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Humbling The Jocks...
Chapter 2

"So, you're a fag." Donny said softly, feeling a kind of dark
amusement at knowing that yet another of the bullies was the pansy
they had always accused him of being. "And a total coward as well,
we'll have to fix that. As you see I'm pretty thin, I've got no
muscles. I was wondering if you could strip down to your underwear."

Merlin started fiddling with his belt, thick fingers clumsy as they
worked. "Yes sir." He simpered, sounding if anything pitiful now that
he was admitting the truth about himself. Donny thought it would be
funny, if Merlin would strip down to his underwear. Of course it was
exposing one's self, but he wanted for Merlin to stop making fun of
his bunny friend. Merlin had his belt open now and he fiddled with the
zipper for a second. Suddenly the pants fell down and he had his shirt
stripped off over his long narrow head. Merlin was standing there
utterly, naked except for his underwear.

"Just how much of a fag are you?" Donny asked, feeling a kind of odd
excitement at speaking to the huge horse in that rough manner.

"I wear jockstraps... that's how much of a fag I am." Merlin answered,
and the slender dragon caught the meaning of that answer. Glancing
down the nerdy dragon smiled, sure enough, Merlin was wearing only a

"Who do you want to have sex with?" Donny asked plainly, it was a
simple enough question. "Oh and I want you to give me your clothes."
Merlin obeyed that order at once and handed over his clothes to Donny
who grinned.

"Doug... I'm very attracted to him... that's why I rag on him all the
time. Every-time I see him I feel myself getting all excited, that
sexy little bunny tail of his is so cute." Merlin rambled on for a
moment before falling silent, as he handed his clothing over to Donny.

"Good, now be brave." The dragon ordered plainly, which made the big
horse tremble all over. "School is almost over for today, but it's
still fall so you should be okay. Be brave and go home with just your
jockstrap on... Someday, we'll bring out your inner fag." With that
Donny snapped his fingers and brought Merlin out of the hypnosis,
looking at the big horse with a wicked grin.

"Yes sir I... I'll be brave I'll try..." The tall equines head jerked
up as the dragon snapped his fingers, and he looked around as if
startled for a moment as he came out of his trance.

"Ahem... wha..." The sleek equine stammered, looking down at himself
for a second and then over at Donny standing there holding his
clothes. Swallowing hard as his sleek lean body shivered a little, his
long flowing tail bobbed up and down as the Dragon spoke. "I'm
brave... who said I'm not... you think I won't do it." Merlin
swallowed hard, starring into the trophy case for a long moment as
Donny said blandly. "Wait wha... bring out my... my inner fag." The
tall horse choked looking slightly sick, as he realized that the
dragon somehow knew his dark secret.

"I know your brave enough... now don't you have one last class before
homeroom..." Donny asked softly as the horse gulped, looking around as
if seeing the world for the first time in his life.

"Just... just study hall..." Just then the bell rang loudly, making
Merlin's head snap up as he heard it. "I'm late I better go... take
care of my things please." He called over his shoulder as he turned
and raced off, Donny watched him go with a strange feeling. Knowing
that Merlin was only picking on Doug because he was attracted to him,
taking out his back pack he put the horse's clothes inside. Faintly
hearing the few furs out in the hall laughing as the mostly naked
horse trotted by, telling him to put some clothes on. And one voice
calling him a 'fuckin' Homo', although it was plainly some other jock
joking. Donny strolled off to the library to do a bit of reading, and
think about Merlin's strange relationship with Doug. Wondering if he
should explain it to the rabbit, or just let Merlin work through it in
his own way.

Donny read the Sonnets of Shakespeare again, enjoying them even more
the fourth time around. Clearly some would call him an egghead,
although he did enough Jocks' trigonometry that he could be called an
egghead. What bothered him was the relationship that Merlin had with
Doug, it was so ridiculous to think about. Doug the rabbit was
certainly one of the fastest furs on the track and field team and
Merlin was a fine long distance runner. When he'd ran the ten yard
dash before, Doug has always beaten him with ease. Of course Donny was
only a dragon, and an eastern one at that with his rather short legs.

Donny rubbed a hand over his horns, as everyone knew, eastern dragons
of the male persuasion had horns. The girls of course did not, it was
one of the ways you could tell the sexes. Donny's horns weren't the
most impressive, but then only other dragon's would care about that.
There was a lot of things that made Donny unimpressive, of course
Donny was not someone to butt heads with. The horse jocks at this
school were just that, jocks that weren't that smart or wise. Still
there was Doug to consider, was Merlin going to break it to Doug that
he was attracted to him or was the horse still to big of a coward?
Donny then decided to use his power for good and help Merlin break to
Doug the horse's attraction for him. Donny put down the book of
Shakespeare's sonnets and then got up to go find Doug. He put on his
jacket and went outside into the hallway, wandering slowly down
towards the class were Doug was.

"It's all simple math." Donny said mostly to himself, as he strolled
along looking around startled to find Merlin behind a wall starring
longingly at Doug.

"I thought you had study hall..." Donny grunted as he walked up beside
Merlin, who was standing there plainly very distracted.

"Ammmm yeah... Miss Marsden tossed me out because I forgot my pants
someplace." The sleek Stallion grunted without even looking at the
dragon, his eyes were glued onto Doug who was unaware the horse was
there. Glancing down, Donny wasn't surprised to notice the horse's
jock strap was bulging obscenely... a big damp spot on the pouch.

"Wow you really are excited there huh big boy." Donny grunted, shocked
to find one of his own scaly hands resting on Merlin's firm round ass
cheek. The warmth of the big equines body surprising, the young dragon
inhaled slowly as he cupped and squeezed that firm glut. Merlin didn't
seemed to mind his touch at all, which Donny found kind of strange and
yet exciting.

