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Halloween Party, Part 3:

The Last Day Before The Party

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Early Sunday afternoon, the McEqqus’ car, a light blue Chevy Impala, entered their driveway, as the three equines return from services at the First Deutsch Lutheran Church. The car stopped at the front of the driveway. Several minutes later, the equines exited their car. James, clad in a light blue jacket and pants suit, white shirt, red tie and black shoes, exited the driver’s door, before proceeding to lock the car. The stallion then looked across the car’s top, seeing his pretty wife, who was wearing a white wide brim hat, and was clad in a silky, bright sea green dress, as well as tan stockings and dark brown shoes, which were presently hidden from his view. Eva smiled back at James, before she started to walk around the front of their parked vehicle. Their daughter, Brunhilda, who was clothed in a yellow dress and light blue shoes, shortly followed her.

James, still standing next to the driver’s front door, looked at his daughter for a little while, before turning his gaze once more upon his now sexily walking wife, as she headed for their house’s front door. He then turned around and looked behind him. The brunette Clydesdale stallion quickly noticed that several of the neighborhood males were smiling at his wife, as she glided ever so naughtily towards, and then through, the front door. James just shook his head, as his daughter quickly followed Eva inside, wondering if his wife even knew about the reactions that she was causing at that moment, thanks to both her outfit and her sexy walk. *Knowin’ tae lass, she probably does,* thought the stallion, as he headed for the still open door.

Once inside, James closed and then locked the door. After he did, the middle-age stallion looked through the vestibule’s open door. He first saw his teenage daughter running up the stairs, obviously eager to get out of her church clothes. The stallion then saw his wife, who was now seated on the sofa in front of the vestibule, her hat placed atop the thick local Sunday newspaper. James saw her going through it, presently reading its Arts and Entertainment section. The stallion smiled, before walking towards Eva.

"Tat be a nice sermon by tae Reverend, eh lassie?" James said to his seated wife, as he stood before her.

Eva looked up at James. The Teutonic mare smiled at him. "Ja, it vas," she said in reply, as the stallion proceeded to seat himself upon the edge of the sofa.

"So, wat do ye ‘ave planned for today, lass?" James asked.

The mare looked at James, still holding onto the Arts and Entertainment section. "Vell, ich plan to do…" she began, when the duo heard the loud whinny of their doorbell. The two equines looked at each other as they, not expecting anyone at that moment, both wondered who could be at the door.

Eva put down the paper, got up and walked sexily towards the door. As James watched her, the redheaded equine femme reached it. She looked through the door hole. She saw standing on the other side four familiar forms: Jessica, her husband Robert Stag, their adopted daughter Holly, and Helena.

The mare saw that the doe was dressed in a dark green blouse, black pants and grey sneakers; Robert was clothed in a white shirt, light blue pants and white sneakers; the teenage bunny doe wore a dark blue shirt, black pants and black sneakers; and the ewe was wearing a dark grey shirt, navy blue pants and white sneakers.

*Hhhmm, vhy are dey here?* pondered the mare, as she moved away from the door hole. Eva unlocked and then opened the door. Looking at the foursome, as did the still seated James, the pretty mare said to them, "Hallo. Vat can ich do for du vier?"

Jessica and Helena immediately snickered at Eva’s query, as the mare raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"We’re here to help you with the goodies for tomorrow’s night party, silly," answered the older lapin doe, as Helena nodded in agreement.

"Well, I’m here to watch some football games with James," added Robert, who was presently rubbing his smiling wife’s waist with his right hoof. Jessica smiled as she enjoyed feeling her hubby’s hoof rub her sexy waist.

"I just want to see Brunne, Mrs. McEqqus. If she doesn’t mind, that is," added Holly, making it obvious from the sound of her voice that she would prefer being anywhere else at the moment.

"Okay. Come on in den," said the now smiling Rhenish mare, as she moved to one side, thereby allowing the foursome to come in. After they had walked inside, thanking Eva as they did, the still smiling mare closed the door and locked it once again.

