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Halloween Party, Part 1:

Company’s Coming

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

On a cool, windy Saturday afternoon in late October, Cathy and Eddie were walking along a street. Cathy, the skunkette, clad in a dark blue jacket, a short black skirt, red socks and black shoes, and carrying a green backpack, within which was her cheerleader’s outfit, was presently looking at the houses that the duo was walking past as they headed for the McEqqus’ house. The young blonde skunkette then looked at Eddie. She noticed the young canine wearing a black jacket that had the Oakland Raiders’ symbol embossed on the right side, a pair of grey slacks and black shoes.

"That was nice of you to meet me at cheerleading practice, Eddie," says the smiling two-tone mustelid, as a few leaves flew past them.

"Hey, like no problem, duddette," said Eddie, as the duo started to cross the street. As they did, the smiling gray-furred timber wolf added, "Besides, we’re both are suppose to be meetin’ Brunne, so that we can get some costumes for the Halloween party at her house, remember? I just thought it would be better if we went to her house together."

"Oh yeah," said the blushing skunkette, as they finished crossing the street. As the two turned right, they saw the McEqqus’ house: It was a large three-story modern house, which also contained a garage that was set to the right of the main structure. Within the garage was presently parked the older equines’ two cars, a red Ford Corvette and a blue Pferd Hanoverian. The house also had a large front lawn, within which stood James and their friend Brunhilda, who were presently gathering up some fallen leaves and other debris. The stallion was using a rake to bring some leaves together, while the filly was holding open a plastic bag, which was already filled with leaves, broken sticks, paper, etc.

As they walked towards them, Cathy yelled, "Hey, Brunne!"

The brunette filly, who was clad in a zipped-up, bright yellow jacket with a patch showing the Power-Puff Girls embossed on the left, black gloves to keep her hooves from getting dirty by the trash, a pair of black slacks and black sneakers, heard the approaching Cathy’s voice. As her ears registered the voice’s location, she looked up the street. The filly noticed the approaching blonde skunkette and canine. Smiling at them, Brunne said, "Hi, Cathy, Eddie, what bring you two here?" At that same moment, her father dumped another load of leaves and other trash into the bag. This made the filly winch from the disgusting smell that the refuse was creating.

"We’re here because we’re supposed to be picking out costumes for the Halloween party, remember, horsie?" announced Cathy, as Eddie nodded in agreement. The duo was now standing before the gate of the white picket fence that enclosed the house and yard.

"Oh, yeah," said the presently sheepish looking Brunne, as her raking sire stifled a giggle. "Sorry, but I’d been so busy with playing soccer, soccer practice, homework and other stuff, that it completely slipped my mind guys." She looked at her father, James. The brunette stallion, who was wearing an unzipped light blue jacket, a dark grey shirt, a pair of black Dockers and black work shoes, as well as a pair of black gloves to protect his hooves from the garbage, had just finished raking together another pile of leaves. As he started to pick up the pile, she asked him, "Do you mind if I went costume shopping with Candy and Eddie after we’re done, dad? Please?" She smiled at him.

James silently approached the bag. He dumped the trash inside it. As he wiped his sweaty head with the left arm of his jacket, he looked at his still smiling young daughter, then at her friends. He then looked back at Brunhilda. Smiling, the older brunette equine said, "Aye, ye can be goin’ shoppin’ wit yer friends fer a costume, me wee little lass. Just be sure tat ye get back ‘ome in time fer dinner n to do yer schoolwork."

"Thanks, dad," said Brunhilda in a joyous reply, just as she noticed a dark blue hummer approaching their house. When the vehicle stopped in front of the driveway which led to the garage, the teen filly asked her sire, "Uhm, dad, are you expecting company?" The skunkette and the timber wolf were also looking at the now parked vehicle, wondering what the car’s driver wanted.

The older stallion, who was presently raking some more loose leaves together, was a little confused by his daughter’s question. He stopped raking. He looked at Brunne. "Wat do ye mean, ‘oney?" he asked her.

"Uhm, she’s talkin’ about those equines who are getting out of that car, Mr. McEqqus," said Eddie, as he pointed to the five occupants who were exiting the hummer. They were five equines: four stallions and a mare.

The older stallion looked in the parked car’s direction. He saw the five horses standing around the vehicle, as they closed the hummer’s doors. It took him a while, but he soon recognized the stallion who had exited the vehicle’s driver side. The winged stallion in question was clad in a light blue shirt, dark brown slacks and brown shoes. With a happy whinny in his voice, he said, "Whysper, ye ol’ war ‘orse, wat be ye doin’ hear? Tae last time ah saw ye be at tat thair ‘erd Picnic not too long ago. N wit ye tryin’ ta woo me mare’s twin sister, iff’n ah be recallin’ correctly."