"I'm trying really hard... to be brave." Merlin whispered almost too
weak and softly to be heard, even as Donny's finger tip's rubbed over
the soft fur cover globe of his buttock. Making the damp spot of the
horse's sweat stained jock strap darken, as it grew even wetter and
wetter. Slowly the dragon's fingers crept under Merlin's tail, gently
touching the hot velvety flesh of the jock's equine tail hole. As the
image of Cameron taking that hard Tiger cock up on the roof, even as
the horse as suck on Donny's cock. Donny finding it strangely hard to
keep his mind on what he had came there to do, which was oddly
disturbing to the dragon since he considered himself pretty straight.

"Merlin... look at me for a moment..." The big horse forced his dark
eyes away from the little rabbit and looked into the dragon's eyes
questioningly. "Take a few deep breaths... and relax just listen to
the sound of my voice and stay calm." Donny advised in a gentle
monotone, pushing his mind into the big jocks head. Noticing as he did
that it just seemed to be getting easier and easier for him, practice
really was making perfect so to speak. Within moments Merlin's eyes
had closed and his shoulders were slumping, as he drifted into a deep
trance. "Feeling any better?"

"Yes..." Merlin breathed out gustily, as if being under someone else's
control was a relief to the stallion.

"Good." Donny said, as he dug the horses clothes out of his backpack
and shoved them into Merlin's hands. "Put these on, you want to make a
good impression right?"

"Yes . . ." Merlin answered, as he donned his clothes awkwardly
struggling into his pants as the dragon fondled his tail hole one last

"Now, Merlin, you are the bravest stud in the world." Donny suggested
as firmly as he could, knowing what a pitiful coward the big equine
really was.

"I'm . . the . . . bravest." Merlin repeated numbly, suddenly standing
up a little straighter, while brushed his tail and mane with his big
three fingered hands.

"You want to tell Doug that you're into him."

"I . . . want . . . to . . . tell Doug . . . that I'm in to him."
Merlin repeated slowly, even the jock's eyes dazzled better in the
faint light. Merlin was ready to tell Doug, to confess to him, that he
loved him. Well, Donny knew it had to be something else, but he cared
about Doug and he didn't want the rabbit to be alone. Sure Merlin was
a horse, but there had been stranger pairings in the past. Like the
jackass and the horse from last year in Junior High school, it had
been cute actually. Donny then felt a pang of self pity, wondering how
long is he going to be alone. Donny desired an eastern dragon girl,
but the horse jocks seemed more accessible right then.

"I'm going to snap my fingers... and when I do you will be brought out
of your trance." The slender dragon suggested, reading the equines
mind more easily now. "And you will confess to Doug." And with that he
snapped his fingers, instantly Merlin's big body jerked upright.

"What, I'm in my clothes again." Merlin sputtered glancing down at
himself, strangely feeling uncomfortable at being clothed again. "I'm
going to confess my feelings to Doug." The tall stallion explained,
and then he went to Doug, who was about to go into class.

The tall horse strolled up beside the small, sleek rabbit, until Doug
spotted him and glanced up startled. "Oh... hi Merlin." Doug grunted,
his handsome gray muzzle taking on a slightly pained look as he
prepared himself for the latest verbal barrage. But instead of
launching into some criticism or insult, the big equine just kind of
stood there tongue tied for a moment.

"Ummm hi." Merlin stammered, starring intensely into Doug's eyes,
which kind of creeped the bunny out a little. "Can we talk for a bit?"
The tall, sleek stallion pushed on... as the rabbit shoved his glass's
back on his nose and replied.

"I thought that was what we were doing." There was a kind of defensive
tone in his voice, he'd already been beaten up once today by Dean. And
although Merlin had never gotten physical with him, the rabbit was
still worried that he might. Even though Merlin was slender for a
horse, he was still about three times the rabbits size. "So what's
going on?" Doug asked kind of shocked, this was the longest he'd
talked to Merlin without being hit with a barrage of insults, taunts,
or threats.

"Ummm yeah I guess you're right, I kinda... kinda meant in private."
Merlin grunted tossing his head towards the restroom, Doug followed
his glaze. Unsure if he wanted to go some place the bigger male could
beat on him, until he noticed Donny standing not far away. Remembering
how easily the dragon had handled Dean earlier, he nodded to him
slightly and then agreed to go talk. He followed Merlin into the boys
room, and then as the big horse turned around Doug asked plainly.

"Ok Merlin what's this all about."

"Errr..." The tall stallion was taken off guard and stepped back
looking startled at the rabbits sudden aggression. "Well I just wanted
to tell you that I... I like you." Merlin stammered awkwardly as he
starred down at the plainly scared rabbit, who never the less was
starring up defiantly.

"Oh really since when?" Doug demanded, thinking back to all the times
the big jock had picked on him and hurt his feelings. "I mean you've
certainly been good at covering it up... what with all the insults and
threats. I thought you couldn't stand me." Strangely the tall horse's
eyes began to tear up and Doug was stunned at the effect his words
were having on the jock.

"No... buddy I'm so sorry I never really wanted to hurt you... It was
me I couldn't stand, not you... it was how I felt about you I couldn't
stand... You're so sexy..." Merlin was babbling wildly now, the words
spilling out in a torrent that took some time for the smaller rabbit
in unscramble.

"Wait... wait what are you saying?" Doug choked in shock, as he
realized there was a strong sweet sexual musk coming off the stallion.
Doug had noticed it before when Merlin was ragging on him, but had
just assumed the horse was getting off on humiliating and verbal
abusing him. "Are you saying your attracted to me... like sexually
attracted to me?"

"Yes." Merlin moaned as if he'd just been kicked in the nuts, and Doug
couldn't help noticing a bulge running down the horses inner thigh.

"Dude have you got a hard on right now?" The little rabbit choking,
thinking the last thing he needed was to be raped in a bathroom.

"Ammm yeah." Merlin admitted with a weak grin, the look on his muzzle
making it plain the horse wasn't about to get aggressive.

"You've got a hard on for me? Right now?" Doug asked in mind blown
shock, he'd never had any idea the big jock was gay... in fact the
horse had always acted wildly girl crazy. And then it clicked, Merlin
acted girl crazy to keep them away from him and to cover up his real
desires. The act killed two birds with one stone, by acting like a
needy sex crazed near rapist the girls avoided him. And yet no one
would think that he really wanted to fuck some guy in the ass, or suck
some guys cock. The young rabbit was impressed, he'd not thought
Merlin smart enough to come up with something like that. Of course the
real problem was Doug liked girls... of course he also found a certain
interest in guys. "Look that thing is as big as my forearm... I'm not
letting you fuck me with it."

