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Notice that Chapter 7 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 8
Diplomatic Persuasion

The massive jet black limousine with its half dozen escort vehicles
pulled swiftly onto the sleek highway, quickly getting up to cruising
speed. The driver well versed in handling the lumbering armored beast.
In the back the King sat with his fifth son and four black suited body

Prince Mustafa peered out the tinted bulletproof windows as the city
flew past. He was still fuming that he was missing a two week long
road trip in the Scottish highlands with his old university mates.
Months of planning gone out the window just like that. Papa needed him
to stay to keep up appearances in front of the Americans. He cursed
his older brother, Zaheer. You'd think the heir to the kingdom would
pay more attention to running it, but he's all the way in Egypt
contemplating what pretentious quote to attach to his lousy Instagram

"Oh come now, it'll be over soon enough...." King Suleiman sighed,
observing his youngest son visibly sulking opposite him. "You're the
most cordial at these things and you know it. Service above self -
that's our duty to this country." The elderly King praised.

"Really? Standing around like a piece of furniture - for a news story
that nobody will read?" Mustafa drawled mockingly, watching as his
father's nose twitched betraying his irritation at his son's words.
This only makes the young Prince push on, much to the Kings distaste.
"Every time, it's always me doing the things nobody else wants to do -
Zaheer impregnates some Greek peasant girl and it is I who must see to
her operation, compensate the family to silence them. I'm sick of it.
All this because you think I like... " Mustafa's words failed as anger
threatened to overwhelm him, again making his sire wince and roll his
shoulders as a look a distaste slides across his muzzle.

Emira got a new BMW for her 16th birthday, while he had to work double
shifts at a soup kitchen feeding the poor and hungry on his. Much had
always been expected of him it seemed, while his brothers were allowed
to roam free. And his sister had always been a spoiled child, given
almost everything she wanted or thought she might enjoy. Sourly,
Mustafa also realized this latest punishment is for letting Emira run
off with her weakling American lover. Well his father was paying for
that now, although once again it was Mustafa who was to be punished
for his siblings willfulness.

"Buggery you mean?" King Suleiman drawled dangerously, as his smile
melted into a leering sneer. Even their bodyguards shifted
uncomfortably at where the conversation was going, even though they
were trained to ignore the clients conversations for the most part.
"It's a boys' game..." The elder antelope said firm and coolly, the
corners of his mouth twisting down ever so slightly. "Oh, I've had a
go at it in my younger years... I had a dorm mate - a wolf. Oh, we'd
sneak off to the bleachers every time we did laundry duty. We took our
time coming back." The King confessed, smirking wider at the look of
surprise and disbelief on his sons handsome muzzle.

Like Mustafa, the King had attended school in England, where he had
been introduced to certain upper class traditions. "But I grew out of
it, you see. A true male must wed and sire, my son... and in this
regard, you are still lacking..." The words cut him deep, making the
young Prince shift comfortably in his seat. Now it is the Princes turn
to wince, knowing that he had perhaps pushed his father to far in his
frustration. "Today's matters are of the utmost importance to our
kingdom, her people, and me - you will be act accordingly." King
Suleiman said with an air of finality, that brook no discussion his
will would be done.

His sire passed him the still folded newspaper, giving the prince a
moment to flip it open to read the headline. 'Head of the powerful
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Harland Seabury (Dem) from
Texas blocks fighter jet aircraft sales.'

"Americans..." Mustafa scowled in mild anger and dislike, so few of
them were of any worth... he thought of the vixen at his palace right
then and smiled. "Why did you even entertain a visit?"

"Because we can't just declare war against America - I'm not my great
grandfather. Dialogue... conversation. We must work to change his mind
in a civilized manner, convince them firmly... but politely that we
are peaceful and that we want no part of their squabble. Some of our
neighbors are unruly by nature, being able to rain steel upon them
from the air is a way to keep them from..." He paused to lick his
lips, wishing very much that he was that boy back at school once more.
Mounting the other young Prince, enjoying his pale furry rump beneath
him... carefree. "Bringing their conflict into our peaceful lands -
defending ourselves is our right as a sovereign nation, and we won't
have it any other way." The elderly King advised softly, plainly he
had many cares and concerns weighting heavily upon him.

"Well, you have your work cut out father..." Mustafa observed with
shrewdly, he had a number of American playthings over the years.
"Americans are arrogant beyond measure - their politicians even more

"Then it's a good thing that I have you by my side, to advise me of
the obvious and to keep me sane." The old King rested his palms on his
amble belly, smiled at his son with true fondness.

Prince Mustafa sighed as the elder antelope smiled at him gently, as
always impressed by his sires sly wit. Noticing there was obvious
pride and joy in that smile, Mustafa felt a surge of happiness in
sprite of his former complaints.

"Patience, my son. Do this for me and I'll give you a whole month in
Scotland." The motorcade made it's was to the high-end Rashid Alzayani
Majlis country club, where the luncheon was being held for the
visiting Senator. It is not hard to spot the American... he is dressed
in a stereotypical dark blue suit, with a bright red power tie. A
small flag pin adorns his left lapel with a massive Stetson hat to top
it off, the huge red bull is jovial and affable. Still Prince Mustafa
eyed the portly bull with an air of skepticism, noting that he was
trying to talk and act like an old American movie actor. Plainly it is
a facade to hide the bovines true nature, Mustafa is unsurprised he
has seen how two faced and untrustworthy these politicians could be.

It seemed he underestimated the turnout for what he thought to be
nothing more than a stuffy luncheon full of dignitaries. He was
practically blinded as they exited the limo, luckily the body guards
crowded around closely. Dozens of cameras were trained on them:
flashing away, capturing their every movement. Nearby, the Prince
caught word of his name as the ferret reporter from Al Jazeera
described the scene unfolding at the country club.

Dutifully, the young antelope tagged along as his ageing father
slipped back into his role as the ruler of Bahrain, cordially greeting
the portly American as they all posed for photographs. He was used to
this of course, rubbing shoulders with important figures. He'd been
doing it even before he'd left his mother's womb, but it never seemed
to get any easier. He was so tired performing, but then thought of his
father who had been doing this for so many years. All of this was
nothing more than an act and everyone was uncomfortable despite the
expensive cars, designer clothes and lavish meals. None of them wanted
to be here; least of all: Senator Harland Seabury.

From his body language, it was clear the large bull was uncomfortable.
He was sweating though his tailored suit in the sweltering heat, and
his Panerai watch was the wrong shade to go with his other colors. The
Prince didn't know much about America's politicians but he knew
Seabury's type: demanding, vain, and above all else, self-serving. He
was probably heavily jet-lagged: wanting to be done with this corner
of the world as soon as possible. And knowing Americans, his palate
probably didn't agree with the local cuisine.

"Well now... let me introoduce ma boy." The big bull said with that
slightly over done Texas twang, plainly he was trying hard to be the
stereotypical American cowboy. The Prince almost winced at the irony,
as the younger bovine was grabbed by his father and dragged forwards.
He was every bit his father's son, massive and round shoulder with
short horns blunted in the American fashion. He was dressed in a pale
blue polo shirt and rather rumpled khaki trousers, gaudy jewelry hung
thickly around his neck and wrists. It was plainly the mark of some
fur who had more money than taste, there was also a Bluetooth phone
clipped on one of his floppy bovine ears. "Terry this here is The
King..." The way he said 'The King' was faintly mocking, plainly he
didn't think much of royalty. "Terry here is tha star quarterback at
St Edwards University back home in Austin." The Senator announced
proudly like being the leader of a sports team was some grand honor
that made his son almost royalty in his own right. The young bull was
built like a tank and seemed rather old to still be a university
student. "The King here controls this whoole country and he wasn't
eeven eelected. His great great great grandpappy jest took it all for
himself in the eighth century."

"Seventh... actually... of course we were a British colonial
protectorate for a number of years." The King corrected softly smiling
at the Americans crass words, it was a veiled insult of course.

"Ahem yeah... nice to meet ya." The young bull snorted thrusting out
his hand, and then stiffening as the King used it to pull him in and
kiss both his cheeks. The young bulls eyes rolled in his head, and he
had to fight to stifle a curse. His father had warned him about this
kinda thing, but the college age male was plainly trying to act hyper
masculine. "King huh... maybe you would know where a guy could get a
decent cheeseburger in this country." Instantly his sire gripped his
shoulder, the Senator shaking his son in annoyance.

