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Halloween Party, Part 2:

Almost Ready to Party

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

About a full hour later, after a bus ride to downtown and then a short walk, Cathy, Eddie and Brunne entered a costume shop. A 20ish blonde vixen, as they started to look the store over, approached the three young furs.

The vixen, who was nicely dressed in a black blouse, pants and shoes, asked the three in a bubbly voice, "Hi. May I help you, kids?"

Brunne, who was the first one to see her, frowned at being called a kid, as did Cathy and Eddie. "No thanks…" said the pre-teen filly, as she looked at the vixen’s nametag pinned onto her blouse, upon which was placed the name Sarah. "…uhm, Sarah. We’re just looking for some Halloween costumes. I’m sure that we can manage on our own." The blonde skunkette and canine nodded their heads in agreement.

"Oh, that’s so cute," said the vixen with a smile. "Well, if you need any help, kiddies, just ask me, okay?" The smiling vixen then walked away.

Brunne blanched, as does Cathy, while Eddie looked nonplus by the entire thing.

Cathy then looked at Brunne and commented, "Who’s she callin’, kiddies? We’re almost teenagers."

The filly nodded in agreement, causing her brunette mane to shake. "I hear you, Cathy."

The young canine looked at his female companions. He said, "Girls, girls, I’m sure that the lady didn’t call us that to be mean. Besides, we should be concentratin’ on findin’ ourselves some costumes for Brunne’s folks’ Halloween shindig, right?" He then smiled at the two, since he remembered why they were there.

The filly and the skunkette looked at each other for a few seconds, and then sheepishly looked back at the smiling Eddie. "You’re right, wolfie," pronounced Brunne, as Cathy nodded in agreement. The mare then said to the young timber wolf, "Eddie, will you please stop looking like the Cheshire Cat. It’s kinda creepy."

As Eddie went, "Huh?" the two femmes approached the nearest clothing racks, and started looking at the costumes.

As Brunne started to look at a firefighter costume, which had the letters ‘NY’ stenciled on the shirt’s left hand pocket, she heard the store’s front door bell ring. Curious, she looked towards the door. She saw walking thru the now open door Jessica’s adopted daughter, Holly, who was carrying under her right arm her skateboard. The young cream-furred, blonde lop-ear bunny doe, wearing a light blue shirt, grey slacks and white sneakers, was looking the store over when she was immediately approached by the bubbly Sarah. The filly, while Eddie and Cathy went to another rack filled with costumes, watched the vixen and the young bunny doe talk for a short time, before the still smiling blonde vixen walked away from the bunny. Once Sarah was gone, Brunne waved at Holly, while yelling, "Hey, Holly, yoo-hoo, over here!"

Holly, as she heard the filly’s voice, looked around. She soon saw the waving Brunne. Smiling, she walked towards the young female equine. Now standing before Brunne, the young rabbit doe said, "Hey, Brunne, wat are ya up to?"

"Oh, the same thing that you’re obviously here for, looking for a Halloween costume for my folks’ party next week."

The lapin nodded. "Find anything yet?"

"Not yet, as we’d only just got here."

"We?" asked a surprised Holly.

"Yeah. Me, Eddie…" started Brunne as she pointed out the timber wolf, who was presently looking at a circus strongman’s costume. "…and Cathy," continued the filly who pointed to the blonde skunkette, who was presently looking at a Little Mermaid outfit, complete with tail. The brunette filly then looked at the lapin and queried, "Care to join us?"

Holly thought over Brunhilda’s simple question for a few seconds. She then looked at the filly, and with a smile, replied, "Sure, why not."

Brunhilda smiled back. "Great." The developing filly then pulled the firefighter costume off the rack, before modeling it over her body. She then looked at Holly and quizzes, "So tell me, Holly, do you think I would look good in this?"

The blonde lapin took a long look at the costume, then an even longer look at the brunette filly. She shrugs, then stated, "I honestly don’t know, Brunne. I don’t really see you as the firefighter type, but that’s my opinion."