"I... I understand I don't have to fuck you..." Merlin blurted slowly
dropping to his knees in front of the rabbit, sending a sudden surge
of excitement rushing through Doug. Reaching over the rabbit buried
his paws in Merlin's mane, even as the horse looked up at him.

"You want to do something nice for me?" Doug asked softly, as Merlin
nodded his long equine head slowly and reached over to unzipped the
nerdy rabbits baggy trousers. "You do something for me... and I'll try
to do something for you..." He promised as he felt the horse's thick
blunt finger slip his underwear down and let his erection spring out.

"Wow..." Merlin breathed, his breath hot on the sensitive exposed
flesh of Doug's throbbing cock velvety lips brushing against the head.
"Your pretty big for so small a guy..."

"Heh you think so?" Doug asked, admiring his own hard organ as it
jutted out toward the kneeling stallion's handsome muzzle.

"Yeah, see how big you are?" Asked Merlin, wrapping his big hands
around the other furs thick throbbing organ. "I've got a big hard on
for that piece of meat, it's super sexy to just look at it."

Merlin moved his long head down and kissed Doug's pulsing male meat on
its fat purple tip. It tasted salty to him and smelled of masculine
musk, soon he engulfed it with his soft equine mouth. He started to
move his mouth up and down on Doug's trembling penis eagerly, the big
horse had been dreaming about sucking a cock for years. He started
slowly, because he wanted to taste and explore all of it slowly.
Wanted to burn the memory of this into his mind, knowing he would
masturbate to that memory for the rest of his life. All of the salt
and musky taste, a pure delight even if he felt a little repulsion at
the act. It wasn't from the sex act it's self, but the taboo nature of
what he was doing. Having been taught his whole life sexual organs
were dirty, and homosexual acts were terrible filthy things to do. He
pulled away breathlessly for a moment looking up at the rabbit and
asked weakly, fearing Doug was already regretting doing this. "Would
you like me to stop?"

Doug moaned back, plainly extremely aroused by what was going on.
"Keep going." The rabbit had his hands all over that dark mane of
Merlin's, as the kneeling stallion leaned in and continued suckling.
Merlin began to move his mouth faster this time, making Doug moan out
loudly again. The moans were like candy to Merlin's ears, because they
told him just how much the other was loving what he was doing. He kept
going eagerly, making sure he tasted all of the horny rabbits pulsing
meat. He even played a single big hand over Doug's furry gonads,
adding a wave of sensation to the pleasure he was giving. He continued
to go down on the rabbit, lovingly tasting every inch of that aroused
male rut muscle. Doug was moaning louder and louder, but fortunately
no one could hear him. Not that it would have mattered to the aroused
horse at this point, even if the halls had been full of their

Doug couldn't believe it was Merlin who was doing this for him, all
that time he thought the big horse hated him. "Ammm gods your mouth
feels so good." The little rabbit moaned, rolling his hip's as
Merlin's lip's slid up and down on that aching hard organ. Soon, he
felt that he was reaching the point of no return and he spewed his cum
directly into Merlin's eagerly suckling mouth. Doug, when he stroked
himself at home, enjoyed getting multiple orgasms. But this time, he
was just enjoying getting his first orgasm with a guy. And it was with
Merlin no less, the jock who had been making his life hell... who's
mouth was now putting him in heaven. Merlin gulped that thick spoo
down happily, enjoying the sweet taste of Doug's male essence.

"Ammm that was exciting... Now you have to do something for me."
Merlin moaned huskily as he slowly stood up, working to free himself
from his own trousers.

"What is that?" Doug asked with a kind of scared look on his muzzle,
as the huge horse at last freed throbbing organ.

"Rub me please." Merlin begged, showing that needy horse cock to the
plainly intimidated rabbit. Doug took it into his fuzzy paws and
started to rub them along Merlin's aching hard meat. It was firm,
leathery, stronger than the rabbits arm and pulsing with Merlin's
surging heartbeat. Doug slowly rubbed that massive piece of meat,
making Merlin groan from being touched by the guy he wanted so much.
The big stallion struggled to hold back, wanting it to last a long
time. But the fact that his naughty desires were coming true with the
male he was so attracted to made that impossible. He watched as Doug
leaned down licking along his length, lubing that huge organ up for
his hot little paws. "Ahem squeeze it... horses like that kinda
sensation." Merlin explained weakly, feeling his massive orbs
beginning to draw up slowly as he drew nearer and nearer to his peak.

Doug rubbed that throbbing organ like a professional, gripping and
squeezing for his new friend. Like he knew what he was doing, even
though the rabbit had never touched another guy. Up and down, squeeze,
tug, tug down... then begin all over again. Doug had to use his own
spit as lubricant, licking along that hot leathery shaft. Merlin
moaning louder, and then let go of his own massive load. The white
stuff came out everywhere in six mighty spurts, that shot across the
restroom and splattered against the tile wall.

"Ohoo yeah... Ummmm wow... that was good." Merlin panted, as he
snuggled against the rabbits hot little body gently, the two of them
enjoying the afterglow. "We need to do that a lot more... I love your
thick cock buddy."


Brenda walked down the hallway in a quick sexy strut, the lush mare's
body moving that way subconsciously. She was carrying her trig
homework, she'd didn't have enough time to do it all in study hall.
She needed someone to tutor her trigonometry, but the jocks she was
used to didn't know it all that well. She needed to find someone to
study with, someone that actually had two brain cells to rub together.
She was still extremely mad at Terry, the fact that he'd been cheating
on her was bad. But his admitting it in front of everyone, he wasn't
acting like himself at all today. She read what she needed to read in
her trig book, and it matched the lecture. And yet at released time it
still wasn't all that she needed to know, she needed someone smart to
study with.

