitted, and that made Donny cringe as he
remembered the horse trying force him to suck. The dragon wondered if
Cameron had forced someone to touch him or even do more, was the big
horse a rapist.

Donny pulled up his pants once again, as he reflected on what had just
happened between him and Cameron. While wondering if the horse had
forced other smaller males to do things for in the past. Being stroked
by Cameron had been something else, and it was plain the big horse
really did just want to please. Normally the dragon stroked himself
off, but getting stroked by another guy was something else. He enjoyed
that feeling, and although Cameron didn't do it the way he imagined
it; it was still a very pleasurable experience. Jerome then growled
gruffly, as he rubbed his still half naked body against Cameron's big
round ass. "It's time for you to bend over and let me in your ass."

Donny cringed at those crude words, it wasn't something the nerdy
dragon was use to hearing. Although it looked like Jerome was going to
take Cameron from behind, the language the both of them used was
something else. Donny didn't like the vulgar nature of that language,
he thought it was unbecoming for all of them.

Donny moved away from the two jocks, realizing with disgust that he'd
gotten smears of Cameron's pre-cum on his trousers. Quickly the dragon
moved to the side, as the big draft horse dropped down onto all fours.
His tail which was bobbed short and braided popped up, as Jerome
gripped Cameron's wide furry hip's. "Yes..." The big horse breathed
gustily, his long cock dangling down under him. The Tigers claws
popping out, digging into the big Horse's thick equine skin making
tiny crimson dribbles of blood. Even as the big predator rubbed a paw
full of the draft horse's own pre-cum, over his own barbed feline
organ. And then jabbed it into Cameron's big brown doughnut like anus,
Jerome biting his lower lip as he forced his hard dick into that
quivering hole. "Owww... Yeah Ummm fuck... put it in me." The big
horse begged, while Jerome wiggled and humped lustfully working his
spiked hard on balls deep into that hot orifice.

"You liking that slut?" Jerome asked crudely, as his big body lay over
Cameron's broad back... while those paws dropped back down to the
horse's throbbing member. Gripping and squeezing it roughly, as Jerome
began to thrust in and out of Cameron's soft hole even as he clenched
down on his eager rut stick.

"Yes... yes barb me raw..." The big draft horse begged weakly, pushing
back happily to meet the tigers pounding thrusts. As Donny watch this
brutal coupling with wild eyed horror, things had been so soft and
friendly with Cameron in control. But as the big feline took over
things had quickly gotten violent, it was disturbing to the mostly
innocent dragon. He'd never knew that mating among felines was often
fast and brutal, not that it seemed to bother Cameron that much. He
was being used by the male he had a crush on, and if it hurt him the
horse was more than willing to pay that price.

Donny was overcome with feelings of horror and regret, the dragon now
regretted bringing Jerome and Cameron together. The mating was
shockingly visceral in every aspect, the two big jock's taking
something that should have been beautiful and making it ugly somehow.
Jerome was ramming his spiny meat down Cameron's entrance and he was
rutting the big draft horse like a total slut. As he watched the raw
passion of the mating, Donny vowed never to act that way to his mate.
Still, the sexual energy was charged and thick, so thick that Donny
could cut it with a knife.

His eyes met Jerome's as the grinning tiger was savagely rutting and
the serpent had him hypnotized again almost at once. "You both are
enjoying the mating..." He stated firmly, not that it looked like it
was really necessary it was plain the feline was having a great time
using his friend. As for Cameron, the big draft horse was far too lost
in the pleasure of serving the male he had a crush on to pay

"I'm enjoying the mating." Jerome repeated in a weak monotone, his
thrusting hip's never missing a beat. As his big, hot paw raced up and
down the length of Cameron huge equine rut stick, making that hard
organ ooze more and more pre-cum.

"After the mating, we will go down stairs and act like nothing has
happened." The dragon instructed stiffly, as he watched Cameron's long
cock flare widely. That pulsing organ spurting a thick, creamy load
all over the roof top below the big horse's body.

"After the mating, I will go down stairs and act like nothing has
happened..." Jerome repeated back dutifully, as Donny decided to try
to make the tiger feel something emotional.

