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Halloween Party, Part 4:

The Day of the Party: Starting at the Studio

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Monday morning, after having eaten breakfast and seeing James leave to drive their daughter off to school, Eva stood before their pool, looking over James Dark Horse’s electronic equipment for the Halloween party. The sexy mare was clad in a red sports bra, white trunks with a blue stripe going down both legs, white socks and gray sneakers. The porn mare was planning to take a short jog before heading off to the studio. "Hmm, everythink looks okay," Eva thought out loud as she looked at the stallion’s DJ set up. At that moment, she heard a voice behind her.

"Uhm, Eva, are you planning to go jogging?"

The Rhenish mare blinked. She turned around. Eva saw standing before the open door Boar-Ral. The Friesian colt, who was clad in a white shirt, blue slacks and white sneakers, stood behind the door, a curious look on his face.

"Vhy ja, ich am. Ich’m goink to jog for un while before goink to der studio."

"Oh, uhm, do you mind if I join you?" the colt asked, looking at her nervously.

Eva stood there for a few moments, thinking. Showing him a smile, she said, "Ne, ich don’t mind. Just meet me out front."

"Ooooh, thanks," said the now smiling Friesian, his tail swishing happily, Boar then turned and headed back into the house to change into his jogging outfit.

Eva just shook her head and snickered before heading back into her house.

The mare now stood before her house, jogging in place, as she waited for Boar to appear so that they could start their jog. As Eva jogged, she noticed that some of the neighborhood males who haven’t yet headed for work were looking at her and her jiggling 38Cs. The Rhenish mare snickered at the attention she was getting. 'Typical! Can’t wait to see me und mein bouncink juggs,' she mused, when she saw Jessica leaving her house. Eva soon noticed that she wasn’t alone.

Two other femmes, as Jessica started to close the front door to her home, accompanied the lop-eared bunny. One, a younger blonde bunny doe, was clad in a light green sundress and white shoes. The other one, a gray-haired, red-furred red fox, was dressed in white short-sleeve shirt, blue shorts, black fishnet stockings and red ballet dancers style shoes. After locking the now closed front door, the lop-eared doe, who was clothed in a sleeveless blue dress with a plunging neckline, grey stockings and black shoes, was now leading the others towards her car. Jessica saw the mare. Smiling, she waved at Eva. As she saw the mare wave back, the doe said, "Morning, Eva. How are you?"

"Ich’m fine, Jess. Vho are ihr friends?"

"Oh, yes. Eva, I would like you to meet my younger cousin, Abagail Thornhopper…" The porn bunny then pointed to her shorter cousin.

"Hi, Mrs. McEqqus," said a slightly nervous Abagail, whom Eva noticed had smaller, straight ears in comparison to Jessica.

"Hallo," said Eva to Abagail.

"And, her friend, and the person who I’d told you about on my old magic act, Mrs. Violet Vixen."

Violet, smiling at Eva, did a short bow before the mare. "Good day, Madam McEqqus."

Eva, noticing the vixen’s accent, said, "Guten Tag, Violet. Ich couldn’t help noticink ihr accent. Are du French, perchance?"

The older vixen nodded. "Yes. I am originally from France, Madame. Jessica tells me that you would like me to revive my old magic act for your party tonight? For the children?"

"Ja, ich vould, iff du don’t mind."

The vixen smiled. As she bowed again, Violet said, "I would be delighted, Madame."

"Danka," said a smiling Eva. She then asked Jessica, "Vere are du drei goink?"

"To the studio, to practice the act. We’ll be using Studio Three for that. Anyway, see you at the studio, Eva," the lop-eared bunny doe said in front of her ‘95 Ford Mustang, as Violet and Abagail entered Jessica’s car.

"Okay, see du later, Jessy."

Jessica smiled and then entered her car. A short time later, she was driving down the street, heading for the studio. The mare just smiled, as she returned to running in place, when she heard…

"I’m, uhm, ready to go, Eva."

The mare turned and saw Boar standing in the doorway. The colt was wearing a white T-shirt, spandex racing shorts and sneakers. Boar was presently blowing his forelock, trying to get it out of his eyes. He was also squirming a little, while looking at the mare. "Uhm, the vixen is very pretty isn’t she?" the colt asked, while blushing.

"Ja, she ist," replied Eva, as she giggled while heading to her front door. After Boar had moved out of the way, Eva closed and then locked the door. The porn mare then looked at the colt. "Ready to go?"

