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Humbling The Jocks...
Chapter 6

"Are you out for revenge?" Donny asked stunned, but the communiqué
stopped just as he was going to ask. Donny had to be careful now that
someone knew his powers, and was planning to interfere. All he did was
read thoughts and hypnotize people, so he really couldn't see what was
so bad about that. And so far, he had only done it to the jocks who
harassed him... okay well, he hypnotized Doctor Blaylock and Brenda
slightly. He didn't hypnotize Monica, she became his all of her own
free will.

And who was the furson on the other end of the line that was talking
to him? In a disguised voice after all, that at least hinted they knew
each other? Right now he had more questions than answers, something
the young dragon normally liked. Right now he had nothing, except
someone knew what he was up to. What if he could be struck by
lightning again, and the hypnotizing power could be taken away? No, he
had a gift, and according to the furson he just talked to, he was
misusing it. So, who would be his enemy? It didn't make a lot of
sense, he ran over the most obvious suspects... Not Chase, there was
no way the Lion would play games like this, not his gorilla buddy
either. Who did that leave... Donny really couldn't think of anyone.

"Doug, do you think I'm misusing my hypnotist ability?" He asked
feeling a little guilty about it, which was unpleasant.

"What brought this on?" Doug asked looking over at his best friend
with a smile, Donny could still see a bit if his spunk shining on the
rabbits muzzle fur. Well that didn't help things much, but then it
wasn't like he'd used his powers to make Doug eat his cum. "As for
your question... No... no... I do not the worlds a better place thanks
to you."

"I just had the strangest call." Donny explained, as he and Doug
watching their favorite old time show. "The person on the other line
wants to stop me from using my hypnotist ability... I don't know who
it could be because he disguised his voice."

"Don't worry about it right now, Dr. Hooves is on and my favorite
Doctor is up next." Doug said, patting his friend on the knee as the
eat some of his mothers dinner.

Brenda and Monica left around 11:30, but Doug stayed over so they
could watch the marathon late into the night. And Donny's parents were
up stairs watching the TV in the master bedroom, which left Doug and
him alone in the living room. When one of their least favorite
episodes came on, bored for the moment the conversation turned to the
mysterious caller. And it appeared Doug had been giving it some
thought, he quickly pointed out all the furs it couldn't be in his
opinion. None of the former jock bullies that was plain, and most of
the other jocks were to dumb or distracted. He dismissed Chase and his
gorilla buddy just like Donny had, but then who could it be... "Its
amazing this always happens in the shows or comic books, the hero gets
his powers and then a villain comes along to target him. Normally
because the hero has came along and foiled one of his carefully laid
plans. So I guess the question is... who's plans have you foiled?"

Donny rolled his eyes as the rabbit spoke, this wasn't a comic book or
a Doctor Hooves episode. "This isn't a comic book or a Doctor Hooves
episode Doug... I've not foiled any master villains evil schemes. All
I've done is read a few minds, bring out some secret desires... I've
helped Terri, Dean, Cameron and Merlin... There really was no helping
Bruno... he's a criminal rapist."

"Hmmmm maybe he had an accomplice... someone who shared his desires
and plans." Doug pointed out, making Donny remember Cameron had kind
of enjoyed helping Bruno abused the little stag. But he'd seen inside
of Cameron's mind, and the big horse just wasn't evil master mind
material. "You know someone you're getting Bruno arrested, has foiled
or inconvenienced in some way."

"I don't think so..." Donny grunted, unsure what secrets Bruno's mind
might be hiding, he had not looked to deeply into that twisted mind.
Because what was on the surface was so repugnant to him, he'd seen
more than he wanted by discovering the part Cameron had played. It had
forced him to do something he didn't like, it was the reason he had
been inside Dr. Blaylock's mind. And the reason Cameron was a gelding
now, that huge organ of his would never get hard enough to hurt anyone
again. Suddenly an idea came to him, he had read a book once about
remote viewing. And wondered if he could do it now, he'd most likely
need to put himself into a trance. "I'm going to try and have a look
inside Bruno's mind." He told Doug, as the little rabbit looked at him
confused... clearly Doug was thinking about when he'd seen Donny use
his powers in the school restroom.

"But I thought you had to be looking into the furson's eyes..." Doug
grunted, as Donny began to put himself into a trance so that he could
try a remote viewing.

"I did at first... but the more I use my powers the more they seem to
grow and strengthen." The eastern dragon explained in a soft voice as
his eyes half closed, his mind slipping farther and farther into its
self. "If I'm not back before the next episode starts wake me up

"Errr sure thing..." Doug replied softly, as he watched Donny's body
slump on the sofa while the dragon's half closed eyes turned glassy.

Vaguely he heard Doug's words, as suddenly he found himself floating
above his own limp body. Which had slumped back on the sofa slack
jawed and vacant eyed as the little rabbit starred at him. It was
decidedly unnerving, to look down on one's self in such a helpless
state. However Donny had little time to ponder that... as his ethereal
shape began to drift away. Pulled be his on mental planning and the
power within his brain, he flew across the room and through the big
picture window facing the street. Quickly raising into the night sky
as he whizzed across town, the county jail loomed up out of the night
ahead of him.

And the young dragon found himself pasting through the two feet
concrete walls, floating down the dimly lit corridors. Past darken
cells and patrolling guards, it appeared that Bruno was being held in
the adult section. At last he came to a cell, and instantly knew this
was the right one. It was semi dark in the cell, but Donny could see
movement on the lower bunk. Drifting into the cell he found himself
looking at two bodies, one on top of the other moving in a rough
steady rhythm. The dragon felt himself being drawn towards his
objective, Bruno's muzzle was being pushed down hard into the pillow,
as the smirking tattoo covered Rhino lay atop him thrusting roughly.
Slowly Donny sank into Bruno's head... wincing as the emotions the
horse was feeling hit him. It was very unpleasant... Bruno was getting
a taste of what he'd done to others and he wasn't liking it at all.
Donny couldn't help but point this out to the jock's mind, using some
of the memories he's found in the donkeys mind to make him understand
this was just the same. He them looked deeper into Bruno's mind...
starring at the dark sadistic desires the horse had. He found
nothing... no hint of any villainous partner only Cameron and a bull
friend on the wrestling team. Neither of who could be the furson
threatening him, although the bull was certainly learning from Bruno.

Giving up and unwilling to stay in Bruno's head a moment longer, the
dragon slipped out and flew back across town. As he neared his street
he became aware of the sensations, warn and wet moving along his...
Donny blinked stunned as he realized what he was feeling, he knew the
sensation and also knew that he was alone with just Doug. Drifting in
the big window... he floated over to the sofa looking down at the
little rabbit. Doug's head was going up and down over his lap, and
Donny knew very well what Doug was doing. Slowly his mind settled back
into his body, and his eye's snapped open as a sudden rush of pleasure
shot through him. "Dude!" He moaned, grasping Doug's head and pulling
it down until the rabbit's twitching nose was against his crotch. As a
intense orgasm blasted through him, feeding his best friend the thick
creamy dragon seed he craved. "Ohoo fucking hells... what... what..."

"I'm sorry..." Doug squeaked when he was allowed to come up for air,
the room was suddenly thick with the scent of his bunny arousal. "I
just... it's just... I've been wanting to do that... and when you
suddenly popped a boner... Well I couldn't resist." Doug was looking
very ashamed as he spoke, and yet it was hard to be mad at a guy who
had just made him feel so good.

"Wait... what... I popped wood?" Donny asked, disgusted with himself
for getting excited over something like what he'd encountered in
Bruno's cell.

"Ammm yeah."

"Oh ok... well thanks for... well I didn't ask for it... but it felt
really nice." Donny admitted weakly, as Doug flashed him a kind of
gloating grin.

"I've been practicing on Merlin... he's so big it's much harder to do
for him." The little rabbit admitted with only the barest hint of
shame, making Donny smile it was good his friend was so well adjusted.

"TMI... I think." The young dragon panted, admitting his own in
ability to just except the fact that he enjoyed sex no matter if it
was with a male of female...

"Heh sorry... anyway the next episode is just about to start."


It was two days later, near the end of the school day that something
happened. Donny was working with the others in Economics, they finally
had their business license. And had sent in their first order for
clothing, mostly because Brenda and the girls had been pre-saleing to
everyone they could. It turns out the cheerleaders were good at it,
and had even marketed their products to parents and booster.

The big shaggy red bovine smirked down at the little goat, dressed in
only his old practice jersey and sweat stained jock strap. Vin licked
his thick bull lip's, while gripping and squeezing the back of the
smaller goats neck brutally hard. "Whatcha doin' in the gym ya little
cunt?" Vin demanded... dragging his victim a bit farther back, wanting
to be out of sight for what he was planning.

"Ack! Uhuh, Hi Vin. Just... just watching the practice... y'know...
school spirit..." The goat put up some resistance as he was dragged
along, but only a token amount. There was little point in fighting
back against someone with that much mass on him... as he well knew.
This wouldn't be the first time he big jock had gotten him behind the
bleachers, but this time... Rick had a plan it had been meant for
Bruno. But the dragon had taken him out of the picture, before the
goat could get his revenge. Oh sure the horse jock was in jail, but it
wasn't the end that Rick wanted for Bruno. The little goat hadn't
understood it at first, but then after watching the dragon with
Terry's dad in the parking lot it had all clicked. What he'd seen in
the halls with Donny and Dean, no one ever paid him any attention even
when he was standing just inches away. He'd over hear other things
earlier while hiding in the rest room, and still more while cowering
behind a pile of wrestling mats in the equipment room.

