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Some vacation, huh? Part 2

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Back in California, in the DoeMare Productions’ cafeteria, James and Eva were seated at one of the cafeteria’s tables, eating their lunch. James, who was still clad in the black robe that he had placed over his nude form back in Studio One, was at the moment eating an apple, while his redheaded wife, who was seated to his left, was wearing a pink robe over what was left of the black lingerie outfit that she had been wearing earlier for her latest Gertrude 0069 film, and black shoes, was taking a big bite out of her wheat burger. Across from the presently eating pair sat two more equines, both stallions. Seated across from James, with a plate filled with spaghetti, covered in tomato sauce, and with a glass filled with apple juice, sat James’ redheaded, bay-furred, southern-born cousin, Tomas Clyde, while across from Eva, as he was eating a carrot stick from his plate, with a glass filled with orange soda, sat the black-furred, with white stockings upon both of his upper arms, blonde Dutch-born heavy horse, Richard van Eqquin.

The Clydesdale-Shire mix, who was clad in a light blue robe, as he was preparing to participate in a nude photoshoot in Studio Two, watched James take another bite from the apple that he was presently eating, as he said to him, “So, let me get tis straight, cos. Y’all wife told Bell tat she could ride y’all thirteen-inch horsehide for a whole week, in exchange for ‘er behavin’ ‘erself while y’all be vacationin’ in Aspen, Colorado?”

James, as he continued eating the apple, looked back at his cousin. After swallowing, he replied, with a light groan, “Aye, tat she did.”

As Eva chuckled while she continued to eat her lunch, the black stallion, who was dressed in a white dress shirt, blue jeans and grey sneakers, looked over at James. “And that be a problem, James? At least you’ll have a quiet weekend before you’ll have to start servicing her. Besides, Bell likes it when you nail her tight pussy with that big ol’ dick of yours,” the black stallion said in his Dutch-accented English. Richard then started to eat some more of the carrot stick that was presently in his hoof.

The brunette-furred Clydesdale looked at the other two stallions as he listens to his wife’s chuckles. “Nay tae point, laddies. Aye just donnae like bein’ tae prize be all.” James then released a light snort, before he took another bite from his apple.

The redheaded mare co-owner of the studio, after she had finished swallowing her burger, looked at James. Snickering again, she said to her hubby, “Oh, quit complainink du big baby. Just concentrate on der fact dat she von’t be sayink ‘ich’m horny’ all weekend, ja, as du haff fun mit both me und our daughter?” She then smiled at her husband, before she picked up her wheat burger and started to take another bite.

As James rolled his eyes, while continuing to chew the apple piece that he had just bitten, and Eva was chewing on her burger, Tomas, as he swirled his fork around some of the spaghetti and tomato sauce that was on his plate, said, “Speaking of Bell, where is our horny little cow?”

As the brunette-furred stallion shrugged his shoulders, Eva finished swallowing her burger. She looked at her husband’s cousin. “She’s probably sulkink in der ladies’ dressink room, mit Lisa tryink to calm her down, as ich recall seeink her chasink after our bovine prima donna,” said the redheaded Rhenish mare, before she started to pick up a glass that was filled with grape soda, as she saw Tomas start to eat his lunch.

The black Dutch stallion raised an eyebrow. “More than likely she’s being ‘eaten out’ by the doe right now,” he said with a light chuckle.

James looked over at Richard. “Tat be a wee awful pun, laddie,” he said to Richard. “Besides, Lisa doesn’t do porn anymore, remember?”

Eva laughs, after drinking her soda. As she put down the glass, she said, “Jamie, du off all people should know by now. Just because someone doesn’t do it before der camera, it doesn’t mean tat he or she isn’t still doink it. Iff ich know Lisa, she’s probably coolink Bell down. Mit her tongue.” The buxom redhead then started to chuckle, as did Richard, before he took another bite from his carrot stick, as James shook his head. Meanwhile, Tomas was sipping some orange soda from his glass, wondering what was really going on right now inside the main ladies’ dressing room.

} } }

As the foursome continued to eat their lunch inside the studio’s cafeteria, back in the main women’s dressing room, the redheaded, brown-furred heifer in question was at the moment sitting in a chair. Bell, who was once more nude, as the light blue robe that she had put over her buxom form back in Studio One was presently resting across the back of the chair that she was now seated in, let loose with a loud moan, as she was using her strong hooves to rub her firm 42D breasts. “Hhhhhmmm, yes, ooooohhhh, suck Bell’s pussy, Mrs. Deere. Aaaahhhhh, make Bell happy with that nasty tongue of yours,” she said, before she released a naughty moo, as she felt the white-tailed deer doe, Lisa Deere, expert tongue move itself in and out of her hot pussy. “Yes, hhhhmmm, suck my pussy, you naughty doe.

The white-haired, reddish brown-furred doe was presently sitting on her knees in front of the now mooing cow, wearing upon her sexy form a beige bra, beige pantyhose, which, when looked at closely, could be seen to be crotchless, and black mid-heel shoes, as her dark blue three-piece business dress and white shirt all lay on the floor behind the pair. As she continued to slide her tongue up and down the length of the horny redheaded female bovine’s wet snatch, Lisa listened to Bell’s getting louder moans. .oO(I really hope that you appreciate this, Bell, hhhhhmmm, you horny cow. After all, I am suppose to, aaaaahhhhhh, be retired from this. Awwww, who am I kidding. I’m only retired from, hhhhhmmm, doing this for pay. Besides, I’d always, yeah, hhhmmm, moan for me, you naughty heifer, did like licking Bell’s snatch.)

Bell released an even louder moo in response to Lisa’s nasty tongue moving itself even deeper inside her pussy. “Yes, hhhhmmm, you always did know, oooooohhhh, how to make Bell a happy cow, Mrs. Deere. Aaahhhh, yes, lick my hot pussy good. Hhhhhhmmm, too bad you, ooohhh, can’t fuck Bell, aaaaahhh, like Mr. McEqqus can, Mrs. Deere!!!” she said to the white-haired cervine femme, as she continued to rub her 42D boobs, before the redheaded heifer started to move her pretty head from side to side in response to what Lisa was now doing to her pussy with her tongue.

.oO(Really, Bell? Well, if I was a, hhhhmmm, herm like either Gertrude or Kama, I would certainly be fucking your very horny ass right now, yeah, play with your big tits, you horny heifer, hhhmmm, just for that comment alone,) mused Lisa, as she began to slide her tongue even quicker across the cow’s hot sex, as she started to feel some juice exit it, which she proceeded to lick. She then looked up, whereupon she saw Bell’s head moving from side to side as she laid her head against the chair’s back. .oO(And fucking you hard, to boot!!!)

As Lisa continued to move her tongue in and out of Bell’s juicy snatch, and Bell kept on playing with her big boobs while moving her head back and forth in response to what the reddish brown-furred cervine was doing to her snatch, neither of the two femmes heard the door to the main female dressing room close behind them. The two horny femmes only realized that they weren’t alone in the dressing room when they heard another voice say to them:

“Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?”

Upon hearing the voice behind them, the white-haired doe released a low bleat of surprise into the redheaded female bovine’s pussy, which caused Bell to release a lusty moo in response to it. After quickly getting her wits about her, Lisa pulled her tongue out of the brown-furred cow’s wet snatch, before she turned her head to find out who it was that had just asked to join them. The reddish brown-furred cervine soon saw who it was, ShowBiz. Lisa noticed that the brunette-haired, dark grey-furred, with her left eye covered by a light green ‘eyepatch’, female canine was presently clothed in a dark blue robe that was tied up firmly around her sexy waist. “No, this isn’t a private party, ShowBiz,” she answered the presently panting canine, as the still seated Bell also looked at the dark grey-furred bitch.

Bell, as she looked back at ShowBiz, added, “Hhhmmm, why don’t you join us, you naughty little bow wow?” before giving her friend a horny smile as she looked her over. “Coming back from a shoot, you horny doggie?”

ShowBiz, as she looked at the other two femmes while she continued to pant, smiled as she heard Lisa’s answer, before saying in response to her best friend’s question, “In fact I am, Bell. I’ve just finished doing a shoot in Studio Two with Rebecca Minx and Thomas Blacktail. Hhhhmm, that ‘coon certainly knows how to use that thick cock of his. I’d lost count of the number of times he had me and Rebecca coming.” As soon as she had said that, ShowBiz started to recall their last scene, which had Thomas pounding Rebecca’s hot ass from behind while the horny mink was sucking on her pussy, as she lay atop of a rug inside a teepee, as the Native American ‘coon and the Cherokee-German mink played a Native American couple while she was portraying a young pioneer femme whom the male ‘coon had earlier found in her home alone and had brought back to their teepee to fuck, before the scene would end with Thomas covering both femmes’ faces with his hot seed. Thinking about the scene that she had just participated in caused the buxom dark grey-furred bitch to smiled lustfully. Or it did until she heard:

“…Stop with the daydreaming, you naughty little bow wow, unless you’d decided not to join us,” said Lisa, as she continued to look at ShowBiz, while she pondered about what she was wearing underneath the robe.

“Please, join us, please, pretty please?” added Bell, as she started to look at ShowBiz with puppy dog eyes upon her horny face, as she hoped her canine friend would say yes.

The brunette-haired canine looked at first Lisa, then the buxom redheaded bovine, as she thought over her response. She then smiled, as she placed her paws onto the rope that was tied around her robe. As ShowBiz began to untie her dark blue robe, she said to the other two femmes, “How can I say no, when you asked me so nicely, you naughty girl.” ShowBiz then laughed lightly, as she opened up her robe, revealing to the other two the rest of her sexy form, including her breasts and the inner light grey-fur that covered the area between them, as well as both her sexy abs and her hot pussy, showing the two that she had been wearing nothing underneath it.

Bell, as she watched her friend let the robe slowly drop off of her sexy form, lustily said to the bitch, “Bell want to suck on your big tits, you teasing little doggie,” before she started to release a slight moan as she felt something once again licking along the length of her pussy. The brown-furred cow then looked down, whereupon she saw Lisa’s tongue once again licking along her snatch. “Aaaahhhh, yes, hhhhmmm, lick my pussy, Lisa!!!”

After she had heard ShowBiz’s response, the white-haired, white-tailed cervine turned her head and looked back at Bell’s still wet snatch. Lisa then lowered her head until she had it just above the redheaded bovine femme’s sex until her head was just a few inches above it. She then opened her mouth and placed her tongue directly onto Bell’s sex. Lisa next proceeded to once again slide her tongue along the length of the buxom brown-furred heifer’s hot snatch. Lisa was soon hearing Bell moaning loudly in response to what she was presently doing to the female bovine’s cunt, as she saw out of the corner of her eyes that the dark grey-furred canine was approaching her friend’s 42D boobs. .oO(Hhhmmm, what do you plan to do, you naughty doggie, as if I didn’t know,) she mused, as she started to slide her tongue even faster across Bell’s pussy.

After she had taken off her robe, the brunette-haired bitch allowed it to drop onto the floor as she looked at both Bell and Lisa as she watched the reddish-brown fur doe’s tongue go back to licking her best friend’s snatch. ShowBiz continued watching the pair for a while, then started to approach the two. The nude canine femme slowly walked towards the pair until she was standing to the brown-furred cow’s right, as she looked at her moan loudly in response to Lisa’s tongue licking Bell’s snatch. ShowBiz smiled, before she got onto her knees, seating herself next to the buxom redheaded bovine’s right tit. The dark grey-furred canine then wrapped her right paw around the moaning bovine’s teat. She next started to rub Bell’s boob with her paw, noticing how soft it presently felt in her paw as she listened to the moan that her rubbing and the white-haired cervine femme’s pussy licking were doing to Bell. As she started to pant again, while her tail wagged behind her, she said, “Want me to suck on those big boobs of yours, Bell? Do you?” ShowBiz then waited for her horny friend’s response as she continued to fondle her right boob.

Bell continued to gasp and moan in response to each of Lisa’s tongue licks across her pussy as she watched her friend first finish disrobing herself, before she watched her walk over to both her and the reddish brown-furred deer doe. She then saw ShowBiz walk over to her right boob, before she watched her get onto her knees in front of it, and then place her right paw on top of it. The buxom redheaded bovine then started to moan even louder as she began to feel the dark grey-furred bitch’s paw begin to rub her right teat. After she had heard ShowBiz’s query, she replied, “Hhhmmm, yes, aaahhh, suck my boob, mmmooo, you naughty doggie,” before releasing a very loud moan in response to a long lick inside her snatch by Lisa, as she went back to rubbing her left tit.