Boar nervously answered, "Yes."

Eva smiled at the Friesian. "Goot." With that, Eva walked past Boar, then started to jog, a wicked smile on her countance.

A surprised Boar blinked. He then ran after the giggling mare. "Eva, wait!" he yelled, as he heard Eva giggled louder.

A short time later, Eva was jogging down the street, followed by a puffing Boar. The jogging mare was attracting looks from both the males and some females that the pair jogged past.

"Not, so, huff puff, fast, Eva," Boar said to the older mare.

Eva snickered. "Come on, Boar, pick up der pace. Du said du vanted to jog mit me, ja?"

"Uhm, huff, yeah. But, huff, not the marathon," replied Boar. "What are you, huff, half racehorse?"

The mare whinnied. "Ich’m half Hanoverian on mein mudder side, Boar. Couldn’t du tell before?"

"Until you’d, huff puff, just told me, huff, no."

"Vell, du know now," the mare commented, before whinnying in joy.

The colt could only shake his head in disbelief.

While the duo continued their jog, they did not know that a car, a modified ‘72 Cadillac Hearse, was presently following them.

It took a while, but Boar finally noticed the car that had been following them for a while. He looked at it, and then looked back at Eva who had just turned the corner. It was only when he turned the corner and then saw the Cadillac turn the corner as well that he thought that something wasn’t right. Boar looked at Eva and said to the mare, "Uhm, huff, Eva, I think we’re being, puff, followed."

The jogging equine femme went. "Hmmm," before stopping and then turning around. She looked at Boar, before quizzing him, "Followed?"

Boar, who had also stopped, gasped, between puffs, "Yes." He then pointed to the car, which had also stopped.

Eva looked directly at the now parked vehicle. "Du vait here, Boar. Ich’m goink to talk to der driver," said the mare, as she walked towards the modified vehicle and its unrevealed driver.

"Okay," puff, Eva, just be careful," said Boar, as his hooves stood atop his knees, his body bent halfway down.

"Ich vill," said Eva, as she neared the vehicle. The buxom mare quickly saw that there was a coffin placed in the back of the hearse, along with some other gear. Eva soon noticed that the coffin was actually a snack bar, to be placed easily along a wall. Some of the other stuff included some black and strobe lights for a dancing area, if there was one, a smoke machine, and a few other light effect displays, like lasers for the smoke machine. The mare was now looking into the driver’s side window, and saw in the driver’s seat a gray Clydesdale stallion, with a scar on his face. The stallion, who was smiling at her, started to roll down the window. When he was done, he said to her, in a friendly voice, "Mrs. McEqqus? I’m Cedric Dechevaux. Nice to meet you."

The mare looked at the stallion. She said to him, "Ja ich’m Mrs. McEqqus. Guten Tag, Herr Dechevaux. How may ich help du?"

Cedric blushed a little, as he saw the Teutonic mare looking at him. "Well, I’d received an invite to your Halloween Party the other day and I was wondering if you’d mind if I put on a magic act for the children?"

"Un magic act? Uhm, ich’d vished du’d asked me un few days earlier, Herr Dechevaux." The mare’s ears went flat in apology.

"Please, call me Cedric, or Ced, Mrs. McEqqus, and why’s that?"

The mare quickly informed the stallion about her previous arrangement with Jessica, Mrs. Vixen and her assistant. The stallion, while looking at the pretty mare, listened to her calmly. As soon as she was finished, Cedric started to say, "Maybe I can still help. I have some props in my car that could help Mrs. Vixen and your co-partner with their act?"

It was now Eva’s turn to think. As she did, a rested Boar appeared.

"Any problems, Eva?" Boar asked her.

Eva looked at Boar. She then proceeded to introduce Boar to Ced. As the two said hello, she resumed thinking. Finally, an idea came to her. "Vell, du could ask der drei, Cedric. Dey’re at der studio right now workink on deir act. Do du haff un cell phone dat ich could borrow for un few seconds?"

"Why, yes, I do," answered the stallion. Cedric then retrieved his cell phone from within his car’s glove compartment. He then handed it to her. "Here you go."

Eva took the phone from Cedric. "Danka," she said to him with a smile, before she started to dial some numbers. The mare was soon speaking into the phone, watched by both the young colt and the older stallion. The call lasted for about ten minutes, but the Teutonic mare was soon finished. "Ja, goot. Danka, Candy, danka. Auf Wedershein." Eva then closed the phone’s lid. She then looked at Ced. Smiling, she gave it back to him, while saying, "Danka for lettink me use der phone, Cedric."