If anyone could help her with Trigonometry, it would be Donny Chen she
thought to herself. The little dragon guy was weird to say the least,
but at least he was knowledgeable in trig. Oddly she had heard his
name maybe a dozen times today, Cameron, Dean and even Terry had
praised him in one way or another. The pretty horse girl was on a
mission to see him now, she found him standing at his locker.

"Donny." She said, making the slender little dragon looking up
startled at her, she could read the excitement and delight in his eyes
at seeing her.

"Errr..." The slender dragon stammered shocked, he hadn't though
Brenda had even known his name. "Wha... what can I do for you Brenda?"
He asked shocked at the fawning tone in his own voice, hoping the
pretty mare hadn't noticed because it just sounded so prevy.

"Your good at trig right... everyone sez your good at it." Which was
true, even Terry had bragged about how good the dragon was at math and
trig. Of course she had heard other things about the dragon, from a
couple of different sources. All about how masculine the serpent was
where it counted, she trusted Cameron's words on that. Mostly because
it was now plain to her that the big full back was a cock slut, who
loved studying other males junk. Of course that really didn't matter,
she wasn't here because she was looking for a boyfriend after all. She
was wanting his brain not his cock, putting on a warm friendly smile.

"Ammm yes pretty good sure." Donny admitted modestly, feeling blush
burning on his cheeks as the pretty mare smile at him. Instantly
causing a stirring within his trousers, even as he noticed and dozens
of furs had paused in the hall to watch them speak. "Do you need...
would you like help with it? I could help you with it if you like..."
He blurted eagerly, making the sexy mare's smile widen as she listened
to him. It was plain from the way his was gushing all over her, that
she could get him to do anything she wanted.

"Would you?" She asked in a soft husky voice that just dripped of
sexual innuendo, slowly she licked his thick lip's. "I really would
love for you to help me study... I need you." She purred softly so
that only he could hear her, noticing the hefty bulge in his pant jump
as she said that. And knew she had hooked her fish, he was in her
control now. "You live on 4th right? I'm just two streets over, do you
think you could come over after school and help me study tonight?"

"Ammm... sure." Said Donny weakly, feeling a bit light headed as he
nodded his sleek head swiftly. "I can come over and help you study
Trigonometry. It's easy for an explanation, and I can show you how to
do everything on the assignment." Was she coming on to him? She
certainly made his pants bulge, his poor erection was screaming to be
let out. But could not be in public naturally, still her flirting had
certainly been exciting to him. Maybe he could use his hypnotism on
her, make her dress less for studying perhaps. All the possibilities
were running through his head, as she smiled kind of gloatingly at
him. 'No, he decided not to make her dress down.'

After school was a time when all the kids were let go. The last bell
rang, and Donny took out his Trig homework from his locker. The
dragons bulge had gone flaccid, but his heart was still racing. The
blood singing in his ears... he felt pressure, pressure to do what?
'To tutor? Or to see Brenda in something else besides her clothes?'
"Hey." Doug greeting as he came hurrying up behind Donny, the rabbit
sweaty and flustered looking.

"Doug!" Donny grunted, looking back over his shoulder at the plainly
intensely excited looking rabbit. "You nearly gave me a fright!"

"Yeah, sorry. Ummm anyway about Merlin." Doug blurted in a harsh
whisper, that was hardly quite at all. "He's a faggot... a big sissy

"Why do you say that?" Donny asked with a faint smile, making the
rabbit arch a eyebrow at that. "What happened?"

"Ohooo nothing special, just that he sucked me dry in the restroom
this afternoon." Doug crowed as happy as the dragon had ever seen his
Lupine friend, bouncing up and down on his long foot paws. "And then I
stroked him... pawed him off ya know to return the favor."

"Oh." Donny Chen breathed, kind of surprised his friend had done these
things... and yet at the same time knowing it made sense. Doug was
almost stereo typically horny, rabbits and fox always got that that

Doug then confided in a slightly better whisper, that was still far
too loud to be inconspicuous. "He wants me, ya know sexually and it's
kinda scary. But..." The rabbit's voice choked off, it was plain he
had a lot to consider. "Can you come over tonight?"

"I'd like to Doug, but I promised Brenda I'd help with her homework."
Donny explained, and then did a double take as that revelation seemed
to go right over his normally sharp minded buddies head. "But what do
you need my help with?"

"I want to wear something special." Doug said vaguely, as the two of
them climbed onto the bus to go home.

Donny thought about it for a moment, and then grunted softly to his
friend. "I'll help you with it tomorrow morning... promise."

The bus ride home was frustrating, it seemed to take forever to the
young dragon. And he had Doug there to give a whispered blow by blow
or in this case blow by paw job of what had happened with the horse
jock. The nerdy rabbit was rambling wildly as he went on about the
jock pleasuring him, and his own natural curiosity in that direction.
It kind of shocked Donny that Doug was voicing his own taboo desires,
and the dragon got the feeling his friends was going to do even more
with the horse. "You know I've love to do it with a girl, but Merlin's
mouth feels really nice and unlike the girls he's willing to do stuff
with me." Doug then went on to admit that he really liked the feeling
of Merlin's organ throbbing in his paws, and the taste of that male
organ wasn't at all bad when he'd licked it. By the time the rabbit
got off the bus, Donny was more than tired of hearing about it. In
point of fact, the dragon was still coming to terms with his own
experience on the school roof with Cameron that same.

When he bounded down off the bus at his house, which was only five
stops up from where Doug lived. The dragon was reflecting on how
excited his friend had been, so much so in fact that he'd completely
failed to react to Donny's announcement that he was tutoring Brenda.
Something that normally would have been big news to the rabbit, of
course Doug had just had his first sexual experience with another fur
ever. Which for the nerdy virgin rabbit was a very big change, he'd
kind of lost his virginity in a way. Donny hurried into his house,
quickly running up to his room he did his own home work. And then took
a quick shower, before going down to have dinner with his family, only
his younger sister seemed to sense something was up.

