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Halloween Party, Part 5:

The Day of the Party: Last Minutes Preparations

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Boar-Ral sat nervously in a chair in Eva’s office, waiting for her to return from her shower. The young colt was presently looking at the wall clock behind the redmaned mare’s mahogany desk. The nervous Friesian started to look around the room, for what felt to him like the umpteenth time. He soon focused upon Eva’s desk. Atop it was placed a desktop computer, a smaller clock, a phone that was shaped liked a charging horse, a desktop calendar, some papers that were placed atop the aforementioned calendar, and a pen caddy that was filled with pens and pencils, some rubber bands, push-pins and several paperclips. Also on the desk were placed a few framed photographs. One in particular caught his eyes: it was a picture of Eva and James. In the picture, the mare was shown wearing a nice, yet sexy looking white wedding gown and holding in her hooves a bouquet of red and white roses, while the stallion was clothed in a light gray suit coat and pants, a white shirt and a tie with green and red stripes. The pair was smiling. Boar finally realized that this particular picture must had been taken during the duo’s wedding day, as he also saw in it a wedding cake that was placed on a table to their right. Across from it was a second photo that showed the two in a much more intimate moment: the two equines stood in front of a king-sized bed, with Eva wearing a two-piece black wonder bra and panties set, while James was clad in a pair of black briefs. The two were kissing, with the mare’s right hoof placed at the top of the stallion’s briefs, her fingers just inside the waistband. Boar was soon blushing, before he looked away from it and proceeded to look around the rest of Eva’s office.

The colt quickly noticed several small bookcases behind him and to the door’s right. One was filled with several books of various sizes, most of which were of a historical nature, as well as several pamphlets and magazines, which were kept in magazine boxes. This surprised the Friesian, as he wasn’t expecting a porn star to be interested in such materials. The next bookcase was filled with videotapes and DVDs of the films that the mare had appeared in over the years. He also noticed on that shelf a couple of tank models. One was a Panzer Three tank, while the other was a Tiger tank. He also noticed several figures on the Tiger, either seated or standing, all wearing camos uniforms. One of the figures looked like a stallion and it was wearing an officer camo.

'Well, she is German, so why shouldn’t she have models of German tanks and figures?' mused the young colt, as he continued to look around the room. As he did, Boar soon noticed a picture on the wall, to the left of the second bookshelf. In the picture were two figures: One appeared to be a 50ish-looking Rhenish-German stallion with a graying black mane. The standing stallion was clothed in a navy blue business suit and pants, a white shirt, gray tie and black shoes. To the stallion’s right, and seated in a chair, was a redmaned Hanoverian mare. The mare appeared to be in her 40s, and was wearing a rather nice looking form-fitting black dress, tan stockings and black shoes, as well as a pearl necklace and earrings. As he pondered who the pair was, he heard the door open. Boar-Ral quickly looked at the door, and soon saw Eva standing inside her office door.

"Sorry about takink so long, Boar," said the mare in an apologetic tone, as she walked into her office. The colt noticed that the sexy porn queen had replaced her jogging outfit with a form-fitting, strapless white dress, neutral stockings and black shoes. "…but, ich had to check on der film beink done im Studio Eine."

"Oh, that’s okay, Eva. I didn’t mind waiting," said Boar, as he enjoyed what he saw before him, including how her outfit showed off the mare’s curves to their best advantage. He then began to think, 'Studio One? Wasn’t that where the…'

when he heard the mare reply:

"Gut." She then asked him with a friendly smile, "So, ready to eat lunch, Boar?"

"Yeah, I am," replied the colt, as he started to stand up, still wearing his jogging outfit. "But before we go, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

Eva thought for a second. She then shrugged, before saying, "Sure, go right ahead, Boar."

Boar looked at the once more smiling mare. He turned his head slightly, and then pointed at the picture of the well-dressed, middle-age equine pair. The colt asked, "Who are the pair in the picture, Eva? Friends of yours?"