The black hair winged stallion had been securing the vehicle when he heard James’ voice. As he approached the stallion, smiling and blushing at the same time, Whysper replied, "Aye, ah be ‘earin’ from tat sexy lass o ye’s tat ye all be ‘avin’ an All ‘allow’s Eve party, lad, n she be askin’ me ta help wit settin’ tings up fer tat party." After stopping before James, he looked back at the others, who stood around the car. Whysper then looked at James with a big smile. "N, ah be not tae only one ye mare seems ta ‘ave invited. Ah picked tese four up on me way ‘ear, James, me lad. Looks like ye wife ‘ad asked fer more tan just me ‘elp fer settin’ up ye ‘ome." Whysper then placed his arms around James’ body and started to give him a friendly hug. "So, ‘ow ye been, lad? N will ye mare’s equally pretty sister be comin’ ta tae party?"

"Ah be fine, Whysper," answered James, feeling a little embarrassed by the Pegasus’ very public hug, as he dropped the rake. The brunette stallion then instinctively hugged Whysper back, before saying, "So, me lass mentioned tae party to ye, eh? Ah’d been wonderin’ wat me lass ‘ad meant tis mornin’ wen she said tat ah shodda be expectin’ a surprise at tae party." The two stallions then ended their hug. "As fer me sister-in-law, ah donnae rightly know, Whysper. Me lass might be havin’ a better idea."

"Oh, well, ah ask ‘er if ‘er sister will be thair later ten, lad. Tough it wodda be nice to see ‘er pretty face now." As they hugged each other once again, Whysper looked past James, and noticed Brunne and the other two teens. When their hug ended, he approached the filly and said to her, "Ah, n tis be nice seein’ ye again, Brunne? ‘ow be ye, lassie?"

"I’m doing fine, ‘Uncle Whysper’," the young brunette filly answered, the still opened trash bag presently lying before her on the grass.

"Ah, of course ye be donnae fine, lass. Ah can tell just by lookin’ at ye. N ye be lookin’ as pretty as ye mother. Just donnae be breakin’ lads hearts wen ye be older, lass." As Brunhilda blushed, the Pegasus looked at Cathy and Eddie. He also saw that the blonde skunkette was giving him the once over. Smiling at them, he said, "Ah, now whair be me manners. Me name be Whysper, young lad and lass, an officer of ‘er Majesty’s Queen Elizabeth II’s Royal Army n an old friend o ye friend’s sire. And who might ye two cubs be?"

"I’m Eddie," the young timber wolf quickly answered the winged Pegasus. He then looked at Cathy and added, as he points at her, "And this is Cathy."

"How do you do, sir," said Cathy, as Brunne watched her father say hello to the other stallions. At the same time, the blonde skunkette saw the mare, Pakesh-De, clad in a half-way zipped brown ‘bomber’ jacket, a bright red dress, navy blue stockings and black shoes, walking towards the house’s front door.

"Ah ten, ah be glad to be makin’ yer acquaintance, lass. Friends of me ol’ friend’s daughter, eh?"

"Yeah, Mr. Whysper," announced a smiling Eddie, while Brunhilda also took notice of the mare, as she stopped before the front door. The filly then noticed the Clydesdale mare looking at one of her mother’s hanging houseplants. She saw her sniffing at the plant, which she thought was strange, before seeing her start to nibble upon one of the plant’s leaves.

"Hey, lady, stop that! That one of my mother’s favorite plants you’re nibbling on!" announced Brunne as she ran towards the startled mare.

James, who had been conversing with Boss Hoss, Greyflank and Dark Horse, turned his head to see what Brunne was yelling about. He noticed the mare nibbling on the plant. His eyes went wide, as he said to the trio, "Excuse me, lads, but ah ‘ave ta be savin’ me wife’s plant from yer friend’s appetite. Else, me mare will never be lettin’ me ‘ear ta end of it." He then ran towards the front door, just as Brunne, with the pot in her hooves, was trying to keep the plant away from Pakesh-De.

Whysper, as he watched, released a short snicker. He then said to the two kids, "Now, ye two be stayin’ right ‘ear while ah go ‘elp James straighten out tis ‘ear mess." After the two teen mammals shook their heads yes, the winged stallion headed towards the running trio, hoping that he can help straighten things out before they got any worst.