After dinner he went back up stairs, got his book and things together
before heading out to Brenda's house. It was a good fifteen minute
walk over to her street, the house wasn't hard to find as it was large
and brightly lit. There seemed to be a party going on, and the older
mare who answered the door looked at him and smiled curiously. "And
what can I do for you sweetie?" She asked with a half empty Martini
glass in her hand, taking a sip as the young dragon explained that he
was there to tutor Brenda in trig. "Oh I see... I'm Tara... Brenda's
mom." She introduced herself laying one hot hand on the young dragon's
arm, as she dragged him into the house. "Just go up those stairs...
Bren's room is the second door on your right." She explain, before
smacking the young serpent on the butt as he walked away from her,
making Donny blush brightly as he glanced back, before he started
climbing the stairs.

"Errr thank you miss's... Errr Tara." The young dragon croaked, as he
slowly went up stairs and strolled timidly up to Brenda's bedroom
door. He knocked softly, hearing the young mare invite him into her

The room smelled delightfully sweet, as if someone added some air
freshener to it. And there was the faint scent of the young mare's
natural scent, that added a wonderful muskiness. There were the usual
vanity with various makeup's, a light, and a good mirror. The carpet
was red shag that spoke of the houses past, the walls were painted a
sickening pink. But were mostly covered in posters now, rock bands and
teen idols for the most part. And on the bed sat Brenda, the pretty
mare looking even more so in the homey clothing she now wore. Brenda
had her books open and wore short shorts, that were in fact a bit to
short as a lot of her sexy round butt had been revealed. "Ready for my
lesson, Mr. Chen." She said breathlessly, making Donny almost trembled
at how sexy she looked and sounded.

She was super hot, there was no doubt about that at all. Her breasts
were hidden by a loose fitting T-shirt, but Donny could tell she was
wearing no bra. She must have hurried and changed her clothes...
putting on perfume it was thick in the air around her. 'Perfume?'
Donny could smell cherries coming off of her, as well as that
delightful musk. It was simple Calculus, everything about her said
femme fatale. Donny could not help but feel hot in the room, and
tugged at his collar a little subconsciously. It was tempting to take
off his clothes, but he decided not to. 'What was she getting at?

He sat down on the bed, taking out his own Trigonometry homework and
turned to the chapter they were both on. It was about the sine and
cosine of a triangle, and to him was very simple indeed. "Look it's
simple to understand. The cosine is reciprocated by the secant. They
are used in Triangle Measurement like so... just get out your graphing
calculator and let's do one problem together."

So Brenda got out her graphing calculator and worked out the
calculation as he watched. The answer came out like a sine wave, and
Donny could help but chuckle. "Oh, it's so simple, I get it now."
Brenda exclaimed excitedly, her big dark eyes sparkling with delight
and understanding. "See, it's simple when you explain it." The pretty
mare said happily, flashing a bright smile at Donny that made his
heart skip a beat.

"I knew you'd get it." The slender dragon congratulated, returning her
smile shyly even as the big mare placed a friendly hand on his arm. It
instantly reminded Donny of her mom, making him blush hard at what he
was feeling. The young dragon was very much excited by this, her
mother had been shocking forward with him. And now Brenda was flirting
with him... well at least he thought she was flirting. There was one
sure way to find out of course, but he resisted the urge to put her
under. He wanted any relationship with her to happen naturally, not
because he used his powers on her. "You're very smart really."

"Thank you Donny... that's nice of you to say." The pretty mare said
softly, as she worked through another calculation.

"I don't know why you try to down play it." Donny admitted, as she
once again came up with the correct answer with seeming ease.

"Because I'm pretty and popular..." Brenda explained, as she looked up
from her homework starring hard at him for a long moment. "Because...
in school pretty popular girls aren't smart, or more to the point
smart girls aren't allowed to be popular." There was a kind of sadness
in her eyes, that she wasn't allowed to be herself. "I'm most likely
going to tell the girls that I tricked and teased you into doing my
homework for me." She admitted with a naughty smirk on her long
muzzle, as she finished her trig homework and set it aside. "You can
tell your buddies I gave you a handy for doing it... if you like."

"No... I don't think I'm going to do that." The young dragon blushed,
as the buxom mare stood up and moved over to her closet.

"You really are a funny guy Donny Chen." Brenda observed, taking a
couple of bottles out of a nearby desk, she also took out two glass's.
"Let's have a drink or two... Do you like Bourbon or Vodka?"

"Where... where did you get that?" Donny asked, more than a little
startled that his dream girl would have alcohol in her bedroom.

"Mom and Dad have parties all the time, and there's always half empty
bottles laying around." She explain, and in fact the party going on
down stairs had been growing steadily louder as the night when on.
"They're to hung over in the morning to keep track of them all, I can
always pick up a hand full. How do you think I got my rep as a party
girl, I'm always bringing the booze."

"Isn't it illegal for us to drink alcohol at our age?" Donny Chen
asked, the look of discomforted was plain on his scaly muzzle. He was
really concerned with drinking, and what it might do to his power. He
could hypnotize that's for sure, but doing it while drunk? Of course
alcohol impaired judgment, and might lead him into abusing his
abilities. 'No, he can't.' "How about water instead?"

"What's wrong with booze?" Brenda asked with a giggle, as if sensing
his nervousness she lay her hand on top of his. "It's alright..."

"It's illegal, right?" Donny question again, hoping she would get the
hints he was throwing out.

Brenda then said softly, flashing him a smile that was designed to put
him at ease. "What's the matter, you afraid to drink with me?" The
pretty mare teased gently, trying to get the uptight intellectual to

"It isn't that..." Donny said slowly, not willing to admit the true
reason for his reluctant to break loose and get intoxicated. "I'm
allergic to ethyl alcohol." He lied awkwardly, blushing hard as the
smirking mare saw through his weak attempt at deception.

"Nonsense." Brenda dismissed, pouring a cup and offering it to the
nervous dragon as he at lasted faced the truth. "Here, it will make
you feel better... put you more at ease." Brenda pressed, applying
peer pressure as only a sexy female could... even as Donny knew he had
to use his abilities.