Eva blinked, then looked at the picture. "Ne, dey are ne freunds of mines. Dey are mein parents, mein late vater, Leonardo Pferd, und mein mudder, Helga," she quickly answered.

Boar blinked, before he looked back at the picture. As he looked it over again, he thought that there was something that looked familiar about the older stallion. After blinking again, he took another look at the bookcase with the Tiger tank model. Then he saw it. The stallion in the picture, although older, looked liked the stallion in the officer camo that was seated atop the Tiger tank, near its turret. "Eva, would the stallion in the picture be the same one seated on that Tiger tank on the bookcase?" Boar-Ral asked the mare.

The mare looked at Boar for a few seconds. She then looked at the bookcase in question. Eva looked at the figure on the tank model. She then looked back at the colt and answered, "Ja, dey are eine und der same. Ich had dat particular figure modified to look like mein sire. He vas un officer im der Wehrmacht durink der last major Vorld Var. He vas im der Panzer Grenadiers." She then quickly added, "Und ne, he vas never involved im any of der atrocities dat vere committed by der Army. He vas too much off un gentleman to allow such dings to occur under his command."

Boar looked at Eva. As he did, he saw her give him a look that said she would defend her father’s good name until the day she died. 'Okay, I won’t ask her, even if I wasn’t planning to,' thought the Friesian. "Well, I wasn’t even thinking about asking that Eva. I was only curious about the resemblance, that’s all."

"Oh," said Eva, feeling a little embarrassed. "Sorry, but ich’d been asked dat question so often dat ich guess ich sometime get un bit defensive about it. Sorry."

Boar smiled at Eva. "That’s okay, Eva. I can understand."

The older mare smiled back. "Danka, Boar."

The colt, still smiling, replied, "You’re quite welcome, Eva. Now, about lunch?"

Eva looked at the clock, soon noticing that it was after 12. "Ja. Just followed me, please, und vhen du leave mein office, please close der door behind du, danka?" The mare then turned around and started to walk down the corridor, headed for the cafeteria.

Boar nodded, as he saw her leave, then headed for the door. Once outside the room, he stopped and closed Eva’s office door. The colt then turned and moved quickly so that he could catch up with the older mare, which he did after a short time, while liking the way that the older mare was moving her sexy behind.

Moments earlier, Jessica, Abagail, Violet, all still wearing their costumes, and Cedric were walking towards the cafeteria, conversing among themselves. As they did, the foursome walked past a few of the actors and staff of the studio whom were either headed back to work, or were also headed to the cafeteria to eat lunch. Cedric soon noticed that a few of the women were either topless, or wearing robes, and that most of the staff, especially the males, had very little reaction to it. 'Must be some actresses coming in from some filming,' thought the stallion, as the group entered the cafeteria. They then entered the cafeteria and after placing some food on trays, they got into the line that led towards the cashier. In front of them stood an ewe. She had a sexy looking white wool form with black arms and legs. She was wearing a white Ancient Grecian Pelops dress, with leather sandals on her hooves. Cedric, who was at the moment standing behind Jessica, tapped the cream-furred bunny on the shoulder. As Jessica looked back, the gray-haired Clydesdale asked:

"Who’s the ewe? And why is she dressed like a Grecian Goddess?"

Jessica looked at Cedric. She then turned her head and looked at the shorter ewe. Smiling, she said, "Oh, Helena, do you have a moment?"

The ewe turned her head. Looking at the lop-eared rabbit, Helena said, "Sure, I have a moment, Jessica. What do you want?"

The lapin femme pointed at Cedric. "Actually, he wanted to ask you something. Anyway, Helena, this is Cedric. He plans to help with the magic act at Eva and James’ house for the party tonight. Cedric, this is Helena Sheepadopolus, aka Aphrodite, the Goddess of Lust.