ShowBiz simply smiled as she heard Bell’s answer, before she lowered her head, and started to wrap her mouth around the brunette heifer’s right teat. Once she had her mouth firmly wrapped around the redheaded female bovine’s 42D boob, she proceeded to suck on her friend’s breast, soon causing her to moan even louder than before. .oO(Yeah, moan for me, Bell. I want to hear you mooooooo!!!) she thought, as her started to lick on Bell’s taut nipple.

As ShowBiz was playing with Bell’s right teat, before the brunette-haired bitch’s mouth started to suck on the redheaded bovine femme’s breast, the reddish brown-furred cervine femme’s tongue continued to slide itself back and forth along the length of the buxom cow’s wet snatch, causing her to moan even louder. .oO(Hhhmmm, yes, moan for both me and ShowBiz, aahhh, you naughty cow!!) Lisa then began to slide her tongue even deeper inside Bell‘s pussy, as she pondered how long it would take to bring Bell off, as she wanted to eat lunch before getting back to directing the film.

½ ½ ½

As Lisa continued to lick Bell’s pussy while ShowBiz was sucking on the redheaded, brunette-furred bovine femme’s right teat, back in the cafeteria, Eva was starting to take another bite of her veggie burger, while James was eating the last of his apple. At the same time, the redheaded Clydesdale stallion’s southern-born cousin, Tomas, continued to eat his spaghetti, while Richard, the Dutch-born heavy horse, was eating another carrot stick, as the four continued to eat their lunch. At this moment, the four heard another voice say to them, “Ah, I was told that I would find you here, Eva.”

The buxom redheaded Rhenish mare, as she chewed the veggie burger piece that she had just bitten into, turned her pretty head in the direction of the voice, as did her husband and the other two male stallions. Eva then saw who it was that had just spoken to her: The adult film studio’s Head of Personnel and her platinum blonde lapin co-partner’s naughty Administrative Assistant, Cathy Chippy. As she looked at the blonde, eyeglass-wearing chippette, Eva at once noticed that she was presently dressed in a light brown three-piece dress, with a white blouse, tan stockings and black shoes, which clung very snugly against her smaller frame. She smiled at the smaller rodent, before she swallowed her food. Eva then said to her, “Guten tag, Cathy. Vat can ich do for du?”

Cathy, as she continued to smile, looked over at the three stallions, first the black robe clad James, then at the blue robe dressed Tomas, then finally the clothes-wearing Richard, before she looked back at the pink robe clothed redheaded Rhenish mare. She then said to Eva, “Oh, not much, Eva, other than to tell you that I’d finally picked up the plane tickets for the trip to Aspen.” Cathy then lifted her right paw, within which she held a clipboard that contained several airlines tickets. The naughty chippette placed one of her paws onto the tickets and pulled away three of them, leaving behind four more tickets. She then handed the three tickets that were in her left paw to Eva. As she watched the buxom redheaded mare take them from her, which were for her, James and Brunne, Cathy said, “I have already given Jessica the tickets for her, her hubby and Holly, as well as completed the hotel arrangements for everyone here who is going on the trip.” The blonde chippette then looked around the room, obviously looking for someone. Although Cathy saw seated at the other tables inside the cafeteria a few more of the studio’s actors and actresses, along with several members of the staff, she was unable to locate the person that she was actually looking for. The blonde rodent then looked back at Eva, as the buxom redhead was placing the tickets inside her pink robe’s right hand pocket. Cathy queried Eva, “By the way, guys, where’s Bell? I happen to have her airline ticket with me.” The brunette-furred chippette then pointed to the other tickets that were still on the clipboard.

The four equines looked back at Cathy. With a light chuckle, Eva answered, “Bell? She’s probably in der dressink room right now. Ich just can’t say vat she might be doink in der at der moment.”

Cathy, as she listened, chuckled. “Oh, and who is our horny heifer with right now?”

“More ten likely Lisa, as she was chasin’ after ‘er, after she ‘ad told me, Eva n tae film crew to go ahead n eat lunch earlier,” answered James, before he got up from the table, so that he could throw away the apple core that was still in his paw.

“I see,” said Cathy, before she watched James walk towards a nearby trashcan to throw away the core of his just eaten apple. She then looked at the other three equines. “Well, I better give Kama her airline ticket before I go track down our naughty little cow.” The blonde chippette then winked at them before turning around and walking towards another table, where sat Kama, who was presently eating her lunch, along with Gertrude Bär, Helena Sheepadopolous, Philip de Ram, Catherina Schaf and Wani Rei. As the female rodent walked away, she was being watched by the three equines.

“Now there’s one gal who knows how to move her ass,” commented Richard, as he looked at the way that Cathy was sexily moving her hips and ass as she headed for the other table, before he started to take a bite from another of the carrot sticks on his plate.

“Du’re only sayink dat because du vant to push dat big dick off ihrs between dose zwei big, round cheeks off hers,” Eva said to the big black stallion, before releasing a light chuckle, as she began to pick up her veggie burger to take yet another bite from it.

“So says tae big mare who likes to slide ‘er nasty tongue between ‘er blonde bush,” quipped Tomas, as he prepared to eat some more of his spaghetti meal, which caused Eva to lick her tongue at him, before teasingly wiggling it in front of the bay-furred stallion’s face. Tomas just rolled his eyes, before he started to place the fork with the tomato-sauce covered spaghetti into his mouth, as the redheaded Teutonic mare lightly snickered before she started to bite her veggie burger, as James rejoined the group, after having first picked up a small container of orange jello, along with a spoon to eat it with.

As he sat back down at the table, the brunette-haired Clydesdale stallion quickly noticed that the black and white-furred Dutch stallion was looking ahead. James, as he started to open the jello cup, after first putting down the spoon, queried Richard, “N wat be ye lookin’ at, laddie?”

Richard, taking his eyes off of Cathy, as the blonde rodent finally reached the table whereupon was seated Kama, Gertrude, Helena, Catherina, Philip, and Wani, looked over at James, who had just finished opening up the jello cup, and was getting ready to pick up his spoon. The Dutch stallion answered, “I was looking at Cathy as she headed for the table where Kama was seated.”

As James placed his spoon into the cup, he looked at Richard. As he did, he heard his southern-born cousin, who had only seconds earlier finished swallowing the spaghetti that he had been chewing upon, added, “N be tinkin’ about shovin’ his big dick between ‘er tight, round ass,” which soon caused the black and white stallion to blush a deep red, while at the same time almost making Eva expel her lunch as she tried hard to keep herself from laughing her head off. “Ah see,” the brunette-furred stallion simply commented, before he pulled out of the cup some of the orange jello that was inside it so that he could eat it.

At the same time, Cathy, as she now stood before Kama, as the black herm she-bear, the two ewes, the black ram and the black and white-furred skunkette looked on, said to the tawny-furred feline herm, “I guess that you’re anxious to see your fiancée, eh, Kama?”

The black-haired, Indian-born lioness, who was presently dressed in a white dress, dark brown stockings and medium-heel black shoes, looked back at Cathy. Smiling at her, she replied, in her accented English, “More than you can guess. It has been weeks since I’d last felt his strong arms around me.”

“Und ihr paws around his big dick,” quipped Gertrude, who, as she sat to Kama’s left, was wearing a strapless deep turquoise embellished ribbed tee dress, beige stockings and low-heel white dress shoes.

“And his mouth sucking on yours,” added Helena with a snicker, as the black and white-furred Grecian-born ewe was seated to the black herm ursine’s left, dressed in an urban blue eyelet drop-waist ruffle dress with a low scoopneck and ankle-length, low-heel black boots.

“As vell as his naughty mouth suckink on ihr big boobs,” remarked Catherina with a very naughty smile, as the blonde, white-furred German-born ovine sat opposite Kama, as she wore upon her middle-age form a jungle green little tee dress, with mauve stockings and medium-heel black shoes.

“Before you finally feel that great big thirteen-inch cock of his pounding your pussy and ass all night long, until you can finally take no more,” teased Wani, as the white-haired, black and white-furred skunkette sat to the right of the German ewe, as she wore upon her sexy small form a sleeveless blue pleated halter playdress, with light brown stockings and low-heel grey shoes.

As the four femmes spoke, causing Kama to blush, with Cathy trying to keep from laughing at their comments to the raven-haired big cat, Philip, as he was clothed in a light blue shirt and dark brown pants, with black dress shoes, and sat to the right of Wani, and across from his wife, Helena, proceeded to eat his lunch, a small piece of apple pie, while he listened to the other four femmes good naturedly tease the Indian-born feline. As he was slicing off a piece of it with a fork, he said, “I think we all get the idea, ladies. She can’t wait to ride Pollux’s hard cock until she is sexily drained.” The black-wooled ram then lifted up the just cut pie piece with the fork, before he placed it into his mouth, which he was soon chewing.

Cathy simply chuckled, as she gave Kama her airplane ticket. “Just pay them no mind, Kama. Just enjoyed whatever you got planned for that big hunk of a stud of yours,” the blonde chippette said, before she started to grin. “I know I certainly plan to.”

The others at the table, along with Kama, as she was taking the ticket from Cathy’s paw, looked at the brunette-furred rodent. “Oh, you got something planned, hhmmm, you horny little rodent?” queried Helena.

After she had given Kama her ticket, Cathy turned to face the others. With a very naughty smile upon her pretty face, she replied, “Oh, not much. Just me, my stud mouse of a boyfriend and our hotel room. You guys do the math.” After giving them a big smile, the blonde chippette turned around and headed for the cafeteria’s door, planning to leave the lunchroom so that she can find Bell and give the bovine femme her ticket.

The group at the table, except for Philip, who was starting to cut another slice of his pie with his fork, looked at the small, blonde chippette’s moving rear, as she headed for the door that led out of the cafeteria. As she reached the door, Wani quipped, “And we now see why she’s Jessica’s assistant. That little rodent is just as much of a tease as she is.”

Hearing the white-haired skunkette’s quip, the black ursine added, “Ja, she ist at dat, isn’t she/ But, ich’m sure dat du vouldn’t mind goink down upon dat tease’s bush, ja?” Gertrude then smiled, before the German-born she-bear herm began to pick up her large hamburger, so that she could take a big bite from it.

As the others at the table chuckled, including Philip, who had only moments earlier finished swallowing the pie piece that he had just put into his mouth, the black and white-furred mephit looked at the big black ursine herm. With a naughty tone in her voice, she replied, “Just as much as you wouldn’t mind shoving that big dick of yours into it. And we all know that you do.”

The blonde she-bear, as she continued to eat her burger, while listening to the others continue to laugh, looked back at the now smiling skunkette. After swallowing, she said to her, “Keep it up, Wani, und ich may decide to see iff du can really outlast me.”

Wani smirked. “Bring it on anytime you’re ready, Gertrude.” After saying that, the white-haired mephit went back to eating her egg salad.

“Vhy ne after ve haff both finished eatink lunch, Wani? Ich don’t haff to participate in any film until tomorrow mornink,” replied the buxom she-bear, before she took another bite of her burger.

As she lifted up her fork, the sexy skunkette looked back at the larger female ursine. With a naughty smile on her face, she answered her, “You’re on. You just better be loaded with cream to spare, honey,” before she started to place the fork into her mouth. She was soon moving her lips around it as if she was sucking on a cock, before finally pulling it out of her mouth with a very naughty look on her pretty face.

Gertrude just shook her head as she continued to eat her lunch while the others at the table chuckled some more before they all went back to eating their lunch.

® ® ®

As Cathy, after she had left the cafeteria, headed for the female dressing room, so that she could give Bell her airline tickets, back in Ohio, Kama’s fiancé, Pollux, was still slamming his thirteen-inch erection in and out of Zig Zag’s tight ass as he stood above her, while the young tod was sliding his ten-inch hard-on in and out of the white tiger-stripped skunkette’s equally tight pussy, as his mouth suckle upon the left most of her two 38D tits, as he laid atop the bed that the threesome were lying on. As she felt the fox and lion slide their hard erections in and out of her two holes, the white skunkette gasped and moaned loudly in response to each of the two males’ hard thrusts, while at the same time she felt her pussy and anal muscles sucking upon both of their cocks, and the tod’s mouth sucking upon the hard nipple of her firm left tit.