James waved at the quartet from the sofa, as they found places for themselves to sit: Helena and Jessica sat on the couch near the front window; Robert sat in the fake cobweb covered chair, while Holly stood next to him. The brunette Clydesdale then got up and said "‘ello" to each in turn.

As the quartet said hi back to James, Eva reentered the living room. Looking at them, she said, "Excuse us, but James und ich need to go upstairs und change clothes. Ve’ll be right back." The sexy Rhenish mare smiled at them, and after retrieving her hat, headed for the steps. As Eva walked up the stairs, she was soon followed by her hubby. While the two equines headed upstairs, Robert picked up the remote control and then turned on the set.

Inside her room, Brunne, who was now wearing a white shirt, light blue pants and white sneakers, was playing a video game. As she played it, the young filly heard the commotion coming from downstairs, shortly followed by the sounds of her parents clopping up the stairs. The redheaded teenage mare stopped playing her game, and looked back through the door leading to her room. She soon saw standing before the room’s door, at the top step, both of her parents. "Uhm, hi mom, dad. Who was that at the front door?"

As the brunette stallion headed for the front bedroom, Eva looked at her daughter. Smiling at her, the buxom mare replied, "Ihr ‘Uncle’ Robert, ihr ‘Aunts’ Helena und Jessica und Holly, honey. Und Holly vas vonderink iff she could play mit du."

"Oh," replied the still developing mare, before she walked out of her room, headed for the front step. As a smiling Eva headed for the front room, to change her clothes, which she could see James presently doing, Brunne stood at the top step, looking down. The filly saw Holly, who was presently seated on the carpeted floor, in front of her adopted father. "Hey, Holly! Want to play some video games with me?"

Holly, looking up the stairs, saw the smiling Brunne. "Sure," she quickly said, before looking up at her father. "If it’s okay with mom and dad."

"Sure, honey, go play with Brunne," announced Robert, as Jessica nodded, which the young lapin doe caught out of the corner of her eyes.

"Thanks, mom, dad!" yelled a happy Holly, as she got off the floor, kissed her father on the cheek, and then headed for the stairs.

Brunne smiled, as she watched the approaching bunny doe. At the same time, Eva and James exited the front room, wearing some new clothing. Brunne looked at her approaching parents. She saw her mother now clothed in a light blue blouse, a short black skirt, tan pantyhose and grey shoes; her father was dressed in a white shirt, blue dockers and black shoes. The pair stopped next to their daughter, as they saw the stair climbing Holly.

Holly shortly reached the top step. Brunne, with a smile, and grabbing the surprised bunny’s paw, said, "Come on, Holly." She then led the young doe into her room.

The older equines looked at the two young femmes, as they entered their daughter’s room. After a while, they headed downstairs. The other three watched them walk downstairs, as a commercial played on the TV. As Eva, who was leading the way, reached the bottom step, she said to the other two femmes, "Jessica, Helena, could du zwei meet me in der kitchen?"

The two seated femmes nodded their heads in agreement. They then got up from the couch and headed for the kitchen, soon followed by Eva herself. A short time later, James headed for the set. He picked up the remote. The stallion then looked at Robert and asked the stag, "So, lad, which game do ye want ta watch?"

Once the three femmes were inside the kitchen, Eva headed for the fridge. As Helena and Jessica, both standing next to a table, looked on, the Teutonic mare proceeded to remove several items from inside it, including some pie crust filled pans, carrots, potatoes and spinach, each of which she would place on the table. After she had placed a pumpkin filling filled bowl onto the table, Helena, no longer able to resist, asked, "Uhm, what are you doing Eva?"

The mare, after putting down the bowl, looked at the questioning ovine. "Zwei dinks, Helena. Fixink tonight’s dinner, und makink some pies for tomorrow’s party." She then smiled at the younger ewe.

