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Some vacation, huh? Part 1

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Gertrude, the sexy secret agent for the German intelligence agency, the Abwehr, stood before a large poster bed that was set in the center of a very well kept hotel room. The redheaded Teutonic mare, who was clothed in a half-cup black corset, her firm nipples presently exposed to the room’s cool air, and panties number, along with a pair of black garters that were attached to the aforementioned corset, which were, in turn, holding up a pair of black fishnet stockings, as well as a pair of black low-heel shoes, looked towards the bed. She saw laying atop it another female fur, this one a redheaded female bovine. The brown-furred cow, presently lying spread-eagled astride the bed, and strapped down to it by some very thick ropes, wore upon her own voluptuous form only a pair of beige crotchless pantyhose. As she looked at the tied-up heifer, the buxom mare said to her in a semi-angry tone, “So, Fraulein Moo, du still refuse to tell both mein partner, Agent 13, und ich, der location of ihr boss’, Herr Goldenrod, secret hideout!”

Moo looked back at the mare. In a defiant tone, her eyes blazing with anger, she told the buxom secret agent, “Never! I refuse to squeal on my boss, moooo,” while at the same time quickly moving her tail back and forth, in a very angry way.

The mare smirked at the defiant female bovine, as she started to look past the tied-up cow. “Ich guess dat means dat du leave us ne choice den, mein dear. Ve vill thus haff to hump dat vital information out off du, ja?” She then added, as she looked at the figure who stood behind Ms. Moo, “Du know vat to do, Agent 13, ja?”

The person in question, Agent 13, a member of Britain’s counter-intelligence agency, MI-6, and presently in the nude, stood behind the very defiant bovine. The brunette-haired Clydesdale stallion, after grabbing hold of the cow’s still waving tail so that he could move it out of the way, was presently positioning his thirteen-inch erection until he had it placed directly at the entrance to Moo’s wet snatch, which he had been teasing just moments ago with his expert tongue while Gertrude had unsuccessfully interrogated Ms. Moo. With a naughty smile upon his handsome visage, he said to the brunette-haired mare, “Wit, pleasure, lassie,” as he started to slowly press his hard erection into the buxom cow’s tight pussy.

Moo’s eyes went wide the very instant she began to feel the stallion’s hard thirteen-inch cock start to enter her vagina. “Aaahhh, you can’t make me, ooohhh, betray my boss, cunt!!!” she defiantly announced to Gertrude, as she slowly began to feel more and more of the stallion’s hard meat easily slip itself into her wet cunny.

“Ich dink otherwise, mein dear. Agent 13 here has der uncanny ability off makink even der most stubborn off frauleins to eventually happily squeal vatever information dey know once dey haff fully experienced his thirteen-inch fun rod inside deir bodies,” quipped Gertrude, as she watched the stallion begin to slowly slide his cock backwards after having pushed it almost halfway inside the redheaded female bovine’s sex. “Und, from vat ich haff heard about du, Fraulein Moo, dat shouldn’t take too long.” She then looked at the stallion and nodded her head.

After seeing the mare’s nod, the stallion swiftly placed his hooves upon both sides of the big bovine femme’s thick waist, as he kept moving his hard cock in and out of her tight snatch, doing it for now at a very slow pace, while listening to Moo’s slowly getting lustier moans of pleasure. Agent 13 naughtily smiled, as he happily enjoyed listening to the sounds that his cock thrusting was causing her to make, before he began to thrust his thirteen-inch cock at an even faster pace inside her sex, slowly moving it faster and faster with each hard thrust that he made until he was beginning to slam his groin hard against the now moaning louder cow’s bouncing ass cheeks. “Yeah, aaaaahhhhh, take it all, ye naughty little tramp!” the Scottish-born stallion said to Moo, as he heard her start to moo even more lustily in response to his hard cock thrusts.

Moo, as she felt the brunette-haired stallion’s thick thirteen-incher constantly slam itself in and out of her now tightening sex, proceeded to moan loudly in time to each hard thrust, feeling her resolve slowly slipping away. “No, aaahhhh, mustn’t talk, oooohhh, no matter, hhhhmmm, how good it feels. Must, aaaaaahhhh, remain loyal to, hhhhmmmm, Goldenrod!!!”

Gertrude, as she watched Agent 13 fuck Moo’s tight pussy, had, in the meantime, slowly walked over to a chair that was set against the wall on the opposite side of the room. On that chair was placed a large black satchel. Upon reaching it, the Germanic-born mare placed her right hoof into the opened bag, soon rummaging inside it, until she had finally found what she had been looking for. The buxom redheaded mare quickly pulled out of the bag a black strap-on, which included a fifteen-inch rubber dildo. The secret agent mare then looked at the plastic strap-on for a while, before she brought it up to her pretty face. Gertrude looked at the top of the plastic head of the dildo for a time, before she finally gave it several long, naughty licks, as she went back to watching the stallion fuck the now loudly mooing cow with his erection. After giving the dildo one last long lick, she stopped. The Rhenish mare then began to lower the device, as she prepared to put the sexual device on. As the buxom redhead started to put a leg through one of the straps, she looked back at Moo. “Are you now ready to reveal his present location to us, slut?”

“Never! Aaahhhhh, god, it feels so good, but I mustn’t betray, ooohhh, my boss!!!!” answered the still defiant redheaded cow, as she began to feel her pussy muscles starting to tighten even more firmly around the Scottish-stallion’s hard thrusting cock.

“Come on, lassie, oooohhhh, reveal his hideout to us, aahhhh, else million of people will die. Do ye ooohhh, god yes, want tat on yer hhhhmm, conscious?” queried the brown-haired stallion, as he continued to thrust his hard cock in and out of the still loudly moaning cow’s tight sex, while he felt her sex tighten itself even more firmly around his thrusting cock. He then felt her vaginal muscles release some of its hot love juice upon his thirteen-inch love weapon, thus allowing him to slam his hard cock even faster inside her snatch.

Gertrude shook her head in obvious disappointment as she finished putting on the strap-on. She then looked at it for a while, seeing how it easily matched the color of her outfit, before she looked back at the moaning even harder Moo. “Come on, slut, tell us the location of Goldenrod’s secret hideout!!! Du can’t hold out must longer from Agent 13’s hard cock!!” As she said that, the brunette-haired mare positioned herself until she had the dildo placed directly in front of Ms. Moo’s moaning visage.

“Never!!!” stubbornly announced Moo, before she let loose with a very loud moo as she felt the stallion’s cock slam itself even harder against her cervix, as it now tried to enter her womb. At the same time, the redheaded bovine could feel her pussy muscles sucking even tighter around Agent 13’s massive erection, trying to force it even deeper within her tight sex, as it released even more of its hot love juice onto his large hard-on. “By the goddess, this feels so good, aaaahhhhhh, but I just can’t, oooohhh, betray Goldenrod! I love him!!!”

The stallion released a light whinny, as he kept slamming his thick cock within the still resisting heifer’s tight snatch, as he now felt its head constantly slam itself against the entrance to her womb. “Come on, lassie, tell us his location!!! Aaaahhhh, ye love ‘im? Ye love a cad who we all know ‘ad already two time ye by goin’, aaahhhh, out wit other lassies, includin’ Agent 0069 ‘ere, while she was workin’ undercover? ‘e be, oooohhh, nay worthy of ye’s loyalty, lassie,” said Agent 13, as he felt his cock fire some of its hot pre into the loud moaning bovine’s cunny.

“You lie!!! Aaaahhh!!! He does so love me!!!” said the still defiant cow, before she released a low moo in response to her feeling Agent 13’s warm pre starting to enter her wet pussy, just as tears began to slowly stream down her face. “He told me so himself!!!”

“Sorry, mein dear, but Agent 13 ist quite correct. He took me out on a date just last night, und he tried very hard to find some vay to ram his golden rod into mein holes. Ich had to be very quick on mein feet to keep his fingers off of mein hot bod mitout me blowink mein cover. But, back to der business at hand. Tell us his hide out. NOW!!!!” The buxom mare snorted loudly, as she waited for a response from the moaning cow, while starting to lose her patient.

The stallion continued to slam his hard erection inside the still mooing bovine’s sex, as he could feel its muscles tightening even harder around his thrusting member. This soon caused him to push his thirteen-inch weapon even harder inside the bovine femme’s tight snatch, trying to force it to go inside her womb. “Come on, lassie, oooohhh, talk. Aaaaahhh, were be Goldenrod ‘idin’?!?” he asked her, as he felt even more of his pre exit his cock and go into the still moaning cow’s snatch.

“No, I’m still, hhhhmmmm, loyal to Goldenrod. Aaaaahhhh, no matter how good, ooohhhh, this feels, I will not betray him, even if, hhhhhhmmmm, he has two-timed me with other women,” Ms. Moo replied, a few more tears slowly falling down her pretty face, as she felt even more of her pussy juice exit her tight sex, while at the same time starting to feel the head of the stallion’s cock begin to enter her cervix.

Gertrude shook her head once again. “Still beink stubborn, hhhhhmmmm, Fraulein Moo? Ich guess du thus leaves me very little choice den.” With that, the mare moved her left hoof, quickly placing it upon the cow’s red hair, and slowly raised the bovine femme’s head upwards until she had it placed level with her strap-on. She then proceeded to push her sexy hips forward until she was beginning to push the head of the black dildo into the stubborn cow’s mouth. As she watched the strap-on slowly enter Moo’s naughty mouth, Gertrude said to Agent 13, “Let’s see iff ve can make her so sexually aroused dat she vill be more dan villink to tell us everythink, ja, 13?” After saying that, she started to push the dildo even deeper into Ms. Moo’s mouth, before she stopped. The brunette-furred mare then began to pull her fake cock back out of the cow’s now sucking mouth. As she began to see the redheaded bovine’s mouth start to suck on her fake fifteen-inch erection, just as more of the black plastic dick exited the bovine’s mouth, Gertrude cooed, “Ja, dat’s it, slut, start suckink on mein big, black cock. Hhhmmm, du like dat, ja?”