He had figured out the dragon's secret, understood that Donny was the
reason why the donkey had turned Bruno in. Just as Rick was getting
ready to take his revenge, it was a masterful plan even if he did say
so himself. It hinged on Bruno... well Vin now thinking he was in
control at all times though... so the goat made sure to prance a bit,
and let his firm ass flex in his shorts. He know the bull would be
paying attention to that, knew Vin was every bit the sexual predator
Bruno was.

"Heh yeah sure ya was... only practice is over..." The smirking Bull
noted as he looked around again, making sure they were alone before he
pulled his jock strap to one side. His massive low dangling nuts
spilling out at once, followed by his bulging furry sheath. "You're
just lookin' to touch a real studs junk... again." Vin sneered at the
knowledge that he'd made the smaller male give him a hand job in the
past, and was planning to do much more to the other male. Because he
was horny and he knew that he could get away with it, but also because
he liked forcing smaller males do things. "Go on touch me."

"What? Here?!" Rick grunted looked around fearfully, as if he was only
not wanting to be caught pleasuring the bull. "Someone could come in
any moment and see us." He warned hopped away, getting further into
the folding scaffolding behind the bleachers. It was complex and
dense, with machinery and joints to fold the whole thing up against
the wall... if more floor space was needed. Rick could easily have
evaded the bulky bovine... but he let Vin catch up, and then he did
put his hands on the bull's huge balls. A thrill ran though him;
frankly, they were amazing, and he wished he had a set that big. His
own set was impressive enough, for a goat, but still these were
massive. "You gotta be more careful flashing these around Vin, what if
Carla heard that you liked fooling around with other guys?"

"Hah..." Vin chuckled as he caught up to the little goat, and the
smaller male quickly began to play with his huge balls. "You're a
little tease..." The huge Bull laughed as his long red bovine cock
began to spill from his sheath, as those hot little hands rubbed and
explored his huge nuts. "Why their aint nobody here this time of
day... expect the other guys on the team and they've seen them
already." Which was true enough the huge Bull loved showing his junk
off to others, guys all got that look of jealousy in their eyes. .
Just like the sissy little goat had right then, while females all got
a lusty interested look in their eyes. "Hah... Carla aint gunna
believe nothing like that... not the way I treat her every night.
Besides this aint fooling around... don't think for a minute I'm going
to do anything for you faggot. You're going to do for me... you going
to do just what I tell you or I'm going to beat your muzzle inside

Rick gave Vin a disappointed look, as if he had thought the bull might
want to please him. "Geez, way to kill the mood... I was really
getting into it. Can't you at least pretend that you're just so horny
you can't control yourself?" The goat dutifully grasped the bull's
dick, beginning to stroke it with care and expertise... Or at least
care, he did want the bull to be more aroused than angry.

"Hahaha... oh I am so horny... that I'm controlling you slut." The
shaggy red Bull pointed out with a gloating sneer, even as he watched
the smaller males hands grip and rub his thick fucker. "This time yer
gunna suck it queer... that or I'm gunna put it up yer tailhole." Vin
threatened lustfully as gripped the goats furry neck again, putting a
bit of pressure on it as he squeezed slightly.

Before the bull could carry out his threats, the small goat sighed and
got on his knees. He had to twist and shift a little with all the
folding support bars around, and as he started to go down on Vin's
rising bull dick. He made sure that the bull had an equally awkward
time, and needed to step through and around several inconveniently
placed metal bars to really get into his muzzle.

"Ohooo... Ohooo fuck yeah... that's it... that's what I want." Vin
moaned, arching his back and thrusting his cock and balls out between
the bleacher supports, his big hands reaching out now gripping the
metal work. As huge bovine twisting and shoving, working his hefty
junk in between those folding supports; as he tried to get more and
more of his big fucker into Rick's hot little mouth.

Rick nodded, and moaned around that thick bull shaft, the red meat
already salty and musky from the jock's sweaty practice just minute
before. He bobbed on that rut stick and fondled the bull's big
balls... rolling them in his hands, kneading them... as he carefully
positioning them between two pieces of metal that had to come together
for the bleachers to retract. Vin's nice long dick was already being
thrust between two other such pieces, as it was thrust down his
suckling throat. The goat moaned around that heavy shaft... god this
bull was so well hung. Rick was almost getting drunk off his musk,
just from going down on him. He fondled the remote in the pocket of
his cargo shorts... it was going to be such a tragedy... but his
timing would have to be precise. He just had to make sure the bull
didn't grab on to him when he came... otherwise he could end up dead.

"Oho fuck.... Ummmm yeah that's it." Vin was moaning and grunting as
he enjoyed the smaller male sucking on him, it was even better because
the jock knew he was making Rick do it. "Heheh... Didn't think you'd
really do it... guess you are a fag after all..." The horny Bull
taunted knowing the smaller male couldn't do anything about his
insults, he'd heard that Rick had been lusting after Carla. But the
way the goat was sucking dick, maybe that was all just some bodies
idea of a joke. The big bull gripped the metal over head, driving his
strong hip's forwards harder and faster into the pansy goats suckling
mouth... He wasn't going to last much longer, but that hardly mattered
because he bounced back quickly. And he was planning to have a go in
that tiny little tail hole next, the panting Bull shoved in deeper and
his cock throbbed harder...

Rick let the bull speak without so much and a grunt or snort of
protest as he worked on that long fucker. He didn't care about the
insults, he just wanted to know how close the jock was to blowing his
load. At least he wasn't taking long... something the straight goat
was very glad off. Rick bobbed his head up and down faster, stroking
the shaft with his soft lips. Working it with his tongue, kneading
those fat bull nuts until he felt them start to pull up... and heard
Vin moan while feeling that thick cock tremble... 'It was time.' He
draped the neck of Vin's sac over a scissor hinge in the scaffolding,
and then abruptly pulled off the bull's long dick just as he was
cumming. The little goat slapped his pocket firmly. a circuit box on
the wall beeped loudly in response, and Rick scampered free as the
bleachers began to fold in. The bull's loose ball sack was immediately
caught between two folding pieces of metal, Vin could only look on in
horror as the same thing happened to his throbbing cock. The bull
suddenly caught by his genitals in a deadly vice, and it only got
worse and worse... The scaffolding wasn't stopping at just pinching
his sack neck and squeezing his dick... it wasn't slowed down as it
kept slowly constricting. The folding metal slowly crushing and
cutting his beautiful cock and huge balls as the bleachers retracted.

"MMMOOOOAAA...." The shaggy red Bull screamed, as those dull metal
struts pinched down onto his trapped flesh. Squeezing unpleasantly at
first, but quickly that turned into shearing pain. Like a enormous set
of scissors closing, those x shaped metal bars, slowly pinched down
cutting through his male flesh. Even as the big Bull's bellows filled
the gym, making the coaches and jocks come running to see what was
happening. They clustered around the little goat, who was pointing and
covering his mouth to hide his gloating smile. Even as he watched the
distant figure of Vin bucking and struggled, until he collapsed into
his knee's... even as the coach reversed the bleachers. As they opened
up everyone got to see what Rick had, Vin's massive cock and ball's
had been cleanly cut away leaving the bovine a sexless steer...

"Oh my god... Oh my God... " Carla and the other cheerleaders
squealed, as they saw the former bulls new state.

"Come away Carla... you shouldn't see this." Rick smirked wrapping a
arm around the pretty cows waist, and leading her away as she trembled
and panted for breath.


Donny walked through the halls with Monica's paw in his, the two were
inseparable at this point. Brenda already was in class, Monica liked
their walk through the halls to their Economics class. Fall was
starting to give way to winter, as snow had fallen the night before.
Monica was wearing a more sensible outfit, mostly at Donny's
admonition. But she still walked like a slave, and still wore her
heavy metal collar. Most of the other furs called her hussy, whore,
and a bunch of other names. But outwardly this didn't seem to faze the
pretty golden lioness, even if the words hurt her a bit. Although she
regretted being called a hussy or a whore, she wore her collar with

Rick slammed into the couple before they reached the door, the little
goat was in a hurry to get somewhere. "Oh, excuse me. I didn't know
where I was going." He explained looking to two of them over, working
hard to keep his mind calm and blank.

"Watch it will ya?" Donny then said hardly noticing the goat, he had
seen him around but never paid much attention to him. He didn't stand
out in anyway, he was just a nameless muzzle in the crowd.

"Oh of course." Rick answered being careful to not look the dragon in
the eye, pretending to pick something he'd dropped up off the floor.
"Like I said, I didn't know where I was going. My name is Rick, by the
way. What's yours?"

"Donny." Answered Donny truthfully, surprised by the goats sudden
burst of speach... he hadn't ever heard Rick speak before that he
could recall. "Donny Chen."