Jessica and Helena looked at the now food-covered table. They saw several bowls filled with cut apples and the aforementioned pumpkin fillings, which were obviously going into the pie crust-covered pans, while the potatoes, carrots, spinach and a bag filled with shrimp were meant for tonight’s dinner. The bunny doe then looked at the mare, who was now standing before a now opened cabinet, removing some pots and pans. Jessica asked, "So, what do you want us to do, Eva?"

The mare stopped what she was doing. She turned and looked at Jessica and Helena for a short time. As she headed for the oven, with a couple of pots, she said, "Vell, du zwei can either filled up der pans mit der fruit, ou, du can start cleanink der shrimp?"

The other two femmes looked at each other, as they heard Eva place the pots onto the oven’s burners. The ewe said, after the two conversed for several seconds, "I think we’ll fill up the pie pans, Eva." Jessica nodded in total agreement.

"Wunderbar!" announced the Rhenish mare, as she walked away from the oven. After putting two more pots onto the oven, she turned and walked towards the table. As she did, the other two walked towards the apples and the pumpkin filling.

As Eva picked up a bowl filled with cut carrots, Jessica started to fill one of the pans with cut apples, while Helena filled another with the pumpkin.

A little bit later, Helena and Jessica were busy cleaning shrimp, as Eva, now wearing a white apron atop her skirt, was putting up the oven lid, just moments after she had placed inside the preheated oven the last of the pies. As she set the appropriate temperature for baking, she looked at the stove, upon which stood pots presently filled with now cooking carrots, potatoes and spinach. The mare took a large spoon, which she had earlier placed atop the counter, and started to stir the potatoes.

As the mare now started to stir the carrots, Jessica said, "Oh, I’d almost forgot. I have some news for you, Eva."

The mare, as she continued to stir, looked at the cream-furred lapin. "Oh?" she began, as she saw Jessica throw some shrimp refuse into a bag. "Und vat news vould dat be, Jessica?"

"I got in touch with my cousin last night about revising the old act, and she got in touch with me this morning with a reply from Ms. Vixen," replied Jessica, as the white wool ewe, removing some refuse from a piece of shrimp, looked at the obviously excited doe.

"Oh, und her answer ist?" asked the still stirring brunette mare.

"She said that Violet would be happy to redo the act for the kids, and that both she and the vixen would be here later tonight."

Eva looked at the now smiling platinum blonde rabbit doe. "Excellent," she said. "Now, du’re sure dat dey’ll be able to get here tonight?"

Jessica nodded, as she threw some more shrimp refuse into the bag, shortly followed by Helena. "Yeah, she guaranteed that they would be here tonight."

The redheaded mare smiled. As she looked at the boiling spinach, Eva asked, "By der vay, Jess, any idea on vat der next film project vill be?"

The cream-furred doe shrugged her shoulders. "Don’t know yet, Eva. Other than trying to put together the next Aphrodite film."

Helena, as she threw away some more shrimp waste, smiled upon hearing that. She then asked, "Why do you ask, Eva? You have an idea?"

The mare, after placing a top upon each of the pots, walked towards the cleaning duo. Eva sat down and pulled a few shrimps towards her. As she heard the younger ewe’s question, she blushed. After several minutes of silence, the Germanic mare replied, as she started to clean a shrimp, "Ja, ich do."

Upon hearing this, Jessica’s ears perked up. "Ooh, and what would that be, ‘Brunhilda’?" she asked, using Eva’s porn name, as Helena listened as well.

"Vell, ich vas dinkink off doink another gangbang film. Only dis eine vill be to put der record out off reach off any other porn actress fer un long time. Ich vas dinkink off beink fucked by 800 studs." As she said that, Eva turned her head slightly and looked at the oven’s glass window, making sure that the pies were baking properly.

The other two femmes blinked in surprise.

"Isn’t James fucking you enough, girl?" quipped Helena, as Jessica snickered.

Eva blushed, after looking away from the oven. "Ha, ha, Helena. Ne, ich just figured dat ich can handle dat many studs im eine settink, iff every dink ist vorked out properly, ist all."