Upon hearing the redheaded mare’s command, Agent 13 nodded his head once more. Then, with a hard thrust, he proceeded to move his cock inside the cow’s tight pussy at an even faster pace, causing it to bounce even faster against Moo’s firm ass. “Aaaahhhh, take it all, ye nasty li’l slut!!!” he said to the cow, as he started to move his hooves upward from the redheaded bovine’s waist and towards her 42D breasts. As he released a low, lusty whinny, Agent 13 proceeded to get a firm grip upon the pair and was soon giving them a firm squeeze, his fingers soon starting to play with their hard nipples. “Ooohhhh, yes, ride me, slut!!! Hhhmmm, ah’m goin’ ta make ye so sexually ‘appy dat du’ll forget dat ye be workink for dat cad, Goldenrod!!!” The stallion then released another low whinny, as he felt his cock fire some more pre into Moo’s sucking pussy, this time with it entering the moaning cow’s womb.

The buxom redheaded cow, no longer releasing tears down the side of her face, was lightly moaning onto the dildo of Gertrude’s sliding strap-on, as she continued to feel Agent 13’s hard meat slamming itself inside her tight pussy from behind. With each of the two equines hard thrusts, Moo was slowly losing her resolve, as she felt herself becoming hornier and hornier, especially feeling horny for the stallion’s hard erection. .oO(Aaaahhh, yes, hhhhhmmmm, fuck me, stud, ooohhhh, yeah, hhhhmmmm, turn me on with that big, thick cock of yours!!!) she thought to herself, as she proceeded to move her thick tongue back and forth along the length of the mare’s now thrusting dildo. She soon began to gasp onto the fake erection as she felt the brunette-furred Clydesdale’s strong hooves start to first squeeze, and then play with her firm boobs and their taut nipples, before she began to feel his pre enter her womb, causing her pussy muscles to start squeezing even harder upon his hard cock. .oO(YES!!!! Aaahhhhhhh, fuck me!!!!) she hornily thought to herself between their hard thrusts, her rump starting to react to his hard thrusts, as her nasty mouth continued to suck on Gertrude’s sliding strap-on.

As Gertrude kept sliding her fake cock back and forth inside Moo’s sucking mouth, she soon noticed that the brunette-furred bovine was slowly getting hornier with each of their hard thrusts. The redheaded mare smiled as she watched the cow become hornier, as she continued to thrust the strap-on back and forth between Moo’s sucking lips. “Yeah, slut, keep sucking on my thick ‘cock’. Ooooohhhh, ja, show me how much du love it, du naughty little cow. Ich’m bettink dat now du be villink to tell us anythink we ask about Goldenrod’s hideout, won’t du, slut?!?” She then saw Moo’s tongue wrap itself around her dildo as she started to pull it back again. Smiling, she added, “Oh, ja, anythink ve vant, hhhmmm?” She then lightly giggled.

Meanwhile, Agent 13 continued to pump his cock in and out of Moo’s tight womb, while he also continued to feel her tight pussy muscles sucking themselves even harder around his thick erection. At the same time, his hooves kept on rubbing and squeezing on her firm boobs, as he enjoyed how they both felt inside his hooves. With each hard thrust that he made against the female bovine’s still bouncing ass, Agent 13 could feel both of his balls starting to fill up with his seed. The stallion then gasped in response to another hard squeeze of the cow’s pussy muscles upon his thirteen-inch hard meat, before he announced, to both of them, as he felt his cock fire some more pre into Ms. Moo’s sex, “Aaaahhh, ah’m goink to soon lose it, ooohhhh, slut!!!” He then started to really slam his cock against her firm rump, feeling his balls bouncing even harder against Moo’s ass cheeks, while at the same time feeling the brunette bovine’s firm ass starting to move itself against his hard thrusting cock.

Moo gasped and moaned onto the sexy mare’s sliding dildo as she continuously felt the Clydesdale stallion’s hard meat slam itself even harder inside her sex, while his hooves firmly squeezed on her big, firm breasts. As her mouth sucked on Gertrude’s fake cock, her tongue proceeding to lick on its head, the brunette cow femme could feel her pussy muscles release even more of her hot cunt juice onto Agent 13’s hard-on, allowing it to move even deeper inside her womb. As she moved her ass cheek as best she could, since she was still firmly tied to the bed, against the brunette-haired stallion’s hard thrusting cock, she began to feel herself getting ready to go over the edge, just as she heard the male Clydesdale equine announce to them of both that he was also about ready to explode. She then suddenly released her grip upon Gertrude’s dildo. As soon as the plastic cock was no longer in her mouth, she announced to them both, “Okay, aaaahhhhh, I’ll tell, I’LL TELL, mmmmooooo, just keep fucking, oooohhhhhh, me good, you stud horse, you!!! Hhhhhmm, I have never been fucked this, mmmmmmooooo, good before!!! Not even by Goldenrod!!!!” she told them in a lusty voice.

Gertrude kept on sliding her strap-on in and out of Moo’s mouth, watching the redheaded bovine’s dirty mouth suck on it. “Ooooh, so, du like suckink on mein big ‘cock’, hmmm, slut? Oh, ich’m bettink dat du vished dat it vas un real cock, und dat it vas fuckink du as well as Agent 13 ist fuckink du right now, ja?” Gertrude asked Moo with a naughty grin, before she looked at Agent 13. The buxom redheaded spy mare watched the stallion joyously slamming his hard cock against the horny bovine’s bouncing rump, while noticing her trying to react to his hard thrusts with her tied down hips. “Ja, fuck her gut, 13,” she told the stallion, just as she heard him announce to them both that he was about ready to cum. The buxom redheaded mare then started to feel Moo’s sucking mouth start to release its grip upon her fast moving dildo. She then looked down at Moo, just in time to see her strap-on exit the now very horny bovine’s mouth. This surprised her at first, until she heard Moo lustily announce that she was now willing to tell them both where Goldenrod’s hideout was located. With a smile, she queried, “Und dat vould be vhere, Fraulein Moo?”

“Aaaaaahhhh, the, ooohhhhh, Matter…..hhhmmm, the Matterhorn in, ooohhhh, yes, fuck me, stud, in Switzerl…aaaaaahhhhhh, so good, in Switzerland. He has a cabin, mmmooo, there, located near the….hhhhmmmm, base of the moooooooo…mountain!!!” announced Moo, as she could feel herself getting closer to orgasm as well.

Gertrude smiled, then looks back at Agent 13. “Vell, since she’d finally cooperated, 13, du might as vell reward her. Bring her off, gut, ja?” She then watched the stallion as he continued to fuck the now finally cooperative cow for a while, before she began to approach Moo’s right hoof. After stopping next to the rope, she placed her hooves upon its knot. The brunette-furred mare then began to untie the knot, doing so effortlessly. As the rope came off of the cow’s arm, she walked towards her left hoof to do the same with that particular rope.

The stallion nodded as he heard Gertrude’s orders. He quickly moved his body so that he could start releasing the knot upon Moo’s right leg. Agent 13, as he continued to thrust his cock in and out of Ms. Moo’s wet pussy, removed his hooves from both of her breasts and then placed them upon the knot of the rope on her right leg. With little effort, as the buxom mare began to undo the knot on the bovine’s left arm, he quickly undid the knot on her right leg. As that rope fell onto the floor, after bouncing against the bed, Agent 13 then proceeded to undo the rope on her left leg. Although the knot refused to untie at first, the brunette-haired stallion soon had it untied as well, so that Gertrude was now no longer tied down onto the bed. Once that had been accomplished, the horny stallion reached down, got a very firm grip upon her body and began to pull the still moaning bovine towards him, after he had finished moving his own body forward so that he was now resting upon his strong legs on top of the bed. He then started to kiss the lusty cow’s pretty neck, as his firm hooves went back to her big boobs, soon starting to squeeze them once again.

Ms. Moo, as she continued to feel the stallion’s hard cock enter her snatch, began to feel the ropes being removed from her limbs, first her arms, and then her legs, after the stallion had released her 42D breasts. As she had released a loud moo in response to one of Agent 13’s hard thrusts within her snatch, the now lusty bovine started to feel the stallion’s strong hooves get a very firm grip upon her sexy form, before she started to feel her body being pulled upwards until she could feel her sexy back resting itself against the stallion’s very strong chest and abs as he continued to fuck her pussy in that position. After releasing another loud moo, she said to him, “Hhhhhmmm, you feel so strong, Agent, aaahhhhhh, 13. Ooooohhhh, and so, big!!!” before she could feel his hooves once more grabbing for her big boobs and then giving them a very firm squeeze. At the same time, the brunette-furred bovine femme began to feel Agent 13’s mouth kissing against the back of her neck. This soon caused Moo to release a rather loud moo, as she could feel some more of her pussy juice exiting her cunny. “Yes, 13, fuck me!!!!” she said to him, as she ponders how much more she could take before she finally came.

Gertrude was soon finished untying Ms. Moo’s left hoof. As she released the rope, which very quickly fell onto the floor, the Rhenish mare looked back at both the brunette-furred bovine femme and the brunette-haired Clydesdale stallion, whom she noted had just finished untying the heifer’s shapely legs. She then watched him position himself behind the cow on the bed, before he moved her body back so that it was soon resting itself against his strong chest, his mouth now kissing her neck as his hooves were once again playing with her shapely-formed breasts and nipples. She then went back to the black bag on the chair. Upon reaching it, the redheaded mare proceeded to search inside it until she had found what she had been looking for, a small plastic bottle that was filled with a lubricant. She quickly opened the bottle and proceeded to pour some of the lubricant onto the dildo. Gertrude then stopped. After closing the bottle and putting it back into the bag, she placed her right hoof onto the dildo and was soon rubbing the lubricant back and forth along the length of the fake cock until she thought that she had rubbed it enough for what she has planned to do next. Once she was done, Gertrude went back to the bed, whereupon she saw that the stallion was now lying upon it, his strong hooves still rubbing the horny cow’s big boobs, as he thrusted his cock in and out of her tight snatch, with the pair looking like they were both about ready to sexily explode. Smiling, she said to the stallion, “Turn Ms. Moo around, 13. Ich plan to fill her other hole up mit mein ‘cock’.” She then waited for Agent 13 to do as she had requested.

