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Humbling The Jocks...
Chapter 5

Donny returned to school the next Monday, after spending the weekend
inside either Brenda or Monica. Once again Brenda walked over to catch
the bus with him, both of them were ready to face school again. The
jock bullies were taken care of, but there would be new challenges on
this warm fall day. He noticed a lot of people in shorts, but what
surprised him was Davie and Terri. Of course Donny recognized Terry
right away, or he might have if Terri wasn't wearing so much makeup.
It took the young dragon a few minutes to understand what was going
on, his post hypnotic suggestion had blossom into something wild it
seemed. It was funny how these things seemed to morph and change,
because of what was in furs own minds. What had started out as him
trying to distract Terry with a bit of revenge sodomy, had been
morphed by the stallions own desire for pleasure. Reaching out with
his mind, he confirmed what he suspected; under his normal clothing
Terry was wearing girlie underwear. And there was something going on
with Davie the big bull, looking into that the eastern dragon was
shocked to see what was going on between them. Donny breathed a sigh
of relief. when Doug caught up to him... as they were going into the
school's grand gallery.

"Hey." Doug called, as he bounced up to greet Donny, explaining that
Merlin was driving him to school these days. "It's a warm November
day, huh? Did you miss trick or treat?"

"Nope, can't say that I have." Donny said as he flashed his best
friend a smile as they strolled down the hall. "Although I had the
time of my life with Brenda and Monica over the weekend." That
statement made the little rabbit look at him with intense curiosity,
and somehow Donny knew Doug would be asked more about that later on.

"So, did you get your part of the economics homework done?" The little
rabbit asked, making the dragon snicker at his friend plainly thinking
he'd done nothing but rut all weekend.

"Yeah, we've got a business plan all hashed out over the weekend."
Donny assured still smirking slightly, as he went on to explain. "We
are going to present it to Dean and Candice in economics class later
today. What about you? Did you find the clothing supply store?"

"Yes." Doug replied simply as right at that moment they heard a locker
door slam loudly. It was Monica, standing in front of a tall lanky
black maned male lion. The male lion looked like he was on the
Basketball team, as he was wearing a lettermen's jacket with a
basketball on it. He was tall, lanky and moved like he was very
coordinated as he towered over the sleek lioness.

"What did I tell you?" He demanded sharp and aggressively, smashing
his paw against the locker behind her head again powerfully. "You're
with me." The big lion snarled in a threatening manner, as he thrust
his muzzle down at her as if to bite her muzzle.

"Chase, I don't want to be with you any more, I belong to him now."
Monica responded, in a weak voice that said louder than words that she
was feeling intimidated by the big feline.

"What's this dragon got... that I haven't got?" Chase demanded even
more savagely, and yet there was a hint of insecurity in his voice.
Although Donny seemed to be the only one who seemed to notice, maybe
he was just reading what the lion's mind was putting off.

"Everything Chase... he has everything." Monica purred in a dreaming
tone, that only made the male lion even more angry and uncomfortable.
At that moment, Chase stepped in and slapped her hard across the
muzzle. She was slammed back against the locker again, and Donny felt
his own blood starting to rise. "You have a duty to your own species,
bitch." The big lion snarled darkly, half angry and half self-
conscious. "Your father likes me."

Donny looked inside Chase's mind and saw nothing but racist and
speciest thoughts. The guy was deeply racist, believing that felines
were better than other species and lions were the best feline. He
believed that lions should only be paired with other lions and not who
they loved. Monica's mind was different, cowed, intimidated, fearful
of both her father and Chase. Donny had to intervene that's all there
was to it, he was quite in love with Monica. And he didn't want to see
her hurt, not by Chase or anyone else for that matter. "Excuse me,
Chase." The nerdy dragon said softly, walking up to the lion as he
sneered down at the serpent. "But you shouldn't be talking to Monica
that way."

"Ah, the Boyfriend." Chase smirked, looking Donny over with obvious
contempt as the dragon stood in front of him unafraid. "What is the
matter between you and Monica? You should break up with her
pipsqueak." Chase snorted, reaching out to lay a huge paw on Donny's
narrow chest as he tried the intimidation thing with Donny.

"No, I won't breakup with her." The slender dragon replied flatly,
making the tall feline grind his teeth together. Even as the dragon
pushed himself deeper into Chases mind, discovering the reason for the
lions insecurities. His penis was very small, even for a feline who
were known for having small organs. And what was even worse... Chase
often had trouble getting it up. There was nothing wrong with his body
the dragon sensed, it was all in his mind. The dragon looked into his
interests, hoping to find homosexual tendencies. But they weren't
there... Chase was a hundred percent straight he just felt very
inferior to other males. Especially horses as they were naturally
blessed with his cocks, which made the lion hate them intensely.

"You want to fight for her?" Chase growled glaring down at Donny, as
the slender dragon smiled up at him like he knew some secret.

"There is no need for me to fight... she doesn't want you." He said
simply as Chase gritted and ground his teeth together, his big paw
pushing on the dragons chest harder. "She wants a real male." Donny
held up his smallest finger, wiggling it playfully in front of the
lion's eyes. Chase recoiled as if he'd been punch, looking deep into
the dragons eyes for a moment. And then shamefully lowering his eyes
and looking away, as the others words made him feel weak and impotent.

"Fuck you..." The tall lion cursed weakly, as he tried to work himself
up his a angry courage once again.

"If you did... would I even feel it?" Donny pressed, his words keeping
the embarrassed and insecure feline off balance and harmless. "I've
heard that I wouldn't... that is even if you could get it hard enough
to put it in." The tall lion moaned like he'd just had the wind
knocked out of him, and was beginning the sniffle softly.

"She's lying... I... I..." Chase was fighting to find something to
say, looking for a denial that didn't sound pitiful to his own ears.

"I think we both know she's not..." Donny snickered, as the lion
retreated another step looking like he was totally humiliated and
cowered. "But I'll give you a chance, we'll have a little rutting

"Rutting contest?!?" Chase choked looked sickened, gulped for air as
the slender eastern dragon smile at him.

"Sure... I'll rut her and then if you can manage it you can rut her...
we'll have some of my friends and some of your friends watching. And
they can vote on who rutted her better, of course she'll also have a
vote as she will be experiencing it. So what do you say? You want to
prove just how much of a fucker superior you lions are?"

Chase gulped again, he was afraid of this very much... but he didn't
want to look like a total coward. The basketball forward was very
intimidated by the thought of a rutting contest, where not only would
others see his small size; but he might not be able to get it up. He
wanted to have sex with Monica very badly however, and this might be
the only time he would get to. "Oh, very well, a rutting contest it
shall be." Chase stammered, pulling himself up to his full height and
squaring his shoulders. "But I'm still the best for Monica." He
reiterated, before dropping Monica back to the hall floor, Donny ran
over to her quickly.

"Are you alright?" Asked Donny, as he was concerned for her safety and
worry that the big lion had hurt her.

"Master, are you sure a rutting contest would be the best way?" Monica
ask skeptically as she was concerned about possibly having Chase's
baby and being forced by her father to marry him. But more over she
didn't want his baby, she wanted to have Donny's baby more than
anything. If that were ever possible, they were so different and yet
it felt so right.

Donny shook his head as he thought about it, he really didn't was to
share Monica with anyone. "No... no it's not, but it was the best I
could come up with in time. Chase is so racist that it scares me." He
admitted, shaking his head at what he'd seen and felt inside of Chases

"Master, my father wants to meet you." Monica warned him, which made
the sleek dragon look at her sharply.

This time Donny gulped in dread, meaning Monica's father was different
from Brenda's folks. From what he heard of Monica's father, who was a
local politician he was very racist too. Meeting her father would be
hard indeed, but Donny would be brave. He wished he could look like a
lion at that point in time, but he was just an ordinary Eastern
dragon... with two pets Monica and Brenda. He loved both, although he
didn't know if Brenda really loved him or was just using him for her
kinky master slave fetish desires. But he knew Monica loved him, it
burned brightly within her thoughts. "Well, we better get to class."
Donny grunted, gathering up his things before he walked Monica towards
her homeroom. "I'll meet your father when it's time." He assured her,
trying to project an air of confidence and blasé courage. "Oh, are you
wearing something different?" He asked as he looked her over closely,
thinking that he'd not seen her in this outfit before.