"That's nothin' ta bother the King with boy." Senator Seabury snorted,
even as King Suleiman quickly introducing Mustafa to them. The young
bull regarded the Prince with a mixture of disdain and interest, as
the young antelope greeted him. Leaning in to kiss the young bovines
cheeks, Mustafa noted that he didn't react so violently this time.
Until the young royal patted his ass, instantly the young bovine
stiffened. Only to smile a moment later as Mustafa stepped back, he
had figured out the antelope was taunting him at that point. It was a
frat boy kind of gesture that the young American seemed to appreciate,
he was grinning broadly at that point.

"Perhaps my son could help your find what you desire..." The King said
simply to the young bull, sharing a faint smile with his father the
Senator. It certainly seemed like the two younger males were hitting
it off, as they share taunting smiles at each other. Prince Mustafa
glanced at his father, almost begging that he not be straddled with
the obvious boorish young American.

"I am told by friends... that Blaze burgers are the best in the
country..." The Prince advised with his best faked smile, as the young
bull sneered at him with that odd mixture. Mustafa was dishearten to
see his father lead the Senator away, but understood that he had been
given his task. "I can take you there if you so desire..." He took
Terry's arm with his own, making the young bull look at him with
sneering distaste.

"No offense..." The bovine jock smirked, clearly trying to be as
offensive as he could be. "But I aint lookin' to just eat
cheeseburgers and let some queer deer hog my knob... Okay." The Prince
gritted his teeth at that, the bull was doing his best to be the ugly
American. Plainly he had been referring to Mustafa as the 'Queer
deer', the Prince smiled faintly at being labeled in such a manner.

"Ah, that's a relief. We have great burgers, but in my experience, the
best 'knob hoggers' can only be found in America." Terry's muzzle
twisted up in a half grin, half snarl as the insult was tossed back
his way. "I know a queer deer from your Dallas I believe, who can as
you say hog knob very expertly."

The strapping young bull snickered darkly, as he grabbed the scruff
the Princes neck like a stereotypical high school bully. "Got anymore
jokes, clown?" Terry snarled hotly, plainly the young bovine wasn't
use to being on the receiving end of the joke.

Mustafa motioned for Zaid to stand down, as the stallion reached for
his gun. It was sheer luck that they were hidden behind a massive
potted ficus bush. Most of the press had already followed their
fathers inside, at least the little scuffle wouldn't reach the papers.
Terry's own leonine bodyguard surveyed the stallion tensely, his hand
also reaching for his piece under his jacket.

"If you don't let me go this instant, I will personally see you
castrated, and those big balls of yours fed to your father." Mustafa
said plainly, the look on his handsome muzzle cold and grim.

"My dad golf's with the president, queer deer." The bull boasted
boldly, snickering at the threat to his male hood. Even so, he
released the young royal before smoothing out the front of his suit.
"Stay out of my way, and we'll be good. Don't need no fucking tour
guide around this two bit town... especially not a cocksucker. Come
on, Henry." The young bull snorted as he turned away, strolling out
towards the parking lot with an arrogant swagger. The lion gave them
an apologetic look, as the young bull stalked off towards the parking


"You could've started a war!" King Suleiman shouted after him, as they
crossed the threshold into the palace. "What if he got shot? What were
you thinking? Stooping to his level... like some commoner!"

"Nobody saw us." Mustafa countered softly, he was feeling very tired
and drained. "I take it you weren't a big fan of the Senator either."
The Prince observed doing his best to deflect his sires anger, things
had not gone very well for either of them it seemed.

"Just go to your room." The King responded, pinched his brow before
stalking off towards the kitchens to find something for his migraine.

'Go to your room.' Not even the fifth prince of Bahrain was immune to
those words, they made him feel like a naughty child. As he navigated
his way to his bedroom, he realized just how deserted the palace was
without any of his siblings around. He almost missed Emira, even if
she did get on his nerves most of the time. The young antelope
collapsed onto his plush four poster bed, staring up at the vaulted
ceiling that soared high overhead. It had been such a lousy day, that
one confrontation had ruin the whole event. The sight of his luggage
packed and ready for Scotland only rubbed it in further.

"Is everything alright, Master?" Saia asked groggily as he stirred
from his spot on the floor, at least his father hadn't take his favor
toy away. Slowly, the hulking feline curled up next to the young royal
on that massive bed. He wasn't strictly allowed on the furniture, but
Mustafa was a merciful Master. Most of the time anyway, he had been
harsh to the jaguar a few times but that only seemed to make him was
to please all the more.

"I'm sorry, Saia..." The Prince muttered, reaching out to gently
stroke the felines silky fur feeling slightly better as he did. "I
promised you two weeks off."

"It's okay... Would you like me to-" The feline began to undo the
Prince's trousers to fish his cock out plainly eager to serve his
masters pleasure.

"No... Just stay with me for a moment." The young Prince commanded,
stroking the silky fur of his blocky head in silence.


The Prince awoke much later, to find supper already on a tray by his
bedside. He decided to turn in early after a quick shower, but hours
later he was still tossing and turning beneath the covers... while
Saia snored audibly by his side. His father's words still weighed
heavily on him, while the bitter taste of the disappointment the King
had expressed in him filled his mouth. He didn't even need to ask how
things had gone - the Senator wasn't going to back down on his stance.
Career politicians like him, had no regard for faraway desert nations
like his. Mustafa thought back to his meeting with the Senator's son,
who was arrogant and cruel for no other reason than he knew he could
be. He didn't regret standing up for himself, but things could've
turned ugly very quickly. He was becoming too reckless, and like his
father had said that really wasn't a good nor wise thing. Slipping out
of bed naked, he grabbed his phone and padded over to the balcony. It
was clear diplomacy wasn't going to work this time, he needed a bit
more guile and cunning.

The phone rang for some time, before the out of breath sounding ram
answer at last. "H-HHow... are you my Prince?" Ari inquired as he saw
who was call, he wouldn't have bothered answering for anyone else. It
was one o'clock in the morning in London and the ram had just came
back from Club 49 in Soho. Winifred and her husband Thibault had been
taking him around, that was how he had been introduced to the pretty
red deer hind. Mary and her husband Bhaic had a lot in common with
their friends, the sexy hind was enjoying the ram's thick cock. While
across the room her husband watched in shock and delight, as his old
chum from Eton suckled on his hard cock eagerly.

"Braw!" The handsome red stag exclaimed in delight, as the whole of
his hard organ slipped down Thibault's throat. The two naked stags
plainly enjoying each other, as they watched the foreign ram rut their
wives. Ari had cum inside of both female's twice each already, and the
night was still young.

"Ari my friend... so good to hear you are enjoying your time in
England." Prince Mustafa chuckled softly, as he heard the hind's moans
of passion and the soft creak of bed spring in the back ground. "I
fear I must beg your forgiveness for interrupting. However I am in
need of your assistance, it a matter that has grave importance to my
father's kingdom." The ram lay back in bed letting the sexy hind do
all the work, as Winnie snuggled close kissing and fondling both him
and her friend.

"I am as ever your humble servant my Prince." Ari answered, listens
intently as Mustafa related the situation with the Senator to him
softly. Chuckling lewdly upon hearing the how the Prince had turned
the insult back on the young crude bull. "Ammm give me a day or so to
speak with Alejandro... and my new friend in the British foreign
office. Perhaps we can come up with some information... that can be
used to sway the Senator." The handsome black ram moaned his free hand
gripping and squeezing Mary's heavy breasts as the pretty hind
trembled in orgasm on his rock hard cock.

"Oi...Oi ...Oi!" Mary screamed out loudly as her sleek body convulsed
in pleasure, his spasms pushing the horny ram over his peak. Ari let
out a long loud 'Bleat' as his seed gushed into her tight sex, filling
the sexy hind to over flowing. While across the room Bhaic was panting
and squealing, shooting his own seed down the meek roe stags throat as
he swallowed eagerly.

"Thank you my friend... I have great faith in your... unique
abilities." The Prince chuckles hearing the action, Ari had never let
him down so Mustafa was feeling more content now. "I would bid you
have a good night, but clearly you already are... Heh." The Prince
chuckled saying goodbye, before disconnecting and going back to bed.
He snuggled against Saia suddenly finding his own passion, the big
Jaguar was awaken by the sensation of his masters erection pushing
against his tail hole.


