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Notice that Chapter 7 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 5

The burly Jaguar climbed down out of his massive work truck, the big
blue Ford had an American flag decal covering its rear window. There
was a Federal firearms association sticker on the bumper with two
crossed rifles on it, along with a number of stickers stating that
marriage was between a male and a female. Along with a build the
wall... keep the riff raff out we got all with need already. While on
the doors was the picture of a flat topped pyramid, with the words
'Mondoza construction/home repair' the sleek feline was dressed in
heavy canvas work pants and a tank top. That showed off his wide
thickly muscled shoulders and strong arms to the world, it was plain
this sleek pred was strong and tough. "Well hello there pretty girl."
The handsome jaguar grinned wickedly, as he looked the sexily dressed
Elk cow over in open admiration. The big predator loved nothing more
that some sweet herbivore pussy, and Peggy had caught his eyes some
years before... when they had been neighbors. Of course she had never
had much to do with him, the big feline had gotten the idea her
husband had been jealous. "How is that husband of yours? Ray... or
Ralph wasn't it?"

"Randy... he... he's well..." Peggy paused a moment which made the
sleek handsome predator grin, he'd seen this kind of thing a lot.
Dissatisfied wife calling a contractor while the husband was at work,
he had banged more than a few lonely females this way. In fact he had
given a tabby just down the street an upgrade just last week, left her
purring with her hubby none the wiser.

"So what's the trouble?" Chase asked with a big leering grin, that
could mean two things of course. He could be asked why she called
Mondoza construction, or he could be asking what trouble she was
having with her husband. Her answer would tell the handsome spotted
feline which way he was going to play things, and if he was going to
get into her panties... The pretty Elk cow cleared her throat, before
leading him around to the back of the house. Across the way a handsome
black ram lounged by a pool, watching them through mirrored

"I found these cracks and they got me worried." Peggy explained
showing the big predator the tiny cracking in the foundation, Chase
knelt down and looked them over for a moment. Before standing up and
smiling at her, the big feline showing off his sharp teeth.

"That's just from foundation settling its standard, you only need to
worry if they start to grow. Or you notice sagging in your foundation
somewhere." Chase lay one big hot paw on Peg's firm round ass cheek,
noting the Elk cows reaction of excitement to his touch. "Is there
anything else you need my help with... lots of times the closet in the
master bedroom needs remodeling." It was a obvious offer that he had
made dozens of times, it worked more often than not with these bored
house wives. A pained smile spread across Peggy's pretty muzzle and
Chase realized that he had made the offer a bit too soon.

"Ahem... No." Peg said firmly as she glanced over to the ram next
door, suddenly the jaguar got the feeling she wasn't looking for fun
at all. "That will be all... thanks for stopping by Chase if I ever
need anything else I'll be sure to call. How much do I owe you?"

"For checking those cracks... not a thing, happy to do it for an old
friend. Besides it didn't need any repair..." The handsome spotted
feline assured softly, licking his lip's as he thought about bedding
her a bit more. Turning to go back to his truck, Chase paused glancing
back over his shoulder to flash her that grin. "Hey ya know we're
having a little get together over the weekend... just a back yard cook
out, it's my birthday if you and Errr Randy wanta come. We still live
in the same place... got good high fences now though... unlike here.
No nosy neighbors watching... so we can get up to all kinds of fun."

"Oh, that sounds just lovely." The pretty Elk cow exclaimed, returning
Chases predatory smile with a eager grin of her own. "I don't think
Randy will be able to make it though." She said it in suggestive
manner and the big jaguar instantly got wood... he knew when he was
being flirted with. "But I'll be there... Ohoh, I'll have to pick out
something extra special for you." The pretty Elk cow whispered
seductively, as she traced the hard contours of his bulging bicep.
Intentionally letting her robe drift open just a bit, to expose the
bikini she was wearing and her full breasts.

The big feline's grin widened becoming even more ferocious, showing
off his set of pearly white fangs. "It's a date then." The handsome
spotted feline said, as he appraised her cleavage not so subtly
licking his lips.

Perhaps he'd misread her earlier, or perhaps the gun show had dazzled
her after all. He did a few pec pops, watching her look at his thickly
muscled chest in wonder. It made sense as sexy as he was, it wasn't
smart to bed the sexy contractor with company over. Chase felt the fur
on the back of his neck raise and he glanced over to the male at the
pool. Who was the black ram anyway? A neighbor... an important client
of hers? He didn't ask, but the other male had a strange air about him
that made the jaguar feel uneasy. Chase gone the idea that the rams
eyes were following him from behind those dark mirrored sunglasses,
king a predator might stalk his prey. Quickly he left the back yard,
going around to where he was parked in the driveway.

The pretty Elk waved excitedly, as the manly jaguar drove off in his
work truck. Peggy then returned to the Tara's pool, to sit down next
to Ari as the ram sipped his drink.

"Hook, line and sinker." The pretty Elk cow boasted with a smirk,
retrieving her diet soda to take a sip. As the black sheep smiled at
her, once again amazed at the boldness of the females in this land. Of
course here there were few punishment for such behaviors, in his
homeland things were much more controlled. One of the reasons he
enjoyed traveling to foreign lands, he loved the structure of his
home. But sometimes he was fun to live a bit more freely, he was very
much enjoying his time in America.

"Bravo, my darling. Truly, you are as cunning as you are beautiful."
Ari snickered, lowering his shades to openly ogle the sexy Elk cow who
had removed her robe now.

"Luna says we can drop by around eleven... he usually goes to bed
early zones out with sleeping pills and booze." Peggy set her drink
aside, to snuggle up against the foreign rams woolly body. She let her
hands explore the ruts and contours of his hard body; eventually
dipping low enough to extract his stiffening cock from his trunks.

"The poor girl she seemed so meek... yet she is very bold to help us.
Though I still do not understand why, she wants to show us this little
secret of his in person. Do you think it is some manner of a trap?"
Deftly, the lusty ram undid her flimsy top, allowing her pert breasts
to hang freely in the bright sunlight.

Peg consider that question for a moment, knowing that anyone could lie
and most often did. "Mmh, no. She's not the type to scheme... she says
it's worth it though." Peg chuckled, remembering her conversation with
the pretty female feline. "A few pictures and we'll have him as docile
as kitten. He will do anything you want and he'll hate every moment of
it." The sexy Elk gazed up at him dreamily, as she shifted positions
to suck on his mushroom cock head. Ari inhaled deeply as he lay back,
letting this sexy American female use her mouth to pleasure him.

"You American females... always so forwards taking what you want." Ari
laced his fingers behind his horned head, as he observed the pretty
Elk's handiwork. It was going to be so delicious, unmaling this big
strong American male.


Much later and more than a few neighborhoods away, Ari, Peggy and Tara
traipsed up the crush white gravel footpath of the sleek, modernist
home. Although she was heavily pregnant, Tara had insisted on coming
along to find out what Chase's secret was. The pretty mare was having
as much fun as the ram transforming these males into sissy playthings.
Looking at the imposing home, one would think a sophisticated, well-
heeled Silicon Valley exec lived there, but the driveway told a
different story. Chase's taste in cars were stereotypically male, like
some overgrown juvenile picking out his dream vehicles. There was his
massive Ford work truck, a red Jeep Gladiator that was decked out in
various off-road mods... although it has plainly never been off road.
And lastly a lime green Dodge Challenger Hellcat residing in the
driveway, the car right out of a teenagers muscle car jerk off
fantasy. Ari guessed the plain silver Toyota RAV4 belonged to Luna,
the big jaguars pretty feline girlfriend.

The slender jaguar greeted them at the door, she had been waiting for
them. Instantly, her eyes were drawn to the handsome Ram, as Peggy did
a quick introduction.

"Ah, you must be Luna... so nice to meet you at last Peg has spoke of
you." Ari quickly moved up and gave her his customary greeting,
wrapping his arms around her before kissing both cheeks. "You look
most radiant this evening... it is a pleasure to finally meet you
muzzle to muzzle." The womanizing ram drawled in his distinctly
foreign accent as he kissed her cheeks again, causing the rather
vanilla feline to fluster. The other two ladies shot him jealous
looks, not that it matter he had them wrapped around his little

"H-He's uh.. r-right this way." The petite feline beckoned the party
to follow her upstairs, the house had been solidly rebuilt over the
years making silent movement simply. It was obvious to everyone, Luna
had taken an instant liking to the manly and wilily suave ram. Ari
stifled a lewd chuckle, as he watched her rump sway before him going
up the steps. He had that effect on females, a talent that had almost
gotten him murdered more than once in his own country. The handsome
sheep rather liked the shy types every now and then, it was more what
he was use to after all.

They found the burly jaguar fast asleep in the master bedroom, the bed
like most things the feline own huge and gaudy. Luna had assured them
that the large feline was a heavy sleeper, thank to the sleeping
tablets and alcohol he generally used. Even so, she'd taken the
liberty of slipping him a couple of ground up tranquilizer in his
bourbon earlier. They watched his well developed pecs rise and fall
with a steady rhythm, as he lay on his side with his head almost
dangling off the side of the bed. Peggy stifled a giggle, as they
approached the mountain of muscle dozing before them, all of them
amused at the sight of what was happening.

"He does this every night." Luna explained softly, as she joined the
other girls in trying to stifle her giggles. "It's pretty pathetic
honestly." Luna grimaced as she stared at her mate in revulsion, the
big jaguar making soft purring grunts.

Ari smirked widely, while Tara covered her mouth in awe and vast
amusement at what she saw. The would-be alpha male before them,
continued to nurse on his thumb like a tiny cub. His maw making subtle
suckling sounds around the digit, as he purred and mewed pitifully.
Any respect they had for the imposing predator evaporated in an
instant, Chase the muscle bound blue collar alpha male was an avid
thumb sucker.

Peggy lifted the covers off his powerful body, exposing his naked
maleness to the three of them. Chase packed a thoroughly unimpressive
member, modest even by feline standards. His cub-makers too were of
average size, in their fuzzy white pouch that cling so close to his
body he almost looked neutered. Tara grabbed Peg and Luna by the arms
and the girls fled the room quickly, Ari could hear more and more
giggles as the hurried down stairs. Luna taking them to the patio bar
out back, where the three females enjoyed a drink. While they
snickeringly discussed Chases short comings, Peg and Tara explaining
the work around they had come up with for their pansy mates.