Jessica sat there for a moment, being very quiet, as the other two continued to clean the shrimp. The cream-furred lapin then looked at Eva, with a happy grin on her face. "Hee hee, that should be interesting to see, Eva. I think we should speak to the heads of management and marketing tomorrow morning and have them get things started." She then giggled. "And the industry calls me the horny one."

Eva blushed again, as she looked back at the oven. Noticing the boiling pot filled with potatoes, she got up and walked towards the stove to check on them, as she heard Helena snicker at Jessica’s last comment.

The ewe then placed some cleaned shrimp into a bowl, shortly followed by Jessica.

A short time later, Eva returned to the table. She started to clean some more shrimp, while she and the other two femmes started to gossip about things in general.

In the living room, James, who was seated on the couch placed before the window, and Robert, were watching a football game. At that exact moment, they saw a quarterback fired a short pass to a running back, who unfortunately dropped it.

"Darn it!" yelled Robert, "and he was wide open too."

"Aye, tat he vas, lad. But, as ye Yanks are so fond of sayin’, tae lad must’ve ‘eard footsteps," added James, with a hardy laugh.

The stag looked at the snickering James. "Very funny," remarked Robert, before he looked back at the set. He and James then saw the offense get out of their huddle and get ready for their next offensive play.

As the quarterback began his count, the two males heard the loud whinnying of the McEqqus’ doorbell. Robert looked at James once again.

"Expecting anyone, James?"

The Clydesdale stallion answered the stag by shaking his head, causing his brunette mane to shake. "Nay, laddie, ah be nay expectin’ anyone. But den, we weren’t expectin’…" started the stallion when the two heard a second whinny. Sighing, James got up and headed towards the door, just as he saw the quarterback throw a strike that was caught by a receiver, who then started to run with it. *Dash it all,* thought James, as he got to the door, just as the receiver was brought down after a 35-yards gain. James opened the door. The brunette stallion blinked at what he saw standing before him.

James saw a tall, well-built young colt of obvious Friesian heritage. The Clydesdale noticed that he was mainly dark tan in color, with his hair, ear tips, hooves, chest and presently waving tail being more dark brown, almost black, in coloration. The Friesian was clothed in a white t-shirt and a pair of dark brown spandex racing shorts. *A rather odd outfit ta be wearin’ on a day like tis, even iff’n tis be Southern California,* thought the older stallion, as he then noticed a small suitcase placed next to the colt’s right leg. *Now why be tae lad carryin’ a suitcase?* pondered James. As he looked at him again, James could see that the colt appeared to be very nervous about being around him. To belay his fears, the Clydesdale gave the younger stallion a nice smile, before saying, "‘ello, n wat may ah do fer ye, laddie?"

"Uhm, Mr. McEqqus, I-I-I’m Boar-Ral. I-I-I’m, uhm, here for t-t-the Halloween P-P-Party. I-I-I got an i-i-invite from your lovely wife, sir," replied the obviously nervous colt.

James looked at Boar. He said to the colt, in a friendly voice, "An invite from me wife, eh, lad?"

Boar nodded yes, as he watched James start to rub his chin.

After a while, James asked the colt to come inside. After closing and then locking the door once again, he walked past the still nervous Friesian colt. Once he was back in the living room, he yelled into the kitchen, "Eva, could ye come out ‘ear, lass? Tere be a young lad ‘ear who claims tat ye ‘ad sent ‘im an invite ta our party tomorrow night."

Boar-Ral, standing in the vestibule, gulped.

Eva, as she was looking at the baking pumpkin and apple pies through the presently opened oven lid, blinked. The Rhenish mare quickly closed the lid. As she took off her cooking gloves, which she had put on just moments ago, the mare said to the still shrimp cleaning pair, "Excuse me, Jess, Helena. Ich need to see vat mein stallion ist talkink about."

"Sure thing, Eva," said Jessica, as the raven-haired ewe nodded in agreement.