"Okay," said the filly with a deep sigh, before she put the costume back. She then started to pick up another costume, while Holly started to look among the costumes to find one for herself.

At almost the same time that the kids were looking for costumes, back home, Helena, who was now clothed in a dark brown shirt, dark grey slacks, grey sneakers and a multi-color scarf atop her head, tied in the back, exited her home. After locking the door, the sexy ewe began to walk from her house, prepared to go back to the McEqqus’ home and help them set it up for the Halloween party. As she did, Helena looked across the street at the Stags’ home, from which she saw Jessica standing before her door, starting to lock it.

The cream-furred platinum blonde lop-ear doe was now dressed in a white T-shirt, a pair of tight-fitting blue jeans and black sneakers. The bunny turned and started to walk away from her home, a naughty look plastered on her face.

Helena, a little surprised by Jessica’s facial expression, blinked her eyes a couple of times. She then yelled to the lapin, "Hey, Jessie!"

Jessica, as she started to walk towards the McEqqus’ house, while looking for oncoming cars, saw the black hair ewe. Smiling at Helena, she yelled back, "Hey, Helena! What do you want?" Once she saw no cars coming, the bunny femme started to walk across.

As she neared the spot where Jessica would be once she had finished crossing the street, the Grecian-born ovine asked, "Why do you look like you’re about to have a naughty time, instead of doing some work?"

Jessica, as she now stood before the ewe, smiled. "You really need to ask, you naughty ewe?"

Helena gasped loudly, as she realized what Jessica had in mind. "You’re not thinking about having a horsie ride when we’re suppose to be helping James and Eva fix up their house for the Halloween party, are you, Jess?"

The lapin, who now stood next to the white and black wool ewe, said, "Maybe?" Jessica then added, with a naughty grin, "Aren’t you?"

"Nope," answered Helena, as she shook her head. "I’d said I would help James and Eva set up their house for the party, and I will, even if there are a bunch of hunky looking stallions inside the place."

Jessica blinks, surprised by Helena’s reply. "You’re kidding?"

"I certainly am not," replied Helena. "I’m taking this seriously, and so should you."

The platinum blonde bunny doe sighed. "Man, I really hate it when you’re more interested in work than in fun."

"Can’t help it. It’s a Greek thing." The ebony hair ewe smiled at the bunny doe and then headed for the equines’ place, soon followed by a mumbling Jessica. The duo soon reached the front door. Helena pressed the doorbell. They heard a loud horse whinny emanating from the doorbell, while waiting for someone to open the door. That wouldn’t be for long, as the front door soon started to open. The duo then saw Eva standing in the now opened door.

The Germanic porn queen, who was dressed in a now partly dusty dark green blouse, blue jeans and black sneakers and holding a dispenser filled with tape, smiled at her two friends. She said to them, "Gut, du’re both back. Come on in, ladies." The redhead mare moved to the side, allowing the two to come inside the house. The two did so very quickly.

As Eva closed the door, the other two femmes walked into the living room. They soon noticed Boss taping up some Halloween paper cutouts onto the front window and Pakesh-De putting some fake cobwebs upon a large brown cloth-covered chair. Now looking straight ahead, Helena and Jessica next saw Whysper, Grayflank and Eva’s hubby, James, in the dining room. James and Whysper were presently moving a heavy table towards the kitchen door, which the two were planning to take into the backyard so that James Darkhorse could use it for his electronic equipment, while Grayflank was taping a witch’s face cutout onto the right wall.

Jessica looked at Eva, who was standing behind them, and asked, "So, what can Helena and I do, Eva. Help you with cooking the goodies, perhaps?" Helena nodded in agreement.

The mare looked at her two friends. She shook her head in the negative. "Nein, that’s for tomorrow, after church services, Jess. Maybe du und Helena can help Herr Darkhouse set up his electronic equipment in der backyard." The trio and the other three equines then heard a loud grunt. They looked towards the kitchen; they saw James finally push his end of the table through the kitchen door. Once that was done, Eva looked at Jessica and Helena, and continued what she was saying earlier. "Once James und Whysper haff gotten der table through der back door, tat ist."