Ari stood towering over the prostrate feline, watching as that soft
mouth tugged on the predators own thumb. Then a naughty idea suddenly
crossing the black ram's mind, stepping closer he freed his quickly
stiffening fucker from his trousers. Licking his lip's nervously as he
reached down pulling Chase's paw away, the big feline mewed in loss
for a moment hand struggling to go back to his muzzle. The smirking
sheep stepped in and lay the head of his cock against those furry
lip's, instantly they latched onto his throbbing fucker drawing it
into that suckling mouth. "Aahah hah." Ari moaned in delight feeling
the unconscious feline suckling eagerly on his hardening cock, taking
out his smart phone the ram took a few pictures of his cock going in
and out of those velvety lip's. Pushing himself inside until his balls
were up against the jaguars chin, getting a good shot so that it was
plain Chase had a cock in his mouth. He drew his hip's back starting
to pull out, he had pushing things pretty far after all. But as his
cock slipped out, the big predator suckled on it all the more eagerly.

"Hah... someone just isn't going to be satisfied... until they get the
cream." Ari braced a hands on the head board, leaning over he began to
rut that suckling mouth slowly. Gently stroking the silky fur of the
jaguars head with his other hand, truly enjoyed taking advantage of
the unwitting so called alpha male. The plan that had been only vague
in his mind, forming more and more completely as he enjoyed that
suckling mouth. "Ammm yeah that's it... daddy is going to fed you his
cream." The black ram breathing deeper and his excitement grew, he
would need help breaking this one. But he had a few a contacts, males
he knew who lived here now.. he had been planning on pasting Peg and
her fag husband off to one of them soon anyway. The ram sneered as he
humped Chase's hungry muzzle, amused that this was what pasted for a
alpha in this soft country. Ari glanced around the room, spotting the
heavy vault like gun cabinet in the corner of the room. The American
flag displayed on the wall above the bed, along with a unit flag from
some elite force no doubt. There were classic movie posters in frames,
tough American action hero's from a bye gone age. A big desk by the
window had little models of famous military aircraft, along with
missiles that could no doubt drop megatons of death.

The ram reached down toying with Chase's small diddle stick, it was
hardly big enough to be called a cock. Still as the jaguar had started
suckling harder, that little organ had grown to its full modest
length. Ari stroked it lightly with his finger tips, making that needy
organ jerk and drool slime onto the crisp clean sheets. The excited
ram thrusting more vigorously, the risky and deprave nature of what he
was doing proving intoxicating to the sheep. "Damn you American's and
your cock sucking skills." He moaned suddenly aware of watching eyes,
he glanced around to see Luna starring at him wide eyed. Her mouth
dropping open in shock, while her emerald green eyes were the size of
dinner plates. She was flanked by a smirking Peg, who had one arm
around the felines waist. As the big Elk cow sipped from a wine glass,
while on the other side Tara leaned in whispering naughty things into
Luna's ear. This audience only made the moment that much sweeter for
the foreign ram, pulling back so that only the tip was between those
soft eager lip's. Ari moaned softly, as his tensing fucker fed the
mewling predator. Thick white cream shooting out over that wide
tongue, dribbling out of those smacking suckling lip's as Luna watched
in shock and disgust. The black ram suddenly becoming aware of his wet
fingers, glancing back he realized that the big predator had just
climaxed from his teasing finger rubbing against it. "Heh!"

"See I told you..." Peg said a bit too loudly, she was clearly already
a bit tipsy as she finished off the wine in her glass. "Their all a
bunch of sissies." The pretty Elk cow slurred just as loudly, before
realizing she was speak to loud and hushing herself with a chuckle.
With his mouth full of hot gooey cream, Chase stopped mewling and lay
there relaxed and panting. As Ari slipped his spent cock completely
out of that mouth, stepping away they watched as the sleeping jaguar
licking his lips and slipped his thumb back into his mouth. With that
they slipped out of the master bedroom, Luna leading them all back
down stairs.

"Oh my god... Oh my god... I can't believe... if I hadn't seen it for
myself..." Luna babbled as Peg drunkenly tried to comfort her, while
Tara exchanged knowing looks with the wicked ram.

"Peggy honey I think you've had too much... we need to get you home
sweety." The pregnant mare collared Peggy with one arm around her
neck, guiding her towards the front door even as she protested her own
intoxication. However the wise equine had grabbed the open wine
bottle, using it to bait Peg into going along. As they left Ari moved
forwards to comfort the pretty feline, stroking the silky fur of her
bare shoulder. He could already feel his organ trembling within its
sheath, he was going to take the jaguar's female in the same night
he'd fed him his cum.

"There... there sweet lady you are not alone, think of poor Tara and
her sissy whore of a husband." The ram smirked, as Luna melted into
his strong arms sobbing softly against his chest. "Like her you simply
need to rise above it... and the first step is to help Chase discover
his own true nature." The sly ram carefully turning the predators own
wife against him, with artful words and cunning plans that confused
yet excited her. "However we must not forget your own pleasure..."
Leaning in he kissed her mouth hard, while reaching down to grope his
sex finding it delightfully moist and eager. Quickly he stripped off
her clothing, as she did the same for him... shock to find his long
thick organ already rock hard and ready for her.

"Gods you really are just as insatiably as Peg and Tara claimed you
were." The slender spotted feline explained, that Chase never went
more than one a night. As she let the ram push her down onto the sofa,
in front of the jaguars massive TV. Ari climbed atop her, sliding
between those sleek silky thighs as she reached down gripping his firm
throbbing organ. Guiding into his deliciously hot and wet sex, that
was so tight the smirking ram had a battle to get his full length
inside of her. Once it slipped fully inside, Luna let out a soft eager
moan and Ari felt the wetness on his thick organ double sudden.

"Did you just orgasm my dear?" The black ram chuckled, as Luna nuzzled
against his woolly chest as she admitted that she had. This getting a
delighted chortle from the handsome sheep, he had not expected the
feline to be so pent up. Even if he had expected her to be easy,
American females always seemed so eager to give away the pleasures of
their bodies to him.

"I've Never done it just from getting penetrated before... Chase is
always complaining because it's so hard to get me to... Tehehe... He
can't do it all the time... that makes him angry... so I fake it a
lot." Luna confessed breathily, the surge of pleasure having lowered
her nature inhibitions to speak about such things.

"Well you'll never have to fake it with me..." Ari promised with a
sneer, as he drew his hip's back and began to thrust in a slow steady
rhythm. Each thrust getting a eager moan of delight from the sexy
spotted feline female, while above her the ram gloated at his triumphs
over the big American predator. "I'm going to give you lots of
orgasms... I'm going to put my lambs in your belly as well."

It was nearly dawn, by the time Ari summoned an Uber to take him back
to Tara's big house in the cul de sac. The pretty jaguar was soaring
high with the afterglow of her eighth orgasm, by the time she bid the
handsome ram goodbye at the front door. If the petite jaguar wasn't
sold on their scheme before, she most certainly was now... Ari always
made sure. His talents in bed always sealed the deal and the sexy
feline had been a impassioned... even needy lover. The ram had got the
feeling, she was more of a trophy to Chase than a true lover for him.
Now the stage was set, they'd gotten an invitation to the party, won
his pretty girlfriend over and found a weakness they could exploit.
All they needed to do now was wait, Ari had certainly to get lined up
in the city.


On Saturday evening, the pretty Elk cow traipsed up the same gravel
walkway once again; the details of their plan playing over in her
head. The beautiful house was a hive of activity now, with loud music
blaring and expensive cars flanking the sidewalk. No surprise that the
cocky panther's small 'backyard cookout' was anything but, like most
of the neighbors had she always hated his parties. It was one of the
biggest reasons she and Randy moved away and was why the jaguar had
put up such high fences around his property. These parties usually
ended with the cops being called and the HOA wouldn't do a damn thing
because they were all in the jaguars pocket.

As expected, the burly feline was on to her almost immediately, when
she showed up on his doorstep. Chase pounced like the predator he was,
hurrying over and wrapping a arm around her. She didn't miss that he
was rubbing his feline scent glands against her furry body. Marking
her that that his so called friends would know, she was one of his
planned conquests.

"Pegs! Oh, thanksss for coming... too bad about Ray havin' to work."
The burly contractor practically crushed her in his embrace, his
breath stank of alcohol as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "His loss
is my gain... damn you smell so good." Chase grunted softly, so only
she could hear as he nuzzled her neck while looking down her dress.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Peggy sang cheerily as she glanced
around, the jaguars buddies flashing her nasty grins. She was glad to
see that she didn't know any of them, as Chase was already practically
mawling her. "Sooo much muscle..." She whispered back making him
chuckled, one paw groping her ass while the slide up her belly towards
her breasts.

Clearly he was pretty intoxicated already, the way he clung to her was
almost possessive. He didn't even care that she'd brought him homemade
cookies, her present was dumped in a pile along with the others. She
was practically paraded through the rooms like a piece of meat, the
jaguar obviously showing off for his friends. No surprise, most of his
friends were predators as well... all of them appraising the gorgeous
hunk's latest conquest. She bottled her disgust at this and instead
beamed to match his razor sharp smile, while doing her best to fend
off his groping paws.

Peggy glanced at her watch as she nursed on a soda by the pool, glad
to have escaped Chases grasp for a little while. She had about two
hours to take things into the garage, luring the horny feline there
should be much of a challenge. She would stick him with the
tranquilizer dart in her purse... then she would call Ari and the boys
to come sneak him out. She spotted a bikini-clad Luna chatting with a
Lynx by the grill, which is what had lured Chase away he loved to
grill meat. Peggy nodded to her in passing, she left the other feline
hanging as she headed back inside. The hunky jaguar watched her leave,
before licking his lips and having one of his buddies take over.
Stalking after the sexy Elk cow, hoping to get her alone in the
bathroom perhaps.

"So what can I getcha to drink? Martini? Moscow mule? Goddamn, I love
mules." The large jaguar slurred drunkenly, as he slid a burly arm
around her waist from behind.

"But I've already got a drink, silly!" Peggy giggled as Chase groped
her openly, making a number of his predator buddy chuckle lewdly. They
all knew the jaguars reputation for bedding pretty married herbivore
females. There were more than a few stags in town, who's does had
given birth to a spotted feline cub.