"You won't forget... and you will be very grateful to Cameron for
allowing you to take your pleasure within his body." Donny ordered,
once again seeing a flicker of irritation cross the handsome felines
stripped muzzle. While down below, Cameron's thick horse dick shrivel
up and retreat back into the stallions sheath.

"I won't forget it..." Jerome panted, as his fuzzy balls began to draw
up, even while his rut thrust grew faster and harder.

Donny then snapped his fingers, even as Jerome came hard inside of
Cameron's clenching squeezing tail hole. Donny then ate the rest of
his lunch in two bites and waited for the rut to finish between the
two jocks. Before turning and walking away quickly, not waiting for
the horse and tiger to redress.

Hurrying back down stairs just as lunch ended, the slender serpent
tossed his trash in a nearby can. Before hurrying down to his locker,
taking out the books he would need for the coming class. Ducking into
the restroom to piss before class, strolling over to the urinal Donny
quickly began emptying his full bladder. When he heard a loud 'Thump'
and then a muffled squeal of pain, turning around he saw Dean the
third stallion on the football team who had been picking on him. The
huge coal black horse had a smaller male pinned in the back corner,
and was throwing heavy body blows on the other with one huge hand.
While covering his mouth with the other, looking closer Donny was the
frightened muzzle of his best friend.

Doug's eyes were full of tears of pain, as the big stallion smashed
that huge fist into the pit of his stomach over and over again.
"Listen up you little cunt..." Dean snarled through gritted teeth, as
he swung another brutal punch into the small rabbits torso. "You and
your sick little friends on the school paper aint gunna say a damn
thing about it." 'Thump' "You hear me?" Dean shook the little rabbit
so hard his glass's flew off, and skidded across the floor towards
Donny. "Terry and Brenda are not breaking up... and if I see anything
different in that rag I'm gunna stomp yer balls off." The dragon
tucked his cock back into his trouser, without shaking it off and
regretted it at once as he felt wetness on his inner thigh.

"Dean, stop and look into my eyes." Donny called out loudly, moving
over closer to the big jock horse and the smaller rabbit.

Dean turned around looking angry, his eyes glaring at the dragon full
of fury. "Why would I do that?" The tall black stallion asked sharply,
and yet ironically he was doing just that.

"Because you need to calm down." Donny said firmly, bring the full
power of his new talents to bare against the receivers mind. "That's
it, yes, you are in my power now." Donny felt himself pushing through
the others mind this time, it wasn't the gentle walk like it had been
with Cameron. Dean's mind kept closing door ahead of him, but the
dragon pushed right through them. His own highly charged emotional
state, giving his power more strength it seemed.

"I'm in your power . . . " Dean said monotonously, as Donny at last
took control of the jocks mind with a firm mental hand. A dark spot
suddenly forming on the crotch of the big horse's jeans, and the
dragon realized he'd made the horse wet himself. His own anger
receding somewhat, and he regretted the violence with which he'd
entered the others mind.

Doug was starring at the two of them with a incredulous look on his
short lagomorph muzzle, and then the rabbit asked. "What the hell are
you doing, Donny?"

"Shut up, Doug, I'm handling this." Donny said firmly, concentrating
on Dean's mind, discovering a new ability as he did so. He turned back
to Dean, before he had always had to ask questions to learn about
others. "You believe Doug is your friend." The dragon instructed
carefully, peeking deeper into Deans mind than he ever had anyone's.

"Doug is my friend..." Dean repeated in agreement, everyone could use
more friends after all.

"You wouldn't hurt Doug." Donny snapped powerfully, wanting to drive
home the point in the plainly violent equines mind. Flinching as he
glimpsed into Deans darker sub conscious, the tall stallion really was
more brutal than Terry or Cameron.

"I wouldn't hurt Doug..." Donny could tell he was being honest,
somewhere within the stallions mind was a line. Friends were on one
side, and everyone else was on the other... everyone else could be
hurt badly.

"You will let him go."

Dean firmly let go of Doug, dropping him back down onto his long foot
paws heavily. He walked over, picked up the rabbit's glasses and gave
them back to the lagomorph carefully. "Yes, Master." Said Dean
standing there in a hyper attentive state, as Doug put on his glasses
looking back and forth again strangely before he said.

"What the hell did you do?"

