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Notice that Chapter 7 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 6
Star Disempowered

The big black maned lion held the chair while his sexy young wife took
a seat, and then moved around the small table. Normally he would have
taken the chair just beside her, but the smirking black ram had slid
into it. "You will love it I tell you... Takht Jamsheed is by far the
best restaurants in the city." Ari promised excitedly, the handsome
ram dominating the conversation like he normally did. "I hope you
enjoyed the Isa cultural center and the Al Fateh grand mosque..."

"They were wonderful... so much history and beautiful architecture."
Gina gushed as she leaned against the handsome ram's side, smiling as
she felt his hand side up her inner thigh under the table as they
spoke. Evan got the idea that the sheep loved to show off his
homeland, everything he showed them was the best this or most
beautiful that. Evan could understand the rams pride in his homeland,
even if was hotter and drier than the big feline cared for himself.

"Ummm yesss wonderffful." The big feline absently licked his gums,
wincing as he remembered that Ari had confiscated his false teeth.
This ensured two things, first that the big predators mouth would
always be soft and welcoming to anything hard thrust into it. And
second it kept the lion from talking much, as he didn't like the
softly slurred and lisping tones in his voice without teeth. This line
of thought making Evan's mind drift back to his recent embarrassment,
at being forced to go through airline security while wearing a metal
chastity cage and frilly panties. They had taken him into a back room
making him strip naked, while they examined the cock cage and asked
him questions about it back in the states. Strangely it had been the
panties that seemed to sale the story to the guards, one big guy had
even asked about where he had gotten the cage. Absently he pictured
the big canine guy locked in a chastity cage, while his lovely
girlfriend teased and taunted him. But on landing here he had just
shown it all to the one guard, the Jackal had just snickered at him
and waved him through. Which made the big lion wonder, just how many
guys the guard saw with these kind of things on. Evan strifed a yawn,
the big feline was still feeling jet lagged although they had been
there a while. The big lions stomach growled, his breakfast which had
been hotel pudding cups hadn't been very filling. And then the soup he
had for lunch, along with a nice thick load of the sheep's cum had
been it for the day. Ari making the lion suck him off in the back seat
of their taxi, while the driver had watched in the mirror. Smirking
widely at the big predator when they had gotten out, the ram making
Evan pay their way everywhere they had went. It was late evening now
and it didn't look like Evan was going to be eating any steak tonight.

Ari was going on about what he had planned for them tomorrow, some
fancy party at the princes palace. It sounded like a fairy tale to
him, but Even knew most fairy tales had grim endings for someone. He
suddenly noticed Gina's rapid breathing and the faint scent of her
sexual excitement rose up from under the table. The big lion winced as
his caged organ surged trying to stiffen, the ram had been teasing him
and his wife all day long. Ari had even lifted Gina's skirt and gave
some teenage goat boys a free show... while they were at the marina
beach garden park. All while the big feline had watched helplessly,
Gina seemed to truly enjoy letting the ram show her off to his
countrymen. The ram was uncovering within them both a number of new
kinks, that they didn't know that they had. Voyeurism and
exhibitionism being among the latest ones Ari had introduced them to,
the big feline had been stunned how hard he got within the chastity
cage knowing the driver was watching him suck the sheep's cock. Evan
squirmed in his seat uncomfortably, both at the feeling of his
restrained organs and the fact his wife was letting herself be
molested in public. Desperately Evan studied the menu to distract
himself, realizing that like his wife he was going to have to give
ordering the food over to the ram. Even as he watched Gina was leaning
against the handsome sheep, panting and moaning softly into his woolly

The big lion jumped, as he suddenly became aware of the waiter
standing at his shoulder the wildebeest grinning lewdly as he silently
watched. Plainly the guy knew what was going on between Gina's legs
under the table, Evan felt himself blushing hard in shame as the
waiter licked his lips. Ari smirked broadly as he looked up at the
waiter, flashing the other male a wide lustful grin. Plainly proud as
he pleasured the big predators female, the ram not wearing a wedding
ring while the felines obviously both did.

"My friends are from American... they have come to have a taste of our
land." The smirking ram explained, gesturing to Evan and Gina as the
waiter glanced at the big lions wedding ring. A faint 'Slurp
slurpslurp' sound could be heard, as the ram finger fucked that tight
feline sex all the faster. Gina biting the rams neck and moaning
weakly, as the ram ordered for them all in his native tongue. Ordering
kefta mkaouara for Gina to eat, while he had greens and roast
vegetables. Evan would only be enjoying a nice lentil soup, and a
Halawet el-jibn lastly as a treat...

"Ammm please... please not here... not in... in public." Gina
whimpered weakly into the ram's woolly neck, even while Ari sat there
grinning all the wider as he worked that sex hard. Evan watching their
waiter grinning wider and wider, as the sheep ignored Gina's moaning
pleas and worked her up to climax. The golden felines sleek body
trembling as she cum hard, sagging against the sheep as he shared a
grin with the waiter. "Would you like a taste of America my friend?"
Ari inquired the gape toothed wildebeest nodding eagerly, so the ram
lifted his hand up to the other males muzzle. The waiter sniffed those
wet fingers for a moment, getting visibly excited in his well tailored
uniform. Slowly he licked those female juices off those fingers,
watching Evan couldn't help wincing in shame. As some random waiter
tasted his wife's pussy, the big predator feeling his trapped organ
drooling pre-cum into the panties he was forced to wear.

"Ammm she tastes wonderful... America tastes wonderful." The homely
wildebeest snickered in his heavily accented voice... flashing the
lion a sneering grin, they both knew he'd just tasted the felines
wife. Gina was coming down off the high of orgasm enough to blush and
flash the stranger a coy smile as he collected their menu's. The look
of desire on his muzzle plain as he moved around the table, as was the
bulge in his trousers.

"Ahaha... another admirer of your wonderful... country." Ari
snickered, although they all knew he wasn't the country that was
giving the waiter that wood. "Evan... you have a sister do you not...
perhaps she would enjoy visiting. I am sure Tahir here..." The smiling
ram had read the waiters name tag, the big lion had saw him doing
it... "Would be happy to show her around." The homely wildebeest
grinned lustfully, he would be more than happy to show a pretty
lioness a good time that was plain.

"My sssissster isss marrried..." Evan lisped weakly as the waiter made
the circle of the table swiftly, while Ari chuckled lewdly at that
idea. Making it plain he didn't think much of American males, he
smiled and winked at the homely waiter.

"Not a problem... I'm certain he is no more a male to her... than you
are to your lovely wife here." The ram taunted making the waiter
snicker behind the big feline back, as he strolled away to the
kitchen's. Evan could only blush harder and hotter, as Gina began to
French kiss the handsome ram lustfully right there in public.


It seemed to take forever as the silver Maybach climbed the hill
overlooking the city but at last, the royal palace loomed ahead in the
darkness with its million twinkling lights. Evan thought it unusual
that the royals of all people would want to meet them... even offering
them a room in the palace if they desired to stay, as well as a
chauffeur to ferry them around for the rest of their trip. Even the
bulletproof luxury car they were riding in, was from the prince's own
personal motor pool. Ari, however, seemed unfazed at the treatment:
lazily lounging in the back with Gina's mouth around his cock while he
recounted stories with the driver in Arabic. Evan could only squirm in
the front seat, while his leaky cage threatened to ruin his tuxedo...
his panties were already soaked.

The big predator felt uneasy, as the car glided to a halt at the
stately main palace entrance. A menacing looking panther got the door
for Ari and Gina, leaving Evan to find his own way out. Even so, he
was glad to be rid of the leering ursine driver, with whom he had been
forced to share the front seat. The large bear had spent most of the
trip caressing the Evan's thigh and whispering dirty nothings into the
submissive lion's ear. The bear had been delighted to see the lions
toothless mouth, and had promised to feed him at some point. Evan
shuddered as he recounted some especially obscene things the bear had
said, the big feline finding it more challenging to be molested by
other predators.

"Evening, madam." The panther growled sexily as he kissed Gina's hand:
gracefully extracting the lioness from the car. "And Ari! You old
'goat' - you made it." It was plainly a teasing taunt, Ari was a sheep
not a goat... yet it was goats who were renounce for their

"So good to see you again, Ale." The handsome ram shook the strong
panther's paw before kissing him on each cheek, as was customary in
the region. "This is Alejandro Rivera from our Spanish embassy... the
feline devil helps His Highness with translations at big events." The
handsome ram explained in a good natured tease, even as the panther
took a bow at being called a 'Feline devil'.

"This way, please. Show's inside - don't let me keep you." The ebony
feline winked knowingly, as Ari playfully slapped his firm bared buns.
Both Americans stared in awe, as the panther got the door for them. It
seemed they were grossly overdressed as they finally stepped through
the ornate double doors. Evan's jaw dropped as a pretty fox girl
strode past fully nude, the scents of bodily fluids coming off of her
was shocking. Evan couldn't help noticing that one of her ear rings
had a U.C.L.A logo on it, hinting that they weren't the only Americans
at the Princes party. All around them, party guests were in various
states of undress: either buck naked or at most, donning a light
almost see through robe as they chatted or drank. All of this
contrasted starkly with the polished marble, ornate plaster ceiling,
and finely crafted furniture. They walked past a large wolf servicing
two snow leopard twins, his thrusts rocking the circular leather sofa
in the room just to the right of the massive foyer.

"Is that? That boxer - what's his name?" Gina stammered stared at the
snarling wolf as he jack-hammered the writhing female below him with
that huge knotted cock. Her sister simply gave them a coy smirk, as
she wrapped her arms around the stud they were both sharing.

"Tojo Frances. The one and only." Ari cocked his head as he appraised
the wolf's technique, certain that the big stud was well versed in the
art. "Prince Mustafa loves boxing... well sports of almost any kind

"Ari!" A tall antelope held his arms open as he strode over to the
ram, his robe coming undone as he walked to them. "Mashallah, so good
that you could come. I never got to thank you in person for your last
gift. We are still getting acquainted... I am enjoying the process a
great deal." The regal antelope winked, they both knew he had broken
and humiliated the big jaguar in every way he could think of. The
handsome antelope spoke with a refined drawl... that hinted at life of
top dollar overseas education. This was Prince Mustafa, there was no
doubt about that and both felines were awed by him.

The Americans stood by awkwardly, as they watched his pendulous cock
swing between his thighs exposed by the open robe. The antelope was
tall, handsome and regal, as well as being impressively well hung.
Evan was shocked by the size of the Prince's endowments, and could
tell that Gina was starring at it with a wicked smile.

"Where are my manners? Welcome! Welcome to my party... Ari has told me
much about you both. I do hope you are enjoying yourselves here." The
handsome royal greeted them both regally and yet informally like they
were old friends who had been long absent.

"Oh, your country is beautiful, Your Highness." Gina gushed excitedly
the scent of her arousal plain in the air between them, making the
Prince smile faintly. "Everyone has been real friendly to us." Gina
smirked as she curtseyed; openly ogling the young prince's hefty
equipment as she did.