As they watched the Pegasus and Brunne’s father try to talk with the mare, while Brunne kept the plant away from her, Cathy commented, "Brunne’s folks have some weird friends, huh?"

"Yeah, you can say that again, duddette. Very weird indeed," answered Eddie, as he scratched his head, while noticing the other three stallions slowly approaching the house.

Meantime, inside the house, in the front bedroom, were three female figures. Two of them, a cream white-fur lop-ear rabbit and a white wool with black arms and legs ewe, sat on a bed, as they looked at a third figure, a buxom, brunette hair mare. The pretty mare, Eva, was standing before a large standing mirror. She was dressed in a sleeveless black dress with a low V-shaped neckline, revealing the upper part of her well-formed boobs, tan stockings and a pair of low-heeled white shoes. She was holding in front of her voluptuous form a lacy white dress, with gold trim on the collar, the bottom part of both sleeves and the bottom of the dress. "Vell, ladies, vat do du zwei dink?"

The ewe, Helena, who was clad in a brown blouse, a light grey knee-length skirt, white stockings and a pair of brown shoes, said, as she shrugged her shoulders, "I don’t know, Eva. For some reason it just doesn’t look like you to me."

The rabbit, Jessica Thumper, clad in a blue knee-length dress, light blue stockings and dark red shoes, shook her head, causing her platinum blonde hair to swirl in the air, agreed with the ovine. "I have to agree, honey. I just can’t see you as the princess type, even at a costume party."

The mare sighed. With a frown on her pretty visage, Eva said, "Ich vas afraid du zwei vould say dat." With a second, deeper, sigh, the mare walked towards her opened closet. She placed the white dress on a hanger, and then put it inside the closet. Eva then looked into the closet, placing a hoof on her chin. The German sex mare looked at several costumes, contemplating which one to pull out next. As she looked among them, a finger tapping her chin, the brunette mare asked the others, "Do either off du haff un idea how ich can keep der kinds entertained durink der party?" As Eva waited for an answer, she pulled out what appears to be the bodice top to a Wonder Mare costume.

"I have no idea, Eva," replied Helena, as the mare walked towards the mirror, the top lying across her arm. At the same time, Jessica appeared to be deep in thought.

Once again in front of the mirror, the Teutonic mare placed the bodice atop her lovely bust. As she looked at it, she commented, "Hee hee, it’s been un vhile since ich’d vore dis outfit." With a smile, she turned to face her friends. The dress still lying across her bust, she asked them, "So, vat do du dink, ladies?"

With Jessica still deep in thought, Helena was the only one to reply. She said, "Maybe, Eva, since you still have the build and shape to wear it, but, I do have one question."

"Und dat ist, Helena?" asked the curious mare, an eyebrow raised.

"Would you be going as Diana or as her mother?" The ewe then snickered.

Eva just stood there, wondering what the laughing ewe had meant, before it finally dawn on her. As she started to laugh herself, she replied, "Silly ewe, du’ll find out at der party, iff ich vear der costume, ja?" The giggling equine then looked at the blonde lapin. She noticed that Jessica was still deep in thought. Helena, still giggling, also looked at her, wondering why she wasn’t laughing at her joke.

"Jessica, vat do du dink off der outfit?" Eva asked in a loud voice to get Jessica’s attention.

The bunny snapped out of it. She blinked her eyes a few times, looked at Eva, then Helena. With a sheepish grin on her visage, she said, "Hee hee, sorry, ladies, I was thinking about something.

"Oh, and what would that be?" asked Helena, as the mare, once more before her closet, putting away the eagle-embossed bodice, before looking at another outfit.

"Well, I was thinking about an act that I’d use to do when I was younger, before I became an adult actress," said Jessica, as Eva pulled out a Tomb-Raiderish costume.

"Vat old act?" asked Eva, as she modeled the outfit in front of her mirror.

"Well, hee hee," began a blushing Jessica, "I was part of a magic act, with this older vixen name Violet Vixen and my older cousin, Abigail Thornhopper." The lapin then began giggling in embarrassment.

"Hey, I think I remember that act. You must’ve been the rabbit the vixen use to pull out of the hat," announced Helena, as Jessica blushed an even deeper shade of red.

"I’m surprised anyone would remember that act."

"Oh yeah, hee hee, my uncle took us to see it a few times, when it was in town. He certainly liked you in that outfit, Jess." Helena laughed as she saw the lapin blush even redder. "Speaking of that costume, Jess, wouldn’t it be a little too skimpy for a kiddy act?"

Eva turned away from the mirror, costume still in front of her. She looked at the lapin. She said, "Du vere der rabbit im der hat im dat act? Veren’t it un little cramped im dere, ja?"

