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Germania Meets Lady Liberty, Part 2

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Early March 1944, St. Katharine Docks, London, United Kingdom:

Atop a building that was a short distance to the west of a very dilapidated-looking warehouse that was located within the St. Katharine Docks area along the waterfront of the ancient City of London were a couple of figures. The two figures, both females, lay atop the aforementioned building’s roof, both clothed in very elaborate costumes. One of the duo, a brown-furred, blonde-haired mare, was at the moment looking at the warehouse across from them through a pair of miniature binoculars. She wore upon her muscular form a wraparound blue mask which covered the area around her eyes; a sleeveless white top, with a high collar around her neck, which was covered in the middle by a big red star, a small brown belt which had a small yellow star placed at its center, directly under the larger red one, red piping which covered the outer part of the collar, the large star and the belt, and an above-the-knee pleated white skirt; a long flowing blue cape that covered her strong back; elbow-length white gloves which contained upon each one three yellow stars; and knee-length low-heel white boots, both of which were covered in the middle by a long red stripe, and by three yellow stars that went along the outer side of each boot. Lying to her right was a shorter golden-brown furred, raven-haired, female golden retriever, who was also looking at the warehouse through a pair of miniature binoculars. The dark-haired canine wore upon her more athletic form a wraparound blue mask, a red shirt, a brown leather British officer’s belt, which has attached to it several cartridge pouches, and a knee-length white skirt; small blue gloves; and knee-length red boots. She carried across her back an ion-shaped shield, upon which was painted the red, white and blue colors of the British Union Jack flag, while next to her right arm, lying on the roof, was a three-prong golden trident.

“Is this where the Germans are suppose to be holding the Prime Minister?” asked the blonde mare, Battlestar, the American mystery woman, as she looked into one of the warehouse’s windows via her binoculars.

“This is where Security Service (MI5) said they were supposed to be holed up, via their recent communication with the double-cross agent. Wait a minute, speak of the devils, there they are now!!” announced the canine, Britannia, the British National Heroine.

“Where?” asked Battlestar, as she moved her head away from her binoculars and looked at Britannia.

“Right there, luv. Third window on the second floor to the right of the door leading into the building,” said the raven-haired bitch, as she pointed at the window in question with her right paw.

“Okay,” said Battlestar, before she went back to her binoculars. She then lowered it until she had it aimed at the building’s second floor windows. The blonde mare then slowly began to move it to the right, away from the warehouse’s door. She then stopped it directly at the window that Britannia had pointed to earlier. The super powered American heroine then released a low snort at what she now saw before her blue eyes. Battlestar saw through her binoculars several figures. She first saw inside the room several well-armed German soldiers, whose dark red pipings atop the shoulder boards of their grey uniforms told her that they were all paratroopers. As she continued to look through the binoculars, Battlestar saw in the middle of the room, tied up in a wooden chair, the person that she and Britannia had been looking for all day, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. The balding old bulldog was dressed in a three-piece dark brown suit, with a white handkerchief sticking out of the pocket of the suit’s jacket, a white dress shirt and a black bowtie, along with a gold chain that went from the third button of his vest into both of its pockets. She then noted standing to the male canine’s right a big stallion who was clad in a suit of black armor, with silver chain mail, whom she quickly recognized as the British traitor and black marketer, the Black Knight. Seeing him caused the super mare to release a loud, angry snort, before she moved the binoculars to the seated bulldog’s left. The buxom blonde mare then stopped her binoculars once again as she released an even louder snort as she saw who it was that stood there. It was a male grey wolf who was presently clothed in a German Army officer’s uniform, which included a cap that was placed atop a full black face mask, a light grey shirt with a black Iron Cross embossed at its center, light grey semi-puffed pants, the bottom legs of which were both placed inside knee-length black boots, while across his back was placed a long flowing black cape. The canine wore across his waist a black leather officer’s belt, which included a pistol holster.

“He has a lot of nerve being here, especially after…after…” began the mare, before she started to release a tear, which was soon flowing down her right cheek.

“Easy there, luv,” said Britannia, as she looked over at Battlestar. The raven-haired bitch placed her right paw upon the blonde mare’s left shoulder to console her. “Blue Cross knew what she was getting into, Battlestar, even if the Allied High Command didn’t think things completely through. But, we need to concentrate upon the present job at hand, saving the Prime Minister, before those two blighters and their armed co-horts even begin to suspect that things might not be going the way they think they are.”

“You’re right, Britannia. I need to think about the job at hand. Which will include me kicking his sorry ass into next month,” said Battlestar, as she used her right hoof to wipe away the tear.

“Easy there, dearie, don’t be getting yer knickers in a bunch over that there wolf. You don’t see me getting me dander up over the Black Knight, no matter how much I want to kick his sorry bum into the Thames. We need to be concentrating on rescuing the PM. Or rather, the person who is pretending to be Churchill.”

“You’re right again, Britannia. I need to get full control of my anger before it get the Churchill impersonator killed,” said the blonde mare, as she put down her binoculars.

“That’s the spirit, luv. Stiff upper lip and all that, eh what?” said the black-haired female canine, as she also put down her binoculars. Britannia then reached into one of her pouches, as Battlestar got up. The golden-furred British mystery super then proceeded to pull out of it a miniature walkie-talkie, which she promptly gave to Battlestar.

“Thanks,” said the super powered mare, as the canine also started to get up. The female equine then placed the device against her right ear and cheek before saying into it, “Shining Star calling Rising Scales. Shining Star calling Rising Scales, over.” As she watched a now standing Britannia start to put away their binoculars, she heard back, “Roger, Shining Star, this is Rising Scales, over.”

“Rising Scales, are you in position, over?” Battlestar queried the person on the other end of the walkie-talkie.

“Yes, I’m in position, over,” answered the voice, as it stood behind the wall of another warehouse, one that was just around the corner from the warehouse where the armed Germans and the Black Knight were holding the fake PM. The person in question, who was presently trying to stay out of sight, was a sexy looking orange and white-furred tigress who was presently clothed in an all white costume. Her outfit consisted of a mask that covered her pretty face, a long-sleeved shirt which led into a two-piece skirt, with one of the pieces covering her crotch and the other one her ample rump, elbow-length gloves, and low-heeled thigh-length boots, as well as a golden crown that was placed atop her head. On her shirt was embossed a golden scale, with it leaning a bit to the right. She was also wearing upon her sexy waist a belt which contained a few pouches, as well as a rope that was placed against her left hip. The tigress, the American mystery woman, Queen Justice, then looked behind her, where she saw standing, all anxiously waiting to move out, several British Commandos, all dressed in Khaki battle dress, wearing dark brown weapons belts, and carrying either Bren or Sten guns, except for the one who stood directly behind her, a Clydesdale stallion who wore upon the shoulder boards of his battle dress a red crown, signifying that he was a Major in the British Army. She saw that he held in his right hoof a Smith & Wesson Victory Revolver, while in his left one he held up a whistle. She then spoke back into the walkie-talkie. “And so are the Commandos who are with me, over.”

“Good, wait for our signal, over,” said Battlestar, while Britannia picked up her trident.

“Roger that, Shining Star. Rising Scales, over and out,” said the tigress to the mare, before the line went silent. She then looked at the British officer. “Ready to go, Major McStallion?”

“Aye, lassie. Me n tae lads ‘ere be eager ta get our paws upon Jerry,” replied the stallion, which was quickly confirmed by several low affirmatives from the men with him.

The striped feline smiled and nodded. “Good. Just remind your men that we’re bait. The Kraut will be expecting a frontal attack to recapture the PM. We shouldn’t disappoint them.”

“Aye. Tis should be keepin’ ‘em occupied so tat yer friends ’n Britannia will catch ‘em off-guard.”

“I certainly hope so. Those soldiers in there aren’t exactly going to break and run, so they’re going to need all the help they can get.”

“Aye, roger tat, lass.”

Queen Justice nodded her head again, as she began to place her walkie-talkie into one of the pouches on her sexy waist.

As she did so, one of the two Bren gunners, a red squirrel, was watching her closely, before he turned to look at the other gunner, a lion with a point-down chevron placed upon the sleeves of his uniform. He whispered to him, “I say, Jonesy, if we got to go, at least it’ll be after bein’ close to such a pretty bird like ‘er, eh wat?”

Jonesy looked back at the squirrel, then looked at the tigress, then back at the squirrel. “Already got a pretty boid waitin’ for me back in Manchester, Ollie.”

“Yeah, forgot about tat. A wife n two kids, aye? Where be the oldest boy, Jonesy?”

Before the lion could reply, the two soldiers heard a loud grunt behind them, followed by a low “Quiet in the ranks.” The two Commandos turned their heads, and saw standing behind them a large bull, with a red crown placed above three point-down chevrons on his sleeves, looking at them.

“Yes, Sergeant Major,” the pair said to the Company Sergeant Major, who nodded at the pair, before he headed towards the Major and Queen Justice.

Upon reaching his leader and the tigress, the bull stopped smartly, came to attention and saluted the stallion.

“Yes, Sergeant Major Bovine?” asked Major McStallion, as he returned the bull’s salute.

“The man be anxious to go, sir,” said Company Sergeant Major Bovine, as he ended the salute and stood at ease.

“Be tat as it may, Sergeant Major, until Ms. Justice’s friends gives us tae signal ta launch our decoy attack, we can’t go after Jerry, so ah would suggest tat ye tell tae men ta be patient, aye?”

“Aye sir, that I will,” said the bull, as he once again stood at attention and saluted the stallion, who returned it. Company Sergeant Major Bovine than lowered his right arm, smartly turned around, and then started to walk among the soldiers, telling them to stay calm and patient.

The stallion looked back at Queen Justice. “Hopefully we wonna be waitin’ for ye friend’s signal too much longer, lass?”

“So do I, Major, so do I.”

Meanwhile, back on the roof, Battlestar, as Britannia looked on, was ending another short conversation on the walkie-talkie. “…Right, Nile lady, I repeat, wait for the signal, over.” She then released the button on the device, before she turned to look at the black-haired canine. “Sekhmet said that she’s also in position, as is Pirate Queen, while Bo Peep earlier told me that she and your cousin, Sherlock Hound, are both keeping tabs on the real PM back at SHAEF HQ. By the way, Bo wants me to tell you that your cousin says hi.”

Britannia chuckled, as she looked back at Battlestar. “Good old cousin, Sherlock. I‘m willing to bet that he would prefer being in one of the services right now, instead of being a police detective. But, I guess that’s the price for being related to one of the most famous detectives in the world. Everyone expects you to follow in his footstep. So, are we ready to go, my dear?” She then catches Battlestar’s walkie-talkie.

The big blonde mare looked at the golden-furred retriever. She slowly nodded her head. “Ready, willing and wanting to kick some Kraut rear ends,” Battlestar said with a snicker, as the raven-haired canine put the mini walkie-talkie into a pouch.

“Just be sure to save some for the rest of us, dearie,” quipped Britannia, as she saw the mare start to lift her body into the air. She then lifted up her golden trident and began to concentrate. As the canine femme did, her body began to lift into the air until she was floating across from the mare. The pair then flew towards the roof of the building where Iron Cross, the Black Knight and the German parachute troops were presently holding the ‘Prime Minister’.

Meantime, inside the building, the Winston Churchill impersonator was looking at his captors, noticing where each soldier was presently positioned around the windows of the room, all of them looking out for any signs of a possible rescue attempt. He also noticed what the paratroopers were carrying in their paws, MP-43 machine pistols. He then looked to his immediate right, whereupon he saw being deep in conversation the two villains who had earlier captured him, Iron Cross and the Black Knight, who had no idea that they had walked into a trap that had originally been set to trap just the German grey wolf. The bulldog produced a quick smile, as he mused, .oO(I can’t wait to see how you two will react once you realize that you had both walked into an Allied trap.) He then mentally chuckled, before he went back into character, as he said to both Iron Cross and the Black Knight, “You two scoundrels will never get away with this. Especially you, Black Knight. I am quite sure that even now the military and Britannia are out there searching for me. It is only a matter of time before they find both you and all your men!!”

The stallion and the wolf stopped their conversation. The pair then looked at the older bulldog. Then, in a voice that sounded full of contempt, the Black Knight announced, “Let them come, Mr. Churchill. It will amuse me to see your would be rescuers get cut down by both the Germans and my men before your very eyes. Except for Britannia, that is. I want to see that troublesome little bitch captured, so that I can then humiliate her in front of you, before finally killing her with my bare hooves.” The black-armored stallion then started to laugh, which made the German grey wolf roll his eyes.

“Und vat makes du so certain dat ihr men vill be villink to take on veteran soldiers off der British Army, Herr Black Knight, vhen dey do come to rescue der Prime Minister? After all, vouldn’t it get dem all branded as traitors to deir king und country, ja?” said the blonde canine, before he approached the older bulldog.

The Black Knight, after a while, stopped laughing. He then looked back at the wolf, whom he saw approaching the Prime Minister. “Because they are all loyal to me, especially since they all know what they will get once I am ruler of this kingdom, not the present king.” The male equine then snorted. “At least I can claim of being of native descent, quite unlike the country’s present sovereign, King George VI.”

The wolf stopped. He looked back at the Black Knight. He smirked at the stallion. “Oh, du do ne like der fact dat dere ist some German ancestry vithin ihr country’s rulink dynasty, mein herr?” he said in a teasing tone. His comment, and the angry snort that exited the stallion’s armor helm, caused the troopers who were not on watch to chuckle.

Churchill, in a light tone, said, “At least he is 100% Briton, Black Knight. Which is more than I can say about you, you traitor. I will be happy when I see your traitorous body finally swinging from a hangman’s noose, once Lady Justice has had her day with you.” He then looked over at Iron Cross. “As for you, Iron Cross, I see a long stay in an Allied POW camp for you, once the forces of justice have finally caught up with your evil masters in Berlin.”

Iron Cross looked at the defiant bulldog. He smirked. “Dat ist eine off der few dinks dat ich actually admire about du, Herr Churchill. Always sayink vat ist on ihr mind. But, as du can see, Herr Prime Minister, ich’m ne der eine vho ist der prisoner, am ich right men?”

The paratroopers with the masked lupine all answered him loudly in the affirmative.

The bulldog answered, “For the moment, Iron Cross.” At the same time, the stallion released another snort, before he headed for one of the windows. As he did, he pressed a hoof against a device that was placed upon the belt that was holding up his sword. “Report!”

At this point, Battlestar and Britannia were landing upon the warehouse’s roof, behind what looked like a chimney. After landing, the black-haired retriever bitch looked at the blonde mare. “So far, so good, eh, luv?” she said to Battlestar in a low voice, before she headed for the right side of the chimney.

“Yeah, so far….” she started to reply, when she heard voices. She quickly walked to the golden brown-furred canine and tapped her left shoulder. When the bitch turned to look at her, she placed a finger in front of her lips to tell her to not say anything, before giving her some hand signals telling her that she thought that she has heard something behind the chimney.

Britannia, as she neared the end of the chimney, felt a tap upon her shoulder. She stopped, then turned around and saw Battlestar standing behind her, who then gave her several quick hand signals, warning her that there might be someone(s) on the other side of the chimney. She nodded her head in understanding, and then headed for the chimney again, this time a bit more carefully. Upon reaching the end of the chimney, she reached into one of the pouches on her belt and then pulled out a small hand mirror. She then positioned it so that she could use it to see what was on the opposite side of the chimney. Britannia, looking at the small mirror, saw being reflected in it the reflections of about five civilians, all males, on the opposite side of the chimney, all armed with rifles, with one of them, a red squirrel, speaking into what looked like a walkie talkie. She snorted, before she put the mirror back into her pouch. The black-haired bitch then looked back at the blonde mare, and then hand signaled back to her what she had just seen.

The blonde mare raised an eyebrow, as she learned, via the bitch’s hand signals, what she had just seen. She next saw the raven-haired golden retriever asked her what they should do, since those that she had just seen could easily pick off those who were soon going to be acting as decoys for their attack. Battlestar started to think of an idea before finally coming up with something. The blonde mare then signaled Britannia, telling her to mentally ask Sekhmet to help them out, before relaying to the golden brown-furred canine femme her plan.

After making her hand signals, Britannia stopped. She then watched the blonde mare decide on what they were going to do about them. The golden brown-furred canine then watched her blonde companion start signaling to her, asking her to mentally contact Sekhmet, telling the black-haired war goddess that they needed her help with the civilians, and what they needed her to do. Britannia nodded her head, and then closed her eyes, so that she could start trying to make mental contact with the Egyptian war goddess while the female equine slowly moved herself to take her own look at the group that was behind the chimney.

Meanwhile, the big lioness in question was inside another warehouse, the one that was opposite the big warehouse where Britannia and Battlestar were presently standing on its roof, waiting for the pair’s signal to launch their part of the attack. At the moment, the black-haired Egyptian war goddess, who was wearing upon her big form her sleeveless, knee-length, golden ‘pharaohnic’ armor, which included golden elbow- and wristbands, with one placed upon both of her muscular arms, and wooden sandals upon her feet, and carrying upon her strong back a quiver filled with her composite bow and several of her flaming arrows, as well as her double-bladed Minoan axe, was pacing back and forth inside the room near several boxes, within which was placed equipment that was to be used in the upcoming invasion of the European mainland, was being very impatient to get going, as per usual. “What is taking those two so long to contact us? We should be attacking the enemy before he even realizes that we’re here,” she said out loud before she turned her head and spoke to her companion, a buxom looking female rabbit. “Don’t you agree, Pirate Queen?”

The grey-furred rabbit femme, a friend of Battlestar, presently clothed in a black half mask which covered her pretty face, a tri-cornered red hat that covered her long flowing blonde hair, a red jacket with epaulets upon both shoulders, a fully buttoned white colonial ruffled shirt which left part of her abs, the upper part of her bosom and most of her shoulders exposed, black gloves, red pants and buccaneer-style flat-heeled black boots upon her feet. She also wore across her sexy waist a brown belt upon which she has placed a couple of pistols, as well as a scabbard, where she kept her sword. Pirate Queen was at the moment sitting on top of another box. Although anxious to go as well, she thought that the big lioness just needed to relax.

“Sekhmet, you just need to relax, big girl. When they need us, they’ll ‘send’ for us, don’t worry,” said the blonde lapin.

The big feline snarled, before she started pacing again. “Easy for you to say, Pirate Queen. I’m not use to being asked to…” The war goddess then suddenly stopped pacing, before she began to close her eyes.

Pirate Queen, looking a bit concerned, started to get off the box. “Sekhmet, what’s…” she began to ask, when she saw Sekhmet raise her right arm, before using its paw to tell her to stay where she was.

The seemingly entranced raven-haired big feline then nodded her head while saying, “I see. I’ll be there shortly. Tell Battelestar to be ready to give me some back up, Britannia. Just in case.” The big lioness then got out of her trance and looked at Pirate Queen. “Seems that Battlestar and Britannia have run into a bit of a….what is that word…oh, yes, a snag.”

“A bit of a snag?” Pirate Queen asked, a bit curious by the present turns of events.

“Yes, it would seem that there’s a group of well armed civilians standing between them and the entrance to the roof where Iron Cross, the Black Knight and the German Paratroopers are holding the fake PM. I’m guessing that they’re the Black Knight’s men, trying to prevent what Britannia and Battlestar had originally plan to do. The pair wants me to show up among them and take them all out as quickly as possible before either Blacky or the German Big Bad Wolf even knows what have happened.” As she spoke, the war goddess pulled out her battle-axe, before she started to check it over.

Hearing this, Pirate Queen said, as she pulled out her pistols, “I’m coming with you.”

The goddess looked askew at the blonde lapin. “Come again?”

“I said that I’m coming with you,” Pirate Queen said, as she began to check her pistols.

“Oh no, they only asked for me,” said Sekhmet, as she saw Pirate Queen look back at her, a determined look upon her pretty face.

“You said so yourself. You need to take these guys down quickly, dearie. You certainly won’t be able to do that all by your lonesome, ya know.”

The big lioness snarled as she saw the grey-furred female lapin start to put away her weapons, but still with the determined look upon her face. She then snorted, before saying, “Alright, but I better not be needing to save your bunny ass, Pirate Queen.”