"You’re quite welcome, Eva," said Cedric, as he put the phone away. "Uhm, you don’t mind if I call you Eva, Mrs. McEqqus? I mean, I am a fan of yours, but I don’t mean to impose."

The mare smiled. "Nein, ich don’t mind at all."

"Good," said a smiling Cedric. The gray stallion then asked, "So, uhm, what was the call about anyway?"

"Der phone call? Ich’d asked mein partner, Jessica, iff she dinks Mrs. Vixen might need any help mit der act?"

"And?" asked the stallion, as Boar looked on, being a little impatient.

"Vell, she said dat she vould like to meet du erste, Ced, und see vat du can do. But, of course, dat vould mean dat ich vould haff to take du to der studio," replied Eva. The mare then looked at Boar.

Boar blushed at the thought of maybe going to Eva’s studio.

"Well, I have no problem with that, Eva," replied Cedric with a smile.

Eva, still looking at Boar, asked the colt, "Vell, vant to go mit us to der studio, Boar?"

Boar, still blushing, quickly answered, "Sure, Eva."

"Excellent," she said, before looking at Cedric. "Could du drive us to mein studio, Cedric? Ich’ll tell du how to get dere."

"Sure, no problem," said Cedric. The stallion then pressed a button on his dashboard that unlocked the car’s doors. "Come on in."

"Danka," said the smiling mare, before both she and the colt entered the stallion’s car. Once they were inside Cedric’s car, the stallion locked the doors.

"So, where’s to?" asked Ced.

Eva told Cedric where to go.

The gray Clydesdale nodded. "Okay," he then said, before he started his car and then headed for the studio. As he did, the stallion chatted with Eva, while Boar sat quietly in the back seat.

About half an hour later, Cedric parked his car in DoeMare Studio’s parking lot. The trio quickly exited the vehicle and headed for the building. As they reached the door, Cedric, who had been following Eva, soon walked past the surprised mare. "Huh?" said Eva, as she and Boar watched the gray stallion open the door. They then saw Cedric turn and say, with a smile, "After you, Eva."

The mare was pleasingly surprised. "Vhy, danka, Cedric," she said before sexily walking past the stallion. She noticed Ced’s eyes lighting up and a smile form on his face, as she walked past him, shortly followed by Boar. As Eva walked past the front desk, Cedric entered the building.

The receptionist, Barbara, saw the mare walk past her, as well as the colt and the approaching stallion. "Mornin’, Boss. Who you’re friends?"

Eva, who was presently standing in front of the door that led to the studio, turned and looked at the eyeglass wearing blonde skunkette. "Guten Tag, Babs. Oh, ich vould like du to meet Cedric…"

"Good day, pretty lady," said Cedric, as he bow before Barbara, smiling at her.

"…and Boar-Ral."

"Hello, Ma’am," said the Friesian colt, looking a little nervous, as he noticed all of the photos of the studio’s female stars on the walls.

Barbara said hello to the new males, then looked at Eva. "I can’t wait for your party tonight, boss."

"Neither can ich," said the Rhenish mare with a giggle, as she noticed both Cedric and Boar looking at her photo on the wall, the one of her seated in a chair, wearing a leaf-patterned brown and black strapless corset that was covered by an almost translucent pink robe, brown stockings, a red garter atop the right stocking and silver shoes. Eva snickered, then looked back at Babs. "Jessica und her guests are still im Studio Three, ja?"

"Yes they are, Eva," replied the skunkette. Barbara then added, "The male/male film is being done in Studio One right now, so you three may have to be very quiet when you walk past it."

"Danka for der varnink, Babs," Eva said with a smile. She then looked back at the two males. "Shall ve go?"

Cedric and Boar both nodded, their attention now focused on the mare.

Eva smiled. She then turned and walked through the doors that led into the main building.

"See you later, miss," said Cedric, as the colt walked into the main building. The gray Clydesdale then followed.

Barbara giggled, then returned to her computer.

Once they were inside the main building, the mare decided to give both Boar and Cedric an impromptu tour of the studio as they walked towards Studio Three. She showed them the locker rooms, the dressing rooms, the gym room, the offices for marketing, maintenance, etc., hers and the other big stars’ offices, Studio One, where they heard a loud male gasp and Studio Two. When the trio were near Studio Three, Eva turned and said, "Be very quiet. Dey might be vorkink on der act right now."

