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Germania meets Lady Liberty

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Late April 1945, Berlin, Germany:

As the 1000 years Third Reich slowly collapses after less than six years of war, Russian troops were effortlessly advancing within the heavily damaged Nazi German capital of Berlin. As some troops advanced towards the nearby Gestapo headquarters, other soldiers were attempting to capture the burned-out ruins of the Reichstag. Once the home of the German legislature, the building had not been in use since the mysterious fire of 1933, which the Nazis had used to gain complete control of the government. In spite of this, German troops were presently fighting fanatically to keep it from falling to the Russians.

At the moment, German and Russian troops were involved in very heavy hand to hand fighting near the front of the building as all involved suddenly saw something headed towards one of the building’s walls. All involved then heard a loud crash as those closest to that particular wall saw a large hole appear in the middle of it. As they watched some dust fall from the damaged masonry, they all soon saw a form appear in the midst of the recently damaged wall. The figure in question was that of a mid-to-late 20ish looking female wolf. The buxom looking she-wolf, who was at the moment wiping some blood off of her lips with the right sleeve of her damaged clothing, was presently clad in the camouflage-uniform of a Panzer Grenadier Infantry Captain of the German Army. The blonde-haired lupine, after shaking some dust off of her clothes, looked at the soldiers nearest her. Snarling at them, she said to her fellow Germans, "Do not worry about me, just take care of the Russian swines."

Almost as soon as she had said that, the female lupine would hear another voice nearby, this one laughing very loudly. She quickly turned around and saw standing just a short distance from her an ebony-haired female bear, who was clad in the uniform of a KNVD operative. The she-wolf, while breathing in some air, snarled at the presently laughing female ursine, as she got into a defensive position, since the she-bear had been the one who had just sent her flying through the wall.

"What do you find so funny, Mother Russia?" she snarled at the buxom she-bear, just as she noticed a few German soldiers attempting to aim their Karabiners at the Russian super. "No, I can handle her! You just go and handle the soldiers with her!" the she-wolf yelled at the soldiers. As she watched them go back to fighting their Russian opponents, she looked back at Mother Russia. "Well?" she asked her again, with another snarl.

The she-bear laughed a little bit longer, before she finally stopped and looked back at the female lupine in her defensive pose. Smirking, she answered her opponent in German, "What do I find so funny, my dear, Germania?" Mother Russia then started to charge at the super she-wolf. "The fact that you are still fighting for an obviously dying regime." As she got closer to Germania, she raised her right arm, obviously getting ready to hit her adversary with a right hook to her face.

The blonde-haired canine stood her ground as she watched her old adversary charge towards her. She waited until Mother Russia was almost upon her before she finally duck under her so that the she-bear’s attempted right hook would just barely miss her muzzle. Germania then quickly counterattacked her opponent by aiming a hard right straight towards the bigger ursine’s exposed stomach The grey-furred she-wolf’s sudden move was rewarded with a loud oooof from Mother Russia, which forced her to fall back a little. She then pressed forward her attack by aiming an equally strong left uppercut at the surprised she-bear’s muzzle, which also hit its mark, soon forcing the Russian super to move even further away from the buxom lupine. Germania then charged at Mother Russia, soon hitting her face with a strong roundhouse right which sent the still recovering she-bear flying straight into a nearby T-34/85, damaging the front glacis plate of the Russian tank. The canine then ran towards her raven-haired opponent, planning to press her attack.

As the damaged tank’s crew began to evacuate their now useless tank, Mother Russia stood in front of its crushed frontal armor, quickly shaking her head to clear it. <.oO(I have got to keep remembering that the bitch never backs down,)" the brown-furred ursine told herself, before she noticed the German super coming straight at her, obviously trying to press forward her recent counterattack. The buxom she-bear smiled, before using her speed to move herself away from the damaged tank at the very last moment, thus allowing Germania’s attempt to hit her body with a right haymaker to instead hit the damaged tank’s armor. She then smirked as she watched the she-wolf yell in pain in response to her right paw hitting the armor. "I hope that hurts, bitch," Mother Russia growled at the German super, as she wiped away the blood that has been dripping out of the right corner of her mouth with the left sleeve of her uniform. She then attacked Germania again, this time trying to hit her opponent with a hard tackle, so that she can put her onto the ground.

Germania was still grimacing from her right paw missing her speedy adversary and instead hitting the damaged Russian tank. <.oO(Dammit, I keep forgetting about her speed. One of the few…oooofffff,)" the buxom she-wolf thought, when she suddenly felt her stomach being hit by another body. As she felt herself falling down, the blonde lupine saw that it was her adversary who had just hit her with a hard tackle. Snarling, as she felt the she-bear now trying to wrap her arms around her waist so that she can slam Germania’s body hard against the ground, she started to aim a right elbow towards Mother Russia’s chin, hoping to force the Russian she-bear off of her. Germania then released another, louder, ooooff, as she felt her back hit the ground, just as she also felt her elbow hit against its target. "Get off of me!!!"

Mother Russia grunted loudly as she felt her right shoulder hit her opponent hard in the stomach. She then started to wrap her arms around Germania’s body as she intended to slam Germania hard against the concrete ground that was rapidly approaching them. The bigger female super started to comment, "I am going to make you…oooffff!!!" before she felt her body land on top of Germania’s, seconds before she released a louder grunt as she felt the she-wolf’s right elbow connect with her left chin, soon followed by several more elbow shots to both her chin and cheek by the presently angry she-wolf. Mother Russia quickly released her opponent, before she finally rolled off of Germania after feeling the female lupine’s elbow hit her cheek one last time. The brown-furred she-bear then rolled away from her downed opponent until she was several feet away from her. She then got onto her right knee, soon looking directly at Germania, as she saw her starting to get up. "Give it up, Germania, you know that you cannot win this battle," she said to the female canine, as she started to get up as well.

The German super lay on the ground for a few seconds, after she had finished forcing her heavier opponent off of her prone form. She then turned around and began to get back up, as she heard Mother Russia demand that she give up. Once she was back up, she looked directly at the raven-haired ursine. With a defiant snarl on her lips, Germania said, "Never, bitch!!!" before she charged at the she-bear once again, hoping to hit her with a one-two combo to her face before she can react. "You are going down, swine!!!"

The raven-haired female bear watched Germania charged at her once more. Smiling once again, she stood her ground, then, at the last moment, raised her left arm and used it to block Germania’s attempted right punch towards her face, before countering it with a strong right straight of her own at the she-wolf’s face, which momentarily stunned her. Mother Russia quickly followed this up with a left hook at the blonde canine’s stomach, then aimed a quick right straight towards her opponent’s face, which sent Germania flying once again towards the earlier damaged wall. She then followed after the ‘flying’ lupine, planning to press her advantage before Germania can stop her.

Germania snarled as she attempted to hit the raven-haired she-bear with a quick right punch to her face. She was thus surprised to see it effortlessly blocked by Mother Russia’s left upper arm, although still causing the female ursine to release a light grunt when it connected. <.oO(What in…)" she started to think, before she got hit in the face with a strong right straight, which caused her to howl in pain while also seeing some stars start to float around her head. Before Germania could attempt to shake her head to clear it, she grunted as she felt her stomach being hit, which caused her to double over in some pain. This thus left her wide open for another right straight to her face, which sent the German super flying into the air, headed towards the wall that she had gone through just minutes earlier. The she-wolf snarled loudly, before letting loose with a few curse words in German, as she flew through the hole and then released a loud grunt as she felt her back slam against a pillar inside the Reichstag building. "I am so going to beat that bitch into a pulp," Germania told herself as she felt her body slowly slide down the pillar until she finally felt her ass hit against the heavily debrised floor. The grey-furred lupine then shook her head to clear it. Once her head had been cleared, she looked ahead, just in time to see Mother Russia about to pounce on her. Germania snarled, before she proceeded to raise her feet, which soon caused the raven-haired she-bear to release a loud ooofff as her stomach hit against the she-wolf’s booted feet. The blonde canine then growled loudly, before she used her strong legs to push her heavier adversary away from her.

Mother Russia quickly followed behind Germania, soon seeing her fly through the wall that she had sent her through earlier. As she got to the damaged wall, the buxom she-bear noticed that the German soldiers who had been defending the building were starting to fall back before her advancing countrymen. <.oO(Good,)" she thought to herself as she looked through the hole, looking into the still damaged Reichstag building. Mother Russia quickly looked around the room, before she finally noticed Germania, whom she saw resting against a pillar, surrounded by some debris, presently shaking her head to clear it. With a light growl, she charged at her, planning to pounce on her opponent, whom she was then going to pound into submission. As she jumped at the blonde German super, the female ursine blinked as she saw her opponent’s legs suddenly shoot up, ready to stop her. “NYET!!!” she yelled, before releasing a loud oooffff!!!! as she felt her stomach hitting against Germania’s raised feet, effectively stopping her attack. <”Why you…" Mother Russia started to say in anger, before she felt the buxom canine’s strong legs push her away. She felt herself flying backward before she released a loud grunt as she felt her back slam against the wall, a short distance from the hole. <.oO(Ggggrrrrrr!!!! If I wasn’t under strict orders to capture her alive, I’d kill the bitch on the spot,)" the Russian super thought to herself, as she started to pull her body off the wall.