Chase snorted derisively at that, soda was most certainly not a drink
to the big feline. "C'mon, soda ain't a drink, babe." He snatched the
can out of her hand and replaced it with a chilled beer out of a ice
cooler. It was obvious what he was trying to do, the sleazebag wanted
to get her drunk fast. Bang her in one of the bathrooms then maybe let
his buddies have a go after he'd planted his flag.

"Hey, birthday boy." A young lioness called, as she sauntered up to
them with a hungry look in her eyes. Plainly she was wanting, what
Peggy was getting more of than she liked as that moment.

"Oh hey, Phoebe. Didn't see you there." The burly jaguar practically
fell into her cleavage, even as his paw slipped into Pegs dress. The
lioness's thong bikini clung tight to her muscular curves, she looked
like she had the body of a gymnast. The lusty lioness looked like she
was about to say something more, when Laura returned with a fresh beer
for her lynx friend.

"I-I'll catch you later." The lioness muttered stiffly, glaring at the
jaguar's girlfriend before returning to her friends in Jacuzzi. Luna
gave Peggy a knowing look along with a insecure smile, everything was
going perfectly. They continued like that for a short while, the
pretty Elk cow cozying up with the burly jaguar. While his girlfriend
warded off the other vapid females that vied for Chases attention,
meanwhile the burly feline kept molesting Peggy.

Eventually however, they finally found themselves alone making out in
the garage while sitting on the tailgate of Chase's work truck. The
drunk jaguar didn't even register Peggy sticking the dart into his
left ass cheek, comically collapsing in a heap in the pickup bed while
he was sluggishly attempted to undress himself. Reaching for her
phone, Peg dialed for Randolph who was waiting with the others just
around the corner.


Chase moaned softly his eyes opening a fraction of an inch, the room
that he could see did not look familiar. It was a clear modern design,
plainly a high end luxury apartment somewhere downtown no doubt. The
big feline was only half aware of what was going on, his powerful body
still to intoxicated for him to move. The big tough jaguar suckled
gently on his own thumb, vaguely aware of a heavy weight on top of
him. His body and the bed he lay on moving back and forth slightly, as
a odd pleasure tingled somewhere between his ass and brain. The sound
of harsh breathing and lustful grunts, almost drown out by the rush of
his own heart beat pumping blood through his veins. The sensation of
inexplicable over fullness nebulously uncomfortable within his bowels,
as something soft yet firm thumped against his testicles in a growing
rhythmic speed. His predators mind picking of the scent of sexual
musk, along with thick rank equine sweat all around him. "Uhu uhu..
wha... wha..." The helpless jaguar moaned, his words causing the big
male above him to chuckled lewd and breathily in his ear. His body and
the bed it was laying on moved more and more vigorously, there was a
sharp 'Thump thump thump' as the head board beat against the wall.

Somewhere in the big predators drug addled mind, he began to piece
these disjointed facts together. He knew the sound of fucking when he
heard it.. some bitch was getting railed good and hard. But then a
lightning bolt of pleasure rushed through him, he was cumming hard his
balls aching like they have been over milked. There is a loud 'Slurp'
as he suckled even harder on his thumb, this noise drawing more gruff
snorts of laughter from the male on top of him. "I've got something
else you can suck... little kitty." The ribald male voice chuckled
into his ear, deep lustful and thickly accented so that it was plain
English was not the speakers first language.

"Wait... what's... going on..." The big jaguars eyes widened in shock
and horror, as he suddenly realized what was happening. He was the one
getting railed... being fucked up the ass... like he was a female or
more exactly like he was a faggot. The big male on top of him
grunting, chewing roughly on his ear as that deep foreign sounding
voice chuckled lustfully. "Oh my gods... Oh no... thats your cock
inside of me... inside my butt."

"Little kitty has got one sweet fag-pussy... I've been enjoying it all
night long." Chase twisted his head and managed to look back over his
shoulder, a hefty middle eastern donkey grinned down at him. "Dumped
nine big hot loads of cum inside of that sweet cunt... and here comes
number ten. I felt you cream my sheets just then... that's five loads
my big hard cock has fucked out of you." That deep lustful voice
moaned, as the pounding thrusts reached a savage crescendo.

"Ahah... Ahaha No... Noo... I aint a...f-fa.." Chase tried to moan in
denial, but he was having a hard time denying the facts. That thick
cock was balls deep inside of him and he wasn't doing a thing about it
but moaning louder.

"Hah.. this sweet hole sez different... Queer kitty... I can feel it
squeezing on my cock... begging for my cum." The big foreign donkey
letting out a loud bray and Chase knew without a doubt the other male
was cumming inside of him. He felt it spilling out around that hard
fucker, oozing down his ass crack and over his tiny felines testicles.

"No... no stop you can't... no..." The helpless feline whimpered
weakly his eyes rolling back in his head a second later, as he lost
consciousness and drifted off into indistinct memories of the night
before. He's at last cornered Peggy... had his paw in her panties in
the bed of his truck was going to... to... Well do to her what the
horny foreign donkey was doing to him, that though made him jerk in
shock. The big jaguars eyes fluttered open as he realized he couldn't
breathe, in front of him was rough light gray fur. And then the donkey
stepped back, sliding what felt like a yard of thick black cock out of
his mouth. Chase suddenly aware of the taste and smell of his own tail
hole, along with the rank musk of the donkeys sweaty crotch. The salty
taste of what could only be the grinning equine's cum, thick on his
wide tongue... it was a taste he'd woken up to before.

"They were right about you... you suck even when you're unconscious."
The homely chipped tooth donkey snickered mockingly, shoving his fat
cock in and out of Chases mouth savagely a few more times. The
formerly proud homophobic feline, had always thought he would bite the
cock off of any male to tried such a thing. Yet he did nothing as the
donkey fucked his muzzle, except look up into the eyes of the foreign
male using him. "I've had a very good time... it certain has been fun
slut." The grinning donkey gloated producing a tampon in a white
plastic sleeve, moving around behind the still weak feline. "But it's
time for you to leave whore... don't want you leaving a trail of slime
across my carpets though." Chase felt a big hand grasp his tail at the
base lifting it up, and then the smirking donkey crammed that tampon
up his butthole.

"Uhuuuu!" The big jaguar exclaimed, feeling the plastic tube sliding
out while the cloth body expanded inside of his debauched anus. A
massive wave of shame and utter humiliation washed over him, his rut
hole... which is what it certainly was now... had just been plugged
like a bloody cunt.

"Time for you to get out..." The big donkey gripped the back of his
neck and base of his tail, lifting the predator to his foot paws. Frog
marching the muscle bound feline across the big lavish apartment, the
donkey opened the door and shoved him out into the hall. Chase finds
himself standing naked in an unfamiliar corridor, with his clothes
dumped in a pile at his feet. The big predator realizing for the first
time that he is sporting a tiny pink silicone cock cage, while his
navel and right ear have pink rhinestones dangling from them. His
proud manly nipples also have large golden hoops pierced through them,
these things making his eyes widen is horror. "Now get out of here
whore... before I call secured to have them haul you away." The jaguar
hurried to get dressed, as Yusuf tosses a large printed picture to
him. Chase jerks in shock as he sees the image is of him, eyes closed
with a cock in his mouth and woolly balls resting against his chin. It
is clear this isn't the donkey's cock and balls, wait had he sucked
someone else's cock... his mind flashed back to a few days before...
waking up in a puddle of his own cum with that musky salty taste in
his mouth.

"Oho my god!" Anger floods into his body now, as he feels his strength
returning, but the donkey has already closed and locked his door. And
the furious feline didn't dare pound on it, as the donkey had already
threaten to call secured. For a split second the anger feline almost
wants to call the police, but then the idea of admitted that he'd let
himself be butt raped all night made the proud feline wince. Turning
the pictured in his paws over so he won't have to see those nuts on
his chin, Chase spotted writing on the back... squinting he reads it
slowly. 'One of three... collect them all! Go to the Hoopla
Gentlemen's Club for your next clue. Refuse to do this and we'll mail
all three to everyone on your phone. Happy hunting.' "Son of a fucking
bitch..." Reaching down Chase pulls up the tiny black thong, that had
replaced his sports underwear. And then pulled on the tank top and
cutoff jean shorts he's been wearing the night before. Noticing as he
did that his wallet and keys wear missed, slowly his staggered to the
elevator taking it down to the lobby. Before wandering out onto the
street, sure enough he was downtown and it was plainly late evening.
The idea that he'd been the nasty middle eastern donkey bitch that
long, making the felines nose burn with blush. "Hoopla Gentlemen's
Club..." He mumbled staggering along, his big body still feeling
sickeningly weak. Was that because of the hangover... he'd never
experienced anything like this until a few days ago. After creaming
himself in his sleep, that taste of cum still fresh in his mouth. Was
he feeling like this because he had sucked a dick... was he changing
into a sissy weakling? Panic gripped his heart making it pound wildly,
as a thousand homophobic myths rattled around in his head.

One paw dropping down to fondled his testicles, had they shrank
because he'd been used like a female. It was hard to tell much with
the chastity cage locked onto his junk, but he didn't think they were
any smaller. He was still absently feeling himself up, when a husky
voice purred into his ear making the big pred jump. Turning in shock
as he saw the flamboyantly dressed camel, clearly a drag queen smiling
at him as his paw fondled his own genitals. "You lookin' for tha
Hoopla sexy kitty?" She... he... it... asked with a cute girlish
giggle that made the homophobic feline's dick strain within that pink
silicone cage. "You just go up two blocks turn right on Kildare Ave
it's a block and a half down you can't miss it." The sexy camel
gestured limp wristedly, making Chase grit his teeth even as his cock
began to dribble. "They have the hottest all boi review in town...
You'll love it."

"I'm not gay." The jaguar insisted, even as he watched the camel look
down at his paw vanishing into his cutoff jeans. Chase blushed hard as
the sexy camel flashed him a soft smile, as he turned to leave the
feline alone.