"Oh?" Prince Mustafa grinned wider, he was a male who liked being
admired. "Please, do away with the formalities - we are all equal here
tonight." A smirk suddenly sliding across his handsome muzzle, as he
looked over at the pent up lion. "Well, most of us anyway." The young
antelope grinned knowingly at the male lion, as he let his hand find
the lioness' ample rump. Evan tugged at his collar, his suit suddenly
becoming too hot as his whole body seemed to tingle with blush. The
young prince led them into the ballroom proper, where most guests were
lounging on carpets and cushions, taking drags from hookah pipes. The
ornate room had streamers and silk curtains, offering guests some
privacy should they desire it.

"You will find drinks over at the bar to your left, it is of course an
open bar so feel free to indulge. I will be joining you shortly...
there is a small matter I wish to discuss with our mutual friend." He
clapped a firm hand on to Ari's shoulder, turning him towards a nearby
hallway. "In the mean time, do mingle around I am certain there are
many who will wish to... make your acquaintance. My friends are always
keen to make new friends and play." The prince flagged down a well
built Arabian stallion, who had been standing off by the side.

"This is Zaid... I think he might be a suitable appetizer, while I'm
gone. He adores felines just like me... and he has heard about that
quaint custom you American predators have of removing your teeth." The
naked bodyguard sauntered over to them, his mottled cock dropping as
he grinned lecherously.


Zaid's English wasn't anywhere nearly as good as they were used to,
but the big stallion had a direct manner. He sent Evan off to the bar
at once to get drinks for the three of them, by the time the big
feline got back. His lovely wife was just as naked as the vixen they
had seen on their way inside, a group of males had gathered around her
and the big horse. As she explored his naked body with her leathery
feline paw pads, Zaid gestured for Evan to put the drink on a nearby
table. When suddenly the lion was grabbed by a small herd of giggling
zebra and camel females, finding himself dragged away from his wife.
Even as he heard her moan behind him, glancing over his shoulder Evan
could just see the big stallion mounting Gina from behind.
"Uhuuuuu..." The big predator moaned weakly as his cock strained
against the metal cage, as a warm river of slime dribbled down his
inner thigh.

The zebra's pull him into a small alcove, where silk curtains
concealed them all from the rest of the room. They were on him at
once, stripping off his fancy clothing with wild abandon. Even while
Evan stammered weakly, doing his best to explain that he didn't think
he would be much use to them. "Hehehe..." They all giggled spotting
his frilly pink panties and the shiny metal chastity cage inside of
them. "Is true... I heard it from Zaid."

"See... see... I told you is true." One zebra mare giggled in broken
English, as the group inspected the predators wet panties and locked
up organ with glee. "So small..." The equines chuckled, as the fondled
his aching organ within the shiny metal cock cage.

"I... I'm sssorrrry." Evan stuttered in delightful humiliation, as the
female looking zebra's shared even more chuckles at his expense.
"It... it'sss a little game... Errr... sssex game we'rrre playin..."
But before he could explain any farther, the zebra mare parted her
robe to expose pert breasts with a massive equine erection down below.
"Wait... wha... wha..." Suddenly she was shoving a capsule into his
mouth, ordering him to swallow and the big feline did so without
thinking. As he looked around wild eyed the big predator realized that
none of the females were actually female. Before he could protest or
ask any questions, Evan had a thick black zebra cock pushing up his
tail hole. He was moaning and mewling, exposing that toothless mouth
that soon had a hard camel cock punching into it... The big American
feline, suddenly beginning to understand why the Prince was so
welcoming to him and his wife. They were entertainment for the Prince
and his friends, Evan squealed as that big equine cock slammed hard
into his tiny tail hole. Barely understanding as the 'Ladies'
discussed the makeover they had planned for him, although he did
wonder what the pill was he had just swallowed.


Mustafa guided Ari down the hallway, past a side room where Chase was
entertaining guests. The big jaguar was down on all fours, with his
chest on the floor while his ass thrust up. His upper body clad in a
military uniform complete with all the patches and ribbons the jaguar
had earned while serving his country. A big feral canine with the name
'Duke' spelled out on its black leather collar with diamond chips was
on top of him, growling and panting as it thrust hard into the big
feline's tail hole. The handsome jaguar lay there glassy eyed, as his
tiny pink cock cage gush out a massive load onto the cold marble
floor. While the watching party guests laughed and clapped, plainly
enjoying the American's bestial debauchment by the horny feral. Ari
couldn't help chuckling lewdly as he passed by, making the feline look
up at him in shame and delight. The big felines body bouncing, as the
growling canine humped and thrust even more savagely plainly nearing
orgasm. The black ram smiling and winking as he caught the Americans
eye, even as the feline moaned and grunted weakly. Ari smirked
thinking about the felines pretty girlfriend back in the united
states, with her belly swelling with Ari's offspring. "Saia has been
most amusing as you can see, my guest especially enjoy these little

"It is what he does best..." Ari snickered recording the show for a
moment on his phone, before emailing the video off to the jaguar
girlfriend as well as to the Donkey she now lived with. Passing by the
room they strolled on down to the palace's own theater, where the
Prince had him take a seat. Alone the Prince sat back and steepled his
fingers, taking a deep breath as he began to explain his troubles.
"You have met my sister Emira... a willful girl with little sense of
what is right and proper in the world." Ari said nothing to this, just
nodding his head slowly and let Mustafa speak his mind. "Father has
left her in my care... after her resent shameful behavior in Monaco."
The ram had heard about the Princess losing so much money in the
casinos there, that even her platinum card had been maxed out. "Now
she seeks other ways of bringing shame to our family... father has
entrusted me to see that she does not. Most of the time all this
requires is a bit of warning from me... however she now is determine
to have herself bred by a proper male. Well by one she sees as a
proper male... I have tried to explain her own naiveté to her." Ari
understood where this was going, normally Mustafa only kept pseudo-
neutered wimps like Chase who had been renamed Saia or Evan around the

"I take it she has found someone outside of your influence... who she
foolishly believes is worthy." Mustafa lifted one hand and made a
vague gesture, instantly the house lights dimmed and the movie screen
began to flicker to life. Previews for the latest Hollywood
blockbuster, came on as a deep voice growled out at them.

'In a world of conflict, where death can come at any moment.' The
camera pans across a war torn battlefield, artillery shells bursting
over a muddy trench system. A few direct hits where furs are thrown in
the air... vaporized, ripped apart as desperate soldiers fire their
rifles at a indistinct enemy.

'Where cities burn... the innocent targeted... only a few hold the
line.' A armored column with infantry support moving through burning
city, comes to halt when lead vehicle is knocked out by rocket.
Armored machines opens fire, while infantry scatter taking cover and
starting to return fire.

'In a time when even the skies aren't a refuge.' A massive airship
floating above a city is turned broadside to the camera firing
artillery onto the tops of buildings. Shrieking banshee like sirens
wailing, as helicopter gunships streak in out of a bloody red sunset.
The airship dropping ballast and starting to rotate, swing towards
this new threat slow and ponderously. Rockets streak into view and
collide with the airship in a massive explosion, ripping the massive
sky fortress asunder. A second wave of rockets blast overhead, missing
the burning wreak as the buildings light up with tracer fire. The
shattered airship slowly going down in flames, people are visible
jumping to their deaths to escape the blazing.

'A single warrior is fighting for all he hold good and true...' The
camera cuts to Jake Sawyer, the thickly muscled pit-bull dog dressed
in a ripped and bloody green military tank top and BDU's. His sleek
light tan fur is clipped very short, mostly to show off his heavy,
well defined muscles. But having the added benefit of allowing the big
American canine to show off his tattoo's, it's all masculine tribal
art and ferociously patriotic imagery. Tail and ears docked to give
him a more aggressive appearance, idly Ari wondered if the canines
teeth were real. Every bit of this male is carefully crafted to appear
masculine and dominant, yet the ram could read the truth in the
canines eyes. Eyes the actor generally hid behind two hundred dollar
sunglass's, he wasn't any more a true alpha than Cameron or Randolph
had been. Ari didn't doubt that the pit bull bred plenty of females,
because he was famous and handsome enough to attract them. Ari smirked
as he thought about Chase... the feline was more of a alpha male than
this faker could ever be. And the ram had broke the jaguar, made the
big former soldier suck his balls for ten hours straight on the plane
ride back. In the next scene the big canine leads the charge across a
massive battlefield, running across the shell pocked earth. Rifle with
its bayonet fixed in his paws, shells burst around him as everyone
else is cut down. One shell hitting near enough that the concussion
knocks him flat, only to spring back up almost instantly. Scene cuts
to a blasted out shattered room, in a besieged apartment block as
battle rages.

'And trying his damnest not to die...' The big pit bull in room
pausing to lit a cigar, peaking over windowsill submachine gun leaning
next to him. Gunfire is heard nearby, and rockets explode against the
walls of the next building over. He looks past the camera and growls
into a headpiece, to someone off screen. 'Ma'am, I regret this
decision already.' Standing up he grabs the SMG, takes a running start
and dives out the window while yelling 'FFFUUUCCCKK...' Cut to outside
of building, the camera looking up to where Sawyer can be seen jumping
out of a third story window. Yelling continues. Camera tracks his path
into a highly unlikely hay cart placed in just the right spot to save
the soldier. He fires the SMG wildly in the air until he lands,
rolling off the cart to land on his foot paws nimbly. Just as the cart
it hit and explodes, throwing burning hay high into the air. The title
screen pops up... Jake Sawyer does action, Jake Sawyer does drama...
Jake Sawyer does war... Jake Sawyer does romance. The scene cuts to
the bull dog sitting with a thickly muscled arm around a slender,
beautiful female deer. They are in a hastily scraped out foxhole
watching the sun peak over the scarred horizon, as muffled shells
burst in the distance. Sawyer grunts softly, as the Doe leans into to
kiss him meekly. 'You know... this wouldn't be half bad... without the
threat of constant terrifying death.' The pretty deer turns her head
to look at him, smiling faintly as she leans in to kiss him again more
excitedly this time.

'Don't be silly...' Instantly the screen cuts to black, and the house
light come back on in the Princes private screening room.

"My sister admires this... mongrel." Prince Mustafa snorted, the tone
of deep offense strong in his voice as he looked into the handsome
rams eyes. "I have done my best to explain to her that he is just
another American faggot... like the jaguar you brought me. No matter
how much I humiliate the pansy feline... she believes Saia is just
some prostitute, paid handsomely for the pleasure he provides. Jake
Sawyer would break you in half... Jake Sawyer is a real male." The
Prince spat on the floor and then turned back to Ari as the black ram
nodded his head sagely.

"Just another sissy... I will bring him to you and you will break him
as you have done so many other lesser males." Ari promised, as the
Prince looked at him for a moment silently... the two of them shared a
unspoken admiration.