After pushing Mother Russia off of her, Germania got back up, starting to breath a bit heavily as she does so. She then looked forward, whereupon she saw her opponent beginning to pull herself out of the nearby wall. With a snarl, she ran towards her. Upon reaching her, she hit Mother Russia’s face with a quick one-two left-right combo, forcing her away from the wall, before attempting to hit the larger female super with a left haymaker to her stomach, hoping to knock her down.

Almost as soon as she had pulled herself off the wall, the raven-haired she-bear released a couple of loud grunts as she felt herself being hit twice in the face by Germania, which forced her away from the wall. Snarling in anger, she looked ahead of her, just in time to see Germania attempting to hit her stomach with a left haymaker. "I don’t think so, bitch!" she said to Germania, as she put her right paw in front of her body, soon blocking the haymaker with it, although grunting in response to the hit. Then, with a nasty smile on her face, she started to squeeze the blonde she-wolf’s fist. "I may have been ordered to capture you alive, Germania. It doesn’t mean that I can’t make you bleed while I do so."

Germania snarled as she aimed the haymaker at the she-bear’s stomach. She was thus shocked to find her hit attempt blocked by Mother Russia’s right fist. The buxom canine then started to howl as she began to feel her larger opponent’s paw starting to crush her left hand. Becoming desperate, Germania lifted up her right leg and aimed her foot right at the brown-furred she-bear’s exposed stomach, soon hitting it with a quick snap kick, which made Mother Russia grunt in pain. She did this three more times in quick succession, until she was finally able to make her black-haired opponent release her hurting paw. Snarling, she then aimed a quick right straight at her opponent’s face, which soon sent her flying straight towards the opposite wall. As her opponent flew away, she grabbed her hurting paw, grimacing in pain, before taking a look at it. "That’s it, the bitch is going to pay for that."

Mother Russia was enjoying the howling that her fist crushing was causing. "So, are you willing to surrender…" she started to ask before releasing an ooooff, as she felt Germania’s right foot hit her stomach. As she started to gasp for air because of the hit, she would release three more loud oooofffs as she felt Germania’s foot hit her stomach three more times. After the fourth hit, she released the blonde German super’s left fist, before starting to cover her stomach with her arms. "That’s it, bitch, I’m going to beat you to a…" she began to say, before releasing a louder ooofff in response to Germania’s right fist hitting her square in the face, which sent her flying once again, this time towards the wall behind the pair. The buxom female ursine then released a loud grunt as she felt her back hit against the wall. Mother Russia, after hitting the ground next to the wall, shook her head to clear it while releasing a light moan from feeling her back hitting the unforgiving wall. Once she had cleared her head, she saw Germania still holding onto her hurting paw. With a smirk, she commented, as she got back up, "Aaawww, did I hurt the favorite heroine of the Master Race’s little paw? Well, too bad, bitch. I had wanted to do that to both you and your older brother, Iron Cross, for months now. Now surrender or else I’ll do the same to your other paw and both your legs." She then growled at the she-wolf, while she got into a defensive pose as she waited for Germania’s expected attack.

As she continued to rub her hurting left paw, the she-wolf heard Mother Russia’s retort. This produced a rather long snarl from Germania, as she released her paw. She then slowly turned her head and gave the buxom she-bear a rather nasty look on her face. The blonde canine then completely turned around and once again charged at the female ursine, planning to beat her to a pulp. "We’ll see who breaks whose paws, bitch!!!" the super lupine announced, as she raised her right fist, planning to hit the raven-haired female ursine with a very strong right hook to the face.

Mother Russia continued to growl as she watched the angry canine charge towards her. <.oO(Fool. You are so easy to bait,)" she thought to herself as she continue to stand her ground. Then, when the shorter female was almost upon her, she smiled before quickly moving into Germania’s inside and then aim a rather strong left straight right into Germania’s exposed stomach. This caused Germania to release a loud grunt as she was stopped dead in her tracks, soon doubling over in pain from the hit. "I hope that hurt, bitch!!!" the Russian super announced, before she follow up her attack with a right hook to the canine’s face, followed quickly by a roundhouse right leg kick against Germania’s side, which sent the grunting German super flying into the wall. Mother Russia then followed after her, not planning to give Germania a chance to recover.

Germania, still snarling, was soon upon her equally snarling opponent, as she cocked her right fist back. As she did, she noticed that a grin had just replaced Mother Russia’s growl. <.oO(What the he…I’d been…)" the buxom blonde she-wolf thought, as she started to realize that she’d been baited into a trap, before releasing an “…..oooffff!!!” as she felt the she-bear’s left fist hit her hard in the stomach, soon causing her to double over in pain. She then released another loud grunt as she felt her larger opponent’s right fist hit her face, before she felt the she-bear’s right leg hit against her left side, soon sending her flying towards the nearby wall, face first. This caused her to release a loud yelp of pain. "She dies!!!" Germania said loudly, as she started to pull her face away from the wall, before releasing another loud oooffff as she felt something hit her back, hard, which soon caused her to burst through the wall. She then felt herself fall onto the ground, soon covered by masonry, dirt and dust from the just heavily damaged wall. Germania now lay on the floor, gasping for air, while feeling her left paw, face, back and stomach hurting from her bigger opponent’s earlier attacks. <.oO(Must get back up,)" she told herself, as she started to place her paws under her, soon yelping slightly as she began to put some weight onto the left one.

The larger super watched Germania’s body hit the wall, face first, enjoying the loud yelping that it had caused. Mother Russia then decided to press her advantage, as she saw her blonde adversary trying to pull herself away from the wall. She picked up a little speed as she neared the she-wolf and the wall, before putting herself into position so that she would hit Germania with the left side of her body, with her elbow leading. She then grunted as she felt herself hit against the female lupine’s exposed back, soon pushing the German super right through the wall, while causing her to release a loud grunt from the impact. The raven-haired female ursine then pulled herself back, breathing a bit from her recent exertion, before she began to survey the damage that she had just caused. She looked ahead, soon seeing Germania lying on the floor, covered in dirt, dust, and damaged bricks. At this time, she began to hear some noises behind her. Thinking that some German soldiers might be coming to her opponent’s rescue, she quickly turned her head around. Instead of seeing German soldiers, Mother Russia, with some relief, watched as a Russian infantry patrol started to enter the building, with one of the soldiers carrying with him the red Soviet flag with the hammer and sickle on the upper left hand corner. Upon seeing them, she told their commander, a polar bear wearing first lieutenant rankings, in Russian, for him and his men to stay out of the way.

At that moment, a hurting Germania has finally gotten back up. As she did, she could see that Mother Russia was at the moment distracted. She decided to take advantage of it. The blonde-haired canine charged the buxom brown-furred female ursine, and hit the side of her face with a strong right punch, forcing her away from the wall with an oooff. She quickly followed that up with a left straight to the she-bear’s face, causing the bear femme to back away from her even more while she released a light howl from the hit as her paw was still hurting from Mother Russia’s earlier attempt to crush it. She then moved forward and aimed a left snap kick into the she-bear’s stomach, which soon forced her opponent away, before she fell onto the ground. As she snarled, she began to hear a loud click behind her. Germania, upon hearing the sound, turned around and looked ahead, soon seeing a couple of the members of the Russian patrol aiming their PPSh-41 submachine guns at her.

Mother Russia, as she was listening to the male polar bear’s comments about why they were there, was thus not prepared for Germania’s sudden attack, as she released a loud ooofff in response to her feeling the side of her face being hit with a hard punch. As she backed away, she released another ooofff from another face hit, this time feeling a little blood exit her mouth because of it. She then released another loud ooofff as she felt her adversary kick her in the stomach. The punch and the kick soon forced Mother Russia to fall onto the floor with a grunt. "Ok, that is enough!!!" she said in some anger, when she, at the same time as Germania, heard a couple of clicks. She turned her head, and soon saw two of the soldiers aiming their weapons at Germania. Mother Russia quickly told the lieutenant in Russian to tell his men not to fire at Germania as she had orders to take the she-wolf in alive.