"I'm not down with anything." Donny countered, focusing his mind on
the task at hand even as Brenda took a long drink from the cup. "I
don't need the booze, what you need to do is look into my eyes." The
handsome young dragon invited, making the smiling mare pause looking
at him curiously.

"What's the matter?" Brenda asked, as she sat the cup down and then
looked into his eyes. "Their nice eyes..." She flirted starring deeply
into his eyes, which sent a surge of sexual excitement racing through

"Just look into them." Donny said sending out his thoughts into her
mind, it really was a complex mind. He was going to hypnotize Brenda,
and yet that was proving to be no easy task. Brenda starred deeply
into Donny's eyes and listened to his monotone voice as he spoke,
slowly entranced. After a few more moments of mental struggle, she put
down the half full cup of Vodka and stood there in entranced. A quiver
ran through Donny's slender body, as he realized that he now had his
dream girl hypnotized. "Yes, yes you are under my power... now put the
Vodka back."

"Yes sir." Brenda mumbled softly, as she poured the cup of Vodka into
the bottle and placed it back into her cabinet.

It was the sir that did it... a simple word used as a polite or
respectful way of addressing a male, especially one in a position of
authority. "Sir yes I like that..." Donny admitted softly, the
monotone leaving his voice... it was like velvety now. "From now on
when we are alone you will call me Sir or Master... Do you

"Yes master..." There was a honeyed tone in the sexy young mares
voice, plainly she was enjoying the idea of having a master. The word
master only made the blood sing within his veins, and his heart began
to pound surging blood to his groin. Standing up the dragon walked
over to her bedroom door, locking it before turning around to look at
the mesmerized mare again.

"Do you want me as a boyfriend?" He asked, tortured for the long
moment it took Brenda to answer this question.

"Yes master..." The sexy female replied in that same sweet tone, that
made his male organ ache with his trousers. The nerdy dragon's
underwear were damp with his pre-cum now, and his cock was pulsing
even harder.

"Good... from now on in public I'm your new boyfriend, in private
though you will know me as your master." The young dragon said firmly,
as he slowly moved back over to the bed. "Later you will tell me all
about your interests, and why you want to be submissive to a master. I
will call you pet. Now pet in a moment I'm going to release you, once
your awake I want you to take off all your clothes. You will then come
over to me and take off my clothing, and then you are free to do
whatever you like. I'm going to snap my fingers, you will awake
feeling refreshed and not remember any of this."

'Snap' Brenda's head snapped up and she looked at Donny, smiling as
she saw him standing there looking at her. Licking her full thick
lip's, the buxom mare lifted the Tee-shirt off over her head. And
Donny felt the room spin around him, as she stood there topless for a
instant. Before dropping her shirt, and then shoving her shorts and
panties down those shapely thigh's. Donny gulped for air sitting down
heavily on the corner of the bed, as his dream girl stood there in
front of him completely naked.

"Oho Wow." The young dragon panted with a dry mouth, as Brenda
strolled over to him slowly. Bending over she carefully unbuttoned his
shirt, even as her soft breasts flopped in his muzzle. Making him feel
even more dizzy, as the delightful scent of her naked body filled his
senses. Finishing unbuttoning his shirt, she stripped it off of the
slender dragon. Those soft hot hands rubbing over his bare chest, and
then down his belly to his trousers. Unbuttoning them with her nimble
finger, working his zipper down all the way. She knelt on the floor
between his knee's, gripping the leg's of his pants she tugged hard.
Jerking them out from under his ass, and then down his scaly thigh's
until they were pooled on the bedroom floor. Next she reached up and
gripped the waist band of his silk boxers, even as his hard male organ
strained to get out.

"You don't have to do this." Donny choked as the pretty mare looked up
at him, smiling widely as she yanked his undies down. Suddenly the
blushing dragon found himself completely nude, even as Brenda stood
there in front of him nude herself. "Wha... wha... what are you going
to do now?"

"I'm going to rape you of course..." Brenda teased lewdly, as she
pushed him down on the bed and straddled his thigh's.

"Wha... Wha... What?" Donny stammered in shock and fear, gulping as he
looked up at the mare sitting on top of him. "You... you're not
serious?" The young dragon panted clearly slightly panicked, since he
really wasn't strong enough to resist the mare very effectively. When
suddenly Brenda began to laugh, even as she grabbed his scaly hands
guiding them to her soft breasts. Donny's eyes widened as he suddenly
found himself fondling her tits, his breath coming out in excited
pants now.

"I'm just kidding... I wouldn't rape you master." It was that same
honeyed tone in the sexy young mares voice, it was rich with feeling
and even affection. "I just want to make you happy... This is making
you happy isn't it?" She asked in a kind of pouty tone, as her soft,
warm hands began to play with his throbbing erection. Donny lay back
as her warm hands squeezed and stroked his stiff manhood, sending
shivers of pleasure running through the slender dragons body.

"Ohoooo gods Brenda..." Donny exclaimed in shocked delight, at the
sensation's racing through his loins. Panting so hard he was becoming
light headed, even as his hands seemed to have a mind of their own.
Groping and squeezing the sexy mares soft breasts, finding her hard
nipples his fingers stroked over them. Drawing long loud moans of
delight, before gripping and pinching them roughly.

"Ummmm yes master that feels so good." Brenda whimpered as he tugged
on those firm nipples, as one of her hands began to fondle his
testicles. While the other gripped his pulsing shaft, stroking up and
down its length teasingly slow. Even as a slimy string of pre-cum
spilled out of the tip of his dick and greased the palm of her hand as
she moved it up and down his male organ.

"Ahaha gods yes... Brenda that feels really good..." Donny moaned
weakly, unable to keep his hip's from bucking and thrusting up as the
pretty mare looked down at him.

"If you like that... just wait until you feel this sir." The pretty
mare giggled as she rubbed the underside of his organ against the
velvety flesh of her equine sex. It was very hot... and excitingly
wet, the air hot and moist in the room now, the scent of her arousal
thick in the air around them. Donny's eye's bulged out of his head,
and he half sat up looking down at her dripping sex in wonder.