"I know you have contacts in many of the clubs... I am told that he
has entered the night club Wrangler. Where my sister is at this very
moment, her friends have more sense about these things than she does."
Mustafa explain with a gloating smile, his sister would never guess
that her own best friend was his loyal spy. "I do not want her spoiled
by this fake hero. I trust you will not allow it to happen... see to
it and you may have all the pleasures my house can provide."

"I would be honored to serve you my Prince, I know just the thing to
do. Within a night and day you will have this actor and then you can
show your dear sister his true nature." Ari promised with a smirk as
he dug out his smart phone, calling a few friends to help him out with
his slowly forming plan.


The big pit bull slipped away from his super model girlfriend... it
wasn't that he didn't enjoy her company. Jillian could be a lot of
fun, of course she could also be a insipid brainless twit. It was just
that he got bored with her at times, her fame and good looks also made
it hard for him to blend in. Ditching his entourage of so called
friends and hanger-on's, Jake Sawyer wanted to get away from his life
for awhile. To just be plain old Vern Macklehiney from Watauga,
Tennessee the fat pup who lived down by the river. Something the
famous actor could rarely do, back in the states he would have been
mobbed instantly by fans on the streets. Not to mention the
pavarazzi... luckily in this distant land he had much less trouble
moving around undetected. Some bland clothing... sunglass's and a hat
allowing him to move around just like a normal furson. Still he could
only party in any one place for a short time, sooner or later someone
would recognize him and put it on social media that he was there.
Luckily there were plenty of clubs, all he had to do was move around
every few hours. The big pit bull indulging in powerful hits of X,
adding to the pleasure of the dance floor. This also gave the big
canine a chance to nail some random females, which he was more than
happy to do. Taking a sexy zebra mare in the back room of one club
that first night, he even let a cute little Grant's gazelle twink boi
blow him in a restroom that night as well. It was something he did
from time to time, only because he'd learned how good gay males could
pleasure his big canine cock. It was how he'd gotten his first movie
deal, by letting a older gay producer suck his hefty canine cock. He
only let them pleasure him of course... Jake Sawyer the action hero
would never bottom.

It had taken him a few days to get away again, slipping away from his
handlers and hanger-on's wasn't easy. Now there he was at club
Wrangler, dancing with what he'd been told was a Princess. The sexy
antelope female was just his type, and Jake was planning to end up
between her legs. And it was plain from the way she reacted to him,
that she was excited by the idea of giving up to him. Emira touched
him gently while rubbing her sleek body against his carefully sculpted
form... obviously she would be will to take his knot. His powerful
body was growing hotter and hotter, making the big American canine
stripped off his shirt. Dancing more and more lustfully with the
pretty antelope female, their bodies bumping and grinding together.
The bartender at the Wrangler had recognized him at once and had been
providing him with free drinks all night. Between dances the big
canine gulped down his drinks, hardly tasting them as he hurried to
get back to the dance floor. He didn't notice the bartender taking the
phone call, instantly he began to mix the famous American a fresh
white Sangria. Only this time mixing in a powerful date rape drug, it
was something he didn't for certain friends who paid him well. He had
never expected the ram to have him drug a male, normally it was
foreign females they like to target. Jake returned to the table when
he saw the waiter bring the fresh drink, gulping it down eagerly
knowing the X he took would naturally dehydrate him. The princess was
groping at his crotch, as she cuddled against his side. Now suddenly
everything seemed to hit him all at once, gently he pushed the sexy
antelope away. "Need ta go drain the snake baby... be right back." The
big pit bull excused himself, swaggering off drunkenly towards the
clubs restrooms. Feeling weaker and sicker with every step he took,
his legs going rubbery as he staggered into the toilets. There were a
couple of guys at the sinks washing up, the big pit bull staggered
past them... urinals. He headed into one of the stalls, as he
approached a stall down opened and a big smiling horse swaggered out.
Pushing past him Jake stagger into the stall, pushing the door closed
behind him. Turning he was shocked to see the same little Grant's
gazelle he'd let blow him, the slender little queer grinning widely as
he saw the big canine.

"Oh you are back for more..." The slender antelope chuckled lewdly, as
he watched the big American sway back and forth. Before collapsing to
his knees in front of the smaller male, the little gazelle's eyes
widened in surprise. "Ammm so you want something else this time..."
The small males eyes lit up, he didn't normally get to do things like
this with the males from his own country.

"Wha... I... I... need..." The big pit bull moaned weakly, trying to
explain that he was sick and needed to go to a doctor. As Jake watched
in shock the smiling gazelle unzipped his tight jeans, taking out a
long slender pink erection. "Please... please... I need..."

"I've got what you need right here." The smirking gazelle assured,
stepping up closed even as the big canine panted for breath. Small
three fingered hands gently caressing Jakes cheeks, as that long cock
pushed past his lips. Sliding over that big American's tongue, Jake
felt those firm testicles slap against his chin. The big movie star
utterly stunned by what was happening, part of him knowing he couldn't
allow it. The gazelles musky male crotch pushing up against his nose,
fur tickling that wide wet canine nose as the smaller male gripped his
head powerfully. The big pit bull lifted his hands to the other males
hip's, trying to push him away... but all the strength had left his
body. All he could do was gag in protest, as the little male began
humping and thrusting down his throat. Those big hands weakly gripping
the gazelles sleek hip's, making it look like that pit bull was
pulling him in deeper.

"Gahak." The taste of that male organ thick in his mouth, the scent of
his crotch overpowering everything else. The big American starred up
at the grinning gazelle, as the smaller male rutted his muzzle
lustfully. Starring deep into the famous canines big watery eyes, as
he used that hot mouth for his pleasure.

"Never expected you'd be wanting this... imagine Jake Sawyer sucking
my dick!" The smirking foreign male snickered lewdly, using the famous
American's mouth lustfully. The soft 'Fapfapfap'of those testicles
smacking against his chin, loud in the big canines ear along with the
gazelles snickered of delight. The canine wasn't suckling, but just
knelt there letting that smaller male rut his mouth meekly. The world
was swiftly grown less distinct and more unreal with every second, the
big pit bull confused by what was happening. He felt that stiff cock
surge within his mouth and then was forced to swallow as hot sticky
fluid sprayed against the back of his throat. "Yes... oho yes swallow
it... swallow my cum." It was only then that Jake realized what had
just happened, the gazelle had cum in his mouth and he'd gulped it
down. The slender gazelle stepped back, sliding his leaking erection
out of the canines mouth. A huge gloating grin on his sleek pointed
muzzle, as he saw his cum drooling out of the famous dogs mouth. "No
one is even going to believe this... Oh wait..." The smiling gazelle
slipped a smart phone out of his pocket, taking a quick picture of his
dripping cock laying on the canines famous muzzle. "Hehe."

"Oh gods... oho gods... I... I swallowed..." The big canine collapsed
onto the floor then, utterly unconscious as the small gazelle unlocked
the stall door and stepped out. Surprised to see the bartender and two
huge bouncers, the smirking bartender gestured to the big canine.

"That's him carry him into the back, we'll get him taken care of
there." He looked down at the famous American, with the small gazelles
cum still leaking out of the corners of his mouth and had to smile. "I
see you've had a good time..." He snickered flashing the other male a
knowing smile, even as the gazelle blushed softly. "He... he ask for
me to..." He tried to explained, as the bouncers lifted the huge pit
bull to his feet paws and carried him away.

"Oh I'm sure he did... looks like you gave it to him good." The Jackal
bartender snickered, handing the smaller male a coupon for a free
drink. "You find some other guy you want, just use that and ask for my
special mix... Heheh... you'll be able to do anything you want with
him after he drinks it."


Groggily, the muscular pit-bull slowly gathered himself as he came to
sensing at once that something was very wrong. His whole body ached
and his head throbbed from a nasty headache, and there was a strange
taste in his mouth. That in itself wasn't usual given his lifestyle,
mixed drinks and X sometimes had odd effects. This time however, he
wasn't stirring underneath the heavy covers of his lavish hotel
suite... next to the naked body of some hot broad. He could see
daylight as pinpricks of daylight coming through the bag over his head
and he was propped up on what felt like a rather sturdy metal chair.
He could feel a cool breeze and warm sun all over his naked fur and
realized with a start that he was utterly naked. He tried calling for
help, only to find his muzzle had been tied shut. His paws and feet
too were tightly bound to the chair underneath him, he tugged at those
bounds hard for a moment. As he struggled with them, the bag was
swiftly yanked off his head the sudden light making him blink hard for
a moment.

Jake squinted through the blinding light as his vision slowly focused,
a voice in the back of his mind sarcastically comment that as a actor
he could use this later. Across from him, a well-heeled antelope in a
beige suit and sunglasses sipped on his drink as he studied the bound
American. The canine scanned his surroundings wildly, so shocked at
what he was seeing that he almost didn't believe it. A well-built
stallion and a bull flanked his sides, both of them dressed in similar
dark suits. He appeared to be on some sort of mega yacht; the ship
dwarfing anything he'd seen outside of a VFX 3D model. They were in
the middle of the sparkling blue/green gulf, the shores nowhere to be
seen the night club he last remember nowhere ear. On the decks above
them, a party seemed to be going strong and that somehow made things
even scarier.

"Rough night, Mr. Sawyer?" The lithe herbivore muttered with a sneer,
as his eyes behind this glass's moved over the big canine. His
expression was unreadable behind those expensive sunglasses, Jake
recognized the brand as the same one he wore. The larger canine
reflexively tried to hide his maleness with his tail and thighs,
acutely aware of how exposed he was before this mysterious foreign
male. Jake jerked back in shock as a knife was brought up to his
muzzle, his heart racing in fear at the approach of that sharp blade.
He paused tensely as the large stallion smirked, cut his gag away so
that he could speak.

"W-Who are you?! Where the hell am I?" The canine snarled meekly,
confusion and fear ruling his voice. He considered himself a great
actor, but all of them could plainly see how terrified he was. The pit
bull noticing the aching in his sheath only vaguely, it felt almost
like his huge canine cock had been injured somehow.

The handsome antelope didn't flinch, his lip's twisted up into a faint
smile. "Can you recall a certain female antelope from yesterday?
Emira?" The Prince was as the big American struggled to remember, the
drugs combining with the fact that the famous actor bedded a lot of

"What? That princess girl..." Jake moaned at last putting two and two
together, he looked around at the massive ship again. "That was a lie,
right?" He moaned although it was plain to him that only someone like
a king could afford a mega yacht like this one.

"My name is Prince Mustafa ibn Isa Al Khalifa, fifth son of King
Suleiman ibn Isa Al Khalifa. Princess Emira is my younger sister...
the only daughter and flower of our house." The antelope slowly rose
to his cloven hooves, pacing around the bound canine almost predator-
like. With his cravat and that posh British sounding accent, the
antelope could almost pass as a Bond villain. "She tells me you did
some very disreputable things to her furson - things no male should do
to a female, let alone a princess." The Prince accused making the big
canine, lick his lips and look very guilty for a moment.