The lieutenant, upon hearing the raven-haired she-bear’s orders to capture Germania alive, began to order his men to stand down. As he did, Germania started to approach them. While one of the soldiers did as ordered, the other one, out of fear of the German super, disobeyed orders and fired his weapon, thus releasing several bullets towards her. The bullets soon hit their mark, as they hit a surprised Germania in the stomach, knocking her down.

Germania, looking at the soldiers, began to approach them, hoping that she could scare them off by threatening to attack them, before resuming her fight with Mother Russia. "Leave now, swines!!!" she told them, just as one of the soldiers, a mink, out of fear of her, fired his weapon. Before she could react, Germania gasped as she felt a bullet hit her in the stomach, soon followed by a second one, while another bullet hit her just under her chest. She blinked in surprise, before looking down. The buxom lupine immediately noticed the blood that was now leaking slowly down her shirt from the bullet holes. "Nein!!!" she announced before she proceeded to fall onto her knees. Several seconds later, she fell onto the ground, starting to feel some blood leaving her mouth, while at the same time feeling some more blood exit through the bullet holes. Germania was soon gasping for air.

“NYET!!!” yelled Mother Russia, as she finally got back up. As she ran towards the wounded Germania, she could see the polar bear officer slapping the soldier across the face, yelling at him about disobeying his order not to shoot the German super. She was soon upon Germania, starting to see what she could do to stop the bleeding. Snarling as she did so, she looked back towards the patrol, and yelled at the lieutenant to quickly get some medical personnel, if they were going to stop the bleeding.

After slapping the soldier and then reprimanding him for insubordination, the lieutenant heard Mother Russia order him to get a doctor for the wounded lupine. The polar bear officer acknowledged her in Russian, before telling another soldier, a grey timber wolf, to see if he can retrieve a medical officer. The wolf nodded and quickly left the building. As he did, the others began to hear some rockets fly overhead, telling them that some of their comrades were once again attacking the nearby Gestapo building.

Germania, meantime, was slowly losing blood, as she saw Mother Russia trying to plug up the bullet wounds, after having removed the she-wolf’s shirt, leaving only the bra that was covering her breasts upon her body. The German super was a bit surprised by this, not expecting one of her major enemies to actually be trying to keep her alive, especially after the pair has been threatening to kill each other during their recent fight. Soon she began to see another Russian approaching her, this one a male sable, who was carrying a medical satchel over his left shoulder as he wore a couple of Red Cross bands on his arms. He was soon joining Mother Russia in trying to stop the bleeding, as he began to bandage her up. Germania, as she watched, released a light gasp in response to the pain that she was still feeling from the bullets that were presently lodged within her body. Several seconds later, the German super closed her eyes, finally overcome by the pain, as the lieutenant and his men headed toward the nearby steps, so that they could complete their assigned mission, placing the Soviet flag atop the Reichstag building.

Almost 60 years later, in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA:

Inside the bedroom of her 1900 Rittenhouse Square Apartment penthouse, the present-day Germania, Katherina Pferd, was busy sleeping in her bed. Or at least she was trying to sleep, as the middle-aged redheaded mare’s body was moving around in her bed, her head frantically rolling back and forth across the pillow it was presently resting upon. Her body then stopped, just moments before her upper half suddenly shot up as she started to scream. She would scream long and loud for several seconds, as her light blue pajamas top was exposed as her bed covers fell off her upper form. Katherina then began to breath heavily once she had stopped screaming, as beads of sweat slowly rolled down her body, soon causing her silk pajamas to feel very damp against her body fur, making it press tightly against every curve of her sexy form. After looking about the room to make sure that she was indeed still inside her bedroom, the buxom Rhenish-Hanoverian equine gave a brief sigh of relief as she placed her right elbow against her heavily sweating head.

“Danka gott, it vas only un dream,” she told herself, as she wiped some sweat off of her brow with her right hoof. “But, gott im himmel, ich haff been havink dis same dream about mein predecessor for der last few days now. Vat does it mean?” As Katherina pondered this, she looked around her bedroom once again, soon seeing the clock that was placed on the nightstand set to the left of her bed. She quickly noticed that it read 5 AM.

“Ich need to vorry about dat later,” she told herself, as she pulled the rest of the sheets off of her body, thus revealing as she did so the rest of her silk pajamas. “Right now, ich need to go take un shower, und get ready for work.” With that, the middle-age mare began to get out of bed.

A short time later she was standing nude in the shower, washing her dirty and sweaty body, while at the same time giving her overflowing chestnut red hair a quick shampoo. As she did so, Katherina returned to the dream that she’d been having for the last few days, of the previous Germania fighting it out with the Russian female super, Mother Russia, before seeing her being shot by a Russian soldier who feared that she would soon be attacking him and his comrades. As she continued to wash her body, she returned to the dream. After a while, Katherina released a long sigh.

“Vat does dis dream mean? Ich mean, vat im der world does it represent?” she asked herself, as she began to rinse the shampoo out of her long chestnut red mane. The German-born mare then released another sigh, as she finished rinsing the shampoo out of her now wet hair, and before she started to wash off her nude form. “Especially der last part off der dream vere der female bear ist tryink to save mein predecessor’s life, especially after der zwei off dem has been announcink how much dey really vanted to hurt, iff ne kill, der other durink deir rather nasty fight. It doesn’t seem to make any sense to me,” Katherina told herself, as she rubbed some soap around the wet brown hair fur just underneath her firm breasts. She kept on thinking about the meaning of her dream as she continued to wash herself. Finally, the middle-aged female equine placed her hooves upon the two shower nozzles. Turning them counterclockwise, she quickly turned them both off. She then proceeded to step out of the tub, with water dripping off of her thoroughly wet body, which landed first inside the tub, and then onto the bath towel-covered rug placed in front of it. Katherina then moved her dripping body forward a bit until she was soon leaning over the lowered seat of her toilet. She placed her right hoof in front of her and was soon reaching for the folded towels that she had earlier placed atop it. The brown-haired mare soon got a firm grip upon the top towel, and then began to pull it towards her, planning to use it to dry off her mane and tail.

After drying off her mane, tail and body with the two towels, Katherina, after putting on her black slippers and then placing the wet towels into a dirty clothes hamper, picked up a body comb from a nearby table and began to comb her now dried brown body hair with it. As she combed her body, she went back to thinking about the dream. As she did, the redheaded mare sighed once more as she recalled some of the things that her sire had rather reluctantly told her about the war which even he would prefer not to remember, even if neither he nor any of the soldiers under his command had ever participated in it, meaning the Holocaust. It has been almost a decade since her sire’s death, but she can still remember how much he would have preferred not to talk about the bad things that were done in the name of the German people during World War II, eventually when it got paraded in front of the world every time a new Nazi War Crime trial was conducted somewhere in Europe or North America, including the most recent one involving a male rat from the Ukraine who, although now in his late 80s, was, during the war, a member of a foreign unit that had served in the Waffen-SS, and was involved in several massacres of Ukrainian Jews that were conducted during both the German Occupation of the Ukraine and the German Army’s retreat from Russia.

She can still remember how frustrated he was during the last years of his life as he constantly saw the Army that he had served in so nobly be constantly attacked by charges of committing war crimes. It wasn’t the killing of prisoners after they had surrender, which he himself knew could happen during the heat of battle, that had bothered him. Nor, the death of Russian prisoners of war, which everyone in Germany knew about as a matter of record. No, what had frustrated him was learning about the out and out murdering of civilians that were actually performed by regular army units, and not by the Gestapo or the Waffen SS, which were later swept under the rug by both the present-day German government and military and by her former wartime enemies and now present friends. It frustrated him because he knew that they were a bunch of ticking time bombs, just waiting to explode at the most awkward moments in Germany’s relationship with her present friends. He had preferred that everything was simply brought out into the open and let the chips fall where they may, so that the rest of Europe would see that they no longer needed to fear the German people, especially after the reunification of East and West Germany.

Katherina, as she put down the body comb, began to wonder if she herself was doing enough as Germania, as far as this problem was concerned. True, she had spent a large part of her crimefighting career fighting against Neo-Nazis, and those who had Nazi-like sympathies, such as Angry Bear, most of which has so far been kept secret from the rest of the world upon orders from the government, as well as being at times outspoken about what some members of the wartime generation had done to blacken Germany’s name in the eyes of the rest of world. Still, as she picked up a difference brush that she planned to use to comb both her mane and tail, she wondered if she should be doing more. As she got ready to start combing her long chestnut red mane, Katherina began to look at herself in the mirror. It was only then that she began to notice the tear that was slowly rolling down her right eye, headed towards her muzzle.