“Hhhhmmm, oh yes, give it to me good, studs. Fuck my two holes,” Zig Zag said to the pair, as she was enjoying each of their hard thrusts, before she released a low growl in response to her feeling the young male fox’s mouth sucking on her firm breast, while he had both of his paws wrapped around her sexy waist. She then released an even louder one as she felt Pollux thrust his hard cock even harder against her anus, causing both of her ass cheeks to bounce against his groin. Realizing the reason why he was humping her so hard at the present time caused Zig to lick her lips while she had thoughts of riding Pollux’s sexy fiancée’s hardness. “Yeah, big boy, aaahhhh, slam that big cock against my ass. Come on, fuck me harder!!” The tiger-stripped skunkette then started to ride even faster along the length of the young fox’s ten-inch cock, as he tried to keep pace with Pollux’s hard cock thrusts. .oO(Hhhmmm, yeah, I need to meet your future wife, stud, just to find out why you are so, aaahhhh, fuck me, studs, excited.) Zig then released a low moan, as she felt the pair release some low moans of their own as her sexual muscles got even firmer grips upon their thrusting hard-ons, as she felt some pre from both of their cocks enter her two love holes.

Pollux moved his hips back and forth as he slid his thirteen-inch erection in and out of the white tiger-striped skunkette’s tight back door, as he felt his groin constantly slam against the soft flesh of her bouncing ass cheeks. As he did, the tawny-furred lion could feel Zig Zag’s tight anal muscles get a firm grip around his thrusting hard-on. This caused him to release a light growl, before he started to thrust his cock even harder against the tiger-striped skunkette’s ass. He smiled as he enjoyed the feel of his groin bouncing against the porn goddess’ bouncing anus, before her heard her horny comment. Pollux replied, as he started to slam his cock against Zig’s rump, “Oooohhhhhh, I’ll fuck your ass, alright, you naughty slut. Hhhmm, yeah, make me cum inside that tight hole of yours!!!” The maneless feline then gasped, as he started to feel his balls getting itchy, informing him that they were starting to fill up with his cum. This caused him to start thrusting his big cock even harder against her ass. “Yes, hhhhmmmm, ride me, slut!!!”

The young tod continued thrusting his cock in and out of Zig Zag’s tight, hot, snatch as he kept on matching Pollux stroke for hard strike, while at the same time his mouth was sucking happily upon the white tiger-striped mephit’s left 38D breast, as his tongue licked on her nipple. .oO(Hhhhmmm, yeah, ride me, aaahhh, slut. Take my cock inside your tight pussy!!) thought the red-furred vulpine, as he felt his ten-inch hard-on constantly slam against the moaning skunkette’s hot snatch as he felt her vaginal muscles trying to suck his erection even deeper inside her tight sex. He then released a low gasp onto Zig’s firm tit as he felt her pussy get an even firmer grip around his hard-on, as he kept on trying to keep up with the lion’s hard thrusts into the porn queen’s tight back door. The young blonde tod then gasped as he felt his cock release some of its hot pre into the black striped skunkette’s tight snatch. .oO(Yes, aahhhh, take it all, you naughty little slut!! Ooohhh, yeah, ride me!!) the male fox thought, as he pondered how much longer before the sex goddess and her hot snatch would finally make him cum.

The white tiger-striped skunkette gasped and moaned lustily in time to each hard cock thrusts in and out of her two tight love holes, while at the same time she was feeling the blonde tod’s mouth continue to suckle upon her left 38D breast. Zig then released a low growl as she felt some more hot pre enter her two holes, first from the lion’s big dick, then from the younger fox’s smaller erection. “Yes, hhhhmmm, slam my big ass good, aaahhhh, stud. Show me why you’re the, ooohhhh, king of beasts,” she said to Pollux, just as she felt his cock slamming itself even harder against her bouncing cheeks. Zig licked her sexy lips once again, before releasing a lusty growl as she felt Pollux’s thick cock slam itself even harder against her ass cheeks, telling her that the lion was about to cum. “Oooohhhh, yeah, hhhhmmmm, fill my tight ass with your hot white spunk, O king!!!” Zig said to him, as she started to feel more pre enter her rectum. The white skunkette then moaned as she waited for her back door to be filled by Pollux’s hot spunk, while Zig kept on riding both Pollux and the fox’s hard cocks, soon feeling her sex get an even tighter grip around the blonde vulpine ten-inch hard-on, trying to get him to fill her pussy with his hot spunk as well.

The horny lion continued thrusting his hips forward, slamming it hard against the moaning tiger-striped skunkette’s back door, as he felt himself getting closer and closer to an orgasm. As he kept on slamming his thick cock against Zig’s sucking anus, Pollux could feel his balls continue to fill up with his seed, getting ready to exit his thirteen-inch hard-on and enter the white mixed-breed femme’s anus. “Aaaahhhh, yeah, slut, hhhmmm, take my big dick in that tight, oooohhh, ass of yours, slut!!!” he said to the equally horny skunkette, before he released a horny growl in response to her anal muscles getting an even stronger grip around his hard-on. This caused him to start slamming his groin even harder against Zig’s bouncing ass cheeks, as he started to feel his scrotum getting itchy, warning him that he was about to cum. Pollux released a loud, lusty roar as he finally came, his cock firing its hot spunk into the tiger-striped skunkette’s asshole. As he started to release some more of his hot spunk into the white mephit’s ass, the tawny-furred feline said, “Aaahhh, yeah, you horny little slut, take my hot seed in that tight ass of yours! Yeah, aahhh, you naughty little skunkette!!!” The raven-haired feline then released another growl, as he continued to slam his cock against Zig’s bouncing ass, as he was trying to get her to cum.

As he felt the tawny-furred lion’s thick hard-on keep on sliding itself in and out of the tiger-striped skunkette’s tight back door, the red-furred fox kept on thrusting his ten-inch hard-on in and out of Zig Zag’s sucking pussy, as he continued trying to match the big lion stroke for hard stroke. The young tod then released a loud gasp onto the horny white skunkette’s left 38D teat as he could feel the tiger-striped skunkette’s vaginal muscles get a firmer grip upon his cock, as the lion proceeded to slam his cock even harder against her back door. .oO(Yes, aaahhh, fuck her good, stud, yes, hhhmmm, fuck her good! Make her cum!!) he thought lustily, as he felt his cock starting to fill up with his hot seed, as he felt himself coming closer and closer to climax. The young blonde vulpine then gasped as he felt the lion slamming his cock even faster against Zig’s bouncing ass cheeks, before he heard him start to roar, telling him that he was now cumming. This caused him to start slamming his own ten-inch dick against Zig’s thrusting snatch, as he felt his ten-inch erection fire start to fire its hot seed into the white skunkette’s tight pussy. He then let go of her breast, before he said to her, “Yeah, aaaahhhh, take it all up that tight snatch of yours, ooohh, you horny little slut!!” He then released a loud yiff as he felt her pussy muscles get a firmer grip around his cock, forcing it to fire even more hot cum into her snatch, as the lion fired some more of his own hot spunk into her ass.

Zig moaned lustily as she felt the two cocks move in and out of her two holes, with the lion continuously slamming his cock against her ass cheeks. She licked her lips, as she could feel her anal muscles trying to get a firmer grip upon Pollux thrusting thirteen-inch hard-on, while her vaginal muscles would constantly squeeze upon the young male fox’s hard ten-inch cock, trying to get him to come inside her hot snatch. The white tiger-striped mephit could also feel the vulpine’s mouth still sucking upon her left 38D boob, which soon made her moan more lustfully, while she, at the same time, felt her sex release some of its juice. “Hhhmmm, yeah, fuck me, aaaahhhh, yeah, kitty, ooohhhh, pound my ass with your, hhhhmmm, big, hard cock. Fuck me good, studs,” she said to the two, before she felt Pollux slamming his groin even harder against her firm ass cheeks, telling her that he was ready to blow. Zig then gasped as she felt his cock start to release its hot seed into her back door, as she heard his lusty roar. She then smiled as she started to feel the vulpine slamming his ten-inch cock against her groin before she felt his seed entering her snatch. “Ooohhh, yeah, hhhmmm, fill me with your hot seed!!!” she said to the pair, as she felt their cocks fire some more of their hot seeds into her two holes, as she felt first her anal, and then her vaginal muscles getting a firmer grip around their two cocks, trying to get control of the situation. “Hhhmmm, yeah, fuck me, studs!!!”

Pollux released another lusty roar as he felt his cock fire some more of its hot seed into Zig Zag’s tight rectum, just seconds after feeling her anal muscles get a firmer grip upon his thirteen-inch erection, while at the same time he could feel the young tod moving his own ten-inch hard-on back and forth in time to his own thrusts. He then placed his strong paws upon the white tiger-striped skunkette’s firm 38D breasts as soon as he had seen the red-furred male vulpine’s mouth released the left one. “Hhhmm, your breasts feel so good in my paws, slut,” he said to Zig, as the raven-haired feline slammed his cock even harder against her bouncing ass cheeks. “Ooohhhh, yeah, slut, hhhhmmm, don’t you worry about me fucking you good!!!” Pollux said to the white-furred mephit, before he released another loud roar as he felt his cock fire some more of its hot seed into her tight back door. He then gave her boobs another firm squeeze before he suddenly let them go. The brunette-furred lion then placed his paws atop her ass, as he slammed his thirteen-inch hard-on even faster against her firm ass, as he felt his balls really filling up with his white spunk. He then slammed his erection even harder against Zig’s firm ass a few more times, before, using his paws as leverage, he pushed his body back until he has finally pulled his cock out of the tiger-striped skunkette’s rectum. He then wrapped his right paw around his hard-on and started to rub it before it finally started to fire a large load of his hot cum, which was soon hitting against her asshole. As more and more of his hot seed exited his thick erection, it was soon coating both Zig’s anus and ass cheeks. “Yeah, aaahhh, take it, slut!!!”

The young blonde tod released a loud yiff as he kept on thrusting his ten-inch cock in and out of the white-furred tiger, striped mephit’s pussy, as he continued to match the lion’s hard thrusts into Zig’s anus. The vulpine then gasped as he felt his cock fire more of its white spunk into her sex, as he heard her comment. “Oooohhhh, I’ll fuck you good, slut. Hhhmmm, yeah, I’ll fuck you real good!!!” he said to Zig, while at the same time he felt the lion’s cock slamming even harder against the porn queen’s tight ass. The young blonde tod then released another moan in response to his feeling Zig’s pussy muscles tightening even more around his cock, soon causing him to unleash some more of his hot seed into her tight snatch. He then watched the big lion pull his erection out of Zig’s ass, before he saw Pollux start to cover her anus and firm rump with his warm seed. Seeing the lion cover the porn queen ass with his spunk soon excited the red-furred male fox until he was soon slamming his erection even harder against Zig’s crotch until he released a big load of his own into her hot sex. “Yeah, ahhhh, take my seed, slut!!!” he said to Zig, as he kept thrusting his cock in and out of her sex, as he started to feel some of the lion’s released cum hit his thrusting legs.

Zig moaned lustily as she continued to feel the two males’ erections move in and out of her two holes, especially the thirteen-inch hard-on of the tawny–furred feline inside her tight back door. As she felt the two male studs pushing her ever closer to her own orgasm, Zig could feel the muscles of both of her holes getting even tighter around the two studs’ hard cocks. “Aaahhh, yes, fuck me, studs! Hhhhmmm, fuck me good!!” she said to the pair, before she began to feel them slamming their erections even harder against her bouncing ass and her groin, before she felt the lion suddenly pull his cock out of her anus, shortly followed by his cock starting to cover her rectum and ass cheeks with his hot seed. She then felt the tod’s cock fire some more of its own hot seed into her tight pussy. That was more than Zig could take, as she felt herself finally cumming, her warm pussy juice soon starting to cover the blonde vulpine’s still thrusting cock. “Yes, ahhhh, make me cum, stud!!!”

= = =

“Cut, and that’s a wrap for this particular scene,” the three furs on the bed heard the brown-furred rabbit director announce to them from off-screen. The male rabbit in the grey shirt, light brown pants and black shoes then added, “Okay, people, it’s almost three-thirty. That’s all for today. We’ll continued this in the morning.”

At this point, Pollux grunted as he felt his cock released one more cum shot onto Zig’s ass, which caused the tiger-striped skunkette to gasp, before he heard her announce, “Pollux!” “Ooops, sorry about that Zig. Guess I still had one more load left to release,” he said to Zig, before he started to giggle nervously, as he started to move his paws away from his still hard cock.

The tod had, in the meantime, stopped thrusting his cock inside Zig’s cunt. He then looked at Zig’s anus, soon seeing all of the cum that was now dripping down both it and her sexy legs. “Man, you must’ve had a real nasty case of blue balls for you to be releasing that much cum, Pollux,” he said to Pollux, as he saw the lion sit upon bended legs atop the bed. The young blonde vulpine then began pulling his cock out of Zig’s pussy, as the film crew started to either turn off the equipment or move it out of the way.