After placing the gloves on the counter, Eva headed for the living room. *Now, vat jung man vould Jamie mean?* thought the buxom mare, as she entered the dinning room. Eva stopped when she reached the dinning room. Now scanning the living room, the sexy mare saw Robert watching the football game, still seated in the chair; James standing in front of the sofa near the vestibule’s door; and standing inside the vestibule itself, with a suitcase, a still nervous Boar-Ral.

"Uhm, hello, Mrs. McEqqus, remember me?" asked the nervous colt.

Eva, after several minutes, laughed, which caught both males off-guard, especially Boar. She then said to James, "Oh, Jamie, dis ist Boar-Ral. Du remember der colt dat ich’d mentioned to du vhom ich’d meet in der park vhile out joggink un few months ago? He’s okay, honey." The brunette mare then smiled at Boar, hoping that it would put him at ease.

James looked at Eva, then at the presently less nervous colt. "So, tis be tae young lad tat ye been joggin’ wit lately, lass?"

"Ja," replied Eva, as both she and James saw the young Friesian gulp in fear.

James shrugged his shoulders. "Well, tats be good enough for me." Now smiling at Boar, the older stallion added, "Anyway, find yeself a place to sit down, lad."

As Boar phewed in relief, Eva said, "Ich’ll get du somethink to drink, Boar. Vant anythink im particular?"

"Uhm, just some water, Mrs. McEqqus. Thanks," replied the Friesian, as James headed back to the couch. Just as he sat down, the older stallion saw the opposing team’s quarterback rifled a pass that was caught for a touchdown.

"Alright!" yelled Robert, who had been watching the game during the entire time.

At the same time, Eva turned and headed back to the kitchen to get Boar some water. As she did, the Rhenish mare figured that the young colt was staring at her, obviously enjoying the way she was presently walking into the kitchen. The older mare tried to stifle a whinny of approval.

As he watched the mare sexily enter the kitchen, Boar sighed. *I hope I can get a chance to talk with Eva alone. Or at least jog with her before the party,* thought the young colt, as he heard the two older males yelling at the TV, obviously not liking the ref’s recent call. The colt sighed, and after setting his suitcase next to the sofa, he sat down in it, and began to watch the game as well.

Inside Brunne’s room, Brunne and Holly were sitting on the young mare’s bed, looking at the TV, as they played a Baseball video game. The room itself looked like the bedroom of a typical teenage femme, except that the posters within the room were more sports, then either movie stars or teen idols, oriented, as well as there being a small trophy case that stood on the right wall, loaded with trophies.

"Darn!" announced Holly, as her batter swung under a fastball thrown by Brunne’s pitcher, striking out. This ended her half of the inning. As the computer changed her into the pitcher, and made Brunne the batter, she asked, "Hey, Brunne, have any ideas what you’ll be doing when you’re older?"

The young redheaded filly, as she looked at the screen, replied, "A little." She pressed the button on the control stick, and watched her player hit Holly’s pitched ball foul. "Drat. Have you?"

"Maybe. Either a politician like Uncle Robert, or a fashion model, like Aunt Ginger." She then threw the ball. "NOOOOOO!!!!" she screamed, as she watched the electronic ball sail out of the park for a home run.

"Alright!" yelled the smiling filly, as she watched her character run the bases. "Why either one, Holly?" she queried, as her character crossed the plate.

As she started to go through the pitching selection, Holly answered, "Because I find both of them interesting." As she finally decided on which pitch she wanted to throw, the young blonde lapin doe pressed the pitch button.

"I would’ve expected you to be working for your mother…Drat!" said the young mare, as her batter missed the pitch. "Nice pitch, Holly, but the next one isn’t getting past me."

"We’ll see, Brunne," replied Holly, as she goes back through the pitch selection menu. "Nah, I think folks would be expecting that, me being a bunny and all." Holly sighed loudly, before adding, "Anyway, my mom isn’t encouraging me to do it, that’s for sure." The bunny doe’s pitcher then threw her next selection at the plate.