As the black hair ewe nodded, Jessica began, with a slight shrug, "Okay, Eva. But, could we help out here…" when they all heard Boss ask…

"Uhm, Mrs. McEqqus?"

Eva looked at the young stallion. Smiling, she said, "Ja, Boss, und please call me Eva?"

"Okay, Eva, which cutout would you liked posted on the front window again, the witch one, or the ghost?" The stallion held up a cutout in each hoof.

"Both, actually," quickly answered the buxom redhead. "Der ghost ist to go onto der upper right window und der witch on der left."

The stallion nodded. "Okay." Boss smiled, and then started to tape up the witch cutout. At the same time, Pakesh-De started to put some fake cobwebs upon the bookcase that was placed next to the staircase, all the while resisting the urge to open up one of Brunne’s school science books and absorb the book’s information, as she remembered the promise she had earlier made to Whysper.

Eve swiftly look back at the lapin and the ovine femmes, thinking about what she could have them do until she was sure that James and Whysper had put the table in position for Darkhorse to use it. She looked around the room until she noticed the coffee table. Smiling, she looked at the two and said, "Vell, du zwei could help me take der coffee table upstairs und place it im der guestroom to get it out off der vay durink der party."

The two thought the suggestion over. Then they smiled. "Sure," said the lapin, while the black hair ewe walked towards the table. She then started to remove the materials that were presently resting atop the table.

The mare smiled. She then looked towards the dining room, where she saw Grayflank taping a cutout of several flying bats upon the room’s large cabinet. "Herr Grayflank, place dat cutout un little higher, please?" she said to the stallion.

Grayflank stopped what he was doing and looked back at Eva. He saw her finger pointed up. The stallion moved the cutout up until he saw the mare nod her head yes, and then gave him a smile. Grayflank smiled back then turned and started to tape the flying bats cutout to the cabinet.

Eva then looked back at the coffee table, where she saw Helena and Jessica on the left end of the table waiting for her. She smiled, and, after putting the tape dispenser onto the beige couch that was set next to the coffee table, walked to the right end of the table. Once there, Eva picked it up, and after waiting for the other two to pick up their end, she started to lead them towards the stairs.

About an hour later, as Helena and Jessica were helping Darkhorse set up his electronic equipment in Eva’s backyard, and James and Whysper were bringing up some Halloween effigies from the basement, the four young teens were still looking at costumes, undecided on which ones to get themselves for the party. Brunne was presently looking at a princess costume, a white dress with puffed sleeves and a crown, Eddie was holding up a policeman’s outfit, Cathy was perusing a Xena costume, and Holly was holding up a spy costume, color black.

Holly turned, and with the costume atop her body, questioned the others, "What do you think, guys?"

The other three looked at Holly and then the spy outfit that was draped atop her developing form. Cathy was the first one to answer.

"I don’t know, Holly. You wear black almost all the time, so, what’s the different with you wearing that outfit?"

Holly looked at the skunkette, then at the spy outfit. "Well, I like it and that’s all that counts." Holly then turned and heads for one of the dressing rooms to try on the costume to make sure it’ll fit her.

The others watched Holly enter the dressing room. Then the blonde timber wolf put the policeman’s costume back on the rack. He then retrieved a Count Dracula outfit. Looking at Cathy and Brunne, he quipped, "Hey, girls, what do you think?"

As the pair looked at him, Eddie placed the costume in front of his face and said, "Good Evenin’, ladies, I am Count Dracula," in a fake Eastern European accent.

The two femmes giggled at the blonde canine’s quip. Then Cathy quipped, "Well, hee hee, at least you won’t be typecast, doggie."

Eddie just smiled, his tail waging in excitement. He then heads for the dressing room to check the fit.

Cathy and Brunne just shook their heads. The blonde skunkette then said, "I’m going to the dressing room with this." She showed the filly the Xena costume, which she had been looking at earlier.

Brunhilda blinked. "You, dressed up as Xena? That just does not sound right, Cathy."