Zig heard the male director announce cut, then tell everyone to take the rest of the day off, before she felt one last thrust from the vulpine’s cock, as it was still inside her sex. She then released a gasped, followed by her saying Pollux’s name loudly, as she felt the last of his seed hit her ass. As she felt his cum flowing down her rump and legs, and the young tod start to pull his cock out of her snatch, she turned both her head and part of her body slightly to her right, to back look at Pollux. Zig then blinked when she noted that the lion’s cum covered cock was still at its full length, still ready to go. The tiger-striped femme began to form a naughty smile on her pretty face, as she felt the head of the young tod’s erection finally exit her pussy. As she turned around, to place her firm breasts atop the bed, so that she could now look at the still hung lion’s cock, Zig said, “No problem, big boy. Accidents do happen. Although I should let you know that your friend is still up. And looking like it could go another round,” before she licked her lips as a horny thought crossed her mind, while the fox started to turned his body around until he was now sitting upon the edge of the bed, to her right.

The tawny-furred lion blinked his eyes before he looked down, whereupon he saw what Zig had meant. “Great, just what I need, my cock still being hard,” he said in a non-chalant tone, as this was obviously not the first time that this had happened to him, as he started to notice the naughty looks that were on the faces of several of the crew’s female members. He then looked at Zig, quickly noticing the naughty look upon her face. “And what is exactly on your dirty mind, Zig?”

The red and white-furred male fox, after he had turned around, started to get up, just as he heard both Zig and Pollux’s comments. He said, as he headed for the back, “I get the feeling it might involve her trying to bring you down, kitty. Or rather that big dick of yours.” He then added, as he also noticed the looks upon some of the female crewmembers, “And I think that she might get a little help there.” The young tod then started to chuckle.

The white-haired mephit chuckled lightly as she kept on looking at Pollux and his still stiff hard-on as she heard the two males’ comments. “Ooohhh, nothing. Although that big meat that you’re packing is being very tempting right now.” .oO(Not the first time, eh, big boy? Your girl must be quite the little sexual firecracker if you’re still stiff like you are right now.) The white tiger-striped skunkette then added, as she began to sit on her knees, “But, you are going to have to bring that big boy down before you can leave this room.”

Pollux raised an eyebrow as he heard Zig’s comments, especially the second one, as he heard some of the female staff start to whistle at him while they started to put away the equipment, especially the cameras that had been used to record the scene. He then said to Zig, while he placed his strong arms against his muscular chest, “And what do you suggest, Zig?” as he watched her sit down on the bed, directly in front of his still hard thirteen-inch erection.

The vulpine, meanwhile, had walked over to a chair, whereupon was placed a light grey robe. The redheaded young male tod stopped before the chair, and was soon putting on the robe. As he did, he looked at the tawny-furred lion and the tiger-striped skunkette, with the later he was seeing presently licking her naughty lips. He quipped, as he started to tie up the robe, “I think that she means as in sucking your friend into submission.” The tod then chuckled, before he turned and then headed for the door that led out of the studio, so that he could go to the male locker room, as he planned to take a hot shower so that he can clean himself up.

Zig simply smirked as she continued to sit on her knees on the bed as she looked at the tawny-furred big cat’s still hard cock, as Pollux waited for her response to his question. Upon hearing the blonde male fox’s comment, she said, with a light chuckle, “Gee, how did you guess?” before she moved forward and then wrapped her paws around both the raven-haired lion’s cock and balls. As she had her right paw rubbing Pollux’s scrotum, Zig was sliding her other paw back and forth along the length of the now moaning lion’s cock, just as the fox had left the room. The white tiger-striped skunkette then quipped, as she started to lower her head, “Let’s see about bringing you down, hhhmmm, big boy?” As her mouth moved closer to Pollux’s hard-on, Zig was hearing some encouraging comments from the female staffers who were presently watching them.

The tawny-furred big cat raised his eyebrow again, as he heard the red and white-furred vulpine’s comment, before he looked back at Zig. After he had heard her answer to the tod’s comment, he said, “Haven’t you have had enough of my big…” when he felt Zig’s two paws wrapped themselves around his balls and his hard cock. He then started to moan loudly in response to one of her paws playing with his balls while she started to move her other paw back and forth on his thirteen-inch cock. “I guess, aaaahhhh, not, you naughty skunkette,” he said to her, as he continued to moan as he felt Zig’s paws rubbing his hard cock. Pollux then gasped as he felt something wrap itself around his cock. Looking back down, he saw the tiger-striped skunkette’s naughty mouth moving back and forth along the length of his hard-on, while at the same time hearing the horny remarks that were being made by the female staffers who had decided to watch them. “Yes, aaahhhh, suck my dick, ooohhh, you nasty little skunkette,” just as the young tod had exited the studio, headed for the male locker room.

The tiger-striped skunkette moved her mouth slowly up and down the length of the raven-haired lion’s hard-on, as she heard some encouraging comments from the female staff members who were watching, as well as a few of the males. Also encouraged by the moans that she were hearing from Pollux as she started to work once more upon his hard meat, Zig began to move her tongue along the length of the lion’s still erect cock, feeling the flesh of the lion’s cock slide along the edge of her tongue, while her mouth worked over the big cat’s dick. .oO(Yeah, hhmmm, moan for me, you big stud. I want to hear you moan for me,) mused the tiger-striped skunkette, as she slowly moved her mouth along the length of the tawny-furred big cat’s erection. Zig then stopped her mouth the very moment she had it placed just above the head of Pollux’s cock. Then, with a naughty smile on her lips, the tiger-striped skunkette began to move her tongue teasingly around the lion’s cock head, soon enjoying the moans that her actions were presently creating. .oO(Hhhhmmm, yeah, I want to hear you moan for me, big boy.) Zig then spent the next few moments licking the head of Pollux’s erection, licking up his earlier released spunk.

Pollux gasped and moaned in response to his feeling the white-furred, tiger-striped mephit moving her mouth up and down his cock, while her tongue was licking on the warm skin of his hard meat. The raven-haired lion then gasped as he felt Zig’s naughty tongue move up the length of his hard-on, along with her mouth, before he began to feel it stopped just above his erection, before he felt her tongue start to move around the head of his cock. This soon caused him to release a light growl. “Yes, aaahhhh, suck my big cock, you tease. Oooohhhh, yeah, suck it, hhhhmmm, good, slut!!!” The tawny-furred big cat then gasped as he fired some of his warm pre into her mouth. As he felt her swallow his pre, he started to feel Zig’s tongue move itself even faster around his cock. Pollux then released another low moan, as he heard the naughty comments from the staff as they continued to watch Zig work on his hard meat, trying to make it become soft once again. “Aaaahhh, yes, hhhmmm, suck my cock, you nasty little skunkette!!!” The tawny-furred lion then gasped as he felt Zig go back to sucking on his erection, while she continued to lick the flesh of his cock with her tongue.

Zig’s tongue kept on moving around the head of Pollux’s cock, as she heard the lusty words of encouragement from the staff, as she at the same time heard the muscular feline’s moans. As she continued to work over the lion’s hard-on, she felt it fire some of its warm pre into her mouth, after first hearing him release a light growl in response to what she was doing to him. As she was swallowing his warm pre, Zig mused, .oO(Hhhmmm, I’m going to bring you down, big boy,) before she started to internally chuckle, as the tiger-striped skunkette thought about her comment, before she went back to working on Pollux’s thirteen-inch erection. Zig then went back to sliding her mouth up and down the length of the raven-haired lion’s hard-on, as she also returned to licking the flesh of his hard cock with her tongue. The white skunkette then began to slowly increase the speed of her mouth, as she went to work to make the big cat’s hard meat become soft. .oO(Time to bring you off, hhhhmm, you horny kitty,) she thought to herself, as she was now more determine to make Pollux cum inside her mouth, while at the same time making his cock soften up.

The raven-haired lion released another lusty growl in response to what Zig’s mouth and tongue were both presently doing to his thirteen-inch cock, as he could feel her trying to bring him off once again, this time to make his cock become soft. Pollux gasped loudly as he felt her mouth move itself faster and faster along the length of his hard-on, as he could feel his hard meat getting more excited with each lick that Zig’s tongue performed upon his erection. “Ooohhh, yes, aaahhh, yes, make me cum, hhhhmmm, you naughty skunkette!!!” he said to her, as he started to feel the balls of his cock once again getting itchy, telling him that he was getting ready to cum once again. “Hhhmm, yes, suck my big dick, you naughty little, ooohhhhh…” Alex said with a big growl as he came once more, his mouth soon firing its hot seed into the still sucking white mephit’s mouth “Oooohhhhh, god. Drink my warm seed, slut!!!” The tawny-furred big cat said, as he felt more and more of his hot cum enter Zig’s nasty mouth, to the obvious enjoyment of the still watching film crew, especially its female members.

The buxom white, tiger-striped skunkette moved her mouth and naughty tongue up and down the length of the big cat’s hard cock, trying to make his thirteen-incher explode inside her sucking mouth, while her tongue teased the flesh of his hard-on. Zig could feel her mouth moving itself at a faster pace around his hard cock, as she slowly increased the speed of her mouth as it moved along Pollux’s erection. .oO(Hhhmmm, I’m going to make you cum, you horny kitty,) the horny mephit told herself, while her tongue went to work on the warm flesh of his hard-on, while she heard both his comments and the ones that were exiting the lips of the staff members who were watching her suck on the big cat’s thirteen-inch erection. She then gasped as she felt Pollux’s hot seed exit his cock, and enter her still sucking mouth. The naughty white mephit was soon swallowing the tawny-furred feline’s cum as she felt more and more of it exit his exploding cock. .oO(Ooohhh, I’ll drink it all, alright, you naughty lion!!!) she told herself, as she started to feel his cock slowly getting softer under her horny assault. Zig just kept on sucking on Pollux’s big cock, as she felt it slowly become flaccid, just as he had wanted.

Pollux continued to growl as he felt more and more of his hot seed exit his thirteen-inch cock, which was slowly starting to become flaccid, as he felt Zig’s hot mouth joyfully swallow his released cum. The tawny-furred big cat then released a moan as he heard the watching staffers encourage the white-furred skunkette as his cock fire even more of its cum into her mouth. “Aaaahhhh, yes, swallow all of it, you horny porn slut,” he said to Zig, as he felt her tongue once again slide along the length of his getting even more flaccid cock. Pollux then released another loud growl as he felt his thirteen-incher release a big load of its hot spunk into Zig’s mouth. He then felt the horny mephit joyfully swallow his seed as his cock released more and more of it. The raven-haired lion was soon gasping for air as he felt the last of his cum exit his now no longer erect cock, and enter Zig’s still hungry mouth. Pollux, after releasing a few short breaths, looked down at Zig. He smiled at her, before saying, “Thanks.”

Zig’s mouth continued to suck on Pollux’s slowly fading cock, while she felt more and more of the black-haired lion’s thick cum exit it. The tiger-striped skunkette smiled as she heard the newest horny comments from the watching staffers before she began to slide her thick tongue up the length of the lion’s slowly getting flaccid cock. .oO(Hhhhmm, moan for me, you big stud lion!!) the white mephit thought to herself, as she kept on working on the big cat’s cock, while she swallowed more and more of Pollux’s hot cum. Zig then gasped as she felt a big load of the tawny-furred feline’s seed enter her mouth. The white-haired, tiger-striped mephit proceeded to swallow the maneless-lion’s just released hot load, as she kept sucking on his cock. As she did, Zig started to feel less and less of Pollux’s hot seed exit his cock, in the process telling her that he was running out of cum. She then felt the last of Pollux’s sperm exit his cock, followed by her feeling his cock finally falling flat. The tiger-striped skunkette then proceeded to lick her tongue back and forth across Pollux’s piss slit until she had cleaned it of all of its spunk. She then heard him breathing slowly, before she heard him say thanks. The white skunkette then slowly pull her mouth backwards, until she finally released his flaccid cock. Zig looked up at Pollux, before she smiled at him, and said, “You’re welcome,” before she released his cock. The skunkette then started to move, as she planned to get off the bed.

The tawny-furred lion released a loud moan as he felt Zig’s mouth move along the length of his now no longer hard lionhood, before he felt her mouth release it. Pollux then looked down, seeing that his cock was no longer erect. He then looked at the white-haired, tiger-striped skunkette, whom he saw was now starting to get off of the bed that was placed in the middle of the studio. Pollux smiled, before he started to turn around, so that he could also leave the studio, as he planned to take a shower in the male’s shower room.