The two males nodded in understanding.

Eva smiled. She then turned and quietly entered the studio, as did the stallion and the colt.

The trio saw before them what appeared to be an empty room. But, when they looked towards the back, they saw standing on the stage two females, a young bunny doe and an older vixen. Next to the two femmes, to the vixen’s right, was a cloth-covered table, atop of which was placed a black top hat with a broad white stripe near the hat’s brim. They noticed that the vixen was clad in what looked like a black one-piece swimsuit, fishnet stockings and black shoes. The trio also noticed that the swimsuit was deeply plunging in the front, up to her navel, which also exposed part of her cleavage. The bunny femme with her was wearing a white pretzel-style outfit, which exposed her midriff, as well as a translucent wrap that was placed upon both her arms and white shoes. Eva soon recognized them as being Violet and Abagail. But, as hard as she and the others look, they couldn’t find Jessica.

As Eva looked back at the duo and smiled and Boar wondered what the duo were doing, Cedric watched with some interest. 'Hmm, looks like a typical rabbit out of the hat trick. 'Snicker' I’m sure the kids will enjoy it, even if those two ladies will have to wear less skimpy outfits when they perform the act later,' thought the stallion.

At just that moment, the vixen approached the hat, her side and part of her back now shown to the audience, revealing that her outfit exposed most of her back, up to her buttock, and part of her still firm appearing bosom. The vixen said a few words, and then placed her left black arm into the hat. She moved it around the hat for a while, before smiling when she’d obviously got what she was looking for. Violet then pulled her arm back up. As they all looked, a pair of rabbit ears began to appear from inside the hat. A large pair of rabbit ears. Boar’s eyes bugged out, as he saw a rabbit’s face now appear out of the hat. But he wasn’t the only one.

'What the…' thought Cedric, as the vixen pulled the rest of the bunny femme’s body out of the hat, to the seemingly surprised look of the other rabbit doe. The newly revealed femme, a platinum blonde, cream-fur lop ear doe, was clothed in a white one-piece outfit that revealed the area around her belly button, and white shoes. The new bunny then looked towards the audience, looking sexy, with one ear naughtily covering one of her eyes, as the vixen spoke to her still in shock assistance, her arm resting atop the hat. At that moment, Eva began to clap.

"Wunderbar, Jessica. Nice act, Frau Vixen, Fraulein Thornhopper."

As the lop-ear bunny smiled at her partner and the short ear lapin femme blushed, Violet nodded. "Thank you, Madame. I’m glad to see that you and your male companions have enjoyed this particular part of our act."

Eva nodded. "Ja, at least ich did." She then looked at Boar and Cedric.

As Boar started to smile, before finally clapping, Cedric had a hoof placed on his chin, deep in thought.

'How did she do that? It doesn’t seem possible for her to be able to pull that large bunny out of that hat?'

Eva was soon looking at Ced. "Cedric?"

Cedric quickly came out of his train of thought. He looked at the pretty mare. "Oh, sorry, I was admiring the act."

The vixen giggled upon hearing Cedric’s comment. "Sure you weren’t admiring something else, Monsieur Cedric?" The other three femmes snickered, as did Boar, while Violet, her fluffy red tail wagging behind her, just smiled at the now blushing Clydesdale stallion.

"Well, maybe, Madame. Anyway, my name is Cedric. Cedric Dechevaux. I’m a magician in my own right. And, I was wondering if you would mind if I help you with your magic act for the kids tonight?" The stallion then bow before the trio on stage, while waiting for Violet’s answer.

The vixen looked at the stallion. Violet thought there was something about him. Or rather, his aura. She smiled at him and said, "I’d be willing to talk it over with you over lunch, how does that sound to you, Cedric?"

Cedric smiled back, "I’ll be delighted, Madame. Especially with a lady as charming as you are."

Violet, still smiling, replied, "Excellent. Now do you three mind if we could continue with our practicing?"

Eva quickly nodded. "Of course," she said, as she started to head for the exit. Boar soon followed her. But Cedric stayed right where he was.

"If you don’t mind, Violet, I would like to stay and watch you and the bunnies practice your act." The stallion gave them a friendly smile, hoping that the trio wouldn’t mind.

Eva stopped, as did Boar, since the mare was presently blocking the door. She turned and looked at Cedric. "Are du sure, Ced?" she queried.