"Do you like it?" The pretty golden lioness asked hopefully, it was
plain she'd brought it just to look sexy for him. "It's a micro-mini
skirt." She explained, doing a little twirl right there in the hallway
in front of him.

The dragon could feel her naked buttocks, as she pressed back into
him. "And you're wearing it, in public?" He asked jokingly, even as he
felt a bit of jealousy for having to share the sight of her dressed so
sexily with the rest of the school.

"Yes, I purposely bought it just for you." She explained, teasingly
rubbing herself against him once again forcing his male hood to react
to her. "Bought it last Saturday after you walked me home... I want
everyone to know that I'm yours. That's why I also had this made...
well customized really you can buy the collars plain at the adult
shop." Monica pulled the collar out of her bag, handing it to Donny
who was amazed at its heft. The black metal collar was really sturdy,
and had shiny brass letters affix along its surface. The words they
spelled out, made his male organ swell and struggle against his
confining clothing.

'Chen Property' "Would... would you put it on me?" Monica asked
meekly, bending over slightly so that her head would be lower than
his. Donny felt a sense of power race through him, and he was aware of
others turning to watch. Slowly he fit the collar around the lioness's
slender neck, as she then pressed a lock into his hands. Sliding the
lock into the loop, in then locked it in place around her neck so that
no one could take it off but him. Smiling happily Monica shove the
keys into his hands, she was marked and locked now. Not even her
father couldn't make her take it off, because only her master had the
keys for it. "Thank you." She purred leaning in to kiss him lustfully
on the lip's, making the young dragon even more excited.

"Ahem... no kissing in the halls." Came the stern voice of Mr. Reeves,
even as huge paws pushed them apart. The big older lion looked down at
them for a moment, his eyes plainly reading the words on the lioness's
collar. A faint smile played across his lip's as he did, and he looked
into Donny's eyes. "You do seem to push the boundaries Mr. Chen, but
the halls of my school are no place for shows of affection... ground
breaking though they maybe." He looked like he was about to say more,
but then he spotted two others kissing a bit farther down. "Excuse
me." Quickly he hurried down to push Terri and Davie apart, speaking
to them sternly as Donny and Monica walked away.

"The collar looks really good on you." Donny admitted with a big goofy
grin, it was plain that he was super pleased to have to submit herself
to him. "See you in Economics, Madame President." With that Monica
giggled skipping off down the halls, making sure her buttocks were the
only thing Donny saw. Doug was watching it all with opened mouth
surprised, and a hint of aroused musky coming off him.

"Two of them now?" He observed with wonder and awe in his voice,
looking at his dragon friend suspiciously. "How can this be? Did
you... uh... you know." He wiggled his fingers in a vaguely mystic
gesture, which always made Donny chuckle.

"No." Donny snickered shamelessly, flashing his short rabbit friend a
smirk. "She willingly did it... Brenda told her about me and she
willingly became my sex slave." The young dragon blushed hard then,
saying it out loud to his friend made things feel weird.

"There's no shame in that." Doug assured seeing his friends
discomfort, as they both walked down to their homeroom. "Dean is ready
to see the business plan... Do you have it with you?"

"Monica has the plan actually." Donny returned, as the found their
seats and sat down near the windows looking outside. "She has it on a
thumb drive. Can you believe it? We're going into business together."

"What are you going to do about Chase?" Doug asked changing the
subject, he'd over heard the exchange Donny and the Lion jock had. "A
rutting contest, huh?"

"I don't think Chase really has the bravery to do it." Donny snorted,
quickly explaining the big felines hangs up and his inability to
perform. "It's not like he's you... heheh... besides, Monica chose


Later that day during lunch hour, a gorilla and a wolf with letter
jackets sat down with Chase. Who was starring at Monica a few tables
away, who was wearing a collar like that. "What's wrong Chase, you
haven't touched your food." Arhoun the wolf noted, picking up a French
fry off of the big lions tray and chewing on it slowly. "You need to
keep your strength up... we got that game again Wagstaff high school
coming up."

"Monica is a race traitor, you don't need to deal with her." Ayanda
the gorilla snorted in disgust, he'd heard like a lot of others about
what had happened in the halls that morning.

Chase started eating his hamburger, chewing it with a wild king of
aggression as he pretended it was Donny Chen's balls. "Your right
Ayanda, she is a race traitor." Chase admitted darkly, feeling more
and more upset about what was going on. "She seems to prefer that
dragon over me."

Ayanda, the gorilla, was the first string guard on the basketball team
a strict vegetarian, the gorilla was one of Chase's best friends. So
was the big lupine, the wolf's name was Arhoun and he was the second
forward on the basketball team. He also was the most aggressive male
on the team, if a fight started on or off the court Arhoun was sure to
be at the center of it. He typically got into fights on the court
around the ball, slinging elbows and even punches at times. He wasn't
much of a team player, because he sat on the bench a lot because of
his fighting. Chase, Ayanda, and Arhoun were all good friends as they
had similar feelings that Chase had about furs pairing up.

"I'm going to get her back." Chase growled, feeling braver now that he
was surrounded by his friends, he could take on the lizard with them.
"Monica belongs to me, not some pussy Eastern dragon."

"How ya gunna do it? Break his muzzle... that's what I'd do." Arhoun
snarled balling up one fist, and pounding it into his other paw making
a loud slapping sound.

"Heh pencil necked little snake, you could pick him up and snap him in
half." Ayanda chuckled, unlike the wolf however he knew that Chase
couldn't actually attack the eastern dragon. It was all just violent
fantasy, something to talk about but not truly do.

"Yeah well... I'd like to thats for sure." Chase snorted finishing off
his burger, and washing it down with his sofa.

"You going to do the fuckin' contest... show that lizard up?" The huge
gorilla asked, like a lot of others Ayanda had heard about the
challenge. The big primate was on the small side where it counted
himself, he claimed to be a grower but Chase had seen Ayanda fully
hard. And wasn't impressed, although the gorilla's organ was fatter
than the lions pointed, barbed feline spike.

"Ammm well... I don't know." Chase muttered, not wanting to admit the
dragon had intimidated him by talking about his insecurities.

"You should do it... you should totally do it." Arhoun encouraged
lustfully... making the lion snort softly to himself. It was easy for
the wolf to said, his cock was very long with a huge knot at its base.
"Humiliate that tadpole. Show him how a noble lion breeds his
females." Then once your done... Ayanda and me can beat the fuck out
of him... and make that little freak lick my tailhole... heh."


Across the room Donny was sitting with his back to the watching lion,
with Brenda leaning against his right side and Monica against his
left. Doug, Merlin, Dean, Candice and Cameron were sitting on the
other side of the table, the small group had started out talking about
their business. However that subject was quickly exhausted, since they
could look at the business plan on the thumb drive. And Cameron soon
brought up other things, telling them all about his recent surgical
procedure. It made most of the guys wince and look at the big gelding
kind of stunned, only Donny smilingly told him that he was happy for
him. The girls giggled a bit, but also congratulated Cameron on
getting what he wanted. Candice even expressed the desire to see it,
Dean who was dazzling them with his witty conversation. At once agreed
with her and helped Cameron and the western dragoness plan a get
together after school for a viewing.

Next the subject turned to Terry's new appearance, Cameron had some
insight on that. It seemed that the big roan stallion had finally
admitted his desire to be a mare, and Davie who was the center on the
football team. The player who always had Terry's hands between his
legs, now had other things between his thigh's. Namely Terri's muzzle
and tail hole, and in the future the roan stallion was planning to
have a sex change.