“Come on, Katherina, get a grip on ihrself,” she told herself, as she began to pick up a tissue to wipe away the tear. “Dis ist ne der time to start fallink apart.” After picking up the tissue, she used it to wipe away the tear. “Come on, du’re doink der best du can to change people’s opinions off Germania, especially after all der damage dat der previous eine had done to der name durink der last var as she followed der orders off dat mad wolf. Ich know dat un few off mein critics haff constantly asked vhy ich haven’t helped im roundink up Nazi-era war criminals vho are still on der loose, but ich’ve haff been too busy just tryink to stop dose stupid Neo-Nazis vho haff been tryink to follow im deir footsteps. Besides, dere appear to be enough folks goink after dem as it ist. Und none off dem haff ever dought about askink me for help anyway. Ich guess just der fact dat ich’m Germania automatically means dat ich am der last eine person to be askink to help capture war criminals.” Katherina, after wiping away the tear, proceeded to release a loud snort, before throwing the tissue away. She then began to comb her hair. “Still, doesn’t mean dat ich vouldn’t help. *Sigh* Still, mit very few Nazi-war criminals still around, ich guess dat ich von’t get un opportunity to show people otherwise.” The middle-aged redheaded mare then proceeded to first comb her mane and then her tail, before finally standing up. After putting down the comb, Katherina walked towards the door, soon picking up her pink robe and using it to cover up her now dried and cleaned nude form. She then turned off the bathroom light, as she started to head towards her bedroom so that she could start getting dressed for work.

Katherina was now in her apartment’s kitchen, seated in a chair as she ate breakfast. Placed on the table before her was a plate loaded with some pancakes covered in maple syrup and a couple of sausages made from wheat germ and a small glass filled with orange juice. The redheaded mare, as she sat before the table, was presently clad in a light grey business dress, which included a below-the-knees length skirt, along with a white blouse, and a red and grey broad stripes tie. As she chewed on some of the pancakes that she had just recently cut with her fork, the middle-aged mare looked at the television set. On the set was channel 6, the local ABC affiliate, as it showed the second half-hour of ‘Good Morning, America’. At the moment, a reporter, a young, blonde-haired female ferret dressed in a white shirt, a light blue skirt, grey stockings and black shoes, was in Israel, reporting on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s trip to the Middle Eastern country as it celebrated the 60th Anniversary of its founding back in 1947. Katherina watched as she heard the reporter mention that the German Chancellor, a middle-aged female bear, was presently being welcomed in a very warm manner by the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, a middle-aged male stoat, while at the same time being highly honored with a military honor guard, and watched by many of that young country’s political and religious leaders. This brought a happy smile to the redheaded mare’s face, as she knew that this was something that no one, especially not someone who still believed in the racist thinking of Adolf Hitler and his kind, would have expected seeing something like this over sixty years earlier. .oO(Ich’m bettink dat Angry Bear und his freunds are all havink kittens over dis right about now,) thought the mare, as she began to drink some orange juice, while starting to change the station.

The redheaded mare continued to channel surf with her remote until she had reached channel 23, the New Jersey Network PBS station for southern New Jersey, where she saw the start of a report from BBC World News. She blinked a couple of times as she began to realize where the report was coming from, as she saw in the background the front façade of the Imperial or Aachen Cathedral in mid-town Aachen, Germany. Katherina quickly recognized it because it was not only the final resting place for both the Emperor Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Emperor King Otto III, but it was also the final resting place for most of the previous Germanias, even if the last several Germanias were Protestants as the cathedral is known to be a Roman Catholic church. Katherina pondered why the report was being conducted, when she heard the reporter, a brunette-haired vixen clad in a white shirt, a light blue long skirt, beige stockings and low-heel black shoes, said into her microphone:

“While the main news here in Germany is about Chancellor Merkel’s visit to the state of Israel as it celebrate its sixtieth anniversary as a state, there is some buzz here in the ancient city of Aachen, as the Imperial Cathedral prepares this weekend to open its door to the public for an exhibit on Germany’s national heroine, Germania. Since the appearance of the first Germania during the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, when the German tribes united to destroy three Roman legions, thus ending the Roman Empire’s only attempt to cross the Rhine into what is now the heartland of present-day Germany, several German women have over the centuries taken the name as their own, almost all of whom had since been buried here inside the Imperial Cathedral, starting with the Germania who was one of several swordwomen who had served under the Emperor Charlemagne, who is also buried here.”

Katherina smacked her head as she listened to the vixen reporter’s report. “Idioten, ich’ve almost forgotten about der exhibit. Ich’d promised der curator dat ich vould be dere durink der exhibit’s erste weekend. Dat could explain der dream dat ich haff been havink durink der last few days,” she told herself, as she saw the camera pan back a bit, soon showing an elderly looking male grey wolf standing next to the vixen’s right. The aging lupine, who was holding a cane in his left paw, which he was using to help him stand up, was clad in a three-piece blue business suit with a white shirt, a red tie and black shoes. She quickly recognized him as being the no longer active German super, Iron Cross, the older brother of her predecessor, who was presently working as a history teacher at one the city’s local gymnasiums. As she began to eat one of the wheat sausages, she heard the vixen say:

“And here standing next to me is the gentlefur responsible for the exhibit, Georg Wolfgang, who at one time was known to the world as the German super, Iron Cross, but who is now retired and working at one of the local gymnasiums as a history teacher and an expert on Germania. Good day, Herr Wolfgang.”

The buxom middle-aged mare saw the vixen placed the mic in front of the presently smiling wolf.

“Guten Tag, Fraulein,” said the wolf into the microphone.

“So, tell me, Herr Wolfgang, I guess that you must be very proud of the exhibit that you had help put together?”

“Ja, I am very proud of the exhibit, Fraulein Foxen,” answered the wolf in his German-accented English.

“And, what, in particular, will be included in the exhibit?”

“Well, we plan to include a painting of the Germania who had helped raise the Siege of Vienna in 1683, the sword that was used by the Germania who was one of Emperor Charlemagne’s sword maidens, the proclamation of 1875 which was signed by both Emperor Wilhelm I and his Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, that officially proclaimed Germania as Germany’s national heroine, as well as the costume off that period’s Germania, including her pistol, the weaponry off the two Germanias of the Thirty Years War era, among others,” Wolfgang said to the reporter, sounding very proud of what he had help put together as he spoke.

“Aren’t you afraid that some local Neo-Nazis might try to disrupt the exhibit, to use it for their own purposes, especially when the present Germania is here this weekend?”

This brought a loud snort from the older male canine, before he replied in a somewhat angry tone , “No, I am not, my dear. Germania is Germany’s national heroine, not the heroine of some fringe group that is still pining over some past glory while forgetting about what that past glory has wrought for the fatherland.” Then, in a somewhat calmer voice, he added, “Sorry for my reaction, Fraulein Foxen, but those kinds of people do tend to upset me very much. Anyway, the authorities have promised me and the church leaders that there will be a 24-hours police presence to protect the cathedral from any possible trouble during the entire time that the exhibit will be on display there.”

“I see. Anyway, do you mind if I ask you one last question, Herr Wolfgang?”

Smiling, Wolfgang answered her, “Sure, ask away?”

“I’d noticed during the tour of the exhibit that I and several other members of the press were given earlier today that there seems to be no tomb for the Nazi-era Germania. Would you care to explain why that is to our audience?”

Katherina did a spit take, spitting out the sausage piece that she had just put into her mouth. She then looked back at the TV set, pondering how the old wolf would react to that question about his younger sister. “Poor Georg, over sixty years und still ne idea vat haff happened to his schwester. Ich hope dat her question vill ne cause him to figuratively bite her head off for askink it.”

The elderly canine blinked for a couple seconds, obviously caught off-guard by the question. He then released a low sigh, before looking back at the vixen. “The truth, fraulein, is that the government, when it was just West Germany, had decreed back in 1969 that my sister would not be interned alongside the other Germanias if her body was ever found, and if her body is ever found, it would be turned over to me and my family for a private burial. And, quite frankly, we do not know at this time where her body might actually be. As you and the rest of the world knows, the Soviets had during the entire cold war claimed that they have wounded and captured my sister during the Battle of Berlin, but every time that either I or the West German government, on my behalf, have asked them for proof to back up their claim, they have always played games with us, promising that either they or the East Germans would produce her for us to see, before bringing up some excuse to back out at the very last moment. We, or at least, I, have always thought that things would be different once the Soviet Union and her satellites have fallen out of power. But, sadly, we have been no closer to finding out what had really happened to her since the fall of Communism in the East. We do not even know if her body might be somewhere in Berlin, possibly buried under the foundation of one of the new buildings that had been built there since the end of the war.” As he spoke, the old wolf could be seen holding back tears.

Upon seeing the tears starting to fall down his cheeks, the vixen said to the camera, “I see. Anyway, thank you for your answer to my question, Herr Wolfgang, even if it was somewhat hurtful for me to be asking it.”