"Listen, I-" Jake started to try and lie his way out, all he could
really remember was dancing with the Princess. Vaguely he wondered if
she had bitten his cock, the aching in his sheath had all but vanished
as his mind focused on other things. Thinking about doing all those
naughty things the Prince spoke of, but truthfully the last thing he
could remember was... Jake choked in shock as he flashed back to the
smirk little gazelle, suddenly feeling the other males hard organ
inside of his mouth.

"No, you listen here, Mr. Jake Sawyer..." The tall antelope snarled
looking regal and handsome as the breeze ruffed his clothing as he
spoke. "This is my domain... my country you are nothing here.
Everything you can see around you right now... belongs to my family
including the courts and those who over see them. And while my father
and my brothers are overseas, it is I who am in completely control."

The antelope clapped his hands over the pit-bulls thick shoulders,
peering down past his heavy pecs at the other male's exposed genitals
for a moment before whispering into the canine's drooping ears. "I get
to decide everything that happens to you while you are on my boat, and
on my waters." The Prince started pacing again, circling around the
helpless American as he sat there speechless. "No laser beams or tanks
full of piranhas on this boat, but I could throw you overboard just as
you are now drown you or have the sharks feast on you." The handsome
antelope moved around in front of him, bending over to place his hands
on the actors naked thigh's. "Or I could cut out your tongue and have
you shipped to a Thai whorehouse... where you will be pleasure slave
chained to a bed for the rest of your days." The Prince smile darkly
as he leaned in close, his muzzle invading the big canine personal
space uncomfortably. "Make your pick."

Jake visibly paled at that last statement, his big sculpted body
trembling in fright. "I-I-" He spluttered in shock, not quite forming
words this was all too real... happening far too fast his head felt
like it was full of clay and wrapped in thick blankets.

The Prince let his hands settle on the frightened canine's powerful
thighs, thumbs just touching those canine testicles. "This is real
life... Mr. Sawyer not one of your terrible films, you are not going
to escape the punishment you so richly deserve. America doesn't win
this time... there is no CGI helicopters showing up to blow up my
boat." The Prince looked up into the bright blue sky for a long moment
smiling, before looking back at the frightened American. "And unless
you are about to escape right this moment..." He paused as if waiting
for one of those Jake Sawyer scripted escapes, for a second the pit-
bulls muscles bulged as his subconsciously strained at his bonds but
these were real not break away props. "What will it be?" The antelope
demanded as the big pit-bull sagged back into the chair, spent and
trembling like a frighten pup.

"Please... I-I'm sorry!" The famous canine breathed, almost
hyperventilating as he began to plead. "Please don't do this... I have
a family!" Well it was true, parents, sibling cousins certain counted
as family no matter where you were. He had sired a large number of
illegitimate children as well of course... none who had been legally
tied to him yet. Of course that wasn't something he wanted the Prince
to know about, not if he'd spent the night with his sister.

"As it happens, so do I." The Prince purred in a soft teasing voice,
that Jake knew at once meant nothing good for him. "And now, I must
defend my sister's honor - you understand, no? Choose now, or I will
choose for you." The Prince backed away to stow his sunglasses,
looking his captive in the eyes for the first time. Stepping back the
antelope gestured with one hand, instantly the stallion and bull
lifted up the chair. Getting ready to toss it over the side, Jake
panicked struggling and babbling out.

"I-I'll do anything... Please... anything you want!" The big pit-bull
was sobbing now, as he thrashed wildly in his chair while the other
two furs held him up. The Prince half turned to look back at him, with
open contempt and more than a little loathing. However that was
something else there, the big American canine was also picking up
desire. "You can't do this... Please! I'll do anything... anything at
all." Jake offered a second time, putted a suggestive tone into those
words the actor hinting at sexual submission.

"Anything you say?" The sleek handsome antelope paused, in mock
consideration for a moment. His lip's parting in a wicked smile, and
the American knew at once he was going to be abused.

"Yes that's right. Anything... Please - just don't do- " Jake could
bring himself to say it, afraid the Prince would just have him killed.
So many furs had trouble separating the fantasy from the reality, the
big canine could even count the number of times guys tried to pick
fights with him in bars. Just because he played tough guys in the
movies, it was all just play acting.

"He drives a hard bargain, this one... heh Zaid release him." The
large stallion swiftly cut the bindings securing Jake to the sturdy
chair, before unceremoniously dumping the large canine in a heap over
the warm deck.

"Come with me." The handsome antelope ordered with a curt gesture,
before stalking off towards the boat's interior. The large bull kicked
him squarely on the rump, when Jake didn't immediately get up onto his
foot paws. Briefly, the actor eyed the bull's gun glinting under his
open suit jacket. He could take it... he'd done this kind of thing a
hundred times in dozens of movies... Jake Sawyer would do it... Vern
Macklehiney thought was far too frightened.

"Don't try it... this is not make believe." The big stallion said in a
thickly accented voice, before nodding towards the Prince who was
already vanishing inside. Hurriedly, the naked pit-bull jogged after
the lithe Prince in his expensive suit, his large hands mashed to his
crotch as they entered the interior of the massive yacht.

"You have agreed to do anything I request... to save your worthless
life." The antelope spoke over his shoulder, as they moved through the
surprisingly wide hallways. It looked more like a fancy hotel that the
inside of a boat, Jake glanced around in wonder as the Prince went on.
"I hope for your sake that you are a male of your word." Prince
Mustafa drawled as they climbed a flight of stairs to join the party
upstairs, Jake hopped from one foot paw to the other like he was
standing on a red hot steel plate. Zaid gave him a rough push from
behind and the big canine follow himself staggering up the steps
towards the party. The room ahead was as large as a lot of night clubs
the canine had been in... with a massive dance floor as Jake joined
the Prince a spot light was trained in a young vixen. Who stood naked
in the bright light, as a tall lean Cheetah, spoke into a microphone
taking bids from the crowd and urging them on.

"What... what's happening here?" The big pit-bull questioned as he
stepped up beside the Prince, watching as the pretty young vixen was
sold to a fat older camel. Who gestured for her to come over to him
where he lounged on some cushions, as Jake watched the older fur took
procession of her in the most intimate way.

"This is a little auction I sometimes hosts here on my ship, when my
friends want to trade things with each other." Prince Mustafa
explained with a faint smirk on his lips, as they watched the old
camel enjoying his prize. "That girl is... was a exchange student at
our university... she is from your country... LA I believe. She came
over for one year of college... that was almost three years ago... it
has been most fun educating her. Now her services bring a great deal
of money at these little auctions, this is the fourth time she has
changed hands now." The Prince explain with a chuckled at the look of
shock and horror that past across the famous canines muzzle. "You have
agreed to do anything... so I shall place you up for bid." The
handsome antelope snickered, as the big pit-bull jumped in shock and
horror at that announcement. "It is all for charity... you will belong
to whoever wins you however. Perhaps I shall bid however... you see
that sleek ocelot over there... she is named Nadrah and is a rival of
mine. She is a powerful heiress, who is very interested in acquiring a
strapping American stud for her own personal harem. If she wins... you
will never see America again, so if you wish to return to your old
life you must devalue yourself in her eyes." Prince Mustafa chuckled
wickedly, as he watched the big American shiver in fear. "If the
reserve of one million dollars isn't met, I will drop you off at the
American embassy in the morning."

"How am I supposed to do that?" The big pit-bull asked weakly, looking
around at the crowded room nervously. Across the room a big jaguar was
sucking a thick cape buffalo's cock, as a big feral canine was fucking
him in the tail hole savagely. The big feline was wearing an American
military uniform from the waist up, and Jake wondered if the guy was
really a soldier.

"She detests homosexuals... so you must work to convince her that you
are a pansy cock lover. She would never bid for Saia over there..."
The Prince gestured carelessly to the jaguar, who had a second cock in
his mouth now. "It shouldn't be very hard for you..." Prince Mustafa
whipped out a Yphone, and the picture of Jake looking up smiling. As a
long sleek gazelle cock lay oozing on his muzzle, while cum drooled
from the corners of the canines mouth. "You won't even have to strain
your rather limited acting skills... since it is plain you are a cock
lover." The Prince taunted with a wicked smirk, as the big canine
swelled up in embarrassment and anger. "Oh my fucking god..." Jake
choked, grabbing the phone and looking close at the image, vaguely
remembering the gazelle taking the picture. "Oho god... oho god... I
need to call my publicist... this picture is fake..."

"No it is not... you sucked that rather modest cock and you are going
to suck a lot more... you are going to take them up your tail hole and
beg for it all to the best of your abilities... Or you will end up in
her harem and Never return to the life you knew before." Prince
Mustafa snarled as he yanked the phone out of the canines paws,
returning it to some unseen pocket. " She will bid hard to get a
famous American like you... perhaps even if you are a sissy faggot."

Jake scanned the room, desperately searching for a way out of this of
this massively humiliating situation. No way was he going to act like
some sort of cum-rag for these rich fuckers. He eyed the burly jaguar
with utter disgust, sickened at the depraved acts his fellow American
was performing. 'How the hell did a male like him end up here?' Jake
wondered in shock, realizing that his uniform looked real enough. The
canine knew because he had made a number of films with military
themes, his director had made certain that all the uniforms had the
correct badging and insignia. He watched as the muscular male groaned
around the two cocks in his mouth; his tiny pink cock cage jiggling
and bouncing about wildly between his thighs... as he was bred by the
large feral. The naked pit-bull turned back towards the way they came,
only to find the stallion Zaid blocking the way with a menacing look
on his muzzle. Almost daring the American celebrity to try getting
past him, the big horse still had the gun under his suit coat. Naked
on a boat in the middle of the ocean, Jake was truly trapped... he had
no way to escape.

"Ah, I see you are a bit shy." The Prince chuckled wickedly, the tone
in his voice making a shiver of dread run down the famous actors
spine. "Perhaps some guidance... a pointer or two? Ari... Ari! Where
is that ram?" The antelope didn't have to look far to find the
handsome black sheep, in fact it was the big canine looking around
wild for an escape who spotted him. Jake found him first, the well-
muscled pit-bull staring with his jaw dropped as Jillian writhed with
pleasure underneath the handsome ram.

"Uhuuuu." The big canine groaned like he had just been punched in the
stomach, his red cock spilling from its sheath with a twinge of pain.
He watched as the ram withdrew from his well-fucked girlfriend's sex,
the white tigress' platinum fur a mess of bodily fluids. Thick dollops
of cum, dribbled out between her pink folds onto the bar countertop
they were fucking on. The crowd gathered around them clapped and
cheered at the performance, plainly the ram had made quite the show of
their rutting.