Doug then gave them the low down on what was going on with Bruno, who
was still in jail awaiting trial on multiple rape charges. His father
had not been willing to put up bail, it seemed that Bruno's father was
afraid his son would jump bail. Now that Bruno was being charged, a
number of others had came forwards telling about being abused. Coach
Mires was being criticized for not doing more to prevent things, and
the whole football program was under a lot of pressure. Dean and
Cameron tried to defend their coach, and were worried about the team
falling apart. Things had been looking like their year to win state,
but with everything happening it wasn't looking good now. Bruno was
off the team of course, Cameron couldn't play for at least four games
because he needed to heal up. And now Terri was flouncing around
acting like a mare, something Dean especially was less than pleased

Donny was surprised that Terry wanted a sex change, of course that
might just be rumor. He had always thought that Terry... well now
Terri, wanted to remain a lusty male. It seemed that his post hypnotic
suggestion had grown wildly in the stallions head, urged on by Terry's
on hidden desires. Now that Cameron was a gelding, the team won't have
to worry about him chasing tail. It would be his tail that would be
get chased from now on, something the big fullback seemed very happy
about. Donny rubbed Monica's back with one hand and she purred happily
at this contact. He rubbed Brenda's back as well and she would simply
smile as him. Donny eat his hamburger slowly, while Monica ate her
rare steak and Brenda ate her oats. "So, anyone have a thought on what
to call the business?" He asked after swallowing a bite of his burger,
looking around the table at the others.

"Running Shorts?" Doug threw out the very obvious, making everyone at
the table roll they're eyes.

"Thank you captain obvious..." Monica said with a snort, making
everyone even Doug chuckle as she shot that idea down. "What about
Käynnissä? It's Finnish for progress." She explained, ever as the
others wondered why she would suggest something so far afield.

"No... that way to Finnish." Dean pointed out with a rueful smile,
that somehow make him appear all the more charming and appealing. "Any
more suggestions?"

"Running Tack?" Candice suggested, it was almost as obvious as Doug's
suggestion. No one made fun of it, and Dean patted her on the shoulder
telling her it was a good thought.

"That has a certain ring to it." Dean praised, although most everyone
seemed to know he was just flirting with the dragoness. "But I'm sure
that's not what we're looking for... it's in the correct vain tho'.
Well done dear."

"What about Running Gear?" Donny asked carefully, looking around to
judge everyone's reaction to his suggestion.

"That's more like it... But why limit it to just running?" Cameron
asked, smiling as he looked at the other around the table with a wide
smile. "What about Action Gear." The big gay stallion said in a
exuberant announcer voice, that made them all smile.

"Hey yeah I like that... Action wear... its strong and speaks to our
customers doing exciting things." Candice agreed eagerly, now that he
had came out as gay a lot of the girls were liking Cameron a lot more.

"Yes I agree, that sounds dynamic and will attract more customers I
think." Dean quickly agreed with Candice, even as he showered her with
flowery praise and compliments.

"Well they are running shorts really." Monica defended Donny's
original idea, but the eastern dragon had to admit Cameron's
suggestion was more flashy.

"That's true... but you can do all kinds of activity in those shorts."
Donny pointed out with a faint smile, he really didn't care who's idea
won out. Just so long as the company did well, lunch was swiftly
ending so he just went ahead and asked. "Why don't we just set that as
the name for now... and once were in class we can brain storm and have
a vote on it." The slender dragon offered with a smile, and got a
general agreement on that. "That's more like it... By why limit it to
just running?" Cameron asked, smiling as he looked at the other around
the table with a wide smile. "What about Action Gear." The big gay
stallion said in a exuberant announcer voice, that made them all

"Hey yeah I like that... Action wear... its strong and speaks to our
customers doing exciting things." Candice agreed eagerly, now that he
had came out as gay a lot of the girls were liking Cameron a lot more.

"Yes I agree, that sounds dynamic and will attract more customers I
think." Dean quickly agreed with Candice, even as he showered her with
flowery praise and compliments.

"Well they are running shorts really." Monica defended Donny's
original idea, but the eastern dragon had to admit Cameron's
suggestion was more flashy.

"That's true... but you can do all kinds of activity in those shorts."
Donny pointed out with a faint smile, he really didn't care who's idea
won out. Just so long as the company did well, lunch was swiftly
ending so he just went ahead and asked. "Why don't we just set that as
the name for now... and once we're in class we can brain storm and
have a vote on it." The slender dragon offered with a smile, and got a
general agreement on that. Just then the bell rang, and lunch ended so
they all got up to go to their next class.


Donny, Doug, Merlin and Cameron went off to P.E., while the others had
English with Miss Davis. As it so happened Arhoun was in their P.E.
class, and the big silvery white wolf spend most of the time dogging
Donny. Cameron and Merlin both noticed this and warning the dragon
about him, offering to help by talking to the wolf. But Donny doubted
that would help things, and would most likely lead to something
physical happening between the jock. Wanting to avoid a fight, and
trusting in his ability to handle Arhoun the dragon asked Merlin and
Cameron to just let it go.

But sure enough just before their class ended, Donny had to go to the
locker room to use the restroom. And when the guy came out, the big
wolf was standing there waiting on him. "It's all yours..." Donny
offer as he stepped out to go around Arhoun, but the big lupine threw
an arm out to block his way.

"You best drop Monica... she's Chases girl... she belong with her own
kind." Arhoun snarled, leaning down so that his wet black nose was
right against the slender dragon's muzzle. Donny looked up into the
big predators eyes, and sank into that mind softly. The first thing he
discovered was the wolfs big lie, Arhoun acted aggressive because he
was trying to be the alpha his father always wanted. But he wasn't a
Alpha male at all, and inside he doubted that he was even a Beta male.

"You're not fooling me... you're not a big bad wolf at all." Donny
said with a derisive sneer, his words shattering Arhoun's aggression
like it was glass. "You're more like a nasty little puppy..." The
slender eastern dragon snorted in contempt, as he sank deeper into the
wolfs mind.

"Wha... wha..." Arhoun stammered weakly, stunned that this nerdy
dragon could know something so much about him.

"You should give up on pretending to be an Alpha male... it's just
leading you into trouble and conflict." Donny advised, making it a
post hypnotic command within the wolfs subconscious. Pushing a bit
deeper, Donny discover the wolfs desire to be treated as an Omega.

"I should give up pretending to be a Alpha male." Arhoun repeated
weakly, his shaggy head jerking around on his shoulders in a odd

"That's good... you're a good boy." Donny congratulated, as the wolfs
naughty desires popped up next; making the sleek dragon gag slightly.
Arhoun liked tail holes... or more to the point he wanted to sniff and
lick them, it didn't matter if it was a males or females. The wolf's
dark desires centered on his mouth and the tail holes of other furs,
there were desire's to be made to be urinated on. And even be forced
to orally pleasure more dominant males and their females while he was
locked in chastity...

"Alright you're going to buy that chastity cage you've been looking at
online." The slender dragon advised, as the big wolf shivered and
shrugged weakly against his control. Glancing around Donny spotted the
Parkers, four Impala brothers who were coming in for the next P.E.
period. Leaving the big wolf standing there unsteadily on his wide
foot paws, Donny strolled over to the Impala's clearing his throat.
The four looked up at him curiously, and he focused his mind on them
all. It was something of a challenge to do, but he found it less
mentally taxing than Doctor Blaylocks mind had been. It seemed that
the more he challenged himself and used his mental powers the stronger
they became. Carefully he wrestles all their minds under his control,
and then planted the idea of a big predator serving them orally.
Shaping imagines of Arhoun sniffing and licking their tail holes,
sucking their cocks and drinking their urine. Once he'd finished with
them, he walked back over to the wolf, placing images of the Impala's
butts in Arhoun's mind. "When I release you, you're going to forget
all about me, and that we've ever interacted What's more you will
never offer up violence to me, or anyone else in the future. You will
then go over to the Parkers and offer your ass licking services, they
are eager to use you like you deserve to be used... Like the Omega
bitch you are... once you've gotten the chastity cage on you will
offer them the key to keep. You're life from now on, will be all about
service to ours." And with that the dragon released Arhouns mind, the
big lupine stumbled and almost fell over.

"Wha... Who... Where?" Arhoun stammered, looking around until he
spotted the four Impala's undressing to get in to their gym clothes.
"Excuse me..." He grunted as he pushed past Donny, and quickly
approached the sleek antelope.