"Wha... Wha..." But even as he fought to formulate the question, the
sexy equine lifted herself up and then with a bright smile impaled
herself on his stiff member. "OHO MY GODS!" The young dragon squealed,
as his needy organ sank into the depths of her body smoothly. Her
juices running down his organ, and drooling onto his balls and crotch.

"Weehehe... Yes master you feel wonderful inside of me... I was hoping
when you came over... that you would take control... I never let Terry
do this... ya know. I just blew him or let him ride my tail hole." She
explained, even as Donny's cock head pushed up against a blockage
within her sweet sex... a moment later she threw herself down and that
springy blockage gave way. "Owwwohoo." Brenda whimpered in pleasure
and pain as it did, and the young dragon realized in shock that he'd
just taken her virginity...

That is where his dragon cock belonged, inside of a hot girl like
Brenda. Donny could hardly believed it, he had just took the virginity
of the most popular girl in school. Something even her former jock
boyfriend hadn't been able to manage, and it sounded like Terry had
been trying hard to do it. And she was called him Master, just the
thought of that sent shivers racing down his spine. Actually, he had
hypnotized her of course and she had became his, although it sounded
like she had been secretly hoping to be dominated. He didn't know what
was the best thing, being inside of Brenda or hypnotizing her into
being his slave. "Ohooo..." His cock had ridges on it, and they were
rubbing against her pussy walls, giving her maximum pleasure. He felt
a sudden thrill knowing that he was no longer a virgin, he'd have to
tell Doug about that tomorrow. Now he was a Master, Brenda moaned
again as she felt his ridges rub against her insides as she rode his

"Does Master enjoy being inside me?" The pretty mare asked self
consciously, plainly she was insecure about her new masters feelings
for her.

Donny responded with a lustful whimper, the pleasure of that beautiful
tear drop shaped mare sex mind blowing. Actually his brain was going a
thousand miles an hour, as he imagined the things they could get up
to. Oh the outfits he could make her wear to school, and the best part
watch her take off in private. He was sorry that she could respond to
him as her master only while in private, that had been a mistake on
his part. But now he wanted everyone to know that Brenda was his
slave, something he would have to address later. If that meant
breaking the. . .

"Master, don't you enjoy me?" Brenda asked again, breaking his train
of thought even as her lush body moved atop him.

"Oh it feels so good to be inside you, slave." Donny responded
happily, flashing the sexy young mare a eager smile.

"Yes thank you, you're wonderful, Master." Brenda moaned in pleasure,
her hot sex winking and squeezing his ridged organ. "Your cock feels
so nice inside me... thank you so much for... for taking me."

She started to move up and down as she spoke, riding his throbbing
cock as he fondled those soft breasts. She wanted him to come inside
of her, to fill her up with his seed, to be claimed by this sexy
dragon. "Oh yes, thrust inside me, claim this body for your own!" The
sex mare exclaimed loudly, making Donny wince as he suddenly
remembered her parents and a lot of other adults were in the house
with them.

Still Donny couldn't help starting to thrust, moving his hips, he
tried to move in time with her moving up and down. It took a few
stabbing tries, but he finally got the rhythm right. When Brenda moved
up, he pulled his crotch down sliding his pulsing organ out of that
velvety sex. When Brenda moved down, he thrust back up burying himself
to the hilt inside of her. He didn't know that his ridges were
scraping against her G-spot, which made her moaned in time to his
thrusts. "Yes, oh Yes... claim me, Donny," She begged eagerly, as he
lay back on her plush bed thrusting as best he could. "I need you . .
. I need this . . . Please, Master, please claim me. Please cum inside
me and fill me up!"

"Oh yes I claim you... you belong to me now pet." It didn't take very
long, after all it was Donny's first time with a girl, and this was
Brenda. "Here... here it comes... here I cum." He moaned between
gritted teeth rocking his hip's faster, shooting several times up into
her scalding hot sex. Filling her up to over flowing with his hot
dragon seed, even as the two of them bounced and withered. Slowly they
both slowed to a stop, laying on Brenda's big bed gasping for breath.
Brenda unable to have a squirting orgasm, but she wasn't looking for
that. She wanted to be claimed, to be owned and to be his alone. She
had a Master now, and now he had filled her up with his hot cum. That
was all she needed, and it filled her with a pleasure that went beyond
sexual delight. As they enjoyed the afterglow, Donny thought of all of
the possibilities. 'What to do now? They were more than boyfriend and
girlfriend, they were truly lovers in a way that went farther than

"Slave, do you have any hot swimsuits?" The nerdy dragon asked, as
Brenda leaned down and kissed him lustfully on his mouth. The kiss
lasted a long time, and Donny was feeling excited again when she at
last broke the kiss.

"Yes sir... I've got three." The pretty mare admitted as she lay atop
his body, snuggling and rubbing her big hot hands over his naked body.
"Why do you ask?" The pretty mare asked, as she kissed along his long
serpentine neck as they snuggled together.

"I'd like to see you in them..." Donny said flatly, stunned to hear
the demanding tone in his voice, this dominant side might have been
new to him. Yet it just felt right somehow, like it was the way he was
meant to be. "You're going to model them for me pet. When I get back
from the bathroom." The slender Dragon explained forcefully, as he
rolled her off of him and stood up. "Ammm so where is the bath room?"

"Across the hall sir." The sexy mare said as she stood up, walking
across the room gloriously naked to the dresser. Leaving silvery white
drop's of dragon cum on the hard wood floor as she did, Donny turned
and strolled across the room. He was out in the hall with the bedroom
door closed behind him, before he realized that he was still naked and
covered in sexual fluids. Still it wasn't like it mattered if anyone
saw him, he could just use his powers on them to make them forget
about it. Opening the bathroom door, he stepped inside and closed the
door behind him locking it. Before turning to discover that he wasn't
alone, Tara Brenda's mother was vomiting into the toilet. As he stood
there looking at her, Donny realized that the older mare was dry
heaving at that point. Slowly the plainly drunken mare lurched to her
hooves, looking around blurry eyed at the young naked Dragon.