The skunkette replied with a snicker. "Come on, Brunne. You’re suppose to dress up opposite of what you think you are. So, I’m going dressed up as Xena." Cathy then smiled at the filly, before she too headed for the dressing rooms, just as Holly exits it with the spy costume.

As she watched the presently smiling blonde lapin head for the cashier, Brunne looked once again at the princess costume. The filly looked at it for several minutes, during which time Eddie exited the dressing room with the Dracula costume, also headed for the cashier. *Why not?* mused the brunette filly, as she heads for the dressing room to see if the princess costume will fit her snuggly.

About a half-hour later, the foursome, after taking a returning bus, was walking towards Brunne and Holly’s home neighborhood. Each one was carrying a shopping bag, inside which were their purchased costumes and a few other items. When they reached the neighborhood, Cathy and Eddie stopped. They were soon saying goodbye to the filly and the bunny doe.

"Well, see you guys later. Bye," said Cathy.

"Yeah, see ya later, dudettes," added Eddie.

The two then turned around and started to walk to the right, in the direction that they had arrived earlier that afternoon.

Brunne and Holly, who was standing on her skateboard, after saying goodbye to the duo, watched them leave for a while, then turned and headed for their homes. At they neared Brunne’s house, they saw standing in the front yard, Helena, Jessica and Pakesh-De, putting up some effigies. Jessica and Helena were putting up a witch one in the middle of the right half of the recently cleared yard, while the Clydesdale mare was putting up a scarecrow in the left center part of the yard. The two then noticed laying on the grass-covered ground several more: a mummy, a vampire, a sea serpent and a werewolf.

"Hey, Mom!" yelled the blonde lop-ear skateboarder, when they got within ear range.

As they heard the yell, the older platinum blonde lapin doe and the black hair ewe looked down the block. They saw the approaching duo. Jessica, in a cheery voice, said to Holly, "Hi, honey, where’d you been?" At the same time, Helena was making sure that the witch was secured.

"You can let it go anytime you’re ready, Jess," she told the lapin.

"Skateboarding and doing a little shopping with my friends," replied Holly. She then showed her mother the shopping bag, before she saw her mother nod her head. The young doe and Brunne then watched Jessica let go of the effigy. Now standing before the front gate, they see that the witch was standing firmly in place.

"That’s nice, dear," said Jessica, as she and Helena looked at the doll. At the same moment, the Clydesdale mare had released the scarecrow, before making sure it stayed in placed by hitting it with her hooves a couple of times. Jessica looked back at the pre-teens, before looking directly at her daughter. It was only then that she finally noticed the shopping bag that Holly was holding. "What’s in the bag, honey?" the curious older lapin asked, as she walked towards Holly.

"A costume for Halloween, mom."

"Oh, can I see, honey?"

The younger bunny doe shrugged her shoulders. She then opened up the bag and pulled out the spy outfit that she had bought not too long ago.

Jessica looked at it for a few seconds, rubbing her chin as she did. As Helena started to look at it, she remarked, while smiling, "Oh, a spy, dear? Plan to sneak into the Russian embassy?"

Helena snickered at Jessica’s quip, while Brunhilda rolled her eye and Pakesh-De walked towards the mummy effigy.

"Mom?!?" shouted Holly, as Brunne, once again walking, moved past the opened front gate and towards the Clydesdale mare, who was now starting to pick the doll up.

"Oh, come on, honey, it was just a joke," said the older lop-ear lapin, as she pulled her adopted daughter towards her and then proceeded to give her a head noggie.

"Mom, cut it out," said Holly with a giggle, as the ewe continued laughing.

As the bunnies fool around and the ovine femme watched, Brunne looked at the older Clydesdale, her shopping bag placed before her on the ground. "Need any help with that?" she asked.

Pakesh-De looked at the brunette filly. "Depends on if you can help me pull up the doll, my dear."

"Oh, I’m sure I can," said Brunne in a matter-of-fact tonality.