"Whatever gets you through the night sweety... I'm not judging..." The
pretty camel snickered as he flounced off, leaving Chase standing
there seething in anger not at the camel but at himself. Jerking his
paw out of his short, he began walking down the side walk. Noticing
that the neighborhood was getting seedier that farther he went, the
big feline wincing as he strolled along. The center strap of his thong
underwear was rubbing uncomfortably against his swollen... abused tail
hole, he had to stop and reach down to adjust it every so often. The
camel was right the club was impossible to miss, with its massive pink
and purple neon sign. Quickly Chase walked up to the entrance, a huge
cape buffalo barred the way however.

"Hey I need to get inside..." The sleek jaguar grunted as roughly as
he was able, it didn't sound nearly as strong as he could snarl. But
then Chase knew that he didn't have any money, he couldn't pay the
cover charge. The huge buffalo looked him up and down, smirking as he
took in the felines sleekly muscled body.

"You here for the tryouts..." It really wasn't a question, the big
buffalo had already decided the jaguar was Hoopla material. "Go back
and see Madame Vera... she can get you set up to tryout... I hope you
get the job... I break in all the new hires myself." He shoved Chase
through the door, smacking the pred on that firm, round, bubble butt
as he did.

"REEOOWW." The big jaguar yowled in pain, as his aching tail hole was
smacked. This making dozens of club patrons turn to look at him, their
knowing smiles making the big feline tingle with blush from its ears
all the way down to his freshly pierced nipples. Immediately, the
jaguar scanned the dark interior, trying his best to tune out the
catcalls and obscene jeers directed at him over the overly sexual EDM
tune blasting from the club's speakers. His good looks and impressive
physique weren't doing him any favors right now, he felt very insecure
knowing every male in here wanted to do to him what the donkey had
done. He found the bar off to the side and skulked over to it slowly
trying to avoid touching anyone.

"Where's Madame Vera?" Chase snarled foul temperedly, slamming his big
fist down on the countertop. He was sick of all this faggot bullshit,
and wanted to make it plain he wasn't going to be cunt. He was going
to gut everyone who had a hand in this, starting with that dirty big
dicked donkey. He could still feel that cum soaked tampon rammed up
his bubble butt, it had expanded into a wide plug inside of him. The
bored looking bartender, simply thumbed towards the dark corridor just
around the corner of the bar. The slender, toned Doberman didn't seem
the bit phased that he was wearing nothing, but a jockstrap and a bow
tie as he mixed drinks.

"You are late, but I think she'll make an exception." The Doberman
eyed him over with approval, as he expertly drizzled the contents of
two glass bottles over a cocktail shaker; before twirling and tossing
the bottles back onto the shelf behind him.

"I'm not here for any try outs... Do I look like some kinda faggot?"
The jaguar growled as forcefully as he could manage, it wasn't up to
his normal standards. And self doubt flooded into him again, he had
lost something... some masculine power he'd had before.

The college-aged Doberman, simply looked the hulking feline up and
down for a moment. The burly jaguar realized in shame that his
rhinestone earring was still dangling from his ear, and his new
piercings showed through the tight tank top. "That a trick question or
something? I swear to God, if this is some kinda new-fangled role-play

Before the formerly straight panther could reply with some choice
slurs, a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, spinning the feline

"Do we have a problem here?" The large black wolf, was just as big and
well built as the jaguar. In the darkness, Chase hadn't even see the
lupine bouncer approach them as that fur blended into it so well.

The lithe Doberman propped his muzzle over the counter, with a dreamy
look on his features. "My knight in shining armor. Nah, big boy over
here just wants to see the Madame."

"Corridor to your left... she should be backstage with the talent."
The way the big lupine said the word 'Talent' left little doubt what
their talents were in. Chase could see the look of lust in those
lupine eyes, the big bouncer was hoping the feline became talent. Just
like the huge buffalo at the door, Chase began to hyperventilate
slight. The jaguar making a show of batting the wolf's arm away,
glaring at him for a second before stalking off without another word.

"What's his problem?" He caught the wolf asking the Doberman behind
his back, turning the corner just as the canine replied with a

"Pussy is a slut and doesn't know it yet."

The backstage was a flurry of activity, half naked furs flouncing
around mostly. The deeply homophobic jaguar cringed at the sight
before him, yet his caged organ throbbed and leaked more heavily. It
was like a locker room filled to the brim with fruits and they all
seemed to enjoy greeting him. He counted about a dozen or so males in
various states of undress, donning faggy underwear or else walking or
longing around with their cocks out. Off to the side, a large lion was
even sucking off an oryx just for the fun of it; his buddy goading him
on like it was as normal as chugging a beer. He ignored the lusty
gazes upon him, marching up to the only female in the room speaking
with a distinctly Eastern European accent.

"Ugh, no... leather is so overdone. Try the lace the crowd likes
contrast." The tall snow leopard held out a skimpy purple thong, to
the brawny white rhino in front of her. Disheartened to be lowered to
frilly lace, the much larger male began to shuck off his leather
jockstrap obediently.

"Where is it?" Chase snarled, catching an eyeful of the rhino's
python-like endowments which was easily three times bigger than his
own modest feline organ.

"Oh good, you're finally here." Madame Vera muttered in annoyance, as
she shoved the skimpy article into the rhino's chest. "Come with me."
She beckoned the jaguar as she turned and strolled away from the
quickly redressing rhino.

"Give me the photos right now... or I swear to God I'll..." Chase
sputtered unsure what he would do, the place clearly had plenty of

The snow leopard simply ignored his bluster as she walked over to the
dressing rooms, holding the door open for him expectantly. Clearly,
she wasn't intimidated in the least by the burly contractor and
knowing that made the jaguar's organ shrivel within the cage. Chase
growled in annoyance as he followed along like a lost puppy, obsessed
with getting all the blackmail pictures back no matter what.

Closing the door behind her, she walked over to the clothes rack. "I
will tell you right now... that I do not have this photo that you are
looking for." The sexy snow leopard said in her slow heavily accented
voice, the foreign nature of which making Chase scowl. "Ari was right
not to trust me... I would've dangled it over your head forever. You
would've made me a lot of money, my spotted friend." She traced the
sides of his bulging biceps, the predatory look in her eyes making his
respect for her overflow. Chase cringed as his cock immediately
started to strain in its pink prison, as he through about being
blackmailed to work in a place like this.

"Who's Ari?" The jaguar seethed with renewed rage, as he realized that
must be the guy doing this to him. He was going to kill this fucker,
whoever he was the jaguar would make him pay for this.

"He is a business associate of mine, and apparently a rather recent
friend of your old neighbor. I see her husband quite often." The snow
leopard chuckled lewdly, not bothering to glance his way as she went
through the clothing.

"Old neighbor? Wait, Peggy?" The jaguar stared at the smoky eyed snow
leopard in disbelief for a moment, but it all made such perfect
senses. The Elk cow had played him like a goddamn fiddle, and her
pussy on his finger was the last thing he could remember. "Wha- Why?
Why the fuck is this happening? Why me?" The big predator whined, like
a small cub realizing for the first time that the world was an unfair

"I do not know and frankly, I'm still too upset about my loss to care.
I'm only here to relay to you some instructions, so pay attention
because I will not repeat myself." She dumped a few skimpy thongs on
the dressing table, before finally turning to him. "The photo is with
a male seated somewhere in the lounge right this moment. I do not know
who he is, so don't asked me to tell you. But he is here for a good
show and if you want it you will give him one. The only thing I do
know about him, is that he has very particular tastes. You will know
when you are pleasing him, now take off your clothes."

"Excuse me?" Chase choked as she looked at him with her heavily lidded
eyed, flash a faintly predatorily smile.

"Do you want this photo or not? I have an establishment to run and
time is money. Your best bet at success... will be taking the show
directly to him in the lounge, and that means walking the floor. And
we have standard here... I do not allow patrons to strip naked
whenever they please. You must act like you work here to wait the

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" The burly jaguar began to undress
quickly, as the impatient snow leopard yanked his shorts down.

"Test the waters, show off your assets... Look at the boys and get
creative they will be working the floor just like you, in-between
shows if you need a few pointers on how to suck cock." The snow
leopard considered skimpy thong Chase was wearing for a moment,
daringly yanking it down to examine his pink cock cage... before
yanking it up again. The thong was so skimpy, the root of his dick was
visible, along with part of the hot pink cage. Anyone taking a proper
look at his goods would immediately spot the cage outlining the silky
fabric. "This will work, but you will need a staff collar." She said
with a nasty snicker, that made Chase feel dirty just from having
heard it. Taking out a frilly lace collar with the words 'Hoopla boi'
spelled out on it, the female feline tied it around the jaguars thick
neck. "Now all the customers will knew you are working..." The Madame
turned to leave, but then paused looking back over her shoulder at the
other feline. "Oh, and one more thing... this male won't be around
forever, so I suggest you hurry. He will walk out of that door at six
sharp... whether he gets that show or not."

Chase grabbed Madame Vera's left wrist, his heart sinking as he saw
the time. Her tiny Cartier watch told him it was already four forty
five PM, he had less than two hours to get that picture. The big
feline practically ran into the lounge, latching his lips around the
closest available cock. The old gray muzzle could barely keep it hard,
but he still pounded a hardy load into the jaguars mouth.

The burly jaguar cast all pride out the window, as he went all in
trying to please these males like the homo they all thought he was. He
intentionally sucked a cock for the first time, even with the donkey
earlier he hadn't actually took it into his mouth himself. He had just
lay there passively as the other male used him, now however he sucked
multiple cocks at once. Swallowed load after load... wore cum on his
muzzle while flexing and posing... dancing round. One nasty little fox
even making him drink piss, a fat hog spat on him but still nothing.
Chase gagged and retched as he dove between a pair of muscular rump
cheeks, sucking the cum out of the lion from earlier.

"Yeah, kiss it... kiss that hole. Fucking French that shit, you dirty
slut." The Husky above him panted, as he jerked off to Chase's naughty
performance. The Rolex on his left wrist, told him he only had about
twenty minutes left... before the mystery male would be walking out.
The homophobic jaguar could only pucker his lips, as he sucked on the
asshole of the groaning male above him; his heart thumping in chest.
He flinched as the canine eventually spurted his puppy batter all over
his handsome features.