The buxom tiger-striped skunkette, once she was standing in front of the bed, saw Pollux heading for the door leading out of the studio. Smiling, Zig also headed for the door, although she wasn’t planning to take a shower to clean herself off. At least not yet, as she planned to first do something inside her office, which would involve her assistant, Tina.

g g g

At about the same time, in another time zone, inside a building placed in downtown Chicago, as Zig was trying to bring down Pollux’s still hard cock, a loud moan could be heard coming out of another studio. Inside this studio, on a set that was made to look like a volleyball court set on a beach, in the middle of the fake court, on its left side, was a pair of furs, one male, one female. The female, a black and white-furred panda with bluish hair, and wearing only the upper part of a yellow two-piece swimsuit, was moaning loudly as she felt her nude male companion, a black and white-furred with tiger-stripes skunk, move his hard cock in and out of her wet pussy, as he fucked her from behind upon the film studio’s fake beach sand. The female panda, porn queen Pandora Lee Moore, who was playing a female volleyball player, was at the moment releasing a loud moan in response to the male skunk’s, fellow porn star Maxwell Miramoff, who was playing the male coach of her all female volleyball team, hard thrusts in and out of her pussy, as she felt her pussy muscles start to suckle upon his hard cock.

“Oooohhhh, yes, Max, hhhmmm, fuck me good. Yeah, slam that hard meat of yours in my tight pussy, you Russian stud,” the female panda said naughtily, as she began to feel the male skunk’s groin slamming itself harder against her bouncing ass cheeks.

Max released a low grunt in response to his feeling Pandora’s sex sucking upon his hard cock as he kept on moving it in and out of the panda femme’s tight sex, as he listened to her comment. “Da, take my big dick in that tight oriental pussy of yours. Hhhhmm, yes, take it all my blue hair beauty,” he said to her in reply, before he started to slam his cock a little bit faster against her bouncing butt.

Pandora gasped and moaned in reaction to each of the white skunk’s hard thrusts in and out of her pussy, as she felt her ass cheeks bounce against his thrusting groin. After she had released a horny growl, she said to Max, “Hhhhmmm, the other girls weren’t kidding about your, aaaahhh, technique. Oooohhhh, yeah, slam that thick meat of yours, aaaahhhh, against my ass, you horny skunk you.” Pandora then gasped as she felt her vaginal muscles start to suck even harder around the skunk’s hard-on. She was soon smiling as she felt her vaginal muscles playing with Max’s erection, soon causing him to release a loud moan. The buxom bluish-haired panda femme then released a low moan as she began to feel Max’s big cock slamming itself even harder against her ass. “Hhhhmmm, that’s right, ooohhhh, show me your best, aaaahhhh, fucking move!!!”

The male tiger-striped skunk continued slamming his rock hard cock in and out of Pandora’s sucking pussy, as he felt his groin bounce against her tight ass, as he listened to the moans that their mating were creating. “Da, ride me!!!” he said to her, before he began to release a louder moan as he started to feel the black and white-furred female panda’s pussy muscles start to suck on his still thrusting meat. This quickly caused him to release a loud moan in reaction to it, before he began to slam his cock against her now bouncing ass at a faster pace. As he fucked her, Max, who had his paws firmly placed upon the panda femme’s firm waist, started to move them upwards, until he soon had them placed upon her big boobs. Smiling, he gave the pair a firm squeeze, before he released a loud moan as he felt her vaginal muscles get an even firmer grip on his cock. “Oooohhh, you be wanting me to fuck you real hard, da? Well, your wish be, aaaahhhh, my command, you naughty girl!!!” he said to her, as he increased the speed of his thrusts in and out of her pussy, as a naughty idea came to him. He smiled, as he thought about what he was soon going to do to her, as he felt his cock fire some pre into Pandora’s sucking pussy.

The two-tone panda kept on gasping and moaning in response to Max’s hard thrusts in and out of her still sucking pussy, before she released a bigger moan as she started to feel the skunk’s paws starting to rub and then squeezed her firm breasts. Pandora then said, “Oooohhh, yes, you big stud, play with my boobs. Hhhhmm, yeah, fuck me good. Oh, yeah, aaaahhhh, fuck me!!!” She then released an even bigger gasp as she felt the skunk’s warm pre enter her sucking snatch. The bluish-haired female panda then groaned loudly as she felt the tiger-striped male skunk begin to move his cock even harder against her bouncing ass cheeks. The black and white-furred panda femme then started to lick her lips, before she said to Max, “Hhhhmmmm, yes, fuck me good, stud. Oooohhh, yeah, fuck me with that, aaahhh, hard cock of yours. Yeah, hhhmmm, fuck me!!!” Pandora then began to close her eyes as she started to slam her bouncing ass cheeks against Max’s hard thrusting groin, as she soon felt some more of his hot pre enter her pussy.

Max kept on slamming his cock in and out of the moaning panda femme’s tight sex while he kept on squeezing her firm tits with his paws. He then smiled as he listened to her horny comments to his paws rubbing her breasts. After he had released a moan of his own, the white skunk said to the bluish-haired panda, “Hhhhmm, yeah, you naughty panda, ride my big, oooohhhhh, dick. Aaaahhhh, yeah, ride me good and hard, you oriental slut!!” The tiger-striped skunk then released a loud moan, as he fired some more pre into Pandora’s tight pussy, before he felt her sex start to slam itself against his hard thrusting groin. “Da, hhhhmmm, ride my dick, you naughty panda,” he said to the bluish-haired female, as he matched her stroke for hard stroke, before he once again gave her boobs a firm squeeze. After he had released another low moan, he decided that it was time to make his move, as he decided to get an even firmer grip upon her breasts.

Pandora released a loud gasp as she felt the male skunk’s strong paws give her big boobs an even firmer squeeze, while she continued to feel her firm ass bouncing against his thrusting cock, as it moved inside her sex. She then started to release a gasp as she felt him starting to move his body backwards, taking her along for the ride, until she soon felt her rump resting itself atop his groin as he lay upon the sand. The blue-haired female panda pondered why Max had suddenly changed their position, or at least she did so until she felt his thick cock once again moving itself within her tight snatch, which, after a while, caused her to start moaning once more. “Hhhhmmmm, yes, fuck me with your big, ooohhhh, cock, you stud skunk, you. Aaaaahhhh, fuck me goooooddddd!!!!” she said to the white-furred skunk in between hard thrusts, before she released a loud growl as she felt his strong paws go back to rubbing her big boobs, especially their hard nipples. The black and white-furred panda femme then felt her vaginal muscles sucking even harder on his cock, trying to force it even further inside her sex. “Yeah, hhhhhhhmmm, fuck me!!!”

The tiger-striped male skunk, once he had gotten a firm grip upon the horny panda femme’s big boobs, thrusted his cock forward until he had his rump firmly against her ass cheeks. Once he had done that, Max began to move his body backward, taking the panda femme with him. After a while he had his muscular form lying in the sand, with Pandora’s ass firmly atop his groin. Once he was situated, he started to slide his cock up and down the length of the now riding panda femme’s cunt, causing her to once again start moaning. A few seconds later, the male skunk started to squeeze Pandora’s big breasts, causing her to moan even louder. “Aaaahhhhh, da, ride my big cock, you horny panda. Oooohhh, da, ride me good,” he said to the blue-haired panda, before he released a loud moan in response to his feeling her vaginal muscles sucking even harder on his thrusting hard-on. “Ooohhh, I’ll fuck you alright, my, hhhmmm, naughty panda,” he said between thrusts, before he felt his cock fire some more pre into her sex. This caused Max to thrust his cock even faster inside her snatch, before he proceeded to start playing with the taut nipples of her boobs.

The black and white-furred panda femme kept on gasping and moaning in response to Max slamming his cock against her groin as she sat atop it. After she had released a loud moan, as she felt his paws playing with her breasts and their taut nipples, Pandora started to move her sex from side to side, starting to grind it against the white skunk’s hard dick. She smiled as she heard him release a moan in reply to both what she was now doing, as well as to her vaginal muscles getting an even firmer grip upon his thrusting hard-on. “Yes, hhhmmm, slam that cock in me, you nasty skunk. Aaaaahhh, come on, fuck me good, you stud. Yes, oooohhh, fuck me!!!” she said to him between thrusts, as she felt his cock fire even more of its hot pre into her snatch, while she, at the same time, felt her hot sex release some of its juice, which soon allowed him to slide his cock inside her pussy at an even faster pace. Pandora then licked her lips, before closing her eyes as she kept on riding the horny male skunk’s erection. “Hhhhmmm, yes, fuck me!!!”

The white skunk gasped and moaned as he thrusted his hard cock in and out of the now riding panda femme’s tight snatch, before he began to feel her starting to slide her sex from side to side atop his groin. This soon caused Max to release a loud moan, as he gave her boobs another firm squeeze. He then released a gasp as he felt her vaginal muscles get an even firmer grip around his erection. “Da, hhhmmm, you naughty slut panda, ooooohhh, ride my cock. Aaaaahhh, make me come in your, hhhhmmm, tight pussy!!!” he said to her, as he felt his cock fire even more of his pre into Pandora’s tightening snatch, before he felt her sex release some of its juice, causing him to slide his cock even faster inside her snatch. As he slid his erection even more quickly inside her pussy, the black tiger-striped mephit started to feel his balls filling up with his spunk, telling him that he was getting closer to an orgasm. This soon caused him to start slamming his cock even more quickly inside her sex, and to give her nipples an even firmer squeeze, which soon rewarded him with a loud moan from her. “Da, aaahhhh, moan for me, you little slut!!!”

Pandora gasped and moaned loudly as she once again moved her sex up and down the length of her present lover’s hard-on, as she felt it fire some more of its hot pre into her tight snatch. As she continued to match him stroke for hard stroke, she slowly opened her eyes, just as she felt his cock starting to slam even harder against her bouncing ass. This soon caused her to release an even louder moan, before she felt his paws squeeze her firm boobs and her taut nipples even harder. “Hhhmmm, yes, lover, ooohhhh, fuck me harder. Aaaaahhh, yes, give it to me, hhhhmmmm, gooodddd!!!” she said, as she felt some more of Max’s pre enter her snatch, before she started to feel her sexual muscles sucking his hard cock even deeper inside her pussy. As she released another moan, she felt her pussy release some more of its juice onto his hammering erection. The two-tone panda then gasped as she felt his cock pounding even harder against her bouncing ass cheeks. “Yes, stud, oooohhhhh, fuck me!!!”

Max gave the bluish-haired panda femme’s big boobs another firm squeeze with his paws, as he kept on slamming his groin against her anus, while he felt more and more of his hot seed enter his scrotum, ready to be fired into his present lover’s sucking snatch. As the white skunk played with her hard nipples, he felt his cock release more warm pre into her sex, as he felt himself getting ready to explode inside her riding vagina. “Ooohhh, don’t you be worrying, slut, Max be fucking you, aahhh, good, da!!!” he said to her, just as he felt her vaginal muscles release some of its juice, which was soon covering his thrusting skunkhood. This was too much for him, as he felt his cock finally getting ready to unleash its load. “Da, I’m be cccooommmm……..” he began, as he felt his cock start to explode, soon shooting its hot seed into Pandora’s still sucking pussy. As Max continued to slam his groin against her firm rump, he felt his erection fire some more of its seed into her snatch. The tiger-striped male mephit smiled as he heard the loud moans exit her mouth as she react to the hot cum that was now filling up her tight sex. “Oooohhhh, da, be taking it all inside that, aaaahhhh, tight pussy, slut!!!” he said to Pandora, as his rough paws were now rubbing her breasts, as his groin kept slamming itself against her bouncing ass cheeks.

The bluish-haired panda femme felt more of her pussy release its juice, before she released a loud gasp as she felt Max’s cock start to unleash its hot spunk into her wet sex. As she felt more of his sperm enter her snatch, she released an even louder gasp as she felt her sex start to release even more of its hot juice onto his exploding cock. “Yes, aaahhhh, cum for me, Max, hhhmmm, yes, fill me with your hot seed,” she said to him between hard thrusts, as she felt more and more of his hot spunk enter her pussy, before she released a low moan in response to his paws rubbing her boobs. Pandora, after another moan, went back to grinding her sex against his erection, trying to get his cock to fire even more of its hot cum into her pussy. “Hhhhmm, yes, fill me up good, stud!!!”