"Same with my mother. I guess they just want us to decide things on our own, eh?" At that moment, Brunne’s batter swung and missed. "Drat!" she yelled in disgust, as Holly giggled.

"Yeah, I guess so," replied Holly, as she goes through the pitch selection once more. As she did, she looked at the brunette-furred mare. "But, if she did, would you go into the business?"

"Nope. No more than my mom wanted to work at her father’s auto company," instantly answered the mare, before her player swung and hit Holly’s pitcher’s ball for a single.

"Huh? But what about all of those ads she did for his company?"

"Well, yeah, she did pose for some ads for him, but she wasn’t exactly working for him. She was doing them for both DoeMare and his company. There’s a different."

"Oooh," said Holly, as she once more went through the pitch selection.

"Yeah. That was the only way she would agree to do those pictures of her around the company’s cars, while clad in either a swimsuit or lingerie." Brunne’s player swung at the next pitch. She popped it up, which was caught by Holly’s second baseman for the first out.

"Anyway, what are you thinking of becoming, Brunne?"

"Maybe a professional athlete, either in soccer or basketball," answered the young redheaded filly, as she fouled off Holly’s next pitch.

Holly snickered. "I should’ve known."

Brunne smiled. Her character then swung at the next pitch. The second baseman scooped up the ball and soon started performing a double play, which ended that half inning. "Darn!"

Back in the kitchen, Jessica and Helena had finished cleaning the shrimp. As they watch Eva placed the rest of the cleaned shrimp into a large pot, the platinum blonde bunny queried, "Is there anything else you want us to do, Eva?"

The Rhenish mare, as she placed a top on the pot, replied, "Nein, Jessica. Ich dink ich can handle dinks from here. Danka. Just go und join der others im der livink room, okay?"

"Okay," replied Helena, as she and the bunny doe got up. As Eva once again looked at the pot that contained the boiling potatoes, whose light she was starting to turn off, the other two femmes washed their hands and then exited the room.

Once inside the dining room, the two looked into the living room, where they saw the three seated males. The two femmes noticed that James and Robert were looking intently at the TV set, obviously watching another football game, and Boar-Ral, who had a very bored look on his face, while he drank some of the water that Eva had gotten him earlier. Helena was the first to say something, as she looked at the colt, "Hi, Boar, how nice to see you again."

The young colt’s ears twitched as he heard the familiar feminine voice. He turned his head and saw the black haired ewe and the platinum blonde lapin walking from the kitchen. He blushed while saying, "H-h-hello, Helena," to the smiling ovine.

"Is this the young colt that you and Eva were talking about a few months back?" Jessica whispered into Helena’s ear, as she looked the colt over.

"Yeah," Helena answered, also in a whisper, before she walked towards Boar. After a while, she sat next to him on the sofa, on his left. "So, how are you, Boar?" she asked the young stallion.

"I’m fine, thanks," replied the colt, as he looked at the sexy ewe that was now seated next to him, as he saw Jessica sexily walked past them out of the corner of his eyes. He noticed the lapin winking at him as she went by. This made him blink, then blush. "And you, Helena?" he asked the ovine in a nervous tone.

As the lapin sat down next to her husband, Robert, on the chair, causing him to move over a little, Helena moved closer to Boar. "Oh, I’m fine, Boar. Thanks for asking." Now next to the colt, she asked him, while rubbing his legs, "So, have you been a good boy?"

Boar blinked as he felt Helena’s hoof move back and forth along his muscular leg. He blushed once again. "Yeah, I have been."

"Oh, that’s nice to hear," cooed the smiling ovine, as they heard James and Robert start to yell once again at the TV set.

"Are ye blind, ref? Tat lad be clearly interfered wit," yelled the disgusted stallion, as Robert nodded his head in agreement. Jessica just shook her head while snickering at the males’ reactions to the call.

"So, are you here for tomorrow night’s party, or to see Eva? Helena asked, still smiling at Boar, her fingers rubbing his leg.

The heavily blushing Boar, with a light giggle, replied, "Well, I was invited to the party by her, but I wouldn’t mind talking with her again."