"I hypnotized Dean here." Donny explained simply, believing that was
best for the moment he could elaborate later. "Watch this, Dean you
will whip your dick out and start masturbating." Donny ordered with a
snicker, knowing this was something the horny stallion would be all to
happy to do.

"Yes, Master." Dean moaned eagerly, as he whipped out his huge meat
and started to stroke it right there in plain view of the others.

"You love stroking in public. Don't you Dean?" Donny really didn't
have to ask, he could read it in the big jocks mind... just like he
could hundreds of other things.

"I love stroking in public..." The sooty black stallion admitted with
a big smile, so far he'd only done it in the locker room. Or at other
all jock events... he was kind of known for it among the other guys.

"Doug, go." Donny started to say, even as his friend quickly picked up
his stuff and exited the bathroom. The door shut with a slow thud,
leaving the dragon confused as to what his friend was thinking.

"Now, when I snap my fingers Dean, you will remember that Doug is one
of your friends." Donny instructed again just to make sure it stuck in
the big horses brain, idly he wondered if he could do something about
the stallions violent streak. "In the future every time you are about
to hurt someone, you will instead take out your cock and start to jerk
out. Oh... and if you do hurt anyone... anyone at all... you'll lose
control of your bladder and piss yourself."

"Doug... Friend... jerk off... piss myself." Dean repeated dutifully,
his hands still sliding up and down his long equine cock. 'Snap'

Leaving the big black horse behind, still stroking his long rut stick
eagerly in the restroom. Donny ran off to his next class, passing a
sad looking Terry in the hall way. Donny could hear fragments of
whispered conversations, it seemed Brenda had broken up with the big
jock. There were also odd bits and pieces about Terry doing naughty
things with other girls and even with Randy the male cheerleader.
Having seen the way Jerome thought about letting Cameron pleasure him,
the dragon wasn't surprised Terry had used another male. It seemed
these stallion thought you were only gay if you took the passive role,
but as long as you were the one getting sucked you were straight.
Donny smiled, because by that definition he was still straight even
after engaging in sex with Cameron on the roof top. Of course that
meant that Cameron really was gay, something that was sure to get him
picked on by the other jocks.

All these thoughts were pushed out of his head however, as he settled
down in his Trig class. Across the aisle Doug was looking distracted,
even as the teacher began going over things he had on the black board.

Trigonometry was easy for Donny, since he had learned geometry and
algebra and had them down pat. The class was all about triangle
measurement. And Donny Chen had taken a lot of notes on how Trig works
and he managed to get a few A's on tests. That was why Terry had
bullied him into doing his Trigonometry homework. A distracted and
plainly upset Doug, however, was what was on Donny's mind. His first
thought was that he could hypnotize Doug into being more attentive in
class, but shrugged that thought off quickly. The rabbit was certainly
distracted about what he'd learned, but it upset Donny that his first
though had been to hypnotize his friend.

"Hey Doug, are you alright?" He asked the rabbit in whispers, even as
Doug flashed his a wide eyed look.

The little rabbit looked at the dragon, stammering in shock and
confusion to his friend. "Dude, you can hypnotize furs... when were
you going to tell me... Wait have you done it to me?"

"Yes I can..." Donny admitted very softly, his muzzle contorting as
his friend went on. "I can hypnotize other people and I was going to
tell you after school. Wha... No... no I'd never do it to you."

At that moment two sticks of chalk hit their heads, and the big bear
snarled at them. "This class is still in session..."


After the class was out of session, Doug was asking Donny a lot of
questions. As the two went to their lockers, the reporter side of Doug
wanted to know how he could hypnotize others. "So, you can hypnotize
others? Dude, since when could you do that?"

"I was struck by lightning walking home you know that... well ever
since I discovered I could hypnotize other furs" Donny answered.

The small rabbit growing more and more excited as the dragon explain,
and then he blurted out. "That's so cool, man! You really have to
hypnotize others during the talent show... the whole school will dig
your powers."

"I rather not get the school involved." Donny said softly, making Doug
pause for a moment the rabbit remembering what his friend had done to
the horse in the restroom. "I've been using it for self defense."
Donny admitted, making Doug nod his head up and down slowly as he
thought it over. "I could hypnotize anyone, including the school
nurses. But mostly I've been using my powers on the jocks, that have
been picking on us all this time. I used it on Cameron, and I used it
on Terry, and now Dean is in my power as well. I have to use it wisely
though, and that's harder than you would think it is."