The white tiger-striped skunk continued to hammer his cock against Pandora’s now grinding ass, as his paws kept on squeezing her breasts. As he felt her pussy move from side to side upon his thrusting groin, Max could feel more and more of his hot seed exit his cock and enter her snatch. After he had given up another moan, he said, “Yes, aaahhh, you two-tone slut, ride my hard cock. Oooooohhhhhh, da, make me cum inside that tight little pussy of yours. Da, oooohh, make me cum, aaahhhh, slut!!!” After he had given Pandora’s boobs another firm squeeze, Max began to slam his hard cock even harder against her sliding ass before he gave it one very hard thrust as he felt his cock release a big load into her pussy. “Ooooohhhhhh, da!!!!” he yelled as he felt his cum exit his cock and enter Pandora’s tight snatch. He then slowly started to slow down the speed of his thrusts, as he continue to rub her bouncing boobs with his paws.

Pandora gasped loudly in response to the white skunk’s paws playing with her tits as she continued to grind her ass along his thrusting cock, while, at the same time, feeling his cock fire some more of its hot seed into her tight snatch. The riding panda femme then moaned as she felt her sex release some more of its warm juice onto Max’s hard-on. “Yes, hhhhmmm, fuck me good, aahhhh, you hunky skunk. Aaahhhh, hhhhmmm, ooohhhh, give it to me, oooooohhhhh, good,” she then said, as she felt his paws once again squeeze her big boobs. Pandora then released a light growl, as she felt his hard-on slam itself even harder against her sucking snatch, as she felt more of his hot cum enter her pussy. She then began to feel his hard cock moving even harder inside her snatch before she released a loud moan as she felt his erection fire a big load into her tight sex. A short time later, as she felt Max’s paws continue to rub her firm breasts, Pandora then began to feel him start to slow down his hard thrusts against her snatch, while she soon started to stop grinding her tight pussy against his slowing down cock. She finally stopped as she felt Max’s cock slide even more slowly inside her sex as his hard cock slowly stop releasing its spunk. As she felt his paws give her tits another firm squeeze as he finally stopped riding her pussy, Pandora started to feel his tongue licking against her neck, just as they both heard…

g g g


The duo stopped and turned their heads, whereupon they saw the film crew and the director of the film, a raven-haired, brunette-furred rabbit doe, who was dressed in a short sleeve blue dress, which had a very low semi-circular neckline, revealing the upper part of her cleavage, and stopped just below her knees, light yellow stockings and black shoes, who was seated in her director chair. They also saw standing behind the doe two more figures. One of the figures, standing to the lapin femme’s right side, was Pandora’s ursine husband, Benjermain Moore, who was presently wearing a white dress shirt, blue dress slacks and black shoes, while to his left stood Terri Tanaka, Midnight Studios, Inc.’s CEO, who was at the moment wearing a sleeveless black dress with a square neckline that stopped just above her knees and black shoes. As the bear smiled at his wife, the pair heard the rabbit doe say, “That’s a wrap, you two. Good work by the way. Okay, people, we now need to get this studio ready for the next scene.”

Pandora and Max both chuckle before the white tiger-striped skunk pulled his cock out of the bluish-haired panda femme’s still wet snatch with a loud pop. “So, that was fun, yes?” asked Max, as he started to move away from the sexy black and white-furred panda femme, as the crew started to get onto the stage, to prepare it for the last scene that was to be performed that day.

“Yes, it was,” Pandora answered him with a light chuckle of her own, as she felt Max get off of her sexy form, before she started to push herself off of the sandy stage. She then smiled at the tiger-striped skunk, before turning around and starting to walk off the stage. Pandora then headed towards her hubby, whom she saw smiling at her. She also noted that he had what appeared to be a massive hard-on sprouting inside his pants. “Oh, did our acting get a rise out of you, honey?” she asked Benjermain, before she began to laugh.

“Oh, and what gives you that idea, honey?” the brunette-furred male ursine asked his approaching wife, while he saw Max also exiting the stage, while the film crew went to work on the sand.

“Hhhmmm, what I presently see sprouted inside your pants, maybe?” the buxom panda femme said with a chuckle as she continued to approach her lover, soon walking past the still seated lapin femme. As she did, Pandora felt the sand that had been attached to her fur during the filming slowly falling off sweaty body. “Well, I certainly know what I’m going to be doing for the next hour or so,” she said with a snicker.

“Oh, and that would be?” queried Benjermain, as he saw his wife stopped in front of him. As he watch her begin to wrap her arms around his neck, he could see the film crew slowly getting the stage ready for the next scene, while at the same time seeing that Max had stopped in front of the director, while speaking to both her and the tigress.

Pandora, her arms now around her husband’s neck, said, as she pressed her still wet sex against his pants covered groin, and his sprouting hard-on, “Taking a shower, you silly ol’ bear. Care to join me, hhmmm?” She then smiled at the male bear, before she started to teasingly wiggle her pussy against his pants.

The brown bear chuckled, before he replied, “Sure, if that’s what you really want,” he said to her, before he lowered his mouth and then, after placing them against her lips, began to kiss her, which she quickly returned.

Meanwhile, as the pair kissed, Max continued to speak with both Terri and the lapin director. “So, I can safely take my vacation this weekend, da?” the white tiger-striped skunk said to the tigress.

Terri nodded her head, before she replied, “According to Prudence, we won’t have any need for either you, or Pandora, during the upcoming weekend.” She then looked over at the lapin doe. “This is so, right, Prudence?”

Prudence looked back at Terri, then nodded her head, before saying, as she looked back at Max, “That is correct. At the most, we’ll only be needing you two for only the next couple of days, but from the look of the schedule, you two should be free to do whatever you want during this upcoming weekend and the following Monday.” As she continued looking at Max’s nude form, the lapin doe could see some of the female members of the film crew also looking at him. She gave them all a stern enough look to make them all go back to work fixing up the stage.

“Good. I’d been looking forward to this vacation all month,” said a happy sounding Max, as he noticed Prudence looking at his semi-erect member. Smiling back at her, he said, “Find anything of interest, Prudence?”

As the tigress stifled a laugh, Prudence, who was still looking sternly at one of the female crewmember, blinked, as she heard Max’s question. Blushing a bit, the brunette-furred lapin doe answered, “Uhm, not really. Just trying to keep the females on the crew under control is all.”

The white skunk smirked, before he said, “Is that so? Well, I guess you rabbit be not thinking about sex all the time, da?” as he headed for a chair, to pick up the blue robe that was placed across its back, while he saw both Pandora and Benjermain, who had just then finished their kiss, head for the studio’s door, planning to leave the room together.

“No. Only 3/4th of the time,” replied the buxom black-haired lapin femme, before she looked over at a still snickering Terri. “Well, we do,” added Prudence.

“Right,” said Terri, between snickers, as Max began to put on the robe, while the film crew had just about finished fixing up the film stage. The orange and white-furred big cat then said to Prudence, as the male ursine and his panda wife started to exit the studio, “You aren’t thinking about taking a ride on his…” which soon caused some of the females who were still working on the stage to chuckle, as Prudence said, “I am not…”

{ { {

Back in California, Cathy has finally reached the women’s dressing room. As she does, she hears some sexual sound exiting the room. Curious about what was going on, she lightly approached the room, then looked inside. Looking into the room, the sexy eyeglass-wearing blonde rodent saw ShowBiz lying on the floor, having her sex being worked over by Bell, while she was at the same time sliding her own tongue in and out of Lisa’s snatch. As Cathy looked at the trio, the naughty chippette could see Bell’s nude backside pointed towards the dressing room’s door, exposing both her wet pussy and her asshole. Cathy quickly noticed that the redheaded female bovine’s was concentrating on the brunette bitch’s hot snatch, while the naughty canid was working over the reddish brown-furred cervine doe’s hot snatch, who, at the same time, presently had her eyes closed. As she kept on watching them, a naughty idea crossed her mind. The brunette-furred chippette walked slightly into the room, before she started to take off her clothes, starting with the jacket of her three-piece business dress. .oO(I hope they won’t mind making this a foursome, since watching them make out is making me horny,) thought the naughty rodent, as she began to throw the jacket of her outfit to one side.

As the brunette-furred chippette was busy taking off her business dress, ShowBiz was gasping and moaning in response to Bell’s thick tongue moving itself in and out of her hot sex, doing so into Lisa’s pussy, before she continued to move her own tongue in and out of the white-haired cervine’s warm snatch. .oO(Yes, aaahhhhh, hhhhmmm, suck my pussy, oooohhhh, you naughty little cow. Hhhhhmm, yes, suck it good with that, aaaahhhh, nasty tongue of yours, Bell!!!) thought the grey-furred bitch, while she was moving her own nasty tongue back and forth across the reddish brown-furred deer doe’s juicy snatch. As the horny ShowBiz released another moan into Lisa’s snatch, she felt her pussy release some of its warm juice into her mouth, which she then proceeded to joyfully drink, before starting to move her tongue even faster within the older cervine’s bush. ShowBiz then began to feel the horny redheaded bovine’s tongue move even faster across her pussy lips. .oO(Oooohhh, yes, suck my pussy, hhhhhhhmmmm, Bell!!!)

Lisa gasped and moaned in time to each of the brunette-haired bitch’s tongue licks across her pussy, as her body straddled ShowBiz’s pretty face. As she felt the horny canid’s tongue move across her pussy, she recalled what the threesome had done moments earlier, in which she had removed her tongue from Bell’s mouth, while the naughty canid stopped her sucking of Bell’s big teats, then moved out of the way as ShowBiz laid her canid form atop the dressing room floor before first she and then Bell went after her snatch, while Bell first straddle her face to allow ShowBiz to suck on her still wet pussy, soon causing the horny brunette-furred bovine to finally cum, before she switched places with her atop the canid’s face, and allowed her to suck on her pussy, while Bell went after ShowBiz’s snatch. After she had released a low bleat, she said, “Hhhhmmm, yeah, ShowBiz, you very naughty bow wow, aaahhh, suck on my, ooohhh, juicy pussy. Yes, slide that nasty tongue, hhhmmm, of yours inside my cunt, bitch,” before she proceeded to lean her body back, until she had her arms behind her to keep her from falling onto the floor. Lisa then released another low gasp as she felt her pussy released some of its juice onto the canid’s tongue, which began to lick it up very quickly. “HHhhmmm, yes, lick my pussy, you slutty bitch!!!”

Bell moved her tongue up and down as she moved it in between the moist folds of the brunette-furred bitch’s sex as her own tongue was going in and out of Lisa’s hot snatch. As she did, the horny redheaded heifer soon recalled ShowBiz’s own tongue having earlier moved quickly inside her own snatch as she straddled her best friend’s face, after the two had switched places, allowing the reddish brown cervine femme to slide her tongue between the bitch’s now wet snatch. As she felt the grey-furred female canid’s tongue move in and out of her wet pussy, she slowly felt herself getting closer to orgasm until she finally came, releasing a loud moo as she did so, as she felt her sex released its juice. She came for several minutes, as she felt her friend’s tongue lick up her flowing nectar until even more came out. At that point, she switched places with Lisa, so that she was now moving her own tongue between the horny bow wow’s hot snatch, trying to finished what Lisa had earlier started. As she did, Bell slowly lifted up ShowBiz’s legs until she soon had them both resting atop her arms, all the while, she had her ass raised in the air, exposing both her juice covered snatch and her asshole. As she heard a loud bleat exit Lisa’s mouth, the buxom redheaded cow started to move her own naughty tongue even faster inside the brunette-haired canid’s pussy. The horny bovine femme then thought, .oO(Hhhmm, yes, cum for me honey. Aaahh, Bell wants to taste your juice so badly. Yes, cum for, oooohhhhhh…) when she thought she felt something starting to enter her pussy from behind. As she felt something small start to move inside her snatch, she heard:

“How many times have you left your backside exposed like this, Bell?”

Bell released a loud moo as she felt something continue to slide in and out of her hot snatch, while she was continuing to slide her tongue inside ShowBiz’s snatch. After another lick, she raised her head, then turned it to look behind her, whereupon she discovered who it was that was now playing inside her wet pussy. She saw that it was Cathy, who was at the moment clad in a black half-cup bra, matching color panties, a tan garter belt, which was attached to a pair of tan stockings and black shoes, while thrusting three fingers from her left paw in and out of her pussy. “Where did you, aahhhhh, come from?” she asked, as she felt the brunette-furred chippette’s fingers move themselves even faster within her snatch.

Cathy, as she slowly rolled her fingers inside the redheaded heifer’s snatch, said to Bell, “Oh, I was in the neighborhood, looking for you, so that I can give you your airplane tickets, you naughty little cow.” She then looked over at ShowBiz, who was still moving her tongue back and forth across Lisa’s snatch. “And I have yours as well, you naughty doggie. Anyways, is there room for one more?” The blonde rodent then smiled as she thrusted her fingers even deeper inside Bell’s cunny, as she waited for a response from the trio.