"Nice to meet you." Rick called over his shoulder, as he went on his
way down the hall leaving them behind. That left the pair little time
to get in class before the bell rang, and the bell did ring by the
time they were finding their seats. Mr. Collins, a deer, was dressed
almost to the nines today forgoing his normal cheap slacks and pull
over. He was wearing a necktie and a suit that had clearly cost a lot
of money, it was a bit out of fashion however.

"All right class." The middle-aged stag grunted, looking around at
them as if he was one of the sharks on that TV show. "What is the
progress of the company?"

"We received our stock in the school colors yesterday and now we are
ready to sell." Dean explained, plainly very pleased with everything
that they had gotten done over the last few days.

"Yes, and we got our business license, so we are serious about being a
company." Candice piped up, sounding if anything more pleased and
optimistically excited that Dean.

"We decided to call our company Action Gear." Doug called out, getting
into the spirit of the moment like the others. "To show that our
product can be used for something else besides running."

"We've even got preorders..." Donny piped in with the others, as Mr.
Collins looked out at them knowingly. "Over 45% of our first run is
already sold, we can invest that money back into the company."

"Your doing very well... however if you've read your class book you
will be aware that the SBA states that only 30% of new businesses fail
during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five
years and 66% during the first 10. So my question to you is, what are
you going to do to ensure this doesn't happen to your new company?"

The class began to throw out answers, all of which were good ones.
However each one be its self was far too little, Donny got the idea as
his friends voiced their thoughts. And so at last spoke out just
before the old stag was about to explain the folly of their thinking.
"We need to address all of these ideas in our business plan... from
investing in better business contacts in the industry to expanding our
base growth while not exceeding the manufacturing output. In summary
our business plan has to take into account all of these answers, as
well as be flexible enough to be changed if something unforeseen
should happen." The young dragon answered, making the older deer smile
and nod his head sagely.

"That is indeed what must be done Mr. Chen and even if done there is
always a great deal that can and most likely will go wrong. Starting
one's own business is a high stakes gamble, that should only be
entered in to with the upper most planning and the most qualified furs
one can find." The older stag smiled weakly, and Donny could read the
sadness couldn't from him. Mr. Collins had tried opening his own
business and had fail at it... which was why he was still a teacher.
He wasn't very happy in his job the dragon sensed, and his marriage
was a joke with his wife cheating on him. Donny winced and closed his
eyes taking a couple of deep breaths, the stench of disrepair coming
from his teacher almost making him sick.

Suddenly the loud scream of sirens drew everyone's attention, they
crowded around the windows. Watching as a ambulance came speeding into
the parking lot, spinning and turning it backed up towards the gym.
Suddenly Monica's phone chipped, she opened a picture that was sent to
her by one of her friends. All over the room others furs were getting
the same type of messages, Donny looked at the picture in puzzlement.
The text that founded explained what they were seeing, there had been
a accident with the bleachers in the gym. One of the wrestlers a big
bull had been caught up, it took the dragon a minute to connect the
name. It was Bruno's bull friend on the wrestling team, the one who
had been getting more and more like the big horse jock. Donny
swallowed hard working to keep the bile down, well the bull certainly
be hurting anyone like that now.

Doug joined Donny at the window... the little rabbit had make the
connection as well it seemed. "Ahem you didn't..." He wiggled his
fingers in that vaguely mystic way that normally made Donny chuckle,
but there really was nothing funny about this.

"No... this isn't me." Donny assured firmly, whoever had done this was
cruel... even monstrous in their way.

"Do you think maybe..." Doug didn't say it, but the dragon understood
at once that he was concerned that maybe this was Donny's mysterious

"I don't know... it might just be a accident." Donny was afraid all of
a sudden, things were getting seriously strange. Business or not, this
was getting the better of him in a way just the sense of danger he now
felt. A bull had his nuts cut off while in the bleachers, more than
that by the looks of those pictures. This couldn't be his work, he'd
have the bull told on certainly. And he was a good wrestler at that,
one of the best the school had. Now he was nothing more than a steer,
and with those injuries it was doubtful that he would complete again.
This was not his method of operation, it had to be someone cruel and

Donny thought hard about the call he received the night before, the
owner disguised his voice and made it brief. He had to know who it
was, how could he protect himself and his friends if he didn't.
"Donny, honey... are you alright?" Monica asked him softly, plainly
she was sensing his dark serious thoughts.

"Yes Monica, I am." Donny assured her, even as he doubted it himself
secretly... but he wanted to put on a brave face for her. He sat back
down at his desk, his mind moving a mile a minute as he pondered who
it might be. 'Who was it on the other line? Could this be his doing?'

"Alright show's over, I still have a class to run." Mr. Collins
snorted calling them away from the windows, even as the paramedic's
brought Vin out on a stretcher. "I'm investing in this company... so I
can continue to advise you." The stag bought stock in the company for
twenty dollars, having Doug write out a stock certificate for him.
"You have the potential to be well run."

"Right Mr. Collins." Said Doug, as he finished writing the stock
certificate out and handed it over to the teacher.

"Dean, you're the Chief Executive Officer, when and where do we start
to sell our product?" Mr. Collins inquired in his position as a new
shareholder, looking around the room at each of them."Right here,
during lunch time." Dean remarked, putting a pushpin into the map of
campus near the lunch room. Yep was where they will start selling
their action gear, they had already asked for a extra table to be set
up. And Doug had some of his buddies in art class making signs for
them, it would all be ready for roll out at lunch.


"It... it was just so horrible..." Carla sobbed softly on the smaller
goats shoulder, Rick had carefully maneuvered the pretty cow away from
the others. He'd gotten the key to a storage room from the custodian,
and lead the overly emotional cheerleader in there. The room had been
set up to be a kind of break room by the custodian for himself,
complete with and old couch that had been taken from the teachers'
lounge. It was a great place for a little alone time, there was even a
small fridge and some nasty magazines. Rick had make sure those were
out of sight before he brought Carla there, this was all going to be
about making her feel better. He sat her down on the couch, cuddling
close and comforting her softly.

"Oh yes horrible..." Rick repeated with a smirk, he didn't mean it of
course but then either did she. Donny Chen wasn't the only one who
could discover other furs secret turn on's, true the goat had to sneak
around a lot more and go through the trash. Not that it mattered that
much, so often folks just ignored him completely. It made it easy for
him to get close and eavesdrop, it also made it simple for him to get
into places he wasn't supposed to go. He could just walk right past
furs and no one bothered to challenge him, security guards walked
right beside him. And home owners never bothered to ask why he was in
their houses, in Carla's case he'd had to find and read her dairies.
Her mother and father had both seen him and yet failed to take any
notice... that was how he'd learned about her love of the doomed
lover. It was always the same a girl seemingly in love with some
handsome hero/prince, only to lose him to some cruel fate. And then be
swept off her hooves by some plain character, normally the
hero/princes friend or square.

"My dear friend so brutally deprived of his male-hood... Yet I
wonder..." He said watched the pretty female look up at him, her
bloodshot eyes sparkling as his words triggered her secret fantasies.
"I wonder if he maybe knew something might happen to him... because
just today he asked me a second time to look out after you... If that
is he wasn't able to do it himself anymore..." Carla's lush body
quivered, as his words pushed all the right buttons in her mind.
Suddenly she leaned down and kissed him, Rick let her kiss him for a
long moment. Relishing the act of having the big bully bull's
girlfriend kissing him, it was almost as exciting as watching Vin get
castrated had been. "No... no we mustn't... he's your love and my dear
friend..." The goat moaned the dialog she needed to hear, and then he
kissed her back even more lustfully. Soon they were making out
passionately, and he had his hands up under her shirt. Wondering in
nasty amusement, if she could taste her boyfriends cock in his mouth.
He'd never have to taste that cock again, of course neither would
anyone else for that matter.

Her thick fingers freed his aching erection, and as it jutted up in
excitement the pretty cow slipped her panties off. "This is so
wrong..." She moaned the formula words, like in one of the pulp
stories she so got off on. Lifting her body up to straddle his,
gripping the small goats shoulders as he leaned back on the old couch.
"But it feels sooooo right." She moaned as she impaled herself on his
up thrust organ, making the little goat let out a soft gloating
chuckle. The goat had completed his revenge on the bull, his revenge
on Bruno had been taken care of earlier. When he'd paid the horses
much bigger cell mate, to treat Bruno just like the horse jock had
treated Rick. Not that it had taken much convincing on his part, the
big Rhino was already considering it, before he'd been paid off.

"Oh yes.. Oho yes you're so beautiful... this just feels so right. Now
that Vin can no longer see to your needs." Damn this felt good... now
that he'd begun his revenge he wasn't going to stop, he was going to
make them pay... make them all pay. The dragon was his most dangerous
foe of course... he'd have to be very careful, but already he knew
things that would help him. He could use Chase and Ayanda the
gorilla... the wolf wouldn't be any help as the dragon had already
gotten to him.


Donny was outside the high school when Dean had caught up to him, the
dragon the day had ended. "We can do this..." Dean said firmly, it was
plain the horse jock was really getting into the idea of being
successful. "We've got a real opportunity on our hands here. Every fur
is going to want to buy our gear... if we market it right."

"Who is in charge of marketing?" Donny asked, he should know that but
was having trouble keeping it all in mind. "I can't sell, it's just
not my personality." The dragon confessed weakly, the fact was he just
couldn't muster the friendly personally sales required.