"Oho... look at you... Huhuhu." She chuckled in a low, husky, aroused
voice, as she staggered over towards the young Dragon. "Sexy in your
altogether..." Donny could smell the alcohol, cigarettes and stomach
acid on her breath, even as she looked him up and down owlishly. "So
you fucked the little slut." Tara sneered, as one of her breasts
slipped out of her low cut evening dress... it looked saggy even if
bigger than Brenda's. "If that's what ya wanted... you should have
come to me... Hic." The drunken older mare licked her lip's as she
stepped closer, grabbing his jutting organ in one sweaty hand. "I can
rock your world kiddo..."

Donny felt a wave of repulsion sweep over him, as the older mare
grabbed his semi hard organ. Her big three fingered hand was hot and
sweaty on his throbbing organ, but what really bothered the dragon was
that Brenda's mother was such a bad parent. She leaned in trying to
kiss him, but Donny put his hand up between them. Feeling guilty, that
he found a certain desire within himself to take advantage of her
drunken offer, there was something hot about having had a mother and
daughter. Still Tara wasn't at all sexy in this slovenly state, in
fact it sickened the young dragon. "Stop it." He snapped aggressively,
even as the big older mare pushed her naked breast up against him as
she stroked his serpentine organ.

"Oh come on sweety... don't be that way." Tara moaned, as her big warm
body rubbed against his naked form excitingly.

"This is no way for a mother to act." Donny pointed out sharply,
trying to push her away... but that equine body was far too large and

"How do you think I got to be a mother, cutie?" The big mare asked
jokingly, as she tried to kiss him again making the dragon wince.
Reaching up he grabbed a hand full of her long flowing mane, using it
to twist her head around so that he could look into her eyes.

"Sleep..." He snapped a bit more forcefully than he had intended,
instantly the big mares eye's went glassy. Even as he examined her
mind, she was smart enough however being so intoxicated made her mind
simple to over power. Donny looked over her memories, discovering that
her and Brenda's father had a cuckolding fetish. He was stunned to see
that she had fucked Terry, when her daughter wouldn't put out for him.
It was stunning to the young dragon who had good caring parents, that
two adults could be so perverse and neglectful towards their only
child. And then he discovered that Tara believed, that her husband
wasn't even Brenda's father. All of this was shocking to the dragon,
and he shook his head as he focused on planting suggestions within her
mind. "You drink too much... you're going to have to stop doing that."
Donny said firmly as he pulled his male organ out of that sweaty hand,
and stepped away from the swaying mare.

"I drink too much..." Tara repeated drunkenly as the young dragon
reached into her mind and filled it with memories of his own mom. "I'm
going to have to stop."

"Also from now on your going to be a better mother, one who cares
about her child more than she cares about her own pleasure." Donny
grunted calming down a little, as he thought about his own mom. "That
means no more hitting on your daughters boyfriends or school mates...
that's just sick."

"Goina be a better mom, not goina be a sicko." The drunken mare
slurred weakly, as she swayed back and forth.

"When I snap my fingers you're going to wake up, but forget you've
seen me. Alright now go lay down in the tub, and sleep it off." Donny
ordered, watching as the intoxicated horse staggered over to the tub
and climbed into it. 'Snap' Instantly Tara began to snore softly,
walking over to the toilet the young dragon emptied his bladder. He
was just shaking off, when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Tara honey are you alright?" Realizing that he wasn't likely to get
out of the bathroom, without reassuring Brenda's father. He called out
softly through the wooden louvers on the door, to the big stallion
standing out in the hallway.

"She's fine... just taking a little nap in the bath tub, don't worry
there's no water in it."

"Oh... heheh that's my girl." That resounding voice chuckled, Donny
got the feeling that the stallion wasn't going to go away. So he
unlocked the door and opened it, the big stallion standing there
smiled down at him. Looking over his naked body with more than a mild
interest, a wide smile splitting his soft expressive equine lip's.
"Did you have fun?" The big stallion asked with a lustful leer, that
made Donny grimace in disgust.

"I just needed to pee, Mr. Hoffmann." The young dragon replied
truthfully, even as the older horse looked down at his erection.

"Heh call me Jimmy. Oh come on... Tara's a real fun lay huh? It's ok I
like knowing other guys have enjoyed my wife." The big, older stallion
assured as he peeked in at his sleeping wife, noting that one of her
breasts was hanging out.

"I wouldn't know." Donny answered, feeling his anger coming back as
Jimmy smirked at him.

"You know you don't have to stop just because she passed out. Why
don't you just go ahead and finish while I watch, I'll tell her all
about it later, she'll get a real kick out of that." Jimmy offered
which turned the dragon's stomach, looked up into the eyes of the
nastily grinning stallion. Donny pushed his mind into the others head,
finding that he big stallion was nearly as drunk as his wife.

"You're feeling very sleepy and relaxed." Donny droned in his soft
monotone, Jim's mind was much less complex that Tara's. And burned
with naughty sexual desires, the dragon reading all kinds of things
there. The big older males eyes turned glassy and he stood there
drooling as the young dragon peered into his mind. Jim had watched
Terry rut his wife, and had later licked the younger stallion's cock
clean. And then eating that fresh young cum out of his wife's sex,
later on he'd sucked Terry's cock to get him hard so he could rut Tara
again. He'd even dressed up like a mare and let Terry fuck his tail
hole once or twice, while Tara had watched and laughed at him. "From
now on your going to do your best to be a better father... You are
going to stop drinking and partying so much, you're going to stop
having sex with teenagers." He pushed a bunch of memories of his own
father being a good dad into the big horses mind, while sending
feelings of guilt and disgust about what the stallion had done with
Terry. "As for your sex life... keep it in your bedroom and keep it
private between consenting adults. When I snap my fingers you're going
to wake up, but forget you've seen me. Then you're going down stairs
and send your guests home... the party is over." Strolling out of the
room and across the hall, Donny snapped his fingers. And then stepped
inside of Brenda's room closing the door behind him, as the big, older
stallion's head lifted up sharply.

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