The wolf, after using a napkin which he had earlier removed from his left shirt pocket to wipe away the tears from his eyes, looked back at the reporter. Smiling once again, he answered her, “You are quite welcome, my dear.”

Katherina sighed as she watched the end of the interview. “Poor Georg. Ne knowink vhere his schwester could be ist still botherink him. Ich really should help him mit dat. Hmm, maybe ich should offer to help him mit dat vhile ich’m at der exhibit dis weekend.” The chestnut-haired mare then looked up at her kitchen clock, soon noticing the time. “But for now, ich better be headink off for vork. Its un goot dink dat mein vorkplace ist just around der corner.” She then picked up the TV remote, soon aiming it directly at the set, just as a new news report was coming on. She saw seated behind a desk a redheaded male sheepdog, clothed in a light blue blazer, a white shirt and a red tie, who was starting to announce:

“And earlier today, British authorities had announced that the British superheroine, Britannia, have helped them break up a…”

After turning off the set, and putting down the remote, Katherina pushed herself away from her chair, soon revealing the light brown stockings and black medium-heel shoes that she was wearing which the table had previously kept hidden from view. After getting up, she picked up her dirty dishes and headed towards the sink, so that she could wash them clean before finally heading off to work.

A short time later, Katherina, who was now wearing a light brown jacket over her light grey dress jacket, was soon exiting the elevator on the 11th floor of 1845 Walnut Street, near the main offices of the North American branch of Pferd Motors, along with several other furs. As she approached the presently opened double doors that led into the office, she could see seated behind the front desk the company’s receptionist, Gretchen Holstein. Katherina, who was holding a brown briefcase in her right hoof, quickly noticed that the eyeglass-wearing blonde bovine was this morning very smartly dressed in a light blue dress, while sporting upon her ears a pair of moon-shaped earrings, with a halter-style necklace placed around her pretty neck. The brunette-haired mare also noticed that the older female bovine was at the moment speaking on the phone. The redheaded mare soon stopped in front of the reception desk while a couple of other furs, a male skunk and a female mouse, walked past her, headed for their work cubicles. “Guten Morgen, Gretchen. Any messages for me dis mornink?” she asked the blonde cow, as she waited for her to finish with the phone call.

Gretchen didn’t say anything at first, as she continued to speak on the phone. After finally finishing up and then hanging up the phone, the older bovine looked up at the brunette-haired mare, quickly noticing the horseshoe-shaped earrings that she was wearing on her ears, as well as the pearl necklace that was now covering her neck. She smiled back at Katherina before saying to her in her Bronx accent, “Good mornin’, boss. As for messages, ye got only three, boss mare. One is from yer niece, Brunhilda, reminding ye about tonight’s basketball game between her girl’s team and Princeton. The second is from a Ms. Whitetail, reminding ye that yer to meet her for lunch today. And the last one is from Mrs. Purrwick asking you for when would be the best time to have your meeting to discuss the updating of the electronics contract between her company and ours,” as she read from the sheet of papers upon which she had earlier written each message on. The older cow then looked back up at the standing mare.

The buxom female equine nodded her head after hearing each message that Gretchen has just relayed to her. “Ist dat all, Gretchen?”

Gretchen nodded her head, while smiling at the brunette-furred mare as she handed over the notes. “Yes, that’s it, Ms. Pferd.”

“Danka, Gretchen. Und please call me, Katherina,” Katherina said back to the blonde bovine, with a smile. “After all, du haff been vorkink here long enough to have earned the privilege.” She then began to walk past the bovine’s desk, while adding, with a slight chuckle, “Besides, du are also ridink mein chauffer, ja?”

Gretchen smiled, until she had heard Katherina’s comment about her relationship with Otto, the mare’s personal chauffer. Then she began to blush a very deep red. “Oh, I am so goin’ to have a long talk wit that beefy blabbermouth.”

The mare chuckled again as she stopped. She then looked back at Gretchen, with a mischievous look on her pretty visage. “Ne need to get poed mit Otto, mein dear, as ich vas only teasink du. Besides, ich had ne actual proof dat du zwei vere doink der demon mit zwei backs together until ich’d heard ihr reply to mein comment just now.”

The female bovine proceeded to perform a Homeric d’oh, upon hearing that, which caused Katherina to laugh a little bit more, before she turned around and once again headed towards her office. “Anyway, ich dink it’s nice dat he has someone to haff *snicker* fun mit.”

Gretchen just shook her head, just as she heard the phone ring. Quickly picking it up, she said into it, “Good Morning, Pferd Motors, USA, how may I help ya?”

The redheaded mare continued to chuckle as she walked between the cubicles, headed towards her office. As she walked, she heard a female voice calling for her. “Ms. Pferd, Ms. Pferd!! Could you wait up, please?” she heard. Katherina stopped, then turned around again and soon saw that quickly walking towards her was her administrative assistant, Samantha Jenny Chippy. The German-born mare promptly noted that the smaller blonde chippette was nicely dressed in a light blue business dress, with a white short, which was presently unbutton at the top, beige stockings and black low-heel shoes. “Ja, Sam, vat ist it?”

“I just wanted to remind you, boss mare, that you have a meeting with the head of the sales department later this afternoon,” said the chippette after she had finally caught up with the taller mare. “Also, that your flight for tomorrow morning is all set. You will be leaving Philadelphia International Airport tomorrow morning at 8 AM on a British Airways flight. You should reach Düsseldorf International Airport, after making a short stop over at London Heathrow Airport, by mid-afternoon, then you can take from downtown Düsseldorf the Deutsche Bahn train to downtown Aachen. Lastly, your hotel reservation for that weekend in Aachen is also set.” As she spoke, Sam handed over to the mare her plane ticket. “Is there anything else you want me to do, boss?”

Katherina listened to the smaller rodent as she took the plane ticket from her with her free hoof. Upon hearing her question, she said, “Ja, dere ist.”

Sam, who had been carrying a writing pad with her, lifted it up, and with her pen ready, said, “And that would be boss?”

“Okay. Erste, ich vould like du to call mein niece und tell her dat ich vill be at her basketball game tonight, but dat ich unfortunately vill only be dere for der erste half as ich vill need to leave der game early so dat ich can pack up for mein trip tomorrow. Next, tell mein freund Asrail dat ich vill meet her at Cavanaugh for our lunch date as previously agreed. Den, contact Mrs. Purrwick und ask her iff next Wednesday afternoon at 2 PM vill be okay mit her for talkink about renewink der electronics contract. Und, lastly, tell Alfred dat ich vill see him in Room C at 3 dis afternoon. Oh ja, also tell mein chauffer, Otto, to pick me up at 5 AM tomorrow mornink so dat he can drive me over to der airport.”

As she used shorthand to quickly write down what Katherina wanted her to do, Sam said, “Right away, boss.” The smaller blonde chippette, once she was done writing, quickly turned around, and began to walk away. Before she had gotten too far, she stopped, then turned around. “Oh, I almost forgot, boss mare. Some kind of package had arrived for you earlier this morning. It’s waiting for you on your desk.”

Katherina, who had just reached her office door, stopped and looked back at Sam. “Oh, any idea vat it might be, Sam?”

Sam shrugged her shoulders. “Nope, no clue, boss mare.”

The brunette-haired mare raised an eyebrow. “Ich see. Vell, ich guess ich’ll find out vat it ist inside mein office. Anyway, dat vill be all, Sam.”

“Sure, boss,” the younger rodent said, as she began to walk away again.

“Und for der last time, Sam, please call me Katherina, ne boss ou boss mare, okay?”

“Right, boss…uhm, Katherina,” said a blushing Sam, before she started to walk past several nearby cubicles as she headed for her own office. As she walked past them, several of the younger males who sat inside them were busy looking her over, especially looking at her firm ass as it moved somewhat sexily inside her tight fitting skirt. Sam didn’t take any notice of them ogling her small, yet sexy looking, form over.

Katherina lightly chuckled as she noticed what some of her male employees were doing as they watched Sam walk into her office. “Okay, boys, stop ogling mein assistant und get back to work, ja?” After watching the males go back into their cubicles after seeing the embarrassed looks on their faces once they had all realized that she had caught them all looking at Sam’s jiggling ass, she turned around and began to open her door. .oO(Ich don’t know vhich ist more surprisink. Sam ne noticink any off der jeune guys lookink at her ass, ou dat she’s ne doink porn like her zwei older schwesters.) After closing the door behind her, the older mare began to take off her coat, after putting down her briefcase. As she did, she looked towards her desk, soon seeing on top of it the package that Samantha had mentioned to her earlier. As she approached her coat rack to hang up her coat, she asked herself, .oO(Hmmm, ich vonder vat ist in der package?) Once she had finished hanging up her coat, and after retrieving her briefcase, she headed towards her desk. “Guess dere’s only one way to find out.”