"That would be Merlin..." Dean snorted, as the two of them strolled
across the parking lot... the gravel crunching under hoof. "Don't
worry, Merlin can market our items, since he is taking marketing
classes. If this can go big, like I think it will, then we can expand
our product line. Get out of the school and get our own Action Gear
manufacturing shop."

Donny could only nod his head, finding it challenging to worry about
so many things at once. "So, mister Chief Executive Officer, we are
going to evolve our plans right?"

"Well, Candice is providing the seed money, if we can make a very good
profit, we can pay for our college educations. We won't have to take
out loans to go to College... and I don't know about your family but
mine could use the help."

Dean snorted walked him to his car, the big black stallion tossing his
things into the trunk. "This is going to go big Donny, I can feel it."

Donny nodded his head again, seeing that Monica and Brenda were on
their way to join them. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to go over the Company Statement again." Dean explained,
eagerly as the girls came walking up to them. "Make sure you word it
correctly, according to our new plans. Cameron and Merlin were going
over the business plan for Action Gear, all we need now is a powerful
company statement."

"Okay." Donny agreed as Brenda and Monica came up to him, the dragon
feeling more and more excited. "I'll work on it with Monica."

"Right, tomorrow in class buddy." Dean snorted, looking the two of
them over thoughtfully for a moment, before going on. "I expect a
working draft of the new Company Statement."

"Can you give us a ride over to my place?" Donny asked as the big jock
stallion tossed his head, plainly he was having second thoughts about
Monica and the dragon alone.

"Of course I can no problem... Just remember that it's not rut gear,
its Action Gear." Dean pointed out with a lewd smirk, everyone in
school knew what was going on every night between Monica, Donny and

Donny thought about that... Dean was making a very good point and he
was far too weak where Monica and Brenda was concerned. "On second
thought, we all could talk about the company statement, at the Golden
Corral." Donny offered, a nice public place was the way to avoid his
getting distracted by the girls charms. "Get the whole team to go...
and then I'll revise it tonight."

"You should be vice president." Dean snickered approvingly, he really
couldn't fault the dragons dedication. After all if the horse had two
willing females like Donny, he wasn't sure he'd have time for anything
else. So far he'd just began to get Candice to have fun with him, and
he had to admit that he was finding her a huge distraction.

"VP of what?" Donny asked with a faint smile, as the four of them
climbed into Dean's car together.

"I don't know yet, but that's up to our president." Dean smirked as he
looked over at the lioness, who had wrapped one arm around Donny's
long slender neck.

"I'm sure I can think of something." Monica purred, as Donny blushed
and grinned weakly even as Brenda chuckled leeringly at his expense.


Chase watched as Brenda, Monica, and Donny piled into Dean's shiny
muscle car. Driving off to who knew where, even as the tall lion jock
started his own older ratty car. He knew Donny was into Monica, and
Monica was certainly into the dragon. She even proudly displayed it
with her collar 'Chen's Property', that really burned the pure bred
feline up. Watching Monica be all happy with the eastern dragon, left
a dry, bitter taste in his mouth. Monica was supposed to be his
girlfriend, their parents had all but planned it out. Now she was a
species traitor, hanging out with a serpent like Donny Chen and being
like she was utterly into him. Chase wanted it to be the two of them,
but Monica was probably having sex from Chen. Just the thought of that
made him tremble in anger, and feel sick with disgust. He pictured the
sexy lioness nude, excited, ready to be bred, and then he flinched
seeing the naked aroused dragon hovering over her. Getting ready to
bury his male organ inside of her, take procession of her body in the
most intimate way possible. It was all so sick and wrong, Chase
breathed out a cloud of hot air in the crisp winter afternoon.

"Hi there Chase..." A soft voice said from behind him, making the tall
lion spin around quickly. He found himself looking down at a small
goat, Rick was dressed in a dull green parka and jeans. "Well, well it
looks like you're awful mad... it's a disgraceful that a cold blooded
serpent is in control of a pretty feline like Monica."

"Of course I am, I don't know what she sees in him... What how do you
know my name?" Chase asked curiously, the big feline was sure that
he'd never seen this little grass eater before.

"Oh that's easy... everyone knows the star of the basketball team."
Rick flattered very convincingly, he could just as easily have
convinced the lion that he wanted to suck his dick... if he wanted to.

"Amm... yeah I guess that's true enough." Chase grunted, thrusting his
chest out proudly as he looked down at the smaller male gloatingly.

"Now I'm just a nobody... but we share the same outlook about a lot of
things. First and foremost is that blood lines should remain pure,
Monica is yours by right of species alone." The little assured the big
feline jock, as Chase scowled at the idea of the dragon breeding

"You're a smart guy Rick... but what am I going to do about it...
She's into him it seems, and I'd bet he's ruined her with that scaly
dick of his." Chase cursed loudly as he pictured the dragon between
Monica's long sexy leg's, slithering and squirming in ecstasy with his
male hood deep inside of her.

"Oh no... I've hear from Brenda's best friends Carla on the
cheerleader squad... that she's not let him do it yet. But he'll soon
take care of that, that smug Donny Chen thinks he can get away with
anything. All because he can use his mind to dominate the minds of
others, that's what he did to you the other day in the hall."

"Really?" Chase asked in shock and joy, so Monica wasn't letting him
mount her. A surge of happiness raced through the big lion, he knew
the dragon had been lying. "Wait what... what are you talking about?"

"I know it sounds crazy..." Rick confided, as Chase looked at him
intensely... to see if the little goat was making fun of him in some
manner. "But think about it... how do you think he knows your secrets,
and how could he use them to intimidate you. He can look into the
minds of others, discover their secrets and hypnosis them to make them
do things. You know about your wolf buddies new interests..." Chase
jumped at that, Arhoun had been acting really sick and perverted from
the last few days.

"What do you know about that?" Chase choked, looking at the little
goat sharply as Rick rolled his shoulders and smirked.

"I know that it's not his fault... he tried to confront Donny Chen in
gym class. And the dragon's mind got the best of him, now your friend
can't go more than a few hours without burying his tongue in some
others furs tail hole." Chase shivered suddenly frightened, as he
began to believe the little goat. "I've been looking for you, because
I need your help." The little goat explained, as the big lion looked
at him in surprise.

"Alright, I'll bite... what can I do... if what your saying is true?"
The big lion jock asked, making the little goat smile up at him. "I
don't want to end up with my tongue up some grass eaters asshole."

"Heh... can't say as I blame you there..." Rick smirked, as he thought
about what the dragon would do to Chase... it wasn't tail hole licking
anyway. All you need to do is not let him into your head, he has to
look into your eyes to do anything." Rick knew that wasn't completely
true, but he really didn't matter because Chase and his gorilla buddy
were just going to be distractions. How would you like to get Monica
back and say have Brenda to yourself as well?"

Chase spat on the ground, he wanted to own Monica for himself. But he
wouldn't turn down the chance to fuck the mare as well, it wasn't like
he wanted to mate her. "Alright... I'm listening."

"You're going to agreed to that perverted dragons contest... in fact
you're going to insist upon it." Rick explained making the tall lion
grunt, it was obvious that Chase had some sexual hang up he was trying
to cover up. "That's right the rutting contest... don't worry you're
not really going to have to go through with it... although you might
want to anyway. This is just to lure the dragon somewhere private and
secluded, so I can take care of him." The little goat smirked, as the
lion jock nodded his mane covered head eagerly. "There won't be anyone
out at the lake this time of year, and I've got access to the boat
house out there. So you get him to come out to the boat house for the
contest, make sure him and Monica come alone. Your could even be the
one to give them a ride out there, Ayanda and I will already be out
there hiding."

"Give them a ride... Do you think he would take a ride from me?" Chase
choked unable to believe the dragon would let the big lion take him
out in the middle of nowhere like that."

"He's not afraid of you... because he can bend you to his will if he
really wants to." Rick explained with a smirk, which didn't made Chase
feel any better. "Once you get out there insist that you get to go
first... that way not only do you get inside Monica first. But you
also get to keep them both distracted... I've got a little bit of
ether. Before you start you can pour in on your jock strap pouch, once
your inside of her hold the pouch over her nose. That will put her out
and keep her from trying to help him, at that point Ayanda and I will
spring out on him. We'll knock him out quickly so he can't use his
mind powers on anyone..." A nasty smile slowly spread across the small
goats muzzle, as he thought about what he was going to do to the
dragon. A shiver ran down the tall lions spine, as he saw that look on
the other fur's muzzle. It was a wicked pure predatory look, and it
scared Chase more than a little. The goat might be little, but he
wasn't anyone you wanted to get on the wrong side of it seemed.

The next day was an obvious November day, dawning crisp, clean and
cold. The trees had already shed their leaves in readiness for the
first snow of the season, Donny was feeling decidedly calm and
comfortable. Snow usually happened sometime in late November, although
it was a cold day instead of a warm one. The group selling Action Gear
had their first sale today, and many more would hopefully come. Donny
had walked up to the main doors of the school, when he was stopped by
Monica the lioness was in high spirits as well.