Some hours later Mustafa awoke with a start as his phone chirped, a
slew of new notifications coming in. Quickly the antelope read through
them, as wicked smile slowly spreading across his handsome muzzle. A
few moments later his phone rang, Alejandro was on the other end,
quickly filling him in on their new course of action. A lone suitcase
had arrived in the country, the day after the Senator had arrived in
the kingdom. That in itself wasn't unusual, but it was very
conspicuously sent to the wrong hotel. Before being picked up at
exactly 3:00 PM the day it arrived, it was almost like clockwork. The
suitcase was also checked in by one Barbara Moore, an elderly Canadian
woman who apparently had no travel history prior to her visit to
Bahrain. Giggling, Alejandro tells the Prince to have a look at the
baggage x-rays that he had sent along in picture format. Inside the
bag were articles of women's clothing and a slew of sex toys that were
highly illegal in the Islamic nation, it was not something a
vacationing traveler would bring along. Stills from the hotel security
cameras also confirm that the suitcase was picked up by a black
Chevrolet SUV, which was bound for the Isla Mercure: the ultra-
exclusive village usually reserved for visiting heads of state.

"Also the Senator's private secretary had contacted a local adult
performer, booking the lady ahead of time for certain private
entertainments. It seems the Senator has certain nasty desires, he is
planning to have fun with females from every country he visits.
Apparently he and his son have been sharing the females, making it a
naughty competition between father and son. Although there were some
things the older Bull wasn't sharing with his son. Like the way he
liked to cross-dress... and have those prostitutes use the toys in the
suitcase on him." Alejandro laughed loudly, as he told the Prince
about the Senators nasty little secrets. Mustafa smirked as he
listened to that, suddenly getting a wicked idea as the panther spoke.
Alejandro had discovered Terry was engaged to a Palomino mare, who
happened to be in London at that moment. He arranged to have Ari pick
the pretty cheerleader up, and fly her on the Princes private jet
supposedly at the Senator's invitation.

"I wonder Alejandro... do you think you could modify the booking a
bit?" Mustafa asked with a snicker, quickly filling in the feline in
on what he had in mind. "Oh, before you go - I really have to ask."
The prince grinned.

"Ugh, please no..." The panther groaned, guessing at once what Mustafa
had on his mind.

"You and Ari?" The prince asked questioningly, the tone in his voice
both lewd and teasingly comical.

"It was a stupid bet, okay? I didn't think he could pull off one of
his little tricks on Lewis Bishop." Alejandro snorted still shocked
that the ram had managed to ruin the big bear in front of the world
like he had.

"So... it's true then?" The handsome antelope chuckled excitedly,
plainly the Prince was excited by the knowledge the handsome panther
had been fucked.

"You are literally the last person I would tell, but fine - it's
true." The handsome panther admitted, obviously shamefaced at the fact
he had been the rams bitch.

The Prince guffawed at that, plainly very excited at the idea of his
friend giving up to another male. "Well then... maybe one of these
days you and I could..."

"Oh, get in line, lover boy. I'll have you know, I'm still getting
dirty phone calls from Vatican City to Mecca on all four of my
phones." Alejandro grumbled sounding both humiliated and proud of the
fact he was so lusted after. Mustafa felt a smidge of pity for the
handsome panther, but not so much that he wasn't planning to get the
panther alone sometime in the near future. It was almost refreshing to
see the sleek feline taken down a peg, and that embarrassment made the
feline just that much more appealing.


"You know you shouldn't abuse my private jet privileges like that."
The Prince said tersely, as he slowly piloted Emira's BMW X6 down the
narrow winding roads of the well-manicured compound.

"You told me you needed my help... so I came as soon as I could." The
black ram shrugged unapologetically, smiling as he thought about the
pleasure he'd had on the plane ride. "Plus, you hardly ever use it."

"Why did you even bring the girl?" The ram had traded the buxom
Siberian husky with Henry and the other males on security detail, for
passage through the gated community. The young royal half-expected to
come in brandishing his authority to be let through, but Alejandro and
Ari had apparently worked out a deal with them. The pretty canine was
quick to follow along with their plans, having dumped her jock
boyfriend on the flight over.

"Well, Alejandro mentioned she was in town, so naturally I had to look
her up." Ari beamed at the twin looks of admiration and jealousy on
the Prince's handsome muzzle. The young royal had been charged with a
$3,000 dollars in cleaning fee's for the damage they had done on the
flight over. "Oh, she is a feisty one... plays lacrosse. Anyway,
Alejandro says that lion... What's his name? Benny? No, Henry. He says
the boy is in love with her, so I thought she might come in useful. A
little present, if you will. A piece of advice my friend... always
make friend even with the most difficult people. You never know when
you'll need them."

"Oh, easy for you to say... you don't have to bomb-proof everything
around you." The black ram noted the thick bulletproof glass on the
Princess' personal vehicle. From the outside, it looked no different
from any other black BMW SUV plying the roads of Bahrain. The Zebra in
the back seat paid the two males no mind as she texted and chewed on
her bubble gum.

The Isla Mercure was a picturesque paradise, looking more akin to a
seven-star seaside resort than a village for housing visiting
dignitaries. Parking the car a short distance away from the lavish
bungalow, the three of them strolled up the small footpath.

"Stick to the plan, okay?" The Prince said, more to comfort himself
than to admonish his two lusty companions.

"Oh relax, Mustafa... you worry too much." The pretty zebra said
grinning cheekily as she adjusted her lush cleavage as the car slowed
to a stop.

Just as Henry had said, the young bull was home alone playing video
games, having cancelled the scheduled tour of the city because he
thought it was too boring. The Prince rang the doorbell, waiting
patiently for a moment before ringing it again.

He was about ready to call Henry again, when the towering bovine
yanked the front door open with a scowl on his muzzle.

"Oh..." What sounded like the beginning of a patronizing insult, ended
there as the hunky jock took in the sexy guest Prince Mustafa had
brought along with him.

"Well hey there cutie." The pretty zebra said huskily, making the
obviously eager young bovine grin. Zalika was quite a bit taller than
Mustafa, her toned athletic figure showing through the tight clothes
she wore.

"Hey... babe." The big bull leaned against the door frame, puffing his
chest out a bit to show off his well-cultivated pecs.

"I felt bad about our little incident yesterday... that I brought you
a gift." Prince Mustafa explained softly, as the young bull made a
point of ignoring him and staring at the zebra. "We got off to a wrong
start, didn't we? I would like to fix things - make it right. 'Bury
the hatchet' as you Americans say. What say you?" Prince Mustafa asked
softly, but the dopey grin on the horny jock's muzzle was all the
answer he really needed.

Quickly, the eager young bovine beckoned the three of them inside the
lavish bungalow. Immediately, the bull was eager to unwrap his gift...
his game of DOOM left forgotten.

"Mmm, eager are we?" The pretty zebra teased in her husky voice, as
Terry plucked at her clothing clumsily.

"Fuck yeah..." The bull moaned as he teased her blouse off, bringing
her pert breasts into full view. Ari meanwhile padded over to the
sound system, picking out songs to set the mood of the zebra's
performance. Smirking, the strong zebra shoved the heavyset bull down
onto the sofa as easily as one might a child. Terry merely grinned at
the rough treatment, lacing his fingers behind his horned head as the
zebra sensually began to gyrate to the new tunes.

"Do you like what you see, big boy?" Zalika teased lustfully, before
licking at the bovines short, thick neck. The jock bull merely panted
in response, looking eager for the pleasure he knew was coming.

"He seems pent up." Ari commented with a sneer, as he settled into an
armchair to watch the show. The ram thinking about the bull's female,
who was laying exhausted in a hotel bed a few miles away. The handsome
ram had gotten to know her much better on the Princes private jet,
delighted to discover that she was coming into season. He had stealth
fully threw away those pills, to keep her from taking her them.
Without that medication to suppressed her natural urges, the handsome
black ram had ended up breeding her repeatedly. Insuring that when
they web in a few months, the pretty mare would be carrying the ram's

"Ummm, you poor thing." Zalika cooed as she got to work, removing the
tank top stretched tight over the quarterback's well muscled body. As
much as he detested the American, Mustafa had to admit that Terry was
an impressive specimen. What he lacked in people skills, he made up
for with time at the gym. He clearly juiced, his thick heavyset body
bulging with slabs of heavy muscle. Save for a slight gut that was
reminiscent of his sires hefty one, the young bovine looked like he
took care of himself well.