The stallion continued to shove his thirteen-inch erection in and out of the now more cooperative Ms. Moo’s sucking snatch, while he kept on kissing her neck and rubbing her big boobs with his hooves as he listened to her lusty comments. Blushing a bit, he stopped kissing her neck, and said to the mooing redheaded heifer, “Thankee for tae compliment, lassie.” After a few more hard thrusts inside the horny cow’s womb, which resulted in him releasing even more of his hot pre into her tight cunt, he heard Gertrude’s order to him to turn Ms. Moo’s body around so that she could put her strap-on dildo into the bovine’s tight ass. The stallion quickly nodded his head in understanding, and after moving his hooves away from the female bovine’s big breasts and onto her sexy waist, he proceeded in slowly turning the horny cow around, until he soon had her facing him, as she continued to ride him in the pony position. Once he had Ms. Moo in place, Agent 13 pulled her upper body closer to his until he had her 42D breasts right in front of his face. With a happy smile, the Clydesdale stallion proceeded to move his mouth forward until he had it placed directly onto her left teat and began to suckle on her firm breast with his tongue, which soon caused the horny bovine to moo even louder, as he began to feel her hips slamming themselves even harder against his groin. .oO(*Grunt* Aye, aaahhhhh, be ridin’ me claymore, lass!!!)

Moo moaned loudly in lusty joy as she continued to ride the stallion’s big dick, her firm rump moving itself hard against his thrusting groin, as she continued to feel his mouth kissing upon the back of her neck while his strong hooves kept on rubbing her firm breasts. “Yes, aahhhh, fuck me,” she loudly gasped, as she heard Agent 13’s response to her earlier comment, which caused her to smile, before she heard Gertrude tell him to turn her body around so that she could enter the brunette-furred cow’s back door with her strap-on dildo. This made the female bovine smile even wider, as she couldn’t wait to feel both of her holes being stuffed by the two equines before she released a light gasp as she felt the stallion release his grip upon her fun bags. The redheaded cow then felt him start to turn her body around until she was finally facing his strong chest, as she now rode him in the regular pony position. Moo then felt Agent 13 pull her body forward until she was soon seeing her firm breasts swaying in front of the stallion’s eager mouth. The buxom bovine then saw the brunette-haired stallion’s mouth start to wrap itself around her left breast, while at the same time she felt the head of the Germanic mare’s fake hard-on start to enter her anus. “Oooohhh, aaaahhhh, fuck my holes, hhhhmmmm, yes, fuck me, aaaahhhh, good!!!” she announced to the two, as she proceeded to feel more and more of the phony cock enter her rear love hole, while at the same time she felt the stallion’s mouth sucking hard upon her left breast. Ms. Moo soon released another loud moan, as she felt her pussy released some more of its hot juice over the stallion’s thrusting cock, as she now felt both her anal and pussy muscles start to work over both cocks, trying to bring off the real one while pleasing the fake one. “Yes, aaahhhh, fuck me!!!!”

Gertrude smiled as she watched Agent 13 put Moo into position to receive her strap-on dildo. She then moved herself quickly across the bed until she finally found herself seated directly behind the horny female bovine’s firm rump. The Teutonic mare then proceeded to place the head of her fake fifteen-inch cock against the redheaded cow’s back door and for a short while rubbed it back and forth across her anus, teasing Moo’s rectum as she did so. When she was finally ready to thrust it inside, Gertrude stopped and slowly moved her body forward, as she began to push her dildo into the moaning cow’s tight anus, soon causing Ms. Moo to release a rather loud moo of joy. “Oooohh, do du like der feel off mein ‘cock’ inside ihr back door, hhhmmm, slut? Ja, du like der feel off it as it opens up ihr tight ass,” the buxom mare commented as she pressed more and more of her fake cock inside the buxom bovine femme’s rear. When she had the fake cock placed halfway inside Moo’s ass, she stopped. Gertrude then slowly started to move the strap-on back out, as she could feel the stallion’s own hard forward thrusts inside Ms. Moo’s wet pussy. “Ja, fuck her gut, 13,” the redheaded mare told the brunette-haired stallion, as she kept on pulling the plastic dildo out of Ms. Moo’s anus. Once she had all but the head of the strap-on out of Moo’s rear door, she stopped again, now leaving only the dildo’s head inside the redheaded cow’s rectum. Gertrude left it there for a while, as she enjoyed listening to Moo’s moans of lusty joy in response to the stallion’s continuous hard thrusts inside her cunny. She then placed her hooves firmly onto Moo’s ass cheeks, and once she was ready, began to thrust her hips forward until she could feel her groin start to bounce itself off of the horny bovine femme’s firm ass. “Ja, hhhmmm, ride mein cock, slut. Ooohhhh, ja, ve are goink to make du come gut und hard, du horny slut!!!!” she said to the cow, as she began to slowly match Agent 13’s own hard thrusts inside the still mooing bovine femme’s tight pussy.

Agent 13 continuously slammed his hard thirteen-inch monster in and out of the loudly moaning female bovine’s womb, as he moaned upon her big left breast as he kept on sucking on it as he felt her tight pussy suck even harder on his erection. .oO(Yes, hhhmmm, ride me cock, ye horny slut!!!!) the brunette-haired stallion thought, as he saw Gertrude start to slide her fake cock inside Moo’s tight ass, shortly followed by him seeing the red-headed mare’s begin to pull the fifteen-inch faux erection back out, while he continued to hump Moo’s tight cunt. As his mouth started to suck even harder on the brunette-haired bovine’s taut left nipple, Agent 13 could feel his cock fire some more of its warm pre into Ms. Moo’s tight womb. He then began to feel Gertrude starting to thrust her own hips hard against the moaning bovine cow’s back door, while he kept on fucking her hard thrusting pussy. After a few more hard thrusts, the Clydesdale stallion began to feel his balls filling up with even more of his hot spunk, as he felt himself finally getting close to orgasm. He then released the horny cow’s teat, while yelling, “Oooooohhhhhh, by tae goddess, ah’m goin’ ta cum!!!” before he placed his mouth onto Moo’s right breast and began to suck firmly upon both it and its hard teat. A few thrusts more, and, as he began to release a loud moan over her big boob, he finally came, starting to fire his hot white spunk into Ms. Moo’s tight womb as he felt her sex trying to suck his firing cock even further within her sexy body.

Ms. Moo gasped and moaned loudly as she continued to ride Agent 13’s hard groin as it kept on pounding itself against her tight snatch while she kept on feeling his mouth sucking firmly upon her left breast and nipple, as his free hoof firmly rubbed her right one. “Yes, hhhmmm, fuck me good, stud horse!!!” she said lustily to the hard thrusting stallion, as her groin kept on riding his hard thirteen-incher as she began to feel Gertrude’s fake cock start to enter her tight back door. This soon caused her to release a loud moan as she felt more and more of the mare’s fake cock enter her tight back door while the stallion kept on pounding her pussy. “Oooohhhh, yes, aaaaahhhhhh, fuck me!!!! Yes, hhhhhmmm, give it to me good!!!! Mmmmmoooooooooo!!!!!” Moo kept on moaning as she felt the redheaded mare’s dildo starting to slam itself in and out of her rectum, while at the same time she continued to feel the brunette-furred stallion’s hard erection firmly bounce itself against her pussy. The redheaded-bovine then gasp loudly as she felt the stallion’s mouth release her left 42D breast before she heard him announce that he was about ready to cum. “Yes, aaaaaahhhhhhh, cum for me, big boy. Mmmooooooooo, fill me up with your hot seed!!!” she said lustily to the Clydesdale stallion, before she began to feel his mouth start to suckle on her right breast and nipple, while she lustfully rode both of their cocks, with her pussy muscles now sucking even harder on his erection. Moo then released a loud, lusty moo after she began to feel the redheaded stallion’s hard cock finally explode inside her womb, starting to fill it up with his hot seed. “Yes, aaaahhhh, fill me up!!!” she said lustily, as she kept on riding Agent 13’s now spurting erection and Gertrude’s still hard thrusting fake ‘cock’.

The buxom mare smiled as she continued to slide her fake cock in and out of the moaning redheaded female bovine’s tight ass while she watched the stallion do the same thing to Moo’s cunt with his real cock. “Ja, take it all, slut!!!! Ve are goink to make du, hhhmmm, cum real hard!!!” she said to the horny cow, as she listened to both Moo and Agent 13’s loud moans. Gertrude soon got a firmer grip upon Ms. Moo’s firm rump as she increased the speed of her hard thrusts inside the cow’s tight ass, soon causing the bovine femme’s firm ass cheeks to bounce even harder against her own groin. The spy mare then smiled widely as she heard the stallion announce that he was about ready to cum. “Ja, fill the slut up, Agent 13!!!” she said to the two as she watched them both, soon hearing the buxom bovine announce that the stallion was coming inside her. “Dat’s it, fill her up, baby, ja, give it to her gut!!!!” the naughty brunette mare said, as she began to thrust her own hips even harder against Ms. Moo’s bouncing rump, while at the same time she felt the stallion’s hard cock continue to thrust itself inside the horny bovine’s sex. “Ja, let’s bring her off, 13!!!”

The brunette-haired stallion gasped loudly onto Moo’s right teat as he continued to release his cum inside the still mooing cow’s tight womb while he could feel the mare’s fake cock keep on pounding inside Moo’s tight ass. As his cock continued to hammer against the redheaded bovine’s cunt, he could feel himself release some more of his thick cum into her sucking snatch. As Agent 13’s hard meat continue to slam itself in and out of Moo’s womb, releasing more of his seed, he now decided to try and help bring the horny brunette-furred bovine off. .oO(Oooohhh, ah am goink ta make ye cum real good, slut!!!) he thought to himself between hard thrusts, as he started to feel his ballsacs getting ready to release some more of his hot sperm into her pussy.