"My love..." She called... drawing his attention away from the figures
he had been going over in his head. "How do I look?" She asked
modeling her new outfit for her Master... it consisted of dark
leggings, a t-shirt with their favorite band on it, shoes, and a
stylish coat. "Keeps me warm, and I'm still showing off the goods like
a good slave." He smiled at her, secretly thinking she was playing up
the slave stuff a bit not that he minded it.

"You look great..." Donny reassured with a eager grin, as the pretty
lioness twirled around one more time. "Although short shorts would do
you better justice."

"It's too cold for short shorts today." She snickered, enjoying the
thought of her dressed in shorts was turning the handsome dragon on.
"And I have to be a little modest for school, you know that."

"It's going to be my sixteenth birthday soon." Donny announced as
Monica came up to him, and threw her arms around his neck playfully.
"Next week, after Thanksgiving."

"How about I give you me, then?" She asked matter of factly, those
words sending a quiver running down the eastern dragon's supple spine.
"I know I gave myself to you when you took my virginity, but it's your
birthday. So no role-playing, just us together in your room."

"Alright... I like that idea." Donny responded soft and eagerly,
actually he like any idea that had him and the lioness alone together.

"Thought you would." Monica purred smugly, as they both strolled into
the building together. When Donny got to his locker, he had Monica
with him. It wasn't any special day or anything like that, except that
Chase had been waiting for them.

"Hi Chase, what are you doing here?" Donny responded, as the tall lion
moved up to them as the dragon opened his locker.

"I thought about your little rutting contest idea." Chase snarled,
deliberately showing off as many of his sharp feline teeth as he
could. "And I thought it would be a good idea to do it. We'll both rut
Monica... and she picks the best rutter to be with."

"You'll go for it?" Donny asked, more than a bit shocked that the
feline with his sexual hang up was agreeing to something like that.

"Sure, how does Thanksgiving weekend do for you?" Chase asked, doing
his best to look as big and intimidating as possible... still
something was off Donny could sense it.

"I turn sixteen on the twenty-fifth, so no go then... the family is
having a thing you understand."

"Yeah sure... alright This weekend then?" The big lion jock countered,
making Donny consider it for a long moment. Donny looked to Monica,
who didn't like the idea of a rutting contest just so he'd see who's
better. Monica already knew in her heart that Donny was the one for
her. Still she only nodded her head yes, because she was a slave to
the sexy dragon.

"Ok this weekend then..." Donny agreed looking the big lion over,
Chase was being careful to not look the dragon in the eyes. But was
trying to not look like he was deliberately not looking Donny in the
eye's, either that or he was just too ashamed to look either of them
in the eyes.

"Ok we'll go out to the boat house at the lake, it's closed for the
winter so it'll be nice and private. I can get a key tho', just the
three of us so there won't be any distractions." Chase grunted
nervously, this was also a surprise for Donny he'd never expected
Chase to face off alone. Of course it kind of made sense, if he
couldn't perform sexually... this he wouldn't lose face in front of
his buddies. Still the dragon couldn't shake the feeling that
something was off, maybe the lion had gotten some hard on pills. It
was just the kind of thing the jock would do, not that it would make
any difference. Donny had been rutting Monica for awhile now, and he
knew what she liked and how to deliver it.

"Look I don't really have any way of getting out there..." The sleek
dragon pointed out, he was liking this idea less and less the more
Chase agreed to it.

"That's not a problem... I can give you a ride out there and back."
Chase volunteered with a kind of smug smirk, was he gloating that he
had a car while Donny didn't... "Just to show you no hard feelings...
of course..."

"Darn Chase... it seems like you've put some thought into this."
Monica snickered, she had came to the same conclusion that Donny had
it seemed.

"Errr... well... it was his idea." The big jock lion grunted,
gesturing to Donny who was nodding his head slowly. It had been his
idea, because he was sure the feline would never go for it.

"Yep looks like I'm hoist on my own petard." Donny grunted looking
around, unable to shake the nagging feeling that something was wrong.

Donny felt something was wrong, there was no doubt about it in his
mind. He had a nagging feeling, that something about the rutting
contest was very wrong. Why would Chase agree to do it so readily?
Especially after the way the feline had reacted to it when the dragon
had first suggested it? Rutting Monica was something Chase had wanted
to do for a long time, he knew that of course from having looked into
the lions mind. Donny couldn't help feel that something was out of
place, this wasn't like Chase's character to be this generous.

Donny went to Brenda for advice, as they hurried off to their home
rooms to start the morning. "Anything you can think of as being wrong
about this?" Donny asked the sleek mare, knowing that she was much
smarter than he acted.

"I don't like it." She observed, after he'd explained all about the
felines hang up and beginning reluctance. "You should turn down the
rutting contest... this is not Chase's doing."

"Yes, I guess you're right." Donny agreed, smiling up at the pretty
mare feeling better because she was so on his side. "If Chase doesn't
go for it, would you follow us to this place?"

"To back you up?" Brenda asked, a serious look sweeping across her
long muzzle as she thought about what might happen. "Yeah, I'll get
Terri and Dean to come me."

"Thank you sweetie, I need someone strong enough to watch out for me."
The slender dragon admitted, realizing how odd it was that two of his
former bullies would be the ones helping him.

Monica come over with a look of alarm on her muzzle and she was in
obvious distress. "A rutting contest, with me as the grand prize?" She
asked rolling her eyes, it was such a guy thing to do. "That's the
wildest idea you came up with, to handle things with Chase?"

"I didn't think he would ever go for it." Donny explained again,
clearly she was having second thoughts about the whole affair. And he
didn't want to hurt her feelings, in point of fact the dragon was in
love with her. And the idea of another male... any male pulling his
thing inside of her stirred up intense feeling of jealousy in the

"I can't help but feel something is wrong about this. A lion's pride
and joy is so spiny rut stick, if he thought it wouldn't work and
others would see that. That others would know the humiliating truth,
he would never agree to something like this." Monica was crying
softly, clearly she didn't want to share herself with any other male

"Look I'm going to try and get out of it..." Donny assured her as the
lioness draped herself on him, as Brenda hugged them both. "I'll talk
to Chase later and try to come up with something else."

"It won't do any good." Monica predicted even as she nuzzled against
Donny's neck, her hot paw coming to rest on the dragon's crotch.
"Chase will see your trying to back out as weakness, he will think
your insecure about your sexual abilities." It made sense of course,
it was the lion's own troubles so naturally he would project it on to
others. Just then Mr. Reeves came down the hall way, freezing for a
second as he saw the two girls hugging Donny. A funny little smile
sweeping swiftly across the big lion's muzzle, and then was gone as he
noticed the position of Monica's paw.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat loudly, making Brenda and Monica look
around startled. "Control yourselves young ladies..." The older feline
grunted as he walked up, nodding his head as the three of them spread
out. "The first bell is going to ring soon... why don't you ladies get
to your home rooms." He advised, quickly the blushing girls agreed and
hurried off, even as the big lion stroll up wrapping a arm around
Donny's shoulders. "Walk with me for a moment Mr. Chen."

"Errr yes sir." The young dragon agreed uncomfortable, as that arm
over his slender shoulder felt amazingly heavy.

"You know Mr. Chen I like you... you're a very good student, a highly
intelligent young male." The big lion praised as he guided Donny away
from the main corridor. "You've been a model student the whole time
you've been here at this school. And so I feel it is my duty to point
out to you some harsh facts, the world is not going to embrace your
relationship with Monica. Her family in particular will find it
undesirable, I admire the two of you for having the courage to pursue
it. The fact that you seem to be pursuing a relationship with Brenda
at the same time, and that the two of them are alright with it." The
big lion turn and flashed the sleek serpent a wide smile, plainly he
wasn't upset about it. "That is an impressive feat... very few males
could manage something like that." His big paw patted Donny's shoulder
firmly, as they stopped in the deserted hallway. "It's rare for
someone as... intelligent as you plainly are has this kind of... shall
we say proficiency with the opposite sex. As a male I must
congratulate you on that, however as the principal of this school I
must warn you. If this relationship of yours causes a disturbance in
my school, my admiration and your being a good student will not keep
me from expelling you. It has come to my attention, that certain
student athletes who harbor certain species centric views. Have taken
a interest in your relationship, I will except no violence here. It's
bad enough we had an accident that... mutilated a promising young
athlete. I will not allow anymore violence, nor violent accidents to
mar out school year." The big felines voice was cheerful and friendly,
yet Donny got the impression that there was steel in the lions words.
And there was a vague hint, that he thought the dragon just might of
had something to do with the bull's accident. "Oh my look at the
time... you'd better hurry off to homeroom." And with that the
principal release his grip on the dragon, before turning and strolling
swiftly away.


Donny entered homeroom before the bell rang, and just in time he was
in his seat after the bell. He got out a book to read, but he can't
help thinking that something was wrong. Violence in the school wasn't
permitted and the principal gave him some pep talk about staying in
school, to make sure something bad doesn't happen. Doug looked to his
best friend Doug, the small rabbit sat just across from him.

"Dude, are you okay?" Doug asked after taking one look at his friend,
he could read the anxiousness on the dragons muzzle. "It's like you
are on pins and needles."

"Right now I'm fine, but I'll discuss it with you as we go to the next
class." Donny quipped back, as a thousand thoughts seem to ramble
around inside of his head.