Helena looked at Cedric. As she smiled at the stallion, the ewe said, "Hello, Cedric. I’m Helena." She moved past Jessica, while offering her hoof to the stallion to shake.

The stallion smiled back. "Ah, I was wondering about the Pelops dress that you’re wearing." Cedric took Helena’s hoof, turned it around and gave the back of her hoof a gentle kiss. "Anyway, nice to meet you, Helena. Or should I call you Aphrodite?"

The ewe snickered, as Cedric released her hoof. "Helena will do fine, Cedric. As for the costume, I’ve just started filming my latest Aphrodite film." Helena then asked, "So, you’re helping the other ladies with their act, hmm?"

As the lapins and the vixen giggled, Cedric blushed. "Well, yes, I am. Mainly with setting it up after we’d arrive at Eva’s place."

Helena looked directly at the stallion, showing that her Pelops had a plunging neckline, which revealed about half of her bosom. She then looked before her, seeing that the line had moved forward while she had been talking to Cedric. The ewe moved forward to fill in the gap, followed by the others. After getting some food, Helena looked back at the stallion. "Help with organizing, hmm?"

Cedric blushed again, as the others around him proceeded to fill up their trays with some more food. "Well, mainly with the set-up. I was planning to offer my services to Eva by doing a magic act for the cubs, but she’d told me that these lovely ladies were already planning to perform an act of their own for the party." The three femmes with him nodded their heads in agreement.

"So, I guess that I, my hubby and my little lambs, will be seeing you tonight, hmm?" asked Helena, as she neared the cashier.

"Yes," replied the gray stallion, as he watched Helena stand in front of the cashier, starting to pay for her food.

Looking back at Cedric, once she had finished paying, Helena smiled and then said, "Okay, guess I’ll be seeing you tonight. Bye." The ewe then picked up her tray and headed for a table, where was already seated a black-wooled ram, a tawny-furred maneless male lion and the skunkette receptionist whom the stallion had met earlier.

Jessica, who was still in front of Cedric, looked back at the stallion and said, "Careful now, Cedric, she’s a married ewe."

Cedric blinked. He then looked at the lop-eared lapin. "Oh, to whom?"

The cream-furred lapin pointed to the ram whom Helena was seated next to. "The black ram whom she’s seated with." Jessica then reached the cashier. She turned and started to pay for her food.

"Ah, I see," said the stallion, as he watched the two sheep start to converse among themselves, while the lion and the skunkette started to eat their meals. Cedric smiled, as he reached the cashier, after Violet had, and started to pay for his food.

As Eva and Boar were starting to buy lunch, and Jessica, Helena, Abagail, Violet and Cedric were still eating and speaking, James was inside his car, driving back to his house. As he reached his home, the Clydesdale stallion quickly noticed that there were a couple of cars in front of the driveway. He quickly recognized one of them as being Whysper’s Hummer. The other was a sports car, which he didn’t recognize. He saw standing around the vehicles Whysper, Boss, Dark, Grayflank, Pakesh-De and a small mare whom he had never seen before.

'Hmm, now wat tis be aboot?' James thought, as he drove up the driveway, passing the group. After parking the car, and exiting it, the stallion looked at the others equines. As the others look back, he asked, "’allo, lads n lassies, why be ye ‘ere?"

Whysper instantly answered, "’ow soon we forget, eh, James, me lad? Ye told us on Saturday ta be ‘ere early ta finish up wit preparin’ ye ‘ouse for tonight’s party."

The brunette stallion blinked a couple of times, while the others, except for the now smiling pegasi and the small mare, whom James soon realized was a unicorn, lightly snickered. James, after a few seconds of thinking, then said with a slight smile, "Aye, ah remember now, Whysper, but ah do believe tat ah’d told ye all to be ‘ere one ‘our before tae party was ta start, not around Noon."

It was now Whysper’s turn to blink. He now started to think. Now with a sheepish grin on his face, he replied, "Aye, tat ye did. Sorry aboot tat, old friend."