Moo continued to moo lustily as she felt more and more of Agent 13’s hot seed enter her tight womb as his hardness kept on slamming itself against her groin, while at the same time she kept on feeling his nasty mouth firmly sucking on her right teat, and Gertrude’s fake fifteen-inch erection slam hard against her bouncing ass cheeks. “Yes, aaaaahhh, fuck me, mmmmooooooo, please bring me ooooooffffffff!!!!!!” she told the pair, as she felt their cocks continue to move themselves in and out of her two love holes, before she released another moan in response to the stallion’s tongue now moving quickly across her taut right nipple, while his right hoof rubbed her left one. With each of their hard thrusts, Moo could feel herself getting ever closer to orgasm. “Yes, hhhhmmm, make me cum, mmmmoooo!!!”

Gertrude kept on sliding her fake cock in and out of the redheaded cow’s back door, trying to help bring the buxom bovine femme off. “Ja, cum for us du naughty little cow,” she said to the mooing Ms. Moo, as she squeezed her hooves even harder on her ass. As she heard Ms. Moo announce to them that she wanted to be brought off, she smiled very naughtily before saying to Agent 13, “Vell, du heard her, big boy, let bring der slut, off, ja?” Then, with a light giggle in her voice, the redheaded spy mare began to move her fifteen-inch dildo even harder against Moo’s bouncing ass. “Ja, cum for me, slut!!!” she lustily announced, as she heard Ms. Moo moo even louder.

Agent 13’s cock continued to slam itself hard against the brunette-furred cow still sucking snatch, as he felt it fire some more of his hot seed into her womb. As he did so, his mouth continued to suck and lick on her right teat and nipple, while his right hoof kept on rubbing her left one. As he could feel his cock getting ready to unload once again inside her sucking snatch, he heard first Moo’s announcement of wanting the pair to bring her off, before he heard the mare tell him to help her do just that. The brunette-haired Clydesdale stallion slightly nodded his head, before he started to slide his cock even harder against the bovine femme’s tight cunt. .oO(Aye, ah’ll make ye cum alrightttttt, fffffuuucccckkkkk!!!!!) he thought, just as he came for the second time that day, unleashing some more of his hot seed into the horny cow’s womb. As he continued cumming, he kept on bouncing his cock against her bouncing groin, to finally get Ms. Moo to cum.

The redheaded bovine femme lustily gasped and moaned as she felt the two cocks slamming themselves even harder within her two love holes, as the two equines tried to make her finally erupt. Moo then released a loud moo between their hard thrusts, just as she felt some of her own pussy juice start to exit her tight snatch. She then gasped as she felt the stallion’s cock erupt once again inside her womb. That particular cum shot would finally push her over the edge as she could feel herself just about ready to erupt. “Yes, make me, mmmmooooooo!!!!!!” Moo announced as she finally started to have her orgasm, as she felt both her vaginal and anal muscles squeezing even harder upon the two hard cocks that were now bringing her off, as she felt first her vaginal and then her anal muscles start to release their juices. “Yes, aaahhhh, make me cum!!!” she announced, as she felt her orgasm rip through her body as the two equine cocks continue to slam themselves inside her two holes, now pushing her through her orgasm.

Gertrude smiled as she watched both hers and Agent 13’s thick cocks move themselves in and out of Ms. Moo’s tight ass and pussy respectively, as the two equines were trying to push the redheaded bovine even closer to her first orgasm. “Ja, take it all, du naughty cow,” the redheaded Teutonic spy said to the horny brown-furred heifer, just as she first saw Agent 13 and then heard the female bovine both start to cum. With a naughty smile upon her pretty visage, she said to Moo, “Dat it, baby, hhhhmmm, cum for me. Cover mein nasty ‘cock’ mit ihr hot seed. Ich vant to feel mein cock really fuckink du gut und hard.” After a light giggle, she gave the mooing cow’s ass a firm squeeze, as she felt some of Ms. Moo’s anal juice slide off of her strap-on and onto her thrusting legs. Gertrude then released a moan of her own, as she could feel her own love holes getting warm from all of the sex that was occurring around her. The redheaded mare then looked at Agent 13 and said to him, “Ich hope du haff some energy left for me, 13, cause ich need to be pounded real gut after ve are done mit Ms. Moo.” She then released a light gasp, as she could feel the female bovine’s tail trying to rub itself along the area between her legs. This caused her to chuckle. “Oh, so du need to be shown vho ist im charge, ja, slut?” she remarked, before she went back to thrusting her fake cock even faster inside Moo’s back door of lust, enjoying the moans that they were both now causing her to make.

The stallion gasped as he felt the cow’s tight cunt sucked even harder upon his thirteen-inch cock as he proceeded to release even more of his hot spunk into Ms. Moo’s tight womb. “Yes, lass, aaahhh, take it all,” Agent 13 said to the horny bovine, as he heard Gertrude’s comments, before he heard Moo announce to them both that she was finally coming, followed shortly by his own cock feeling some of her warm juices starting to cover it. Agent 13 smiled, as he began to fuck Moo through her orgasm. “Ride me dick good, ye slut. Come on, we both know tat ye want tis,” he said to Moo between hard thrusts as he felt even more of her cunt juices covering his hard-on. The brunette-furred stallion then heard Gertrude’s comment about her hoping that he still had something left for her. With a smile, he replied, “Always me dear, always,” before he gasped loudly in response to his feeling the bovine’s tight cunny squeezing his thrusting cock particularly hard. “As soon as ahhhhhhhh be finish wit ‘er. Tat, ooohhhh, is!!!” he added, as he proceeded to fuck the redheaded bovine even faster, as he felt his cock starting to fill up once again with his hot spunk. “Yeah, aahhh, ride it, slut!!!!”

Moo gasped and moaned as she continued having her orgasm while she felt the two cocks working over her two tight holes, as both the stallion and the mare proceeded to fuck her through her orgasm. “Yes, mmoooo, fuck me good! Mmmmooooo! Fuck me, good!!!!” she announced to the two, as she felt her tight sex and her anus release even more of her hot juices, as the muscles of both her love holes continue to suckle on the two cocks that were sliding in and out of each one. She was soon releasing a light moo in response to the mare’s strong hoof now giving one of her ass cheeks a firm squeeze, before she heard her ask the stallion to fuck her after they were done with her. The redheaded bovine, after releasing another low gasp, moved her short tail until she had it placed directly between Gertrude’s strong, sexy legs. She then started to rub it between the brunette-haired mare’s wet crotch, which soon got her the result that she wanted, Gertrude really fucking her with the dildo. “Oooohhh, yes, mmmoooo, fuck me, slut!!!” She then mooed even louder as she felt the stallion doing the same thing inside her pussy. “Aaaaahhhh, yes, fuck me!!!!”

As she kept on pounding her fake cock in and out of the redheaded bovine’s sucking rectum, while at the same time she felt Ms. Moo’s tail rubbing itself between her wet crotch, Gertrude looked at Agent 13. With a naughty smile on her face, she said to the handsome brunette stallion, “Put der naughty slut onto her back, 13. Ich’m goink to fuck her to eine final orgasm.” After slamming her cock into the horny bovine’s anus several more times, she suddenly pulled her fake erection out of Ms. Moo’s anus. She then moved back, as she waited for the Clydesdale to do as she had requested.

The Scottish-born stallion, as he continued to slam his hard thirteen-incher inside the brunette’s bovine tight snatch, looked at the sexy mare, as he listened to Gertrude’s naughty request. He nodded his head, as he kept slamming his cock inside the moaning heifer’s tight womb, as he felt Gertrude pull her fake cock out of the cow’s tight back door. Agent 13 then slammed his cock inside Moo’s pussy a few more times before he finally pulled his own cock out of her tight snatch. Then, in one swift movement, he placed his hooves onto the horny brunette cow’s arms, turned her body around and then placed her body on top of the bed, her tight pussy placed directly in front of Gertrude and her waiting strap-on. He looked back at the mare, then smiled. “She’s all yers, lassie.”

Moo continued to gasp and moan in response to the two equines’ hard cocks sliding themselves in and out of her sucking pussy and anus, while she kept on naughtily rubbing her tail between Gertrude’s sexy legs. “Yes, mmmmmoooo, fuck me good and hard!!!” she said to the pair, just as she heard the mare tell the stallion to place her voluptuous form onto the bed so that she could pound her one last time to orgasm. Hearing this caused the redheaded bovine femme to release a very happy moo, before saying, “Ooooohhh, yes, mmmmooo, bring me off you naughty Kraut!!!!” Ms. Moo then moaned loudly in response to the pair’s last hard thrusts inside her holes, before she first felt Gertrude pull her fake cock out of her rectum, and then the stallion pull his erection out of her cunt, before he grabbed her body, then felt him turn her around and then placed her sexy form onto the bed, her pussy now in position to receive Gertrude’s fifteen-inch dildo. The brunette bovine then looked up at the redheaded mare and with a horny look on her face, said to her, “Please, mmmooooo, fuck me good!!!”

Gertrude watched the stallion pull his cock out of Ms. Moo’s still tight twat, before she saw him turn her body around and then place the still horny cow before her strap-on dildo. She then smiled as she heard the redheaded cow ask her to fuck her hard. “Oh, ich’ll fuck du gut, alright, du big horny slut,” she cooed to the bovine, as she moved her body forward, before grabbing her legs. Gertrude, after getting a firm grip upon both of the bovine’s strong legs, moved her own body forward until she had it placed against Ms. Moo, whom she then pulled forward. Once she was done, the redheaded female equine placed her right hoof upon the dildo and then proceeded to rub the plastic cock back and forth across the cow’s wet sex, teasing her for a while as she did so. After hearing several horny moos leave Moo’s lips, she stopped, and then placed the fifteen-inch plastic erection at the entrance to Ms. Moo’s pussy. “Time to pound du to orgasm, slut,” Gertrude said to her in a teasing, yet loving, tone, as she pressed herself forward, quickly sliding her ‘cock’ into Ms. Moo’s eager cunt. Once she had her ‘cock’ finally inside the horny heifer’s tight snatch, the black-clad mare began to slide her ‘erection’ in and out of the brown-furred cow’s pussy, as she naughtily listened to Moo’s loud moans of obvious joy. As she placed her hooves around the moaning bovine’s body, she looked down at her, soon watching her groin slam itself against Ms. Moo’s. Smiling, she cooed, “Ja, take it all, du naughty slut. Hhhmmm, du are enjoyink dis, ja?” She then closed her eyes and released a light whinny, before she proceeded to lustily lick her lips.