Helena snickered. "And that’s all you want to do with her, hmmm?"

The Friesian colt blush a very deep red, as he knew the answer to that question.

"Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone," Helena said with a wink, as her hoof move up his leg. It was soon near his groin. It stayed there for a few minutes, before she moved it back down. She then stopped.

"Thanks," said the still blushing Boar-Ral, as he felt her move even closer to him. The colt, as he felt her body pressing against his side, remembered the jogging sessions that he had with Eva and then with both her and the ewe. This made him blush even more, as he recalled how they usually ended. Meantime, Jessica looked at Boar and Helena sitting real close. *Hhhmmm, now why is she sitting so close to him?* she mused, when she noticed Eva walking into the room.

"Dinner ist ready, everybody," Eva told everyone in the living room, smiling nicely at both Boar and Helena. The mare, then turned and sexily walked towards the stairs, while the others started to get up and head for the kitchen for dinner. Eva walked up the stairs, her sexy rump being ogled by Boar, before the young colt was reluctantly pulled towards the kitchen by Helena. The mare soon reached the top step. Looking into Brunne’s room, she announced, "Brunne, Holly, dinner ist ready."

"Okay, mom," replied the young filly, "we’ll be there in a minute."

"Goot," replied Eva with a smile. The middle-age mare then turned and was soon heading back down the stairs. She soon reached the stairs and headed for the kitchen. Several minutes after the German equine femme had entered the kitchen, Brunne and Holly were walking down the steps. A short time later, the two young femmes were both inside the kitchen, where Eva introduced them to Boar-Ral. Shortly after that, they all started eating dinner.

The eight furs ate dinner in the McEqqus’ kitchen, conversing as they did, mostly about local and national politics, the neighborhood goings one (all non-sexual because of the kids and Boar) and the party itself. During dinner, Boar-Ral had a hard time trying to keep from looking directly at Eva, as she sat across the table from him. The colt sighed, before he started to eat the wheat and boil potato meal that was presently sitting on his plate. Eva looked at Boar. She gave the colt a friendly smile, before she continued eating her own meal. Not too long after that, dinner was over, shortly followed by the clearing of the table and the washing of the dishes.

A short time later, James, Eva and Brunne were waving goodbye to a departing Helena, Jessica, Robert and Holly. As the foursome started to head for their respective homes, the front door was closed. Once that was completed, Brunne turned and headed for the kitchen to start on her homework, shortly followed by her mother, who wanted to finish the goodies for the party. At the same time, James walked to the chair. As he sat in it, he looked at Boar, who was presently standing in front of the couch.

"Why donnae ye sit down, lad," said the older stallion, as he turned the set back on. As he did, Sixty Minutes came on, with it familiar opening of the ticking stopwatch being heard by them.

"Uhm, sure, sir," said the Friesian colt seeming a little apprehensive.

After Boar was finally convinced to sit down, James looked at him. "So, ye’d been joggin’ wit me wife, eh lad?"

"Uhm, yes sir."

"N wit Helena?"

"Yes," replied Boar, with an internal gulp.

"So, tell me, lad, haff ye been doin’ anytin’ other tan joggin’ wit tae lassies?"

The colt’s eye grew wide, as he heard the stallion’s question.

James saw Boar’s reaction to his question. After a while, the older stallion gave him a friendly grin, which he hoped would calm down the young draft colt. "Relax lad, me lass ‘ad already told me about it."

The young colt looked at James, dumbfounded. After a few minutes of awkward silence, he finally said, "You’re not mad?"

"Now let me put it ta ye tis way, lad. Iff’n tis be before Culloden, aye be tryin’ ta find me claymore ta cut off ye ‘ead. Iff’n tis be tae 19th Century, ich be challengin’ ye ta fisticuffs fer me wife’s ‘onor," said the Clydesdale stallion, which only made Boar-Ral more nervous. "But, dis bein’ ta 21st Century, laddie, n wit me workin’ in tae adult industry, ah be ‘avin’ nay reason ta be gettin’ mad at ye, as ah would also ‘ave ta be angry at tae lads tat we work wit at tae studio tat me wife co-owns wit tae doe tat’d just left."