Terry didn't seem too enthusiastic about getting his pants taken off,
with the young Prince watching but he did it anyway, leaving him clad
in only his boxer briefs. Still he offered little resistance, as the
sexy appearing female stripped off his trouser and then tossed them
aside. His pale blue underwear already bulging obscenely, just from
watching the zebra's pert breasts jiggling free. Zalika smiled as the
young bull lifted her leg, having her rest her hoof on the pouch of
his underwear. Wincing as she put weight on those aroused organ, Terry
grinning widely as the sexy female teased him. A dark wet spot
forming, were the tip of that bovine cock pushed those plain cotton
shorts out. "Make me lick your hoof... make me kiss the bottom of
it..." The young bovine requested breathlessly, as smirking zebra
lifting her hoof up to the bull's mouth.

"Lick my hoof you nasty beast." Zalika demanded in amusement, as this
was one of the most profound insults in their own culture. "Clear the
dirt out of the hollow of my hoof with your tongue." The young bull
moaned, as he eagerly kissing and licking that shiny zebra hoof. Doing
just what he was ordered to do, licking the bottom of first one hoof
and them the other. Once finished he let his large hands rove over her
silky fur, panting and grunting for breath as the sexy zebra bucked
and humped. Terry was just mesmerized by the sight of the exotic young
female, as she climbing over him to sit on his lap.

It hadn't occurred to Mustafa until then, but it was starting to look
like the young footballer didn't have a lot of experience around
females. Despite his wealthy family... his rugged good looks and the
fact he was a star athlete. He was much more use to the cheap whores
his father had hired before, who would just hopped on his cock so she
could get paid quickly.

"Close your eyes, big boy. I've got a surprise for you." Zalika
grinned as she nibbled on his ear, slowly rubbing at Terry's well
crafted pecs. The bull simply moaned at her touch; his head tilting
back in submission to the sexy female sitting on his lap. Mustafa
watched grinning widely at the unfolding spectacle, knowing full well
what was about to be reveals. Between their entangled bodies, the
athletic zebra pulled down her zipper and began teasing her stirring
erection. Slowly, that mammoth equine spire began to rise as the
pretty zebra gyrated in the hunky bulls lap, whispering sultry
nothings into his floppy bovine ear.

"I make me eat your tail hole next." Terry requested with his eyes
still tightly shut, his long bovine organ rock hard. Gently she cupped
his blocky head before leaning in for a lustful kiss, which the horny
bovine returned eagerly. The bull's muzzle twitched for a moment, as
that kiss broke then something slick and heavy batted his muzzle.
Splattering with the hot dribbles of pre-cum, Terry's tongue flicked
out eagerly licking his lips. Even as alarm bells started to go off in
his head, just before the pretty equine pulled away from him. Batting
the tip of his nose with the head of her massive equine erection yet
again, spurting even more pre-cum onto that nose and lip's. Across the
room Mustafa guffawed at the comical look plastered on the other
male's muzzle, the young bull's eyes opened slowly. Terry stared
dumbfounded at the spectacle before him, unable to process that the
'Girl' in his lap was now sporting a mammoth equine cock. The musky
male shaft batted him on the lips again, spraying those lips with pre-
cum and jolting him back to reality. He looked at the zebra in his lap
and then towards the young laughing Prince... finding a smart phone
trained on him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The powerful quarterback tried to throw her off, but
Zalika was well ahead of the enraged American. Leaping nimbly off of
his powerful thighs, as the enraged jock rose from the couch. "YOU'RE
DEAD, YOU FUCKING FAG!!!" He roared turning towards Mustafa and taking
a few quick steps, Ari quickly yanked down the young bull's underwear
from behind. Exposing the young bull's surprisingly small male organs,
the juicing had certainly impacted his male organs drastically.

"I the faggot?" The handsome antelope asked sneeringly, was the young
jock froze as his short coming was fully exposed. "It was not I
licking a zebra's pre-cum off my lips." The Prince pointed out,
replaying the footage of Terry eagerly lapping up Zalika's shiny pre-
cum. The young bull jock hopping from one cloven hoof to the other,
making his small cock bob up and down comically.

"Give me that." Terry demanded making a lunge at the phone in the
Princes hand, but Mustafa quickly jumped back and brought up the
Instagram feed of Pi Kappa Alpha frat the jock belonged to. He saw
Terry's bulging eyes grow even wider as he was that page, plainly the
last thing the homophobic jock want was that video being seen by his
jock buddies.

"One flick of my finger, and everyone in your world are going to see
you eagerly licking up that pre-cum. Look at the look of joy on your
muzzle, as that big black cock flare rests against your lips. No one
is ever going to believe that you were tricked, duped by some backward
foreigners. No... it is much more believable that you are loving what
is going on, and Zalika here is going to tell everyone you hired her
services knowing full well what is between her legs." Mustafa chuckled
lewdly as Terry stood there struggling to think of some way out,
plainly thinking wasn't the big jocks forte. Watching the young bull
gritting his teeth, unable to think of a way out of this situation.

"Alright... alright what the fuck do you want for that phone?" The
young bull snarled at last, quickly offering money and his gaudy
jewelry. But the Prince just snorted in derision, gesturing to the
sexy zebra who was completely naked now.

"First you are going to finish what you started..." Mustafa gestured
to the pretty zebra's massive equine erection, as it drool a long
string of silver equine pre-cum. "Because as I said, all the best
cocksuckers are Americans." The young jock bull bulked, looking back
and forth at the Prince and the zebra's huge cock wild eyed for a

"No fuckin' way... I am NOT going to suck a cock." Terry snarled,
balling up his huge hands into fists as he watched Mustafa teasingly
reach towards the phone with one finger. "No...NO... wait." Terry
whimpered weakly, his beady dark eyes growing watery was he turned and
moved over to stand in front of the smiling zebra. The young jock
licking his lip's nervously, before slowly sinking to his knees in
front of Zalika. "I do this and you are giving me that phone..." The
young bovine said wheelingly, even as the sexy zebra stepped up closer
to rub that leaking flare all over the young bull's muzzle.

"Oh no..." Mustafa chuckled, watching Zalika smear her pre-cum all
over Terry handsome young muzzle. "You are going to be sucking all of
our cocks... swallow our cum and thank us for letting you have it. You
are going to do everything and anything we tell you to do... and if
you please me enough perhaps I will give you this phone. Now start
sucking faggot... you have a great deal of work to do." The Prince
watched through his phone, as Terry's rubbery bovine lip's slowly
wrapped around that huge black equine cock. Soft 'Slurping' noises
starting as the bovine jock began to suckle on that massive flare, the
pretty zebra reached down gripping those floppy bovine ears. Using
them to pull those inexperienced lip's further and further down that
mighty zebra cock, until she was gagging him on that big throbbing

"He's quite good. A little more around the head - oOhh, that's it."
Zalika praised lewdly, stroking Terry's blocky bovine head
encouragingly. Contrary to all the young bull's homophobic act, he was
now suckling very eagerly on the zebra's huge cock, All the while,
Mustafa had the Smartphone trained on the spectacle alive streaming
the action to his personal computer back at the palace. It was a
rather unusual sight for sure, this hulking beast kneeling there
suckling on a cock attached to a girl less than half her size. And to
add to that, the maleness dangling between his powerful footballer's
thighs looked like a Tic Tac next to the mammoth spire stretching out
his muzzle.

"He seems to be a fan of bratwurst." Mustafa agreed with a sneer,
notice the look on the bulls muzzle was slowly changing from disgust
to enjoyment. Across the room, Ari snorted at the cheesy jab while he
poked through the bull's belongings, evidently intrigued by the
amenities of the lavish bungalow. "My friend." The handsome black ram
called, as he held up the American bull's discarded trousers. From the
right front pocket, he pulled out a pair of baby blue lace panties.
Immediately, the bull spluttered, trying to pull off, but the pretty
zebra above him held him in place by those floppy ears.

"Security tells me you haven't had company over... and these don't
look like your size either, do they?" The smaller ram questioned with
an amused expression, twirling the garment around his finger as he
approached the kneeling bull. "Doesn't look like they belong to your
friend, Henry either. Could it be that they belong to your dear papa?"