As he watched Gertrude take charge, before she began to press her fake cock into the bovine’s cunt, Agent 13 placed his right hoof onto his cock. He then began to rub it, to keep himself hard for his lover once she had finished bringing Ms. Moo off. “Aye, fuck ‘er good n ‘ard, lass,” he said to her, as he enjoyed hearing Moo’s horny moans in response to each of Gertrude’s hard thrusts.

Moo happily smiled as she saw Gertrude grab her legs before pulling her towards the equine femme’s groin. She then watched her place the head of her dildo against Moo’s still wet snatch before she began to feel the dildo being rubbed against it. The redheaded cow then started to moan lustily in response to the ‘cock’ rubbing. “Please, aaahhh, fuck me!!!!” She then felt the head of the fake cock being placed at the entrance to her sex before she began to feel it finally being slid inside her sex, which made her release a low moan. “Ooohhhh, yes, please, mmmmmoooo, fuck me, slut!!!” she replied to the mare’s comment, before she began to feel Gertrude’s dildo slamming itself inside her pussy, soon causing her to moan very lustily. Ms. Moo moaned even louder, as she began to match Gertrude thrust for hard thrust, while also feeling her pussy muscles beginning to suck on the fake cock. “Yes, yes, hhhmm, I am. Oooohh, fuck mmmeeeee!!!!! MMMOOOO!!!” she replied between hard thrusts, as she watched the buxom redheaded mare placed her hooves above her body, so that she could thrust the fake dick even further inside the redheaded heifer’s tight snatch. She was soon moving her head from side to side on the bed, as she was enjoying being fuck royally by the black-clothed mare. “Yes, aaahhh, fuck mmmmeeeeeee, mistress!!!!”

The black-clothed mare kept on slamming her fifteen-inch dildo in and out of the moaning female bovine’s cunny, enjoying the moans of lust that she was causing her to release. “Ja, take it all, du naughty little slut. Hhhhmmmm, ich’m goink to make du cum gut du naughty little bovine.” As she continued to fuck Moo, she looked over at Agent 13, as she saw him rubbing his still hard cock, keeping it ready for her. She smiled, then licked her lips, before saying to him, “Hhhmmm, ich am so goink to enjoy ridink dat again, baby,” before she returned to fucking Moo’s sucking pussy. Gertrude’s cock thrusts soon became harder and quicker with each move that she made, as she proceeded to make the buxom bovine moan ever louder with each hard thrust. As she listened to Ms. Moo, she could tell that the horny heifer couldn’t last much longer. With a naughty smile, she moved her right hoof back and then placed it against a button near the bottom of the dildo on its right side. Once she was ready, she pressed the button. Upon pressing it, the dildo released a watery substance, as if it was cum, into the bovine’s wet snatch. With a naughty smile, she said, “Ooohhh, ja, ich’m cummink for du baby,” before she pressed the button once again, releasing some more of the watery substance into the horny heifer’s tight twat, while waiting to see Ms. Moo’s reaction to the liquid entering her wet cunt. “Ja, take mein ‘seed’, slut!!!” Gertrude said with a snicker.

Agent 13 smiled as he continued to rub his hard cock while he watched Gertrude fuck the still horny Ms. Moo with her fake cock. Upon hearing her comment, he replied, “N ah am so goin’ ta enjoy fuckin’ ye wit it, lassie.” He smiled even wider as he watched the black-clad mare blush in response to his comment, as she continued to slide her fake cock in and out of the redheaded bovine’s tight pussy. The stallion then raised an eyebrow as he heard the sexy spy mare’s comment about her coming, not having seen her press the button on her dildo. Even so, he said, “Yeah, fill ‘er up, baby!!!” as he watched her continue to hump Ms. Moo.

The buxom brunette gasped and moaned loudly as she continued to feel the naughty spy mare slide her fake cock in and out of her hot pussy, now moving it inside her cunny at an even faster pace. “Ooohhh, yes, aahhh, give it to me good, slut!!! Yes, hhhhmmm, fuck me good!!!!” she said in response to Gertrude’s horny comment, as she could feel herself getting closer and closer to a second orgasm, as well as feeling her sex sucking even harder upon the fake erection that was invading her body. Ms. Moo then released an even louder moo as she felt the brunette-haired mare’s ‘cock’ thrusts bounce even harder against her groin, just seconds before she started to feel the strange liquid exit the horny mare’s fake cock and enter her warm snatch. The sudden entrance of the liquid into her pussy caught her completely off-guard, as she wasn’t expecting something like this to occur. Moo thus released a loud moo in response to it, before she heard Gertrude’s cumming comment. She then felt some more of the strange liquid enter her sex. Ms. Moo couldn’t take any more, as she released a very loud moo as she started to have her second orgasm, soon releasing some of her hot pussy juices onto the fake erection, as she felt herself starting to convulse around Gertrude’s liquid shooting dildo. “Yes, baby, aaahhh, fill me up with your hot ‘spunk’!!!!” the very horny cow said as she allowed herself to be fucked through her orgasm.

Gertrude smiled as she enjoyed hearing the reaction to her ‘cumming’ that she was presently getting from Ms. Moo. “Ja, cum for me, du horny, slut,” the buxom redhead said to her with a smile, as she continued to fuck the redheaded cow with her fifteen-inch dildo. The naughty mare than preceded to tease Ms. Moo with several moos of her own, before releasing a light whinny, as she looked at the redheaded heifer’s sexy body. As she does so, Gertrude looked at Ms. Moo’s firm 42D breasts, seeing them bounce back and forth against each other upon her chest. After a few more strokes, she smiled, before she moved her hooves from above Moo’s body and then placed them upon the redheaded heifer’s big breasts. As she began to squeeze them, the buxom mare said, “Hhhmmm, dese boob feels so firm, baby. At least ve know dat dese zwei are der real deal, hhhmmm?” Gertrude then released a loud laugh before she started to rub Ms. Moo’s taut nipples with her fingers.

The brunette-haired stallion watched the buxom mare continue to fuck the buxom bovine with her fake prick, seeing the former drive the later crazy with it, while he kept on rubbing his hard-on. He then watched Gertrude place her hooves onto the cow’s big boobs and start to rub them. Agent 13 chuckled as he heard her comment about the redheaded cow’s bosom. “Ah coulda told ye tat, lassie. ‘er boobs be certainly real, lassie,” he said to the naughty mare, as he finally stopped rubbing his erection, which presently stood fully erect as he saw the Teutonic mare’s fingers start to play with Ms. Moo’s taut nipples.

The Teutonic mare looked back at the stallion. As she saw his erect thirteen-incher standing proudly before her, she said, “Vell, ich prefer findink dat out for meinself,” the buxom mare said to him with a snicker, before she turned back to look at the redheaded bovine, as she decided to give her nipples a firm pinch with her fingers.

Ms. Moo continued to gasp loudly in response to the hard thrusts that were now moving in and out of her wet sex just as she felt her vaginal muscles release some more of its hot juices onto the plastic hard-on. She then released a loud moo in response to her feeling the redheaded mare’s soft hooves get a firm grip upon her big boobs and then start to squeeze first her breasts and then the nipple of each one. “Yes, mmmmmoooooo, play with my breasts, you naughty mare!!!!!” she said to Gertrude, as she felt her squeeze her nipples once more, after she had finished answering Agent 13’s comment. The buxom bovine then licked her lips before she placed her head on top of the bed, then closed her eyes as she felt the brunette-furred mare’s fake cock continue to thrust itself in and out of her sucking snatch. A few thrusts later, Ms. Moo began to fall asleep, as she continued to feel the mare’s fake ‘cock’ move itself in and out of her pussy.

Gertrude, as she continued to fuck Moo, her hooves firmly squeezing the buxom redheaded bovine’s nipples, soon noticed that the horny cow had fallen asleep. She giggled, before she looked over at Agent 13. As the buxom redhead began to slow down her hard ‘cock’ thrusts, Gertrude said to the stallion, while smiling, “Okay, big boy, lets see to mein sexual needs, ja, as ich need to be fucked real bad.”

} } }

The trio then heard a voice to their immediate right shout, “And cut!!! Time to break for lunch, you three.” The two equines and the now awaken female bovine turned their heads and quickly saw before them several other furs, all dressed, who were working among several cameras, lights, etc., revealing to all that the trio were not inside an actual hotel room, but were rather on a mock-up of one placed on a film stage. As they continued to look at the other furs, the trio quickly found the person who had just told them to stop for lunch. The person in question was a white-tailed deer doe, who was presently seated in a folding chair. The sexy looking doe, who had one leg placed on top of another, was presently dressed in a dark blue three-piece business dress, with a white shirt, beige panty hose and black mid-heel shoes, and was holding in her right hoof a bullhorn. She was smiling at the three.

“Lunch already? My, how times flies when yer bein’ royally fucked. Mooooo!!!” commented Bell Bovine, who was playing Ms. Moo in DoeMare Productions’ lately film in the Gertrude 0069 film series, as she felt the German-born mare, Eva McEqqus, who plays the buxom Teutonic porn superspy, Gertrude 0069, released her grip upon her taut nipples. Looking at the mare, who had just finished pulling the dildo out of her snatch and was now presently seated upon her knees on the bed, she queried, while leaning on her elbows, “Do we really need to eat lunch, Mrs. McEqqus? I’m still horny.”