"You're a super dragon." Doug pointed out with a snicker, flashing his
friend a knowing grin. "But even a super hero needs his secret

"I may be super dragon." Donny grunted, glad that his friend could see
his need to keep his abilities a secret. "But it still gets me into
trouble if I misuse it, and if those guys figure out I've been playing
them. Well I might have to do something really nasty, and I really
don't want to hurt anyone."

Dean, the black horse stud was getting his materials for his next
class when he saw Doug and Donny talking. He came up to the pair
eagerly, grinning as he saw them noticing him. "Uh, do you want to
hang out this weekend at the Frost-top?"

Doug was surprised by this turn of events, and looked over at Donny in
silent understanding. "Don't you have the big game coming up this
Saturday?" The little rabbit asked, unsure how he felt about hanging
around with the horse who had been beating him up a hour ago.

Dean looked startled, clearly he hadn't been thinking about that at
all and then said. "After the game of course, I want to get to know
you so much better buddy."

"I really can't... really, I have homework." The rabbit said brushing
the big horse off, even as Dean sadly nodded his long narrow head.

"I guess I can spend the weekend with the guys and gals then." The big
black horse grunted, patting the little rabbit on the shoulder gently.
"But we really should hang out sometime, I'll introduce you to some of
the girls."

Down the hall Dean noticed Brenda was sulking in the hallway, and the
black horse felt a rush of excitement. "Doug... Donny, if you guys
will excuse me." Dean said softly, as he turned away from them and
started the hall towards Brenda. "I got to talk to Brenda for a
minute... Oh and remember, not a peep in your paper about Brenda
breaking up with Terry."

"I have to report the news, no matter what it is." Doug said flatly
making the big horse turn to look back at him intensely for a second.
"That's what I love about you... you've got so much integrity." Dean
called with a smile, before hurrying off to catch up with Brenda.

Doug got into his locker and put his Trig books away... managing to
get out his gym bag. Donny put away his own Trig books and got out his
Science books. Chemistry this time for Donny, while Doug had running
practice for track and field. The rabbit had joined the track and
field team, and it was what he enjoyed to do.

"I wish you could hypnotize me." Doug joked as he looked back at his
friends with a rueful smile, even as Donny knew that he could if he
really tried. "I want to be able to run the 100 meter dash, without
Merlin making fun of me."

"Merlin?" Donny grunted, that was one of the jock horse that had been
picking on him and the rabbit. Merlin was a sleek long distance
running, who was mostly a verbal bully who insulted and denigrated
others. "He's on my list as well... I'll have a talk with him in my
free period after Chemistry."


Donny found the sleek bay stallion just getting redressed after
practice, the locker room was empty by that time. "Hey skinny scaly."
Merlin joked, as he saw the dragon standing in front of the trophy
case... the big horse straightened up. "What are you doing in here...
ya pencil dicked geek?" Merlin asked, surprised to see the smaller
male smile up at him as he approached. "Cuz yer out of place in the
gym, you're like a tampon in hamper full of jock straps."

"Actually I've came to talk to you." The young dragon explained, as he
starred deep into the tall horses big brown eyes.

"Is that so? What the hell have you got to talk to me about bitch?"
Merlin asked trying to stare the dragon down, which played right in to
Donny's plan. The horse's insults firing Donny's anger, making it easy
for the dragon to bring his power to bare on the others mind.

"I don't think you treat others very well." Donny explained in his
soft monotone, starring deep into the equine eyes. Pushing past the
jocks mental defenses, smashing open barred doors within his mind.

"Oh... ya don't like it huh... well you can kiss my tail hole." Merlin
snorted, slapping his big, round, equine rump with one huge hand. And
then his whole body trembled as the sleek dragon, plunged deep into
his head.

"Sleep..." Instantly Merlin's eyelids fluttered closed, and his
shoulders slumped weakly. "Why are you such and asshole."

"I'm a closeted fag... and I'm a total coward... everyone is so much
braver than me and I hate it... I hate myself."

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