"Fuck yeah, baby..." The canine knelt down to cram a twenty down the
back of Chase's thong, the fact he kept getting tip's humiliating the
proud feline all the more. With how many tips he was getting, his
thong looked more like a hula skirt. "What the fuck is this?" The
canine tugged at the tiny string of his tampon, pulling it completely
out of the felines well used butthole. The jaguar mewled as it left
his bubble butt, thick slimy donkey jizz immediately dribbling out of
his used hole.

The handsome husky guffawed in disbelief, as he held it out in front
of him. "A tampon?! Is this for real, buddy?" Daringly, he sniffed the
used tampon before bellowing in laughter, everyone around them roaring
and clapping in amusement. "Oh, you are one big fucking fairy, aren't

Chase's muzzle turned red at the commotion they were causing, he saw
the bouncers edging closer just encase. Even the lion he was eating
out looked appalled, as he shoved that tailhole against the other
felines mouth. 'What sort of male stuffs a tampon up his ass?' Patrons
and performers alike started to gather around, the mortified jaguar
wanted nothing more than to run out of that door. But he could do
nothing as the drunken Husky bent him over slightly, repeatedly
forcing him to expel the donkey jizz he was carrying in his bowels
into a shot glass. Before forcing him to drink the disgusting slurry,
the formerly proud straight male dying off more than a little in that
moment of utter humiliation. The proud jaguar could only cringe and
wince, as his powerful body was made a mockery in front of all these
faggots. His hole making wet sounds as he was held in place with the
soiled tampon draped over the bridge of his muzzle.

To think he had the blood of Aztec royalty running through his
veins... he was always proud of that fact. Even going so far as to
incorporate the pyramids into his company logo, now he was glad no one
here knew who he was. Long ago, his kind were worshipped for their
natural beauty and hunting prowess, they ruled over everyone and
demanded sacrifice. He hoped his ancestors couldn't see him now, not
being used like this by any male who came along. Chase felt something
bulky slip into his thong, something smoother than the coarse dollar
bills he was used to. Pulling it out, he found a folded paper note,
carefully he unfolded it and held in over to a table light. He picked
up the key that fell out of it, giving the lounge a good look at his
formerly virgin taboo hole.

'Go up on stage and unlock yourself. Suck on the tip of the cage and
play with that tiny cock of yours. Tell everyone how small and useless
it is. XOXO'

Chase choked and gulped for air, feeling very light headed and weak as
he stagger towards the stage. Hurriedly, he pushed his way past he
crowd who was pawing at his sleep spotted body lustfully. The German
Shepherd gyrating on stage, didn't even seem to mind that the hunky
feline was interrupting his set.

All eyes were on Chase as the big feline stepped into the spotlight,
slowly sliding the black thong down to his knees. This causing the
watching audience to clap and clamor, most of them had just finished
enjoying the felines muzzle. Still it was looking like the big slut
wasn't done entertaining them just yet, 'Slut' a voice jeered joined
by more catcalling 'Attention whore'. Chase winced blushing harder as
he awkwardly fitted the tiny key into the tiny lock, twisting it until
the cage body came loose from the ring. The cage body was full of his
pre-cum, and a long strand of it dangled down. A tiny sob escaped him,
as the jaguar lifted it up to his mouth and suckled his own pre-cum
off. Freed his modest cock sprang to full erection, in front of the
eager crowd Chase reach down gripping it.

Even as a gruff voice called out from the crowd 'Awww isn't that the
cutest little diddle stick!' this comment making the room roar with
laughter. Chase sobbed again softly, his eyes suddenly filled with
tears at his complete embarrassment.

'I wouldn't even call that a diddle stick.' Another voice challenged
from the other side of the room, as the jaguar couldn't help stroking
himself faster and faster as he was verbally abused.

'How can a guy that big and muscle bound be soooooooo under hung.' The
husky snickered as he twirl the tampon around on its string, while
watching the feline stroking that less than impressive dickie.

'Shutup I think it's cute... I'd take it home...' A mouse called from
the other side of the room, he was at a table with four of his rodent
friends. And it was obvious they were all enjoying the show
enormously, clapping and cheering while making lewd offers.

'At least you wouldn't choke on it... Hahaha!' There was that gruff
voice again, something about it was familiar but Chase couldn't place

'Get on with the show...' A voice called from somewhere out of the
center of the crowd, reminding Chase that he had to say something.
Slowly the panting feline edged up to the microphone stand, tears
streaming down his furry cheeks. While his paw was flying up and down
the modest length of his rock hard cock, slinging droplets of pre-cum
off into the audience.

"As... as you all can see... my... my cock..." Chase started to say,
wincing as his voice was so loud that it filled the massive room.

'Cock... Hahaha... rinky dinkie piddle stick!' It was that gruff voice
again... this time Chase peered hard into the loom. His big green eyes
going very wide, as he spotted the guy who had said that. Jack was one
of the guys who worked for him, hell he had been at Chase's birthday
party. 'Say it.' The big hyena called out loudly, making the crowd
hoot and jeer at the trembling feline on stage.

"My... my rinky dinkie piddle stick... as you can see it... its small
and... and totally useless." The statement made the room roar insanely
with laughter, made all the wilder as the feline fired off a massive
load into the crowd.

'Keep going... milk it dry...' A new voice demanded, and the debased
feline found himself unable to stop himself obeying. As the room full
of gay males watched him, the jaguar beat his meat to orgasm over and
over again. Until he couldn't seem to orgasm anymore, and then he was
escorted off the stage and into the alley behind the club. The big
wolf throw him out the door butt naked, he had been used up and was
now trash it seemed. Jack looks out the door smirking at him, before
tossing the stunned jaguar a big glossy print picture. Chase catches
it and looks at the image horrified to see that it's just a picture of
his erection... beside a much bigger cock. He had went through all of
that just for this... he looked up at the smiling Jack. "Hardly worth
it huh... cocksucker." Chase felt a hot flash of anger, but he
couldn't find the will power to lunge at the smirking Hyena. "Yeah...
I didn't think you'd do anything." Turning Jack closed the door
leaving Chase standing there naked under the only light in the
otherwise dark alley. Chase turned the picture over, once again
finding instructions written on the back. They told him to make his
way to his truck, which was parked in a nearby parking garage and then
to drive home. Chase pulled up the black thong, it was all the
clothing he had left as his shorts and tank top were still inside the
club. "Fuck." The big feline swore as he stalked alone the dark
alleys, doing his best to stay out of sight. The last thing he wanted
was to get arrested for indecent exposure, especially since he was
covered his spoo.

The big Hyena smirked, as he pulled the folded up picture out of the
pocket of Chase's cut off jeans. Unfolding it to see what the jaguar
was so desperate to hid and then burst out laughing at the irony of
it. Chase had just sucked dozens of dicks in full view, just to hide
the fact that he had blown the black ram.


"Does your worthless cock miss my pussy, cuckold?" Tara teased her
husband, as the big roan stallion knelt there licking the big dildo
that was a copy of his own denied erection.

"It use to... but it's learn dear. Learned that it is not worthy to be
inside of you... not worthy to be inside of anyone." Cameron moaned
softly, before his very pregnant wife shoved that strap on down his

"You're not going to cum today... because this pathetic cock hasn't
made me cum in years." The pretty mare taunted her helpless husband,
Cameron hanging his long equine head in shame. "You don't deserve an
orgasm, cuckold. Only a cock that can make a female cum deserves an
orgasm and your dick certainly isn't capable of getting me off." Tara
smiling as she stroked his mane gently and then looked over at Luna,
who was taking Ari's fat erection eagerly on all fours.

"Uhu Uhu Uhu..." The pretty spotted feline female moans in a low husky
voice, as the lustful ram plunders her tight sex again. He had
pleasure her so much only the night before, yet here he was back again
and pounding her to wave after wave of orgasmic delights. "Oh my
god... ohooo fuckin' hells... I can't believe... I've never felt so
good in my life..." The sexy jaguaress babbled in delight, as the
smirking black ram hammered her sleek sex from behind. Her long feline
tail lashing around, as the handsome ram gripped her sleek hip's
thrusting hard and fast. Luna whimpered, that hot sex growing even
wetter as she clenched down on his pulsing rut muscle. Making the
wicked sheep laugh out loud, this really was one of the best ideas
he'd ever had.

"Your pleasure is the ultimate treasure my sweet kitten." Ari moaned
snuggling against her lush body, while watching Tara playing with his
slavish sissy husband. "You speak as if Chase never brought you to

"Oh no it's not that... he was made me cum almost every time." Luna
moaned turning her head to kiss the hard pound ram, enjoying the
sheep's hot mouth. "Chase was only good for one mounting a night...
and only two or three days in a week's time." Those woolly nuts
spanking her sleek sex lip's, making her feel more and more lusty each
time they slapped against her. Luna was groping and pinching her own
nipples, licking her soft lip's as the ram slammed into her harder and
harder. "That's what I need... your cock feels so good inside of me."
The pretty spotted feline admitted breathlessly, staring deep into
Ari's eyes. "What worries me is what Chase will do... when he comes
home. I'm sure he will have figured out it was me who betrayed his
thumb sucking... since I'm really the only one who knew about it." Ari
gripped her perfectly shaped hips firmly, snorting lustfully again as
he drove himself against her ass, his rigid pole sliding swiftly where
only her husband should be allowed... The brutally hard rutting ram
looked down at the pretty sleek predator female that he was so
lustfully conquering. With a hearty 'Bleat' the sheep gritted his
teeth, feeling his heavy balls jump as he shot his triumphant load
into Luna.

"Perhaps you would like me to...deal with your husband in a more...
permanent way my lovely." The ram offered... knowing that the pleasure
drunken jaguaress would agree to almost anything at that point.

"What do you mean?" The panting jaguaress asked looking up at him with
a bewildered look on her pretty muzzle. If anything this look of
cluelessness made her appear all the more beautiful in Ari's eyes.

The handsome ram slipped out of her slowly, before laying down beside
her to cuddle on Chases huge bed. Ari smiled at her, tracing his
fingers through the short fur of her cleavage and teasing her nipples.

"I can get someone to cut off his balls." Ari said bluntly, the look
in his eyes betraying the sexual excitement he felt at the idea. It
was the ultimate act of unmaling after all, not something that was
allowed by his religion. But everyone committed sins from time to
time, one could repent those failing later before god.