Eva looked at Bell. She chuckled, as she started to turn around so that she would be seated on the bed. “Bell, dear, du are always horny. Anyway, du heard Lisa, it’s time to break for lunch After all, du need to keep up ihr strength so dat ve can continue der scene, ja?”

The brunette-haired stallion, who was Eva’s Scottish-born husband, James, added, “Seriously Bell, ye wodda be ‘orny iff’n we were bein’ invaded by little green mice from mars,” as he started to leave the bed.

Bell looked over at James, who was now standing in front of the bed, and asked him, with a seriously horny look on her face, “Are they well hung?”

As the other furs in the room laughed, James sighed, as he headed off the stage, “Ah rest me case.”

“Huh? What’s so funny?” said a somewhat confused Bell. She then said to James, who was now standing in front of his own folding chair, and was starting to put on a black robe to cover up his nude body, “Aren’t little green mice invadin’ the country?”

“Don’t worry about it,” said the lightly laughing doe, the film’s director, Lisa Deere, who also did porn for the studio under the nickname ‘Lisa the Bombshell’, but who was now more often seen working behind the camera as one of the studio’s film directors. “Anyway, we all need to eat if we’re all going to get this film done by the end of this week before the three of you head off, along with ShowBiz, Jessica and Robert, to Aspen, Colorado, for winter vacation.”

Eva, who now stood before the bed as she started to take off the strap-on dildo, at the moment pulling her right leg through one of its leg holes, added, “Ja, un veek to do nothink but relax und ne dink about makink porn.”

Bell, who was getting off the bed herself, smiled, “Will there be any studs up there?”

“Bell!?!” said James, as he was tying up his robe, and Eva, who had just pulled her other leg through the strap-on, and was walking towards her own folding chair, in unison. “Honestly, lassie, ye need to get ye mind off of sex,” added the stallion.

“But I’m always horny,” said the brunette-furred bovine in her defense, as she headed towards her own chair.

“Look, iff du can behave ihrself vhile ve are in Aspen, mein dear, ich’ll let Jamie here screw du like crazy der followink veek,” said Eva with a friendly smile, as she began to put on her pink robe to cover up her black-lingerie covered form, while James stood before his chair dumbfounded by what his wife had just suggested to Bell.

“Wat???” said the still shocked stallion.

Lisa raised an eyebrow. .oO(This should be interesting,) thought the deer doe, as she and the film crew, at least those who haven’t already headed off to the studio’s cafeteria to eat, looked on.

Bell, as she stood in front of her folding chair, looked back at Eva. “Really, a whole week of ridin’ yer stallion’s cock? Mmmmmoooo???”

“Now wait just a minute ‘ere, donnae ah ‘ave any say in all tis?” asked a shocked James, as Eva, who was now tying up her robe, nodded her head yes in response to Bell’s query. “Ja, un vhole veek.” Eva then looked over at James. “Nein, mein stud,” she answered him with an impish grin, which caused James to release a loud snort.

“Yaaaaaaaaaaa, a whole week of riding the Scottish stallion,” said Bell in a happy tone, as she started to put on a light blue robe to cover up her almost nude form, as Lisa and the other furs lightly chuckled at the young heifer’s enthusiasm.

“Well, that’ll make things very interesting around here in two weeks, considering that she practically screws anything that moves anyway,” quipped the doe.

Bell looked back at Lisa, after she had finished tying up her robe, with a sad look on her face, as James walked towards his wife. “But I’m…”

“We know…” started Lisa, before the film crew joined her as they all said together, “…horny.” This caused them to laugh, while Bell snorted.

“But I am,” she replied in a sad tone, before turning around and heading for the door leading out of Studio One.

As the film crew lightly chuckled, while Lisa ran after Bell to make her happy, James, after stopping next to her, said to Eva, “Why did ye promise ‘er tat, lass?”

Eva looked at James. With a naughty smile on her pretty visage, she sexily fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Jamie, please, Bell has been workink at der studio ever since we’d opened up der place. Du off all people know dat she likes beink screwed by du. Actually, she und ShowBiz both do, but ve’re talkink about Bell here, ja? Anyway, der only vay dat ve are all goink to be able to enjoy our vacation ist iff she behaves herself, und der only vay dat ist goink to happen ist to give her an incentive. Und…” Her smile got even naughtier, as she saw the sour look on James’ handsome face.

“…tae only way be to let her ride me to ‘er ‘eart’s content for tae week after we ‘ad all returned from our vacation.” James rolled his eyes, as he saw Eva chuckled, before she leaned towards one of his cheeks. “*Sigh* It ‘as better work, lassie.”

Eva kissed the brunette-haired stallion’s right cheek. She then smiled. “Oh ich’m sure it vill vork, Jamie. Ich mean, ich’m sure dat she can behave herself for a week, knowink vat she has waiting for her afterwards. Or rather, vat ist vaitink for her naughty holes.” as she teasingly patted James’ groin under his robe.

James rolled his eyes again as he watched the buxom redheaded mare laugh over both her comment and groin patting. “Ah ‘ope ye be right, lassie,” the Scottish stallion commented, before he and his still laughing wife finally headed for the studio’s exit to both eat lunch.


At the same time, at a porn studio located inside Ohio, near the state’s capital city of Columbus, another porn scene was being filmed. The scene that was presently being recorded was taking place inside a studio on a stage with a fake bedroom placed atop it, as a trio of furs, two males and a female, were being shown sitting atop a bed, fucking their brains out. The female of the threesome was an exotic looking creature, as she was a mostly white furred skunkette, whose sexy form was covered by dozens of black tiger stripes. She sat in the middle of the bed on her back legs, feeling her tight snatch being pummeled from behind by a very muscular and very handsome looking male lion, whose strong paws were presently having a very firm grip upon her sexy waist. The skunkette then proceeded to release a low, lusty gasp in response to another strong thrust into her sex by the big feline’s thirteen-inch erection. “Hhhmmm, oh yeah, big boy, fuck Zig Zag good,” said the tiger-striped porn queen, Zig Zag, to the lion, before she looked ahead of herself. The very voluptuous porn goddess was now looking at the ten-inch hard cock that stood directly before her lusty gaze, which she was presently rubbing with one of her soft paws. She naughtily licked her lips, before she looked up at the person that the cock was attached to, a young male fox. After releasing another low gasp, she said to the young tod, “Hhhhmmm, I hope you plan on showing me a good time with this bad boy, stud fox,” before she began to move her mouth forward, until she had her sexy lips placed right in front of the young fox’s erection. Zig Zag then began to lick the head of the vulpine’s cock with her expert tongue, while she continued to feel the tawny brown-furred big feline’s erection bouncing hard against her firm rump. .oO(Oooohhh, Pollux is in, aaahhhh, rare form today. I wonder, aaaahhhh, why that is?) she asked herself, as she began to feel her vaginal muscles starting to suck upon the lion’s still thrusting hard-on.

The lion in question, Pollux Leoni, who was presently on loan to ZZ Studios from the west coast based DoeMare Studios, was presently seated on his knees behind Zig Zag, thrusting his thirteen-inch hard-on in and out of the tiger-stripped skunkette’s tight snatch. As his strong paws held a very strong grip upon the horny two-breed sex goddess’ sexy waist, he said to her, “Ooohhh, I’ll fuck you good you naughty skunky, aaahhhh, don’t you worry,” before he began to increase the speed of his hard thrusts, just as he felt her vaginal muscles starting to squeeze on his erection. He released a light roar in response to it, before saying, “Hhhhhmmm, now you’re just being a naughty girl, Ziggy.” He then looked at the tod, who at the moment was moaning lightly as he felt the head of his ten-inch cock being worked over by the sex queen’s naughty tongue. “I hope you brought your A-game with you, dude. She means business when she goes after your cock like that,” the raven haired feline said with a light chuckle, moments before he released a light gasp in response to Zig’s tight sex once again sucking tightly around his cock. This made Pollux thrust his member even harder and faster inside her wet snatch, while he started to move his strong paws away from her waist and towards her 38-D breasts. “Hhhhhmmm, yeah, ride me good, baby!!!!”

The young tod, who was performing in his first adult film, looked on a bit nervously as he sat on his knees in front of the bed board, watching the more experienced lion hump Zig Zag’s sex from behind as she looked at his cock. He released a light moan as he felt the porn goddess’ expert paw slowly rub his ten-inch erection before he heard her comment. He replied nervously to her, “Oh, I plan to, aahhhhhh, ma’am,” as the young male vulpine began to feel her expert mouth be placed in front of his hard-on, quickly followed by her tongue starting to lick its head along the piss slit, soon causing him to release a loud moan of joy. “Yes, aaahhhh, lick my cock, hhmmm, move that nasty tongue of yours, baby,” the young fox said with a little bit of enthusiasm, as he now felt Zig Zag’s experienced tongue start to circle around the entire head of his erection, before he began to feel it begin to slide along the bottom side of his hard-on, just as he heard Pollux’s comment. The blonde-haired male canine then looked at the lion and replied to him in a surprised tone, “She does? Well I’ll, aaaahhhh, do my best, sir,” just as he felt her tongue move back towards the head of his hard-on. He then looked at her again, just in time to see her mouth start to swallow his erection in one quick gulp. .oO(Wwwooooaaaahhh, she does mean business,) he thought to himself, before he started to feel her mouth moving itself expertly back and forth along his ten-inch foxhood, her tongue going wild on the fleshly underside of his cock. “Yes, aaahhhh, suck me, baby!!!” he said in a more horny tone, as he now placed his black paw upon her white head fur, before he started to rub her long flowing white hair in response to what her naughty mouth was presently doing to his erection. “Yes, aahhh, suck my cock!!!!”