James smiled. "Tat be quite alright, Whysper. Ye be knowin’ me long enough ta know tat ah nay ‘old such tings against ye." He then looked at the unicorn femme. "By tae way, lad, who be tae little lass with ye lot?"

The pegasi looked at the unicorn. "Oh, we’d met ‘er at tae front door when we all arrived. She be sayin’ tat ‘er name be Snowy Angelque Maslov. Seems she’d gotten one of ye wife’s party invites."

James, as Whysper spoke, continued to look at Snowy.

As he did, Snowy looked up at the taller stallion. She said to him, a little nervously, "My you are a big one, sir. I’d seen pictures of you, but I never thought that you be a whole lot taller than I’d expected."

The Clydesdale stallion, upon hearing that from the unicorn femme, started to laugh. As Snowy blinked in surprise, James said, "Ye wodda be more amazed iff’n ye had ever meet me mother, lass."

"Huh?" Snowy said, a little surprised.

Whysper said to the obviously confused unicorn femme, "James’ mother be a Shetland pony, lass."

Still laughing, James added, "Aye, tat she be. N a very feisty lil gal she be too. But donnae ye ever call ‘er tat ta ‘er face."

"That’s she feisty?" asked Snowy.

"Nay, tat she be a lil gal. Especially since she used ta command soldiers tat be a wee bit taller tan ‘er, lass." said James.

"Aye, ah be knowin’ tat from experience," added Whysper. "In fact, ah still be rememberin’ tae punch in tae gut tat she gave me wen ah stupidly called ‘er little." The pegasus then started laughing.

Snowy blinked again, as did the others.

"Your mother was in the army?" asked Dark Horse.

James looked at Dark. With a smile, he replied, "Aye, tat she was. Wen she finally retired a few years ago, she be a Field Marshall in Her Majesty’s Army. In fact, she vas one of Iron Maggie’s military advisors durin’ tae Falklands War. Tae word in ta army at tae time was tat she be tae one tat put tae iron intae Iron Maggie’s backbone."

As James started to laugh again, Whysper added, "Aye, tat tey did, laddie."

The other males stood there impressed, as did Pakesh-De. Snowy stood there in complete awe.

"I see," the winged Celtic unicorn mare finally said. "She must’ve been quite a mare to have had that sort of influence."

The Clydesdale stallion smiles proudly. "Aye, tat she was." James then said, as he headed towards the house, "Well, since ye all be ‘ere, ah might as well call me job n let tem know tat ah won’t be back." He then added, "Follow me, please."

The others did just that. They soon began to hear some chimes. James stopped in front of the door and then looked at the others. "Were be tose chimes comin’ from?"

Snowy quickly blushed, as she and the others stopped as well. "Uhm, that would be me, sir. I tend to do that when I walk. Sorry."

James looked once again at Snowy, as did the others. After a few seconds of silence, the Clydesdale stallion smiled and said, "Tat be okay, lass. Ah just be a wee bit surprised tat somethin’ tat be soundin’ so nice wodda be comin’ from a wee lass like yerself. N please, be callin’ me, James, Snowy."

Snowy smiled back. "That’s be a nice thing to say, James."

James nodded. He then went to the front door, which he quickly opened. The others soon entered the house, each walking past James, who held the door open for them. The stallion then entered, before closing the door behind him.

Brunne looked at the clock on the classroom wall. She saw that the time on the clock was presently 2:45 pm. 'Just 15 minutes more to go,' she mused before she returned her gaze to the front. The filly saw standing in front of the blackboard a nicely dressed, brown-furred male rabbit, who was at the moment talking as he wrote some words onto it. 'And school will be over.' She then looked around the room, seeing her fellow classmates writing down as much as they could hear and see what the lapin was trying to tell them. She sighed before starting to do the same.