"J-Jillian?" Jake breathed in horror, his ears drooping comically even
as his red rocket ached as it dangled down between his thighs. Quite a
few watching furs laughed at the pit-bull's expense, making him blush
hard in shame and ignominy. So that he didn't even notice, the strange
boneless nature of his throbbing cock. Here was Jake Sawyer hero of
millions... All-American super stud being cuckolded in front of
everyone by a foreign herbivore less than half his size. Oh, the
tabloids would have a field day if they could see him now, luckily the
Prince didn't allow them onboard.

"Hey babe." The sexy tigress called out grinning up at him, as she
panted breathlessly from what had obviously been a powerful orgasm.
"Did a little sightseeing myself." She called in explanation, throwing
his words back at him from the last time they had talked about his
going off on his own.

"Our hero is finally here!" The cocky ram who'd just fucked his
girlfriend, sang out in sarcastic delight as he boldly shook the
muscular pit-bull by the muzzle. Between them, his rock hard sheep
cock still glistened with a cocktail of cum and Jakes girlfriend's

"Oh, but what's this? A foreign menace... a pretty female utterly
ravished. Quickly, Jake Sawyer... only you can save the day... keep
that foreign seed from growing in those fertile fields." Deftly, the
much smaller ram half-tripped the well muscled canine as he moved
towards the sexy tigress. Jake fell muzzle-first into his girlfriend's
cum-filled pussy, his sensitive canine nose engulfed in their combined
essence. He spluttered around their combined mess, as Jillian wrapped
her shapely thighs around his blocky head, preventing him from getting
up. Instinctively the big canine began to lick at the slimy coating
his nose and lip's, licking those pink feline petals as he did so.

"Quickly, Jake... only you can save the day!" Ari taunted in a mocking
tone, even as the room heard the slows of licking coming from between
the tigress's thighs. "Wouldn't want your American sweetheart to get
knocked up by some dirty foreign sheep." The crowd was laughing
hysterically, as the large canine choked and spluttered over the ram's
thick creamy load. Even Jillian joined in to laugh at her boyfriend,
as his hot tongue began to graze her cum coated sex lip's. The pretty
tigress believing that Jake had arranged all of this, to live out some
fantasy he had. It was the lie Ari had cunningly used to get her to go
along with everything, the sexy female really was as air-headed as she

"It is as you say - effortless. I don't know how you do it." Prince
Mustafa mused as he surveyed the scene, allowing his own clothing to
part in the excitement.

The cocky ram chuckled gloatingly at that, as he strode over to Jake's
rear that bobbed tail lifting it delightfully exposed. "It is no
effort at all, really. Americans... their males are hardly such, you
just have to chip away at their fragile egos and reveal the sniveling
little cock sucking cub underneath."

The muscular pit-bull made a sudden high-pitched gurgle, as he
struggled to swallow Ari's load. That had leaked out of Jillian's well
stretched sex, the thick greasy cum making the canine wish he had a
hit of X. The ram had lifted Jake's short tail and was slowly
spreading his virgin rosebud open with the leftover cum from his dick.
The big hero moaning and whimpering, as his virgin pucker was split
wide open by that ram's throbbing cock. He wanted to kick the male
behind him, but Jillian only pressed his muzzle deeper into her
snatch. Causing the buff canine to inhale even more of the hated
herbivore's leavings, his tongue thrashing around in the greasy slime.

"But I must say that he is and exquisite find, this one. I'll let you
do the honors. Ah, but first..." Ari retrieved a small box, from
underneath the pile of carelessly discarded clothes... before passing
it to the prince. "A token of our friendship."

The Prince smirked as he unwrapped his present, holding up an American
flag themed feral dog collar with a little bone-shaped tag that simply
read 'BITCH DOG.'

"We think alike, you and I. Saia also has something similar as you may
have noticed." The Prince chuckled lustfully, gesturing for the ram to
go and get the American's hole ready for him to take Jake's anal

"Fitting, no? All American males are sniveling bitches at heart, eager
to submit to a true male... a alpha. The bigger they are, the harder
they fall and the more eagerly they devour cum." Jake groaned, as the
handsome ram began to piston in and out of his tight hole with two
fingers. Prince Mustafa busied himself with fitting the collar around
his oversized pet's neck, he had other plans to deal with the canines
unruly cock.

"Indeed." The prince locked eyes with a sexy ocelot, who was watching
the scene with keen interest from across the room. Only handful of
furs were still invested in the auction, much to the annoyance of the
cheetah auctioneer. Only one bid for the priceless, one-of-a-kind 1931
Voisin C20 coupe it was worth so much more. Nadrah surveyed the scene
with an unreadable expression, her sleek feline muzzle showing only a
bemused sneer.

"FFFUUUCCCKK!!!" Jake screamed out loudly, as the rich royal took his
boy cherry with a single savage thrust; his slender cock tearing down
the walls of the pit bulls anal virginity. Before his pendulous balls
came to rest against Jakes own tight canine testicles... the balls
were definitely touching. The crowd laughed hysterically at the
emasculated American male's squeals of pain and shock. Heaping
humiliation on top of humiliation the proud canine collared, leashed,
eating another male's cum out of his own girlfriend. And getting
fucked up the ass by Prince Mustafa himself, so much for the blue eyed
hero of millions.

"We'll practice your cock sucking skills next... my bodyguards haven't
had a break all day." Prince Mustafa snickered into Jake's ear, as he
pounded that clenching asshole hard and fast. Loving the muffled
whimpers and cries the American was making as he licked and slobbered
on that well fucked feline sex. Ari moved up along the famous canines
body, his hands fondling the actor in the most inappropriate of ways.
Smirking as his brushed against the canines dangling cock, that big
organ throbbing in need even as it dangled like a limp noodle.

"And then maybe we'll get you something pretty to wear... I know a
jaguar and a lion who can give you a few pointers." The handsome sheep
snickered glancing over his shoulder at Evan, as the big lion who now
had the beginnings of breasts growing on his chest. Bobbed his now
maneless head up and down on a fat older donkey sheiks lap, while the
older males sons took turns in the felines hot tail hole. That shiny
steel cock cage was gushing clear seedless cum, it seemed that Gina
had indeed had the Princes doctors fix her husband chemically that or
the female hormones he was being fed had done it. "Remember, you'll
have to act the part of a cheap whore, IF you want a cheap price." Ari
snickered into Jake's ear, before condescendingly patting him on the
head like a feral.

A cheer went up from the crowd as they watched him fuck the famous
American, the handsome antelope pausing to wave to the crowd. As he
enjoyed that tight anus spasming around his thick fucker, slowly the
antelope lay himself on Jake's broad back. Admiring the pit bulls
patriotic tattoos, a wicked smile spreading across the Princes
handsome muzzle. Azzo was a twenty six year old tattoo artist from
Cardiff, Wales, in the UK who now lived in the Princes kingdom.
Calling Zaid over, he instructed the big horse to have Azzo flown in
by helicopter and told the horse to have him bring his tattoo
equipment. Mustafa planned to add to the American's body art... of
course it wasn't going to be something's the action hero would not
want to show off. Leaning down the Prince nibbled on the big Americans
ear, moaning and grunted lustfully as he told Jake how delightful
tight his pussy was. The royal antelope treating his guest star just
like he would any female, and the point was not lose on the American.
Soon the ham actor inside began to come out, the big canine moaning
and grunts in pleasure pushing back into the Princes hard thrusts.
"You are over acting... but I confess that I am enjoying it. Begging
me not to stop... beg me to rut you forever."

"Ummmm gods please... Yes please don't stop I... I love feeling you
big... hard... Oh fuck so hard... cock inside of me." Jake stammered
doing his best to ad-lib the dialog, he really was better when he
could read cue cards. "Fuck me... fuck me for... forever please I need
to feel something hard inside of my... my boi-pussy." The big pit
bulls pleading words, getting even more wild guffaws from the watching

"American faggot..." A rough thickly accented voice taunted from the
watching crowd, it was quickly joined by many more.

"Sissy bitch..." It was a females voice this time, and that somehow
made it all the more humiliating for the big pit bull. Above him
Jillian was laughing wildly, Jake couldn't see it was because Ari was
tickling her. And so natural assumed he was because she was laughing
at him, his muzzle burning with blush as he tongue thrust deep inside
of her lapping out the ram's cream.

"This is what passes for a male in America... Heh... look at the way
he is pushing back... hungry to get that hard cock." A tiny slender
appearing springbok jeered, as Gina the pretty lioness sucked his
slender cock.

"What a whore... I wish my wife was half as eager to be ridden." The
donkey called out with a snort, as his sons fucked Evan brutally from
both ends.

"And that mouth... licking and slurping up the rams leavings Hahah..."
Suddenly Jillian was pulled away, leaving Jake blinking and looking
around at the crowd in shock. He watched helplessly as Ari lead her
over to a fat black bull, who was laying back on a massive mound of
cushions. His long red bull cock jutting up like a massive tower of
male rut muscle, the sexy white tigress knelt over that huge organ.
Letting the smirking bull guide it into her tiny sex, Jake starred
open mouthed as he was cuckolded by this new male.

Just as quick as she left, a male filled her place: the stocky rhino
shoving his thick, stubby cock down the inexperienced pit-bull's
throat. Jake gagged as that huge male organ pushed down his throat,
something the gazelle cock had not been able to do. Make the big rhino
snicker, plainly he was enjoying choking the American with his cock.

"Be careful with this one... he's barely broken in." The Prince warned
with a sneer, feeling a tremble run through Jake's powerful body. Idly
he wondered if the big canine was going to resist, he certainly hoped
so... punishing the canine would be most enjoyable.

"Oh, I think we'll have plenty of time, won't we baby?" The older male
cooed down at the humiliated canine, as he puffed on a large Cuban
cigar. Jake jerked his muzzle back suckling on the thick helmet-shaped
cock-head, as he gingerly attempted to play with the other male's
weighty sac. He had no idea how to act like a fairy, the little
gazelle had just fucked his mouth... but this guy was much too large
for that. He absolutely did not want any cocks near his muzzle or in
his ass, the whole idea of being fucked like faggot repulsed him. His
ruggedly handsome features and chiseled body, which were normally a
asset now... seemed to be attracting all the wrong people today.

It wasn't long before the Prince was bucking and grunting audibly,
pumping a massive load of royal antelope seed up the macho American's
firm rump. He withdrew with a slick pop, leaving the formerly manly
canine with a sick, sticky wetness between his burning cheeks. Bored
with humiliating the large pit-bull, Prince Mustafa straightened his
suit and moved away to refilled his drink at the auction. Wide eyed,
Jake almost pleaded for the hated male to stay, the royal antelope at
least commanded some level of restraint over the party of rich
perverts. Even now the handsome American could spot at least a dozen
or so individuals eyeing him up like a prime cut of Wagyu; all of them
just itching to take their lusts out on the burly American celebrity.