The bull made some gurgling sounds around the cock in his mouth,
shaking his head weak and utterly unbelievable denial. The hands on
his ears were firm, giving him no chance to speak those lies. Zalika
merely chuckled at Terry's reaction, while pounding more of that thick
black cock down his throat making him choke and gag.

"My, what are we doing playing with daddy's underpants?" Ari giggled
lewdly, as he stalked off towards the master bedroom to investigate
farther. The young jock bull struggled harder, but Mustafa only needed
to give him a look to calm him down. "Mustafa, come see this!" Ari
called out loudly from the bedroom down the hall, making the young
Prince smile.

"MMFphfgh!" Terry screamed, coughing around that big throbbing cock as
Zalika unloaded into his untrained maw. Thick dollops of equine cum
quickly spilling out around the thick shaft between his lips, even as
Terry gulped and swallowed to keep from drowning. Mustafa passed the
zebra his phone as he went to investigate, allowing the pretty
transsexual to get a good close-up of the humiliated jock's
increasingly messy features. As she pulled that massive flare,
stroking her shaft to milk out a couple of more spurts over Terry
bullish muzzle. Mustafa already knew what he was going to find in the
Senators bedroom, but strolled down the hallway to join Ari. From the
hallway, he could see the handsome ram poking through the contents of
the suitcase hastily shoved underneath the bed.

"Oh, Americans..." Ari smirked with delighted mirth, plainly the ram
was very excited by all the nasty toys he had found. "They make it too
easy." He tossed a pair of sissy pink panties aside to rummage through
the bag, producing ever more obscene articles and toys: dildos,
chastity devices, diapers, oversized dresses, lingerie, paddles, etc.
It seemed the good Senator packed a generous spread, for his visit to
foreign nations where he hired local prostitutes. The black ram
produced a skimpy Stars and Stripes string bikini set, grinning at the
young Prince as he made his way back out towards the living room.
"Here, I think this is more your style." Ari commented, tossing the
garments onto the floor next to the retching bull.

"Fuck you! You're all dead when my dad comes back!" The hulking
footballer growled, as his tongue flicked out licking the creamy cum
off his lips and chin. Even as his small cock bounced and drooled
heavily, plainly for all his bluster the young American was enjoying
his violation.

"Oh, drop the act. What's the expression? 'You are a chip off the old
block?' Put it on, my American princess." Mustafa flicked the bull's
pitiful erection with his out hoof, causing the hulking male to wince
as his cock jerked in delight at the hoof on his genitals. Terry's
features turned beet red in embarrassed blush, as the young bull
thrust his junk out as if hoping to get more hooves on it.

"Pretty sissy... Miss America's going to have a run for her money."
Ari commented, causing Zalika to chuckle darkly, the sleek zebra
having worked long and hard to pass as a real girl. They watched as
the roided up jock fixed the flimsy top over his meaty pecs, before
tying the too-small thong over his stiff nethers. "You know, I think
these bodybuilding competitions would be more interesting... if they
wore bikinis." Ari added with a leering smirk, winking at Zalika as
she took out a couple of syringes. Kneeling down the zebra injected
the drugs straight into the bull's already shrunken testicles, things
were going to change for the young bull in the near future.

"Maybe I should get Saia a set." The Prince mused as he stepped to
admire the young bull's body in that feminine string bikini set.

"Sick fucks..." Terry scowled red faced, as Ari withdrew his growing
cock from his slacks. Strolling over to give the young bull a taste of
his girlfriends pussy, smirking as he wondered if Terry would
recognize it on that hard cock.

"Sick perhaps... but at least we are not under hung." The handsome
black ram smirked, as the so called straight jocks soft lip's eagerly
wrapped around the smaller Sheep's hefty cock.


Senator Harland Seabury yawned, as he pulled up to the bungalow in the
black Chevy Suburban. He had just dismissed his whole security detail
until dinner, something he did every so often while traveling. The
body guards knew very well why, the big bull had some private
entertainment planned. The kind of thing he didn't want even his
security detail privy too, only his son Terry was invited to
participate. 'What a day...' The big bull thought... breakfast was
served too early and his game of golf kept being interrupted by phone
calls from back home. It was like everything fell apart when he walks
away for five minutes, that ridiculous President seemed to be unable
to make even the smalls decisions without him. And that fucking cop
had the audacity to pull him over for speeding on the way back,
luckily his security detail had been in direct contact with the
palace. He would take a nice long break once he was done with this
backwater gilded turd of a country. The Virgin Islands was practically
calling to him, he had a long standing deal there with a local hotel.
He'd have Cooper reschedule their flight out to right after the
interview - he didn't even care about the angry mob that would wait
for him. With any luck, the press would get a nice shot of these
backwards savages protesting democracy.

Exiting the Suburban the hefty older bull strolled up to his private
bungalow, hearing the music as he approached the door. Pushing it open
the Senator stepped inside the room is dark, quickly he closed the
door behind him. "So you've gotten started without me huh naughty
boy?" The big bull smirked starting to turn around, expecting to see
Terry enjoying a lap dance with the antelope female he had ordered for
them. When suddenly he felt a lush soft female body pressing against
his back, surprisingly strong hands pulling his arms back and binding
them. Before pulling a blindfold over his eyes, nimble finger quickly
stripping his clothing off. "Wait this isn't... you are not supposed
to do this until we are alone in my bedroom." The Senator protested
even as a hot mouth pressed against his own, the big bull could taste
musky male and fresh semen on those lip's. "Ummm damn girl is all that
from ma boy?" Senator Seabury asked, licking the creamy cum from those
rubbery lip's eagerly as Terry winced at being forced to kiss his own
father. The two of them making out intensely for a couple of minutes,
as Mustafa stood by with his finger poised to post the video from

That hot eager mouth was then pulled away, leaving the older male
panting for breath in sexual excitement. "Not exactly..." A husky
almost masculine sounding voice whispered into his ear, as the big
bull felt himself being redressed in soft frilly feminine garments.
Silky panties were pulled up his fat thigh's, a lacy bra strapped
around his sagging chest. Silky stockings and a garter belt followed,
and then he felt lipstick being painted onto his mouth. The older bull
knew he should demand to know what was going on, but this was turning
him on so much that he didn't want to stop it. "Oho but you'll never
fit in your panties with this big hard thing jutting out." That amused
sounding voice teased, as hot fingers caressed the older bulls already
rock hard erection. "Let's see if we can put this big boy to sleep..."
Suddenly that mouth was pulled away, leaving the Senator licking and
smacking his lips.

"Ohoo yes... you naughty girl." Senator Seabury moaned, as he felt
those hot lip's kiss his fat round cock head.

Terry starred up at the Prince in horror, as the smirking antelope
rubbed his father's huge red cock head all over the younger bovines
mouth. Mustafa tossed his horned head gesturing for Terry to get on
with it, the look on the young bovines muzzle one of shame and
disgust. As he opened his mouth allowing that hard cock to slid
inside, past those hot lips and over his rough bovine tongue. Before
being swallowed sliding down that newly trained throat, Mustafa's cock
had just came out of that throat just moments before. "Oh fuck girl...
Oho damn... not many can swallow ma cock like that." The Senator
moaned in delight, bucking and rutting that whorish mouth eagerly.
Terry closed his eyes tightly shut, so he wouldn't have to look up at
his cross dressed father rutting his muzzle. Big tears were rolling
slowly down the formerly arrogant American jocks cheeks, as he felt
more ashamed in that moment than ever had in his whole life.

"Wait... wait... wha... who." The Senator was moaning in shock, as he
felt his tail roughly lifted and a throbbing cock head pushed against
his tail hole. This wasn't a dildo... the big bull understood from the
pulsing and flexing that he was about to get the real thing. Something
the big bull had never been brave enough to do in his life, strong
hands gripped his hip's. As that well lubricated cock head began to
sink inside of him, the big bulls anus was well trained from having
taken huge dildos on numerous occasions. "No no no..." In the bulls
mind this hard cock could only belong to one furson, it was a
disgusting idea that his own son would be fucking him. "Terry...
please you can't." The powerful Senator begged weakly, plainly not
truly trying to stop his molester from rutting him. Apart of him
aroused by the idea that his son was fucking him, that hot ass hole
certainly was eagerly taking that huge hard cock. "Terry...Terry..."