Donny sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, that his business with
Arhoun was quickly over. He had been using his power to hypnotize his
foes and bringing out their inner selves. That was all that was truly
needed it seemed, most nasty furs were their own worst enemies. Now
that Arhoun was taken by the Impala's, the dragon smiled as he watched
the big Wolf keel down. Burying his nose under Tom Parkers fluffy
little tail, beginning his new life as a passive ass licking Omega
bitch. Something the Wolf clearly needed to be happy, with any luck
the Wolf would never get out of chastity to breed. Donny turning away
as the Impala's clustered around the slobbering Wolf, the dragon
quickly took a shower himself. He swiftly putting on deodorant and
then put on his school clothes, and took his gym clothes with him to
his locker.

He reached his locker and put all of his gym clothes away inside. Then
he got his books for his next class out of his locker and then closed
it. He also reset the combination to his locker, he left his locker
and caught up with Monica... as he walked her to Economics. "So Madame
President, ready to excel at being the president of our company?" He
asked her cheerfully, while they walked purposely down the halls.

"Yes, Master." She answered eagerly, the sexy lioness wanted to kiss
him, but the principal had broke them up once already. It seems that
public displays of affection weren't allowed in the halls, although
that didn't keep some furs from pushing their luck. "I'm also sooooo
ready for another Trigonometry study session." Monica purred, gripping
his hand in her paw and leaning against him playfully as they strolled

"We've got to study our Trigonometry. Right?" Donny asked with a
leering smile, they both knew that was just code for having sex. Like
Brenda... Monica had grasp the subject quickly and really didn't need
his help with it anymore. But she certainly did need the other thing
Donny had to offer, namely his fat dragon prick.

"You're so right... Master. So, where are we having it?" The sexy
golden feline purred, snuggling up even closer to Donny's side as she
worked to suppressed her desire to kiss him.

"Probably my place again." Donny grunted, as he bumped into Ayanda's
shoulder not seeing who it was until the big primate turned on him.
The huge gorilla grunted, as he spun around wrapping one huge hand
around Donny's long, slender neck. "Watch where you're going you scaly
cunt." He snarled at Donny, squeezing his neck hard enough so that the
dragon knew he could have hurt him if he'd wanted to. "Race
traitor..." He spat at Monica, letting go of Donny's neck quickly so
no teachers would notice his aggression. And then he continued to his
class, leaving Donny rubbing and massaging his own neck.

"That was Ayanda... one of Chases teammates and best friends." Monica
explained as she looked at Donny's bruised neck, even as the dragon
swallowed a couple of times. Nodding his head as she explained, it was
understandable that someone cowardly like Chase would try to act
through his cronies. "He's got a teammate whose a Wolf as well named
Arhoun..." She warned, making Donny nod his head slowly as they
started walking towards class again.

"Yes... I've met him in gym class earlier, we had a nice talk." Donny
sneered, as he thought about the Wolf's new attitude as a lowly Omega
bottom oral bitch. "I think I made a real impression on him... really
changed his life from here on forwards."

"Watch out for him I hear he's really crazy and dangerous..." The
sleek lioness warned, making the eastern dragon smile widely at her.

"He was just in pain, because he was trying to live his life to
someone else's ideal of male hood. I helped him bring out and except
his own desired ideal, he's so much happier now. He'll never offer up
violence again." The way Donny explained it was vague, but that hardly
mattered because the lioness found herself just taking his word for
it. Even though she didn't understand how he had done any of it, she
still felt that he was intensely masterful.

"You really are amazing..." She chuckled in delight, unable to resist
it any longer she leaned in to kiss him on the mouth quickly.

"I wonder what the gorilla's deal is..." Donny snorted, as they turned
into their Economics class room... going to their seats as the bell
rang. Things went very well in class, they went over everything and
took that vote. Cameron's suggested company name was voted in, with
Candice's backing of course. And the business plan Donny and the
others had worked on was refined, before everything was given the ok.


After school Donny, Monica and Brenda were going to catch a ride home
with Dean, but the big horse explained that he couldn't take them
home. Because he and Candice were going out, after he drove her home
to drop her things off. And the dragoness lived on the far side of
town up in the hills, so he wouldn't be able to drive them home. Oddly
it was Terri who came to the rescue, the big roan jock had just
offered to drive them home. Brenda didn't look very happy about that,
but Donny was feeling much more friendly towards Terri now. And Monica
really didn't care about Terri one way or the other, so they decided
to just let Terri drive them to Donny's. When a car came driving into
the mostly empty parking lot, pulling up beside them. A big older
Stallion climbed out, swiftly walking up to Terri as the young equine
looked up at him startled. "Dad..." The older stallion shoved his son
hard against the red sports car, one big hand smearing the makeup off
his son's muzzle.

"What the fuck! What the fuck is this shit?" He demanded, holding his
hand up smeared with the makeup in front of Terri's muzzle. "You some
kinda queer... is that it? You some cock sucking little queer shit?"
The big older male was shouting at the top of his lungs, as the young
jock looked up at his dad as if stricken. "You had better not be...
because cock suckers don't win championships. They don't earn football
scholarships... they don't drive fancy sports cars that boosters give
them for winning games. So think about it really carefully before you
answer me boy..." Terri pulled herself up to her full height in front
of her sire, looking him right in the eyes before answering.

"I'm not a Queer... because I'm not boy. Not really, not deep down
inside." The roan jock answered proudly, even as the big older
stallion's eyes bulged out wildly.

"Shut the fuck up." The big roan stallion snapped, back handing Terri
hard across her soft painted mouth. Terri staggered backwards over the
truck of the car, even as his father lunged forwards at him. And
suddenly a slender figure stepped between them, Donny looked up at the
bigger older male. The big horse's eyes were wild, and he slung his
arm forward as if to sweep the small serpent aside.

"Stop." He didn't shout or even snarl the words, but the impact of it
made the older male reel back. The power hitting his mind like a ton
of bricks, his eyes going glassy and distant instantly. "Terri is your
child... a good father loves his child no matter what.

"Stop." Donny said affirmatively, as Redmond stand there unsteadily on
his huge hooves. However, the impact not of the word, but of the
thought made the older male reel back. Donny had hypnotized the big
roan stallion, by hitting his mind with a angry blast of pure will
power that hit like a ton of bricks. Soon the older stallion's eyes
went flinty and distant, as the dragon's overpowered it. "Terri is
your child . . . you know that a good father loves his child no matter

"A good father . . . loves his child . . ." Redmond repeated
dutifully, as his rather weak mind was enslaved by the power of the
smaller males.

"Are you afraid for Terri?" Donny asked, watching as the older equine
nodded his long narrow head slowly.

"I want the best for my colt." The big roan stallion mumbled weakly,
there was a whimper of emotion quivering in his voice. "He's a good
kid, and deserves the best from his talent."

Donny grunted in agreement, and then said sternly to the big older
equine. "You will accept Terri for who he wants to be, a good father
does this. When I snap my fingers you will love your child." And then
Donny snapped his fingers and suddenly the big roan stallion shook his
head looking around startled.

"Come to think of it, Terri... We'll talk about this later." Said the
big roan stallion more approvingly, even as Terri looked up at his dad

Then Redmond climbed back into his car, started it up and drove off
leaving the stunned teenagers behind. This left Monica and Brenda
getting into Terri's car, looking around in shock. Terri was left
there for a moment completely confused, knowing that her father just
started to approve of his new direction. He had thought that his
father was going to slap him again, and yet somehow Donny had talked
him down. Terri got into the car by the time that Monica and Brenda
were in the car, Donny was in too snuggled between them. Terri then
started the car up and they pulled out of the high school parking lot
to drive to Donny's house.

"Ahem... thanx for that dude." Terri said softly to Donny, over the
rush of wind coming in the open sun roof. The big jock wiped a bit of
blood off his lip's with the back of his hand, it seemed the violence
and confrontation had brought out the horse's old masculine side a
bit. "He sure was pissed... I almost can't believe you calmed him down
and got him to see reason like that." As he spoke Terri's voice
softened and started to go back towards the feminine, as the
adrenaline and masculine defense subsided. "You really are something
special Donny Chen... Brenda and Monica are so lucky to have a guy
like you."