Ced looked at Eva. With a smile, he replied, "Yes, since I would have to know what Violet will be doing."

"Ich suppose," replied the mare.

Cedric then looked back at Violet and the does. He could see that the vixen was deep in thought.

Violet looked at Abagail and Jessica. "Well, what do you think, ladies?"

Abagail shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

Jessica, who was looking the stallion over, replied, with a very broad smile. "Sure, Violet, no problem."

Violet nodded, then looked back at Ced. "Sure, you can watch us, Cedric."

The Clydesdale smiled at the vixen. "Thank you, Madame. And I promise that I’ll be so quiet that you won’t even know that I’m here."

The vixen looked back at Ced. "You are quite welcome, Cedric." Violet then turned to Abagail and Jessica. "Okay, girls, time to do the disappearing bunny trick." The lop-ear bunny doe smiled while Abagail groaned softly, as she was always the one who was made to vanish by Violet.

At that same moment, Eva looked at Boar. "Come on, Boar. I’ll show you the rest of the studio." The mare then turned and went through the door.

"Okay," said the colt, as he watched the mare walk through the door. He soon followed her out the door.

Eva soon started to lead Boar away from Studio Three. The older mare then looked at the colt. Smiling, she asked, "So haff du enjoyed der tour, Boar?"

Boar, as he walked next to the mare, replied to the now smiling Eva, "Yes I did, Eva. Thanks." The colt then smiled back at her.

"Wunderbar!" said the mare, when she saw a figure approaching them. The mare looked ahead and saw a black-haired lioness nearing her and Boar-Ral. The lioness was clothed in a light red blouse, gray pants, blue shoes and a white apron, with a little bloodstain on it, tied atop her pants. Eva soon recognized her as the new head of the studio’s cafeteria.

"Mrs. McEqqus," began the lioness, as she got closer to the equines, "I need to speak with you about today’s menu."

Eva, who had stopped walking, looked at the lioness. "Sure, Connie, vat ist der problem?"

"The problem is that today’s menu seems to be calling for a lot of salads. Why is that?" the lioness asked, as she stopped before the duo, her paws soon placed on her hips.

Eva, as Boar looked at Connie, whose tail was now twitching all over the place, said to the lioness, "It’s very simple, Connie. Ve haff un lots of herbs vorkink here, so ve’ll need to serve un lot of veggies for dem to eat."

Connie, her paws now placed behind her back, said, "Yeah, that would make sense. Being in the service, I should’ve remembered that." The lioness then noticed Boar. "Uhm, who’s the colt, boss?" A relative of yours?"

Eva blinked, then looked at Boar, who was at the moment blushing because of the feline femme’s comment. "Oh, now vhere are mein manners? Connie, dis ist Boar-Ral, un freund off meins. Boar, dis ist Connie. She runs our cafeteria."

The still blushing Friesian looked at the presently embarrassed lioness. "Hi, Connie, nice to meet you," he said to her.

"Nice to meet you too, Boar," replied Connie with a friendly smile. The lioness then looked at Eva. "Okay, boss mare. Thanks for clearing that up. Anyway, the cafeteria should be open for lunch in about an hour." Connie then turned around and headed back towards Studio Two and the cafeteria.

Eva looked at the wall to her right. As Boar did the same out of curiosity, the Rhenish mare was looking at the big wall clock, which had a picture of a semi-nude Jessica Thumper on the face. She noticed that it was almost 11 am. "Vell, vat do du know, it’s almost 11. Ich should get dress," the buxom mare said, as she remembered that she was still wearing her jogging outfit.

Boar, who was also looking at the clock, and blushing a very deep red because of the picture, also remembered that he was still clothed in his jogging attire, looked at Eva. He’d noticed that her wet jogging outfit was now set tight against her sexy form, showing off all of her curves. The colt was once again squirming because of her appearance.

The mare looked at Boar. "Ich needs to take un quick shower und get dressed. Mind vaitink for me in mein office?"

"Uhm, no, I don’t mind," answered Boar.

"Goot," said Eva. The mare then gave the colt the directions to her office. Once she was sure that he’d understood her directions, the mare headed for the nearby shower room.

Boar looked at Eva as she walked towards the shower room, following the movement of her sexy hips and buns. The Friesian colt sighed, before he turned and started to walk towards Eva’s office, following the directions she had given him. 'I hope she won’t take too long getting washed,' pondered Boar, as he turned the corner, passing two semi-nude actresses. Boar blushed upon seeing them, and then moved a little faster towards Eva’s office.