The buxom bunny femme chuckled. “Better hope that I won’t have to save your cute ass, Sekhmet.”

Sekhmet snorted again before she went into another trance. When she had come out of it, she said to the blond lapin. “Come on, the sooner we get going, the better.”

Pirate Queen smirked as she walked towards the war goddess. Once she was close to the big tawny-furred lioness, she saw her starting to close her eyes, shortly followed by her saying a few words in Ancient Kemetian. As the lapine listened to her speak, Pirate Queen started to see the lower part of their bodies vanish. “Oh my, I will never get use to…” she was saying, before the two femmes vanished.

Back on the roof, Britannia looked back at Battlestar and signed to her that Sekhmet was indeed coming to take care of the would-be civilian snipers, and that Pirate Queen was coming with her.

The buxom masked mare blinked before signing back that she hopes that her friend knows what she’s doing.

The black-haired canine sighed and signed back to her that she hopes so too. Britannia then ended their conversation before looking once again around the side of the chimney to look once more at the Black Knight’s men.

By this time, the red squirrel has just finished his conversation with the black armored stallion. As he turned off the walkie-talkie, he looked at the six males who were with him, two foxes, a badger, a brown bear, a pug and a weasel, all wearing hats, shirts and pants, while carrying in their dirty paws the sniper version of the British Army’s main battle rifle, the Lee-Enfield SMLE No. 1 Mk III* (HT). He said to them, “Tat was the boss, lads. He told me ta tell you lot ta continue keeping a look out for anyone, especially any soldiers, who might be daff enough ta try n rescue tae PM. N wen tey do…” The red squirrel stopped and then patted his own rifle, before he continued “…we’re ta take potshots at tem from up ‘ere to ‘elp ta Krauts. Be tat understood, lads?”

“Right as rain, Archie,” said one of the foxes.

“Clear as a bell, gov’ner,” answered the pug.

“It’s very clear to me, Archie. And it gives me a very good reason to knock each of your skulls in if you don’t surrender now!!” announced a loud female-sounding voice that was behind the group, that was quickly followed by a just as loud snarl.

Archie blinked upon hearing the unfamiliar voice, before looking behind him, whereupon he went white as a sheet, while dropping onto the warehouse’s roof his walkie-talkie, upon his finding out who it was who had just threaten both him and his men. “By Moriarty’s machinations, tis Sekhmet!!” he shouted upon recognizing who it was. The others, upon hearing their leader’s oath, turned around and also turned white. The group now saw standing before them, in all of her angry glory, Sekhmet, who, as she snarled at the group, was presently smacking the bronze blade of her large double-bladed Minoan axe against her left paw. They then saw standing next to her, to her right, a blonde, grey-furred female lapin, clothed in a pirate outfit, who was holding in her paws a couple of weapons, a pistol in her left, and what appears to be a knife in her right, with the former pointed at them.

The tawny-furred lioness, as she continued to looked at the shocked group of males, once again snarled, before saying to them, “So, will you mortals surrender to us now, or will my companion and I have to get rough with you?”

“I listen to her, guys. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” added Pirate Queen, as the lioness stopped taping the blade of her axe against her fingers before placing the axe’s handle firmly in that same paw, ready to attack if the males refuse. “I like easy, but, it seems that the big girl here like to do things rough. But, after all, it’s your choice.”

The red squirrel, finally getting over the initial shock of seeing Sekhmet and her companion standing before them, said in a defiant tone, “Like ‘ell we will. We outnumber you blokes seven to two. Kill ‘em, lads.” With that, he lifted up his rifle, planning to shot Sekhmet once he had it properly sighted. His men were soon all starting to do the same.

Sekhmet snarled, before running towards the group, heading for the pair that appeared to be the strongest among them, the bear and the badger. As she ran towards them, while yelling a battle cry, she prepared to use her desert breathe to destroy the barrel of their weapons once she has gotten close enough to them to do so.

Pirate Queen sighed, as she aimed her pistol at the knee of one of the male foxes. “Well, we gave you guys a chance to give up, didn’t we?” she announced to the males in a calm manner, before firing her weapon. The pistol’s bullet soon hit its target with a loud thud, causing the male fox to drop his rifle before he fell onto the roof in pain, as he held onto his wounded knee, calling for help. She then turned the knife around, while moving to her right, thus avoiding a bullet that had just been fired at her by the other fox, and fired it, revealing in the process that the knife was also able to fire bullets, which soon hit the male vulpine’s upper left arm, causing him to drop his own weapon, as blood started to exit his wounded arm. The blonde female lapin, while still on the move, swiftly placed her pistol back inside her belt, before pulling her sword out of its scabbard, and then started to run towards the pug and the weasel, as she now brandished both her knife and sword.

Sekhmet, as she continued running towards the group, saw Archie fire a bullet towards her head. The war goddess snarled, before putting her lips together, and blowing some air in the direction of the approaching bullet. Her desert breathe soon went through the bullet, quickly turning it into slag, before it finally fell onto the ground, useless, to the shock of both Archie and the rest of his unwounded men, as the bullets that the badger and the bear were able to fire at Sekhmet’s form both got deflected by her double-bladed axe, as she swung it before her running form. By this point, Sekhmet was upon both the bear and the badger. With one quick swing, she cuts off the barrels of both males’ rifles, making them useless.

The bear, as he growled, tried to turn his rifle into a club, intending to bash the black-haired lioness’ head with it, while the badger simply dropped his, before trying to charge Sekhmet to hit her around the waist with a spear.

The war goddess, upon seeing the duo’s attacks, immediately sidestepped the charging badger, letting him run pass her, before using her axe to block the bear’s attempted clubbing attack with his damaged rifle. Snarling at him, she quickly lifted up her right knee and aimed it directly at the male ursine’s now exposed stomach, causing him to release a loud ooofff, and quickly double over. Sekhmet snarled once again, before she proceeded to aim the back end of her axe at the back of the bear’s now exposed neck, causing him to release a second loud oooffff upon impact, before finally falling onto the floor, unconscious. Sekhmet then turned around, just as she got hit in the stomach by a kick from the badger. This forced her back a bit, before she, looking at her opponent, snarled again, and then went back at the badger, with a loud battle cry.

As the war goddess was aiming an upper cut at the badger’s chin, which soon forced him back once it had connected, Pirate Queen was facing off with the weasel and the pug. The grey-furred lapin said to the two males, as she moved her sword in front of them, “Now then, gentlemen, it would appear that it is now down to four against two. So, I ask again, will you surrender?” She then smiled at the pair.

The male weasel snarled, before saying, “As our leader had said earlier, like ‘ell we will, right, Albert?”

The pug doesn’t answer, at first. Instead, he turns his rifle around until he had it aimed right at the weasel’s head. “Actually, Ralph, the young lady here has made a slight miscalculation. It’s actually three against three. Now drop the weapon in the name of Scotland Yard.”

This latest turn of events surprised not only Ralph and their leader, Archie, but also Pirate Queen, as well as Britannia and Battlestar, who were both watching the fight from behind the chimney, ready to help if things went wrong. As the others tried to figure out what was going on, Sekhmet, after the badger had hit her right cheek with a left hook, had quickly come back, hitting the badger’s chin with a very strong roundhouse right, that sent him reeling, before she followed it with a strong left-right body blow combo to his stomach, before finally finishing him off with a strong left uppercut to his chin, that sent him into the air before he finally landed on top of the roof, out cold. The war goddess then quickly retrieved her ax, which she had earlier dropped onto the roof to leave her paws free to fight with the badger, before she looked in the direction of the group’s getting panicky leader.

Pirate Queen, upon regaining her composure, said to the still shocked weasel, “I guess that means that you should definitely drop the rifle, eh, Ralph?”

The weasel, now grumbling as he looked at the smiling blonde lapin, did as ordered, releasing his weapon, before he placed both of his paws over the light grey newsboy cap that he was presently wearing over his short brown hair. “Ggggr, I shodda known tat ye be a cop. Ya lousy…”

“That’ll be enough of that, Ralphie,” said the canine, before he looked over at Pirate Queen. As he used his free paw to touch the top of his white newsboy cap while nodding his head at the buxom blonde rabbit, he said, “Now then, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, milady. I am Sergeant Albert Pugnacious of the Metropolitan Police Department. The Department two years ago sent me out to help infiltrate the Black Knight’s gang of black marketers, to bring back enough information to finally capture the whole stinking lot.”

The lapin, a bit skeptical as she kept her sword before him, asked, “How do I know that you are telling me the truth?”

“Ah, quite right to be cautious, me dear. But, to show you that I am on the up and up,” the pug moved towards Ralph, and carefully using his feet, he pushed the weasel’s just dropped rifle towards Pirate Queen. He then walked towards her. He stopped in front of the lapin and after putting his rifle’s safety on, turned it around and handed it to her, butt first. “Just get in touch with my superior, Captain Detective Hound. He should be able to clear everything up.”

At this point, the still ticked off weasel decided to try to rush both the pug and the female lapin, as the later was at the moment taking the surrendered rifle from the canine’s paw, so that he could get to the chimney’s door and run down the steps to warn his boss and the Germans about what had been happening atop the roof. It would’ve worked, too, if not for one thing: The right cross to the chin that he ran into, courtesy of Battlestar, who at this point have finally decided to reveal herself, which knocked him out cold.

“Oww, I say, that must’ve hurt, eh wot?” commented the pug, as he brushed off his clothes, while Pirate Queen looked a bit sheepishly at the taller blonde mare. “Guess I should’ve kept a better eye on him, huh?”

“Completely my fault, miss, wait, you’re that American mystery lass, Battlestar, right? Nice to make your acquaintance, madame,” Albert said to the mare, as she looked at first Pirate Queen, then the pug.

Before Battlestar could answer, the trio heard a loud scream, followed by a louder roar. They turned their heads, whereupon they saw Sekhmet chasing after a now screaming red squirrel, who, at some point in the recent past, had dropped his rifle, after the bullets that he had fired at her have been blocked by her spinning axe.

“Surrender!!!” the armored raven-haired lioness yelled, as she was slowly closing the gap between the two.

“No. To paraphrase the Prime Minister, “I will never….oooffffffff…” began the red-furred rodent as he ran right into the feet of Britannia, who had also come out of the shadows, as she used her trident as a makeshift pole vault.

“I guess he’ll be getting a big kick out of that one, eh?” she quipped, as her double leg kick, which hit Archie square in the face, knocked the red squirrel off of his feet before he finally landed atop the roof, unconscious.

Sekhmet, upon stopping and now looking down at the now unconscious red squirrel, looked up at the golden-furred canine, as she landed upon the roof, feet first. “That was my catch, you know,” she said to Britannia, with a slight snort in her voice.

Britannia looked back at the big feline. With a slight smirk in her voice, as she pulled up her trident, answered, “I know, Sekhmet, that’s the problem. You have a tendency to play with them before you catch them.” The golden retriever bitch then turned her head, whereupon she saw the two male vulpines who were still bleeding from their wounds. “Besides, I do think that you should go over there to heal those two foxes before they bleed out, eh wot?” She then points at the foxes.

Sekhmet looked at Britannia, then looked at the two wounded foxes. She then snorted, before she turned around and went over to the pair to use her magic to heal them, while she put her double-bladed axe back into her quiver.

The golden-furred retriever then looked at the trio. She said to Battlestar, as she went into one of her pouches on her weapons belt. “I do think we have better tell Queen Justice to start with the fake attack.”

The blonde mare nodded. “Right,” she said, before she caught the miniature walkie-talkie from Britannia, which the raven-haired bitch had just moments earlier taken out of one of her pouches.

Britannia, as she watched the strong mare turned on the walkie-talkie, said to Pirate Queen, “You and Sekhmet better tie up these hoodlums before they can get into any more mischief, then come down to help us with those who are holding the fake PM.” As she spoke to the lapin, Sekhmet had begun to heal the two wounded vulpines while giving the pair a look which told them to not even think about trying to attack her. At the same time, Battlestar was starting to give out the signal to the orange and white-furred tigress to get the decoy attack started.

The pug raised an eyebrow. “Wait. You mean to tell me that the PM that is downstairs is not the PM?” he asked, confused.

The female canine looked back at the pug. “Yes, she’s a fraud. Which is why it is important that we get to her quickly before both the Black Knight and Iron Cross realizes it,” she tells the pug, as Pirate Queen, who had earlier been given a few plastic handcuffs by Britannia from another one of her pouches, was starting to cuff the still knocked out red squirrel’s paws behind his back.

The pug blinked again, even more confused. “She?”

Britannia smiled slightly. “Yes, she. Long story. Point is, we need to get in there before they learn the truth.” At this point, Battlestar has just finished with the walkie-talkie.

“I gave them the message and they’re ready to go,” she told Britannia, as she gave back the walkie-talkie, while Sekhmet was finishing up healing the two foxes.

“Right. Shall we be off then?” Britannia asked, as she put the walkie-talkie away, while Pirate Queen began to handcuff the unconscious weasel.

“What about me?” asked the pug.

Britannia, after she had finished putting away the walkie-talkie, looked at the pug. “You’re to stay here to keep an eye on this here lot until the authorities arrive to take them away, Albert.” The buxom raven-haired canine bitch then looked at Battlestar. “Come on, Yank. Time to ruin the day of a bunch of krauts and a traitor, eh wot?” She then started to approach the roof’s entrance.

“Right behind you,” said the mare, just as Sekhmet had finished with the two foxes’ wounds, before she said an incantation which soon handcuffed the pair, while the blonde lapin was now handcuffing the unconscious bear.

“Alright, if that what you want me to do,” said the not very happy pug, as he watched Britannia opened the door, and upon making sure that there was no one either waiting on the other side of the door or waiting near the top steps, walked inside, quickly followed by Battlestar. A short time later, after Sekhmet had tied up the wolverine, she and Pirate Queen also entered the building. Now alone, the pug retrieved the badger’s rifle. He then sat down, and looked over the mostly unconscious lot. “The boys in the squad will never believe this. I’d actually met Britannia. Honestly, though I’d always thought that she was a bit bigger in the chest.” The male canine then shrugged his shoulder and looked at the cuffed group, just as he heard some gunfire in the streets below. .oO(I’m guessing that the decoy attack that Britannia’d mentioned has finally started?) At this point, he noticed one of the foxes moving. He aimed the rifle at him and said, “There’ll be none of that, laddie. Just sit back and relax.” He saw the fox grumble, but otherwise stay right where he sat, which soon caused the pug to smile. “Now then, we’ll just sit here and wait quietly for the outcome, right, lads?”

Colmaton, California, Manchester County, the Shirlington Community, about 10 am, Pacific Time:

At this point, Bethany Spencer-Summers stopped reading her grandmother’s diary, as she sat in a chair, its dustcover partly removed. The older blonde mare, who was still clothed in a dark blue shirt, blue jean pants and black sneakers, with a white headscarf covering her blonde hair to keep out the dust, as she had only about an half-hour earlier been helping to remove some old furniture from the living room of her grandmother’s, Mary Spencer-Davis, the World War II-era Battlestar, home, which she was planning to sell to keep it out of her mother’s hooves. Bethany, who was also known as the Modern-day Battlestar, looked at her daughter, Gloria, who was presently sitting across from her in another chair, also with its dustcover removed. “And you say that you’d found this and the other diary upstairs in the attic, Gloria?” she asked her daughter.

Gloria, who was still dressed in a white t-shirt, tight-fitting blue jean pants and Keds sneakers, along with a white headscarf covering her blonde locks, nodded her head. “Yeah, mom. I’d found them both lying on top of a dusty old table inside the attic. Did you have any idea that either of them existed before now?”

Bethany shook her head immediately. “Nope, dear. I had absolutely no clue about either my grandma owning a wartime diary, or having somehow gotten her hooves upon one that was originally written by Police Chief Monroe. Speaking of which…” The older blonde mare then turned her head, looking to Gloria’s right, whereupon she saw seated in another chair, its dustcover completely removed, Gloria’s best friend and roommate, Kelly Goodwin, known to the world as an FBI agent, but also known, by those who knew her alias, as the superheroine Brown Lotus, the granddaughter of the wartime Queen Justice. “So, Kelly, in your expert opinion, is the diary that you’re presently looking at authentic?”

Kelly, who was dressed in a white tank top, thus exposing her muscular abs, blue jean pants and Keds sneaker, as well as a headscarf to cover -her long raven-hair, was at that very moment reading Police Chief Max Monroe’s diary. She was so enraptured by what she was reading that she did not respond to Bethany’s question, much to the latter’s obvious annoyance.

“Kelly, did you hear me?!?” the buxom older mare asked her, in a louder voice.

That quickly caught Kelly’s attention. The younger cheetah/tigress hybrid blinked her eyes a couple of times before she looked up from the diary. She then looked directly at both Bethany and Gloria. Noticing the annoyed look on the older mare’s face, she blushed, before saying, “Uhm, sorry about that, Bethany. I got kind of wrapped up in what Chief Monroe was saying.”

A little bit calmer, the older mare said, “That’s okay, Kelly.”

Now smiling, the younger orange and brown-furred and black-striped feline nodded her head, before asking her, “Could you please repeat your earlier question, Bethany?”

“Very well, Kelly, I will. In your expert opinion, is the diary that you’re reading now authentic?” She then waited to hear Kelly’s verdict, as did Gloria.

Kelly looked at the two mares then looked back at the diary. She then looked back at Bethany, before saying, “Well, I may have to have this confirmed by one of my handwriting friends back at the Colmaton FBI office, but, in my opinion, it’s the real deal. This was indeed written by our Police Chief Monroe. Although, what he has written inside it is somewhat interesting.”

“Oh, care to elaborate, Kelly?” asked Gloria, now curious.

“Well, it’s all the nice things that he’s saying about Germania, starting with when he first saw her in front of Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin back in ’89. I mean, quite frankly, I don’t recall him giving any of us Colmaton super femmes the same deal of respect that he’s giving her here. That seems so out of character for him, if you asked me.”

“Hmm, I’d noticed that myself when I took a quick look through it when I’d first picked it up. I was quite surprise to see him praising her, especially when you compare how he sometimes treat us, especially after he had become police chief. Makes you wonder what could have caused him to change his opinion, if this is all true?” Gloria then looked at her mother. “What do you think on that, mom?”

Bethany is silent for a few seconds. She then looks at Kelly. “Kelly, could you give me the diary, please? I want to take a look at it.”

“Uhm, sure,” said Kelly. The cheetah/tigress hybrid closed the diary. She then got up and approached Bethany and Gloria. Stopping in front of the older blonde mare, she handed the book to her. “Looking for something, Bethany?”

The brunette-furred older mare, who had earlier placed her grandmother’s diary across her lap, watched the younger feline approach her with the diary of the black panther chief of the Colmaton police force. Upon being offered it, she took it from Kelly. “Thank you,” she said to the feline, before she placed it on top of the other diary. She opened the diary to its front page. She then started to move the pages, one after the other, as if looking for something.

Both Kelly and Gloria noticed Bethany going through the more recent of the two diaries. “Looking for anything in particular, mom?” asked the younger blonde female equine, curious about what her mother was looking for inside Max Monroe’s diary.

Bethany doesn’t say anything as she continued to look through the pages of the black panther’s diary. After a few seconds of silence, she answered, “Yes, I am, Gloria. I’m looking for….” when she stopped speaking, as she stopped moving the diary’s pages. “Here we go,” she finally said, as she starts looking over the page.

Gloria and Kelly both raised an eyebrow as they saw the younger blonde mare’s mother stop moving diary pages, then start to read that particular page. “Find something in particular, mom?”

Bethany, as she read the page, replied, “Yes, I did, Gloria dear. I was looking to see if Chief Monroe had said anything about the time that Germania and I had first meet. And I’d just found it. In fact, I’m reading it right now.” The older mare then went back to looking at the diary entry.

Gloria blinked. “Wait. You’d met Germania, mom?”

Kelly also blinked, as the two roomies saw Gloria’s mother look up from the dark-furred feline’s diary to look at Gloria.

Bethany looked at her surprised daughter. She smiled before saying, “Yes, dear, I have. In fact, I’d met her several times. Both in Germany and here in the US.”

“And exactly where did you two meet, Bethany?” queried Kelly.

“I would like to know that myself, mom,” added a very curious Gloria.