Zig Zag moved her expert tongue up and down the front of the head of the vulpine’s hard cock as she continued to feel Pollux’s own hard meat move itself quickly in and out of her tight snatch. The tiger-striped mephit then giggled naughtily as she heard Pollux’s equally naughty response to her earlier naughty comment, before she released a light moan in response to his now harder thrusts inside her sucking vagina. .oO(Oooohhhh, yes, big boy, hhhhmmm, hammer my tight pussy, ooohhhh, good. Kama has got to be one lucky lioness,) Zig thought, as she heard the young tod’s replies to both hers and Pollux’s comments. .oO(Aaaahhhh, you’ll show me a hard time, hmmm? Let me encourage you then, big boy,) she mused, as she first proceeded to move her naughty tongue around the hard flesh of the young tod’s ten-incher, just before she started to move her mouth forward until she had swallowed his cock whole. She then began to move her expert mouth eagerly back and forth along the length of the young fox’s erection, with her tongue now working upon the underside of his prick. As Zig eagerly worked on the vulpine’s hard cock, she released a low moan upon the young tod’s erection, as she continued to feel the maneless lion’s thick cock move itself expertly in and out of her tight snatch. The tiger-striped porn queen then released a louder moan upon the fox’s erection as she began to feel the lion’s thick paws start to rub her 38-D breasts and taut nipples. .oO(By the goddess, aahhhhh, yes, play with my boobs, you naughty kitty,) the horny white-furred skunkette thought, as she continued to suck on the red-furred male canine’s hardness, while she kept on enjoying the naughty feel she was getting as Pollux’s thirteen-inch monster kept on pommeling her pussy in the doggie position.

Pollux smiled as he continuously slammed his erection in and out of Zig Zag’s tight snatch while his strong paws, after getting a very firm grip upon her 38-D knockers, proceeded to firmly squeeze the flesh of her two love mounds and their firm nipples. After releasing a loud, lusty growl, the brunette-furred feline said to the skunkette, “Yeah, hhhhmmm, take it all, you naughty little mink.” The maneless feline then gasped loudly as he felt her vaginal muscles once again squeezing tightly upon his erection, trying to make him slam his cock even harder inside her tight pussy, which he was soon doing. At the same time, Pollux’s paws proceeded to rub Zig Zag’s firm breasts while his fingers rubbed their hard nipples. The porn lion was soon moaning even louder as he felt his groin slamming itself ever faster and faster against the bouncing flesh of her ass cheeks. “Yes, hhhhmmmm, take it all, baby!!!” he said to her in a horny tone, as he felt his cock start to release some of its hot pre into her vagina. “Aaaahhhh, yeah, I’m going to fuck, ooohhhhh, you good!!!” the raven-haired big cat announced between hard thrusts.

The young tod, his black paws now placed behind him, as he held a firm grip upon the bed’s back board, gasped and moaned as he continued to feel Zig’s expert mouth and tongue go to work upon his ten-inch hard-on, while he watched the older lion expertly fuck the porn goddess’ tight pussy from behind. “Yeah, aaaahhhh, fuck her good, kitty,” he said to Pollux, before releasing another moan as he felt the porn queen’s nasty tongue slowly move itself along the length of his erection. He then looked at Zig Zag, watching her mouth lustily move back and forth along the length of his foxhood. “Oooooohhhh, yeah, baby, aaahhhh, suck my cock good,” he said to the tiger-striped mephit, before he started to move his groin back and forth, as he began to ‘fuck’ her sucking mouth with his erection. The red-furred canine then released a loud, horny yip, before closing his eyes, as he began to enjoy the porn goddess’ expert mouth suck even harder on his penis. “Yes, hhhhmmmm, suck on it good, baby!!!!”

Zig Zag gasped loudly in response to the lion’s constant hard thrusts against her bouncing ass cheeks as she continued to suck and lick on the blonde-haired vulpine’s hard cock. .oO(Yes, hhhmmmm, give it to me good, big boy. Ooooohhh, yeah, fuck my pussy good and hard, you stud lion,) thought the white-furred mephit, as she felt her vaginal muscles sucking even harder upon Pollux’s thrusting thirteen-incher, as she felt his pre proceed to enter her snatch. .oO(Hhhmmm, I’m going to make you come real hard, stud,) Zig mused lustily, as she felt the lion’s strong paws continue to rub and squeeze upon her firm breasts and nipples while she continued to go to work on the canine’s smaller erection. The sex queen lustily moved her mouth back and forth with loud slurping sounds as her tongue licked along the length of the flesh of his erection. At the same time, her paws expertly played with the young fox’s balls, rubbing and squeezing them, as she watched him moan in lusty joy in response to what she was doing to him. Zig thought, .oO(Hhhmm, just a few more, ooohhhh, yeah, Pollux, fuck my pussy good, stud lion, licks on his cock, and then I’ll have both of them fucking my holes,) before she began to move her tongue slowly back towards the head of the tod’s ten-incher, while at the same time she felt some more of the lion’s pre enter her pussy. .o(If Pollux, aahhhm, doesn’t cum first, that is.)

The tawny-furred lion continued to slam his thick cock in and out of the white-furred skunkette’s tight snatch as his strong paws kept on rubbing her firm boobs. As he kept on feeling his groin bouncing hard against Zig’s tight ass cheeks, he looked at the fox. With a smile, he said, “Ooohhh, I’ll fuck the naughty skunky good, alright. Hhhhmmm, just the way she likes to be fucked.” The lion then released a light growl, as he felt her vaginal muscles begin to suckle even harder upon his thirteen-inch erection. This caused Pollux to start slamming his big cock even faster against Zig Zag’s firm ass. As he gave Zig’s firm 38-D breasts another hard squeeze, while his fingers played with the tiger-striped skunkette’s taut nipples, he could hear his balls slapping hard against her ass, creating loud squishing sounds as they did so. “Yeah, hhhhmmmm, take it all, baby,” he said to her, as he felt his lionhood release some more of its pre into her sucking snatch.

The red-furred vulpine released a loud moan as he continued to feel the porn skunkette’s expert tongue move itself back and forth along the length of his hard flesh, while her mouth kept on working on his ten-inch cock. “Ooohhhh, yes, aahhhhh, suck my cock good, baby!!!! Hmmm, suck it good!!!” he said to Zig in response to her very naughty mouth sucking on his hard-on, while at the same time feeling her paws squeezing even more firmly on his balls. The young tod, as he continued to hold onto the bed’s back board with his paws while he moved his groin back and forth as he continued to ‘fuck’ her sucking mouth, then gasped loudly as he felt his hard cock release some of its hot pre into Zig’s nasty mouth, before he felt her mouth start to swallow it, as he could feel her tongue go back to work licking on his hard linga. “Yes, hhhhmmm, suck me good, baby!!!” he moaned loudly, before he began to close his eyes, just as he could feel Zig’s mouth moving even faster along his cock.

Zig continued to suck on the young tod’s ten-inch hard-on while she internally moan in response to the big feline’s hard cock thrusts against her hard bouncing ass cheeks. The white-furred porn goddess’ naughty mouth continued to suck on the red-furred canine’s thick cock while her tongue continuously move along the flesh of his hard-on, while she felt her vaginal muscles sucking even harder on Pollux’s hard cock. .oO(Hhhhmmm, yes, big boy, aaahhhh, fuck my pussy good. Oooohhh, yes, fuck me, big boy!!!!) thought Zig, as her paws kept on rubbing the young tod’s ballsacs. The tiger-striped skunkette then gasped onto the fox’s hard cock as she felt Pollux’s strong paws continue to rub her firm breasts and pinch her taut nipples, just before she felt the lion’s cock release some more of its hot pre into her tight snatch, shortly followed by the young fox’s cock squirting some of its own pre into her sucking mouth, which she quickly swallowed. She then moaned some more onto the fox’s erection, as she began to feel Pollux’s thick cock create loud squishing sounds every time his groin bounced hard against her firm ass. .oO(Hhhhmmmm, yes, fuck me good, Pollux!!!)

Pollux released a loud growl as he kept on sliding his thirteen-inch erection back and forth inside the tiger-striped sex queen’s tight snatch, while his paws continued to play with her fun bags. “Hhhmmm, yes, take it all, baby!!! Yeah, ride me good!!!! Oooohhh, god, aaaahhhhh, make me cum good inside that tight cunt of your, you naughty skunky!!!” the big maneless lion said to Zig as he watched her continue to suck on the young fox’s cock. “Yeah, baby, make him cum in that hot mouth of your. Yeah, suck him good.” Pollux then released another loud growl, before he shook his head, causing his thick black hair to swish back and forth on the top of his head, as he felt his cock released even more of his hot pre into her still sucking pussy from behind, as his fingers squeezed her hard, firm nipples once more. “Yeah, aahhhh, ride me!!!”

The young fox continued to gasp and moan in response to Zig Zag’s expert mouth and tongue continuing to suck and lick on his cock respectively, while her paws kept on rubbing his scrotum. “Yes, aaaahhh, suck my cock, baby!!!” the horny tod said to Zig between licks as he felt his ten-inch erection release some more of its hot pre, which the white-furred mephit quickly proceeded to swallow, before she went back to work, soon moving her mouth even faster along his hard-on. After he released another loud yip, the young vulpine continued to slide his cock back and forth inside Zig’s greedy mouth, as he reopened his eyes, soon seeing how quickly her mouth was moving across his cock, as he felt her tongue wrap itself around his thrusting hard-on. “Yes, hhhmmm, baby, suck my cock!!” he said to her with a loud gasp, as he felt even more of his hot pre exit his cock, followed by the porn goddess’ naughty tongue licking it up.