"Saia darling, be a dear and keep Jake company for me." The royal
antelope commanded as he stalked off, raising his auction cart to put
a bid in on a holiday home in Thailand as he disappeared into the
crowd. Immediately, the burly jaguar spat out the otter cock he had
been so eagerly servicing to join his fellow American. Jake eyed him
curiously, as the felines handsome muzzle joined his over the rhino's
smooth grey cock.

"Fuck yeah! Suck yer daddy, boys..." The lusty rhino grinned above
them, as he mashed the two Americans whores muzzles to his crotch. The
jaguar attempted to kiss the canine over that thick cock, a feat
rendered impossible by the sheer girth between them. Jake wanted to
say something to the mysterious American, but the feline gave him a
look that very plainly said 'Keep your mouth shut.' Jake eyed the pink
cock cage leaking between the feline's powerful thighs, the heart-
shaped padlock so out of place on a strapping stud like him. It looked
like the other male hadn't been let out in months, his trapped organ
pushing and straining against the cage. Underneath him, his raw tail
hole was still dribbling with feral seed even as the jaguar strained
to hold it in. Looking off to the side, Jake could see the feral
canine curled up by a pile of pillows, licking his maleness clean. It
was evident that the jaguar wasn't very fond of being a feral's bitch,
yet he had certainly been cumming from the hard pounding.

The two strapping Americans suckling his cock, seemed to be more than
the rhino could handle. As the large rhino withdrew from between their
muzzles, to furiously jerk his throbbing fucker in front of them. Jake
stared wide eyed, as the other male leaned in and kissed him
passionately on the lips. His rough feline tongue dancing with Jake's
own, as the other male tugged on his erect canine member with one. A
look of shock and pity sliding across the jaguars muzzle as his other
paw played with the pit bulls meaty pecs. "I'm sorry... I'm so
sorry..." He mumbled around that gently kiss, as Jake could only stare
at him stunned.

"Aw fuck... Here it comes!" The large rhino bellowed, before showering
the two American males with thick dollops of rhino seed. Jake grimaced
as globs of the stuff hit his muzzle and neck, he could only kneel
there awkwardly as the burly jaguar kissed him.

"Fuck yeah... Phew... you've got me spent, but I'll be seeing you
later for sure, doggy boy." The hefty rhino smacked his heavy cock
against their locked muzzles taunting, before stalking off without

With a moment to themselves, the large jaguar finally broke the kiss.
Turning to lay chest down, ass up in front of the shocked canine.
Looking back at Jake over his shoulder, as the pit bull was forced to
stare at the felines abused butt hole.

"Hurry... You want to go home? Suck all of it out." The exhausted
jaguar panted desperately at the other male, reaching back to grip his
own ass cheeks and spread them wide in invitation.

"Wait, what?!" The muscular, tattooed pit-bull gagged staring at that
red raw winking rosebud nestled between those firm spotted cheeks. A
trail of feral dog cum dribbled down his taint to the felines rather
small testicles. Up close, Jake realized the burly male before him was
relatively under-endowed by most male standards. Even the silicone
cock cage dangling between his thick thighs was comparatively small it
made the big canine chuckle.

"These Muslims... they're not that fond of feral dogs." The jaguar
explained breathlessly, wiggling his ass in a sexy come-hither manner
that frankly offended the pit bull. "They don't like to touch me...
once they've seen me with the Master's dogs. So IF want to go home."

"Oh my gods..." Jake wrinkled his nose at that offered ass, sickened
all the more at what he was about to do. "It's just a part... it's
just for the art." The actor told himself over and over again, even as
he moved towards that offered rump slowly. Looking at him now, it was
hard to believe this jaguar was ever a self-respecting male's male.

"I heard what Ari and Master have planned for you..." The feline
whimpered over his shoulder, as Jake's big paws gripped his ass
cheeks. "This auction... you're going up for bid later, right? Look,
you have a shot at going back to your old life... don't end up like
me." The handsome jaguar pleaded, as Jake looked down at him feeling
sorry for this poor broken slut slave. "Look at me... Even when I get
with a girl, I'm still getting a dick up my... GLMPH."

A bored hyena bodyguard, swiftly jammed the feline's muzzle over his
sizable cock. The tall male in the dark suit surveyed Jake with
disinterest, as Saia suckled on his maleness with fervor. Clearly,
none of this perturbed him in the slightest, it was something he had
seen a lot over his years of service.

Jake grimaced as he leaned forwards and slowly licked up the river of
cum running down the felines taint. Reluctantly working his way up to
that ruined tail hole, pausing a second to shiver in disgust before
pressing his mouth to it. He found the sphincter so loose that his
tongue slipped inside with little resistance, into the sloppy cocktail
of feral canine seed and jaguar ass. He was supposed to be dining in a
Michelin Star restaurant right about now; perhaps going to Jumeirah
Royal Saray beach resort later to surf and meet some fans with his
publicist. The big canine retched as he swallowed yet more greasy cum,
lip's pushed hard between those musky male cheeks. The hyena simply
sneered down at the iconic celebrity, a faint derisive chuckle
escaping as he lit a cigarette.

"Pathetic homosexual trash..." He hocked and spat on Jake's tattooed
back, the big American trembled as he felt the spittle splatter on
him. Glancing over he saw Jillian wave at him, as she rode up and down
on that huge bull cock. Jake whimpered in shame, knowing his
girlfriends once delightfully tight sex would never be the same. His
cock was pretty long and more than thick enough, but it was dwarfed by
the bulls huge organ.


Back on the auction floor, Prince Mustafa turned as Zaid tapped on his
shoulder. The handsome equine was back with news it seemed, leaning in
close the equine spoke softly.

"Azzo is here." He whispered into Prince Mustafa ear, making the tall
antelope smile broadly. Now it was just a matter of deciding what
images he wanted to put on, something to remind the big canine of him
time in their company.

The two of them made for the helipad to greet the artist, the short
Corgi was supervising the unloading of his equipment. Prince Mustafa
had no interest in Renaissance artwork or Andy Warhol pieces, luckily
Azzo didn't do that kind of thing.

"You should know he's a bit upset." Zaid explained, as they moved
towards the ships helipad, as the EC155 B1 Dauphin's rotor-blades
slowly stop turning. "Girlfriend issues." The strong stallion said,
once they were away from the crowd and climbing the steps towards the
raised helipad at the bow of the ship.

"What sort of girlfriend issues." The Prince inquired, thinking
perhaps to gift the artist one of his female guests... the lioness was
fresh and eager.

"Found her in bed with some American marine from New York." Zaid
snickered at the idea of this foreigner being cuckolded, especially by
an American male.

"Well then... this task should cheer him up a bit, I hope." Prince
Mustafa smirked, as he strolled over to greet his latest guest. The
British expat was of course respectful to the Prince, and for his part
Mustafa greeted the artist as if he were a long lost brother. Wrapping
a lean arm along the Corgi's shoulder, as they strolled back towards
the auction. Carefully the Prince explained things to his guest,
watching the small canines eyes lit up as his task was laid out. "You
prefer to work in black and white, this is good as he matches the
other work for the most part." Mustafa explained as they moved back
inside the massive auction room, stumbling to a halt suddenly as they
beheld the vulgar spectacle before them.

The famous cinematic star knelt on all fours... a large feral canine
mounting his sculpted ass. While a second big horn feral was humping
wildly into his mouth, a massive veiny knot beating against the movie
stars lip's. Jake was moaning as that hard feral cock punched in and
out of his aching tail hole, that growing knot popping in and out of
his with loud lewd sounding 'Slurp slurpslurps'. As the pleasure built
within his ass, the movie stars mouth gaped open. Suddenly the feral
canines knot slipped past his teeth, and Jake had a feral cock rutting
down his throat. He moaned and struggled but it was no use... he was
trapped just like a feral bitch. Now it was all he could do to simply
survive, he could only get tiny gulps of air around that massive canid
fucker. The lack of oxygen making the sexual pleasure even more
intense, Jake had heard about this kind of thing. Auto-erotic
asphyxiation have killed a famous friend of his after all, just wasn't
so far from that kind of thing. His moans grew louder and more
fervent, even as the world seemed to be shrinking away.

"That... is it. I want you to capture that image... and we will place
it upon his body." The Prince considered for a moment, most of the
front had been covered but the big pit bulls back... "A large imagine
with plenty of detail, covering the whole of his back I think." He
looked at Azzo the little corgi was almost bouncing up and down in
excitement, pointing under the famous American where his dangling
organ was spurting his seed onto the floor beneath him.

"Oh that's perfect..." Azzo chuckled happily, whipping out his smart
phone to get a few pictures to use as reference later on. He wanted
this picture to be a true master piece, so that anyone seeing it would
know that it was Jake Sawyer being fucked by ferals and loving it.
Around the room was clamoring with derisive laughter and lewd comments
about what was happening. The Prince had to admit Ari's assessment of
the actor had been correct, the more he began to engage in it the more
natural this deprave homosexual behavior became for the American.
Mustafa watched as Dukes huge knot locked into the pit-bulls anus,
even as the big feral hump and thrust with animalistic abandon.
Quickly the little canine moved over to the bar, as he began drawing
out the imagine on stencil paper. The bare outline would be
transferred to the pit-bulls back, and then the artist would fill in
the shading to turn the outline into a true picture.

Prince Mustafa smiled glancing up at the security cameras that
captured everything, he had instructed his control room officer to
focus on Jake. It would be one movie, the big American would never
admit being in. The handsome antelope smiled as Gina came over,
pulling him away to the cushion at the edge of the room. He was more
than happy to let her, they past her toothless husband along the way.
He was looking more and more like a lioness himself, in fact a couple
of real lions were treating him like one. "Ammm my dear you are
beautiful... Are all American females so buxom and alluring as you?"
The Prince asked with a smirk as she slipped his stiff organ out of
his trousers, instantly wrapping her lip's around it suckling eager
for a moment.

"No of course not... but then you have had any number of them." Gina
purred as she cleaned his organ with her rough tongue, before moving
up to straddle it. "I'm not some foolish school girl you know... like
that vixen you traded away." She gripped his shoulders as she began to
ride up and down on his throbbing member, while the Prince leaned back
and smiled.

"I hope she had left my house the wiser for the time she spent
there..." Prince Mustafa moaned, burying his muzzle in the felines
pert breasts, as she fucked herself on his throbbing cock. "At any
rate I was thinking of visiting your delightful land in the future...
I thought perhaps you could introduce me to some of your friends who
might enjoy some time here."

"Oh, I think I have a few friends who might enjoy the sights." Gina
grinned as she rocked in the lap of the powerful antelope. The lioness
couldn't remember a vacation that was this much fun, the Princes
kingdom truly was a fairy tale come to life. She and Evan had gotten
to see the sights, enjoy the hospitality of the very friendly locals.
Savored the best of the local cuisine and they were even welcomed with
open arms by the royals. Sure, this little escapade was rated a hard
'R', but surely even Cinderella had her needs. She glanced at her
pansy husband, being practically bullied by two other male lions and
loving every minute of it. The one currently inside him seemed to be
rather fond of Evan, nibbling on his new breasts as he passionately
made love to the maneless male missionary style. The zebras had
started Evan on Estrogen pills and he had already started to lose his
power-lifter's figure. Oh, his drinking buddies were going to piss
themselves laughing at the state of his mane and the breasts he had
started to grow.