Back in Studio Three, Cedric had been watching the practicing between Violet and the two bunny femmes. At the present moment, he saw Jessica preparing to enter a box. As the platinum blonde doe began to enter it, the Clydesdale thought, 'Okay, now how did she really make Abagail disappear and then reappear? I mean, even I can’t believe that she’d just made her vanish.' Cedric saw Abagail, who was now standing to the door’s left, closed it in front of her sexy cousin.

Violet, on the door’s opposite side, nodded to Abagail. The bunny femme nodded back and then moved away from the box. The gray-haired vixen, who was holding onto a pair of large blades, then walked to the box. Now in front of it, and after saying something to Jessica, whose face and right paw were visible to Cedric, thanks to a pair of holes in the door, turned around and showed the blades in Cedric’s direction to prove to him that they were both sharp. After seeing the stallion acknowledge that fact, the vulpine femme turned again, and then started to shove one of the blades into the box, just above Jessica’s perky boobs.

'Ahhh, that old trick,' thought Cedric, as he saw the blade go all the way through the box, shortly followed by the second blade, which he saw being pushed through, just under Jessica’s belly button. The stallion then saw Violet speaking to Jessica, acting as if she wanted to be sure that the lapin was feeling okay. He snickered at that. 'Obvious magician trick,' he thought.

Violet, after she was finished with Jessica, moved to the box’s left. She then proceeded to place her paw upon the area between the blades, and slowly started to pull it towards her.

As she did, Jessica giggled, "That tickles, Violet."

This caused the Clydesdale to laugh.

A short time later, the older vixen had finished pulling out the box until there was a space between the upper and lower box. The vixen then looked at Cedric. "Would you come here please, Cedric?" asked Violet.

The stallion blinked. He then shrugged. "Sure," he said, as he came forward.

Violet smiled at the approaching stallion. When Cedric was on the stage, the older vixen said, "Cedric, I would like you to open up the middle box and then tickle Jessica’s stomach.

As the two lapins looked on, Cedric blinked. He then smiled. "Sure," he said, as he approached the box, thinking he would just be touching something fake. The stallion, now in front of a smiling Jessica and a snickering Abagail, opened up the middle box. Ced saw the buxom bunny’s breasts and stomach. The Clydesdale then placed his hoof upon Jessica’s abs. He then gave a slight smile as he rubbed it.

"Violet said to tickle my stomach, not rub it, horsie," Jessica said, as she giggled.

The stallion blinked in surprise, as he felt the bunny’s flesh, and heard her comment. "Okay," he said, as he started to tickle Jessica’s stomach. He then heard the lapin laughing in response to his tickling.

"Ha ha ha, that tickles," went the buxom lapin.

Cedric blinked again. He then looked at the giggling Abagail and then at the smiling Violet. "How is this…?"

"Now, now, Cedric. A magician never tells her secrets. But, a sorceress, on the other paw, might be willing to tell over lunch."

Cedric, his mouth wide open in surprise, said, "Sorceress?"

"Oh yes, Mistress Violet is a sorceress, Cedric. And I’m her apprentice," added Abagail.

Now, Cedric wasn’t expecting to be talking to a sorceress, especially not one that was obviously powerful enough to perform her magic tricks in the way she had, but it made perfect sense to him when he thought about it. "Well, to be honest, Violet, I’d seen very few powerful sorceresses who were as pretty as you are. So, I’ll be delighted."

The vixen blushed. "Why, thank you, Monsieur Cedric. What a nice thing to say."

"Well, it is true," said the stallion, with a friendly smile.

At that moment, Jessica said, "Uhm, Violet, mind putting me back together? 'Snicker'."

"Oh, sure," said the vixen. "Excuse me for a moment, Cedric?"

"Sure thing," said Cedric, as he moved out of Violet’s way and then watched her put the middle box back into place. 'This is going to be an interesting lunch,' thought the gray Clydesdale, as he watched Jessica step out of the box in one piece. 'Very interesting, indeed.'

Eva © 2003 Scott and Stanley Alston, Jr.
Abagail, Violet and Jessica © 2003 Scott Alston
James, Barbara and Connie © 2003 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Boar-Ral © 2003 Boar-Ral
Cedric © 2003 Paladynn Schyft

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