This all left Donny feeling strangely conflicted, he remembered Terry
not so long ago beating him up. Making him do his work for him, and
taunting him about being gay. Donny turned and looked hard at the big
roan jock, with smeared makeup all over his muzzle and a bloody mouth.
Terri just wasn't the same furson as Terry he decided, this new furson
deserved to be treated as a friend until she did something to prove
otherwise. "Thank you Terri that's very nice of you to say." Donny
replied with a friendly smile, laying one scaly hand on Terri's arm.
The big jock looked down at that hand, and returned the dragon's smile
with one of his own.

"You know if you wanted... I could talk to Doctor Blaylock about
getting hormone treatments for you." Donny offered, watching as the
horses lip's rolled back into a wide smile even as he turned to look
at the dragon.

"You're so sweet... Thank you Donny... that would be wonderful." Terri
said with a soft grin, laying a big hot hand over the dragons. And
Donny could read the desire to please in Terri's eyes, it sent a
shiver down the dragon's spine. On one hand he really wasn't
interested in males, but on the other he really enjoyed dominating
others and having pets. Terri was on the way to being a female
physically, she already was one mentally... Donny swallowed hard, torn
by his these conflicting thoughts even as the big horse licked those
full lip's. Terri had made Donny swallow hard, the dragon was getting
heated by Terri's soft touch. Donny wasn't sure that he wanted to go
there with Terri however, and so he just muttered.

"Yes... I can be." He admitted a bit to awkwardly, as Terri seemed to
sense the others discomfort.

"You are... you really are." Terri repeats with a soft giggle, quickly
releasing Donny's hand.

"Ahem, let's just go please." Donny request weakly, as Brenda and
Monica just sat there with smiles on their muzzle and said. "Awe."
Terri was actually kinda scary to Donny, not because of the
transgender thing alone. So much as the change in the jock had been so
radical, in such a short amount of time that Donny wasn't sure it was
possible. Was Terry playing some kind of head game, or was this new
sweet mare Terri real? Donny wasn't shaken, just out of sorts with how
sexy and pleasant Terri was now. Terri had been bullying him, but now
it was like he... she was a completely different furson.

"Brenda... are you ready for our next role-play?" Donny asked softly,
as Terri guided the small car out of the parking lot and out onto the
road going down be the high school.

"Yes you be the bad cop and I'll be the femme fatale who has to be
taken dealt with." The big mare grunted snuggling close to Donny, as
her strong body shook all over with excited chills. She always got
chills playing the bad girl in their role-plays because she liked
being punished by her sexy dragon master. Brenda was quivering, but it
was in cool anticipation for their role-play that night. Which was
always disguised as Trigonometry homework, not that she was sure they
were fooling anyone.

The sleek golden lioness licked her lips, knowing just what she
wanted... Monica then said. "I'll be the Amazon queen... that Donny
has to win and then bend to his powerful will." The sexy feline purred
with a wide smile, as she snuggled on close to Donny's other side.

"Oh, I like that." Terri moaned in her soft husky female voice, that
for some reason sent a quiver down the slender dragon's spine. "I wish
I could play... but Davie and I are going over to see Tara and Jim
tonight. I'm going to play Davie's past out cheerleader girlfriend,
while Jim and some of his friends are going to take advantage of me.
Even as Davie has some fun with Tara... he's never been with a born
girl so he's really looking forwards to it." Brenda rolled her eyes
and made a gag me gesture, even as Monica smiled at her gently
reaching over to pat her on the shoulder.

As Donny watched his two girls began to kiss each other, shyly at
first just their lip's touching. But as the ride went on, they began
to kiss more and more passionately. Their hands sliding up under each
other's clothes, Donny sat back in the seat watching. His breath
quickening, even as his male organ grew stiffer and stiffer within his
jeans. Terri looked over at him, making eye contact and slowly winked
at him. Plainly the big jock was still flirting with him, but the big
equine didn't do anything physical. Swiftly Terri's eyes went back to
the road, and the sleek eastern dragon was grateful for that. Donny
then noticed the jocks hand on the cars center console, with the girls
distracted with each other.

The slender dragon reached over, gripping Terri's waist and guiding
that hand over to his inner thigh. Where his long dragon cock was
jutting rock hard down the leg of his jeans, carefully he lay that big
hand over his throbbing organ. Terri didn't look over, eyes never
leaving the road yet those strong fingers slowly began to explore that
pulsing organ. Feeling up and down its full length, gauging its fat
girth and springy firmness. And then began to rub and stroke that hard
organ gently, through the fabric of the young dragon's trousers. Donny
smirked, remembering how Terry had use to tease him about wanting to
touch the horses big cock. Now things were reversed only the horse
actually wanted to touch his cock, the dragon could feel hot pre-cum
oozing down his inner thigh. Terri's hand played with his organ for a
few minutes, and then moved up fumbling to unzip Donny's pants. But
the dragon smacked the back of that big hand, making the horse stop
and then go back to just fondling through the cloth.

When they pulled up outside of Donny's house, Brenda and Monica
climbed out of the car first. And then as Donny was starting to climb
out, Terri looked him in the eyes once again. "If you ever want me to
do anything for you... annnyyyything... all you have to do is tell me
to do it Or show me what you want me to do like..." Terri glanced down
at the dark wet spot on the leg of the dragon's jeans, and a kind of
naughty smirk played over Terri's expressive equine lip's. "Like
Monica... I like a strong male who makes me do only what he wants..."

"I'll keep that in mind." Donny grunted, suddenly uncomfortable with
the big jock horse again for some reason. Stepping out of the car,
Donny closed the door and walked up to his house. No one would be home
he knew, because his mother had taken Sandra to her soccer game...
while his father wouldn't be home from work until later. Unlocking the
front door he let the girls inside, wanting nothing more than to get
into their planned role-plays. They all hurried up to Donny's room,
tossing their backpacks down on the floor.


"I'm the Amazon Queen." Monica roared in her best lion voice, striking
a dramatic pose that showed off her sleek body. "Bow down to me,
male." She put as much contempt in that last word as she could muster,
she was playing the virgin warrior queen after all.

"I'm slave to no female. I'll overpower you and tame your heart."
Donny announced, as he confronted her in his part as the heroic
adventurer in the land of Amazons.

Monica was wearing an outfit befit an Amazon Queen, at least she
thought so when so bought it. It was a two piece outfit that hid her
sex, but was hiked up on her waistline. It looked like a swimming
costume, except it was made of weathered brown leather. She was the
first to be overpowered by Donny, who quickly forced her upon his bed.
He then held down her wrists as he licked her face, and ground his
aroused body against her own. But that wasn't enough, the queen
quickly rolled him over, and he was fully supine on his own bed. "You
have to do better than that male." Monica sneered encouraging him,
even as she denied his sexual power over her. It was as close as she
could get him to come to rape play, something the dragon didn't like
the idea of at all.

Donny rolled her back over, now she was supine beneath him once again.
"You're ready to taste my sex?" Donny announced breathlessly, all of
this really was arousing the young serpent. And he pulled off her top,
revealing her round pert breasts with those firm erect nipples jutting
up. "Please, don't breed me." Monica begged, getting so carried away
with the acting that it made him uncomfortable. "For I have not lain
with any man." The lioness announced proudly, bucking and struggling
ineffectively against him.

"You'll lay with me, my queen." Donny responded hotly, sliding between
those sexy feline leg's. "And once I claim you... you shall be mine
forever." Donny quickly removed the shorts he was wearing, and placed
his throbbing organ between the queen's pert breasts. "You shall
please me by playing with my cock between your breasts." He ordered
looking down at her with a naughty smile, watching as she struggled
and twisted her head round.

"I shall not." The sexy lioness announced, looking away from his
throbbing organ as he slid between her soft breasts.

"Yes, you shall." He ordered more firmly, and he pulled her fur on top
of her head gently. Making the pretty lioness lift her head and snap
her deadly jaws at his dripping male member. He then placed her paws
on either side of her pert furry breasts, but still she resisted. "Now
manipulate your breasts and please thy master."

"No, this is wrong!" Cried the helpless lioness, struggling and
hissing a bit in feline fury. "I am no male's pet... except he that
has sex with me."

"Then I'll have sex with you." Donny cried, and the next moment, he
had her sexy leather bottoms yanked off. Now they were both naked on
his bed, the lioness looking down at his eager male hood as he
positioned his body. The slender eastern dragon placed his stiff rut
stick at her dewy sex and looking down at her muzzle reading the
anticipation in her eyes thrust it home.