Boar blinked in surprise. "Eva runs the studio with that doe?"

James looked at the colt. "Oh, ah see now. Tat be Jessica Thumper. Aye guess ye dinnae recognize ‘er witout an ear coverin’ one of ‘er eyes."

The Friesian colt nodded. "Yes, I did, sir."

No need ta be callin’ me, sir, lad. Just call me, James."

"Sure, James," said Boar, as Eva walked into the room. The sexy mare soon sat down atop James’ lap. She kissed James on the lips, which lasted a while. The mare then smiled at her stallion.

"So, vat haff du zwei been doink?" asked the mare with a naughty smile.

"Talkin’ about ye, lass," James answered, as the mare looked at and smiled at Boar, while getting herself a bit more ‘comfortable’ in James’ lap.

"Oh?" said the Germanic mare with a grin. "It vas un friendly conversation, ja?" Eva continued smiling at Boar, as she asked her question.

"Aye, tat it was," began a squirming James, as he tried not to react to his wife’s teasing. "Just talkin’ about yer joggin’ with ‘im."

"Oh, really?" asked the mare. Eva looked at the younger, blushing colt.

"Aye, n ah was goin’ to tell tae lad tat ah be ‘avin’ nay a problem wit ye joggin’ wit ‘im." At the same time, James was thinking, *Now stop teasin’ me in front of the lad, ye naughty mare.*

As Boar released an audible sigh of relief, the mare gave James a long kiss on his lips. This caused Boar to blink, as he wasn’t expecting to see this. He blushed, and then turned away, to look at the TV set, as the opening credits to The Simpsons, which Eva had just turned to after taking the remote from James, started to appear. The colt watched the set for the next few minutes, as the two equines’ kissed. A few moments later, the kiss was over.

Eva smiled at James, as she finally stopped squirming her butt in his lap. As she enjoyed making her hubby squirm under her, she looked back at Boar-Ral. "Boar?"

It was a couple of seconds before the colt realized that the mare was speaking to him. He sheepishly turned and looked at Eva. "Yes, Mrs. McEqqus?"

"It’s Eva, remember? Anyway, do du haff un place to stay fer der nacht?"

The Friesian, a curious look on his face, replied, "No, although I was planning to stay at a local hotel."

Eva looked at James. "Jamie, do du mind iff Boar uses der guest room?" she asked him, while smiling. "Please?"

"Well," he began, as Eva started to rub her ample rump across his lap again. "Alright, lassie, alright. He can stay, ye naughty mare?"

Eva smiled at her stallion. She then gave him another kiss. "Danka," she said after ending the kiss. She then looked at Boar-Ral. "Du can use der back room, Boar. Ich’ll bring du some sheets und pillows before du go to bed, ja?" The Teutonic mare smiled at the colt, before giving him a wink.

Boar blinked in surprise. The colt then blushed. "Thank you," he finally said, as he saw Eva turned to face the TV set, still seated atop James’ lap. Boar looked at the set himself, wondering when he should get his stuff from the car, and whether he shouldn’t read too much into the redheaded mare’s wink.

James, as she felt his wife on his lap and his own reaction to it, placed his hooves around the mare’s waist. As he watched the program presently playing on the set, he whispered to her, "Ye donna plan to be gettin’ too friendly tonight wit tae lad, are ye?"

Eva only answered with a cryptic, "Jamie, du know me better den tat." The mare then snickered.

"Aye, un tat be why ah be askin’ ye, lass," replied the Scottish stallion, as Eva laugh even louder.

Eva © 2003 Scott and Stanley Alston, Jr.
Jessica, Robert and Holly © 2003 Scott Alston
James, Brunhilda, Philip and Helena © 2003 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Boar-Ral © 2003 Boar-Ral

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