Donny needed time to think this through, it was like Chase had pulled
a surprise chess move on him. A move that had turned the whole game
around, like his losing had been the set up for a trap the entire
time. Had the tall lion somehow suckered him into a rutting contest,
with Monica as the prize. And Monica felt better with him and not with
Chase the lion had to know that... She didn't like the idea of the
whole rutting contest, she didn't like Chase either for that matter.
Brenda didn't like it, that's why she suggested that Terri and Dean
come along to give support, and to eventually help Donny in case
anything went wrong. The whole thing has got to be a setup... yet
think about it as he might the dragon couldn't figure it out. Unless
the lion and his gorilla friend were just planning to beat him up, but
that hardly made sense. Donny needed to find a way out of the rutting
contest, but none could be found. Apparently, he was stuck in a trap
of his own suggestion the smart dragon could see the irony of that.
His honor wouldn't allow him to get out of it, the lion understood
that of course. However, there may be a way out, he could use his
powers on Chase and force him to agree. And so far, he couldn't think
of anything else that would work. "Doug, what do you think?"

"I think I want to go to advanced algebra." The rabbit answered, as
the bell rang for them to head to their first class of the day.

As they were making their way through the crowded halls to advanced
algebra, Donny and Doug talked softly. "I don't see any way around
it..." Doug whispered over the clamor of voices and footsteps in the
long hallways, as he and Donny strolled along. Neither of them
noticing the figure trailing along silently behind him, the small goat
eavesdropping on what the pair was saying. "Just use your... you know
to make him agree to some other thing." Doug advised as they neared
their class room, Donny was trailing along behind his friend. As an
odd feeling on the back of his neck made him uncomfortable, the young
dragon paused just before the classroom door. Glancing around at the
other furs out in the hall, but none of them seemed to be watching
him. A slender goat walked past him, to greet a big popular cow from
the cheerleader squad. Donny ducked into the class room and followed
Doug to their seats, as something nagged him about the goat and cow.
But he couldn't put his finger on what it was, and as the class
started he forgot all about it.

As the day went on the dragon tried to get Chase along to talk, but
was always blocked from doing it. Someone was always getting between
them, or the lion was quickly hustled away. It was incredibly
frustrating for the dragon, at lunch time he strolled over to talk to
Chase. Ready to push into the felines mind, but suddenly Mr. Reeves
was there in between them.

"Aha Mr. Chen..." The big lion greeted as Donny walked up, the dragon
could feel the guarded feelings coming from the principal. Plainly Mr.
Reeves was trying to head off any trouble, and many fights had
occurred at lunch time in the past. Which was why the principal was
always walking around during lunch now, placing a hand on the sleek
eastern dragons shoulder he steered Donny away from Chase.


It was clearly the end of the day, and all avenues to talk to Chase
out of the rutting contest seemed closed. Donny was worried, something
bad was going to happen to him and Monica, and there seemed to be no
way out. Every time he went to talk to Chase, either the principal or
a teacher would get into his way. In the halls it was one student or
another, it was like someone was actively blocking him.

"What to do?" Donny asked, more to himself that to any of his friends
however Doug was standing close.

"Why not ask him at the end of school today?" Doug offered in advice,
as the pair of them leave their last class of the day and head back
towards homeroom.

"That seemed to be the only avenue open to me right now." Donny
admitted, knowing him and Monica had agreed to meet Chase in the
parking lot, so the lion could drive them out to the lake. "I can't
help but think something is wrong." He admitted calmly, although he
was vaguely worried the young dragon was confident that he could
handle the lion.

"Something will turn up, Sweety." Brenda encouraged cheerfully, moving
over to gently massage Donny's slender shoulders.

Donny shook his head slowly, the eastern dragon didn't share Brenda's
optimism at all. "It looks like we are going to the rutting contest
after all." Donny grunted unhappily to Monica, who did her best to
reassure him that she wasn't upset about that...

Chase stood leaning up against his car wearing mirrored sunglass's, as
Donny and Monica left the school building. Walking slowly out across
the parking lot to were the lion was parked, a cold wind was blowing
the big felines mane back making him look majestic. Chase smiled as
they walked up to him, waiting to they were close before him stood up
straight. "So you ready to go see who can please a beautiful female
most?" He asked Donny ask the dragon walked up, the Asian dragon could
feel the lions sense of relief and excitement.

"Ammm yeah about that... I don't suppose you'd be ok with some other
contest?" Donny asked softly, as the lion's muzzle spit in to a wide
gloating grin as he looked at the slender dragon.

"What... you afraid of getting shown up lizard boy?" Chase snickered
flashing Monica a wide leering grin, while hitching up his own jeans
as if his junk were hanging to low.

"It's not that... it's just that neither Monica nor I are really
comfortable with..."

"To fuckin' bad... you should have thought about that before calling
me out." The tall lion growled, moving around the car to open the
passenger door for Donny and the sexy lioness. "So let's go... or are
you willing to just admit you're a pansy and that Monica would like my
attention better."

"I'm never going to do that." Donny grunted between gritted teeth, as
he helped Monica slide into the front seat. And then joined her, as
Chase closed to door and ran around to the other side of the car.
Climbing behind the wheel the lion jock cranked up the engine,
throwing the car into gear. Chase peeled out of the parking lot
throwing gravel up, and making the slender dragon hastily buckle his
seat belt. They drove through the edge of town, turning onto old sixty
four highway.

It was almost a twenty minute drive out to the lake, so Donny pushing
his mind out gently. It took some effort on his part to get inside of
Chases mind, the jock was visualizing what he wanted to do to Monica
over and over. It send a stab of jealousy through the dragon, as he
was forced to watch the lion sink his erection into Monica's dripping
feline sex over and over. That seemed to be the only thing on the lion
jocks mind, at least he certainly wasn't thinking about anything else.

Donny knew that he could force more information out the feline, but he
would have to put him under to do it. Something he couldn't do while
the other male was driving, it was growing dark by the time they
pulled up outside of the lake house. Chase drove right up to the
building, and shutting off the car engine he quickly jumped out and
walked over to unlock a side door. Slowly Donny and Monica climbed out
of the car, pausing to look around. It was very dark out away from
town, there was only one outside light on the lake side of the
building. "Come on... it's too cold to stand around out here." Chase
called as he ducked into the door, instantly a light flared in the
room he'd just stepped into.

Donny glanced at Monica, and then the two of them followed the lion
jock into the room. It was plainly a back storage room and was
cluttered with wooden crates and box's, in the center of the room was
a ratty old single bed. Stepping inside Donny closed the door behind
him, being careful to make sure the door hadn't locked automatically.
Walking over Chase pulled the blankets back exposing musty sheets and
then he turn to look back at Donny and the sexy lioness. "I'm
first..." He announced looking at the dragon, who couldn't help
noticing that the lion was still wearing his mirrored shades. Donny
opened his mouth to question that, and was instantly interrupted as
Chase began making the argument as to why he should have first go.

"Whatever..." Monica snorted spitting out her gum, before she began to
remove her clothing. Donny feeling a stab of jealousy, as he watched
the sexy lioness strip down in front of the leering eyes of the feline
jock. "Let's just get this over with..." The sexy golden lioness
rolled her eyes, looking away from Chase as he leered at her. Plainly
he was getting off on watching her strip, since he'd never gotten
anywhere near this far with her before.

"See... she wants me to go first anyway." Chase snorted derisively, as
he quickly stripped down to just his jock strap. As Donny quickly
followed suit, standing there naked as he watched the two of them
together. While Monica slipped the last of her clothing off and then
climbed into the bed looking shy and vulnerable. Chases furry body
looking shockingly sleek and powerful as he padded over to the bed, at
last slipping off his jock strap. The lion's barbed feline spike
jutting out firmly, clearly Chase wasn't having any trouble getting it
up. Which was a intense disappointment to Donny, he had hoping the
jock just wouldn't be able to go through with this contest. "Damn baby
you're so beautiful..." Chase moaned in a grumbling purr, as his
strong body climbed atop of Monica's much smaller one. He leaned in
trying to kiss her, but Monica turned her muzzle away to deny him
that. Making the lion jock frown darkly, his big paws suddenly groping
her soft chest. Strong fingers pinching those firm nipples so hard,
she moaned out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Ouch... that's too hard Chase..." Monica moaned, as the plainly
sexually inexperienced jock sneered down at her... while rubbing his
oozing spike against her mounds. Until the sexy lioness twisted away
from him, rolling over onto her belly and offering up her rump to him

"You aint seen hard yet baby... but I'm about to give it to you."
Chase snickered gloatingly, as he guided his short slender barbed
spike under her tail. Glancing over to see the slender dragon's
erection jutting stiffly out, it was easily twice as long and thick as
his own organ. And that made the big feline shudder, his male organ
weakening slightly knowing the serpent was bigger than him. But it was
his cock that was pushing between those hot dewy folds, the lion's
body gave a wild shudder as he felt her sex swallow the tip of his
male organ. "Ohohooo." Chase moaned as Monica's sex devoured his
length, his big paw squeezing closed on the pouch of his jock strap.
Popping the plastic baggy concealed inside of it, wetting the cloth
with the Chloroform. "You're gunna love this." He muttered, clapping
the damp pouch over the lioness's nose, even as he pounded that short
feline spike balls deep into her. Using that movement as a cover for
Monica's protests, he began to drive in and out of her hot sex
lustfully hard.