"Nooo Ohooo Ohooo gods... taken... claimed utterly." The defeated
Amazon queen's screams melting into moans of pleasure as his full
length sheathed inside of her.

"Yes, Yes... You are mine now..." He grunted lustfully, feeling the
rush of conquest more intensely that ever as his hip's drew back
slowly. And he suddenly moved in and out of her, which sent
pleasurable sensations to her brain. She was being bred, taken in the
most intimate way possible by a strong male.

"Stop breeding me male, I'm supposed to be in control!" She protested
weakly, her struggles turning into bucking and pushing into his
thrusts. Her body giving its self up to his pleasure, even as her
words tried pointlessly to deny him.

"Hah... you are in control of only one thing... receiving my seed."
Donny moaned, getting more and more into his role as the lustful
conquer as her hot sex squeezed around his pulsing organ. "Because I
am going to breed you... put my seed in your womb and fill your belly
with my offspring. You and your Amazon warriors' will be my new harem,
and I will lay you all as much as I want." 'Damn this really was a
super hot role play...' The young straight dragon thought licking his
lips, glancing over he saw Brenda watching them with a smile. And that
only made it more exciting, knowing that he and Monica were being

"Oh Oho please... you can't... please please..." The sleek golden
lioness begged weakly, her body now responding to his every touch
eagerly. He cupped her breasts in his scaly hands, working those hard
nipples with his mouth. Even as his strong young body drove that
pulsing organ in and out of her soaking wet depths. "Oh please... Ohoo
Yes please... breed me... taken me forever."

"Hahah... someone has changed their tune quickly..." He laughed, while
pounding into her hot slit even harder and faster. So that Monica was
gasping for breath, in between loud whimpering moans of pleasure from
his rutting her. "Who do you belong to? Say it I want to hear you say

"You... I belong to you... Donny Chen!" Monica squealed as he
redoubled his efforts, slamming even hard and faster into her. But he
was far from done, as a wicked idea popped into his head.
Concentrating he moved his tail up under him, the spade like tip of it
finding her tiny pink pucker. Monica's eyes which had been tightly
shut opened wide in surprise, her mouth dropping open as his tail
slithered inside of her tail hole. "RRREEOEOOWW." She squealed out as
he took her in a new strange way, but this only served to drive her
deeper into submission.

"Submit to me, my queen." Donny demanded through gritted teeth, as he
banged her with his muscular tail as well as with his cock. He took
her swiftly an ferociously, battering her soft flesh with his lean
scaly body, Monica wailed an whimpered under his feral like rutting.
But clutched at his buttock's pulling him into her harder an deeper,
gasping aloud, and then cooed like a contented pigeon, her tongue
explored his lip's an cheek.

"Always . . ." The sultry lioness replied, as his every thrust filled
her with delight. Donny drove his long cock back into her soppy
overflowing pussy, their bodies colliding with a wet smack. A scream
escaped her trembling lip's as he gave her another improbably deep
thrust, his powerful hip's forced her leg's even wider apart, their
bodies slapping together again and again. She clawed at his back and
began bucking her loins up meeting his every thrust, the dragon loved
nothing better than a female who would fuck back, and the lioness was
just such female. With his ridged cock rammed into her as tight as he
could get it, Donny flipped her around on the bed until she was lying
on her side with one leg high over his shoulder. Tremors pulsed
through his loin's making his whole body quiver, as he looked down at
Monica's sweaty gasping body. When he saw her smiling up at him, he
knew she was feeling those same tremors, this made him slam into her
with renewed vigor. His buttock's pumped back and forth, as he
repeatedly leaned into her burying his cock ball's deep with each
thrust. The sexy golden lioness begged for more unable to get enough
of his long prick, keeping his organ enshrine deep in her cunt, he
pushed her leg off his shoulder and turned her completely over.

"Oooommhm." Monica moaned, her ass high in the air, her muzzle an
shoulder's resting on the mattress. Grasping her firm hip's the dragon
watched his cock slamming into the golden furred peach between her
thigh's. And then she was hit by a powerful orgasm, her sex quivered
around Donny's organ as she felt herself cum, it was all about her
sex. Finally she came down from the high she was on, coming down
during the afterglow with her Master still on top of her. "That was
amazing..." She finally moaned, panting for breath as they both
quivered and lay there in bliss.

"Now who do you belong too, my slave?" Donny asked with a wide smile
on his scaly muzzle, still in the haze of afterglow.

Monica turned around to look him right in the eyes and said in a husky
pleasure dazed kind of voice. "I belong to you, just like my collar
says... Donny Chens propriety."

Brenda was putting on her costume, knowing it would take a few minutes
before Donny was ready to go again. This time she wore a red dress
with slit all the way up her thigh, which exposed her panties when she
lifted her leg even slightly. She was also wearing crotch less
panties, and the sexy moans coming from his bed made her quiver with
anticipation. "I'm the femme fatale..." She nickered as she watched
him climb out of bed, leaving the room for a moment to wash up in the
bathroom down the hall. "Seduce me."

The big mare teased, as Donny came back into the room getting ready to
redress for their role-play. When there was a loud knocking on his
front door, throwing on a silky bathrobe even as Brenda told him he
should just ignore it. But the dragon knew that he'd never be able to
relax and get into things it... if he didn't see what was going on. So
he left the girls in his room, and went down stairs to the front door.
Looking out through the small window in the door, he sighed soft as he
saw that it was Doug. Opening the door he looked out at the smiling
rabbit, even as he watched Doug's nose twitch. "What is it?" The
dragon asked his best friend, even as the smaller bunny pushed his
glass's back up his nose.

"The Doctor Hooves marathon starts in ten minutes..." The rabbit
reminded him softly, and then Doug's eyes widened as the scents in the
air at last registered on his brain. "Wait are the girls here... are
you?" A kind of funny look crept over Doug's short muzzle, and then he
swallowed hard glancing up like he might be able to see through the
ceiling. "Just Brenda or... or you know both her and Monica?"

"Yes they are both here... and we are kind of busy." Donny admitted
hoping his friend would take the hint, but ever since Doug had missed
having fun over the weekend. He'd been very regretful, even going so
far as to say next time he'd just take a failing grade.

"Ammm... Ammm so can I... I mean I've never... with a girl you know."
Donny winced inside, he didn't really feel like sharing at the moment.

"Well... if you don't mind sloppy seconds..." It was something that
made the young dragon himself more than a bit disgusted, and he was
hoping that Doug would feel the same way. He was disappointed almost
at once, as a kind of naughty smile spread across Dong's muzzle.

"Actually I find that kinda hot..." He admitted, as Donny invited him
in and closed the door behind him. "Especially know it's yours heh...
it kinda funny but that really excites me for some reason." The rabbit
babbled, as he followed Donny through the house and up to his bedroom
on the second floor.

"I'll go in first and have a talk with Monica, then I'll come get
you." The dragon explain, going into his room for a moment, Monica was
still laying there on his bed. Quickly he spoke to her, asking that
she take Doug into the guest room and let the nerdy rabbit rut her.
The lioness didn't look very excited about it, but she also didn't
complain either. Walking over Donny opened his bedroom door, and
Doug's eyes almost exploded out of his head. As he saw Monica standing
there completely naked, the little rabbits jaw dangled open in shock.

"Wow... Ohoo wow... you're sooooo beautiful." He squeaked sounding
like his balls were in a vice, even as he drank in the sight of the
lioness's lush body.

"Come on... big boy." Monica snorted, grabbing him by the shirt collar
and pulling him along down the hall to the Chen's guest bedroom...

"Poor Doug... I hope he survives." Brenda laughed in her sexy femme
fatale voice, as Donny slipped into his bad cop outfit. Just slacks
and a old button down shirt with a loose tie, it was set up so he
could just slip it on and off like a sweat shirt.

"I think getting him to stop will be the real challenge, he's been
wearing poor Merlin's mouth and tail hole out for a week of so now."
Donny explained, even though he'd explained it all to Brenda in the
past they really didn't have any secrets. As he watch the sexy mare
sat down in his desk chair, crossing her leg's so that she flash him a
look at her crotch less panties. Donny took out a set of police style
handcuff's, even as he looked her over lustfully.