"…and on that date in 800 A.D., Charlemagne was crowned the first Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III," said the lapin, as he wrote down the name of the aforementioned pope, under the year, the date and the name of Charlemagne. The male lapin then turned around. As he looked at the students, he asked, "So tell me, class, what was the important of the pope crowning Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans?"

"Never to turn your back on the pope?" cracked a male otter, commenting on how the pope had crowned Charlemagne, which produced laughter from his fellow students, including Brunne.

The rabbit shook his head. He said, "A little, Mr. Ott, but not quite. Anyone else, and please try to give me a more serious response."

"That the Papacy, and the Papacy alone, had political control in the west?" answered a skunkette, who turned out to be Cathy.

"Very good, Ms. Smelt. That is correct. The Pope thought that by crowning Charlemagne Emperor, he would not only be the spiritual head of the West, but he would also have the final say on who would be the political head of the West. So, can anyone tell me how successful his…," said the brown-furred lapin, when he and the class heard a loud, clanging bell.

As the students, including Brunne, lightly cheered the bell ringing, and started to get up and leave the room, the lapin teacher said, "Okay, class, we’ll continue where we left off today with Western Europe at the time of Charlemagne’s crowning."

'Finally! I thought the day would never end,' thought Brunne, as she headed for her locker, carrying her books in her hooves. 'Now, to get my stuff so I can go home.' After a short walk, Brunne stood before her locker, turning the knob of its lock. As she did so, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Blinking, she turned her head and saw standing behind her Eddie.

"Hey, Wonder Gal, y’all ready fer tonight?" asked the smiling lupin, who was presently clad in a light blue baseball style jacket, black pants and gray sneakers, with his light green backpack set upon his muscular back.

"Eddie, how many times have I’d asked you to not call me that?" asked the filly, while other students walked around the pair, before she turned around and continue to work on the combination to her locker. She soon opened her locker. As she did, Brunne heard Eddie reply:

"Oooppppsss, sorry Brunne, I keep forgettin’." He then gave her a sheepish smile.

"No, you didn’t, Eddie," responded Brunne, as she pulled her yellow backpack out of her locker, which she then started to fill up with the books she needed for that night. "If you did, you wouldn’t keep doing it." The filly then removed her light green jacket, which she started to put on, soon covering her burgundy shirt and part of her blue jeans. Brunne, who was also wearing black sneakers, proceeded to zip up her jacket once she had finished putting them on. "Now, in answer to your earlier question, yes, I’m ready for the party. Are you?"

The male wolf smiled. "Of course I am, Won…oops, I mean Brunne. I’m always looking forward to a party at y’all folks’ place."

Brunne smiled back, before she closed her locker, and turned the lock. After she placed her backpack upon her strong back, she and Eddie began to walk away from her locker. The two shortly exited the building, along with some of the other students, going into the cool autumn afternoon. As they did, she asked the lupin, "So, got your costume ready?"

"Oh, yeah. Once I’m done wit my homework, my folks are going to drive me to yer house fer the party."


"Yeah," the wolf said with a sigh. "Mr. Canid gave us a Biology assignment that’s due at the end of the week."

"Ouch, and you so stink at Biology."

"I know, which is why I hope tat Cathy can help me wit it. That is, if you don’t mind helpin’ me wit it?" Eddie, as the two headed for a bus stop, gave Brunne his biggest smile, as he hoped that she would say yes to his query.

The filly blinked. She looked at the wolf, while thinking over his question. "Well, I guess it would depends on what type of assignment that you were given, Eddie."

The lupin smiled. "Gee, thanks Brunne, you’re a pal."

"Sure," said Brunne. "After all, what are friends for?"

"Yeah," replied Eddie, as his tail wagged happily behind him.

They soon reached the bus stop. The two, along with a few other students, waiting for their buses to arrive. For Brunne, that wasn’t for too long, as her bus soon arrived. She entered it, and after paying the fare, turned and waved goodbye to Eddie. The lupin waved back, as her bus pulled away, taking her home. A short time later, Eddie’s bus arrived and he was soon headed home.