Lisa, as she continued to feel ShowBiz’s tongue move in and out of her snatch, now looked ahead of her, soon seeing a bra and panty-clad Cathy on her knees behind Bell, her fingers quickly moving in and out of the now mooing female bovine’s pussy, while seeing the buxom bovine’s face looking back at the naughty chippette. After she had released a lusty moan, she answered, “I think, oooohhhh, so. What about the rest of you, aaaahhhh, guys?” as she felt her pussy release more of its juice onto ShowBiz’s face. The reddish brown-furred cervine then gasped as she felt ShowBiz’s tongue move even deeper inside her snatch, trying to lick up more of her released juice.

Bell continued to moan as she kept feeling the naughty blonde chippette’s fingers move back and forth inside her wet snatch, as she listened to her question about joining them in their lesbian tryst. After first hearing Lisa’s reply, followed by her moan in reply to what the brunette-haired female canid was presently doing to her now juicing pussy, she finally replied, “Hhhhmmmm, Bell want to, ooohhhh, feel you licking her pussy. Aaahhhh, yes!!!” Bell then released another moo, before she started to turn her head to take a look back at ShowBiz’s snatch.

Cathy snickered as she continued to finger fuck Bell, listening to both her moans, and to the moans that were coming out of the grey-haired cervine’s mouth in response to the grey-furred canine’s mouth licking her pussy. She then said, “So, how about you, Showy? Mind if I join you three?” She then snickered as she watched Bell go back to licking on the horny canid’s pussy. “Yeah, Bell, you horny heifer, suck that bitch’s juicy snatch.

ShowBiz, as she heard Cathy once again ask her query, continued to slide her thick tongue across Lisa’s juicing snatch, while once again feeling Bell’s tongue moving between the folds of her pussy. After she had released a moan into the reddish brown-furred deer doe’s sex because of Bell’s tongue, ShowBiz finally answered, “I guess I’m outvoted on this,” although it could barely be heard as she was still licking the older cervine’s wet bush.

Cathy, as she heard ShowBiz’s mumbled words, chuckled, before saying, “I guess that was a yes,” as she thrusted her fingers even faster inside Bell’s pussy. She does this for a while before finally stopping. The horny chippette then slowly pulled her three fingers out of the buxom redheaded bovine’s sex until they were all finally out. The blonde rodent then looked at her fingers, seeing the brunette-furred heifer’s pussy juices on them. Feeling a bit naughty, she moved her fingers towards her mouth until she had them in front of it. Cathy then proceeded to lick them with her tongue, cleaning them off as she did so. This took a while, but once she was done, Cathy looked at Bell’s still raised pussy, looking at it as the horny redheaded heifer continued to suck on ShowBiz’s cunt.

Bell was moving her thick tongue in and out of ShowBiz’s snatch, as she felt Cathy’s fingers moving inside her own snatch. .oO(Oooohhh, yes, finger fuck me. Aaaahhh, please push them in, oooohhh,) the redheaded heifer thought as she felt the blonde rodent pull her fingers out of her vagina. After she was no longer feeling the eyeglass-wearing chippette’s fingers inside her pussy, the brunette-furred heifer went back to licking the grey-furred bitch’s wet snatch, slowly moving her tongue even deeper between their red folds. As she listened to ShowBiz’s horny moans into Lisa’s pussy, as the female canid’s was sliding her tongue within the reddish brown-furred female cervine’s hot snatch, she began to feel a wet object enter her pussy, before she started to feel it moving between her pussy lips. .oO(Yes, aaahhhhh, lick my, mmmmooooo, pussy you nasty little, ooooohhhh, rodent,) thought Bell, as she had a good idea what was presently working over her pussy.

The naughty chippette looked at Bell’s rump for a little while, before she finally got behind her, then got onto her knees. Once Cathy was seated upon her knees on the dressing room’s floor, the blonde rodent leaned her head forward until it was soon behind the horny cow’s raised ass. She then placed her paws upon either side of her rump, before placing her tongue upon the redheaded bovine’s wet pussy. She then proceeded to move her tongue up and down Bell’s pussy, moving it between the folds. .oO(Come on, big girl, hhhmmm, start mooing for me,) Cathy thought, as she slowly moved her tongue at a faster pace, before she looked ahead, so that she could see what ShowBiz was now doing to Lisa.

ShowBiz, as she once again felt Bell’s tongue moving in and out of her snatch, was continuing to do the same thing to Lisa’s wet snatch with her own tongue, slowly moving it deeper within the grey-haired deer doe’s pussy, as she was trying to make her cum, just like she had earlier made Bell cum. .oO(Hhhhmmm, yes, cum for, aahhhm, me, you slutty little doe. Oooohhhh, yes Bell, aaahhhh, suck my pussy, you horny heifer!!!) she thought in reaction to Bell’s tongue moving ever deeper inside her snatch, while hers was doing the same to a moaning Lisa. She then felt and heard Bell moaning into her own sex, which told her that Cathy had obviously started to work over the brunette-furred ovine’s pussy with her tongue. This soon caused her to moan into Lisa’s pussy, before she proceeded to slide her own tongue even faster inside the reddish brown-furred deer doe’s wet sex, trying to make her cum. As she heard Lisa release a moan, she mused, .oO(Yes, aaahhhh, cum for me, slut!!!)

Lisa continued to moan as she felt ShowBiz’s tongue moving in and out of her wet snatch, trying to make her cum. The grey-haired female cervine opened her eyes, as she felt the buxom canid’s tongue move even deeper inside her pussy. Looking ahead, she could see that Bell was once again licking on the brunette-furred bitch’s pussy, before she noticed that Cathy was presently doing the same thing to Bell, as she was moving her head behind the horny redheaded heifer’s ass cheeks. After releasing a moan in response to what Lisa was presently doing to her sex, she said, “Yeah, Cathy, lick Bell’s juicy, ooohhh, pussy, hhhmmm, yes, ShowBiz, lick my pussy good, aahhhhhm, you horny bow wow, make the naughty heifer cum again!!!!” Lisa then began to lick her lips, before releasing another horny bleat.

Cathy, as she continued to suck on Bell’s pussy, smiled as she heard Lisa’s horny encouragement. The blonde chippette then proceeded to press her face against Bell’s wet sex and started to slide her tongue between the mooing heifer’s pussy lips at a faster pace.

¦ ¦ ¦

Meanwhile, in another part of the country, behind the counter of what looks to be small coffee shop, as she read a newspaper, stood a pink mousette. The mousette, Shayla Abukcheeh, as she turned the page of the paper’s sports section, was presently dressed in a dark green coverall, which was covering a white blouse, while she wore across her darker pink hair a green hair ribbon and a couple of feathers, while upon her pretty neck she wore a necklace that represented her people, the mice of the Painted Desert area of the American Southwest. As she read the page, anyone who might be looking in her direction might note the bored look on her face. The main reason was because she has been waiting for Trevor to reappear from the basement, where was hidden from sight a porn film studio, since her boyfriend, Trevor, a light brunette-haired, dark brown-furred heavy stallion, secretly ran a porn company, and she sometimes appear in his films. When she felt like it, that is.

“What is taking Trevor so long?” Shayla asked herself as she turned another page while still standing behind the counter inside the presently empty café. “The big lummox told me that he wanted to show me something when he came back up. But that was almost twenty minutes ago. Harrumph, it better be worth it. Else he better be prepared for a case of the blue balls tonight.”

As she thought that, she started to hear a loud creak coming from behind her, soon followed by a male voice saying, “Hey, Shayla, is the coast clear?” The voice she quickly recognized as belonging to Trevor, although his question had her for the moment confused. As she began to turn her head back, she said, “For the moment, it is. Why do you want to know?”

The stallion, who was presently hidden from view as he stood under the now opened trap door, which led into basement where his porn studio was located, said, “Cause I want to show you something, but I don’t want anyone else seeing it at the moment.”

Rolling her eyes, Shayla said, with a quip, “You aren’t nude, are you?”

“Nope, at least not this time,” quickly answered Trevor.

A bit surprised by his response, as she recalled the number of times in the past that he had tried to get her into bed with him, the pink mousette’s interest was piqued as to what he was now up to. “Oh, are you wearing something, then?”


As she now raised an eyebrow, she said, “Something that’s half way decent?”

“Let’s just say that what I’m presently wearing is part of a big surprise that I have set up for the weekend,” he said to her in a confident voice.

.oO(Okay, what harebrain scheme does he have cooked up this time?) Shayla asked herself, before saying, “Okay, Trevor, I give up. What do you want to show me?” Shayla looked at the trap door, waiting to see what Trevor wanted to show her.

“Okay, but only if you cover your eyes first.”

As question marks mentally popped up over her head, Shayla said, “Say that again, Trevor, I don’t believe that I’d heard you right the first time.”

“I said, ‘Okay, but only if you cover your eyes first.’”

“You have got to be kidding me, Trevor?” she said, before adding, “Is this some kind of trick?”

“Nope, no trick, Shayla. So, will you cover your eyes for me, please?”

Shayla rolled her eyes once again, before replying, “Only if you promise no tricks.”

“Alright, alright, I promise no tricks.”

The pink mousette sighed, before saying, “Okay, but no tricks.” She then closed her eyes. “Okay, my eyes are closed.”

“Are you sure your paws are over your eyes?”


“Okay, okay. I’m coming up,” the stallion said from beneath the floor, before she started to hear him walk up the steps, all the while wondering what he was up to. A few seconds later, she heard him stop walking, then closed the trap door, before she heard him say, “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

.oO(Finally,) she thought to herself, before she opened her eyes. She then looked in Trevor’s direction. As she did, the pink mousette saw standing before the closed trap door Trevor. She quickly noticed that the big brunette-furred stallion was presently clothed in a…yellow down jacket with a hood, matching color pants and black boots. After getting over the surprise, Shayla finally squeaked, “Okay, Trevor, what’s with the outfit? Isn’t it a bit warm to be doing a ‘winter’-themed sex film?”

Trevor simply smirked, as he approached his girlfriend. “A ‘winter’-themed sex film? Of course not. That is presently the furthest thing from my mind.” He then said, in a low voice, “Although it might be a good idea for such a film during the appropriate time.”

Being a bit skeptical, the smaller rodent then said to the still approaching stallion, “Oh, if that’s the case, then why exactly are you wearing that get up during such a ‘warm’ day?”

As he now stood before Shayla, the big equine grinned at her, before saying, while placing his right hoof into the jacket’s right hand pocket, “Oh, nothing much, except that I’d bought the two of us a pair of round trip plane tickets to Aspen for the weekend for a few days of skiing. And maybe a little bit of fun inside our hotel room in the evenings.”

The pink mousette looked at the stallion’s hoof, which was now holding up a pair of airplane tickets which he had pulled out of his jacket’s pocket, before looking at his smiling face. She rolled her eyes once more, before saying, “A whole weekend with just you and me, huh? What about the coffee shop and your studio, hmmm?”

As Trevor started to put away the tickets, he replied, “Already got it covered. I have the others covering our weekend shifts at the coffee shop, and the studio won’t be doing any filming until the following Tuesday. So, what do you say, Shayla? Want to go?”

“There’s a problem with your idea, Trevor. I don’t exactly have a skiing outfit to wear,” replied the mousette.

The stallion blinked, before saying, “Hhhmm, didn’t think of that. But, that can be easily solved by just having you buy yourself an outfit. And on my credit card.”

Shayla raised an eyebrow, before a nasty smile came across her face. “So, I want to be straight on this. You’re saying that I can use your credit card to buy myself an outfit to wear while on the slopes with you in Aspen?”

“Yes, I am.” Trevor then went into his pants’ pocket and pulled out his wallet. He then opened it up, and quickly pulled out one of his credit cards, which he then handed to Shayla. “Now, then, do you want to go with me or not?”

The pink mousette looked at the card that Trevor had just placed in her paw. She then looked back at Trevor with a sort of mischievous look on her face, “So, does it matter to you what kind of outfit I get with this?”

“No, it doesn’t,” he says to her, although his mind was thinking, .oO(As long as it’s something that’ll be tight around that sexy little bod of yours.)

Shayla thought things over a little bit longer, while seeing the anxious look upon the stallion’s face, as she started to put his card into one of the pockets of her coverall. She then said to Trevor, “Okay, I’ll go with you this weekend, Trevor. Just don’t try anything on me that you’ll be regretting next week.”