Though he didn't look like it, she was glad he was having as much fun
as she was. He'd been begging for her to castrate him for years and
the young prince was only too happy to gift him with a little souvenir
to remember him by. The chemicals they had injected into his balls
would destroy them from the inside out over the next few weeks. A
shame though, he looked like such a stud in his old football uniform,
back when he was young and had a mane full of dark black fur.

Back at the bar, the small Corgi slowly approached the unconscious
American laying chest down, ass up, sandwiched between the two ferals.
The chiseled male was truly a sight to behold, his beautifully muscled
body so rudely defiled at both ends. Azzo batted Gizmo's wagging tail
aside to observe Jake Sawyer's most private area, stretched wide open
by a lowly feral canine. It seemed so surreal, that a hulking super
stud like Jake Sawyer would allow something like this to happen to
him, but here he was.

Gizmo didn't seem to appreciate being disturbed by the young corgi,
because he jumped down and started to pull away from the knotted bitch
behind him. The big pit bull moaned in pain as that huge knot pulled
at his tender anal fresh.

"Whoa.. hey... Easy!" Azzo himself was frightened for Jake's tail
hole, as the unruly feral began to scratch and lurch to get away from
his freshly knotted bitch. The big American moaning weakly in his
semi-conscious state, as his asshole stretched wider and wider as that
knot pulled against it. Time seemed to slow down as Jake's once virgin
booty suddenly gave up its knotted plunder. An audible 'POP' was heard
through the whole room, while the muscled superstar shuddering in
shock and pain. As a waterfall of lowly feral seed gushed out of his
ruined hole, as his alpha trotted off to rest on some cushions. The
pit-bull slumped exhausted, his suckling muzzle still stuck on the
other ferals throbbing cock as Gizmo hammered his mouth lustfully.

Duke observed him curiously, as the young artist set his kit down and
began prepping his muscled canvas. The other party guests seemed too
repulsed to use the hunky American in his current state, settling to
simply observe the talented corgi as he worked. Among those gathered
around was a slender ocelot and her personal assistant, the two of
them having a hushed discussion. As they watched Azzo being his work,
the buzz of the needle gun soft and almost drown out by Jakes muffled


Out on the ship's deck, Hassan's radio crackled to life as he yawned
and lifted it up to listen. Protecting the ultra rich was a lot less
exciting than the movies made it look, just hours and hours of making
rounds while trying to tune out the obnoxious banter crackling through
on his radio. One of the Spanish bodyguards, was insisting that he had
personally tried out that hot young vixen that sold a few hours ago,
but nobody was buying it. Truthfully though the large bull wouldn't
have be surprised, that female loved to get fucked. Liza was an odd
girl... who had big time daddy issues. Exceptionally gifted, but he
wondered how she found the time to get two Master's degrees... while
serving as a semi-permanent pleasure slave to various Arab males. He
supposed connections were more important than a piece of paper,
especially when they were ultra wealthy. Her father still got so
livid, whenever he received details about her latest trysts.

"Forty Three? Come in, Forty Three." His radio crackled, that was his
call number so he had to pay attention this time.

"Forty Three." Hassan answered as plainly as possible, he was a
profession and wanted some of the younger males to understand that.

"Inbound for you. Stern." The caller sniggered, the big bull rolled
his eyes hearing the tone in the others voice.

"Understood..." The large bull sighed softly, the inbound wasn't
considered a threat in the conventional manner. 'Fucking Zaid...
always inside fucking around... drinking and flirting with the females
while he gets all the shit jobs.'


The slender antelope hopped aboard, even before the flustered Doberman
properly docked the speedboat. Her ten thousand dollar dress ripping
slightly, as her lithe body push the cloth past its limits.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!!!" Emira screamed at the top of her lungs, the
big bull wincing at the volume.

'Oh boy...' The large bull thought to himself, as the Princess stalked
towards him looking more like a feral predator than a well breed young

"Good evening, your highness." The large bull greeted, while bowing in
respect as if he hadn't heard her outburst.

antelope Princess threaten with wild fury, making the big bull cringe
inwardly. Anyone else he would be on top of right then, restraining
with a choke hold as he waited for back up to come running.

"That would be... um unwise, your highnAAAUGHHH!!!" The bull squealed
comically as the slender princess grasped his testicles in her
surprising strong hands and twisted them a full turn hard. "The
lounge... Deck Two..." The large bull squeaked, before the slender
Princess released him to crumple on the deck, gingerly cradling his
tortured nuts.

The Princess stalked off at a loping pace, cursing under her breath as
she moved along. The air was tense as she finally joined the auction,
Emira pushed her way through the crowd. A wolf, a mink, and an eastern
dragon were bidding furiously for the latest item on the block, a
strapping young French stallion grinning and flexing in a tiny poser
on stage. It took her a moment to process that bids were now
approaching eight million dollars.

ghtmilliontwo.Eightmillionmadam?" The cheetah was speaking rapidly,
looking from one muzzle to the next. As the bidding stalled for the
moment... and then the posing strap came off.

In the crowd of furs, the antelope Princess found a familiar muzzle,
it was hard to miss her... Nadrah always made an effort to show off
her rare and distinct patterns. Nadrah simply smirked at her from
across the room, slowly making her way towards the Princess.

"Emira... Fancy seeing you here. You're a little late... heheh
although I don't think they do installment plans for the good stuff."
She chuckled making fun of the Princess recent credit card
destruction, while sipping on her martini.

"Get out of my way, you smirking whore! Where's my brother?" Emira
demanded looking around for Mustafa, with blood in her eyes. She had
thought that Jake had abandon her at the night club, and she had cried
herself to sleep that night. Now she finds out that her brother had
him abducted, she gritted her teeth as she scanned the crowd.

"He's somewhere around, I'm sure." Nadrah said with a casual shrug of
her shoulders, her gloating smile absolutely infuriating. "Forget
about him. Come, let's see what else they have... maybe we can share
if we find something we both like." The venom was pretty much dripping
out of her voice and Emira got the feeling that the ocelot knew
something she didn't.

The auctioneer's gavel banged once, barely drawing her attention for a
split second. "Eight point nine six! Sold! Thank you very much, madam
I'm sure you're going to enjoy him very much." The cheetah nodded to
the giddy mink in the crowd, as the stallion hopped off the stage to
scoop her up in his solid arms. He would be joining her on a two year
contract in Switzerland, where he would do anything she desire.

"Where's Jake?" The sleek antelope Princess snarled, looking around
the crowd again as she began to search.

"Jake? Jake who? I don't know any Ja- Oh look! There's a Jake... Jake
Sawyer, I saw him at the movies only last week so big and strong... so
heroic." Nadrah feigned surprise in a over the top manner, pointing to
the podium were the big canine was being lead up.

As Emira watched her brother stepped up beside the naked American,
smiling and gesturing as Jake slowly turned. Showing off his powerful
body, with its new tattoo to the massive crowd. "Most of you will
recognize the famous American movie actor... Mr. Jake Sawyer who has
been so good as to place himself up for bid... all for charity of
course." The Prince called out, as he proudly displayed the big naked
pit bull to the room. The American was looking strangely glassy eyed
and far away, certainly nothing like he was looking the night he was
dancing with her. His eyes were down cast... his wide square shoulders
slumping meekly, while that handsome muzzle was smeared with shiny
globs of semen. It was almost hard to believe that this was the same
male, gritting her teeth Emira started towards them. "Charity all
remember this is all for a very good cause... so bid high please." The
Prince stepped aside and the smiling cheetah moved up, laying a paw on
the canines broad shoulder.

"Who will start the bidding for the magnificent..." He paused making a
face like he couldn't stomach calling the pit bull that, but quickly
went on with his spiel. "Specimen of male-hood... this famous
entertainer... the idol of millions of young boys... do I hear a
starting bid of... five hundred thousand."

"I'll start it... his mouth alone is worth that much." Ari called out
from his place on the cushions, Jillian once again riding his hard
cock was she watched the action. The black rams words making room roar
with derisive laughter, as more voices called out nasty taunts.

"Good... very good I have five hundred thousand who will give me eight
hundred thousand." The cheetah called out in a wheeling tone as he
surveyed the crowd, well aware that that most of the crowd had been
nauseated by the Americans sex with the ferals. So the cheetah knew
this was going to be a uphill battle, and so was delight as the next
bid came in.

"Three million..." The sound of that voice made Emira spin in place,
looking back at Nadrah with pure hatred in her eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Emira hissed at the sexy ocelot, who
was looking at her with derision.

"Bidding..." Nadrah said flatly, thin her lip's curling up in the most
infuriating smile as she looked lazily over at the Princess. "He is
quite good looking, this one... even if a little damaged perhaps, but
still enticing."

"Five... five million." The Princess called over her shoulder
automatically, as the ocelot flashed her a smirk. Casually taking
another sip of her martini, as she returned Emira's look with one of
her own.

"Feeling generous are we? Five one!"

"Stop it... five point two. You don't even want him!" Emira wanted to
claw at her smug muzzle, she was just doing this for spite. The two of
them had been fierce rivals, since they first laid eyes on each other.
Every day of their lives was a game of one-upping the other at
everything they did, wearing the most beautiful designer dresses.
Attending the most exclusive of parties, befriending the most
influential socialites; having the most followers on Instagram, etc.
The young antelope hated her guts, and wouldn't piss on her if she
were on fire and begging to be put out.

"Aren't you without funds at the moment..." The pretty ocelot purred
wickedly, waving a bid of five point five at the cheetah. Who happily
called out the bid... before he began extolling the big canines fame
and good looks, as he tried to talk the crowd up. It seemed to be
working, because a young buffalo upped it to six million excitedly.

"I have my personal accounts..." She snarled darkly, not wishing to
admit that she was more than a bit cash strapped at the moment. "Six
point five million."

"Really now? What would you even do with him anyway? Seven..." Nadrah
called with a careless flip of one paw, the sneer on her pretty muzzle
making it look ugly for a moment. She had already learned about
Emira's cash strapped nature from Prince Mustafa, it always helped to
have inside formation the ocelot knew.

"I could ask you the same. Eight..." The Princess snarled, knowing she
had just past the amount she had in her own account. She was going to
have to trade in some of her other things, to get the money to pay off
that bid.