The older blonde mare looked at the two-breed feline, then at her daughter. She then looked at both of them before finally saying, “Inside West Berlin, a few weeks after her proclamation in front of Check Point Charlie. In fact, it was because of her declaration that I’d originally went to West Berlin to check her out.”

Hearing that her mother had wanted to check out Germania caused both younger femmes to blink. “You went out to West Berlin to check her out, mom? Why?” queried Gloria, as both she and Kelly waited to hear the older mare’s response.

Bethany looked at the two again. She then took a deep breath as she recalled the reason why she had went to check out her slightly older fellow mare. After staying silence for several more seconds, she finally said, “I wanted to find out if she was anything like her predecessor, the Nazi-era Germania, the one whom your grandma, Mary, had fought with several times during the late World War.”

“And was she, mom?” Gloria asked, as she interrupted her mother.

The older mare looked at her daughter. “I’m getting to that, dear, if you’ll let me.”

“Sorry, mom,” the younger blonde mare said in an apologetic tone. “I was a bit anxious to know, considering that I’d never met her in person.”

“To be honest, Bethany, I want to know that myself, considering what my grandmother has told me about her own encounters with the bitch.”

“Kelly,” said Gloria, as she looked at her roommate.

“Hey, she was a female wolf, Gloria. I meant it in that tone, not as something derogatory, even if she was one,” the cheetah/tigress hybrid said in her defense.

Bethany, listening to the two, chuckled lightly, before saying, which caught the two younger femmes attention, “Anyway, before I was interrupted, I’d read that she liked the Communists about as much as her predecessor did back in the forties, which was none at all. But, that was the only thing that I could see them as having in common. In fact, I’d discovered that this particular Germania had a hatred for both Nazis and Neo-Nazis, and that she hated the nasty things that her predecessor had done in the name of that hateful regime, which was music to my ears when I read about it in the papers.” Bethany then stopped, before she started to look like she was deep in thought.

“Is something wrong, Bethany?” Kelly queried.

“Yes, is something the matter, mom?” added the younger blonde mare.

Bethany blinked before looking back at the two. She then blush a deep red before saying, “I was just remembering the first time we faced each other, a few seconds after she had helped a few East German civilians get through part of the Berlin Wall by first fighting off and then routing a few of the East German border guards who had been trying to capture them. I can especially remember seeing her shield very easily stop the bullets that they were firing at her from their AK-47s, before seeing her cut off the barrel of the weapon of the guard nearest to her with her sword. After seeing that, the guards took off running. It was as she was putting her sword back into its scabbard that I’d revealed myself to her. To tell you that I was a little bit nervous upon meeting her in person is a bit of an understatement.”

“You, nervous, mom? Why?” queried Gloria.

Bethany, in a nervous voice, replied, “Well, to be honest, although I’d been a super for a long while, as a member of the Girl Scouts, I’d been Battlestar for just a few years, not long after your great-grandmother, Mary, had stripped my mother, Ruth, your grandmother, of the title because of the way that she had dishonored the name by not taking being a hero serious enough. And, I was kind of afraid about what her views would be towards other supers, especially someone who might be a bit younger than her.”

“And, how did she react upon seeing you, Bethany?” questioned Kelly, as the younger mare also waited for her mother’s response.

Bethany thought over her response. She then looked at Kelly and then her daughter, noticing that both of them were waiting for her answer. Bethany finally answered, “Well, I can recall her looking me over. Then I saw her approaching me, and, as she got closer, I watched her lift up her right hoof, offering it to me for a friendly handshake, before saying to me, as we shook each other hooves, ‘Willkommen in Berlin, Frau Battlestar’ before saying to me in her German-accented English that we should leave before the border guards decide to return with reinforcements, all the while smiling at me. I said sure, before I followed her back into West Berlin.”

The two youngsters were both surprised by Germania’s reaction to seeing the older mare in her Battlestar outfit. “Hold it, mom. You’re saying that she simply offered you her hoof to shake, and then said welcome to you, as if she was a tour guide, before suggesting that you two leave the area before the guards decided to get the courage to come back with help? I find that a bit hard to believe.”

“I concur. You would expect her to at least be a bit hesitant about meeting another super who could be a villainess,” added an equally surprised Kelly.

Bethany looked at the pair, before saying, “To be honest, I was thinking that as well. So I’d asked her that once we were both safely inside West Berlin. Germania looked at me and smiled, as we ran, before telling me that she’d recognized me, or rather the costume that I was wearing, as she informed me that she had seen enough pictures of grandmother Mary’s version of it while she was growing up in West Germany in the ‘60s and ‘70s. She then told me that she was a bit curious to know why I was in Germany, before she asked me point blank if I was checking up on her.”

“And what did you tell her?” asked Gloria.

The older blonde mare sighed, and said, “Well, I told Germania the truth. I told her that I was indeed checking on her as I was concerned that she might have the same kind of mindset as her predecessor, the Nazi-era Germania. Upon hearing that, I could hear a loud snort exit her mouth before she stopped in front of the gate that led directly into the Berlin Zoological Garden. As I stopped, she looked at me, her hooves placed upon her hips and a not too happy look on her face. She then told me that she and the she-wolf had nothing in common, other than the fact that they were both born inside Germany and both didn’t like Communists, although she hated the ideology, not the people who misguidedly believed in it. If anything, if she ever saw her predecessor in the flesh, she would punch her right in the snout, hard, before handing her over to the West German authorities for the crimes that she had committed in the name of Hitler’s Third Reich. Then I heard her start to talk in her native German saying what I think would best be translated as ‘Why do people keep comparing me to that bitch?’.”

“Did you believe her when she told you that, Bethany?” questioned the two-breed feline, before she and Gloria waited for the older mare’s response.

“Well, yes I did, Kelly, and I also felt a bit embarrassed about having asked her that question in the first place, especially when I saw how much it had hurt her feelings, as I could tell by the look on her face that she must’ve been asked that question a lot already. So, I walked over to her, and told her that I was sorry to have asked her the question, but, sadly, I really needed to know that she was on the side of the angels. But, I then told her that if it was any consolation, I would be able to past on that information through the super grapevine once I’d gotten back to the states.”

“Uhm, past what information along, mom?” asked Gloria, as both she and Gloria were curious about what her mother meant by the super grapevine.

Bethany blinked upon hearing that. “You two are kidding me right? You two have never heard of the grapevine?”

The two younger femmes shook their heads. “No, we do not, Mrs. Summers. It is most certainly news to me,” replied Kelly.

“And to me,” Gloria added.

Bethany blinked and sighed. “By the goddess, that UN law is more disruptive than I’d thought it was.” She then looked at Kelly and Gloria. “Kelly, Gloria, the grapevine was how we supers, or at least most of us, were able to keep in touch with each other in the past, to try to keep any serious misunderstandings from occurring among us. I’m guessing from your comments that it hasn’t been in use for a while, and I would not be surprised if the UN law has caused it.”

“Why would you say that, mom?” asked the younger blonde mare.

Bethany looked at Gloria and replied, “This is only a theory, honey, but I would hazard a guess that it was because no one was certain that the person trying to contact them would not be trying to set them up for being taking into custody by the authorities if they were an unregistered super. But, as I said, it’s only a theory, since I have no proof, one way or the other.”

Kelly replied, “Hmm, it would make some sense. After all, it wouldn’t be wise to get in contact with someone new if you have no way to prove that they weren’t leading you into a trap.”

As Bethany nodded her head, she heard her daughter say, “With that said, mom, what was Germania’s reply when you told her that you would pass that info along for her?”

The older blonde mare replied, “Well, her eyes kind of lit up once she had heard me say that. But, as she was about to thank me, the two of us heard a loud scream coming from north of where we were, quickly followed by several more. We looked at each other, before we ran towards the screams. Upon reaching the area where the screams had originated, an alley, we stopped. Germania then looked around the corner, whereupon she saw a bunch of young hoodlums trying to rob a fox couple of their money and jewels. She told me what was going on, since she understood German a whole lot better than I did, being a native speaker, before asking me, since I was the more experienced of the two, what we should do to stop the thugs.”

“And what did you suggest, mom?” asked Gloria.

Bethany smiled, before replying, “I took a look around the corner, and as soon as I’d noticed that the hoods appear to be normal punks, I’d suggested to her that we take them out hard, which Germania quickly agreed to, as she heard one of the hoods, a rather big looking blonde bear, suggest that they have some fun with the female, after they have gotten rid of the male.”

“You aren’t suggesting…” began Kelly, as the older mare looked at her.

“Yes, I am suggesting. And, you should’ve seen the look of disgust on her face when Germania told me what that young hood’s companions said upon hearing his suggestion,” Bethany replied, with a bit of anger in her voice. “Anyway, I gave her an idea on how we should stop them, and she quickly agreed to it.”

“And that plan was, mom?” asked the younger blonde mare.

Bethany smiled, then said, “I told her that I would fly off so that I could get behind them and attack the goons from the rear, while she would go out to rescue the foxes, thus getting their attention so that they wouldn’t know that they were actually facing more than one super until it was too late. Anyway, she agreed to it, and as I took to the air, she ran into the alley to face the hoods, soon giving a hard kick to the face of the hood, a male rat, who at that moment was trying to force the vixen onto the ground, knocking him out in the process.”

The older mare then told the two younger femmes what Germania proceeded to do to the hoodlums nearest to both her and the two foxes, hitting them with hard kicks, judo throws and punches, so that the foxes could get away and call the authorities, while she, as Battlestar, flew over the alley until she had landed behind them all, just as the German female super hit a charging rhino in the chin with a very strong right uppercut, which she quickly followed up with a strong left-right punch combo to his face which knocked the rhino onto the ground, unconscious. At that point, the two of them heard the blonde bruin yelling at his companions, chastising them for being unable to defeat one female. She next saw Germania stop fighting, and smile at the bear, before she heard her tell him, as she unsheathed her sword, that she wasn’t the only female that they were facing. Before they could understand what she had meant, Battlestar stepped forward, grabbed the heads of the two hoods standing before her, and slammed them against each other, knocking them out. Battlestar then cleared her throat, which caught the attention of the remaining hoods, before telling them, once they had seen her, that Germania had meant her, as she released the two hoods that she had just koed, before they all heard Germania ask her what took her so long. She quipped that she had run into a bit of traffic, before she suggested to the bear, and his still conscious friends, that they should surrender to them, else they would all soon be in a world of hurt. The super femmes then heard the angry ursine tell his friends to attack them, which made Germania comment that they had at least given them a chance to give up, before she hit one hood, a male lion, with the flat of her sword, followed by a high kick to the face of another one, while Battlestar proceeded to hit a wolf with a right hook to his face, after having earlier blocked a punch from him with her left arm, knocking him into several of his companions, before they all fell onto the ground. The two femmes then proceeded to knock out the rest of the hoods until only the bruin was left standing. At this point, the male ursine pulled out a pistol from his waist belt and threaten to shoot them both unless they let him get away. Before she could continue the story, Bethany heard Kelly say…

“Wait a minute. The rest of his friends are out cold, he’s facing two supers by himself, with the police arriving at any moment, and he’s threatening you two with a pistol, demanding that you let him get away? Was this guy mental?”

The older mare looked at the younger feline, and with a light chuckle, said, “No, more like someone desperate to get away from us. Anyway, after sizing up the situation, Germania just smiled, before slowly putting down her sword while doing what I thought sounded like a whistle, before she told me that we should let him go, which caught both him and me by surprise. But without questioning why she was letting him go, the bear took off. At this point, I’d confronted her and began to ask her why she was letting him go, before I saw her pick up her sword, while saying, ‘He’s ne goink anywhere, Battlestar. Just vait un moment.’ I was even more confused as I watched her put her sword back into its sheath, before I started to hear the bear’s voice coming back towards us, as he was yelling, ‘Get him away from me!!!’ I then turned around and saw him coming back and being chased by what looked to me to be a rather large german shepherd dog, but which turned out to be a wolf. I then watched Germania walk to the side, lift up an arm, and hit him at the chest with a hard clothesline which knocked him onto the ground, before placing a hoof on top of his chest while she told the wolf to heel and then sit in German, before adding, ‘Gut boy, Blitz,’ to him, before she looked down at the now groggy bear and said to him something in German, as we all began to hear a whistle coming from behind us, telling us that the police were finally arriving.”

“A large wolf, mom? Wait, wouldn’t that have been her ‘pet’ wolf, Blitz?” asked Gloria.

Bethany looked at Gloria, and nodded her head. “Yes, that was Blitz alright, Gloria. To be honest, it was somewhat unsettling to be standing there next to a wolf, especially one as big as he was, but Blitz turned out to be a friendly wolf. Unless you just happen to be a bad guy,” the older blonde mare told the two youngsters with a light chuckle. “Anyway, as we watched, we saw the West Berlin police take away the hoods, while the one in charge took down our statements, all the while I noticed how respectfully they were treating Germania.”

“Meaning, Bethany?” queried Kelly.

Bethany looked at the two-breed feline. She answered her, “Meaning none of the officers trying to look at her cleavage inside her metal corset, nobody trying to sneak a peak at her ass, no comments about either her chest or rump, in fact, come to think of it, I didn’t hear any comments about my mode of dress either. The police officers just took away the hoods, while the head detective just stood before her, and took down her statement, while looking her straight in the eyes. In fact, I also recall at least two of the younger officers actually asking her for her autograph.”

Gloria blinked, as did Kelly. “Asked for her autograph?” the pair asked in unison.

The older blonde mare nodded her head. “Yes, they did, and before either of you two ask me, she cheerfully gave them her autograph, once we were both finished telling the head detective what the two of us had just prevented.”

“And did any of the officers ask for your autograph, mom?” asked the older mare’s young daughter.

Bethany looked at Gloria. She sighed, before saying, “No, they didn’t. It was a bit embarrassing, to be honest. And, I hate to say it, I was a bit jealous of all of the respect that she was getting from the officers. And I think that Germania noticed it, cause she asked me to walk with both her and Blitz after the police have left. As we walked, she told me that I really had no reason to be jealous, since she was certain that the police where I lived would probably have been giving me all of the attention if things had been reversed. And, when I thought about it, she would’ve been right, as I did have a lot of admirers back then, and very few people in the U.S. knew about her, yet. And I told her that she was more than likely right, which caused her to smile, and, ‘giggle’, Blitz to woof happily as we continued to walk. After we had walked for a while, she stopped, and told me that it was nice chatting with me, but she needed to go, and she was sure that I needed to go as well, and I told her that she was right, as I needed to head back to my hotel room. At that point, she proceeded to loudly nicker, which confused me for a while until I heard a loud whinny coming from the air above us. I looked up into the night sky and saw coming towards the three of us a flying stallion, who I later learned was Germania’s flying steed, Krieg. Krieg soon landed near his mistress, who then jumped onto his back, and after she have grabbed the reins, turned to look back at me, and said goodbye to me in her native German, before she told him to fly away, while Blitz followed on the ground. I watched the trio leave for a short while, before I myself finally flew off to my hotel room to get some sleep.”

After hearing the end of Bethany’s story, Kelly looked at the older mare, and said, “Interesting story, Bethany, but, what does that have to do with Police Chief Monroe’s journal.

The older mare smiled, before she lifted up the journal and turned it around so that both Kelly and Gloria could see. “Read the entry near the top of the page on the right.”

Which the two younger femmes proceeded to do. They soon found the black feline’s journal entry commenting on Germania and Battlestar’s capture of the hoods, after having first commented about the German super mare helping several East Berliners escape into West Berlin by running off the East German border guards. The two femmes especially noticed the amount of praise that he gave to Germania in the two super mares’ combine capture of the local hoodlums. The young duo then looked back at Bethany.

“And this doesn’t bother you at all, mom?” asked Gloria.

“No, it does not, dear,” replied the older mare. “It might have back then, but I think I’m a big enough girl to let it go,” she added, before she started to chuckle over her remark.

At this point, Kelly got up. “Do you mind if I turn the radio on, Bethany? I want to hear the news.”

Bethany looked towards the cheetah/tigress mixed breed. She smiled and said, “Sure, go ahead, Kelly.”

Kelly nodded and after saying thanks to the older mare, she stood up and headed towards a nearby table upon which was placed a radio. As she did, Gloria said to her mother, “Mind if I ask you a question, mom?”

The brunette-furred older mare raised an eyebrow. “Sure, go right ahead, Gloria,” she replied, while Kelly, who had just reached the radio, turned it on. The young feline then started to change the channel, soon hearing in the process short snippets of various programs, including some music, a few talk shows and finally, what she had been searching for, a local news station.

“Okay. You’d mentioned earlier that you had believed Germania when she said that she would’ve punched out her predecessor if she had ever met her in person.”

“Yes, that’s what she told me then, and I believe her, and I still do,” replied the older mare.

“Well, considering how long she has been using the name Germania, has she ever faced her…” began Gloria, when she and the others began to hear on the radio:

“…And once again, ladies and gentlefurs, the big news from Europe this week is the announcement of the weekend opening of the new Germania museum that will be located within the Aachen Cathedral in the city of Aachen, Germany, which is the final resting place of the Holy Roman Emperors Charlesmagne and Otto III and all but two of the women who are known to have previously called themselves Germania. The curator of the museum, Georg Wolfgang, the retired German super Iron Cross, has just a few minutes earlier announced to the press that several other National Heroines, like Britannia of Great Britain, Helvetia of Switzerland, Italia of Italy, Hollandia of the Netherlands, Marianne of France and Mother Russia of Russia, as well as the local Director of the Rhineland Region BOS, Germany, Riding Hood, and the BOS European Regional Director, Noble Knight, have told him that they will be there for the opening, while the present Germania will be there all day Saturday to sign autographs and have her picture taken with her fans. And Herr Wolfgang has also told us that there will be several exhibits with Germania-related artifacts on display at the soon to be opened museum. Now, in more local news, the police are still baffled…”

“A Germania museum?” said a surprised Kelly, as she changed the channel once again.

“That was what the man said, Kelly. But, did you hear who he said was the museum’s curator?” Gloria queried her roommate.

Kelly went over the announcement in her head before she released a short gasp. “Did I hear him right? Did he say that the retired Iron Cross is the curator? The same one that we were both hearing about in your great-grandmother’s diary?”

“That was what he said,” replied Bethany, who said it in a calm voice, or in a lot calmer voice than either Kelly or her daughter.

“That was what I’d thought. How in the world can they let someone like that in charge of the museum? Have the people who have created it lost their minds?” said Gloria, in a loud voice.

“Gloria, please, calm down, unless you want the neighbors to hear you,” said Bethany, trying to calm down her daughter.

“I agree with Gloria. Considering what he did during the war, I’m surprised that he was even released from whatever prison they’d put him in after the war was over,” added an equally angry Kelly.

Bethany sighed and shook her head. “Girls, please, calm down. The man has obviously paid for any crimes that he may have committed during the war, like a lot of Germans his age did, or did you two realize that many of the people that were in either the West German government or its military during the ‘70s and ‘80s had originally served in the German military during World War II? Anyway, I know for a fact that during the first few years after his release, that he was placed under probation, and that my Grandmother Mary was one of his probation officers, although she didn’t exactly liked the idea.”

Bethany’s revelation quickly threw both young femmes for a loop. The two were silent for a while, before Gloria finally said, “No way, mom. From the way she was talking about him in her diary, she would’ve rather kill him than act as his probation officer. How can you be so sure?”

The older blonde mare stayed silent for a while, as the radio announced the next day’s weather, saying that it would be partly cloudy, with a slight chance of rain. “Because, Gloria, as a member of the Girl Scouts, I’d met him when he and the original Riding Hood were in this country trying to capture a criminal male unicorn who went by the name of Master Clock. He certainly wasn’t the same person that Grandma Mary mentioned in her journal, and he, well, he appeared to me to be attracted to Riding Hood, who, I remember Grandma Mary telling me, was a major pain in his side during the war, as she was a member of the German resistance. I can still recall when we smashed the unicorn’s local criminal operation, the wolf had pushed the she-wolf out of the way and took a blast from the unicorn that caused him to move about at a slower rate than everyone else within the room for a while, which allowed him to escape, as she was more concerned about getting him to a hospital than with capturing Clock. It was when he was in the hospital that Grandma Mary showed up in her old costume and visited both him and Ms. Hood, that I first heard her mention the probation, which took me and the others by surprise before we listened to them talk about what to do about Clock, who by then had already escaped into Mexico, although with his American operation in ruins.”