"Guess again." Mustafa snickered into the big bulls ear, feeling that
eager hole clamp down tightly on his hard cock. As the big American
recognized the Princes voice at once, even as that thick cock throbbed
deep inside of him. Stroking over his sissy gland and making the big
bull moan in pleasure, his rump eagerly pushing back onto the young
antelopes hefty cock.

"Wha... Prince... Mustafa is tha you?" The Senator stammered
breathlessly, his mind reeling at what this development meant. Even as
what he considered to be a savage thief, whose family had stole a
whole country began to fuck him. The big bull had been buggered a lot
in his sixty three years, first by girlfriends and later by hired
professional females. But this was the first time he had ever felt a
real males cock inside of him, and he was stunned by how much more
pleasurable the real thing was. The young antelope slammed his hard
cock in and out of that welcoming hole brutally hard, making the big
American bull whimper in delight.

Deftly, Ari yanked off the older bull's blindfold, making the older
bovine blink for a moment. Senator Seabury glanced around the room
relit wildly, staring between the Prince, the unknown black ram and
the zebra girl with a huge horse cock dangling between her slender
thighs. It took him a moment to find his son kneeling between his
thighs, the young bull with his lips around his father's fat cock.
"Terry?!" The older bull spluttered shock, at discovering the whore
month that was taking his raging hard on so eagerly belonged to his
boy. "Son... son what are you... Ohooo gods, no.. no... don't." Trying
to retreat from that soft suckling muzzle, but Zalika was having none
of that. With both strong hands on his short clipped horns, the zebra
forced the thoroughly humiliated jock to take even more of his sire's
thick shaft.

"Ohoh, you sick... perverted bastards - oOohhh... fuck." The Senator
moaned as the young Prince slammed inside of him, causing him to buck
into his own boy's soft suckling muzzle. "L-Let me go this instant! I
am an U.S. Senato-OoHHH..FUK... FAGGOT." The sensations of pleasure
that hard cock was inspiring within his asshole, making the big older
bull rut his sons mouth involuntarily.

Ari laughed, as he watched the Prince deliberately angled his
thrusts... to toy with the older bull's prostate. Knowing the power
such pleasure had over a anal slut like this American, watching as the
older bull rutted his sons mouth all the more lustfully. "Oh, shut
up." Mustafa sneered, gripping the older males head and tugging it
around. "Americans... all you do is talk and talk and talk... until
some real male puts a dick in your mouth."

"Who are you calling a pervert anyway?" Ari challenged with a laugh as
he plucked at the frilly pink frock the older bull was wearing,
causing the older male to turn beet red in humiliation. At his naughty
secrets having been revealed to these foreign males, the powerful male
like to spend time as a sissy cock slut. The Senator's sissy getup
looked utterly ridiculous, next to the ram's finely tailored suit. "Ah
wait, I know just the thing." The ram left the good senator to writhe
uncomfortably for a moment, before returning with his signature
Stetson hat. Plopping it on the bull's head, Ari backed up a few paces
just to take in the spectacle.

"What is it they say about Texas... only steers and queers come from
there... Well it's pretty plain which one of those your son is..."
Prince Mustafa taunted lustfully, his sleek hip's pounding that thick
cock balls deep into the fat bull's wide backside.

"There... that's Better? I dare say the hat completes you... now
there's a familiar face!" Senator Seabury made a strangled cry, as he
finally noticed the phone in the zebra girl's hand. Was she doing a
live stream? A sudden terror of the world finding out about his
naughty desires, making the fat older bull shudder. It proved too much
for him, the older male grunting his head snapping back while his
hip's drove forwards. "Ohooo gods Terry your sucking soooo." The big
American moaned, as he unloaded into his own son's maw... feeling that
eager mouth gulp his cream down. The humiliation, coupled with the
tantalizing sight of his son's heavily muscled body squeezed into a
skimpy bikini was too much for him. He tried not to, but he just
couldn't hold back his torrent of cum. The young bull unable to
swallow it all, gagged softly as thick white seed spilled out the
corners of his mouth. Tear his eyes off those bobbing rump cheeks,
parted by the skimpy Stars and Stripes thong the Senator watched his
handsome son swallow. "Oh fuck boy... yer gulp it down like a true

It was a long moment before Zalika allowed Terry to pull off his
sire's fuck stick, the young male coughing and spluttering as he
retched over his mouthful of baby batter. The sexy zebra seized that
twitching cock, smacking the sloppy organ over the young male's
grimacing lips... just to drive home the point that he'd just sucked
off his dear old dad. Father/son bonding time would never be the same
ever again, whether it was sitting on the sofa watching football... or
looking over the back of a prostitute they were sharing. The two would
never be able to look each other in the eye, without remembering this
moment they saw the other giving in to their true desires.

"Wait, wait! Now wait just a minute here!" The older male panted in
panic, struggling to get control of the situation desperately.

"You thought you could come into my country... and fuck us." The young
Prince grunted harshly into the older American's ear, as he continued
to thrust into the larger bull. Each movement of that hard cock a
lustful reminder of who was rutting who, each thrust making the
Senator feel more and more submissive to the top male, as his own
powerful climax fast approached. "You think you can do whatever you
like because you schemed your way up? You politicians make me sick."
Senator Harland Seabury whimpered pathetically, as he took his first
ever load up his wide soft rump. The handsome Prince thrusting wildly,
before pressing himself against the bottom bull's sweaty back for a
long while. The powerful Senator had never felt so utterly
emasculated... so completely used like a cow whore. And yet as he felt
the younger stud's hot cum shoot inside of him, his deflated maleness
stirred beneath his frock at the treatment. The big bull whimpered as
he slipped deeper into the role of sissy cunt, giving himself over to
the pleasure of a true male.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget, Senator."
Prince Mustafa pulled out with a wet 'Pop' as he settled down on the
to the nearby sofa. Senator Seabury winced at the wetness between his
rump cheeks, the sore and sickly sensation unlike anything he'd ever
felt as his panties returned to settle between the cleft of his
cheeks. "You will give my father your full cooperation or else
everything done here this night will get out. Remember, I am a
Prince... I have all the most influential people in the world in my
phone book. Even your President... I have spent myself inside of both
of his daughters and they thanked me for it. But should this scandal
get out... you'll be lucky if he invites you out for another game of
golf. And your son? Hahah well, let's just say he is going to be
really popular for a long while in that fraternity of his." And there
it was... this young Arab Prince had just effectively branded the big
bulls his slaves. Father and son could refuse him nothing, Terry had
already proven his own servitude.

The passive bulls knelt obediently, as they were manhandled into
position. Both furry muzzles face to face with the antelope's erect
cock, while the black ram and the zebra both got into position behind

Father and son stare at each other in shocked shame, as their heads
rest on the Princes furry thigh's. "Here Terri... show your daddy how
you've learned to clean up a dirty cock." Prince Mustafa ordered,
smirking as the young bull reluctantly leaned in taking that throbbing
organ that had just came out of his sires ass into his mouth. "He
loves the taste better than cheese burgers... that's it show your
father how much like him you really are." The Prince sneered, stroking
the young bulls tear stained cheeks as the formerly excessively proud
jock began to fawn on his hard organ. "The poor thing has tried so
hard to be a true male... but he is just not one. Poor breeding... it
seems his sire is an utter pantywaist... no matter what he pretends to
be in public." Mustafa glanced over at the Senator, who was watching
his big jock son suck that dirty cock like a professional.

"Uuhuuu!" Terri lifted his head and let out a moan of pain, as that
thick zebra cock was forced up his tail hole. That look melting into a
daze pleasure filled smile, as his ass swallowed the full length of
pretty Zalika's huge black organ.

"Heheh." The Prince couldn't help chuckling, as he saw the disgust and
shame on the older bull's muzzle. It was the same look he had seen on
Terri's muzzle, as he saw his big sire cross dressed and made up.
"That's enough Terri dear... it's daddies turn now." The handsome
antelope sneered pulling the young bulls eager mouth away, while
pushing on the back of the Senators head. If he had thought the young
bovines mouth was eager, Mustafa almost choked as he felt the older
bovines hot mouth suckling on him. The Senator was plainly aroused in
the extreme, his soft mouth licking and lapping over every inch of the
handsome antelopes musky male organs. "Ohoo... someone really likes
sucking a dirty 'Sand nigga's' dick." Mustafa chuckled as he watched
the American wince, plainly he had used this slur more than once while
talking about the locals. "Terri here enjoys it so much, that he has
volunteered for a good will mission... He is going to travel all over
the UAE, sucking or getting fucked by every cock he can get."