The jaguaress laughed at that, drawing curious looks from the equine
couple rutting on the lounger nearby. The past week had been quite the
change of pace to say the least, and Luna was unsure what was real by
this point. It was all so strange to her... she half expected to wake
up at any moment now to find it had all been a pool side dream. None
of her corny romance novels ever turned out like this... where the
protagonist is attached to a macho douche bag who's a thumb sucker
with a tiny dick. Only to be swept off her feet paws... seduced by a
handsome Arab who's managed to charm her old neighbor and turn her
husband into a simpering sissy. She was honestly quite impressed with
the ram, and shockingly happy with the way he had turned her life
upside down. It took her a moment to notice Ari's slight smile didn't
waver in the slightest, she gulped realized he was serious.

"Wait, you're serious?" Luna choked in shock and horror, even as she
thought of all her friends Chase had bedded. "That's illegal! Where
would you even find someone to do it?" The pretty jaguaress asked
stunned to find herself seriously considering the idea of having Chase

"Yuri doesn't just do tattoos and piercings, you understand." Ari
chuckled lewdly, as he went on to explained that his friend made a
very good profit out of neutering other Americans. "As I understand it
he has males coming from a dozen states just so he can fix... their
problem." Luna thought back to their encounter, with the young high
school-aged jackal at the tattoo parlor. She recalled the two males
briefly discussing something in Arabic, as the canine outfitted the
unconscious Chase with his new piercings. It seemed like the handsome
ram had a guy for everything in this town, of course he would never
have been in contact with them without Tara's help.

"No, absolutely not. Why would you even consider that? That's going a
bit overboard, don't you think?" Luna stammered, but her denials were
weak and uncertain sounding even to her.

"Well... you could call it an 'Option B', I would very much like for
you both to have an arrangement like Cameron and Tara have here." Ari
favored the horses with a pleasant smile, knowing that Cameron was
more of a house servant than a husband at this point. The big roan
stallion cooked, cleared, and would take care of the babies when they

Luna watched as the buff equine snorted, as he was railed missionary
style by his pregnant wife. His muscular arms gripping the lounger
below him tightly, as the dominant female made a mare out of him. It
was such a curious sight for the young jaguaress, a male as strong as
him letting go of everything that made him a male. It was like a big
middle finger to the natural order, that one really should be gelded
she thought with a smirk. She spied the steel cock cage bouncing
impotently between the stallion's splayed thighs, leaking a steady
stream of pre-cum. Randolph had allowed her to examine his own device
when Peggy first introduced the freshly feminized bull Elk to her a
few days earlier. Needless to say, it was quite a shock to find the
strapping stud de-antlered and trimmed to look so much like a female.
Now she had two ruined males in her home, and was thinking about
having Chase neutered.

"But things don't always work out the way we want them to, no?" The
sexy black ram continued, chuckling lustfully as he toyed with Luna's
naked body. "Originally, I planned to just release the images and
video I took if he didn't complete our little treasure hunt. He won't
come after you, of course... do not worry, my dear... I have measures
in place that will keep him away from you; if you want to walk away.
He won't dare lift a finger against you, however I just do not think a
few unflattering photos is quite enough... for the amount of pain he
has caused you. Things are different with him you can see that,
Cameron and Randolph are failures at being males, but they are good
males nonetheless. They love their wives and treat them well..." Luna
knew what the ram was getting at, Chase has treated her like a
plaything rather than a mate. "Your mate on the other hand... not so
much. He cheats on you with every female he can get and lies through
his teeth about it. Even if you leave him, who's to say he won't do
the same to another female later?"

Luna looked down at the rumbled sheets, trying to process her
conflicting thoughts. She really did care for Chase... the macho
jaguar had so much charisma: he was the perfect contrast to her shy
self. But he was so immature... Luna really didn't know what it was
with him, but it seemed like the burly contractor had something he
desperately needed to prove. Always overcompensating with that
nationalistic pride, or the homophobic crap while he tried to bed
every female that excited him. It was honestly quite embarrassing, she
had apologized for him and his behavior dozens maybe hundreds of times
over the years. It angered her to consider he only dated her to
preserve his bloodline... he was so proud of that silly idea jaguars
were quite a rarity after all.

Ari gently cupped her chin, so that they were muzzle to muzzle,
staring deep into her eyes. In that moment, she was positive she was
completely and irrevocably smitten with the handsome foreign ram. His
slight smile instantly warmed her fragile heart, and his eager hands
set a fire in her loins.

"You deserve so much better, my love." The ram let his thumb brush
against the side of her muzzle, as he leaned in and kissed her

"Let's do it... we have his nuts cut off if he loses or forfeits."
Luna said firmly as the ram broke that kiss, she could read the
delight on his handsome muzzle. They both knew that Madame Vera had
called earlier, confirming Chase had collected the second photograph.
For better or for worse, the burly contractor would be arriving home
any minute now.


The big jaguar shifted in the seat of his truck, his aching tail hole
making it hard for him to sit still. So he found himself rolling from
having his full weight on one ass-cheek to shifting it over to the
other. The long drive home from downtown was giving him plenty of time
to think, which was proving to be torturous for the formerly totally
straight male. His day had started out in utter shock and horror, a
straight guys worse nightmare waking up being fuck up the ass. Worse
than just that the big feline have discovered himself liking it...
cumming like a female while the ugly donkey had rutted him. He hadn't
understood it then but that had totally changed him, it was only after
he'd dropped to his knees in the strip club sucked his first cock that
he realized it.

All those stories the old males told back when he was a boy, about how
if you ever played the female role. A shiver raced through his
powerful body, looking down he could see that his body hadn't changed.
But inside his head something had, Chase though back to all the
depraved things he had done. And for what... to get a picture of his
own modest cock beside a bigger one... no he'd done it because they
had changed him somehow. 'Nobody changed you... you were always a
cunt.' The big jaguar shook his head, for a moment almost believing he
had heard his father's voice. "I'm not a cunt." Yet his tail hole was
screaming something different, as was his so recently freed malehood.
As he had through about these things, the big feline couldn't keep
himself of popping and erection. And although he tried to shut them
out, the images and the taste of every cock he'd sucked flashed
through his mind. Cervines, bovines, caprine, canines... even rodent
cocks and he had wrapped his lips around them all suckling more and
more eagerly. Gulping down load after load, the thick slime filling
him in a way that had been strangely satisfying.

And Jack... Jack had been there, he had worked with the big hyena for
years and never once suspected that Jack was a faggot. Now he realized
why the hyena was never bothered by Chase luring the females he
brought to the parties away for a bit of fun. Jack had even watched a
few times, pretending to be too drunk to care while jerking off. The
whole time, the sneaky hyena had just been thinking about fucking him.
The females had been bait, Chase thought about the one time the
drunken Hyena had climbed into bed with them. He'd touched and fondled
them both, the homophobic jaguar struggling to keep those paws off of
him at first. But then had gotten so into the sexy little antelope
female Jack had brought along that he just ignored the hyena's
wandering fingers. Chase felt himself blushing, as he remembered the
things Jack had saw him do at the club. He would have to remember to
fire the hyena, that way if Jack started telling tales about him Chase
could just say it was revenge for the firing. It would just be his
words against Chases... unless... the jaguar thought back to his
discarded cut off jeans and the pictured folded up in the pocket.
No... no those cloths were back stage... surely Jack would have been
allowed back there, of course he had been allowed at the back alley
door. "Oh my gods..." The big feline felt panic grip his chest, not
realizing that dozens of camera phones had captured his performance in
the strip club.

Traffic had been heavy, so that it had taken Chase nearly a hour to
get from downtown to his quite suburban neighborhood. The loud muffles
on his work truck were designed to attract attention, but limping home
tonight for the first time in his life. The big jaguar did not want to
be seen, but the neighbors teenaged sons were out playing street
hockey. And Chase discovered that two cars already were sitting in his
driveway, so that he had to park his truck on the edge of the street.
Waiting until the teenagers went back to their game he crawled out of
the truck, keenly aware that he was only wearing the skimp black
thong. That barely concealed his modest erection, he quickly made for
his house up the driveway. When suddenly a loud whistle made his head
snap around, the four teenage boys were laughing and pointing at him

"Nice fag wear Mr. Mondoza..." One smirking teenage stag shouted
teasingly, gripping his own crotch in a lewd gesture. Chase had caught
the boys trying to sneak into one of his parties more than once, he
had even let them finger bang one of his drunken conquests once...
Phoebe the lioness. Just so he could show off to the boys, make it
plain he was a real stud. It also amused him, that the teenagers were
squishing around in his spunk and sniffing their fingers afterwards.

"Hahah... nice ass... I wish my doe had a ass like that." A second
youth called as his friends and brothers roared in amusement.

"Your doe in a magazine?" One of his buddies teased, making the young
stag blush and grin awkwardly. Chase hurried on inside as the boys
teased they friend, the jaguar disgusted to feel how hard the boys
taunts had made him. As he entered the house, the sounds coming from
his bedroom shocked him quickly Chase hurried up stairs.

'Let's do it. We cut off his balls if he loses.' It was Luna voice he
had never heard it sound so firm before, there was a sudden strength
in her voice. A shiver raced through him as he heard her say that...
'Cut HIS balls off if he loses' her tone was so final. Stealthily, he
padded over to the half-opened door, hiding himself in the darkness of
the hallway. His jaw dropping at what he saw going on into his
bedroom, a black ram was thrusting wildly into his beautiful
girlfriend; the large bed actually creaking with the force of his
hips. He watched her clawing at his sweaty back, as she moaned
desperately with each driving thrust of those hip's. His sensitive
feline nose told him the room was saturated with male musk... they
must've been going at it the entire day. Off to the side, two
unfamiliar equines were rutting in on the lounger, but there was
something terribly wrong with that picture. The strong roan male was
being penetrated with a huge dildo, by the plainly pregnant mare on
top of him.

'What the fuck was going on with his life?' Chase wondered in shock,
thing were just so surreal it was like he'd just stepped into one of
the bad foreign movies. It was like everything had been turned on its
head, it leave his dizzy and disconnected from his normal life. He'd
been fucked and toyed with by faggots and mongrel foreigners the whole
day, yet hadn't murdered anyone... had found himself liking it. And
now his male cave of a bedroom was doubling as some depraved whore
house, where females penetrated males... who squealed in delight.