What Bethany was now telling the pair shocked them even more than their learning that Gloria’s great-grandmother had acted as a sort of probation officer to one of her old enemies. After a while, Gloria recovered, before she said, “Maybe, but you know that old saying about leopards and their spots, mom. I’m just not convinced that he has changed his. For all we know, he could be setting up a trap for all those heroines that the broadcaster has just said had accepted those invites to the museum’s opening.”

Bethany sighed. “Honestly, Gloria, most of those heroines weren’t even born when he had fought their predecessors, and most of them are probably now retired, if not dead, like your great-grandmother. But, to play devil’s advocate, why would he set a trap for them with a fake museum opening invite?”

“Maybe so that he can make the older ones who are still alive and kicking to come out of retirement to save their successors and thus capture them?” said Kelly.

“Yeah,” added Gloria, “what she said.”

The older blonde mare sighed again. “Gloria, sweetheart, I seriously doubt that he is planning any such thing for the heroines that he has invited to the opening of the museum. I mean, I got an invitation from Germania, but I had to decline, as I was going to be too busy trying to get this house cleaned out before handing it over to its new owner. After all, why would she invite me to the opening, without, at the same time, telling me that it might be a trap?”

The two younger femmes looked at Bethany, both surprised that Bethany had been invited to the opening. “Well, when you think about it that way, Gloria, she does have a point. Why would the present Germania be a party to such a plot?” said Kelly.

Gloria replied, “Maybe so, but I just don’t trust him.” She then looked at her mom. “If you have no problem, mom, I’m going to call my secretary and have her get me a ticket for a flight to Aachen, or to the city nearest to it, so that I can find out if the museum’s opening is actually on the up and up.”

Bethany sighed once more. “Obviously, you won’t give up on this until you can get to the bottom of it. I suggest that you call her then, so that we can all get back to cleaning out my grandmother’s place.” After she had said that, Bethany got up and headed for the kitchen, so that she could put the two journals out of the way as she planned to take them both back to her own place so that she can continue reading them there.

As Bethany headed for the kitchen with the journals, Gloria headed for a small table upon which was placed a phone. As she began to pick up the receiver, she looked at Kelly and said, “Kelly, would you mind doing me a big favor?”

“Sure, Gloria,” said Bethany, as she saw Gloria place the receiver against her left ear and left it there for a while, as she was listening for a dial tone, to make sure that the phone was still working. “What do you want?”

“I want you to find out as much information as you can on Mr. Georg Wolfgang, aka Iron Cross, and fax it to me while I’m in Germany. I just don’t trust this guy,” said the younger blonde mare, to her roommate, as she began dialing the office number of her badgeress secretary, Ariana, while her mother started to enter the kitchen with the journals.

“Ok, Gloria. I’ll see what information the FBI might have on him, post-war. I just hope that you’re suspicions about him are right,” replied Kelly.

“So do I,” said Gloria, as she waited for her secretary to answer the phone.

“Mind if I ask you something, Gloria?” Kelly asked.

As she was about to answer Kelly, Gloria heard the voice of her secretary on the other end. She lifted her free paw and showed her palm to ask Kelly to wait, before she said into the phone, “Hello, Ariana, this is Gloria. Could you please do me a favor? Could you get me an airline ticket from Colmaton to Aachen, Germany, or the city nearest to Aachen? I plan to leave this Friday morning, Ariana, for an emergency photoshoot. Sure, I’ll wait.” Gloria then lowered her paw as she looked at Kelly. “Okay, Kelly, while she’s looking for a flight for me, what’s your question?”

“What do you plan to do if it turns out that Mr. Wolfgang IS on the up and up, like your mother is suggesting?” queried Kelly, as the two-breed feline points towards the kitchen, just as Bethany started to exit it.

Gloria raised an eyebrow, before she began to think over Kelly’s question. As she did, she began to hear the voice of her badgeress secretary. “You sure, Ariana? That is all that is available right now? Okay, if that’s the case, order the ticket, call all the hotels in Aachen to get me a hotel room for this weekend and I’ll meet you at the airport after I’d finished packing my bags. See you soon, Ariana. Goodbye.” As Gloria hung up the phone, she looked back at both Kelly and Bethany, who now stood next to her daughter’s best friend and roommate, and was also waiting to hear her response to Kelly’s question. “So, you want to know what I would do if I’m wrong with my suspicions about Mr. Wolfgang, Kelly?”

“Yes, I do, Gloria.”

“I’m also curious,” added the older blonde mare.

Gloria looked at Kelly, then her mom, then looked back at Kelly, before she finally replied, “If I’m wrong, I’m going to tell him so in my Lady Liberty costume.”

“Seriously?” Kelly said in surprise.

“Can I quote you on that, honey?” Bethany asked, in a serious tone, although with a light smirk on her pretty face.

“Yes, I plan to apology to him in full costume. After all, it would look kind of ridiculous for me to do it as Gloria, since he wouldn’t know me from Eve.”

“Well, you do have a point there, dear. Herr Wolfgang doesn’t know who I really am, so he would have no idea that you would be my daughter. Now, what’s this about you needing to go home to pack?” As she asked, Bethany placed both of her arms under her breasts, while giving her daughter a look that told Gloria that she wanted to know the full reason.

“Well, it seems that there’s a flight leaving Colmaton International Airport early Friday morning, which will be making stopovers at Philadelphia International Airport, and then London Heathrow Airport, before finally landing at Düsseldorf International Airport, which seems to be the nearest airport to the city of Aachen, and there won’t be another one leaving CIA until tomorrow afternoon. Then I need to take a train from Düsseldorf to get into Aachen. Hopefully, Ariana will have been able to find me a hotel room for this upcoming weekend while I’m in Aachen by the time I’d reached the airport. And…”

“And, you therefore need to leave now so that you can get to your place and start packing what you need to take with you, including your costume, right?” the older blonde mare interrupts Gloria, while Kelly listens.

“That’s about the size of it, mom,” replied Gloria, with a smile.

Bethany sighed, before saying, “Then get going, dear. I’m quite sure that both Kelly and I will be able to finish this on our own.”

“We can?” said a surprised Kelly.

“Thanks, mom, you’re a dear,” said the younger blonde mare, before she hugged her surprised mother, and then headed for the kitchen to get her stuff.

Kelly looked at Bethany, as the older mare headed for the phone. “We can get this done by ourselves, Bethany?” she asked.

“Yes, we can, Kelly. Once I’m able to get one of my other daughters to…Oh, hello, Sakajewey, this is your mother. How are you today?…” the older mare said into the phone, after having dialed her other daughter’s number, as Gloria, who was now wearing a blue jacket over her white t-shirt, and carrying a black handbag over her left shoulder, headed for the door.

“See you guys later,” Gloria said, as she just about reached the front door.

“See ya, Gloria, and if you can, could you get me a souvenir while you’re in Germany,” Kelly said to her roommate.

“I’ll see if I can, Kelly,” replied the younger blonde mare, as she walked out the front door, soon heading for her car.

Bethany waved at Gloria as he continued on the phone. “Good. I’ll see you soon then, dear. Just make sure that no one see you if you’re coming here while in costume. Goodbye.” The older mare hung up the phone, just as Gloria had started her car and began to head for her place. She then looked at Kelly. “Come on, Kelly, Sakajewey will be joining us, shortly, but I’m going to be needing some help moving this table right now,” Bethany said, before she headed towards a large table in the middle of the living room.

“Okay, Bethany,” said the two-breed feline, as she followed Bethany to the table, while thinking, .oO(I really hope that Gloria is wrong about her suspicions of Herr Wolfgang. As I said earlier, the present Germania wouldn’t be a party to such a plot. Speaking of the blonde warmare, I wonder what she’s doing right now?)

Center City, Philadelphia, PA., About 3:30 pm Eastern Time:

At that very moment, in downtown Philadelphia, near 17th and Walnut Street, a big dark brown-furred male bear, clothed in the uniform of a Philadelphia Police officer, was running past a few furs, as he chased after a couple of ski mask-wearing furs, who had just moments earlier taken money from out of the cash register of a nearby Wawa convenience store. “Stop, thieves!!!” the bear yelled towards the two crooks, as the trio continued to run up Walnut Street, with the masked criminals knocking people out of their way as they were trying to get away from the cop.

“Not likely, copper,” announced one of the fleeing criminals, an otter, before he suddenly stopped and turned around to face the officer. He then aimed his weapon at the cop and fired, which soon caused the furs who were nearest to him to start scattering for safety.

The officer gasped as he saw the bullet coming towards him, as the masked crook smiled, thinking that the bullet would soon kill the officer, adding yet another dead cop to those who had already died so far this year within the city. The young bear, as he expected to be hit by the bullet, stopped and closed his eyes, just as he heard a loud clang. .oO(What the…) the surprised officer thought, as he reopened his eyes, and then saw standing before his surprised eyes a muscular looking mare, clad in a low-plunging metallic corset, a felt-looking kilt which covered the area around her crotch, black trunks that covered most of her ample ass, and black boots, along with a tiara upon her head, a metallic shoulder guard that covered both her right shoulder and upper right arm and a metallic wristband that covered her lower right arm, wristbands, one upon each arm, metallic leg bands which covered the upper part of her boots, around the knees, and leggings which covered her ankles. Around her sexy waist she wore a dark brown belt which led to a scabbard where she kept her sword. He then noticed that she was holding in her left hoof a metallic shield, which she had just used to deflect the bullet that had been aimed at the officer’s heart. The relieved officer quickly recognized his rescuer as being:

“Germania!! Boy, am I glad to see you!!!”

Looking at the officer, as the otter looked on in shock, the Teutonic warmare said to the male ursine, “Guten Tag, Officer Bergson. Vat seems to be der problem dis time?” as she started to place her right hoof upon the hilt of her sword.

“The problem, Germania, is that that crook and his partner have just robbed the local Wawa, and then he tried to kill me as I was chasing after them,” said the very angry-sounding police officer, as he saw the super mare quickly pull her sword out of its scabbard, while at the same time seeing her turn her head to look back at the crook, who was just now starting to snap out of his initial shock.

“Really, officer? Vell, ich’ll handle him vhile du go after his partner, ja?” the blonde super mare said, as she gave the criminal an angry look.

“Right,” said Officer Bergson, as he watched Germania, with shield and sword in hoof, start to charge the otter as she released a loud yell. The ursine then began to run once again, hoping to catch up with the crock who had decided to continue running while his partner had attempted to gun him down. He tried to run faster so that he could reduce the distance between himself and the second crook.

The criminal, as he saw Germania charging at him, lifted up his Glock 19 and, as he aimed it at the charging mare, announced, “Die, you German bitch,” before he fired a bullet at her, while the officer ran past him to catch up with his still running away partner.

The armored super mare lightly snorted, before she placed her indestructible shield before her body and used it in such a way that the bullet bounced off of it, and then headed back towards the shooting hood. “Ne dis day, mein heer,” she said to the otter, just as the just ricocheted bullet hit his pistol, knocking it out of the once more shocked otter’s paw. She then got in close to the otter, looking like she was going to raise her sword carrying-hoof, but then moved her sword upwards so that she quickly hit the otter’s face with the sword’s pommel in a modified hook, which soon knocked him onto the ground.

The otter was shocked to see his just fired bullet be used by the well experienced superheroine to knock his weapon out of his gun paw. Then, before he could react, she was on him, and soon hitting him hard in the face with the pommel of her sword, after making it look like she was going to hit him with the flat of her sword, soon knocking him onto the ground, unconscious.

With the otter down, Germania turned, and got ready to help the bear officer capture the otter’s escaping partner, when she saw, about a block ahead of her, the other ski masked hood running towards, not away, from the officer, screaming that he was being chased by a lion. She blinked when the hard-breathing ursine caught the scared robber in a headlock when he tried to run past him and then brought the hood, a male cheetah, down. By the time a surprised Germania had joined the officer, he was putting the cuffs on the feline who was still screaming that he was being chased by a lion. The warmare looked at Officer Bergson and asked him, “Did du see un lion, officer?”

The brunette-furred ursine looked at the armored blonde mare and said, between hard breathes, “Nope, I didn’t see any lion, ma’am. Either he’s seeing things, or…”

“He saw a real lion, perhaps?” Germania and the bear heard from a female voice that came from behind them. The two turned around and saw standing upon the sidewalk a black-haired, brunette-furred lioness clad in a red metallic bra with a matching color bikini, with the upper part of it covered by an Ancient Egyptian stylized eagle, golden double bracelets that were placed upon both her wrists and golden sandals upon her feet. The tall feline, who was attracting a lot of attention from a now forming crowd, especially from some of the males who were starting to stare at her firm, but almost barely covered, rump, Germania quickly recognized as:

“Sekhmet II, vat are du doink here?” the blonde Teutonic warmare asked the presently smiling demi-goddess lioness, who was now walking towards both her and the male bear policeman, who was presently pulling the now handcuffed cheetah hood off of the ground, after first getting off of the still frightened feline.

“Well, I was in the neighborhood doing a little clothes shopping when I heard the gunshot, and then saw this one running away from the officer,” as she pointed at the still cringing spotted feline. “Well, to make a long story short, milady, I changed into my outfit and, with a quickly said incantation, I made him think that there was a lion standing in his path before I made him believe that it was chasing after him until the police officer here was finally able to bring him down.”

Germania looked away from Sekhmet II and looked at Officer Bergson, who was at the moment using the radio that was placed at the top of his right shoulder to call for a wagon to pick up the two crooks, as she began to notice the crowd forming around the two buxom heroines. “Vell, danka for der assistant, mein dear.”

Sekhmet II smiled. “It’s the least I can do, considering what you did for me a few months ago, milady.” She then bow before Germania, which soon caused a few males within the crowd to get a better look at her ass because of how the back part of her outfit rode up her rump.

Germania said, “Ich see. Anyway, dink du could put on somethink un bit more formal, Sekhmet II? Du seems to be attractink some unwanted attention, ja?” The blonde warmare then pointed towards the males who were standing not too far from the lioness’ back.

Sekhmet II turned her head and soon noticed the crowd. “So I see. I do keep forgetting that a lot of modern Western males would look at a woman’s ass if they are given half a chance.” The raven-haired lioness then raised her arms and began to say an incantation in her native tongue and swiftly her ‘work’ outfit was covered over by a luxurious sleeveless white gown which covered her from her neck down to her ankles, while her neck was, in turn, covered by a necklace made up of gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian, which soon caused a lot of the males who were standing around the pair to start grumbling as they could no longer see the statuesque lioness’ sexy rump. This caused most of them to start leaving, as Sekhmet II looked back at Germania. “Is this more satisfactory, milady?”

Germania looked at the leaving males, just as she started to hear the wailing of a siren, telling her that the wagon that Officer Bergson, who was at the moment putting the cuffs onto the scared cheetah’s still unconscious partner, was finally arriving. She then looked back at Sekhmet II. After looking at her present outfit, she smiled, and said, “Ja, dat should do nicely. Sometimes males allow der vrong brain to be im charge off dem.”

Before Sekhmet II could answer her, both she and Germania saw the wagon park near them before they watched several officers exit the vehicle, who were soon placing the captured crooks inside it. As they watched, a second police vehicle, this one a police cruiser, soon parked in front of the pair, to the right of the wagon. Out of the vehicle’s passenger side quickly exited a brunette-haired, brown-furred afghan female, who was dressed in the uniform of a Philadelphia Police Department Lieutenant, whom Germania quickly recognized as Police Lieutenant Phyllis Afgan.

“Guten Tag, Lt. Afgan. How are du today?” asked the blonde warmare as the raven-haired demi-goddess looked on, as the two female supers watched the female canine police officer close the door of the police cruiser.

The brunette-furred canine, after releasing the car’s door handle and then straightening out her outfit, looked at the two supers. Smiling at them, she said, as she approached them, “Why, I’m doing fine, Germania, thank you for asking. By the way, thanks for helping collar those two hoods, ladies. They’d been knocking over several of the convenience stores in both Center City and Olde City for the last few months, and to say that the people living in those parts of the city weren’t getting ticked off by the robberies is an understatement.” The female police lieutenant then stopped before the two supers, and was soon offering her paw to Germania.

A smiling Germania took the canine’s paw in one of her hooves and said, “It vas der least ve could do, Lt. Afgan,” as she began to shake Lt. Afgan’s paw, while Sekhmet II nodded her head in agreement.

“It was simply my pleasure, milady,” added the lioness, right before the trio heard some flashbulbs click before the trio began to notice a few folks starting to take pictures of the scene. The three femmes simply smiled, before Sekhmet II said, “Well, I guess it’s better being flashbulbs than bullets, eh, miladies?”

“You could certainly say that,” responded the afghan bitch before she ended the handshake. She then looked back at Germania before saying, “I hear that you’re going to be in Germany for a few days, Germania? Is that’s true?”

Germania nodded her head. “Ja, ich’d promised Herr Wolfgang dat ich vould be dere for der museum’s openink veekend.”

“Museum opening, milady?” asked Sekhmet II, as the wagon finally left the scene with the two crooks in tow. At the same moment, Officer Bergson went back to patrolling his beat, although knowing that he would be filling out paperwork on this collar later on.

Germania turned and looked at the demi-goddess big feline, before telling her about the opening of the new Germania Museum that weekend, with her as the guest of honor.

“I see. Aren’t you afraid that the local crooks will try to take advantage while you are gone, milady?” asked Sekhmet II.

“I was thinking the same thing,” added the canine bitch. “After all, I am the present liaison officer between the city government and the local heroes, and...”

Germania smiled, before saying, “Ne need to vorry, Lt. Afgan. Mein freunds haff already informed me dat dey’ll take up der slack vhile ich’m gone. After all, it vouldn’t do for dem ne to keep up deir end off der bargain since Mayor Street told der federal government dat der city vasn’t goink to listen to der U.N. law about illegal superheroink vithin der city limits, considerink all dat ve haff done for der city of Philadelphia over der years.”

“Well, who do I have to get in touch with then, while you’re out of town, Germania? After all, you’re their liaison with the city on these matters.”

“Vhy, Mega-Weasel, of course,” Germania quickly answered. “In fact, she wants you to meet her at this address in Elfreth’s Alley later tonight,” the blonde warmare added, before she handed a card to the brunette-furred female canine.

The female officer took the card from Germania and looked it over. She then looked at the armored female equine. “So, she wants me to meet her there tonight?”

“Dat ist correct,” replied the smiling mare, before she watched the lieutenant put the card away.

“Okay. Anyway, have a nice time in Germany, Germania. Hopefully nothing earth shattering will happen here while you’re there,” said Phyllis, as she started to head back to the police car.

“Ja, ja. Ich certainly could do mit un few days off, but der crooks all refuse to take un holiday from beink criminals,” said the buxom warmare.

“You’re speaking to the choir, sister,” replied the female police lieutenant, before she reentered the cruiser. The female canine then sat down, before closing the door.

As the police car started to leave the scene, Sekhmet II said, “Well, I better go as well, milady. I have things of my own to handle.”

“The Seth cult?” queried Germania.

“The very same, milady,” answered the demi-goddess in a grim tone.

“Vell, du know dat ich’m more den villink to help du iff du ever find deir main lair.”

Sekhmet II smiled. “That is greatly appreciated, milady. Anyway, goodbye for now.” With that the demi-goddess lioness said an incantation which soon made her vanish.

Germania smiled. As she started to turn around, she heard a voice ask her, “Excuse me, Germania, do you have anything to say about your hand in the capture of the two robbers?” She soon saw before her several members of the local press, as well as a few from New York, Washington, and even one from Berlin, Germany. She smiled at them, then began, “Vell, dere’s ne much for me to say...”