"Now get stuffed copper..." She snorted with a lip roll, as the dragon
looked down at her coolly. Strolling over the young dragon grabbed her
arms, twisting them behind her back. And then he cuffed her wrists
together, before letting her sit back up in the chair.

"If anyone is going to get stuffed around her doll... It's you... you
just better hope I don't call the rest of the boys in here to work you
over once I'm finished,"

Doug was busy with Monica, who was trying to help the nervous virgin
rabbit have sex with her. "Take off your undergarments." Monica
instructed, rolling her eyes at the fat that he hadn't completely
stripped naked before climbing in bed with her. Slowly Doug did as he
was told, he pulled down his baggy underwear, revealing a nice small
prick. "Seriously..." The big lioness leered at the nerdy rabbits
rather tiny looking male organ, still he was bigger than Chase. "What
a small princess."

Doug looked like he was about to get mad, but then he quickly started
to stroke it. And as he stroked it, that small appearing member began
to grow quickly gaining girth and length. "Don't be surprised by my
little penis." Doug stammered awkwardly, as he worked it up to full
erection. Watching the lioness smile and lick her lips, which sent a
shiver running down his spine. As the rabbit stroked himself Monica
compared the size if it fully erection, it wasn't as long as her
masters but it was slightly thicker.

"Now place your cock next to my pubis." She instructed with a grin, as
the nerdy lapin knelt between her wide spread thigh's. "Yes that's
it." The sexy golden lioness moaned, as she felt his throbbing organ
at her creamy entrance. "Now thrust in."

"But wait... can't I clean you up a little first?" Doug ask, as the
velvety head of his male organ rubbed around on her cum slickened

"What?" The lioness grunted, and then watched as the small nerdy
rabbit slid back. And then leaned down to shove his muzzle between her
legs, soon she felt his hot tongue gently lapping against her hot wet
sex lips. "Oho... Ohooo my." Monica moaned as Doug's tongue worked
over those hot, puffy sex lips, as she watched he licked and sucked
Donny's coppery dragon cum off and out of her tingling pussy. "Heh...
I didn't realize you liked the taste of another guys cum." She teased
as the nerdy little rabbit pressed his mouth against her quivering
flesh, and thrust his tongue inside of her as deeply as it would go.
She was bucking and moaning in orgasmic bliss, by the time he lifted
his muzzle away from that newly cleansed orifice.

"Yeah I swallowed Merlin's a few times." Doug confessed, as he climbed
up and repositioned his now aching hard on at her entrance. "But this
is the first time I've tasted Donny's... its different but really
good... maybe it's the taste of your pussy." The rabbit admitted as he
leaned forwards over her buxom body, hips pressing forwards pushing
his raging erection into her depths. Both of them moaning in pleasure
together, as the big lioness claimed the nerdy rabbits virginity. Doug
had thrust into her slowly, being the first time he had been with a

On the other hand just down the hall, Donny was busy interrogating
Brenda, his femme fatale in his raspy bad cop voice.

"So you did look at Terri." The dragon demanded with a wicked sneer,
pacing around her aggressively.

"She's beautiful, of course I looked at her." The pretty mare purred
in that husky sexy voice, displaying a kind of brazen lusty amusement.

Donny ignored her answered and instead responded with another question
as he leaned down looking over her shoulder. "Do you know why your

"Because I sold a drug?" The pretty mare snorted, smiling as she saw
he was leaning down to look at her well displayed cleavage.

"You were caught selling a aphrodisiac..." He accused in breathy
grunted into one of her pointed equine ears, even as his hand slipped
down to fondle her breasts through the cloth of her gown. "A powerful
one at that... one that could make a guy do almost anything you want."

"No... I wasn't... I didn't sale anything." Brenda replied in a
obviously faked innocent voice, that make her sound like a brainless

And then bad cop Donny grabbed a hand full of mane, pulling her hair
to make her look up at him. "Don't give me that sweet bimbo act... you
were selling mare sweat." He accused leaning down to muzzle along her
long furry neck, kissing and nibbling lustfully as she snickered.

"Ok so maybe I was... but I got good news for you..." She panted, as
his scaly cupped and squeezed her pert equine breasts even more

"Oh... what's that?" Donny muttered as his mouth moved up to hers, the
two of them sharing a savage kiss for a long moment before she answer.

"Its half price for flat foots like you..." It was a comment planned
to get a nasty reaction, from the character Donny was playing. The
young dragon wasn't sure he was totally comfortable with it, but as he
looked at the pretty mare she smiled and winked at him.

"Well just call me the paperboy... because I got news for you floozy."
Picking her up the young dragon bend her over his desk, and then
grabbing the hem of her dress he lifted it up out of his way. Both of
his hands grabbing her panty cover ass, squeezing and kneading it
lustfully. "Flat foots like me ride for free..." He snickered his
fingers discovering the opening in those crotch less panties, soon he
had three finger buried inside of her damp sex. "You'll be lucking, if
I don't invite the whole precinct to have a go on you." He quickly
unbuckled his trousers, freeing his long hard on even while fingering
her roughly.

"You bastard... you rotten copper..." Brenda fumed as she felt him tug
his finger out of her, and then that ridged dragon organ was being
crammed inside. "Ohoooo..." She couldn't help moaning, as he slid deep
inside of her in a single rough thrust.

"My buddy the rabbit is gonna be getting you for sure slut." Donny
sneered into her ear, as he drove himself in and out of her more and
more passionately. She bit her knuckles an screamed in pleasurable
agony, as he took her in his best blackguard fashion.

"Ummm you wicked cops really take advantage of a girl."The sleek mare
purred, her voice low an throaty with desire, an tinged with

"Hahah... A girl has to be good to be taken advantage of... and we
both know you're not a good girl... All the better to fill you with my
seed." Donny panted, as he started to pound her in and out with all
his strength. It was like an accordion, the way he would thrust in and
thrust out of her quivering flesh. "Feeling good slut?" He demanded,
reaching around her body to free her breast from that low cut 'fuck
me' dress.

"I'm no slut, and yes it feels good." Brenda admitted grudgingly in a
breathless voice, as she was being bred. The breeding was so
passionate and lustful that it only took him a short time, before the
dragon blew his hot seed deep inside of her. But it was only a small
amount, his body needed a bit longer to recharge it seemed. His balls
were spent for the time being, slowly he pulled his organ out of her.

"Had enough doll?" He asked in a winded voice, looking down at her
laying there ass up on his desk top. Her shirt hiked up exposing those
crotch less panties, which looked damp and uncomfortable.

"No... you can't tame me, copper... No matter how big and hard you
are, no matter how good you feel inside of me." Brenda rambled on,
half the time sounding defiant and half the time praising his
masculine power. "I don't care that your such a stud... that you make
me weak in the knee's. That you're mighty fucker makes me cum my
brains out, fuck me again... go on fuck me some more... Please..."

"Then maybe my rabbit friend should take over and give you a spanking,
doll." Donny teased, tucking himself back into his trousers the
slender dragon strolled over to the door. Slowly he walked down the
hallway, looking into the partly open guest room door. Watching as
Monica rode Doug's muzzle for a moment longer, the big lioness was
straddling the smaller rabbits head. Her head thrown back, as she
fondled her own breasts... plainly she was enjoying multiple orgasms
on the rabbits tongue. Before she rolled off of him and flopped over
on the bed panting for breath, as she purred in delight.

"I do like the way you clean up your mess's... and other furs as well

"I'm happy to do it..." Doug assured, sitting up with a firm chubby
jutting up between his furry thigh's. Donny pushed the door open, and
Doug looked over at him with a big smile. "Oh hey... Thank you Donny."
He squeaked excitedly as the dragon returned his smile, and gestured
for him to come over. Bouncing up onto his foot paws, the nerdy rabbit
grabbed his glass's as he hurried over.

"Why don't you go spent some time with Brenda, she needs a spanking
among other things."