"Chase?" A voice called out sharply, so startled the big jaguar he
jumped at the noise. Tripping over a pair of carelessly discarded
jeans and falling backwards through the doorway into the room. He
landed heavily on the carpet, sprawling on the floor as those in the
room snickered.

"Ah, the male of the hour! A truly commendable effort, to have made it
this far." The much smaller herbivore congratulated, grinning broadly
his white teeth sparkling in the light.. He held a finger up in
pause... before picking up speed; grunting as he finished off inside
the other males girlfriend. Thick dollops of white dribbled onto the
ruined sheets below them, his ruined sheets... his debauched
girlfriend. They were fucking in his bed... and had been all day long
while he had been...

The burly jaguar simply stuttered in shock, as he slowly took in the
situation his hard little cock drooling heavily. 'Who were these
furs?' When he had entered the house, he half expected to be
confronted by some sort of dangerous grizzly bear mobster... holding
his girlfriend hostage. He never even considered his calm and reserved
girlfriend to be complicit, but the pieces slowly came together from
all he saw and heard. Who else could've told them about his little
secret? He'd cheated on her multiple times and now here she was,
returning the favor in spades it seemed. A confused bull Elk appeared
in the doorway behind him, de-antlered and naked as the day he was
born. Chase noted in shock that Randy's junk was locked away in one of
those horrid chastity cages, the jaguar knew the frustration of that.
Hand-in-hand, Peggy appeared behind him; her pretty muzzle split in a
giddy grin as she found the burly jaguar sprawled on the floor.

The black ram extracted himself from the other males girlfriend,
before padding over to stand above him; his rock hard cock bobbing
obscenely with every step. He deliberately stood, so that his maleness
jutted just inches from the felines handsome spotted muzzle. Close up,
the rams balls looked hefty hanging heavy and low, obviously very

"Good evening, Chase. We've been expecting you. I am Ari... I think we
have met before." The ram smiled warmly at the big jaguar, like he
wasn't just fucking his girlfriend a minute ago. A million thoughts
ran through the sleek predators head, from admiration of this strange
herbivore male. To impotent revenge fantasies about fucking the rams
wife or daughters, he wasn't even sure if this foreign male was
married. He'd spent the drive home thinking about all the ways he was
going to get back at this Ari fellow and Peggy. But now that they were
all together, all he could do now was stutter and blubber
speechlessly. 'This was the male who had masterminded the whole
thing?' The same male who conspired with Peggy... also with his own
girl to fuck him over and turn him into a cock sucking faggot? A
scrawny herbivore who was less than half his size? The big feline
flinched, as a dollop of cum from the ram's throbbing cock landed in
his open mouth. It was like nothing was going his way today, no matter
what he tried he was losing things had to turn at some point... Right?

"Oh dear, you are a mess." Peggy snickered as she looked down at him,
her nose wrinkling at the scent of drying cum and urine drifting up
from the feline. "Randolph, why don't you help our friend get cleaned
up for the third challenge... there's no rush this time."

It was true Chase realized with disgust, his once silky smooth fur was
a matted mess. He was covered from head to toe in various bodily
fluids, dressed in nothing but the frilly thong and the 'Hoopla Boi'
collar he just now realized he was still wearing. A whole day of
debasing himself like a lowly whore and he didn't even have a dollar
to show for it. All the money he collected in the clubs lounge, having
fell out when he pulled his thong down on stage. All the while
shamefully, his modest erection was tenting the skimpy thong betraying
his sexual excitement.

"C'mon, up you get, little fella." Randy grunted grasping the jaguar
by one hefty arm, before hoisting him up onto his foot paws.

"W-What- W-Who are you?" Chase managed to stammer at last, as the big
Elk turned his around. escorted him out the door and across the hall
to the bathroom.

"In time, my friend..." The mysterious ram said simply, the bull Elk
blushing as the sheep took Peggy into his arms, kissing her full on
the lips. As the handsome Elk escorted Chase out the door and across
the hall to the bathroom. They passed the rutting equine couple on the
way, and the jaguar looked them over. The pregnant mare smiled
cheerily at the big jaguar, even while sneering scornfully at his
modest erection.

"Hi. You have a wonderful home." She said awkwardly as her mate
writhed and moaned in pleasure under her, his strong fingers tweaking
the nipples on his meaty pecs. He too had his junk locked up, his only
source of pleasure being the thick silicone prick bucking in and out
of his anal passage. Was this a preview of his new life? The big
jaguar didn't want to entertain that thought... yet the possibility
was plainly there in front of him.

They left the room crossing the hall, Randy turning the water on in
the shower stall. And then the big bull Elk stripped the thong off the
burly jaguar, against his weak protests of masculine pride. "Randy,
what the fuck is going on?" Chase whimpered confused and insecure the
big predator was lost so looking for answers or more truthfully
comfort. "What is all this? What happened to your antlers?" The
spotted feline stared at the big pansy in front of him, feeling oddly
drawn to the other male.

"Uhuh..." The sleekly muscled bull Elk scratched the back of his head,
as Peggy's moans reverberated through spacious bathroom. "It's a long
story... but I'm kinda into this now? I mean it works for me... it
feels nice and Peggy enjoys it." Randolph shrugged as he grabbed the
handheld shower head and began to rise off most of the sticky muck off
of Chases body.

"Your dick... What happened?" The big jaguar demanded, starring hard
that the other males metal caged organ. Curiously, the big predator
discovered he didn't mind the other male bathing him like this. After
all he'd been through today, he welcomed the rough hands gently
rinsing and rubbing his aching body down. Randolph's touch felt
different from what he was used to with females, but was no less
pleasant to him.

"Well, I-I don't really use it all that much these days." The big Elk
admitted like that was the most natural thing in the world, still he
was blushing a bit as he said it. His free hand began soaping up the
burlier contractor, deliberately feeling up the larger male's heavy

"Well, obviously its locked up... why the hell don't you use it?" The
big jaguar huffed as he found himself enjoying the attention from the
other male, this treatment was proving to be intensely arousing. His
little soldier bounced and throbbed between those hefty thigh's,
something that didn't go unnoticed by Randolph. Cautiously, the big
Elk gripped that modest feline fucker, slowly jerking the sore organ
in his soap lubricated hand.

"Well. 'cause I'm a- a sissy." The bull Elk swallowed hard at those
word, sensing that the feline wanted to laugh at him. "I've learned a
lot about myself over the past couple of weeks... I-I like letting it
all go, giving up my masculine power and letting my wife have control.
And I think... you are starting to get it too... I think you are
enjoying having me touch you right now." Chase moaned as the big bull
Elk stroked him, even while wincing at the others words. He could
almost taste the other male's musky breaths as they both huffed in
lust, while the sexy Elk stroked his hard little feline fucker. Chase
tensed as their muzzles found each other's, lip's hovering less than a
inch apart as they panted for breath. Yesterday, he would have beat
the other male to a pulp, just on principle of being a faggot. But now
that he had tasted the pleasures of being one, he could only relax as
he gave in to the kiss they both wanted.

In the privacy of the bathroom, the two burly males daintily explored
each other's hard bodies as they smooched audibly. The burly jaguar
cautiously let his hands feel up the other male, as his muzzle played
with those thick lips. The pansy bull Elk tasted deliciously rank, it
sent the predators heart a flutter as they're lip's worked against
each other. He moaned softly into the Elk open mouth, as Randy played
with his sensitive nipples.

'Gods, this was so wrong.' The formerly straight jaguar thought in
horror, yet he could stop himself from kissing Randolph even deeper.
He didn't really expect to find himself passionately kissing another
male in his bathroom twenty-four hours ago, or EVER in the whole of
his life for that matter. But Randy was right... there was a perverse
pleasure in giving in... and giving up all their manly pretentions. It
was nice to hold and comfort each other, that strong masculine body
pressing against him. A loud banging on the door caused the two males
to jump, and break their passionate make out session.

"You two pansies making out in there or what? C'mon, we're waiting!"
Luna barked angrily, shocking Chase he had never imagined seeing her
so empowered. Hurriedly the two males finished cleaning up, toweling
off even as they crossed the hallway.

The smaller ram held out the third and final photo in front of him,
before popping it back into his wallet. It was the picture that
actually depicted the hulking alpha male suckling on his thumb like a

"You have come so far, Chase. Like your ancestors before you, you have
gone to great lengths to complete your hunt. And I must say, it is
truly admirable how much love you have for your people and your land.
You laid your life on the life for the personal freedoms of your
countrymen and you returned to build your life the American way...
through sheer hard work and grit. Very masculine qualities like the
old movies stars on these posters, wouldn't you agree?" The handsome
ram laid back on Chase's huge bed, stroking his hard length
tauntingly. "You must be wondering why you are here instead of inside
a ditsy sorority girl. It is because I see through your farce... it is
all a façade, all American males are soft faggots deep down. It took
no effort at all to turn these two 'Studs' as you call them into
simpering faggot girls who can never enter another female ever again."
The handsome black ram sneered at Cameron and Randolph as he spoke,
they both lowered their head submissively. "And the best part about it
is, they enjoyed it once they understood the truth. All of you do...
your females deserve better than to settle for such weak sissified
males." It was plain the foreign ram had been breeding all of their
females, the mare was no doubt carrying his offspring. Peggy was
starting to show as well... Chase trembled in horror and excitement at
the knowledge Ari had been breeding Luna all day.

A flash of anger caused Chase to snarl ever so slightly, his lip's
rolling back to show off his fangs. But even so, his modest feline
cock throbbed rock hard and needy as he looking from Luna to the
smirking sheep. Ari simply sneered at the big predators reaction,
enjoying the danger of what he was going. It was what was missing with
Gina and the older lion she was married to after all. He patted the
bed next to him, Peggy instantly settled down next to the handsome
sheep. She was wearing Tara's enormous equine strap-on, the mammoth
equine length dwarfing all the other cocks in the room. She gave the
handsome Ram a peck on the muzzle, before beckoning Cameron to come
over to her. Bashfully, the locked roan stallion trotted over to
impale himself on the silicone fucker reverse-cowgirl style. "Uhumm
gods..." The big roan stallion moaned in what was clearly delight,
this only reinforcing the rams words about the nature of the American

"The game is a simple one." Ari promised with a wide smile, as he
watched Cameron already enjoyed having something up his tail hole.
"You will compete against Cameron here, both of you taking a cock up
you boi pussy's. The loser will be whoever cums like a female first...
Surely, a real male like yourself can hold off longer than a sissy
like him? After all, only a simpering fairy gets pleasure by receiving
another male inside of him... right." Chase blushed hard at those
words, recalling his time with the donkey. Who claimed he had lost
five loads in that way, Chase remembered only one but that was enough
to fill him with self loathing.