Center City Philadelphia, PA, About 6 pm Eastern Time:

Early that evening, the door into the penthouse suite at the 1900 Rittenhouse Square Apartments begin to open. After the door was opened, the room’s lights were turned on, revealing to view Katherina Pferd. Germania’s redheaded alter ego still wore upon her sexy form her light grey business dress, including its just below-the-knees length skirt, a white blouse, a red and grey stripes tie, light brown stockings and medium heel black shoes, as she entered the now lit room, carrying in her left hoof her black briefcase, while holding in her right one a large brown bag within which she had earlier placed the package that her administrative assistant, ‘Sam’ Chippy, had given to her hours earlier. “Vat un afternoon,” the buxom mare said to herself as she hit the door with her right hip, causing it to close, before she turned around to lock it. “Ich haff to stop several robberies, as vell as un rape attempt as Germania, to go along mit mein meetink mit Ralph und mein earlier lunch meetink mit Asrail as meinself. Speaking of Asrail, ich better call her to tell her dat Phyllis vill be meetink her at her place, so she better be dere vearink her vork clothes so dat the officer von’t discover her real identify,” she said to herself, as she heads for the kitchen. “But erste,” Katherina said, just as she stopped before the door which led into the kitchen. The redheaded mare then whistled. She soon heard a response, a loud woof, before she saw a male german shepherd dog quickly exit her bedroom and walk towards her. The buxom redheaded mare smiled, before she said to the approaching canine, “Hallo, Georg, haff du been un gut boy vhile mommy vas at vork?” while she put down both her briefcase and the bag.

Georg, vho vas actually her pet super wolf, Blitz, woofed again, before he reached his mistress. He then stopped before her, sat down on his back legs, and looked up at her, huffing and puffing happily as he did so.

“Dat’s gut to know,” said the mare, before she proceeded to pat Georg on the head, before rubbing his ears, which caused him to moan happily. Katherina then said, “Ich’m bettink dat du are hungry, ja?” as she stopped rubbing Georg’s ears, while hearing him woof yes. “Vell, iff dat’s der case, ich better get du dinner, ja?”

Georg woofed again, as he watched Katherina pick up both her briefcase and bag and head into the kitchen, with him following her. He then saw her head towards a table, whereupon she placed both items, before she headed towards a cabinet that was above the kitchen sink. Georg soon stopped and sat down next to her, his tail wagging, as he watched her open up the cabinet, and then look at the several cans of dog food that were inside it, as she was deciding upon what to feed her pet dog for dinner. As he watched, he licked his lips, before starting to moan impatiently.

“Hold ihr horses, Georg, ich’ll get du somethink, don’t worry,” said the mare with a light chuckle, as she looked at her impatient pooch, before looking back into the cabinet. She then smiled, as she reached for and then pulled out a can which said it was a chicken dinner. Katherina then headed for her can opener, with an anxious Georg following her. “Patient, Georg,” she said as she continued to chuckle, before she reached the can opener. She then placed the lid of the dog food can within the can opener, and activated it, while she turned around and went to a sheet of paper, upon which was placed a food/water bowl. She stopped in front of it, and picked up the bowl. As Georg watched her, she went to the sink, whereupon she washed out the bowl, and then dried it, using a towel, as the can opener finished opening the can of dog food. Once she was sure that the bowl was dried, she put away the towel, then pulled up the faucet and started to fill up one of the bowls with some fresh water for her dog to drink. Once that had been completed, she walked over to the can opener. She put down the bowl, then reached for the can, which she quickly removed from the can opener, minus the recently cut lid. After throwing the lid into a nearby trash can, she next placed the can upon the counter, before she went into a drawer and got out a spoon, which she then washed with hot water and wiped clean, before placing it into the can. Using the spoon, she then emptied the chicken dinner out of the can and into the other bowl. Once that had been accomplished, she picked up the bowl and headed for the paper, followed by Georg. Upon reaching the paper, she placed the bowl on top of it, before moving out of the way, as Georg began to eat his dinner. She watched him eat for a while, before saying to him, “Better eat up Georg, du und ich are goink to be havink un long flight to Germany im der morning. Und speakink off Germany…” As Georg ate his dinner, the redheaded mare walked over to her kitchen wall phone. Upon reaching it, she picked it up, and then started to dial a few numbers before she placed the receiver against her ear. .oO(Hopefully, he’s home,) she thought to herself, as she heard the phone ring, while Georg started to drink some water, before going back to eating his dinner. “Ne so fast, Georg, du’ll make ihrself sick.”

As she spoke to Georg, Katherina heard a female voice speaking to her on the other end of the line in German. She answered the voice in German, "Hello, Godmother, it’s me, Katherina. Yes, I’m doing fine, thank you. How are you? That’s good to hear. How is your husband? Good. Could you put him on the phone, please, I need to speak with him on an urgent matter. Yes, I’ll wait."

As she waited, she looked back at Georg, watching him still wolfing down his meal. She chuckled, and was about to say something to him, when she heard a male voice speaking to her in German. She answered, "Hello, ‘Uncle’ Wolfgang, its me, Katherina. How are you this evening? That’s good to know. Me? I’m doing fine. Yes, yes, ‘Uncle’, I will certainly be at the museum on Saturday, as Germania, as I’d promised you I would. In fact, I’ll be packing for the trip once I get off the phone with you. Speaking of which, it seems that I’d received a package earlier today that I think might be of some interest to you, and it just happen to deal with you sister." At this point, she heard a loud “What?” in German exit her phone, followed quickly by several words that came at her one after the other. It would take her several moments to finally calm down Georg before she could continue. "I have no idea where it had originally come from ‘Uncle’, as there was no return address on the wrapping that the package have came in, and all that my assistant ‘Sam’ knows is that it came via a Federal Express driver earlier this morning when I finally had a chance to ask her. And, I have not have a chance to see if any of the newspaper articles that came with the diary were real, either. Also, I’m not even sure if the diary itself is real or not, which is the reason why I want you to take a look at it to see if it is authentic, or a fraud, like those so-called ‘Hitler Diaries’ as you should know her handwriting better than anybody else." Saying the name of those phony writings made her release a low snort, while she thought that she had heard a loud winch at the other end of the line. She then continued, "So, will you please take a look at the journal, ‘Uncle’ Wolfgang? You will? Thank you. I’ll bring it to you to look at as soon as I’m in Aachen late tomorrow night. Anyway, I better get going ‘Uncle’ as I need to eat, get packed and get some sleep so that I can catch my flight early Friday morning. See you tomorrow, ‘Uncle”. Goodbye." With that, Katherina hung up the phone. She turned around, and, as she saw Georg drinking some more water out of his water bowl, thought, .oO(Now vat shall ich eat for dinner?) After thinking that, she headed for the refrigerator to see what was inside it that she could eat that night for dinner, just as Georg went back to eating the last of his dinner. .oO(Und ich better ne forget to call Asrail, to tell her dat she’ll be gettink un visit from Lt. Afgan tonight.)


Aachen, Germany, After midnight, Friday morning, UTC+1

At the other end of the line, the person whom Katherina has been speaking with, Georg Wolfgang, dressed in a light blue robe, which was covering his light grey pajamas, while he wore upon his feet light brown slippers, hung up the phone, a somber look upon his elderly face.

"So, what did Katherina say to you that got you all excited, papa?" the old lupine heard from a female voice. Georg quickly turned around, and saw standing across from him his wife of 55+ years, Emilie Wolfgang, née Wolf, the first Riding Hood. As he looked at his wife, he could see that although her blonde hair and a lot of her dark grey body fur were both now a whitish grey, she still had the same sexy figure that she had when they first met back during the Second World War when he fought for the Nazis and she was a member of the German Underground, even when she had it covered up by a short sleeve black dressing gown, which ended just above her knees, and light brown bunny sleepers. Georg looked at her for a few moments, having an especially hard time not looking at her still well formed breasts.

"Well?!?" the elderly she-wolf shouted at him, as she noticed how he was looking at her. "And kindly get your mind out of the gutter, you old wolf. You’re not a young wolf, remember?"

Georg shook his head, before he looked into the yellow eyes of his eyeglass-wearing significant other. He said to her in a sheepish tone, "Can I help it if I still find you attractive, mama?"

Emilie chuckled. "Well, be that as it may, papa, what did my goddaughter tell you just now that got you so upset?"

Georg sheepish look upon his visage became somber once more, before he said to his grey-haired wife, "She’d told me that she will be coming to see me this upcoming night, after she have arrived here from Düsseldorf."

Hearing this made Emilie excited. "That’s wonderful, papa. I’ll be able to catch up with her about being…"

"Wait, mother, there’s more," the slightly older male wolf said, which caught his wife’s attention, causing her to stop. "She told me that she will be bringing with her a journal that was mysteriously mailed to her, which she wants me to look over, to verify that its author is actually who she claims to be."

Hearing this caused Emilie to blink, as she quickly figured out who her husband meant. "You don’t mean…"

A somber looking Georg simply nodded his head. "Ja, darling, mein little sister, Marie, or who you knew better as…"

"The previous Germania!!" the original Riding Hood said with a rather loud growl.

"Now, now, Emilie, no matter how much you hated her during the war…"

"Despised would be the more correct term, husband, considering how many of my comrades in the underground she had helped the authorities ferret out," she said, with a very loud snort, complete animosity in her voice.

"Be that as it may, mama, she is still my sister, and she has been missing since 1945, and I will not rest until I know what have really happened to her," the older male lupine said, in a determined voice. "Especially if it’s only so that I can finally give her a decent burial." He sighed after making the later comment.

Hearing this made Emilie sighed as well, as she knew that her husband was simply acting out of family loyalty, if nothing else, as she was his only kin while the pair was growing up as orphans in Weimar and early Nazi Germany. And, if nothing else, her husband was very loyal to those he considered kin. "So, Katherina will be coming by later today with the journal? Any particular reason why, papa?"

"To see if it was actually written by my sister, as she herself is not sure, considering how she’d gotten it."

"How she had gotten it?"

"Yes, sent anonymously, with no return address on the label," Georg answered.

"Hmm, no label, huh? Yes, that is suspicious. Especially with the opening of the museum later today. Seems too much of a coincidence to me. Think someone might suspect that she’s the present Germania?"

"I have no real idea, but I won’t know until I have had a chance to look over the diary later today," the male lupine said as he turned his head and looked at the far wall of their well furnished living room, seeing that, according to the ornate wall clock that was placed upon it, that it was past midnight, early Friday morning. "Anyway, I do think that we should be going to bed, mama. Today is going to be a very long day for me," said the older lupine, before he let loose with a short yawn, soon covering his mouth with his paw. "Ooops, sorry about that."

"Ja, considering how old you are, eh, old wolf?" Emilie said to him with a chuckle, before she turned around and headed for their bedroom.

Georg raised an eyebrow as he saw his wife walked towards their bedroom, with a slight chuckle in his voice. "Always teasing the old wolf. Well, I’ll show you," he said, as he headed for the bedroom as well.

"Promises, promises. Considering how often I’d kicked you tail in the past, old wolf, I wouldn’t talk," announced the old she-wolf as she entered their bedroom.

Hearing this caused Georg to start thinking about the first time that he had actually seen Emilie face to face, as he also entered their bedroom.

& V Y

Early March 1944, St. Katharine Docks, London, United Kingdom:

Queen Justice, after having received the code word from Battlestar, put down the walkie-talkie that she was presently holding in one of her paws, before she looked over at the anxiously waiting Major McStallion.

“Wat did ye friend say, lassie?” asked the Scottish-born leader of the Commandos who were with the orange and white-furred American mystery woman.

The tigress, as she started to put the walkie-talkie back into its pouch, said to the Clydesdale stallion, “She said ‘Agincourt!’, Major.”

Major McStallion, upon hearing the code word, nodded his head while looking at the bovine wearing the rankings of a Company Sergeant Major. “Sergeant Major Bovine!”

Upon hearing his name being called, the big bovine, who was standing next to a couple of the men, turned his head, looked at his commanding officer, came to attention and saluted, which the stallion quickly returned. “Yes, Sir?”

“Get ready to deploy tae men, Sergeant Major. Queen Justice’s friend ‘ave just given her tae code word,” said the stallion, as the dark brown-furred bovine looked at the white-clothed American super, who nodded her head in agreement.

“Yes, sir,” said the bull, as he saluted his superior officer once again, who quickly returned it. Company Sergeant Major Bovine then turned around and looked at his men. “Step lively now, lads, time for us to be getting Jerry’s full attention, et wot? Jones, Oliver, get ready to give us covering fire when we head out.”

“Yes, sir, Sergeant Major, sir!” replied the lion and the red squirrel in unison.

“As for the rest of you lads, get ready to follow me and the Major. And the pretty young Yank lass that’s with us. And remember lads, we’re bait, so, whatever happens, we are to make sure that Jerry’s attention is on us until our Britannia, Sekhmet and Queen Justice’s friends get the drop on Jerry. Be that clear, lads?”

“Crystal, Sergeant Major,” said one of the Commandos, which soon caused a few of the others to laugh.

The bull shook his head, before saying, “Check your weapons and get ready to go, lads.”

As the bull was conversing with the men, the stallion had been checking his own personal weapon, the Victory Revolver, to make sure that it wouldn’t jam on him at the worst possible moment. “Ready to get started, Ms. Justice?” the stallion asked her, as he now looked at the tigress, whom he now saw carrying in one of her paws a silvery sword, which she had been carrying inside a large golden scabbard that was presently strapped to her strong back.

The tigress, while checking over her sword, smiled at the stallion, before answering him, “Ever since I’d got the code word from Battlestar, Major.”

“Aye, lass. Iff’n ah dinna know better, ah be tinkin’ tat ye be havin’ a wee bit of Highland blood in ye veins. Now ten, let us be gettin’ Jerry’s attention now, shall we?” he said to the still smiling American super, before he lifted up his left hoof, soon putting his whistle into his mouth. He then loudly blew the whistle.

The whistle brought his men, who had all been checking their weapons, to attention, before they looked at their leader.

The stallion took the whistle out of his mouth, and as he began to place it into his left shirt pocket, announced to his men, “Time to move out, lads.” He then headed towards the building’s wall. He stopped, and then looked around the corner to check upon the distance between them and the warehouse where the ‘Prime Minister’ was being held captive. The stallion quickly noticed that there were a few large wooden boxes placed not too far from the warehouse that would be perfect cover for them. If they can reach them, that is. He looked back at the others, soon seeing the Sergeant Major standing right behind him, while Queen Justice stood to the big bovine’s right. “Okay, lads, let’s go. For God, King n Country,” said the stallion, before he turned, and began to run towards the boxes, followed quickly by Sergeant Major Bovine, Queen Justice and several of the Commandos.

As the rest of the Commandos moved out, Jones and Oliver got into position behind the wall to provide covering fire for the rest with their Bren guns, with the squirrel sitting upon one knee, and the lion standing up. As the two got ready to pull the trigger on their weapons, the red squirrel saw Sergeant Major Bovine standing just a short distance before them, acting as if he was a local traffic bobbie, as he pointed the rest of the men towards the boxes.

“Now look at tat, Jonesy, ol bully boy is now actin’ as if ‘e was some sort of traffic bobbie,” said the red squirrel to the lion, before he started to chuckle.

The lion looked at the bull, then just grunted, before saying to his friend, “Well, ‘e was one before ta war, Ollie. Now let just get on with our job, shall we?”

“Right, right. Still, ah find it funny,” replied the red squirrel, as he proceeded to squeeze the trigger on his weapon, to give his comrades some soon to be needed covering fire.

Meanwhile, inside the warehouse, one of the paratroopers, a blonde-haired, brown-furred ferret was scanning the area in front of the warehouse with a pair of binoculars. The male mustelid, whose helmet was placed just beneath the window of the warehouse where he and his comrades were hold up, gasped loudly as he saw what was now appearing before his eyes down below: a Clydesdale stallion, clad in the uniform of a British Commando and armed with a pistol, running towards the big boxes that were just a short distance in front of the warehouse, followed closely by a tall female tigress who was dressed in an all white costume and wielding a sword, and then several more Commandos, all armed with Sten guns, while another Commando, a very large bull, with the ranking of a Company Sergeant Major upon his sleeves, was pointing even more soldiers towards the boxes. The young male paratrooper put down the binocular, turned his head and shouted, "Iron Cross, Iron Cross!! Commandos!!" Almost as soon as he had said that, the ferret was hit in the back of the head by a bullet that was just fired by one of the Bren gunners, killing him instantly, as several more began to hit against the outer wall of the warehouse, alerting his comrades, as well as Iron Cross, the Black Knight and ‘Winston Churchill’ that the British Military had indeed found them and were attempting a rescue of the ‘Prime Minister’.

As the fake ‘Prime Minister’ smiled, while the ferret’s dead form finally hit the floor near his shocked comrades, the male wolf in the light grey uniform with the black Iron Cross on his shirt, yelled to the paratroopers, "What are you waiting for, shoot, shoot!!!"

"Yes, sir, Iron Cross," said one of the paratroopers, a black-haired, dark brown-furred dachshund, with two pips upon the two shoulder boards on his uniform, signifying that he was an Oberleutnant, snapping to attention before he looked over at the rest of the ‘troopers, and said to them in a commanding voice, "You heard the Iron Cross, fire at the Commandos!!!" just as a few bullets could be heard bouncing off of the building’s outer wall.

The paratroopers, after getting over their initial shock, began to do as ordered by both Iron Cross and the Oberleutnant, who was now running towards one of the windows, where two of the ‘troopers were already placed. Using whatever cover they could find, the paratroopers quickly began to fire through all of the building’s broken windows towards the Commandos and Queen Justice, while also trying to avoid being hit by the two Bren gunners’ returning bullets, which were either hitting against the brick wall or through the windows. One of the gunner s’ bullets soon hit another paratrooper, this one a black-haired, brown-furred red deer, wounding him in his upper right arm, with the bullet going right through the stag’s arm. As the ‘trooper yelled in obvious pain, another ‘trooper, this one a redheaded, brown-furred sea otter, who had upon both his arms the white arm bands with the red cross in the middle which said that he was a medic, that, in turn, were on top of a pair of triangular patches with one white chevrons which said that he was a Gefreiter, was starting to open up his first aid kit so that he could stop the bleeding on the stag’s arm.

As all this was going on, Iron Cross had just moved up to one of the warehouse’s unoccupied windows. Keeping his head down as much as he could, so that he would not become a target for the two Bren gunners, who had just killed another ‘trooper, this one a blonde-haired, grey-furred wolf, used his binocular to see how many Commandos that he and his men were facing. As he scanned the area, seeing several bullets hitting the ground around the running forms below, he was shocked to see running with the Commandos one of his nemeses, Queen Justice. He also noticed that while the ‘troopers were firing upon the running Commandos and the buxom tigress, actually hitting at least two of the soldiers, who were presently being seen to by a brown-furred rat who also wore a pair of white arm bands with red crosses around his arms, he could not see any bullets coming from the direction of the warehouse’s roof, nor hear the sounds of any rifle shots from up there. The wolf growled inside his dark mask, before he moved away from the window, just as a bullet whistled into the room, just barely missing him. Iron Cross, then stood up and looked right at the Black Knight, before saying to the dark armor and silver chain mail-wearing male equine. “Are du sure dat ihr men are loyal to du, Herr Black Knight?”

The stallion looked back at the wolf, feeling insulted by the tall canine’s accusation. “Yes, my men are very loyal to me, Herr Iron Cross. I would bet my life on it.”

The wolf snarled lightly, before saying, “De du haff better pray dat ich vill be in un very gut mood by der time dis rescue attempt ist stopped by der men vho are mit me, as ich do ne hear der sound of any bullets beink fired from der roof.”

The helm-wearing equine stood there in front of the angry looking lupine, with a dumbfounded look on his face, although the wolf couldn’t see it through his helmet. “That is not possible,” he said, as he pressed the button on his belt, before saying into it, “Archie, this is the Black Knight, come in Archie. Are you firing on the Commandos? I repeat, are you and the others firing on the Commandos, over?”

As the Black Knight waited for a reply from Archie, not knowing that he and his comrades have just moments earlier been captured, while an angry Iron Cross looked on, the still smiling old bulldog looked on as well, while he was shaking his tied-up paws, until he felt a nail file come out of the left sleeve of his shirt. He then started to use it to cut the ropes. .oO(I guess that means that the Black Knight’s little sniper nest is now kaput? I hope that it also means that the others will be here soon. I doubt that these two will forget about me for too much longer.) As ‘Winston’ continued trying to cut the ropes with the very sharp nail file in ‘his’ paws, ‘he’ heard a loud scream behind ‘him’, telling ‘him’ that at least another ‘trooper has been hit by a bullet.