"What? Wow really... Brenda... needs a spanking..." Donny was half
afraid the nerdy rabbit was going to lose it right there... he was
shaking all over while his eyes darted around. He chewed on his lower
lip, even as his thick rabbit prick bounced up and down drooling a
long slimy string of pre-cum.

"Sure... you go over there and get started, and Monica and I will come
over to watch in a minute." Donny assured, as Doug bounced from one
foot paw to the other in excitement, at the idea of getting to have
sex with the head cheerleader as well.

"Ok..." Doug agreed eagerly, quickly he darted out the door hopping
down the hallway to Donny's room.

"So you're the good copper are ya?" Faintly Donny heard Brenda's femme
fatale voice snarl softly, as the nerdy rabbit strolled into the room.
"You don't look like much... you call that a carrot?"

"You'll think good cop when I'm done with you..." Doug replied
cheerfully, clearly Monica had explained the role-playing to the
rabbit because he fell right into his role. "There are two ways of
doing everything, the question is what way are we going to use. Pain
or pleasure..." Donny heard a loud 'Smack' and was half afraid the
bunny had gotten a bit too into things, but Brenda's squeal of
pleasure eased that fear.

"Ohoo Ohoo you bastard..." 'Smack... smack smacksmack'

Strolling over he sat down on the bed beside Monica, the sexy lioness
looked up at him and smiled tiredly. "So how was Doug?" He asked her,
watching as a single big paw reached up to stroke his scaly cheek

"Eager to please... he licked me clean and then rutted me three times
in a row... before licking me clean again." Smirking she gestured down
to her puffy abused looking sex, it certainly did look clean... if
very well used. "He likes the taste of cum... yours... his own...
Merlin's it really doesn't seem to matter."

"I'm glad you had fun pet... I was afraid maybe you'd not like that I
shared you." The slender young dragon admitted, as he leaned down and
kissed her lovingly.

"It was fun enough, but he's not the lover you are master. He makes a
good oral pet tho' heh." The big lioness smirked, as she guided
Donny's hand down to her burning hot sex. The dragon's fingers rubbed
and caressed her velvety soft female flesh, even as the big feline sat
up and kissed him lustfully on the mouth again.

'Smack... smack smack.' "Awww... Awww... you fucking copper..." Brenda
was moaning and cursing weakly from the next room, Doug was teasing
her again telling her it didn't have to be that way. Telling her that
there were other options, that all she had to do was be a good girl.

"Let's go over there and watch..." Donny urged, as the pretty lioness
wiggled on his teasing fingers plainly she still hadn't gotten enough.

"Ammm alright lets go..." Monica agreed standing up and walking back
down the hall beside Donny, they walked into his bedroom and sat on
the bed. Over at the desk Doug was slowly tugging Brenda's panties
down, the big mare gasping loudly as the nerdy rabbit lean in and
began to lick Donny's cum off her inner thigh's. Slowly working his
way up to her big tear drop shaped equine sex, opening his mouth wide
Doug caught a long silvery string of cum as it dripped from her
quivering sex.

Over on the bed Monica nudged Donny with her elbow, smiling as the
young dragon nodded wide eyed. Watching his best friend in the world
eat his cum out of his sex pet, the look on Doug's muzzle one of
delight. As he kissed that gaping rut hole, suckling the dragon cream
out of it noisily. Before burying his tongue as deep as it would go
into Brenda's well fucked snatch, Donny almost couldn't believe what
he was seeing. If it hadn't been for all the hidden desires he'd seen
in others lately, he wouldn't have believed that Doug would ever do
something like this. He had began to purposely avoid some folks minds,
he didn't want to know what his sister Sandra's dark desires were.
He'd accidentally shared a moment with his dad the other night, when
Chao had peeked into the room and saw Donny having sex with Brenda and
Monica. He'd read his father's desire to be doing what Donny was
doing, he'd seen a flash of his teenage father having sex with a girl
who wasn't his mom. It was disturbing to think of his dad in that way,
and after he'd seen the things in Brenda's parents heads. Well that
had been disgusting and eye opening, just because someone was older
and married didn't mean they didn't have secret nasty desires.


It was somewhat later, that Doug and Donny were watching the Doctor
Hooves marathon. They had missed half the programming of course,
because they were nuzzling Brenda and Monica. Doctor Hooves was a
program where the Doctor was played by a number of different furs. It
showed adventures through space and time, and even featured humans
from time to time, although no one has any idea of how they looked.
The Doctor had a many different companion, sometimes more than one, on
his adventures through space. And every once in a while, on one of the
Christmas specials, the Doctor would regenerate. He usually turns into
a younger fur, but sometimes he gets older.

Monica and Brenda were resting or doing homework, as Doug and Donny
talked about older episodes. Sometimes Donny would go over to help
them, or just to snuggle for a bit. "So, what homework are we working
on today?" He asked sitting down next to them, Brenda giggled as she
looked over at him. "Trigonometry actually... this time I actually
have to do it. Are you doing yours?"

"Mine is done already." The young dragon explained with a smile, he'd
finished his work at school. "That's why I'm watching Doctor Hooves
with Doug tonight."

"We can talk more about the company, while you watch your programs."
Monica offered, as she closed her book and sat back in the sofa.
"After I've done my Trig."

Donny sighed, this economics exercise was turning out to be a lot more
work than he'd expected it to be. "Oh, right, the Company. Do we have
a business license yet?"

Monica responded, "We should have one by tonight. Dean said he'll get
it, so we can be ready to launch tomorrow."

"Maybe I should get you some crotch less panties in celebration."
Donny teased jokingly, as the lean golden lioness smirked at him. He
was thinking about it really, offering to get some new underwear for
Monica. Or perhaps he should get her some running gear. he tossed that
thought aside, as they were offering action gear. Literally... they
were going to sell action gear -- exercise apparel for men and women,
and in the school colors.

"Save that for Christmas." Monica chuckled wickedly, rolling her eyes
at the smirking dragon. "I want Christmas night to be special for us."

"I can provide drinks for your first day in business." Brenda then
offered, she always had access to stuff like that thanks to her
parents drunken partying. "I think I can smuggle some red wine in."

"Wine..." Donny grunted, he had never really been exposed to drinking
his family never touched alcohol. "Is that really appropriate?"

"Yes it is Donny." Brenda returned with a smirk, she had drank a lot
before he'd came into her life. "We still have to test whether or not
you're actually allergic to ethyl alcohol."

"Ahem... I don't know about that." The young dragon looked a bit
confused by that, he wasn't sure they needed to find that at all. He
didn't like the idea of being out of control, and drinking always
seemed to do that to furs. In point of fact he had discovered that he
enjoyed being in control, he liked being able to order others around.
And had to fight the desire to take control more and more often, he
thought of the donkey boy he'd helped come forward. He thought about
Bruno who he'd put in jail where he belonged, and Cameron who he had
modified to keep from going down the same path as Bruno. And his
bringing out Terri's inner most desires, he'd helped Merlin come out
to his crush. Was it really so bad if he was in control, the more his
considered it the more Donny wanted to use his power to take control
of others.

It was about this time that his mom and Sandra came back from her
soccer game, the lady wildcats had won three goals to one. Both Sandra
and his mom where very excited about it, Donny's mother was happy to
see Doug over. She liked the rabbit and his family, and she was
quickly off to prepare dinner. While Sandra when up stairs to get
cleaned up and change her clothing after the game.

Donny was leaning back on the sofa, with Doug, Monica and Brenda
feeling strangely comfortable and happy. He could hear his mother
cooking in the kitchen, and the air was soon filled with the smells of
food. The marathon had progressed to Donny's second favorite Doctor,
as he and the others watched the Zebra Doctor out smart Dafforus and
his Morlocks yet again. Everything felt right with the world, just
then his cell phone buzzed in his pocket. Digging it out he looked at
it oddly, the call was from a blocked number. "Hello..." He answered
it questioningly, only to hear a disguised voice speak to him.

"I know what you're doing... I know your secret." That voice sneered
from the other end, as the young dragon felt his heart leap into his

"Who is this? What are you talking about?" Donny stammered into the
phone, even as the others all turned to look at him.

"I know about your powers... I know your messing with furs minds...
I'm not going to tell you who I am... because you'd just take control
of my mind... but I am going to stop you..."

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