"Eeeewww..." The pretty lioness exclaimed in disgust, as she felt the
wet jock strap clapped over the tip of her muzzle. "Wait... wha...
wha... what?" Monica moaned questioningly, as the cold chemical vapors
burned inside of her nose. Her eyes rolling around in her head, while
she inhaled deeply as that barbed cock ravished her soft sex. To Donny
standing a half dozen yards away, it looked like his sexy girlfriend
was just enjoying Chases efforts. And that made him burn with jealousy
and envy, yet his male organ was throbbing all the harder. It was very
confusing to him, being both pissed off and intensely turned on at the
same time. He was actually glad to see Monica's reaction growing
weaker, and hear her voice slowly grow softer and less excited
sounding. Not realizing that the sexy lioness was slipping into
unconsciousness, as Chases strong body humped and strained on top of

"Monica, Monica?" Donny called as she went under, the dragon at last
picking up on her distress. "No, something's wrong." He choked, even
as Chases sleek hips drove forwards in swift thrust after thrust as
the lion jock grew more excited.

"You are all wrong..." Rick snarled from behind Donny, moving fast and
silently as the distracted dragon protested. "Now I'm going to put an
end to your meddling with furs' minds." The next thing Donny knew, was
that a goat's hand had muffled him with the Chloroform soaked cloth.
Everything went black as the dragon slipped into unconsciousness, his
eyes closing slowly as his body surrendered to the darkness.

Rick dragged the serpents limp body over to the bed and with Chase's
help he pull Donny up onto it. "So, I can finally give this fur a
lobotomy." The little goat grunted nastily feeling a sudden stirring
in his jeans, as the he looked down at the helpless eastern dragon.

"What about Monica and me?" Chase asked looking down at the sexy naked
lioness, who was still laying there with her rump thrust up in the
air. "You promised I could have her." The lion jock pointed out, as
the small goat quickly began laying out the tools he would use to do
away with Donny's power.

"Yes, I did promise that... why don't you go ahead and finish while I
take care of him." Rick suggested, watching as Chase fondled Monica's
lush body lustfully with his big paws. Chase didn't like that idea, he
didn't want any more to do with what the goat had planned for Donny.

"Wait a moment, you said you were going to help me put Monica in my
car." The tall lion pointed out sharply, he was planning to finish
rutting her in the back seat.

"But not until after I cut the prefrontal lobe off this one fur." The
little goat grunted, not wanting to waste any time as the dragon was
far too dangerous to allow to wake up.

"Aww come on you promised." The big feline repeated, making the goat
wince in annoyance at the feline.

"Details, details..." Rick snorted angrily, draping the anesthetic
soaked cloth over Donny's muzzle as he turned to look at Chase.

"Important details..." Chase insisted, as he and the goat looked at
each other hard for a long moment. "Help me move Monica to my car...
and then you're totally free to do whatever you want with him." The
lion was trying to absolve himself of any guilt, about what was soon
going to happen to the dragon.

"Okay, okay fine..." The little goat snarled, moving around to help
Chase lift Monica's limp body up. The two of them awkwardly carrying
the lioness cross the room, throwing the door open they moved out into
the cold dark night. Luckily the jock's car was parked very close to
the door, and soon the spaced out lioness was laying supine on the
back seat. "There... now go have your fun and leave me alone while I
finish this." Rick spat, grabbing their clothing and throwing them out
the door at the naked lion who was standing there looking conflicted.
Gathering up their thing's Chase laid them on the front car seat,
before slipping into the back seat with the moaning Monica.

The sleek lioness was only semi conscious, as Chase slipped his
throbbing spike back into her. The jocks big paws fondling and
squeezing her firm young breasts, as he planted his mouth on her
kiss's softly. Even as his strong hip's started to roll again, humping
and thrusting that hard organ in and out of that hot drooling sex. The
car rocking back and forth, as the big jock feline finally got to
enjoy breeding the pretty lioness.

It was only after the jock got into a lusty pounding rhythm, that he
thought about Monica's virginity. Or more to the point her lack of it,
he wasn't her first after all it seemed which could only mean one
thing. His muzzle began to burn with embarrassment, and he understood
why the dragon hadn't protested more about him going first. A sudden
shudder ran through his body, and he wondered how many times the nerdy
serpent had cum inside of her. The more he thought and wondered about
it, the most disgusted and turned off he felt. Chase realized then
that Rick had mislead him, had convinced him Donny had never breed
Monica knowing the whole time that the dragon had been rutting her
rotten. And suddenly that was it... Chase completely lost his erection
and rolled off the semi conscious lioness's body. Sitting there naked
with his head resting in those big paws, even as Monica moaned out for
the dragon weakly. As he sat there reflecting on everything, Chase
felt a pang of conscience as he wondered if the goat was really going
to do what he said he was going to.


Rick sneered down at the handsome unconscious dragon, as he removed
the cloth to begin his work. The wicked goat had read up one just what
to do, he'd drive the ice pick in through the nasal cavity. Going
straight into the serpents frontal lobe, then it was just a matter of
working the shaft around cutting through that brain matter. Of course
that wasn't all he was planning to do, he also had two syringes full
of alcohol he was planning to eject into Donny's testicles. That would
kill the tissues and render the dragon sterile, making sure that Donny
would sire no offspring that might some day inherit their fathers

Smirking he decided to do that first, knowing that doing it would
bring him a rush of sadistic pleasure. He'd discovered that when he'd
used the bleachers to neuter the big bear jock, Rick had found that
intensely arousing. He'd nailed the bear girl friend over a dozens
times that night, always remembering the sight of that big cock and
hefty ball pouch getting pinched off. This time it would be his own
hands that killed the dragon's nuts, reaching down he located those
conceals orb's within Donny's groin. Picking up one of the syringes
with his right hand, the goat pulled the safety cap off the needle
with his teeth. Just then the door opened up again, and the tall
feline who was still completely naked came back into the room. "What
do you want?" Rick snapped as he saw the lion padding closer, the look
on Chases muzzle one of intense dislike.

"I just want to see..." The lion jock mumbled, making the smaller goat
smile as he realized that Chase had most likely figured out Monica's
virginity was long gone.

"Oh... Heh." The goat snickered, thinking that the feline was wanting
to watch as the dragon got what was coming to him. "I'm about to make
sure he never fathers any offspring... provided he's not already
impregnated Brenda or Monica of course." And with that Rick thrust the
needle into the center of Donny's larger right testicle, his thumb
getting ready to depress to plunger and flood the dragons nut with
powerful alcohol.

It had taken some time for Brenda and Terri to find the lake house, as
neither of them had ever been out there. Luckily Dean kind of
remembered the way, from having rode out there with his folks as a
kid. The three of them, Brenda, Terri, and Dean were there to help
Donny if some type of physical confrontation accrued. Terri pulled up
just behind Chases car, and they got out finding a drugged Monica in
the back seat. The naked lioness was half conscious moaning softly for
Donny, who was nowhere to be seen.

"This isn't good." Dean grunted pulling his head out of Chases car,
the scent of sex was intense. It was plain there had been some rutting
happening, and the smell's were having an effect on the young

"Where's Donny... He'd never leave Monica alone like this." Brenda
exclaimed looking around urgently, even as she held the moaning Monica
in her arms trying to help her.

"He... he's still in the boat house." Monica answered in a groggy
tone, as her eyes at last managed to open. "Chase drugged me with some
kind of... chemical."

"That fucking bastard." Terri snarled balling up a huge fist, gone was
the soft girlish tone in his voice. "I'll punch his muzzle in..."

Dean was first to the weathered side door, pounding on with one hand
as he shouted. "Donny, are you all right? We're here to help!"

Inside Rick heard the pounding, even as he was going to start to
inject the alcohol into Donny's testicle. It made him pause for a
moment, annoyance plain on his muzzle. "Chase, stop that infernal
banging." Rick spat angrily half turning to look at the naked lion,
who was moving steadily closer. "I'm trying to concentrate here."

Chase looked at Rick, it was obvious the little goat really was going
to do the things he said. "No, Rick, this is wrong... And I won't have
any part in it."

"What? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet you big pussy." The
little goat snapped, as he turned back to what he was doing.

"No... stop." Chase protested with a gulp, and lunged forwards quickly
grabbing the syringe. Rick punched Chase in the nose as hard as he
could, as the big feline wrestled the syringe out of Donny's testicle.

"Let go you fool!" Rick snarled, even as the door flew open and Terri
came staggering into the room. Chase stumbled backwards holding his
nose, as blood oozing from it over the fingers of one paw. Dropping
the syringe, the big lion punched Rick in the mouth with his other

"Hey what the fuck..." Terri grunted, standing there stunned as he and
Dean watched the lion and goat struggling. Suddenly Chase let out a
yowl of pain, looking down in shock at the syringe jutting out of his
crotch. The little goats thumb on the plunger, which has been
depressed all the way. The lion's left nut looking swollen and
distorted by all the fluids that had been injected into it. Chases
mouth dangles open in shock and pain, frozen as he watches Rick reach
over and pick up the second syringe. The little goat grinning wickedly
as he drives it into the center of jocks other testicle, and then
depresses the plunger flooding it with alcohol. Chase's big paws drop
to cradle his burning, aching orbs, the big feline laying there
moaning in agony.