Meantime, back on the ground, the stallion had just about reached the boxes, as he heard some bullets ping around his feet. .oO(Lucky for me tat ah be a member of tae track team back at tae University of Edinburgh in me younger days,) thought Major McStallion, before he jumped forward, then performed a gymnast roll, as he finally hid himself behind the boxes. After turning around and sitting down, the Commando leader turned his head, just in time to see Queen Justice use her silvery sword to deflect a bullet away from her chest, before she performed a forward jump of her own, with the sword hitting the ground first, and then did her own gymnast roll until she was lying on her back next to the stallion.

The white-costumed American mystery heroine, as she was breathing hard, said to the stallion, “Well, that was fun, huff. Hopefully, huff, there won’t be need, puff, for a repeat performance.” She then took the stallion’s proffered hoof, before letting him pull up the upper part of her body. The tigress femme, after she had positioned herself behind the boxes, then looked towards the warehouse, just as she and the stallion heard a few bullets bounce into one of the boxes that they were now hiding behind, just as they were joined by two more Commandos, a redheaded goat, and a light grey-haired white-tail deer stag, both privates, who quickly took up positions behind the boxes and started firing towards the warehouse. She then looked at the stallion, who she saw was also looking at the warehouse, via his binoculars, which he had only moments earlier taken out of their case which he has placed against his right waist. “I would gather a guess that we have gotten their attention, Major?” she asked, as she began to put her sword back into its scabbard.

The black-maned, light brown-furred Clydesdale stallion nodded his head as he continued to look through his binoculars, as two more privates, a blonde mouse and a light-brown-haired calico cat reached the cover of the boxes, and soon joined the goat and the stag at firing their Sten guns towards the second floor windows of the warehouse. “Aye, lassie, ah wodda say tat we ‘ave certainly gotten Jerry’s full attention,” he answered Queen Justice, as he scanned the windows, soon seeing a German paratrooper, a black angus bull, go down, after he had been hit in the head by a bullet, right between the eyes. “Hopefully, yer friends will soon be in position…” he began, before he and the others heard a scream to their right. The stallion put down his binocular and looked to his right, as did the black-striped tigress, whereupon they saw lying on the ground, a short distance from the boxes, two more Commandos, a brunette-haired Shire stallion, with the two-bar chevrons on his shoulders, signifying that he was a Corporal, and a light gray-haired king charles spaniel. The smaller canine, who was behind the stallion, as blood was flowing out of the big equine’s guts, was yelling at the top of his voice, “Medic, medic!!” as bullets pinged around the two. Sadly, the medic, the earlier mentioned rat, was at the moment dragging back towards the other warehouse one of the two Commandos, a redheaded weasel, whom he had patched up earlier, after he had wrapped a now soaked dressing around the weasel’s abs, while being covered by the two Bren gunners, followed by the other Commando that he had patched up, a light brown-haired red squirrel, whose right arm was in a sling. As Major McStallion saw two more Commandos run past the pair, he yelled at the canine, “Private Johnson, wat be ye doin’, lad?? Get over here, now. Tat’s be an order, Private!!”

The male dog looked at his commanding officer and said, “Sir, I need some ‘elp wit Corporal Morgan. ‘e’s ‘urt pretty bad, sir,” as more bullets pinged around the pair, while the pair that had earlier ran past the canine and the wounded stallion, a blonde red fox and a graying brunette-haired dorset down ram, finally reached the safety of the boxes, before starting to join the other four Commandos presently firing towards the warehouse.

“Be tat as it may, private, let tae medic take care of ‘im. Ye be needed ‘ere, lad, now. N tat’s be an order.”

At that moment, as another Commando, a brunette-haired lion ran past Private Johnson and the wounded stallion, Queen Justice, as she looked at the situation, started to take off her scabbard. “Major McStallion…”

The Clydesdale looked over at the tigress, seeing her removing her scabbard, as the lion finally reached the boxes as a bullet just missed hitting his trailing right boot. “Aye, lass?”

“Tell your men to give me as much covering fire as they can. I’m going to go and help Private Johnson bring in Corporal Morgan,” said the tigress. She then gave the Commando leader a determined look that instantly told him that she was not going to hear any arguments about it, as she threw him her scabbard to hold for her.

The stallion, as he caught the tigress’ scabbard, sighed, before he looked at the men who were presently firing at the warehouse. “Anderson, King, Henderson, give tae lass some coverin’ fire, lads.”

“Yes, sir,” said the stag, the goat and the ram in unison, before the trio started to fire to their right to give the big American mystery woman some covering fire, while the lion joined the other three Commandos and proceeded to fire towards the windows on the left side of the warehouse. At this point, the stallion turned back around, raised his pistol, and began to join the trio who were firing to the right, to try and suppress the fire of the paratroopers on that side of the warehouse.

At this point, Queen Justice, after waiting a few seconds, took off, headed towards the canine and the wounded stallion, soon running past another Commando, this one a redheaded ermine, who was running towards the boxes. As the ermine continued on, after first hitting the ground as a bullet just flew past his head, the buxom tigress kept running, as bullets hit the ground just seconds behind her boots, as she finally reached the wounded stallion and the canine, who, at the moment, was treating the stallion’s wound the best he could with the materials from the stallion’s own first aid kit. She looked at the canine, and said, “Come on, Private, you’re going to help me get the corporal over to the boxes, yes?”

The spaniel, after he had finished wrapping up the stallion’s wounds, looked at the American female super, as a few more bullets either flew past the pair, or hit the ground in front of them with some loud pings “Yes, ma’am,” said the light grey-haired canine, as he went to grab the stallion’s lower legs, before releasing a light gasp as he felt something hot hit his upper right arm. He looked at his arm and saw that some blood was now exiting it, as he had obviously been hit by a bullet from one of the paratroopers’ MP-43 pistols. He gritted his teeth, from the pain that he was now feeling, as he reached for his first aid kit to retrieve a gauge pad to stop the light bleeding, which he quickly placed upon his arm after finding it, before covering up the wound with a bandage, while the redheaded ermine, after he had reached the boxes, had joined the quartet (fox, lion, mouse and calico cat) who were firing at the windows on the left side of the warehouse.

As she heard a bullet go past her right ear, Queen Justice said to the now wounded canine, “Think you can still help me with your friend, private?”

Private Johnson, after he had finished placing the bandage around his right arm, looked at Queen Justice, before saying to her, “I think I can, mum.” But as he was about to positioned himself to make a second attempt to pick up the wounded stallion’s legs, while Queen Justice got ready to pick up Corporal Morgan’s shoulders to pull the stallion up, the pair heard a voice behind them say:

“Get yourself over to the boxes and under cover, lad. I’ll help the young lady with Corporal Morgan.”

Both Private Johnson and Queen Justice looked to their right, as another bullet flew past them, whereupon they saw standing behind the young spaniel Company Sergeant Major Bovine. The canine quickly asked the bull. “Are ye sure, sir?”

“Yes, I am quite sure, lad. Now get moving. Unless ye plan on joining the corporal in a hospital bed.”

“Aye, Sergeant Major,” said the private, before he picked up first his Sten gun, then the wounded stallion’s, before he headed off towards the boxes and temporary safety.

As the canine ran off, Queen Justice looked at the bull, who had, in the meantime, positioned himself in front of the wounded stallion’s legs. As she saw him start to get a grip upon Corporal Morgan’s lower legs, the tigress quickly placed her strong arms between the wounded stallion’s arms, before starting to wrap them around his waist, just as a few more bullets buzzed past the trio. The striped feline then looked at the dark brown-furred bovine and asked him, “Are you ready to move, Sergeant Major?” as she got a firm grip around the stallion’s waist, just above the blood-stained bandages.

The big bull looked at Queen Justice. He nodded his head, while saying, “I’d been ready for a while now, lass. Let’s get a move on before one of them Jerries get lucky, aye?” As he spoke, he got a firm grip on the wounded equine’s legs, just as two more Commandos ran past them, a redheaded border collie and a blonde bear, with the latter wearing upon his shoulders the three point down chevrons of a Sergeant, while a third one, a brunette-haired Shire, stopped to the trio’s right, before getting onto one knee. The stallion started firing at the warehouse, while saying, “Get goin’, you two. Ah’ll give ya three some coverin’ fire.”

As the king charles spaniel finally reached the relative safety of the boxes, quickly followed by the border collie, Queen Justice and the bull proceeded to lift up the stallion, soon hearing the wounded Corporal give off a light moan in reaction to the movement. With the other Shire stallion giving them covering fire, the pair began to carry Corporal Morgan towards the boxes. Meantime, the bear, as he nearly reached the boxes, hit the ground hard as he felt a bullet hit the lower part of his trailing right leg, right below the knee, dropping his Sten gun in the process. As he grunted from the pain that he was now feeling in his leg, he started to drag himself towards the boxes, as he heard a few more bullets ping around him. As he got near the boxes, the border collie, who just moments earlier has joined the ram, the goat, the stag and their commanding officer in trying to suppress the ‘troopers firing from the windows on the right side of the warehouse, grabbed the bear’s paws and proceeded to drag him behind the boxes. Once that had been accomplished, the redheaded canine rejoined the others on the firing line, while the bear started to open up his first aid kit to dress his wound.

As the bear was dragging himself to the boxes, Queen Justice and Company Sergeant Major Bovine had been running towards the boxes with the wounded Shire, while the second Shire, who was following the trio, continued to give the group some covering fire.

As they got closer to the boxes, the tigress asked the stallion, “How are you feeling, son?”

“Ah could say ah ‘ave ‘ad better days, mum, but ah be lyin’,” replied the wounded stallion, before he released a light moan in response to a jostle caused by Queen Justice as she continued to move him towards the boxes, along with the brown-furred bovine.

“Just ‘ang in tere, big brother, we’re almost tere,” said the second stallion to the first, before he stopped, raised up his Sten gun and fired three quick bullets in succession towards one of the warehouse windows, in the process killing a timber wolf who have had his weapon sited at Queen Justice’s head. He then went back to following the others.

The tigress chuckled lightly, just as she had reached the boxes, shortly followed by the wounded stallion and then Company Sergeant Major Bovine. As the second stallion began to reach the boxes, Queen Justice led the bovine towards a clear area, that was generally safe from the bullets that were flying around the boxes that the Commandos were hiding behind for cover, before the pair stopped and then set down the wounded stallion.

The brown-furred bull looked at the American mystery woman and said, “I’ll keep an eye on Corporal Morgan until one of the medics is able to reach us, ma’am.”

Queen Justice nodded, and then started to run back towards the firing line, keeping her head down as she did so. “Thanks, by the way, Sergeant Major,” she said to the bovine.

“No problem, ma’am, just doin’ me job,” said Company Sergeant Major Bovine, before he lowered his own head, after hearing a bullet hit the ground behind both him and the wounded stallion.

As she ran towards the other Commandos, the buxom tigress saw the Commandos’ leader talking with the recently wounded bear, while the stallion who had helped her get his older brother to the safety of the boxes had taken the black-maned Clydesdale stallion’s place at the firing line, as he and the other soldiers continued to fire their Sten guns at the windows of the warehouse, when they weren’t busy reloading their weapons. As she got closer, she could hear the stallion say to the ursine:

“…Aye want ye ta tell Lieutenant Peterson n tae platoon leaders, wen tey finally get ‘ere, ta meet me over tere so tat we can decide upon our next course of action, Sgt. Pooh.” He then pointed towards a box that was just a short distance from their present location. “Tat’s be were ah’m going ta be settin’ up me command post, Sgt. Also, be tellin’ Private Emerson, wen ‘e finally gets ‘ere wit tae radio, tat ah want ‘im ta brin’ it ta tae command post so tat ah can inform headquarters tat tae decoy attack be on.”

“Yes, sir, Major,” the blond ursine said, before saluting the stallion, who returned the salute, before the pair both hit the ground after hearing a bullet ping to their right rear. “Hmm, sounds like Jerry be gettin’ a bit closer ta us, sir.”

“So it does, Sgt. So it does,” replied Major McStallion, just as he saw Queen Justice begin to arrive. “Welcome, back, lass. Enjoy ye recent run?” he quipped, as he picked up her scabbard.

Queen Justice dropped onto the ground as soon as she had reached the stallion and the ursine. As she caught her scabbard, after Major McStallion had thrown it back to her, responded, “As a matter of fact, I did at that, Major. Interesting to discover how fast you can move when being followed by a few bullets.” She then sat on her butt, before she began to put her gold scabbard, and the silver sword inside it, back onto her muscular back.

The stallion nodded before he looked back at the warehouse. As he saw a few flashes leave the broken windows on the second floor, just above the door leading into the building, he said, “As aye be tryin’ to ask ye earlier, lass, before we were interrupted, ah ‘ope dat ye friends now be in position to hit Jerry from tae rear.” As he said that, the calico cat yelled loudly in pain as he got hit in his left shoulder, just above his chest, by a bullet, which made the feline fall onto the ground backward, which caught the attention of both the tigress and the stallion. As the pair and the blonde bear watched the red fox, who was to the left of the feline, yelled for a medic, while trying to help the now wounded cat, Queen Justice said to the male equine:

“I certainly hope so, Major.”

As the stallion nodded his head in agreement, back inside the warehouse, Battlestar had finally reached the landing of the back stairs that led to the warehouse’s second floor, quickly followed by Britannia, Sekhmet and Pirate Queen. The four mystery women had just spent the last half hour cleaning out the above floor of the few paratroopers that had been left there by Iron Cross, all the while praying that none of them had been able to alert the Nazi super wolf via the walkie-talkie that one of them had been found carrying on his person. The buxom blonde American super mare slowly approached the door on the other side of the stairs, and then looked into the window that was placed in its center. As she did, Battlestar quickly noticed that there was no one either on the other side of the door, or in the nearby corridor. The buxom mare then moved away from the window, quickly turned her head around, looked at the others, and in a low voice, said to them, “I don’t see any Krauts, guys. I guess that ‘trooper wasn’t able to give out a warning. By the way, PQ, nice throw back there with that broken table leg. Hit that rat right in the back of the head.”

The grey-furred lapin smiled. “Thanks for the compliment, Battlestar. You didn’t do too badly yourself with that snow leopard. I guess he’ll learn next time to keep a better eye on your strong legs.”

“If for no other reason than to watch out for a swift kick to the head with it, eh wot?” added Britannia, before the three started to snicker, while an impatient Sekhmet lightly growled.

“Shouldn’t we four be rescuing our disguised friend from Iron Cross, the Black Knight, and their friends, before they finally realize that we have been pulling the, what is that phrase again, oh yes, the wool over their eyes?” asked the large cat, as she watched her allies continue to giggle. “And what’s so funny now, ladies?”

“Oh nothing much, snicker, other than seein’ how Bo Peep would react to your wool over the eyes comment, Sekhmet, luv. You ready do need to practice some patient, dearie,” said Britannia, which caused Sekhmet to grumble some more, while Battlestar, after she had finally stopped laughing, began to open the door, slowly pushing it in. As soon as she had finished pushing in the door, Battlestar and the others immediately heard the sound of gunshots, which were coming from the far end of the corridor, to their left.

“Come on, guys, I think that the people who we are looking for are this way,” the buxom blonde American mystery mare said to the others, before she started to run down the corridor, quickly followed by the others.

As the four femmes ran down the corridor, they could hear the gunfire getting louder the closer they got to the end of the corridor. Finally, Battlestar stopped in front of an opened door, followed quickly by Sekhmet, Britannia and Pirate Queen. The brunette-furred American super looked at the others and placed a finger in front of her lips, asking them to be quiet, before she placed a hoof into one of the pouches of Britannia’s utility belt. The blonde mare soon pulled out of it what she had been looking for, the canine’s compact with a mirror inside it. She opened the case, and after positioning the mirror, moved her sexy form closer to the door, before she moved the compact to use its mirror to see into the room. Battlestar, as she carefully maneuvered the compact, as Britannia closed up the pouch, soon saw the following inside the room: several ‘trooper bodies that were placed against a wall, with some wounded and being attended to, while a few more were dead; a few ‘troopers firing out of the windows at the other side of the room; Iron Cross and the Black Knight being near the center of the room, with the later talking into a device on his belt, with the two males, especially the stallion, both appearing to be getting angrier by the second; and, lastly, seated in a wooden chair a short distance from the two villains, ‘Winston Churchill’, whom she could see was using a nail file to cut off the ropes around ‘his’ tied-up paws. After she has pulled back the compact, the blonde mare looked at her companions and immediately began to sign to them what she has just seen inside the room, including telling them where the ‘Churchill’ impostor was presently located, and what he, or rather, she was doing. Once Battlestar has finished signing, she heard Sekhmet mentally ask her:

*Should I inform our friend that we’re here, Battlestar?*

*Yes, please do,* mentally replied the blonde American mystery woman.

The tall lioness nodded her head, and then went into a trance, as she proceeded to contact ‘Winston Churchill’ as Britannia and Pirate Queen looked on, while Battlestar lifted up the compact to take another look inside the room.

Back in the room, ‘Winston Churchill’ was continuing to cut through the ropes that were holding ‘his’ paws together as ‘he’ watched Iron Cross and the Black Knight argue with each other after the black armored stallion had been unable to get in touch with his men on the roof. .oO(Hee hee hee, just keep forgetting about me, you two…) the ‘bulldog’ thought, when ‘he’ started to hear a voice inside ‘his’ head. *Huh, ist dat you, Sekhmet?*

*Yes, it is, Riding Hood. Are you alright, my child?* asked the war goddess, as she spoke inside the head of the disguised blonde she-wolf.

*For the moment ich am fine, Sekhmet. But it vould appear dat my two charming hosts are getting a bit agitated over something that seems to have involved the removal of a sniper’s nest that was originally placed on the roof of this warehouse. Ich’m guessing that you and the others might have had something to do with that, ja?* asked Riding Hood, as she continued to cut through her bonds with the nail file.

*Yes, we most certainly are the cause for the removal of that traitorous stallion’s nest of armed vipers, my friend. Anyhow, we are here to rescue you. Battlestar, Britannia, Pirate Queen and I are all just outside the door leading into the room that you are in. Just say the word, and I’ll use my magic to bring you to us.*

Riding Hood, who was a member of the German underground and a thorn in the side of the Nazi regime, had a few days earlier come to England and had disguised herself as the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, after the Allies have learned, via MI5’s Double-Cross system, the German plans to kidnap him and bring him to Germany to use him as a hostage to stop the impending Western Allies’ invasion of Europe, was going to tell the war goddess to use her magic to transport her out of the room, and leave a dummy in her place, when a better idea came to her. As she smiled, she thought back to Sekhmet, *Okay, but a rather wicked idea has just come to me, my friend. Vat do you think of this?* the disguised she-wolf thought to the big lioness, before she began to tell Sekhmet her idea.

The Ancient Egyptian goddess listened to the German-born she-wolf’s idea, before she looked at Battlestar. She then sent to the blonde super mare, *It would seem that our female lupine friend in the other room has an idea that she thinks will confuse the Germans inside the other room long enough for the rest of you to get in there during the confusion.*

Battlestar, as she watched, via the mirror of Britannia’s compact, Iron Cross and the Black Knight continue to argue with each other, sent back to Sekhmet, *And what, exactly is her idea, Sekhmet? And I think we should let Britannia and Pirate Queen know about her idea as well.*

*But, of course, my lady,* she mentally replied to the blonde American mystery woman, before she performed a mental link with both the British golden retriever and the American lapin. She then told the three about Riding Hood’s idea, which caused the three mystery women to each raise an eyebrow.

*So, that’s her idea, Sekhmet?* queried Britannia.

*Yes, it is,* said the golden armored-clad lioness, in a non-chalant tone.

*Question is, will you be able to do it, Sekhmet?* queried Pirate Queen.

*Yes, I can do it, although I may be a little disoriented at first,* Sekhmet answered.

*Well, it does sound like it’ll put the paratroopers off-balanced for a while before we enter the room, but will it do the same to the Black Knight and Iron Cross. After all, those two blokes won’t be as easy to fool,* commented Britannia.

*Well, she has so far been able to fool those two with her disguise. Although, how she’s been able to do it, I still don’t know,* countered the lapin.