Around four, Eva, followed by Boar, walked into Studio Three. Once inside, the duo saw Violet standing behind a levitating Jessica, while Abagail looked on behind the vixen, and a seated Cedric watched the trio. The older vixen was at that moment holding a hoop which she was now waving around the floating lop-eared lapin’s sexy form, while the stallion looked at what Violet was doing, trying to figure out if she was using real magic to levitate Jessica, or the magician’s trick. Not wanting to disturb them too much, the equine femme slowly approached the foursome, followed by the colt. The older mare was soon standing before the taller Clydesdale. Feeling in a teasing mood, Eva, as she smiled, tapped the stallion on the shoulder, as Boar looked on.

The stallion blinked when he felt something tapped his shoulder. He turned to find out what it was, and his face was soon looking in between a snickering Eva’s buxom cleavage. "Oooppps," he said, before he pulled his muzzle out of it. As he rubbed his nose, he looked at a surprised Boar-Ral and a still snickering Eva, while noticing the strapless dress that she was presently wearing on her sexy form. He also noticed that she was carrying her jogging outfit on her left arm.

"Huh?" said the still surprised stallion.

"Sorry, Cedric, hee hee, but ich just couldn’t resist. Anyway, do du dink dat du can drive me und Boar back to mein house? Especially as mein stallion ist back dere helpink to put up der last touches for tonight’s party."

"Uhm, sure," said a still surprised gray stallion, as he continued to rub his nose, while trying to ignore the scent that he had smelt when his nose had hit between Eva’s shapely orbs. He gulped and then blushed a very deep red, before looking back at the trio on stage. As he did so, he saw Jessica being placed back onstage by Violet. "Hey, Violet, I guess I’ll be seeing you and the other lovely ladies later at Eva’s place, huh?"

As Jessica stood once again upon the stage, she, Abagail and Violet looked at Cedric. As the two lapins started to giggle, Violet said, "Actually, no, monsieur, you will be meeting us at Jessica’s place."

"Huh?" said the surprised stallion, "And how am I suppose to get there from Eva’s place?"

"Jessica lives across der street from mein home, Cedric," the mare answered, before she joined the giggling bunny cousins, while Boar simply raised an eyebrow.

"Oooh," said a slightly embarrassed Cedric, as his ears lowered. "I had no idea that you two lived so close to each other."

"Ja, ve do. It makes dinks easier iff ve need to make any quick decisions dat concerns der studio," said Eva, as a still snickering Jessica nodded in agreement.

"It certainly, hee hee, does," Jessica added, before she stopped giggling. She then added, "I guess I’ll, or rather, we’ll be seeing you at my place around 6, Cedric."

"Ah, sure," said Cedric, before the cream-furred lapin gave him her home address. The gray Clydesdale then turned and looked at the Germanic mare. "Okay, guess I’ll be taking you two to your house now, eh, Eva?’

"Ja, du are," said the smiling Eva, before she turned around and headed for the studio’s exit. The Friesian colt quickly followed her.

Cedric, as Boar was leaving the studio, turned to the trio on stage and said, "Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you three ladies later."

"Sure, see you later, Monsieur Cedric," said Violet with a smile.

"See you later, Cedric," added the two lapins in unison, with Jessica fluttering her eyebrows at the stallion.

"Okay," said the now smiling Clydesdale, before he turned and headed for the door and then exited the room. A short time later, Cedric’s car was exiting the studio’s parking lot, with Eva and Boar-Ral as passengers, headed for Eva’s home.

Eva © 2004 Scott and Stanley Alston, Jr.
Abagail, Violet and Jessica © 2004 Scott Alston
James, Helena, Brunne and Eddie © 2004 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Boar-Ral, Cedric, Whysper, Pakesh-De, Boss Hoss, Grayflank, Dark Horse and Snowy © 2004 their respective owners

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