Jessica replied, with a sheepish sounding giggle, "Yeah, I did wear a very skimpy outfit, Helena. I’m surprised anyone would remember that." As the ewe blushed the blonde lapin said to Eva, "And it wasn’t as cramp inside that hat as you would think, Eva."

"Oh, und vhy vas dat?" asked the Rhenish mare, as she put away the dress and then picked out a new one.

"Sorry, Eva, but it’s a secret," replied the lapin, as she shook her head while smiling impishly, "Can’t go around telling magician secrets now can I?" She then thought, *Besides, you would never believe me if I told you.*

With the new outfit in her hooves, the equine shrugged her shoulders. "Ich guess nein," she said. "But, vat vould dat haff to do mit entertainink der kinds at der party, includink ihr daughter?"

"Well," began Jessica, as she moved her paws through her platinum locks, "I was thinking about contacting my cousin and see if she could contact Ms. Vixen and see if she would be interested in doing the act for this one time, to keep the kids occupied. After all, kids do love magic acts, yes?" The bunny then smiled, as she hoped to reprieve her part in the act.

Helena looked at Jessica. With a knowing smirk, she said, "If you plan to reprieve that rabbit out of the hat bit, Jess, shouldn’t you be wearing a less skimpy outfit for the party? After all, you’re too old to be getting the hormones of boys that young started." The white and black wool ewe then started to snicker.

As a lightly snickering Eva put the costume away, before picking up another one, Jessica, in a defensive tone, replied, "Of course I’ll be wearing a less skimpy costume for the act. I mean, honestly, Helena, I know there’s going to be a bunch of young…" She stopped when she heard Helena start to laugh real loud. As she placed her paws upon her waist, the lop-eared lapin asked, "What’s so funny, Helena?"

"I know, hee hee, that you would, snicker, be wearing a less skimpy outfit, Jess. Hee hee. I was just teasing you. I mean, honestly, ha ha, couldn’t you tell?" The Grecian born ewe was now lying on the bed, laughing real boisterously, while Jessica harrumphed real loudly.

"Now, now, ladies, ve are all friends here, ja?" said Eva, which caused Helena to stop giggling. As the ewe started to get up, the Teutonic mare looked in the mirror at the new outfit she was holding in her hooves, the ‘Elvira’ costume that she had recently wore for DoeMare’s recent Halloween poster. *Nein,* she thought, as she shook her head, causing her red mane to swirl. As she walked back towards the closet, she said, "Vell ladies, ich’d finally decided vhich costume ich’ll be vearink at der party."

The ewe and the lapin both looked at the voluptuous mare. "Oh and what would that be, Eva?" asked Jessica, as the ewe wondered as well.

Before Eva could answer the lapin, she began to hear the commotion from outside. The mare approached the window. She pulled up the curtain and looked through the glass. Eva saw Brunne running with her favorite flower, being followed by a female Clydesdale whom she did not recognize. The Teutonic mare also noticed that the unknown mare was trying to nibble upon the plant’s leaves. With a shocked look on her visage, she said, "Ich’ll tell du ladies vat ich had decided on later. Right now, ich haff to save eine off mein plants from un hungry mare."

As the ovine and the lapin looked at each other, not knowing what Eva meant, the mare swiftly ran past them. She was soon out of the front room, heading for the stairs and then outside.

"Think we should follow her?" asked Helena. *Boy, she’s fast.*

"Might as well," stated Jessica, as she got off the bed. "If for no other reason than to find out why Eva ran out of here as if a Nightmare was chasing her." The giggling bunny femme then headed for the room’s door, shortly followed by Helena.

Back outside, it took Whysper and James several long minutes, but they were finally able to convince the Clydesdale mare not to nibble upon any more of Eva’s plants. Pakesh-De then looked at Brunhilda and, after a while, finally apologized to her for trying to eat the leaves of her mother’s favorite plant.

Brunne, as she put the plant back in its original place, said, as she looked at the mare, "That’s alright, uhm, Pakesh-De is it?" As the mare nodded yes, the filly continued, "But I think you should really be apologizing to my mother, since this is her plant." The filly then smiled at the apologetic mare.

"Aye, lassie, ye be needin’ to be apologizin’ tae me mare fer tryin’ to turn her favorite plant inta a hors d’oeuvres," added James.