"Wha... no he can't he might lose his place on the team..." The older
bull protested weakly, even as he licked up and down the Princes
throbbing erection with his rough bovine tongue. While Terri pushing
his head in licking and kissing the Princes hefty testicles, as he
sire sucked on that throbbing shaft.

"It will likely take some time, so he has informed the college that he
won't be able to play ball for them next year. He'll be more fit for
the cheerleader squad by the time he returns, like his father he
really is more of a cow than a bull." Mustafa sneered derisively, as
he watched Ari shove his thick fucker up the Senator's hole. The big
bull so use to being taken he hardly grunted at all, while Ari's
muzzle split into a wicked grin.

"Damn this hole has really been cunted... it's easily the most pussy
like crapper I've ever felt on a male. Riding that horse dildo so much
really paid off... you really are a total cow." Pulling off the bulls
hat, the black ram slipped it on his own head while yelling like an
American cowboy from the movies. Sleek strong hip's pounding that
stiff cock in and out of the effeminate bovine. "Don't worry we'll
send Terri home was a hole just as loose..." Ari promised with a
smirk, thinking that huge cock of Zalika's had the young bull well on
the way. The wicked ram not mentioning the plans the zebra had of
converting Terri into a transgender beauty like herself, or that the
Prince had agreed to pay for the operation if she got Terri to agree
to go full girl. Ari had little doubt they would be sending the
Senator home a daughter rather than a son, and a daughter well trained
by the Princes own cock. Gripping the older bull's soft round hip's,
Ari slammed his good sized cock into that loose fuck hole. Rutting the
powerful Politician just like he normally did females, each sharp
thrust making the big bull moan and whimper. Below his sizable belly
that long red bovine cock had risen to jut out stiffly, spurting pre-
cum onto the fat bovines sagging chest.

"Steers and Queers heh..." Ari chuckled reaching around that hefty
gut, to grip the Senators throbbing bull dick in one fist. Roughly
stroking it, as the big bovine suckled more and more eagerly on
Mustafa hard cock.


The sun was fast setting, by the time Zalika finally popped out of her
cream-filled mare-boy for the sixth time that day. All of them were a
sweaty mess, but only the zebra seemed to have the energy after
multiple rounds ravaging the two Americans. She didn't look the least
bit tired, as she attempted to get the young jock's oozing tail hole
in frame for her Snapchat. The bulls were a mess of creamy fluids,
father and son forced to kiss, suck and fuck each other for the past
hour just for the amusement of their foreign hosts. Their outfits were
a mess by this time of course, not that it mattered to anyone. The
once proud Americans, could barely look each other in the eye anymore,
after what they had seen within the other. Prince Mustafa emerged from
the kitchen with a glass of water, the desert air and his own exertion
had him feeling very dry.

"An impressive display sexual deviancy from the both of you, the apple
really doesn't fall far from the tree. Everything truly is bigger in
Texas, even your faggots it would seem." The Prince remarked with
bawdily wit, downing the glass in one long gulp... before setting it
aside. "Lucky for you, I am a busy fur or else I would've carried on
for a whole week." A wry smile slide across his lip's as he watched
their spent cock stiffen slowly at his words. "You should know I throw
the best parties - just ask Zalika - and I know at least a dozen of
your friends who are regular attendees. Oh, I think they would be
quite fond of bull riding." Once more those bovine cocks trembled,
while jerking up and down weakly at that thought.

The nude antelope padded over to the bungalow's small study, leaving
his two debauched guests sitting in the living space. In the center of
the room, he placed a small garbage can. It was about a quarter of the
way full of empty beer cans and junk food wrappers. Returning to the
other room, Mustafa strolled over in front of the pair dropping the
trash can. The loud 'THUMP' against the carpet caused the two bulls to
jump slightly, plainly the Americans were very nervous.

"Get up. Both of you." The Prince kicked the older bulls soft rump,
Senator Seabury's empty threats had stopped a long time ago. Now, the
broken male could only whimper as he rose to his hooves as the
handsome young male ordered.

"Please, we have done everything you asked." The portly older male
blubbered, making his son snort in shame at his sires wimpishness.
With his smeared makeup, and cum splatter muzzle the older bull looked
like a common used up whore.

"I am not done... that was an appetizer. Now we will discuss
business..." Prince Mustafa gestured, and Ari began to play the
recorded footage of the Senator and his son pleasuring each other
orally on the big screen TV. The two American bulls watched their own
debauchment, with a surprising amount of excitement. "The talks...
first you will give us those planes... in way of apology to my father
and then you will withdraw all sanctions on our kingdom. Then you will
take the first flight back to America... never ever come back here
again. As far as our kingdom is concerned, your schemes and
warmongering are at an end. You will do everything in your power to
avoid this part of the world. Do you understand?"

The passive bull only nodded his blocky head, like he'd just been
scolded by a parent. Terry could only watch in morbid fascination, at
how far his sire had fallen in a single day. "Wha... what about ma

"I have already told you what he will be doing... Now sand here around
the trash can, both of you are already hard that is good." Mustafa
pointed to the ground, around the garbage can where he wished to two
bovine to stand. It took the two males a moment to realize what he had
in mind, the older Senator's eyes widened in shock.

"This is ridiculous..." The older bull actually looked a little
outraged, at the indignity of being forced to jerk off into a garbage
can. Still with the video playing he understood that he really had no
choice but to obey the young antelope. And so the big bull began to
stroke his aching organ, thinking about all the females he had spurted
into over the years.

"You have spilled your worthless seed inside and on each other, as
well as most of this room." Prince Mustafa observed lightly, gesturing
to the video playing on the big screen. As both bulls spurted onto the
floor hands free as they with buggered in that ass by the Prince and
Zalika lustfully. "You will now put it where it truly belongs..." Ari,
Zalika chuckled at that, while Terri sobbed softly as he came to
realize the Prince was right about him and his sire.

"I don't deserve to sire... ever." The young bull moaned weakly, as he
felt Zalika kiss him on the cheek gently. Her strong hand gripping his
ass cheek, fingers sliding into his well stretched ass. Her lush body
felt good against him, as she leaned in nibbling on his ear.

"Don't worry sweetie... when I'm don't with you..." She giggled
wickedly while fingering his ass, watching as he eagerly pushing back
on her fingers. "You won't be able to sire."

"Wha... really?" Terri moaned in delight as those fingers found his
magic button, pressing it over and over again.

"That's right sweetie... we'll get rid of these nasty old cock and
balls." Zalika promised as she saw the young jock's eye glaze over
with pleasure, as her fingers stroked his sissy gland. "We'll put a
nice deep hole between your legs... and find you a real male to rut
it. We both know how you like to have something big and hard inside of

"Fuck me... oho fuck me again." Terri begged as those finger slid out
of his ass, and the huge flare of that zebra cock pushed against his
eager butt hole. The young bull happily thrust himself back onto that
massive fucker, moaning sluttishly as he impaled himself.

"Sweet Terri is going to be in good hands." Mustafa sneered to the
Senator as he watched the zebra and young bull going at it again. Not
that it seemed to bother Ari any, he had enjoyed the sexy female a
great deal.

"Aww Gods... Awww damn..." Senator Seabury was moaning, as his big
hand flew up and down the length of his throbbing shaft. He was far to
aroused, to wonder what his son and the zebra were whispering about
just across from him. As he watched the pretty striped shemale fucked
another orgasm out of his son, Terri's small cock spurting that pearly
cream into the mess of trash in the can. "Ohooo fuck oho fuckin'
hell." The older bovine bellowed as he watch his boys cum running down
the garbage, his own big balls tightening up within their sack.
"MMMMAOAA..." It was a fairly good imitation of a bull, as his thick
potent seed joined his off springs splattering in the trash. Slowly
the exhausted bovine sank to his knees, panting and whimpering softly.

Slowly, they watched as the two males desperately tugged on their
maleness: the two of them trying their hardest to will their balls to
produce more calf batter. Father and son were left barely standing as
the two of them finally half-collapsed into each other's embrace.
Senator Seabury could do nothing, has his former jock of a son gently
leaned in for a deep kiss.