After reaching her desk, she placed her briefcase on top of it, just below her phone, which was placed at the desk’s upper left hand corner. After placing both her plane ticket and the sheets of paper with the messages on top of it, she sat down in her chair. After pulling her chair closer to her desk, she placed her hooves upon the package, which she then pulled towards her. She looked the package over for a while, noticing its size and shape as she did so. “Hmm, looks like it might be some kind off book by its shape,” she told herself, as she began to place her hooves upon the package’s wrapping. As Katherina began to unwrap the string that was on top of the wrapping, she soon noticed that a sheet of paper was placed just underneath the string. “Oh, vat is dis?” she asked herself, before she released the string and then pulled the paper from underneath it. The redheaded mare then started to read the paper, soon raising an eyebrow as she did so. .oO(Vas ist dis?) she thought, as she read the message written on it. It read:

If you want closure to the war,

open this and find her.



Katherina was a bit taken aback as she read the note first a second and then a third time, pondering what it actually meant. “Vat does dis mean?” she asked herself before finally putting the letter over to one side. “Guess dere’s only eine vay to find out vat it ist.” The buxom redhead immediately went back to the string that was still covering the package. After feeling how thick it was, she picked up a pair of scissors from the nearby pen caddy and used it to quickly cut the string. Katherina, after putting away the scissors, picked up the just cut string and dumped it into the nearby trashcan. She then placed her hooves upon the package and began to carefully pull away the wrapping. The redheaded mare then blinked her eyes for several seconds as she finally saw what the wrapping had been covering: a large, grey archival box.

“Vat is dis?” the Teutonic mare pondered, as she placed her hooves onto the top of the box. She then pulled the top up, soon revealing to herself its contents: a book, which seems to cover about half the box, a couple of rolled up papers, a few documents and a picture. The picture, which has been taped on top of the book, featured a she-wolf and a mare, both of whom were wearing costumes. The muscular-looking pair appeared to Katherina to be facing off against each other somewhere in New York City, which she based on the fact that she could see Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty in the picture’s background. The snarling blonde she-wolf, who was skimpily dressed in a strapless black leather bustier, a spiked leather collar, a pair of metallic bracelets, one on each arm, and a pair of thigh-length black leather boots, she quickly recognized as her predecessor as Germania. The blonde mare that the World War II-era Germania was fighting with, dressed in a sleeveless white top with a high collar, that was covered in the middle by a big red star and a brown belt with a smaller yellow star placed in the middle of it, with the collar, the big star and the belt all covered over with red piping, and a pleated white skirt; a pair of white gloves with three yellow stars placed atop each one; a long blue cape that flowed effortlessly off of her muscular back; a pair of white low-heel boots, each one covered by a thin red stripe that went down the middle and three yellow stars, and a blue mask which covered her eyes, Katherina did not immediately recognize her. She quickly noticed that the pair must have been fighting each other for a while, based upon the large numbers of cuts and bruises that she could see upon each femmes’ clothing and fur. Katherina, deciding at this point to see if there might be something that could help give her a better clue as to the scene that was being shown to her by the picture, placed her right hoof upon the photo, and, very gently, pulled it away from the book. Once she had accomplished this, Katherina turned the picture over to see if anything might have been written upon its back. The brunette-furred mare was instantly rewarded as she saw some writing placed upon the back of the picture. Katherina blinked upon what she read:

Battlestar fighting with the Nazi Super Germania in downtown Manhattan, April 24, 1943.

While Katherina knew that her predecessor had been in the United States several times during the war, normally to fight with the local heroes to keep them busy as commandoes were making sabotage attempts, she had no idea that she had actually fought against Battlestar. Although she wasn’t sure that the Battlestar the she-wolf was fighting with in the picture was the same Battlestar that she knew, since she knew that the two super mares were about the same age. “Dis must be un different Battlestar,” she soon theorized, as she placed the picture onto her desk, to the right of the box. She then put her hooves back into the box and then proceeded to pull out of it the book. After she had done so, Katherina began to look the book over, soon noticing, from the look of it, especially its binding and pages, that it must had been created at some point in the 1930s. She then opened it up to its title page. Katherina was soon blinking her eyes once she saw what was written in German on the title page.

“Vat der…Germania’s journal, April 4, 1943 to April 3, 1944!?!” the buxom mare gasped in surprise. “How can dis be possible? Vere did dis come from? Und vhy vas it sent to me?” Katherina asked herself over and over again, as she began to look through the journal. As she slowly went through it, page by page, the middle-aged female equine was shocked to read what her predecessor was writing about, including about her personally leading a hunt inside southern Germany to either capture or kill an American super who went by the code name, Blue Cross, who seems to have been disrupting the German war effort from the inside, as the Western Allies were moving towards Germany from Italy and preparing for their invasion of Europe from Great Britain, while the Russians were doing the same from the east. The more she read, the more disgusted she was getting. Finally, with a snort, Katherina slammed the journal shut.

“Dis can’t be real?” she told herself, as she picked up one of the documents. As she read it, the redheaded mare quickly realized that it in fact was a warrant that had been signed by Adolf Hitler himself, which authorized the immediate execution of Blue Cross if she was ever captured by German forces for her acts of sabotage on German soil.

Katherina snorted once again, only louder this time, as she placed the evil document back into the box. As she started picking up the journal, to put it back inside as well, she thought, .oO(Dere ist only eine vay for me to get to der bottom off dis. Ich need to show all off dis to Georg vhen ich see him Saturday, before ich’m suppose to make mein appearance at der exhibit. He should be able to tell me iff dis ist for real ou un hoax, as vell as hopefully haff un goot idea as to vho might be der eine to haff sent dis to me und vhy.) As she put the lid back onto the box, after having just finished putting back into it both the journal and the picture, Katherina looked back up. The redheaded mare quickly noticed the clock that was placed just above the door leading into her office. She blinked when she saw the time. “Almost noon,” she told herself, as she got up from her desk and quickly headed towards the coat rack to retrieve her coat. “Goot dink dat Cavanaugh ist just around der corner from der office so dat ich von’t be too late in meetink mein freund Asrail for lunch.” Once she had gotten her coat and had put it back on, Katherina quickly headed out the door and then closed it behind her.

Colmaton, California, Manchester County, the Shirlington Community, Nine am, Pacific Time

As Katherina was exiting the building, so that she could meet her friend Asrail for lunch, at the same time in Colmaton, California, in the Shirlington Community of suburban Manchester County, Gloria Summers was inside the attic of the house of her late great-grandmother, Mary Spencer-Davis, who was in reality the World War II-era Battlestar, the same Battlestar who was the one seen facing off against the Nazi-era Germania in the picture that the earlier mentioned redheaded mare had been looking at just moments earlier. The younger mare, presently wearing a white scarf over her blonde locks, was dressed in a white t-shirt, tight–fitting blue jeans pants and a pair of Keds sneakers, had at the moment just finished taping up yet another box. .oO(There, that’s one less box for me to worry about,) she thought to herself with a sigh, as she got up, after putting down the gun with the packing tape that she’d just used. “Now let see. What should I box up next?” she asked herself, as she looked around the room, noticing what was still strewed about. .oO(Gee, great-grandma certainly did collect a lot of stuff over the years, didn’t she?) Gloria told herself, as she thought back to the main reason why she was presently inside her great-grandma’s old home. She recalled that she had several months earlier promised her mother, Bethany Spencer-Summers, the present Battlestar, that she would help her clean out her grandmother’s place, which she was now getting ready to sell, along with the surrounding land, to a real estate agent by the name of Jason Sheepadopolous, who was representing his niece, Helena. Although she didn’t like the idea of her great-grandmother’s home being turned into a real estate investment for a well-known porn actress, even if a very friendly one, Gloria had to agree with her mother’s reasoning for selling the house to her. It was a whole lot better than having it be turned over to her grandmother, Ruth Spencer-Howard, the recently retired Battlestar. Just the thought of it being in her grandmother’s hooves turned her stomach.

“Mom’s right. Better it be in the hand of a porn star then in grandma’s speciest’s hooves,” she said to herself, as she heard some noises come from downstairs, followed by a loud yelp of pain.

“Sorry, Mrs. Summers, the couch slipped,” she heard from her friend and roommate, Kelly Goodwin, aka the superheroine Brown Lotus, who had rather reluctantly volunteered to help out with the clean up.

“That’s okay, Kelly, accidents do happen. But please, dear, be a bit more careful, okay?” came the response from her mother.

“Need any help down there, you two!?!” Gloria yelled downstairs.

“That’s okay, honey. Everything is under control down here. We should be up to help you take the stuff out of the attic in about, oh, an hour or so,” answered her mother.