The female Clydesdale winced upon hearing the word mare, as she recalled that not only wasn’t this her actual species, but that this also wasn’t her true gender. Pakesh-De just nodded her head in agreement. At that moment, Whysper said:

"Now tat tat be settled, shall we be startin’ tae ‘elp me ol mate’s family set up tair ‘ome fer…" he stopped speaking when he heard the front door slam open. He looked behind him and, with the others, saw standing before the entrance an angry Eva. Jessica and Helena followed her a few minutes later.

"Vere’s mein plant?" Eva asked with a snarl, as she looked in Pakesh-De’s direction.

As the mare flattens her ears and the others expected trouble, James said to his angry mate, "Ah, Eva ‘oney, ye ‘baby’ be fine. Brunne put it back in place after Whysper ‘ad ‘elp me convince tae lass ta not be addin’ it ta ‘er diet."

"Aye, tat ah did, Eva," said Whysper with a smile. " Now ten, lass, ‘ow be ye n ye pretty friends today?" The winged stallion looked at the trio, before bowing to them, as he awaited a reply from the mare.

Eva looked at James, who was presently pointing to his right, in the direction where the plant should be hanging. As Jessica and Helena smiled at the stallion, Eva looked to her left, where she found her fern, still safe, despite the small bite mark on one of the leaves. After releasing a sigh of relief, she looked at Whysper, smiled and said, "Danka, Whysper."

"Ye be welcome, lass, but ye really shodda be tankin’ yer young filly, since she kept tem away from Pakesh-De long enough for us to convince ‘er not ta eat it."

Eva looked at her smiling daughter. She said, "Danka, Brunne!"

"That’s okay, mom." The brunette filly then looked at her sire and asked, "Uhm, can I go with Eddie and Cathy now, dad?"

James, as Eva looked on, looked at his daughter, and said, "Aye, ye can go wit yer friends, ‘oney, just remember ta be gettin’ back hair before supper."

"I won’t forget, dad," replied the smiling filly. Brunne then looked at Cathy and Eddie and said to them, "Come on guys, we have some costumes to look at." The young mare went to the trash bag. After closing it up, she then headed for the gate and was soon walking down the block, the blonde skunkette and canine following her.

As the kids leave, Eva said, as she looked at the other equines, "Ah, ich see tat some of der folks dat ich had invited to der party had arrived. Un little early dough, ja?" The mare smiled, as the ewe and lapin looked at the other equines.

The Clydesdale looked at his German-born wife. "Ah so tey ‘ave, lass. In fact, Whsyper be tellin’ me dat ye’d asked tem in particular to ‘elp us set up tae ‘ouse fer tae party."

The mare looked first at the smiling Whsyper, then at the other equines. "Ja ich did didn’t ich?" she said with a big smile.

The four equines said yes in unison. Eva, with a smile, said, "Wunderbar! since der house needs to be decorated now." The happy mare then turned and as Helena and Jessica moved out of the way, walked back into the house, sexily swaying her hips. "But, erste, ich need to change to something more appropriate for cleanink der house, ja?"

As she did, Jessica looked at James and said, "If Helena and I are going to help set up your house, James, we better go and change clothes." As the white hair ewe shook her head in agreement, the lapin walked off the porch, heading for the gate. "See you in a bit, James," said Jessica, as Helena followed her. Their sexy walk attracted the attention of the three male stallions, and the mare. They were soon through the gate, heading towards their nearby homes.

After a few minutes, James cleared his throat. Once he had gotten the other equines’ attention, he said to the departing duo, "Be seein’ ye later ten, lasses." The stallion then said to the other equines, "Come on, lads n lass, iff’n we be goin’ to ‘elp me wife set up dis ol’ ‘ouse for tae party, we might as well get started." With that said, James turned and walked into the house. Boss and Grayflank quickly followed him inside. Dark Horse, after getting the keys from Whysper, headed for the Hummer to get something out of the car’s trunk. After watching the dark hair equine open the trunk, Whysper looked at Pakesh-De.

Smiling at her, he said, "Aye ‘ope ye all be able to resist tae urge to look at anyting in tae ‘ouse, lass. James be an old friend of mines n aye donnae vant to be seein’ his lass upset iff’n anyting be amiss."

"I’ll try Whysper," replied the nervous sounding Clydesdale femme.

"Tat’s all aye be askin’ ye, lass," replied the winged Pegasus with a grin.

Pakesh-De smiled back. The two Clydesdales then walked into the house. The front door closed behind them.

Eva © 2002 Scott and Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Jessica, Abigail and Violet © 2002 Scott Alston
James, Brunhilda, Cathy, Eddie and Helena, © 2002 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Whysper, Pakesh-De, Boss Hoss, Grayflank and Dark Horse © 2002 their respective owners

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