Pakesh-De didn’t believe the filly, but decided to see for herself. "Okay, then get the leg half of the doll, honey."

"Sure," said an excited Brunne, who quickly walked to the leg half of the doll. After placing her hooves upon both legs, she said, "Ready whenever you are, Pakesh-De." At the same time, she saw Jessica, Helena and Holly approaching the vampire effigy. Brunne then heard the other mare announce, "Okay, on the count of three, 1….2….3."

At the count of three, Pakesh-De started to pull up her end of the doll. As she did, she began to feel Brunne’s end being lifted. She looked forward, and saw the filly standing upright, her end lifted as if it was a feather. The mare blinked a couple of time before it finally sank in. *Now that’s a strong kid,* she thought.

"So, where do you want this?" asked Brunne, as she looked at the surprised mare.

Pakesh-De snapped out of her stupor. She lifted up her end of the doll and said to the brunette filly, "Just follow me." With that said, the Clydesdale femme walked towards the house. Brunne followed Pakesh-De, while the lapins and the ewe started to move the vampire effigy towards the opposite side of the yard.

As the sun began to sink westwards, and the first signs of twilight began to appear, James stood before Whysper’s Hummer. He was conversing with his old friend and the other equines, while Eva spoke with Jessica and Helena, as Holly stood next to her mother. As the adults spoke among themselves, Brunne stood in front of her house’s open door, looking a little bored.

"So, ye got it, lad n lasses?" the brunette stallion asked.

"Yeah, we got it, James," said a nodding Boss.

"We’re suppose to get here before 5 o’clock Monday night for the final set up, and to bring along our costumes," added Darkhorse, as Pakesh-De nodded.

"Now donnae ye be worrin’, James, me lad. Ah’ll be makin’ sure ta get us all hear on time," said Whysper, as the other started to enter his Hummer. A few seconds later, the foursome was driving down the street headed for their hotel, as James waved goodbye.

During the time that James was speaking with the equines, Jessica was saying to Eva, "…and as soon as I get home, I’ll contact my cousin, Abagail and see if she can contact Ms. Fox about revising the magic act for the party.

"Wunderbar!" exclaimed the excited mare. "Ich just hope dat dey can get here on such short notice."

"Oh, I’m sure they will," said Jessica with a grin.

A few moments later, after the vehicle was gone, the two lapins and the ewe started to walk home. The trio waved to Eva, as the Clydesdale stallion, who had been walking up the driveway, approached his wife. As the others walked past the gate, James kissed his surprised wife on the cheeks.

"Ne here, Jamie," the mare said with a giggle, while their daughter playfully covered her eyes.

The stallion snickered, as he ended the kiss. He then said, "Ye know tat ye like wen ah do tat, Eva. Anyway, shall we be goin’ inside ten, me wee pretty mare?"

Eva nodded with a grin.

As the older equines approached the front door, James asked, "Decided yet on a costume for tae party, me wee naughty lass?"

The mare just smiled at him. "Du’ll know ven everyeine else knows, Jamie."

James pretended to pout, which caused their pre-teen daughter to giggle. The stallion, seeing this, as well as the bag in Brunne’s hoof, asked his daughter, "N wat costume did ye get fer tae party, ‘oney?"

"Oh, just a princess costume, dad," answered the filly, as the older two equines neared the door.

"Un princess, eh? Vell, it’s be time fer her majesty to go inside un help her queen set up der table fer dinner," said a smiling Eva.

"Mom," said Brunne in a mock whine, while the stallion snickered.

"Ye ‘eard tae queen, lass, time ta be goin’ inside," added James, as he opened the door wider to let in both his daughter and his wife.

Brunne gave a mock sigh before going inside with a slight titter. The older pair quickly followed her inside, then James closed the door.

Eva © 2002 Scott and Stanley Alston, Jr.
Jessica, Abigail and Violet © 2002 Scott Alston
James, Brunhilda, Cathy, Eddie and Helena © 2002 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Whysper, Pakesh-De, Boss Hoss, Grayflank and Dark Horse © 2002 their respective owners

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