“Okay, mom, if you say so.” The younger mare chuckled before she began to look around the room again. “Let’s see, what do I box first?” she pondered, when she saw something catch her eyes, via the sunlight coming through the window just across from her. .oO(Hmm, I guess that made my decision for me,) she thought to herself, as she headed towards the window. As she neared it, Gloria quickly got a glimpse of what she had seen via the sunlight. On top of an old table was placed a pair of very dusty books.

.oO(I wonder what these could be,) the young blonde mare pondered as she stopped in front of the table. After wiping away some nearby cobwebs, she picked up one of the books. She looked it over very carefully, trying to determine what it could possibly be, before finally placing it leaning away from her pretty face. She then puckered up her mouth and blew, trying to blow the dust off of the book. As the dust proceeded to blow away from of the book, some out it snuck up her nose, soon causing her to sneeze.

“Aaaaah-cchhhooo,” she loudly sneezed, as the dust slowly fell towards the floor. “Next time, I bringing a dust rag with me,” she commented, before sniffing a little, which soon caused her to sneeze again, a little bit stronger this time. “Yeah, definitely a dust rag.” Once the last of the dust had finished settling onto the floor, she looked once again at the book. The blonde mare couldn’t tell much from its outward appearance, but she soon figured that it was probably made back in the early eighties. Curious about its contents, she proceeded to open the book to its first page. Gloria was thus shocked to see what was written on the front page.

“Huh? How did great-grandma get a hold of this?” the young mare queried herself, as she read the words that were written on the page.

“The Diary of Max Monroe?” read the shocked mare, as she turned to the next page, curious about what the panther, presently the head of the city’s police department, may have written inside. What the buxom young mare read next, at the start of the diary, was what most people would expect to see inside another person’s diary, that person writing down his most intimate thoughts. In the first pages of the diary, she saw him mention that he was presently serving in the U.S. Army and was presently stationed somewhere in Germany. “Hmmm, that might explain why he likes certain German cuisine,” Gloria told herself, as she turned the page. After going through several more pages, what the young mare would next see before her eyes would shock her even more than her originally finding out that this was the feline’s journal. What she now saw was a full page worth of nice comments by Chief Monroe about Germania, the German super mare. The panther’s positive comments came as a complete surprise to her, especially as the feline tended to be rather bias towards male supers, as in he tended to be less critical of them when they fight crime then he had been with either her as Lady Liberty or any of the other female super, whether they were registered or not. Gloria blinked her eyes a couple of times more, pondering about what she was presently reading. “He thinks very highly of Germania? Now that’s a surprise, as he certainly doesn’t act that way towards the rest of us super femmes, at least not in public.” She quickly turned the page, and soon saw a second page worth of positive comments about the German blonde super, along with the first of several pictures of her, obviously clipped from both German newspapers and magazines, both in staged poses and in action scenes, including one picture that soon caused her to blush. “Okay, I didn’t need to see that,” Gloria told herself, as she quickly turned the page. She then blinked as she saw a page making comments about her mother, or rather her mother’s alter ego, Battlestar. It was a page worth of positive comments about the older super mare, followed by a page commenting about the two supers mares working on a case together in Germany, near the city of Munich. The young blonde was surprised to see all of these nice comments, as she decided to close the diary. “Interesting, the Chief seems to be able to say some very nice things about us super femmes in here, back then, than he does out in public, now. I wondered why that is?”

Gloria, at this point, decided to put the diary down. “I can read more from this one later, after I have had a chance to clean it up better. Still, how did great-grandma Mary get her hooves on his diary?” After putting down Chief Monroe’s diary, the young mare began to place her hooves upon the other dusty tome that was still on the table, after wiping away some more cobwebs. .oO(Guess I’ll have to ask mom if she has any idea on that, as well as whether she knows about its contents,) mused the blonde femme, as she began to look over the book. Gloria, this time, could tell that this one was in fact a bit older then the first one, basing it upon the way the pages look when placed upon its side. Gloria then put the book back down. The younger mare then walked back to where she had originally come, soon retrieving a dust rag. “I’m not going to sneeze my head off this time,” the blonde mare told herself, as she walked back towards the table and the book.

Gloria would use the cloth to wipe the dust off of the old book until it looked clean enough for her to finally stop. “Okay, time to see what is inside this one,” she told herself, as she slowly opened it up. After getting past a couple of empty pages, the young blonde mare stopped in her tracks as she saw what was written on the next page. “The Wartime Diary of Battlestar!!!,” the statuesque female equine read out loud, completely shocked at her find. “This must great-grandmother Mary’s diary. This must’ve been up here for years from the looks of it. I wonder if mom knows anything about it, either? Hmm, probably not,” Gloria said to herself as she turned to the next page. What she would see on that page would be an aging black and white photo of her great-grandmother, Mary Spenser-David, in her Battlestar costume. The first thing she quickly noticed, as she looked over the picture, was that her mother and her great-grandmother’s costumes were exactly alike, right down to the boots. She chuckled when she saw that. “I guess those two went to the same tailor,” Gloria said in a good natured tease, before she took a good, long look at the background in the picture, which she quickly established was in fact the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, with her standing directly under the feet of the Great Emancipator. .oO(She must’ve been in Washington on a case, when this picture was taken,) the blonde mare mused, as she turned the page, soon seeing for herself that she was indeed in Washington for a case, which included her meeting the President of the time, Franklin D. Roosevelt, which was soon confirmed on the next page by an equally fading black and white picture of her standing inside the oval office of the White House, shakings hands with an eyeglass-wearing older male fox, who was seated in a wheel chair, although only the upper part of the fox could actually be seen in the picture. “Great-grandma have never mentioned that she had actually meet President Roosevelt,” announced an admiring Gloria. “Come to think of it, she didn’t talk much about what she did during those years.”

Turning the page, Gloria came face to face with another old-time photo, but with this one showing Battlestar in action, knocking out with one of her fists a male rat who was dressed in a white shirt, light green pants and black shoes, and wearing a newsboy cap on his head. Across from her, to her right, in the picture, was another female. This female, a tigress, was also dressed in a costume, only that hers was an all white outfit, made up of a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of skirts, one covering both her crotch and her ass and a pair of low-heeled thigh boots, as well as a white mask which covered her face and a gold crown which covered her head. On her shirt was embossed a golden balance, which was leaning a bit to the right. Upon the left part of her outfit, on her hips, was placed a rope. The striped feline, at the moment, was aiming one of her strong legs towards the face of another male, this one a siamese cat, who was clad in a brown shirt, grey slacks and black shoes. Gloria quickly realized that she was seeing in action Kelly’s grandmother, the wartime Queen Justice. “Kelly never told me that her grandmother was this pretty,” mused Gloria, as she turned the page again, soon seeing a newspaper clipping, with another photo of Battlestar and Queen Justice, this time with the pair standing over a bunch of defeated males, as the accompanying article mentions the two femmes having just broken up a wartime black market ring based in Colmaton, which her great-grandmother further elaborates upon in the diary.

The young blonde mare continued to go through the diary, as she saw even more old pictures and newspaper clippings within it, as well as read her great-grandmother’s comments about what she did in each case that was being covered by either the picture or the clippings. .oO(Interesting,) thought Gloria, as she read about one particular case in which Battlestar and Queen Justice helped the New York City police department break-up a German-Italian spy ring based within the city. Then, after turning the page, she gasped as she saw a picture of Battlestar, which showed her right fist presently connecting with the chin of a rather nasty looking blonde grey she-wolf who was skimpily clad in a strapless black leather bustier, a spiked leather collar, a pair of metallic bracelets, one on each arm, and a pair of thigh-length black leather boots, as the pair fought each other near the water fountain outside of Rockefeller Center. “Who is this that great-grandma Mary is fighting with?” the blonde mare asked herself, as she noticed that the picture was loose. Being very careful, she pulled the picture off of the page and turned it over. She then read on the back of the no longer glued picture, the following:

Fighting with Germania in downtown Manhattan, April 24, 1943.

Gloria blinked in surprise, as she turned the picture back around. “What the fark?!? I’d always thought that Germania was a mare,” pondered the still shocked mare, as she recalled that the present Germania was a tall, statuesque blonde mare dressed in armor. As she went back to the diary, she read the accompanying newspaper article that talked about her rough fight with the German female super, which ended in a draw, with Germania eventually getting away, while her friend Queen Justice helped the police capture the spy ring members. After Gloria had finished reading the article, and had put the picture back into the diary, she proceeded to pour over her great-grandmother’s comments about the fight, eventually seeing her mention that it was just the latest of her many battles with the German she-wolf, while also commenting that she was glad that her older brother, Iron Cross, wasn’t around to help her, as he had been called back to the Fatherland for some unexplained reason. One of them alone, she commented, was hard enough for her and her friends to stop separately; the two of them together were almost impossible to defeat, without several supers helping each other out. Gloria then looked at the picture again. As she did, she looked at the she-wolf. The young mare was soon shivering. “I hate to face her alone in a dark alley,” she commented. “Without back-up, that is,” she added, before she went through several more pages in the diary.