*You do have a point there, luv,* the golden retriever femme replied, before she looked over at Battlestar. *So, what should we do now?* Britannia asked the powerful mare.

The brown-furred mare had been thinking over the she-wolf’s idea for the last few minutes before she finally came to a decision. Looking at the golden armored-clad lioness, she sent, *Do it!*

The tawny-furred Egyptian war goddess nodded her head and closed her eyes. She then began to concentrate. As the others look on, Sekhmet slowly began to fade out, until the lioness was gone. But, before they could move, another figure started to appear before them until they saw standing among them ‘Winston Churchill’ or rather the disguised Riding Hood. As they watched the disguised she-wolf place her slightly disoriented form against the wall, Battlestar and Britannia both grabbed her to help keep her steady.

“Are you alright, RH?” queried Battlestar.

The female lupine shook her head for a few seconds before she looked over at the blonde mare. Smiling, she said to Battlestar, “Ich’m fine, mein freund. Although in der future ich might think twice about traveling in dat manner again. Sekhmet vas not kiddink when she said that it can be somewhat disorienting.”

Britannia lightly chuckled. “It is at that. I’m still getting use to it myself,” said the golden brown-furred golden retriever as she released the ‘canine’, quickly followed by Battlestar. “So, ready to beat up on a few Nazis, duckie?”

‘Winston Churchill’ looked at the black-haired canine. ‘He’ then smiled, before ‘he’ placed a paw upon the left side of ‘his’ face, which then proceeded to peel back the mask that she had been wearing atop her face, soon revealing her pretty lupine face that had been hidden underneath it for the last few days. “More den you know. Anyway, do any of you have my working clothes?”

The golden retriever femme smiled, before she started to remove her shield from her strong back. She then turned it around, revealing to the others that strapped upon the inside of her shield was Riding Hood’s costume and equipment. “Right ‘ere, luv. Now go on and change your clothes, dearie. The sooner that ye can get dressed, the sooner that we can help Sekhmet round up them bounders, eh wot?”

Riding Hood smiled, before she retrieved her costume and equipment from the interior of Britannia’s ion shield. She then said to the others, in a low voice, “Be back in a bit,” before she headed for a room on the other side of the corridor, so that she could get dressed.

As she watched Riding Hood enter the room, Pirate Queen queried, “How long do you think it’ll be before Iron Cross and the Black Knight notice that Mr. Churchill might have gain a bit in stature while they were busy arguing with each other?”

“Hopefully, just a few moments longer,” said Battlestar, as the door to the room that the blonde she-wolf had just entered, closed. The brown-furred mare then went back to the door that the trio had been standing behind, once again using the mirror of the golden retriever femme’s compact to see what was going on inside the room.

Moments earlier, Sekhmet, after having taken Riding Hood’s place in the chair, had used her Kemetian magic to make herself look like Winston Churchill, although, because of her taller size, she would appear to be a little bit taller than the real British Prime Minister if anyone took a good look at her, began to scan the room. As she did, she soon saw what the American mystery woman had told her and the others would be inside the room just a few minutes earlier, although she soon noticed that another wounded ‘trooper, a brunette-haired grey squirrel, was now being attended to for a wounded right arm. Sekhmet, as she looked at the ‘trooper, thought, .oO(That arm is shattered right at the elbow. He won’t be able to use it again, even if I could use my magic to fix it,) before she continued to search the room. The disguised lioness then stopped, before releasing a low growl, as she now saw in front of her eyes both Iron Cross and the Black Knight, noticing that the pair was still arguing among themselves. .oO(Soon, I’ll get a chance to kick both of your sorry asses,) she mused, while she pondered what the two villains were arguing about.

As the disguised Sekhmet looked at the pair, Iron Cross released a loud growl as he, in turn, continued to look at the presently befuddled Black Knight. He then said to his partner, in a sarcastic tone, “So, mein herr, your loyal men are goink to help make things hot for the Commandos iff they ever find us und decide to attempt un attack to rescue their Prime Minister? Vell, do you care to explain to me vhy mein men are beink either killed ou vounded, vhile your men appear to be doink nothink, hmmm?” He then approached the black armored and silver chailmail-wearing stallion until he stood face to face with him. Then with a snarl, he added, “Vell?!? Ich’m vaitink for un answer, mein freund!!”

The black armored stallion looked back at the light grey-uniformed grey wolf, as he contemplated what to say to the not very happy sounding German. After thinking it over in his head, the Black Knight finally said, “I have no idea what my lads are doing on the roof, my dear Iron Cross, but I intend to personally get to the bottom of it, by going up to the roof to find out what is going on.”

Iron Cross looked at the stallion for a while, before saying to him, “Ne that ich don’t trust you, mein herr, but ich’m going to have one of my ‘troopers go with you to make sure that you do not use this opportunity to, shall we say, fly the coop.” After releasing another growl, the lupine turned around to look at his men, at least those who were still firing at the Commandos. "Oberleutenant Baecker?!?" he yelled to the dachshund who had earlier ordered the rest of the ‘troopers to start firing upon the attacking Commandos.

The raven-haired canine, who was presently firing a few bullets from his Walther P38 pistol, heard Iron Cross yell out his name. After moving away from the window, he looked back at the lupine and, as he saluted the wolf, said, "Yes, Herr Iron Cross?"

The male super wolf looked at the Oberleutenant, and after saluting him back, said to him in German, "I want you to accompany Herr Black Knight to the roof, to find out what have happened to our promised sniper support. Is that understood, Oberleutenant Baecker?"

The dachshund came to attention while clicking his heels together before saying, "Understood, Herr Iron Cross!!" After saluting the lupine again, which Iron Cross quickly returned, the dark brown-furred canine placed his weapon back into its holster on his pistol belt, before he walked over to the dark armor-wearing stallion. After stopping before him, he looked at the British-born male equine, with a slight look of contempt on his face. The dark-haired canine then barked, “After du, mein herr.”

The Black Knight, who returned the canine’s look of contempt with a contemptuous look of his own, simply snorted, before turning around, and headed for the door, followed closely by the dachshund.

Seeing all this, the disguised Sekhmet proceeded to send a mental alert to Battlestar and the others to be prepared for some sudden company, before she looked at Iron Cross. With a slight smirk on ‘his’ face, she said to the presently angry lupine, “Things not going as originally planned, Herr Iron Cross? It would appear that you are losing men by the second.” As if to prove ‘his’ point, another ‘trooper, a light grey-furred field mouse fell backwards, after his throat had been hit by a bullet from one of the Bren gunners. As two other troopers moved his dead form out of the way, the disguised war goddess added, with a bit of sarcasm in her voice, “Hmm, it would appear that it might actually be even less than that.”

The lupine snarled before he turned his head to look back at the tied-up bulldog. Iron Cross then walked over to ‘Winston Churchill’ and said, “Do not get me angry, Herr Prime Minister!! Mein orders are to bring you back to Germany, alive, und ich intend to carry out those orders, no matter how much…” when the pair heard:

“What the…” from the Black Knight, followed by a loud “Nein!” from the German officer who had accompanied him, before a big black form flew past both Iron Cross and the disguised Sekhmet. The pair, as well as the still breathing soldiers inside the room, then heard a loud thump hit the floor.

The grey wolf quickly turned his head to see what had just flown past him, before he released a loud gasp as he saw that it was the Black Knight, who was now lying on his back, as he shook his helm-covered head. “Wat ist…” he started to say, when he heard a familiar voice behind him loudly snort:

“I cannot tell a lie, Big Bad! The Black Knight had a not very friendly date with my two fists, and I plan to do the same to you shortly!!”

Iron Cross turned his head around, while saying, “Nein, it can’t be.” He then gasped again as he saw a rather large hole within the wall next to the door, with debris strewn upon either side of it. He next saw standing on the other side of the large hole his enemies Battlestar, Britannia and Pirate Queen, with the later presently hitting the dachshund’s chin with a rather strong upper cut, knocking him out.

“Oh yes it can be, duckie. Now then, we would suggest that you, your men and the now down on his ass Black Knight surrender to us, peacefully,” said Britannia, as she held her ion shield against her left arm and shoulder while she aimed her trident in the direction of the presently shocked ‘troopers who were hiding behind the windows to keep from being hit by the Commandos’ bullets. “After all, it would appear that a few of them might be in serious need of medical attention,” the golden brown-furred golden retriever femme added, in reference to the wounded ‘troopers who sat against the undamaged wall that was nearest to the door.

Seeing the trio, the still disguised Sekhmet said, to keep up appearances, “Ah, how nice to see you three lovely young ladies again, especially you Britannia. Would one of you care to release me from my bonds? It has rather been hard having to sit here, all tied up, and with some not too friendly company to converse with.” The disguised goddess tried not to laugh after having made her last comment.

“We’ll free you shortly, ‘Mr. Churchill’, once we’d had put away Iron Cross and his crew,” said Pirate Queen, as she watched Battlestar, with a mean look on her face, start to walk through the hole that she had created earlier when she had punched the dark armor-clad stallion, who was now starting to get back up, through the wall just moments earlier.

Iron Cross snarled, as he looked at the trio, while seeing the buxom blonde mare start to enter the room. Thinking quickly, he moved behind Sekhmet, who he still thought was the British Prime Minister, and wrapped his left arm around the ‘bulldog’s’ neck and said to the mare, “Ne one step closer, ou ich’ll snap the prime minister’s neck in spite of my orders from Berlin.” As he waited for the mare’s response, he began to move his free paw towards the holster on his belt, to retrieve his Luger pistol, while at the same time he said to the ‘troopers, “Do ne stand there, you idiots, cover them.”

Iron Cross’ threat made Battlestar stop in her tracks, as she looked at both him and the disguised Sekhmet, who gave her a quick wink. The blonde mare, along with the raven-haired golden retriever and the blonde lapin, then noticed the once again standing Black Knight starting to pull his broadsword out of its scabbard, while the paratroopers were starting to aim their MP-43 machine pistols at the three mystery women. “Easy, girls, we don’t want to jeopardize the PM’s life, no matter how much we want to make things HOT for this bunch.”

As things were starting to look like it was becoming a Mexican standoff inside the room, three other things were occurring. Outside, the Commandos and Queen Justice, once they had realized that no more bullets were coming out of the warehouse’s windows, they decided to rush the entrance into the warehouse, while inside the warehouse, the disguised Sekhmet has begun to slowly warm up her body so that she would soon be too hot for Iron Cross to hold onto, just as the German-born blonde she-wolf resistance fighter had finally left the room that she had walked into earlier to change, now wearing upon her curvaceous form her Riding Hood outfit: a red hood that was now placed atop her sexy shoulders and back, as it covered her head and face, while hiding from view the half-face red mask that was now placed above her nose; a short-sleeve red dress which stopped above her shapely knees; below-the-knee red boots; and, a light brown World War I German officer’s belt, which had belonged originally to her late father, across her sexy waist, which held several of her specially made smoke bombs. Almost the moment she had left the room, she noticed the koed dachshund ‘trooper lying on the floor. Figuring out what must have happened, the she-wolf turned her head, soon seeing the big hole in the opposite wall. Riding Hood moved up to the wall, put her back against it, and slowly moved along it. As she does, the closer she got to the hole, Riding Hood heard voices coming out of it, until she was finally standing next to the hole. The buxom she-wolf then looked through the hole into the room, whereupon she saw standing before her Battlestar, Britannia, and Pirate Queen, who were looking at Sekhmet, who, disguised as Winston Churchill, was tied up in a chair, and had Iron Cross’s left arm wrapped around her neck, while he was starting to pull out his Luger from its holster. She then saw behind the male wolf, and to his right, the Black Knight, who now stood with his broadsword in his right hoof, and releasing an angry snort, while behind him, the ‘troopers who had their weapons trained on her friends. The sexy lupine placed her back against the wall, as she reached for one of her smoke grenades, soon taking it off of her belt. She then looked back into the room, and looked to where the ‘troopers were, trying to calculate the correct angle she would have to use to drop the grenade directly in the middle of the soldiers to cover them in her special smoke. While doing that, she also hoped for some kind of distraction that would allow her to throw her grenade, as she placed a thumb in the grenade’s pin.

The Black Knight, with his broadsword in his right hoof, after releasing a very loud snort, as he was still pissed from the punch that he had earlier received from Battlestar, said to the three heroines, “I get the feeling that you three ‘crones’ have had something to do with my lads not shooting down at the Commandos from the roof. No matter, because unless you three ‘wenches’ want to see my partner choke the breath out of that pompous windbag, I would suggest that you three drop your weapons and surrender. NOW!”

As the black armored stallion made his demands, the German grey wolf was feeling the arm that he had wrapped around ‘Winston Churchill’s’ neck getting hotter the longer he kept it there, as he started to raise the one that was holding onto his Luger. As he did, he heard the ‘Prime Minister’ ask:

“Tell me, Herr Iron Cross, is the arm that you have wrapped around my neck, by any chance, feeling like it was being burned by a miniature sun?”

He blinked, before he said, “As a matter of fact, it is. How did you…Nein…” as he began to realize that he had been tricked.

“Oh yes, it is,” said Sekhmet, as she made her body get even hotter, while revealing herself to Iron Cross, the shocked Black Knight and the equally surprised ‘troopers.

At that moment, Riding Hood, noticing the distraction being provided by the war goddess revealing herself to their shocked enemies, took the opportunity offered to pull the pin off her grenade, before proceeding to throw it over her allies’ heads, so that it would land in the middle of the still shocked ‘troopers. Upon hitting the ground, the grenade began to release its black smoke around the ‘troopers, quickly covering them in darkness. As that was happening, from behind the hole, Riding Hood quipped, in a kind of other worldly voice, “Ich know dat der London Fog can become rather thick at times, mein herren, but dis ist rather ridiculous, ja?”

As the smoke proceeded to develop around the surprised ‘troopers, Battlestar said to the others, “Britannia, you take care of Black Knight. Pirate Queen, Riding Hood, you two go handle the ‘troopers while they’re off-balanced from the enveloping smoke.” The blonde American mystery mare then looked towards Sekhmet and Iron Cross, soon seeing the tawny-furred war goddess break off her bonds with ease while the grey-furred German wolf yelped, as he could no longer hold onto the lioness’s rather hot neck. “I’ll personally take care of the Big Bad Wolf,” she added with a snort, before she flew towards Iron Cross as he was waving his still warm left arm.

“Right,” said the others, before Britannia charged towards the stallion, while Pirate Queen ran around the golden brown-furred canine’s right to head towards the ‘troopers, as Riding Hood finally entered the room, and began to run towards the wounded ‘troopers and the medics who were taking care of them to her left. As she ran past them, the German she-wolf told them in their native tongue, "I would recommend that you all stay out of this, mein herren, unless you like to get a beating on top of your wounds?" The red-clad lupine then added a loud snarl to tell them that she was not kidding. Meantime, downstairs, the Commandos and Queen Justice finally entered the warehouse, with Major McStallion in the lead. They were soon heading for the stairs, all planning to run up them to reach the second floor, so that they could assist Battlestar and the others.

At the bottom of the stairs, the Clydesdale stallion stopped and looked at his men. “Lieutenant Johnson, aye want ye n Lieutenant Jackson ta take 1st and 2nd Platoons ta secure tae upper floors n tae roof; Lieutenant Stuart, ye n 3rd Platoon, ye are ta follow me n Queen Justice ta tae second floor; Lieutenant Peterson, ah want ye ta stay ‘ere n set up tae command post. Be tat understood, men?”

“Yes, sir,” said the four lieutenants, a reddish brown-furred white-tailed deer stag, a tawny-furred lion, a dark brown-furred Irish Draught horse and a grey-furred european badger, respectively, before the stag and the large feline headed up the stairs followed by the unwounded members of their platoons and the badger walked over to the opposite corner from the stairs to set up the Commandos’ new command post, soon joined by Private Emerson, a light grey-furred wood mouse, who was carrying the radio across his back, and then the rest of Company Headquarters. Major McStallion, after the last of 2nd Platoon had started up the stairs, looked over at Lieutenant Stuart, the rest of 3rd Platoon and Queen Justice. “Let see aboot givin’ yer friends a ‘elpin’ ‘and, lassie,” he said to the sword-wielding tigress.

Queen Justice nodded her head, before saying, with a smile, “Yes, Major. Let’s.”

The stallion nodded his head, before placing his whistle into his mouth and giving it a short blast, and, with his pistol drawn, heads up the steps, followed by the Irish Draught horse stallion and the rest of 3rd Platoon and Queen Justice.

Meanwhile, back in the room, the four mystery femmes were busy fighting. After watching Battlestar fly over her to knock Iron Cross onto the floor, causing him to drop his Luger in the process, Sekhmet got out of the chair, after having used her paws to snap off the ropes that had been tied around her legs. As she allowed the ropes to fall off her body, the tawny-furred lioness swiftly turned her head, whereupon she saw her friend Britannia in combat with the Black Knight, using her ion shield to block his latest attack with his broadsword, before she, in turn, tried to hit his chest with the prongs of her trident, forcing him back as she did.

“Are we having problems trying to put down one buxom ‘wench’, Black Knight? I can not be that hard for you to defeat, ol’ future King of Great Britain?” the golden brown-furred golden retriever said to the stallion in a sarcastic tone, before using her shield to parry another attack by him. She then used her strength to push the black armored-clad stallion back.

The black helm-wearing stallion, after he had stopped his feet from sliding across the warehouse floor, snorted before looking back at the smiling raven-haired canine. He then released an even louder snort, before saying to her in an angry tone, while waving his sword in her direction, “You, and your predecessors have been a major thorn in the side of my family for far too long, Britannia, keeping us from our rightful place upon the English throne. And I am going to end that, today, you floppy ear wench.”

With a snicker, Britannia responded, “Gee, and your predecessors have been saying that to mines for centuries, and yet, here I am, ready to give ye blasted bum the boot, again, you male hay burner. Why not stop making with the threats, Bonnie Prince Charlie II, and actually try to kill me with that big pocketknife of yours?”

As the female canine was verbally sparing with the Black Knight, Sekhmet was busy pulling her double-bladed Minoan axe out of her quiver, as she planned to assist her bitch friend with the obviously very annoyed dark-armored male equine. As she got a very firm grip around the handle of her double-bladed weapon, the war goddess saw the stallion charging at Britannia. With a loud snarl, the Ancient Kemetian lioness charged towards the stallion, moving towards him at an slight angle, preparing to counter his broadsword with her axe.

The stallion released a loud whinny as he ran at Britannia, aiming to cut her down with his broadsword. As he neared the buxom canine, the Black Knight began to swing his sword forward, planning to slice his opponent in half, at her shapely waist. The armored stallion soon heard his sword hit against something. But, it wasn’t the sound of it hitting against soft feminine flesh, or against her harder metallic shield. Instead, the stallion heard the clash of his metallic weapon striking against another metallic weapon. Black Knight then looked ahead and felt his flesh turn blood cold as he saw that his sword had struck against the metal of Sekhmet’s double-bladed axe, with the tawny-furred lioness giving him a stare that told him that she wanted to rip him apart right then and there. As he gulped, while feeling Sekhmet starting to push him away from her friend with her supernatural strength, he heard the lioness say, with a slight growl in her voice:

“Mind if I join you in putting down this black armored miscreant, Britannia?”

The golden retriever femme answered, as she moved to her big friend’s right, “The more the merrier, Sekhmet.” She then looked at the Black Knight. “You are going down, mister!!” before she made a forward thrust at him with her trident.

The stallion released a light whinny before moving back, to avoid being hit in the chest by the prongs of Britannia’s trident, before he quickly used his sword to block an attack by the war goddess. The Black Knight then started to move backwards, as the two British heroines began to press their attacks, going after him one after another to not allow him a chance to think of a counterattack.

While Britannia and Sekhmet were double teaming the Black Knight, inside the black smoke that Riding Hood had earlier created around the still unwounded German ‘troopers with her smoke grenade, she and Pirate Queen were fighting them in hand-to-hand combat, with the she-wolf using her fists, and the buxom lapin her sword, knife/pistol, pistol and fists, as they were both in too closely for the ‘troopers to fire their weapons at the pair without wounding their comrades.