From her purse, Zalika produced two identical steel chastity devices;
both of which were deftly affixed to their spent maleness. The Senator
blubbered a protest around his son's fawning lips, but he could do
nothing as he the tall zebra locked away his favorite toy. The two of
them grunted, spluttering as their hips were forced together: their
tender sacs pressing together uncomfortably as the zebra girl
connected father and son with a heavy duty padlock. Handcuffs were
then fastened to their wrists so that they were stuck embracing each

"Owwww... You fucking bitch!" The older bull groaned in distress. as
his huge balls tugged painfully with every small movement. Neither of
them could even sit down after their ordeal: both of them forced to
jerk and tremble in place supporting each other.

At that moment, the black ram returned from his brief exodus: closing
the sliding doors behind him before heading straight for the master
bedroom. The bag of toys was quickly dragged out to the living room,
as the Senator moaned in horror at seeing it in the hands of the
foreign ram.

"I will leave you now, Senator. But I dare say your night isn't over."
Prince Mustafa smirked, knowing that Ari had arranged to let the pair
in bondage to their own security detail.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" The Senator moaned weakly,
looking at the Prince was a look that was obviously pleading for

"Perhaps a little preview. Ari?" The black ram was busy. emptying the
last of the filled condoms into a small baby bottle.

"This one is from your reptilian friend... fresh from the tap." The
ram commented with a lewd smirk, as he pinched the last dollops out of
the used rubber.

"Wait, what? What's going on? Who are they with?" The young jock
stammered in confusion, as he picked up a whiff of a very familiar

"It's a surprissssseee..." Ari said teasingly as he screwed on the
rubber nipple, before grabbing some discarded pantyhose.

"No, get away from me! You can't do-MFHGHH!" Swiftly, the smaller ram
pressed the nipple between the older bull's lips, before wrapping the
silky garment around the Senator's blunt bovine muzzle. With the
bulbous head firmly seated in his muzzle, the older bull could do
nothing... but writhe as the bottle full of cum weighed down his

"Your jaw is going to be really sore, really fast if you don't start
drinking." The older bull screamed around the slurry of male seed
leaking into his mouth. The younger jock on the other hand accepted
his cum covered pacifier with much more docility. Lifting both their
tails roughly, Ari packed father and son's used rumps full. With used
condoms, before finally leaving each of them with a vibrating egg
pressed against their tortured prostates.

"Take care, Senator." The Prince said with an air of finality, as he
turned and strolled towards the door. "I'm famished... I think some
Japanese is in order." He called to Ari and their zebra companion over
his shoulder, utterly ignoring the bull's now.

"I just had Japanese yesterday. How about Korean?" Zalika piped up as
she redressed, unwrapping a fresh stick of gum and popping it into her
mouth as she did.

"Seriously? You don't even like kimchi." Mustafa snorted in annoyance,
even as the zebra smiled at him softly.

"What about Italian? London had the most disappointing Italian places.
Or how about burgers? You were talking about burgers earlier." Ari
inquired, as he joined in on the conversation while watch the Senator
begin to suckle on that bottle draining it slowly.

"You always complain about soy meat. Ugh, for god's sake - you people
are worse than Emira." The Prince led the procession out the front
door, as they continued to bicker about what to have for dinner. The
two bulls were left alone. with nothing but slow sensual tunes still
piping out of the expensive stereo. The two of them tensed as they
heard footsteps and laughter, before the front door was thrown wide


"Terry!?" The short husky girl snorted in derision, as she spotted the
two of them huddled together.

The young jock spluttered around his pacifier, before spitting it out
as he realized who the security team had used those condoms on. "V-
Veronica!? Wha-What are you doing here?!"

"See, I told you, babe." Henry sneered at the pair of tied up bulls,
the tall handsome lion looking down at them with open disgust.
"Nothing but a bunch of wimps." He paused for a moment, looking Terry
in the eye watched the young bull lower his gaze submissively.

"Oho... oh Veronica how could you..." Terry whimpered, knowing that
his girlfriend had just be gang banged by the security detail, while
he had never gotten more that a paw job from her.

"Shut up fag... if I want lip from you I'll jiggle my zipper."
Smirking, the leonine male pulled down his zipper down and up
teasingly before at last taking his barbed feline fucker out. Gripping
the back of Terry head in one hue paw, he pulled the young bovine
lip's to his cock. 'Slurp' Instantly those bovine lip's wrapped around
his hard on, suckling eagerly as the big lion shared a grin with the
pretty husky bitch.


"I would like ta take this opportunity ta apologize, ta our friend the
King for any delay on my part in getting his people the aassistance
they need." The big bull was holding his hat in his hands, as he
addressed the crowd of reports and press from around the world. "Like
a oasis in the vast desert, his land of a peaceful rock of stability
in a war torn region. We the U.S. are most grateful ta have him as a
friend, and wish him nothing but peace and happiness in the future.
American has a long history of helping those who deserve it, we have
rebuild nations that we defeated in war. How could we in good
conscience not help so regal and valorous friends as these, it is for
this reason that I am going to recommend ta congress that the sale of
fighter craft commence at once." The crowd of reports began to clamor
in surprise, the Senator was known to very rarely reverse his position
on things.

"Senator... Senator... Dick Lemon CNN. Isn't this a reversal of your
position... what brought about this change in position sir?" The
Dachshund hound ask, with a look of shock on his pointed canine

"Well Dick... it's easy ta make a poor decision, if you have not got
all the facts." The big bull was actually chiding the reporter, like
it was somehow him at fault in the matter. "Comin' over here...
getting my boots on the ground... seein' the lay of things for myself.
Well I'd be a fool... ta not take this first hand information inta

"And the Senator is many things, but he is no fool." Prince Mustafa
chimed in from just behind the big bull, making the crowd chuckled

"Heh heh heh... the Prince is certainly a wit... you must be very
proud of him." The big bull commented to the King, who was just
smiling and nodding his head in agreement in the back ground. This was
Mustafa's show, and his father was watching it in wonder just like
everyone else. "At any rate, it saddens me to have to cut my visit to
your beautiful land short." The Senator went on with his prepared
remarks quickly, naming the modern marvels of the kingdom before
ending with. "However I am needed back in Washington, it is amazing
how much work can pile up on a fella. I just want to take this
opportunity to thank my friend the King and the Prince here before I
go." King Suleiman stepped forwards then taking the big bulls hand,
before kissing his cheeks once again. The Prince followed suit just as
openly friendly as his sire, even if he felt the big bull tense up a
bit. And then to his surprise he felt the Senators hand cup his groin,
the big bull getting one last feel before departing. As his security
detail pushed through the crowd of reports, they shouted even more
questions out of him.

"Senator where is your son?" Seabury glanced around at the reports
darkly, as he was ushered towards his waiting SUV.

"Is it true that he is on a goodwill mission for you in the UAE?" The
Senators press secretary jumped in quickly, answering that Terry was
so taken with the area that he wanted to see more of it.

"How long it he likely to stay?" Once again the press secretary
answered, stating that it was completely up to the young bull. Quickly
the Senator was helped into the massive Chevy, which quickly sped off
towards the airport.


In the car riding back to the palace, King Suleiman fixed his youngest
son with a steely gaze as they rode in silence.

"What?" Prince Mustafa asked exasperated after a while, even as the
older antelope sat back comfortably.

"I supposed it's no coincidence... that the Senator suddenly decides
to retract everything and leave." It is not a question and Mustafa
understands that at once, his father is waited to hear his

"Oh, give me a break father... they didn't give me any other choice. I
saved the kingdom you know it. Isn't that what matters, haven't you
always said the kingdom comes first. End of story... I should have a
hospital named in my honor." The young Prince grumbled, glancing out
the window as the skyscrapers were swiftly pasted by. He wondered how
the Senator was still standing, after a whole night of being ravaged
by his own security detail. His own hips were still sore, from all the
thrusting they had done into first Terry and then the older bull.

"Just... try not to do it this way again. I can't say I'm fond of your
sheep friend or his methods of diplomacy." The King observed with a
slightly amused smirk, happy that he could declare himself innocent in
the matter.

"Is this about Saia?" The Prince asked with a sigh, well aware of his
father's distaste with his pet. Their conversations always seemed to
circle back around, to the present he had received from the black ram.

"Why won't you return him to America?" He has family for crying out
loud, the King admonished not unkindly. "Honestly... in my day, we
were happy with feral pets."

"Did you fuck them?"

"Mustafa... really!"


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Notice that Chapter 7 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.