“I won’t,” he said, before he saw her go back to reading the newspaper. “Uhm, by the way, when are you planning to buy your outfit for the trip?”

Looking back at Trevor, with the mischievous look still on her face, Shayla replied, “Hmm, maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe the day before the flight. Why do you want to know?”

“‘Cause I was planning to use that particular card to buy myself some skis for the trip.”

“Well, I guess that you’ll just have to wait until I actually use it, hmmm?”

“Aw, come on, Shayla.”

“Should’ve thought about that before giving me the card, Trevor,” said the pink mousette with a kind of naughty chuckle, before she went back to reading the paper.



“Oh, come on,” said Trevor, as a giggling Shayla continued to look at the paper while listening to her pleading boyfriend.

u u u

Back at the DoeMare Productions’ cafeteria, Gertrude, who had just finished eating the last of her lunch, looked over at Wani. As she saw the black and white-furred skunkette drink some grape juice from out of a glass, she asked her, “So, are du done eatink, Wani?”

As the others at the table, Helena, Philip and Catherina, who were still eating their meals, while Kama had left the room earlier, so that she could get to her dressing room to change her clothes, since she would be participating in the same nude photoshoot in Studio Two that Tomas would be in later that afternoon, looked at Wani as she continued to drink her grape juice. After she had moved her glass from her mouth, the white-haired mephit looked at the black she-bear herm. Smiling at Gertrude, she said, “Just about, Gerdie. So, eager to take off my clothes and hump me with that big dick of yours, big girl?” Wani then lightly chuckled as she waited for Gertrude’s answer, before she went to pick up her fork so that she could finish eating her egg salad. As she ate, the two-colored skunkette looked back at the big blonde Teutonic female ursine, or rather at the larger femme’s strapless embellished ribbed tee dress, especially at it low neckline, thus revealing her rather well-formed upper cleavage, pondering how long it would take to get it off of her larger form.

Gertrude replied, as the others listened, “Du haff ne idea,” as she could feel her nine-inch cock throbbing underneath her dress as she contemplated what she was going to do to Wani once the pair was alone. The big she-bear ursine then looked over at the white-furred skunkette’s sleeveless pleated halter playdress, noticing how well it covered the two-colored femme’s smaller frame. “Ich just hope dat du’re ready to ride me.”

“Just get a room, you two,” quipped the black and white-furred Grecian-born ewe with a light chuckle, before she went back to eating her salad, while her black ram hubby drank up the last of his orange juice.

“Vat she said,” added Catherina, as the white-furred female ovine picked up the last of her veggie burger, and put it into her mouth, before starting to chew.

Wani, as she chewed the last of her egg salad, listened to the others comments. After swallowing it, she looked at Gertrude. The white-haired skunkette smirked before saying, “Probably a lot more than you are to plow me, you horny old she-bear.” She then got up, and after picking up her tray, started to head for the nearest trashcan so that she could throw away her trash.

“Oh, ist dat so, liebchen? Ve’ll soon see, von’t ve?” Gertrude said, as she also got up, and then picked up her tray to dump its content into the trash.

Helena and Philip looked over at Catherina. The Grecian-born ewe then said to the blonde Teutonic ewe, who was now looking back at her, “Mind if I asked you a question?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

“What does liebchen mean?”

“Liebchen? In English, it translates to sweetheart,” answered Catherina. She then went back to finishing up her lunch.

Helena raised an eyebrow, before looking over at the table where Eva, James and Richard were still seated, finishing up their own lunches, since Tomas had earlier left for Studio Two and the nude photoshoot. “I’d always wondered what that naughty mare had been saying every time she’d said that to James.” She then chuckled, before she went back to her own lunch, planning to finish up the last of it.

As Philip and Catherina joined Helena, Eva was at the moment drinking up the last of her grape soda, when she felt a buzzing inside the right pocket of her robe. The Rhenish mare blinked, as she put down her glass. She then placed her hoof into the robe’s pocket, before pulling out of it her cell phone. After she had stopped its buzzing, she opened it up, then looked to see who it was that was calling her, before placing it near her right ear and saying into it, “Hallo, ja? Vat ist it, Barbara?” As she listened to the studio’s receptionist, the buxom redheaded mare raised an eyebrow. “Ich see. Vell, tell him dat ich’ll see him shortly. Auf Wiedersehen, Babs.” Eva closed her cell phone, then put it back into the right pocket of her robe. The Rhenish mare then started to get up from the table.

As she did, James looked at her, curious about the phone call that she had received from the eyeglass-wearing blonde skunkette. “Wat be Barbara’s call about, lassie?”

Eva, now standing up, and with her lunch tray in her hooves, looked back at James. She smiled at her brunette-furred Clydesdale husband and said, “Just dat someone at der front desk vants to speak mit me for un moment.”

As Richard, who was at the moment eating the last of his apple pie looked on, James asked, “Oh. Be he or she anyone ah wodda know, lass?”

As she turned around, with a giggle, she quipped, “It’s depends, honey. How many gay male mice do du know vho enjoys teasink du?”

James winced upon hearing that, as the still giggling redheaded mare headed for the nearest trashcan. “Great. Just wat ah did not need ta hear.”

“Now, now, Jamie. He simply likes du. ‘Giggle’ Anyway, it shouldn’t take me long. Ich’ll meet du back in Studio One to continue der filmink once ich’m done,” said Eva to her hubby, as she reached the trashcan and started to throw away everything on the tray, except for the glass, which she planned to leave atop the empty tray when she leaves it on top of the receptacle.

Richard, not understanding what was going on, looked over at a groaning James. “Care to clue me in, James? What was your wife talking about just now?” As he waited for James to answer his question, the black Dutch stallion picked up his fork, with some pie on it and started to put it into his mouth.

James looked at Richard. “A mouse tat goes by tae name of Wildwind Dandinson, tat me wife and ah’d first met wen she use ta wrestle in Vegas. ‘e tends ta get a kick out of teasin’ me,” the stallion answered with a light snort. He then added, “N before ye asked, laddie, tis be mainly fer two reasons. One, because ‘is clan n mines back in tae Highland use ta fight each other back in tae old days. N, two, because ‘e likes ta come on ta me, because he knows it bugs me.”

Richard looked at James. After swallowing his pie, he said, “Care to explain that last part, James?”

“Tae lad be bi, n fer some unknown reason, wen ‘e first saw me, ‘e became attracted ta me, despite tae fact tat ah ‘ave never, ever, shown meself ta swing tat way. Ah eventually told ‘im as nicely as ah could tat ah only be interested in lassies, nay lads. It took a while fer ‘im ta accept tat, but, he still tends ta make passes at me, to see iff’n ‘e can freak me out.”

Richard, after listening, chuckled a bit. “Never thought that I would hear about you being freaked out by a mouse. Considering the ones that you have screwed in front of the camera in the past. Of course, they all tended to be female.”

James looked at the now laughing Richard. “Very funny, laddie, very funny,” he said to his fellow stallion as he rolled his eye. He then said, “Just wished ah knew wat ‘e be wantin’ ta see me lass aboot.”

“Do you really want to know, James?” Richard asked James, as he took a last drink of the orange soda that was still in his glass.

The brunette-haired Clydesdale stallion thought over the Dutch-born white-maned stallion’s comment. He replied, “Nay, ah donnae really want ta know.” James then got up and as he picked up his tray, said, “Well, ah’m a gonnae be waitin’ for me lass innae Studio One. See ye later, laddie.” The Scottish-born stallion then headed for the nearest trashcan to dump his trash.

“Okay, see you later, James,” said Richard, after he had finished drinking his soda. He then got up from the table, and picked up his tray. As the black-furred stallion headed for a trashcan, he thought, .oO(I better remember that I need to buy myself something for dinner tonight.) As he reached the can, and began to dump the trash from his tray, Richard looked over at the table where the three sheep were still seated. As he kept looking at them, he could see both ewes looking Philip over. .oO(I get the feeling that Philip is going to be very busy this afternoon,) the Dutch-born stallion thought with a chuckle, before he headed for the door leading out of the lunchroom, just as he saw James walking through it.

As Richard walked past their table, Helena and Catherina were both still looking at Philip, as the black ram was finishing up his lunch. The two ewes then looked at each other.

“So, Catherina, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” the black-haired Grecian ewe asked the blonde Teutonic ewe, who was once again looking at Philip.

The white-furred German ewe, as she now sat next to the black ram, blinked before she looked over at the black and white-wooled ewe, quickly noticing that she was looking her over. With a smile, she said to Helena, “Dat depends, mein dear. Vat exactly ist on ihr dirty little mind?”

With a naughty smile on her face, Helena replied, “Oh, nothing much. Just you and me having a little fun with my hubby inside our dressing room.” This soon caused Philip to cough slightly, as Helena gave the buxom blonde ewe a naughtier look, while at the same time moving her right leg so that it was soon rubbing against her hubby’s left one. She then looked at Philip. “Come on, baby, you know that you want to thrust your thick dick inside her tight German twat again.” Helena naughty comment soon caused Catherina to blush.

“Ist dat true, Philip? Du vant to fuck me, ja?” the still blushing Teutonic ewe asked Philip, as she looked at him again, seeing him swallowing the last of his jello. She waited for the black ram’s response, as did Helena, as she continued to rub her leg against his.

“Of course he does. I can still recall him telling me that he has always wanted to fuck two ewes at once, didn’t you, honey?” the Grecian ewe quickly added, before releasing a naughty snicker, as she watched her hubby blush, even with him having wool that was about as dark as the night. Seeing his reaction caused Helena to snicker even louder, as she kept on rubbing her right leg against his left. “Well, we’re waiting, baby.”

Philip, after swallowing his lunch, and as he continued to feel his naughty wife’s leg rubbing itself against his, looked first at his wife, then at Catherina. He then proceeded to look the white-furred German ewe over, especially looking at her jungle green little tee dress with its low-cut neckline, before looking back at his wife and seeing her urban blue eyelet drop-waist ruffle dress and its low scoopneck neckline. The black ram then looked back at Catherina, and answered her, “Yeah, I did mention that to Helena. Although I was expecting it to happen in one of the studio’s films, not like right now.”

Helena stopped rubbing Philip’s leg, before saying, as she started to get up, “Well, I got time to spare. And I know that you do as well, honey. So, want to join us, Catherina? I do know that I want to taste your mutton chops.” The buxom black-haired ewe then began to chuckle at her quip, before proceeding to pick up her tray and heading away from the table, walking very sexily as she headed for a trashcan.

Catherina watched Helena leave, before starting to get up as well. “Oh, ist dat so, du naughty ewe? Vell, ich’d been eager to taste ihrs as vell,” replied the white Teutonic ewe, as she, and everyone else still inside the cafeteria, started to hear the black and white-wooled ewe start to snicker a little bit louder as she began to dump what was left of her lunch.

Philip sat at the table for a few seconds, as he watched the firm asses of both his wife and Catherina move sexily within their dresses, as the pair started to head for the lunch room’s door, after the latter had finished dumping her trash. The black ram then got up, and, with his trash, headed for the trashcan, while musing, .oO(Well, I did want to fuck that naughty hausfrau again.) As he reached the trashcan he said, “Wait for me ladies.” He then quickly threw out his leftovers into the can, before leaving the tray atop it, and then headed for the door, to join the two giggling ewes. Once he had reached them, the three sheep headed directly for his and Helena’s dressing room, with his wife being on his left side and Catherina on his right.

To be continued

Eva McEqqus/Gertrude 0069, DoeMare Productions © 2011 Scott and Stanley Alston

James McEqqus/Agent 13, Tomas Clyde, Cathy Chippy, Kama, Gertrude Bär, Helena Sheepadopolous, Philip de Ram, Catherina Schaf, Pollux Leoni, unnamed fox stud, unnamed rabbit director, Prudence; Mentioned: Rebecca Minx, Brunhilda McEqqus, Barbara Smelt © 2011 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Richard van Eqquin, Lisa Deere; Mentioned: Thomas Blacktail, Jessica Thumper, Robert Stag, HollyThumper © 2011 Scott Alston

Bell Bovine/Ms. Moo © 2011 Jeremy Mullins

ShowBiz © 2011 Henry Sykes, Jr.

Wani Rei © 2011 Bill McCollum

Zig Zag; Mentioned: Tina © 2011 Malcolm Earle

Pandora Lee Moore, Maxwell Miramoff, Benjermain Moore, Terri Tanaka, Midnight Studios, Inc. © 2011 Tony Handlir

Shayla Abukcheech and Trevor © 2011 Shane Nelson

Mentioned: Wildwind Dandinson © 2011 JD Kraaikamp

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