Pirate Queen, after having knocked out with her right fist a ‘trooper, a grey-furred garden dormouse, ducked her head as another one, a black-furred red fox, tried to hit her head with his shovel. “Oh, my, aren’t we a wee bit too far inland to be thinking about dead lapins telling no tales, lad?” she quipped before she moved in to hit his chin with her left paw, using the hilt of her sword to help strengthen the blow as she did so. She quickly followed that up with a punch to his stomach, which soon sent the vulpine flying towards another ‘trooper, soon knocking them both down.

As the lapin went after another ‘trooper, Riding Hood grabbed the heads of two troopers, a brownish red-furred red fox and a brown-furred roe deer and slammed them against each other, knocking them both out. "Good night, boys," she said to them in their native tongue, when she heard something behind her. She then ducked down, just as a dark brown-furred bear tried to hit her from behind with his machine pistol.

"I am going to kill you, witch," said the ‘trooper, as Riding Hood got on all four.

"I’m sorry, what was that again, big boy?" the blonde she-wolf queried, before she lifted up her strong legs and proceeded to hit his stomach with a hard modified reversed heel kick, which soon sent the ursine flying into the wall behind him, knocking him out cold. She turned around, and upon seeing the bear lying on his back, quipped, "Oh, I guess I’ll have to find out what you were saying to me when you are not asleep," before doing a forward barrel roll which ended up with her hitting another ‘trooper in the stomach with the heel of her feet.

While Britannia and Sekhmet were pressing their combine attacks on the Black Knight and Pirate Queen and Riding Hood were busy knocking out more ‘troopers within the black smoke, in the middle of the room, Battlestar and Iron Cross had been exchanging punches for the last several minutes, with her now hitting him in the chest with a right one, causing him to release a rather loud ooooff, before he countered by hitting her chin with a right upper cut, which caused her to move back a few feet with an equally loud grunt. The buxom blonde mare then looked at the male lupine, before releasing a loud whinny as she charged him, before she started to pound against his arms, which he had just barely pulled up to defend his masked face, hitting them with hard left and right punches, as she tried to break down his defenses. “I would suggest that you surrender now, Iron Cross. You can’t escape. Most of your men are either dead, wounded, or in la la land, and its only a matter of time before both you and the Black Knight will be joining them. Give up now, and the Allies might go easy on you, since you can be considered a combatant, compare to your partner, who has a reward on his head for his crimes against the British crown.”

The lupine grunted each time he felt the American mystery woman’s strong hooves hit against his crossed arms, as he used them to defend his masked face, as he could feel his defenses slowly crumbling with each hard strike. Iron Cross then growled as he heard her ask him to give up. “Never, you Yankee fool,” he said to the blonde mare, before he moved back a little and then sidestepped to his right so that her next punch would miss his arms. This would leave her open for a punch with his left fist to her stomach, which caused her to released an oooffff, before he followed it up with a right hook to her cheek which forced her back. The German grey wolf then tried to press his present advantage.

Battlestar was shaking her head in response to the male lupine’s recent hard punch to her left cheek as she moved backward. As she did, she saw him trying to press his attack on her. Thinking quickly, Battlestar waited until the male wolf was almost on her, before ducking down as he tried to hit her face again, this time with a left hook. As soon as he had missed her, she aimed her right fist at his exposed stomach with a right punch, which she quickly followed up with a few left-right punch combos, which caused Iron Cross to release a few loud ooofffs in pain, as he was slowly forced back. She then proceeded to hit the lupine’s chest with a rather strong left hook, which was soon sending him towards the slowly dissipating black smoke. As she saw him head for the smoke, the American blonde mare started to follow him.

The Teutonic male wolf was falling backwards after having been hit in the stomach by Battlestar’s last punch, not yet realizing that he was headed towards the black smoke that Riding Hood had created earlier. .oO("Damn Ami hay burner,") thought Iron Cross, before he felt the back of his right boot hit against the unconscious form of one of his men, just as his body entered the now dissipating smoke cloud. “Vat ist…?” he began to yell as he tripped over the ‘trooper’s body, as he entered the smoke. Iron Cross’ body then hit the warehouse’s floor, causing him to release a loud grunt as he felt his back hit the floor, hard. “Verdammit!” he loudly growled, just as he heard another body hit the floor right next to him, to his left. He quickly turned his body around, soon seeing the unconscious form of the ‘trooper lying next to him, a black and white-furred holstein bull. He then saw standing to the left of the unconscious bull a pair of red boots that were filled by two sexy looking dark grey legs. Iron Cross then started to look up those legs until he saw the back of both a long flowing red dress and an equally long flowing red cape which was covering a dark grey tail and a light brown officer’s belt that was placed across the shapely waist of a female lupine. He continued looking at her sexy form, as he began to get back up, until he saw the back of the hood of her red cape, just as he watched her perform a judo throw on another of his ‘troopers, a white-furred vienna rabbit, who soon landed before his feet with a loud groan. Iron Cross then saw her turned her head in his direction, soon getting a good look upon her face, soon being dumbstrucked by how beautiful she looked underneath her concealing hood. But he had little time to think about that as he felt his right cheek being hit hard by a rather strong punch, which caused him to fall backwards again.

The American mystery mare, as she pursued Iron Cross, noticed that he was being presently distracted by Riding Hood, at he appear to be looking her over. Battlestar took advantage of the distraction being provided by the she-wolf by closing in on the German grey-clothed lupine, before aiming a rather strong punch to his right cheek, which caused Iron Cross to release a loud ooooffff, before he started to move back. The blonde mare then followed that up with a quick one-two punch combo attack to his face and stomach, which caused the male lupine to move even further back, before she hit Iron Cross with a quick left uppercut to the face which soon had his head spinning, as he stood before her, looking lost. Looking at Iron Cross, and then remembering what had occurred to her best friend, Blue Cross, months earlier, Battlestar lost it. After planting herself, she released a very loud whinny before she lifted up her right leg, intending to hit the presently woozy lupine’s face with a rather strong reverse heel kick.

Iron Cross felt his head spinning, after being hit in the head by the third of three strong punches from Battlestar, to go along with the hit to his stomach. The male lupine tried to shake his head to clear it, but it would be a case of too little, too late, as he would next feel his right muzzle being hit hard by what he would later learn was the American super mare’s strong right heel, which soon hit against his right fang, breaking part of it in the process, while at the same time sending him into the air, as the shocked lupine felt his body start to crash through some wood.

As Battlestar was putting her right foot back onto the warehouse floor, after having completed her kick, up on the roof, Lieutenant Johnson and the men of first platoon, after having only moments earlier arrived there, were busy securing from Police Sergeant Albert Pugnacious’ control Black Knight’s earlier defeated sniper team. As the white-tailed deer watched his men lead the still handcuffed civilians back into the building, through the chimney’s door, he turned his head to look at the light brown-furred Pug.

“Be that all of them, Sergeant?” Lieutenant Johnson asked the Police Sergeant.

Police Sergeant Pugnacious looked at the reddish-brown-furred stag. “Yes, Lt. That’s pretty much all of…” he began, a smile on his face, when he heard something that was coming up from behind them. “Hold the phone? Do you hear something, Lt…”

Before the brunette-haired stag could answer him, the two heard a loud crash from behind them. The two quickly turned around, and soon saw a short distance behind them a freshly made medium-size hole within the warehouse’s roof, with little pieces of loose wood falling through the hole, back into the building. As a few Commandos marveled at the hole, with a few of them actually standing close enough to look inside it, the shocked deer stag announced, “What the devil could’ve made that hole?”

“I don’t know, Lt., but I prefer to know what it was that actually came out of it,” queried the concerned canine police sergeant, as he lifted his white pageboy cap, revealing his brown hair as he did so.

“Rather,” answered the equally concerned reddish brown-furred stag.

Back on the second floor, Major McStallion, Pirate Queen, Lieutenant Stuart and the men of third platoon had just reached the unconscious German Oberleutenant’s body, as it laid in front of the big hole in the wall that had been created several minutes earlier by Battlestar, when they also heard the sound of something crashing through wood.

“Stone the crows! Wat in ta world was tat, Major?” queried the light grey-haired white tail deer, Private Anderson, as he stood behind the orange and white-furred form of Queen Justice, who was at the moment checking over the unconscious form of the raven-haired dachshund.

“Aye donnae know yet, laddie, but ah plan ta be findin’ tat out right now,” said the Clydesdale stallion, as he headed for the hole in the wall, Victory Revolver firmly in hoof. The Commando leader than entered the room to see the following sight: Several ‘troopers, both dead and wounded, lying against the wall nearest to the door, with the wounded being attended to by several German medics, while in front of several of the warehouse’s broken windows he saw several more ‘troopers, who were either lying upon the floor unconscious, groaning in pain or sitting with their hands over their heads, while they were being watched over by Pirate Queen and a female grey wolf, all dressed in red, whom he had never seen before, while standing in front of another window was Black Knight, who was surrounded by Battlestar, Britannia and a growling Sekhmet. As Queen Justice began to enter the room, he looked up to notice the big hole that was in the ceiling, seeing several pieces of wood falling onto the floor underneath it.

Queen Justice looked around, as she noticed the trapped black armored stallion, but saw no sign of Iron Cross. She looked at Pirate Queen and asked her, as she moved out of the way to allow the Irish Draught stallion and his men to enter the room, “Where’s Iron Cross, Pirate Queen?”

The blonde lapin looked at the white clad tigress and said, “Probably halfway to Berlin right now.” She then pointed at Battlestar and said, “She let her emotions get the best of her, and she gave him one heck of a kick.”

“Ouch!!” commented one of the Commandos as they started to secure the wounded ‘troopers, who comrades have earlier decided to give up after seeing what Battlestar’s kick had done to their leader.

“I see,” answered Queen Justice in a neutral tone, before she started to walk in the direction of her friends, as the other three femmes tried to get closer to the trapped Black Knight, planning to capture him.

Britannia, Battlestar and Sekhmet, all presently staying out of reach of the Black Knight’s broadsword, had the stallion trapped before a broken window. While the blonde American mare and the raven-haired lioness had very determined looks upon their pretty faces, the black-haired golden retriever bitch had a smirk upon hers. “Well, well, tis would seem that we have the future king of the Britons trapped, eh ladies? Now, what piece of the bard would fit this present turn of events? Oh, yes, I know the one. And, with very major apologies to Battlestar, ‘A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a Horse!’” She then smiles as she heard an angry neigh exit the dark armored stallion’s equally dark helm.

“Apology accepted,” said the mare, as she turned her head, catching sight of Queen Justice, who was now racing to join them, her silvery sword in one of her paws. “Especially since it would appear that we’re being reinforced, as Queen Justice is coming to join us.” She then looked back at the stallion. “Give it up, Black Knight, it will soon be four against one. I doubt that you’ll be able to stop all of us with that pigsticker of yours.”

“Yes, surrender now, villain. After all, the British justice system is eager to give you your day in court, even though I would simply execute you on the spot for your treasonous activities,” added Sekhmet, as the war goddess moved in a little, before using her double-bladed axe to block a slash attempt at her ample chest by Black Knight. This only made the tawny- furred lioness even angrier. “How dare you!!!” she snarled.

The Black Knight moved back after seeing his latest attack be blocked by Sekhmet double-bladed axe. As he looked around the room, he could see that the odds were seriously against him. He saw in front of him, from his immediate left, Sekhmet, Battlestar and his family’s age-old nemesis, Britannia, all wanting to capture him so that he’ll have a date in the future with the hangman’s noose for his crimes against the British state, who were soon to be joined by the American tigress, Queen Justice. He then saw beyond them the buxom blonde lapin Pirate Queen and the red clad she-wolf, whom he had never seen before today, who were busy helping the Commandos with the just captured ‘troopers. The black-helm wearing stallion figured that his men must had been captured by some, if not all, of these mystery women that were now facing him, all eager to send him to the Tower of London. He took a quick look out the window behind him, as he pondered whether he should jump out of it, to make an escape attempt. As he looked, a smile came across his face before he looked back at the four females, as the tigress had joined her friends, standing in between Battlestar and Britannia, her sword directed towards him. The stallion stood up straight, before placing his sword back into its scabbard.

“So, finally deciding to surrender, Blacky?” quipped Britannia, as Sekhmet slowly moved towards him.

“Sadly, me ladies, but I will not be giving myself up today. And now, to paraphrase the bard as well, ‘Parting is not so sweet sorrow, wenches,’” said the Black Knight, before he turned around and ran towards the window.

“Stop him!!!” yelled Battlestar, as Sekhmet tried to grab him, before the foursome watch him jump through the window, knocking away a few pieces of glass as he did so.”

“What the…” said Britannia. “Humph, just like him to take the easy way out,” commented the golden brown-furred female canine, as she stood at ease, while placing the bottom part of her trident on the warehouse’s floor.

Sekhmet, soon joined by Battlestar, looked out the window that the Black Knight had just jumped through. As she heard the blonde American mare release a loud snort, the raven-haired war goddess looked at her raven-haired friend. “I get the distinct feeling, my friend, that my old friend Osiris is not yet ready to accept that dark-armored ruffian into his realm,” the tawny-furred lioness said, as Queen Justice began to look out the window to the right of Sekhmet and Battlestar, soon releasing a snarl of her own as she did not like what she was now seeing before her eyes.

“Huh?” said the British National Heroine, before she walked towards her big feline friend. “What the devil are you talkin….” she began, just as she reached the window that Queen Justice was snarling in front of, as Sekhmet pointed towards the ground before the window that the blonde mare was snorting opposite. “I do not believe this,” she said as she saw on the ground, along with her friends, a very much alive Black Knight, as he was fleeing the scene atop his black charger, who was avoiding the bullets being shot at them by the two Bren gunners. “No wonder he took a chance jumping out that window. That dirty piker obviously knew he wouldn’t be going splat when he made that jump.”

“Obviously,” said the white-dressed tigress, as she put away her sword, as the four femmes saw the black-armored stallion riding away in the distance, in the direction of the nearby suburban town of Greenwich.

“So, what now?” Sekhmet added, as she put her double-bladed Minoan axe back into her quiver, as Battlestar began to move away from the window.

“We help Major McStallion and his men secure the prisoners, while they tell the Allied High Command to put out an alert for Iron Cross, who is still on the loose, along with the Black Knight,” said Battlestar, as she started to walk towards her friend Pirate Queen, who was at the moment helping Riding Hood with one of the earlier wounded ‘troopers, the brown-furred red deer, who had been wounded in his left knee, to go along with his earlier wound in his right arm.

“Right,” said the tigress, as she walked away from the window to follow her friend.

As the two Americans went to help the Commandos with their prisoners, Britannia continued to look out the window. Sekhmet looked at her friend. “A pence for your thoughts, Britannia?”

The golden brown-furred retriever looked at her lioness friend. “We almost had him, ya know. We had the cad trapped, and he still found some way to get away from us,” she said in an angry tone.

Sekhmet shrugged, before saying, “Maybe, but the important thing is that the Nazis’ attempt to kidnap the Prime Minister has been foiled, and the ‘troopers and some of the Black Knight’s men have been captured, and I am quite sure that the later will start to sing once they all realize that they will be facing charges of treason for even contemplating about shooting at the King’s loyal soldiers. That should be comforting, wouldn’t you say?” The lioness, with a light purr, then added, “Besides, there’s always tomorrow to catch that cur.”

Britannia looked at her taller friend. Smiling, she said, “Quite right, luv, quite right. We’ll make you a Brit, yet.” She then turned around and headed towards the Commandos and the other mystery femmes.

The tawny-furred lioness harrumphed upon hearing Britannia’s latter comment. “Not very likely,” she said, as she started to follow her snickering friend. As she does, she thought, .oO(I wonder where the Big Bad Wolf is right now?)

Speaking of Iron Cross, the unconscious German wolf, after having been in the air for a long time, was finally coming down. As he fell from the sky, the cool air around him was causing him to wake up. .oO(Oh, God in Heaven, what hit me?!? Feels like I’d went several rounds with that Yankee lion, Joe Louis, and lost. Badly!!!) he mused, before he released a loud moan as he felt his damaged right fang starting to throb inside his bloody mouth. .oO(Oohh, my…) he started to think, as the grey wolf looked downwards, just in time to see the River Thames coming up to meet him. .oO(Oooohhh, crap…) he thought several moments later, just as he was about to hit the water. "Nnnneee…."

Aachen, Germany, About 1 am, Friday morning, UTC+1

"…eeeeeiiiinnnnnnn," yelled Georg, as he sat up in bed, sweating.

Georg’s yell woke up his wife, Emilie, who was sleeping to the right of her husband. "Georg, wake up, you are having a bad dream," the greying female grey wolf said, as she turned on the light on the nightstand that was next to her. She then turned around, placed a paw upon the male grey wolf’s left shoulder and began to shake him while telling him to wake up.

It would take a while, but Georg finally opened his eyes, before letting loose with a loud scream. This would last for a while. When he finally stopped, Georg looked around. He saw his wife, noticing the concerned look on her face.

"What’s wrong, Georg?" his concerned significant other asked him.

As he huffed and puffed, the old male grey wolf replied, "I was remembering the first time that I’d meet you, my dear."

Hearing this caused her to snicker. "Oh, when I’d distracted you without even trying to, so that Battlestar could go kick your face with her legs."

A sweating Georg nodded his head. "Yes, my dear. I was up to when I’d hit the Thames, hard! God in Heaven, did that water landing hurt!"

Emilie snickered. "Oh yeah, so I’d heard. You were in the hospital for several weeks recovering from your injuries, yes?"

"Yes. And Hitler and his bunch were very angry about it when the Allies landed in Normandy about three months after…oooowwwwwww!!!" he started to howl as he felt his right fang throbbing once again inside his mouth. As he placed his right paw against his face, he heard his wife ask him:

"Right fang bothering you again, my dear?"

Georg nodded as he started to get out of bed. "Yes. One of these days I am going to find myself a dentist who can permanently fix this. But until then," he said, as he got up and headed for the bathroom. "It’s aspirin to deaden the pain. God, that mare has a rather nasty kick."

Emilie chuckled loudly as she heard his last comment, as she saw him exit their room, headed for the bathroom to get himself some aspirin to kill the present tooth pain that he was now feeling. "Yes, she certainly did."

To be continued…

World War II-Era Riding Hood/ Emilie Wolf/gang, Iron Cross/Georg Wolfgang, Major McStallion, Private Jones, Lance-Corporal Oliver, Company Sergeant Major Bovine, Sekhmet, Black Knight’s Minions, Archie, Ralph, Police Sergeant Albert Pugnacious, Modern Germania/Katherina Pferd, Blitz/Georg, Krieg, Philadelphia Police Officer Bergson, Sekhmet II, Philadelphia Police Lieutenant Phyllis Afgan, Oberleutenant Baecker, Private Henderson, Private King, Private Anderson, Private Johnson, Corporal Morgan, Private Morgan, Sergeant Pooh, Lieutenant Johnson, Lieutenant Stuart; Mentioned: German Fallschirmjägers, British Commandos, World War II-Era Bo Peep, Captain Detective Sherlock Hound, Escaping East Berliners, East German Border Guards, West German Fox Couple, West German Goons, Helvetia, Italia, Mother Russia, Present-Day Riding Hood, Philadelphia Criminals, Philadelphia Police Officers, Philadelphia Civilians and Press, Ralph Beagle, Samantha Jenny ‘Sam’ Chippy, Marie Wolfgang/Nazi-Era Germania, Lieutenant Peterson, Private Emerson, Lieutenant Jackson © 2010 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

World War II-Era Battlestar/Mary Spencer-Davis, Black Knight, World War-II Era Queen Justice, World War-II Era Pirate Queen, Bethany Spencer-Summers/Present-Day Battlestar, Gloria Summers/Lady Liberty, Kelly Goodwin/Brown Lotus, Mentioned: Blue Cross, Max Monroe, Girl Scouts, Ruth Spencer-Howard/1970s-Era Battlestar, Ariana, Sakajewey Summers © 2010 Train

World War II-Era-Britannia; Mentioned: Present-Day Britannia, Hollandia, Marianne, Master Clock © 2010 Stanley Alston Jr and Train

Mentioned: Noble Knight © 2010 MojoRover

Mentioned: Mega-Weasel/Asrail Whitetail © 2010 Scott Alston

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