"I can sense your reluctance... so I will even allow you a handicap."
The smirking ram announced magnanimously, as if he was the most over
generous guy in the world. "Cameron here has had lots of practice...
coming from having his hole pounded. And I've had his lovely wife edge
him for a few hours, getting him all primed up to spurt out his
useless seed. Vera also tells me you put up quite a show at the
club... so your little soldier should be all tuckered out by now." The
ram glanced down at Chases modest feline fucker, which was jerking and
bouncing up and down clearly eager to go. "You've practically won
already, no?" The black ram asked teasingly, Chase understood he was
being challenged and taunted all at once. Part of him wanted to turn
and run away, but he just couldn't turn down a challenge to his male
hood like this.

The smirking Ari beckoned for the jaguar to come over to him, almost
robotically the burly jaguar found himself padded over. "You know what
to do." The ram snickered as the big predator gingerly guided the
foreign ram's hard cock up his loosened hole. The handsome feline
found himself straddling the rams thigh's, sitting reverse cowgirl
just like Cameron. In fact the two of them were facing each other now,
so close their chests were almost touching.

"Ahaha fuck." Chase moaned, as that long sleek cock that was easily
three times the size of his own organ filled him. Although he
outweighed the smaller ram by over hundred pounds, Chase felt like a
little cub settling into his lap. His modest cock jerked as that fat
fucker bottomed out inside of him, a trickle of pre-cum crawling down
his barbed feline organ. Luna was grinning at him as she watched from
across the room, slowly rubbing herself as she watched the action. The
big jaguar gritted his teeth, to ashamed by what was happening to look
her in the eyes. Just a little more humiliation and his reputation
would be somewhat salvageable, Chase told himself weakly. He could pay
off Jack to keep his mouth shut and maybe do something about his looks
if anyone from the faggot club recognized him. He could do this...
could win this... get his life back no one would be the wiser... he
was still a stud even if the horse and Elk had been broken.

"Oh and one more thing..." Ari sneered, as he felt that felines well
used boi cunt swallow his throbbing fucker with ease Yusef had really
stretched it. "We have revised the terms just a little... in the event
of your unlikely failure. You will be neutered... quite literally."
That statement really should have come as no surprise, Chase had heard
Luna say something about it earlier after all.

"WHAT?" Chase spun around to look at the smirking ram, as the handsome
sheep looked up at him smirking.

"Are you frightened? You can suck your thumb if it helps." The ram
teased making the girls giggled at that, while the burly contractor
could only blush harder. Ari's hands found his sleek hips, his fingers
slipping around to toy with the jaguar's stiff little maleness. "It's
for the best, really. This little thing has broken so many hearts...
poor disappointed females all over town. Think about it... you will go
insane not being able to breed to your heart's content. Neutered feral
dogs are much happier and well-behaved, because they no longer need
worry about such things."

"And if I refuse? Maybe I don't want to play for keeps." The big
jaguar stared defiantly at the ram, who bucked his hip's playfully
sliding his throbbing fucker in and out.

"But you're not going to lose, are you? Big... strong... American
alpha male like you?" Ari teased, even as Chase began to pant for
breath, mewling so softly that only the ram could hear it. "We will
only take them from you... If you lose. You can run... but we will
find you Luna knows every place you can go, jack is eager to help
sniff you out. Either way, you will not be disappointing another
female ever again." Chase shivered at the sheep's words, all he had to
do was win he could do that... he was a winner... always had been.
"Alright now my two sissy sluts... wrap your arms around each
other."Ari commanded, helping them to embrace so that they would be
doing an even amount of strokes. "Wait... wait something is
missing..." The ram snickered derisively, gripping the jaguars tiny
cock and teasingly jerking his up and down. Humiliatingly, Ari had
Luna attire Chase with a little surprise gift, the sexy feline females
smirking as she did so.

"I see you Americans like to stick your flag on everything... Clearly,
you are fond of waving it around." Between his powerful thighs, Chases
girlfriend attached a mini Stars and Stripes to his leaking erection.
"Well now it is my turn to make it wave..." Ari announced bucking his
strong hip's, driving his hard cock into Chases eager hole. Each
thrust making that modest feline erection jerk and trembled and that
tiny flag wave wildly. "How delightful I can now see the appeal of
waving that flag." The ram chuckled lewdly as he lay back, relaxing
now as he signaled, Cameron and Chase started the contest. The two
muscular American males pumping their hips up and down on their
respective cocks. Almost immediately, the two of them began to moan
and grunts in pleasure. The American girls simply laughed as they
observed their males debasing themselves, giving up to the lustful
foreign ram. It truly was a pathetic sight, yet he was highly arousing
and confirmed to the females that they had made the correct choice.
Their cocks and cages bounced in unison, as they panted against each
other... muscular pecs bouncing as their powerful bodies glided
effortlessly over the lubricated phalluses.

Luna and Tara simply stood by nursing their drinks, darkly amused by
the act of surrender going on in front of them. The horny bull Elk on
the other hand couldn't help, but diddle his hole and play with his
hard nipples as he watched.

"Aw fuck, I'm soooo close." The sweaty stallion moaned leaned his long
narrow head towards Chase, those equine lip's looking so soft and
fuckable. The jaguar was very close as well... his tail hole blooming
in pleasure as he rode the hated ram. Who had destroyed his
heterosexuality so completely and thoroughly, yet there was a strange
longing within the big predator. He tried to pull away from the
stallion fearing those feeling, still a tiny voice inside of him
screamed. 'No, he couldn't lose this!' His cum was practically boiling
in his balls, just moments away from spilling out. Desperately, his
muzzle latched onto his thumb, hoping the shame would cool him down.
He felt the horses head resting on his shoulder, knew the other male
was close to exploding. If he could just slow things down, hold out a
few minutes more he could win this. Suddenly the big predator jerked,
feeling a hot paw wrap around his throbbing organ. Who was doing this,
glancing down Chase was stunned to see his own paws betraying him
stroking his aching hard cock. The handsome jaguar watched open
mouthed, part of his was playing to lose... part of him longed to
be... to be what?

"No... nononono..." His modest feline fucker trembled in need as it
erupted in a spectacular display, blasting feline cum all over as his
flagged cock... danced and waved around excitedly. He had just
desecrated a flag with his slimy cum, a massive wave of shame washed
over him in that moment. Chase groaned in ecstasy around his digit in
his mouth, before sobbing against the horses warm chest. Beside him,
Cameron neighed and whinnied before impotently dribbling his seed over
the tangled sheets beneath them. The big jaguar sobbed openly as the
big stallion pressed his muzzle against the felines, kissing the
broken jaguar in a comforting gesture. Chase sobbed, letting his thumb
go as he kissed the stallion on the lips... while the horse mumbled
soothing words.

"It's ok... cutie kitten... now you know that is what's important."
Cameron knew the feline had been tricked into this, but he also knew
that it was better to reinforce the others mental sissy training. The
girls simply laughed and clapped at the spectacle, joking and jeering
at the outcome of this contest. Oh, how did they ever let these
pansies inside them?


The handsome ram laced his hands over his belly as he looked past the
isle, out the windows of the private jet. Lights twinkled in the
twilight from the miniature looking city far below them, while local
instrumental music crackled through the speakers. Ari was happy and
content, life had certainly gotten better for the handsome sheep. His
simple salad dinner was fresh and filling, he would be touching down
in his homeland soon enough. America was exciting and wondrous, but
there really was no place like home.


Ari stroked the blocky head of the burly jaguar kneeling naked between
his thighs, it was going to make for a entertain trip. Chase had been
holding the ram's balls between those razor sharp teeth... for the
better part of the past two hours waiting for takeoff. 'Well minus the
fangs... Ari had taken those as trophies...since he hadn't got the
felines testicles.' "You need more practice, Saia... but we'll have
plenty of time on the flight."

The burly jaguar simply whimpered, as he slurped on the ram's musky
balls. The ram's cloven hoof played with the felines locked cock,
imprisoned within a pink silicone chastity cage with a heart shaped
lock. Gently, Ari jostled the once proud predator's tiny sac, causing
the muscular male to grunt in pain. What a stroke of luck it was...
that Yusuf was close friends with the Prince's aide. Also a fortunate
coincidence, that the young royal had an affinity for humiliating big
American males. A year of service to save his testicles, the jaguar
had agreed to that swiftly and with great relief. Oh, the blubbering
kitten was practically kissing his hooves at the tattoo parlor
anything to void the loss of those orbs. He had also agreed to put
Yusef in control of his company during that time, Luna had been the
one to invite the donkey into their bed. Prince Mustafa was going to
really enjoy this one, the big feline with his army back ground and
tattoos. He could just picture the strapping antelope tugging him
along through the gardens, on a leash attached to his pathetic cage
cock. He would probably have him to wear some American uniform or
another, but only the top half of course. Just so everyone could see
what their males really have between their legs, or more to the point
what they were lacking. A sudden thought occurred to the lustful ram,
his organ stirring within his sheath.

"Do you like dogs, Saia? Feral dogs, I mean." The big jaguar flinched
at the female name they chose for him, slowly he spat the ram's
testicles out.

"I-I do." He muttered meekly, before stuffing those hefty orbs back in
for safe keeping. Ari smirking knowing those heavy balls meant almost
as much to the jaguar, as they did to the ram... himself.

"Mmhm" Ari grunted to himself with a lewd smirk, that was a good thing
then. The Prince would definitely make use of Duke and Gizmo at some
point, former U.S.M.C bomb sniffing dogs now trained to breed American
males. The ram chuckled, as the thought about the show the prince
would have Chase put on with them. Oh and he needed to have dinner
with the lions once they were all settled in to their hotel suite. He
hoped Gina and her pansy older husband liked kefta, of course they
would both be getting a lot of ram and goats. "Things to do... things
to do..."

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Notice that Chapter 7 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.