Gloria soon stopped again, as she saw a new picture of Battlestar, now dressed to the nines in a red chiffon gown and black low-heeled shoes, as she danced with a male wolf in a US Army private’s uniform under a banner which read USO Dance, Colmaton, California, August 1943. Gloria chuckled a bit. .oO(Great-grandma Mary certainly do look good in that outfit,)” thought Gloria, before she took a better look at the picture. She soon noticed Queen Justice being placed a bit to the left and in back of Mary, dancing with a male lion in a US Army Air Force Captain’s uniform, as she was clad in a black dress with small spaghetti straps and white medium-heeled shoes. In front of her and to the right was a third femme, a female grey rabbit, who was wearing a black mask over her face, along with a red strapless dress and black low-heeled shoes, as she danced with a male otter in a US Marine corporal’s uniform. .oO(That must be Pirate Queen, based on the mask that she’s wearing,) mused the young female equine, before she read Mary’s comments, which quickly confirmed her suspicions. She then noticed that her great-grandma also mentioned that there was a fourth super femme at the dance, who went by the name of Blue Cross, whom she also claimed to be her best friend. This caused Gloria to blink once again. “Blue Cross? Blue Cross?!? Now why does that name sounds familiar?” pondered the young blonde mare, before she turned the page.

On the next page, Gloria saw another old photograph, this one showing her great-grandmother back in her costume along with three other femmes, all four of them smiling. To Battlestar’s left stood Queen Justice. Standing next to the tigress was Pirate Queen, now dressed in her costume, which, along with the aforementioned black mask, was a red tri-cornered hat, a red jacket with a pair of epaulets, a fully buttoned white colonial ruffled shirt, black gloves, a pair of red pants and a pair of buccaneer-style flat-heeled black boots. To the left of the grey rabbit doe stood the fourth femme. She was an athletic looking red kangaroo flyer who wore upon her body a blue mask which covered the middle part of her pretty face, a body forming white one-piece jumpsuit that had a modern style blue cross embossed in the middle of it, a presently flowing white cape upon her shoulders, blue gloves and a pair of buccaneer-style flat-heeled blue boots. She also noted that the female kanga was carrying a staff in her right hoof. “So that’s Blue Cross, I remembered her now. Great grandma Mary’s best friend at the time,” commented Gloria, as she looked at the notation that was written at the bottom of the page:

“Early Christmas and going away party for Blue Cross before going on her secret mission for the government, Colmaton, California, November 29, 1943.”

.oO(Going away party?) Gloria pondered, before she turned her head, and began to read the comments by her great-grandmother about the party:

Me and the other gals have just finished saying goodbye to our friend, Blue Cross, as she prepared for her long flight to England, via Washington, before being dropped secretly into Germany for her mission on behalf of both the British and U.S. governments. None of us were able to get her to change her mind, as we all thought that it was a suicide mission that both governments were sending her on, to help locate any facilities inside southern Germany, especially any mobile ones, that might be a part of the feared soon to be unleashed V-weapons offensive against England, so that they can be destroyed by bombing raids, along with orders to kill Germania if she decides to interfere with her mission. We all know how dangerous that she-wolf can be when only one of us is going up against her. But the fact that BC will be facing her just by herself, with the German military supporting that nasty bitch, we didn’t think that she has a snowball chance in you know where of getting out of Germany alive, even with the help of the underground and the secret organization located within Stalag 13. In fact, I’d tried my hardest to convince her not to go, even reminding her that she’s only doing this panic-driven mission because of all the negative comments that she has been getting over the last few months from the ‘cheerleader’ types. I told her that she should not be listening to them since those glamour types are nothing more than gossips mongers, pretty boys and back biters, the kind of people that Germania, Iron Cross and Ninja Cat would easily have for lunch if they tried to handle any of them on their own. And I’d also reminded her that she has been making a major contribution to the war effort fighting on the home front using her powers to help stop spies and saboteurs, as well as the two times that she’d helped both me and Britannia out when we all faced against Iron Cross in Britain last fall. Sadly, nothing that I said could convince her not to go, as BC told me that she was determined to show those types that she isn’t what they are all claiming that she is: A coward. She then told me not to worry too much about her, as she was convinced that she would get out of the Bavaria alive. Finally giving up, I decided to wish her good luck, then gave her a short hug, before finally watching her leave in a military jeep with a couple of enlisted men and a lieutenant, who were soon driving her towards the airport to catch the B-17 bomber that would fly her to Washington for the first leg of her long flight into the darkness that is Occupied Europa. As I watched her leave, I suddenly got this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was seeing my best friend being led off to her funeral.

As she read the diary entry, Gloria was taken aback by what she had just read, especially after she had saw the pair of dried tearstains placed near the bottom of the page. “Great-grandmom is certainly taking Blue Cross’ leaving hard,” mused Gloria, as she went back to reading the diary. As she did so, she began to notice how worried about her friend her great-grandmother was sounding with each newly read page, until she finally came to a notation that was written by her in late February, 1944:

Just got the most distressing news from Queen Justice. The Nazis’ earlier announcement about their capture of Blue Cross in the Bavarian Alps, after she had lost a hard fought battle with Germania, has just been confirmed by intelligent via Colonel Hogan and his men. Intelligence also stated that Hogan’s men were unable to effect a rescue, thanks in large part to the large numbers of German troops that were still in Bavaria, after having been sent there in the first place to help capture her. At this point, they have no idea whether she is still in Bavaria, or has been sent on to Berlin for questioning. I have always feared that something like this would happen to her, but nobody would listen to me, not even the President, who thought that what Blue Cross was doing inside Germany was of the upmost importance to the allies’ war effort. I can still remember the derogatory comments that one of those ‘cheerleader’ types had made about her just a few minutes after my meeting with Roosevelt. Even the fact that she was probably being tortured by the Gestapo for information, didn’t seem to keep the gossip and taunts flowing from her nasty little mouth. I still have no idea how Queen Justice and Pirate Queen were both able to pull me off of that lousy ass glamour girl after I’d finally have heard enough of the terrible things that she was saying about my best friend. Anyway, I need to cut this entry short. I have to catch a B-17 bomber to London from Washington. The President has personally asked me and Queen Justice to go to England to help Britannia defend the Prime Minister. MI5, via their XX System, have said that they have evidence that Iron Cross is being sent there to make an attempt to kidnap him, to help put Britain into a panic in order to disrupt our invasion plans, and we’re being sent over there to help her stop him. I’m really looking forward to seeing IC again, as I intend to beat the living daylights out of him. If it was for any other person, I might have decline the mission, as I presently have no idea if the government is right now sending me off on a suicide mission.

Gloria stopped after reading that last word. She began to recall that she have heard her mother mention about her, when she was younger, hearing a rumor which claimed that the Germans had eventually executed Blue Cross, but no one knows whether it was done in Bavaria, or in Berlin. She can also recall herself having heard a second rumor which claimed that she had in fact been killed in battle with Germania, although this journal entry seems to dispute that particular story, along with several others. So, which is the truth? The rumors, the journal entrance, all of the above, none of the above, or a combination, in which case a little bit of each rumor told plus the just read diary entry were true. Gloria needed to know the truth, and she needed to find it out as soon as possible. She thus stood up and then closed the diary. She then placed it on top of the first diary that she had been reading. The younger blonde then turned around and headed for the stairs, with both diaries in her hooves. .oO(I’m going to show these to both mom and Kelly and ask them for their advice, although I have a pretty good idea what I’m going to do. Get in touch with the mare who is presently calling herself Germania. Maybe she has an idea what might have happened to my great-grandmother’s friend, Blue Cross?) As she got closer to the bottom step, Gloria yelled, “Mom, Kelly, you two are not going to believe what I have just discovered up here in the attic.”

To be continued…

Katherina Pferd/Modern Germania, Nazi-Era Germania, Mother Russia, Georg Wolfgang/Iron Cross, Gretchen Holstein, Samantha Jenny ‘Sam’ Chippy, all other mentioned fictional characters © 2009 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Gloria Summers/Lady Liberty, Mary Spencer-Davis/World War II-Era Battlestar, Bethany Spencer-Summers/Present-Day Battlestar, Ruth Spencer-Howard/1970s-Era Battlestar, Kelly Goodwin/Brown Lotus, Max Monroe, World War-II Era Queen Justice, World War-II Era Pirate Queen, Blue Cross © 2009 Train

Hogan’s Heroes © 2009 Bing Crosby Productions and CBS

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