"There... now you're a neutered kitty." Rick snickered, kicking the
big feline in the muzzle viciously as he stands over the defeated
feline. Across the room Terri and Dean watched in open mouthed horror,
confused by the turn of events. They had came in expecting to see
Chase attacking Donny, but now it seemed like the lion was trying to
defend the unconscious dragon. "Now you don't have to worry about
blood lines... because you're never going to produce any offspring...
Heh." And with that the evil little goat turned back to the dragon,
freezing as he saw Donny sitting up on the bed. The eastern dragon
looking at him intensely, and Rick can feel the dragon's mind pressing
down on his own. "Wha... Wait... No..."

Donny looked into the small goats mind, seeing the things Rick had
done to other. He understood the goats motivations of course, Rick was
getting back at his bullies. But the goat had gone much farther than
that, picking out enemies that had nothing to do with him. He'd
targeted Donny not because of what the dragon had done, although that
was the source of the goats anger. "No... no get out of my... my
head." Rick protested wildly, his body bouncing and struggling as it
in the grasp of some massive fist. Rick was really going after Donny
because he was afraid of the dragon's power, mostly because the goat
knew what he himself would do if he had that power. There was a lot
more there than just that of course, hatred, jealousy, sadistic glee,
the more Donny saw the more he disliked the goat. The dragon found
himself growing more angry than he had ever been, the power of his
mind surging as he looked into Rick's eyes. Reading the fate the goat
had planned for him Donny stared intensely into the goat's eyes,
reading the fate the goat had planned for him. Even as Rick struggled
to keep the dragon out, but now that Donny had brought his mind to
bare it was impossible to resist. Donny saw the goats plans, all the
way to sterilizing him both body and mind. The goat's thoughts were
pure evil... maliciousness, hatred, yes he had gotten back at the
males who bullied him. But he was taking out other furs that had done
nothing to him, and using innocents like Monica as pawns. Chase had
been sterilized by this malicious little goat, and worse yet, he
planned to do a lobotomy on Donny himself. "You little pervert..."
Donny snarled though clenched teeth, struggling to control himself not
wanting to end up like the goat. "You think you can get rid of all the
bullies in the school and even think I'm a bully. You deserve worse."

Donny looked for the goat's secret desires... and found that they
weren't very secret. He found them right at the surface of the goats
mind, barely conceal at all they floated on the sea of Ricks
consciousness. He wanted to be left alone, with no one to bully him
anymore at all. He wanted all the bullies to be gone, so no one would
be bullied again. That was the secret desire of Rick, the thing was
his fear made everyone appear to be dangerous. But so far, he had
gotten his revenge by harming other furs, and he was going to harm
Donny. He had already harmed Chase for going against him, he had saw
Chase as just another pawn. The lion jock needed medical attention
now, but then so did this little goat.

"You need medical attention, Rick." Donny instructed slowly, filling
the others mind with desires to be locked away somewhere safe. "You're
sick... very very ill... you require medical attention."

"I'm sick and I need medical attention." Rick repeated drowsily, his
eyes half closing as his mind wiggled and twisted within the grip of
the dragons. The more Rick tried to resist, the harder Donny's power
squeezed down on his mind. Like a vice being tightened down one turn
at a time, each turn doing more damage to the goats brain. And it was
Rick who was turning the handle, every time he tried to resist Donny

"You need to go to the hospital." Donny continued, projecting the name
and address of the state mental institution as he spoke. "And have a
long talk with a therapist... You'll be safe there..." The dragon
grimly used his power, to shut off blood flow to the frontal lobe of
Ricks brain. Knowing that without that blood flow it was atrophy and
die off, it was just as effect as the clumsy surgery the was going to
do on Donny.

"I need to go to the hospital... talk to a therapist... I'll be safe."
Rick parroted numbly, his small body jerking and trembling violently
as if he had a hold of an electrical wire. He really did have a
powerful mind, but the more it struggled the more it was damaged. The
little goat began to cough a little, as his body panted for breath
like he was running hard. And then his eyes rolled back in his head,
and the goat body folded up like a rag doll collapsing to the floor.

Donny broke with Rick as he felt the others mind snap, and headed over
to where Chase lay on the floor. The big lion was still cradling his
aching balls in both paws, rocking slowly back and forth as Donny
knelt down beside of him. "Sorry, I couldn't stop him from doing that
to you." Donny apologized gently, to the feline who had come back to
save him from the crazy goat.

"I'm glad I could stop him from doing it to you... I couldn't just
stand by and let him do that to you..." Chase whimpered softly, as the
dragon slipped into the lion's mind and used his powers to block the
worst of the pain.

"You're a good fur Chase." Donny observed softly, as the lion jock
looked up at him with a strangely amicable look in his eyes. "I hope
in the future we can be friends." He patted the lion's cheek gently,
looking into those big green eyes for a moment. "But him... he'll be
going to a place where he won't harm anyone again." The dragon
gestured towards the form of Rick who lay there unmoving on the floor
a few yards away. "As for Monica... Monica?" Donny looked around the
room for the lioness, who was nowhere to be seen.

"It's got to be all right... I know Monica's yours... she's out side
in my car..." The big lion reassured weakly, as the tears streamed
down his cheeks. "I took her there to fuck her... but she wanted you.
It doesn't matter that she's a feline and you're not.... Owwwww....
gods my nuts are on fire." Chase confessed clutching at his swollen
orbs, even as Terri and Dean came over to help.

"I'm alright Donny..." Monica called from the open doorway, Brenda had
helped her get back into her clothes. "What did you do to him?" She
asked, gesturing to the unconscious goat laying on the floor still
clutching a empty syringe in one hand.

"Hypnotic suggestion to make him feel sick." Donny explained matter of
factly, not going in to detail about the brain damage the goat was
suffering. "Hopefully its incurable... he's a very bad guy."

Quickly Donny asked Dean to use Chases car, to drive the lion and goat
to the local hospital emergency room. The big horse agreed at once,
helping Chase redress as best he could. Donny watched them drive away
as he started to get dressed himself, but Monica walked up and stopped

"Oh no you don't Mr. Chen... you still have to finish the contest."
She teased in a husky aroused voice, pushing Donny back on to the bed.
As Terri and Brenda giggled closing the door to the icy night air,
Donny looked back and forth at the three of them. Trying to decide if
he should argue the point, he was the master here after all he
controlled them.

"Well... I guess you have all earned a reward... Monica for going
through with this even though you really didn't want to. Brenda you
and Terri did come to my rescue... that was very loyal and brave of
you..." Donny allowed Monica to remove his jeans, and didn't protest
when she asked Terri to help Donny get stiff again. The former jock
bullies mouth felt every bit as nice on his cock as Brenda's, and
Terri seemed very happy to be pleasing him. Once he was fully erect,
the sexy lioness took over climbing up onto that jutting organ. The
sexy lioness rode him to a series of powerful orgasms, and then traded
off with Brenda. The pretty mare soon had him up behind her, taking
her rough and eagerly.

Afterwards as Donny lay there panting in exhaustion, Terri suckled his
spent organ to one more erection. And before he realized what was
happening mounted it, making the young eastern dragon moan in shock.
As the jocks hot tail hole squeezed tightly around that aching hard
on, laying back in the small bed Donny watched Terri ride his cock
slowly. The former stallion moaning and whimpering as he enjoyed every
moment, this was a slow love making that seemed to last forever. When
it finally ended the young dragon let out a blissful sigh, looking
over at Terri as the big jock lay in the bed beside him. "That was
amazing... someone so going to be very lucky to get you one day."

"Hehehe..." Terri giggled as a rosy blush covered the former bullies
muzzle, and leaning in the big equine kissed Donny's cheek.

"Thank you sweety... Monica and Brenda are the two luckiest girls in
the world to have you."


In the days that followed the story of Rick and Chase quickly got
around, which prompted Vin to come forwards with his tale of what had
really happened. Rick was quickly arrested and just as quickly ruled
mentally unfit to stand trial. He was placed in the criminally insane
wing of the state hospital, while Bruno was trialed as an adult and
convicted of seven counts of raping a minor. He was sentenced to
thirty year in prison, but would be up for parole in only ten years.

Terri lead the team to the championship, and although they lost twenty
one to twenty four, Terri threw two touchdown passes and ran the ball
in for the third. And then once the season had ended had her surgery
converting to a complete girl, she quit the football team and joined
the cheerleader squad instead. Brenda and Monica were happy to have
her, Terri make the tower formation much more stable.

The rest of the year went very well for Donny, until both Monica and
Brenda both learned that they were pregnant. That upset a number of
furs, Monica's parents were less than pleased. Although her father had
to admitted his grudging respect for the young dragon, for having a
pride of females which was a very lion thing to do. Donny's parents
were very shocked, but his father was oddly proud of him as well.
Brenda's parents who had never been very good parents, never the less
seemed very happy to have the dragon as a son in law. And over the
summer break arranged a trip for Donny and the girls to go to Hawaii,
as it turned out Terri came along as well...


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