"Nine five... There's just something about him, you know..." Nadrah
purred with a wide smirk, she had her inside information and knowing
it was hard to conceal her gloating smirk. "Besides, who knows? He has
many director friends... perhaps you'll even see me on the silver
screen in the future." Nadrah purred with a wide smirk, as the stunned
cheetah licked his lip's in shock and excitement. Emira danced back
and forth from one cloven hoof to the other, she wanted the American
very badly. Looking at her hated rival for a moment... Emira bites her
lower lip as the ocelot smirked at her.

"You're doing this just to hurt me..." The pretty antelope Princess
moaned, biting her lip and looking around. "Ten million..."

"Oh no, my darling Emira. You did that do yourself." Nadrah snickered
turning to the stage, sipping her martini slowly with a wicked smirk
on her lips.

"Do I have ten million one? Ten one... anyone? Going once... going
twice... last chance going for tem million... Sold! Thank you ladies
and gentle males, thank you your highness." The plainly relieved
cheetah gushed, quickly began to gavel the bidding closed. He had
never expected to get so much for the 'dog whore' as everyone was now
calling the big American canine.

Immediately, Emira felt a sense of intense buyers' remorse, as she
looked at the disheveled pit bull. Now that the dust had settled, she
realized this wasn't the brash, macho American grinding up against her
in the night club before. The slumping male was covered in cum and
other bodily fluids that since up a rank musky odor. Emira stared in
disgust, when she finally processed what was freshly tattooed on the
hunky stud's muscular back. What she'd thought to be an intricate
tribal tattoo, actually depicted the great Jake Sawyer blissfully
being bred on both ends by Mustafa's feral guard dogs. Between his
thighs, his thick cock erupted cum all over a ink image of the
American flag. Mustafa simply smiled lightly at her enraged features,
as he towed the towering male over to her by a leash.

"You fucking prick!" She spat at her brother, some party guests
pausing to stare in shock at the way she spoke. Anyone else addressing
royalty like that would be thrown out, multi-billionaire or not.

"Congratulations, little sister..." Prince Mustafa calmly, not willing
to taking the bait and lose his temper in front of his guests. "The
Timor Education Fund for Impoverished Youths thanks you for your
generous contribution. Here is your prize." From his coat pocket,
Mustafa withdrew a plastic bag with what appeared to be a pale
bloodied stick in it.

"What the fuck is this?" Emira took the bag with two fingers, looking
at the gross object within it carefully.

"Some assembly required, I'm afraid." Mustafa shrugged his shoulder,
the smile on his muzzle even more mockingly infuriating than Nadrah's.

The sight of the bag seemed to shake Jake from his catatonic stupor,
the big pit bulls jumping as he looked down. "Wait Is- is that m-my...
my..." His hands instantly went to his limp sheath with its soft
organ, suddenly he was able to connect a few things.

"Technically, it belong to Emira's now." The Prince corrected the
famous movie star with a firm smack on the ass-cheeks. "As does the
rest of you... per the standard one year contract. I saved him just
for you my dear sister..." Mustafa explained with a wry smirk, as both
Princess and slave looked sickened. "It should just snap right back
in, or so I'm told. All it will take is a minor surgery, there is a
chance of impotence naturally with such things of course. Also there
is a ninety day recovery time, but waiting only makes it that much
more enjoyable or so I've been told."

Emira stared at the bag in her hand and then at the hunky American's
drooping sheath. Any thought of rinsing him off for a night of passion
was immediately dashed, fury flooding her as she realized this had all
been for nothing. Even now, Jake Sawyer's once impressive maleness
sagged pathetically between his thighs without its baculum. The brawny
super stud was essentially neutered now, his impressive penis
incapable of an erection. Gripping the bag in both hands, she angrily
snapped that bone to two. Jake jerked in shock, his mouth gaping open
in horror at her destruction of his baculum bone.

"You ass, Mustafa!" Emira shook with rage at being tricked by her
brother, suddenly she heard that hated giggle... 'Nadrah'. They just
made her pay ten million dollars... money she didn't have... for a
vandalized male without a working penis.

"Oh, I'm the ass now, am I?" The Prince wore an ugly scowl, as he
looked down at his little sister. "You went out of your way to fuck
this American mongrel, just to get back at papa and me. Yet it is I
who am the ass here? I threw that party just for you... I thought that
perhaps you might appreciate it if I cut you some slack. Close an eye
for you to mingle... to have a little fun of your own, and how do you
repay me? You sneak out to some seedy night club, in the middle of the
night without telling anyone. You do realize we're still trying to fix
your mess in Monaco, no? You don't think... you never do. Now look at
you... in debt again because of your brashness and wanton nature."

"All you do is control me..." The pretty Princess snarled between
gritted teeth, as she snapped that already broken bone yet again. The
big pit bull beside her moaning, as that bone was utterly ruined right
in front of him.

"You are young and you need to understand that your actions have some
very real world consequences." The Prince took on a more gentle tone,
as he gently cradled her cheek in the palm of his hand. "You must
realize that we do these things because we love you, and we want to
protect you even from yourself." Emira sighed softly, the pretty
female on the verge of tears as she looked into her brothers eyes.
"Come here... Please don't ever think I do not love you, Emira."
Mustafa hugged her tenderly, they were the closest in age and dear
friends growing up.

Jake meanwhile surveyed the three of them in disbelief, these folks
were insanely self centered. He'd been drugged, kidnapped brutally
fucked, forced to give himself to feral dogs, and lastly sold into
slavery. Just so this Prince could drive home some family values to
his wayward sister, it was so perverse and bizarre he wondered if he
were in a Quinton Deangelo movie?

Nadrah coughed softly to get their attention, there was more to this
little game after all. Prince Mustafa released Emira, turning to look
at the sexy ocelot.

"Now that that's out of the way, there's still the matter of payment."
Nadrah pointed out with glee, plainly she had known about Jakes
disfigurement and had bid him up to torment Emira.

"What?! That was all for show, right?" Emira choked looking from her
brother, to the sneering ocelot who was obvious enjoying all of this

"Oh, no..." Prince Mustafa grunted seriously, looking at his sister
calmly as she began to fidget. "You really did give actual money to
impoverished children." The Prince replied with a wicked smirk, and
she got the idea that this was yet another lesson for her. "And no,
I'm not lending you a cent."

"Oh come on brother." The pretty Princess moaned, stamping one hoof
cutely as she tried to break that bone yet again but it was in far too
small a pieces now.

"No, you will have to settle this with the auction house. Sell your
cars or your dresses... get the money one way or another." Mustafa
ordered looking down at her coolly, she understood that he was making
her clean up this mistake herself.

"A yard sale? I can't come up with two million dollars in a week's
time..." The sexy young female antelope said in exasperation, glancing
around the room for some way out of her troubles.

"Well, as it happens... " The smirking ocelot purred, strolling up to
share a nuzzle with the very nervous looking cheetah.

"No..." Emira snarled through gritted teeth, even as her hated rival
smirked gloatingly at the ruined bone in her hands. The Princess
already knew where this was going, why else would Nadrah still be here
if there wasn't anything in it for her?

"The blue Jimmy Choos... you know which ones. And that cute Burberry
jacket, the one you wore to Paris in January." Nadrah grinned
triumphantly, as she saw Emira sigh in defeat nodding her head curtly.

"Fine." Emira growled turning away from Nadrah, as the ocelot handed
the cheetah a check she had already written out.

"Nice doing business with you Mustafa... Emira." Nadrah nodded to both
of them, before stalking off to the bar for a refill. Jake Sawyer
stared after the ocelot, her spots mesmerizing in the backless dress
she wore. Did the attractive feline really conspire to ruin him over a
pair of shoes and a jacket?

"Well that's that then." Mustafa shrugged carelessly, straightening
his suit as he looked at his sister. "Enjoy the party, I suppose. I am
exhausted myself... it's off to bed with me."

"Wait, what am I supposed to do with him?" Emira gestured to the
muscular pit bull, as Mustafa pressed the leash into her small hands.
Jake blushed as she wrinkled her nose, the musk of cum and feral dog
still rank upon him.

"That... is up to you my dear sister." Prince Mustafa sighed heavily,
knowing the American couldn't befoul her with his ruined male hood. "I
suppose if you're still interested in him, you could give him a bath
for starters. And then tomorrow, maybe we'll see about repairing his
maleness... if that is what you wish." The Prince took the bag from
Emira, looked at the tiny pieces of broken bone for a second. "Well
that does complicate things considerably." He tossed the bag and its
ruined bone in the trash, while Jake whined pitifully. Smirking, he
slapped the much stronger male on the cheek condescendingly, before
stalking off to the bar for another drink. He watched as Emira lead
the American off to one of the spare cabins, to get the big canine
cleaned up. She was definitely going to need some aides, if she ever
hoped to have intercourse with the strapping stud. Prince Mustafa made
a mental note to have a strap on delivered to their cabin, he would
leave it up to her to decide whose hole it would end up in. He
considered having Jillian take it up herself, it would be quite
amusing if Jake Sawyer went home being stuck like this. Only able of
achieving orgasm by being mounted like female, by his own girlfriend
who was soon going to be pregnant.

He spotted Ari and the American lions tidying up and getting dressed,
slowly the Prince strolled over to him.

"Leaving so soon?" The Prince inquired with a faint smile, he had been
thinking to take Gina to bed again.

"Ah, the lions are still on vacation after all... there's still much
to see as you know. I don't want to be a bad host... we will be back
for supper although." Ari winked as he tidied his suit up, catching
the young royal eyeing up the sexy lioness again as she licked her
lips. It was evident, the two of them were very much interested in
some more play time with each other.

"Thank you, my friend. You've done my family a great service... I
couldn't have done it without you." The Prince snickered happily, this
whole association with the ram was proving to be very pleasurable.

"Oh, there's nothing to it... really. Americans, right?" The handsome
ram snickered lewdly shaking his horned head with a derisive smirk.

Prince Mustafa chuckled he certainly enjoyed them, of course he was
aware that only certain ones were what he liked. "Americans." He
agreed with a wide smile, knowing that Ari was a master at finding
just his type of playmates.


The pretty white Tigress watched in silence, as the Princess used the
massive strap on to pound Jakes wreaked tail hole. The big pit bull
moaning and whimpering weakly, his limp boneless cock dangling down
limply. Jillian could tell that the small nub in the inside of that
harness, was rubbing the Princess just right. The pretty antelope
having a dozen orgasm's, as she pounded the famous actor to a gushing
climax of his own. Standing up she stripped off that harness, smiling
faintly as she strolled over to the feline. "He's all yours... such as
he is." Emira snorted, shoving the strap on back into the tigress's
paws as she strolled by with a smirk. She would forever know the truth
about the famous American, how he was a fake hero and a useless male
who could never fuck anyone. She had destroyed his bone with her own
hands, as she watched the pretty tigress slipped that harness on.
Giggling softly as she strolled over and pounce on top of her
boyfriend, making him suck that huge dildo clean before she shoved it
up his tail hole again.

Go back to Chapter 5 | Go back to Locked Main Index | Go to Chapter 8
Notice that Chapter 7 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.