Zig Zag continued to work her mouth back and forth along the length of the young tod’s cock, her tongue licking quickly along the flesh, as she kept on feeling the maneless lion’s hard thirteen-incher slam itself in and out of her tight, sucking snatch, while also felling his strong paws continue to rub her firm 38D breasts. The tiger-striped white skunkette then gasped, as she felt some more of the lion’s hot pre enter her snatch, shortly followed by the young fox’s erection firing some pre of its own into her mouth, which she quickly swallowed. After the vulpine’s ten-incher released some more pre, and after she had felt Pollux’s fingers squeeze her nipples once again, the white-haired mephit released the fox’s cock with a loud pop, quickly followed by her releasing a loud, lusty moan, as she felt Pollux’s cock slamming itself even harder against her tight cock sucking pussy. Zig then turned her pretty head to look at Pollux, and then said to the porn stud in a very naughty voice, “Hhhhhhmmmmmm, how about fucking my ass with that bad boy of yours while junior here, ooooooohhhhhhh, yeah, big boy, aaaahhhh, that feels so good what you’re doing to my pussy, get a turn, ooohhh, fucking my pussy?” After releasing another horny moan, she turned her head, and then looked directly at the fox, whose cock she was presently rubbing with her left paw, while the right one continued to play with the tod’s ballsacs. “Yeah, you want to fuck me, hhhhmmm, don’t you, stud? You want to show me how much you’d enjoyed my mouth sucking on your cock, hmm, ooohhhhh, yeah, Pollux, hammer my pussy good!!!” She then smiled at the young vulpine, as she felt her pussy muscles sucking even harder on the tawny feline’s hard-on.

Pollux, as he continued to slide his cock in and out of the tiger-striped duo-breed’s tight snatch from behind, saw her release the young fox’s cock, before seeing her turn her head around to look at him. As he gave her breasts another firm squeeze, he heard her question him about wanting to fuck her ass while the tod took care of her pussy. The black-haired big feline’s response was immediate. “You don’t have to ask me twice, you naughty skunky, ooohhhhh!!” before he slammed his cock even harder inside her snatch, just as he felt her pussy muscle start to squeeze his thrusting hard-on even tighter. “Although it feels like you, aahhhhh, plan to make that a little bit difficult, you tease!!” he commented, before giving her 38-D breasts another firm squeeze.

The young fox gasped and moaned as he continued to feel the experienced white-furred mephit’s mouth continue to suck on his cock, before he began to feel her mouth slowly slide backward along the length of his ten-inch erection before she finally released it with a loud pop. He then felt her left paw wrap itself around his foxhood, before he began to feel it sliding up and down his erection, while at the same time feeling her other paw continue to rub his balls. He then watched her turn her head to look at the lion, before hearing her ask him her question. He raised an eyebrow in reaction to her question to the feline, intrigued by the idea of him fucking her pussy while the lion pounded her ass, before he saw her turn her head again to look at him. He listened to her question, then heard the lion’s response to her earlier query. The blonde-haired vulpine quickly responded, a naughty smile appearing on his visage, “Need you ask, you naughty girl? I’d been real eager to, aaaaahhhh, fuck you from the start,” he answered her. He then released another moan in response to her cock rubbing.

Zig smiled as she heard the responses from both the lion and the fox. After she had released a loud gasp in response to Pollux’s recent thrusts against her ass cheeks, the white-furred porn goddess said to the lion, “Well, hhhhmmm, don’t keep me waiting, ooohhhh, big boy, fuck my ass!!!” She quickly followed that with a light moan, as she started to feel Pollux’s cock begin to pull itself out of her tight pussy. “Ooohhh yeah!!!” she said to him, while she let go of the fox’s cock and balls, waiting for him to position himself so that he could enter her snatch from underneath her.

Pollux simply smiled, before he started to pull his cock out of her sucking snatch, as he felt her pussy muscles trying to keep him inside her. The tawny-furred lion then released a loud gasp as he felt his thirteen-inch hard-on finally exit Zig’s tight snatch. Once he was out of her pussy, he began to move his body so that he soon had the head of his thirteen-inch erection positioned to enter the porn goddess’ tight back door. He then proceeded to tease the entrance for a while, as he quipped, “I hope that you’re ready for me to go up that tight ass of yours, babe.”

The young tod gasped as he felt Zig’s paw finally release his cock. He then let go of the bed’s backboard. After he had placed his back on top of the bed, he slowly moved his body downward until he soon had his legs placed beneath hers, and his cock placed directly at the entrance to her sex. Once that had been accomplished, the young tod then placed his paws onto the skunkette’s sexy waist. The very moment that he had gotten a firm grip on it, he looked at her and said, “Ready whenever you are, you naughty girl.”

The tiger-striped porn queen watched the young vulpine position him body beneath hers, while at the same time she felt the lion’s hard cock teasingly rubbing itself against her back door after he had finished positioning himself behind her ass. As soon as she had felt the fox’s paws get a strong grip upon her waist, she said to the two males, after licking her tongue across her sexy lips in horny anticipation of what they were soon going to do to both of her sex holes, “Hhhhmmm, give it to me good, studs!!”

“No need to tell me twice, baby,” said Pollux, as he stopped rubbed his cock against the entrance to her back door, and got ready to thrust it into her anus. At the same time, the fox started to press the head of his cock towards her pussy. As the two horny males were about ready to penetrate her two holes, the three of them heard….

“CUT!!!!!! Take five, you three!”

Zig chuckled, before she leaned her sexy body back until she had laid it against a surprised Pollux. As the tod slowly moved out from underneath her, she said to the tawny-furred Grecian-born lion, “Okay, big boy, spill it. What got you so horny this afternoon, other than wanting to fuck me bad, hmmm?” She then pressed her ass against his groin and began teasing his still hard cock with it. “Come on, tell ‘Auntie’ Ziggy, the reason, Pollux, or else you’re going to be blowing your wad all over my rump a whole lot sooner than planned.”

The fox, after he had moved himself out of their way, looked at the two. He smirked, before saying, “I’m going to get myself some water, as it looks like you two want to be alone for a while.” The young tod then snickered as he began to get off the bed.

Pollux phewed as he heard the director yell cut, before he blinked as he felt Zig Zag rest her sexy back against his strong chest. “What the…” he began to say, before he started to feel her firm ass cheeks start to rub themselves back and forth against his still hard cock, causing him to start moaning, just as he heard her question. “Now, aahhhh, what make you think that there’s another, ooooohhhh, reason for my hard humping of your pussy, Ziggy? Awww, come on, cut it out, or I’m going to be blowing, hhhhmmmm, hot spunk all over your cute ass a whole lot sooner than is called for in the script, you horrible tease.”

The tiger-striped sex queen lightly smirked, before saying, “Uhn, uhn, uhn, spill your guts first, big boy, or else spill your seed on my cute ass.” She then chuckled loudly, as she continued to rub her firm ass against his thirteen-inch cock.

The fox, who at the moment stood in front of a nearby table, was holding onto a water bottle. As he opened the bottle, he said, “Better tell her, big guy. I think she means it.”

Looking at the proceedings from off stage, the director, a male rabbit, rolled his eyes, before saying, “Just tell her, Pollux. We want the rest of the scene to be done in one take, even if that wouldn’t bother her any.”

The maneless feline continued to gasp and moan as he felt Zig Zag’s ass continue to rub itself against his thirteen-inch erection. He tried to hold back a little bit longer, but decided to finally give in. “Alright, I’ll tell, I’ll tell, you naughty skunky.”

Zig smiled naughtily , as she heard Pollux’s reply. She then stopped rubbing her rump against his cock, although she still kept her back against his muscular chest. “Ok, Pollux, spill. Or, snicker, feel the wrath of my ass.” The tiger-striped mephit then snickered, as Pollux rolled his eyes.

The young fox, as he drank some water out of the bottle, waited to hear Pollux’s response, as did the director and the film crew.

Pollux breathed a sigh of relief when he felt Zig’s ass no longer rubbing against his cock. He then said, “Oh, just you wait, missy, I’ll have my revenge on your ass, when we get back to filming. As for my earlier humping of your pussy, if you must know, I’d just spoke with my fiancé earlier.”

Zig raised an eyebrow. “You mean the lioness from India that you live with back in California?” the white-furred skunkette queried, as she remembered seeing the picture that the lion had showed her of his herm fiancé, Kama. .oO(Wouldn’t mind riding her cock sometime. Hhhhmmm, better yet, riding both of their cocks,) she thought, as she felt herself getting even wetter than she already was.

The tod raised an eyebrow. .oO(Wait, he’s getting married? That must be some gal if she has no problem with him working for Zig Zag.)

The lion smiled, before he continued. “Yes, her, Zig. The two of us plan to meet each other in Aspen, Colorado this weekend, if you must know. For a little fun together, and to also to start organizing things for our future wedding.” He then felt her tail rubbing itself against his cock. “Hey, now cut that out, Zig!!!” he said to Zig.

Zig was deep in thought. .oO(Oh, so that’s it, hmmm? A little fun together, eh? I hope that there’s room for one more.) The thought of her being in the middle of a sexual sandwich between the two felines caused Zig to start rubbing her tail against Pollux’s cock. Upon hearing his comment, she blushed while she quickly stopped her tail rubbing. “Sorry about that, I got a bit excited about something. Anyway, shall we finish the scene?”

The red-furred vulpine, as he put the water bottle down, answered, “You don’t have to ask me twice, babe.” He then headed towards the stage, as the director nodded his head in agreement.

Pollux shrugged his strong shoulders, before he placed his paws upon her back. He then began to move Zig’s body off of his chest. “Well, I guess the sooner that we can finish both this scene and the film, the sooner I can get to see my fiancé.”

Zig giggled, as she felt the muscular lion pushing her off of his chest, to get her body put back into position for the scene. .oO(And the sooner I can get to Tina so that she can order a pair of tickets for a flight to Aspen. I hear that the skiing is especially good there this time of year, although I doubt that I’ll be seeing too much of the slopes after getting there,) she thought to herself with a snicker, just as she saw the tod get back onto the bed, to continue the scene.

To be continued

Eva McEqqus/Gertrude 0069 © 2009 Scott and Stanley Alston

James McEqqus/Agent 13 Pollux Leoni, Kama (mentioned), fox stud and rabbit director © 2009 Stanley Alston

Lisa Deere, Jessica Thumper (mentioned), Robert Stag (mentioned) © 2009 Scott Alston

Bell Bovine/Ms. Moo © 2009 Jeremy Mullins

ShowBiz (mentioned) © 2009 Henry Sykes, Jr.

Zig Zag and Tina (mentioned) © 2009 Malcolm Earle

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