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Halloween Party, Part 8:

The Party’s Over

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr.

Cedric stood behind the curtain on the stage where the magic show was to take place. As he patiently waited for Violet and her two female lapin assistants to appear, the Clydesdale stallion peaked through the curtain. As he did, the stallion could see the seats quickly being filled up with partygoers, both those who had already been outside and those who were now coming from inside the McEqquses’ house, all of them presently being serenaded by Greyflank’s rendition of Bobby Pickett’s Halloween song, ‘Monster Mash’. As he watched them get seated, the grey-haired stallion pondered, 'Where is Violent and the others? Their ten minutes are almost up.' Just as he’d thought that, Cedric noticed Pakesh-De coming out of the house, breathing very hard. As he watched her walk towards a seat, he mused, 'I wonder why she was…' when he felt something lightly tap him on his right shoulder. The stallion blinked, just as he felt a second tap on that same shoulder. Cedric quickly turned his head, soon seeing standing behind him Violet, with Abagail and Jessica in turn standing behind her, all three of them presently wearing their costumes for the magic act.
"Moi hope zat we didn’t keep tu waiting too long, Monsieur Cedric," said Violet with a grin.
Cedric, after blinking his eyes a few times, released the curtain. As he walked away from it, he looked at Violet and her two assistants, soon noticing that they’d obviously modified their costumes so that they wouldn’t appear too sexy when they all went on stage to perform their act. "No, but you had me worried there for a while. I mean, you three did cut it pretty close, time wise."
"Sorry about zat, Cedric, but, as tu say, ze traffic, she was murder to get here, non?" Violet said to him with a very wry grin, which caused Abagail to groan and Jessica to giggle.
Cedric rolled his eyes, as he stopped moving. "Right. So, how do you want to do this? Do you want me to…"
Violet walked in front of Cedric. With a naughty look in her eyes, she said, "Merci, Cedric, but we know how to start ze act. Just be sure zat ze person playing ze music sets up ze proper mood, oui?" She then kissed Cedric on the cheek.
"Okay, if you say so, Violet," the stallion said, as he felt Violet kiss his now reddening cheek. The stallion was soon blushing an even deeper shade of red when he started to feel something rubbing against his crotch. He looked back at Violet, soon seeing what she was doing. "Violet, please!"
As the vixen chuckled, she said, "Sorry, but moi couldn’t help moiself, non?" As the white-maned stallion shook his head, Abagail groaned again while Jessica this time snickered.
"And I thought I was the naughty one around here?" commented Jessica, while her powdered puff tail wiggled gently against her butt.
The older vulpine looked back at the younger lapin and smirked, as she moved away from Cedric. "Pardon-moi, Jessica, but moi am both French et a vixen. Moi can’t help being ze naughty girl, oui?"
"If you say so, Violet," said a still snickering Jessica.
Looking back at Cedric, Violet said with a chuckle, "Ah, ze young, always thinking zat only zey have invented sex, non?"
Cedric simply shrugged his strong shoulders while Jessica licked her tongue out at the grey-haired vixen. "Probably. Anyway, I better go and tell Greyflank to start playing the appropriate music for your act, right?" As he saw Violet smile back at him, the grey-haired stallion quickly headed towards the iron chief-clad Greyflank.
Violet looked at the retreating Clydesdale for a while, especially looking at his butt. She then looked at the two lapins. "Okay, ladies, time to get zis show on ze road, oui?" Violet then looked over at Abagail. "Okay, Abagail, opening number five should work perfectly for tonight."
Abagail nodded her head. "Right. Number five it is, Violet," she said to the vixen, before heading for the curtain.
Violet nodded her head and then looked over at Jessica. Smiling at the sexy younger lapin, she said, "So, are tu ready, my dear?"
The platinum blonde bombshell said, with a light chuckle, "Do you really need to ask me that, Violet?"
With a light smirk, the vulpine replied, "Moi guess not."

At about the same time, as most of the others were almost seated in the McEqquses’ backyard, Eva was at the moment walking sexily along several rows of seats, headed towards where her hubby, James, in his Colonel Trevor costume, was presently seated, which was next to an empty chair at the end of one of the front rows. As she did, the buxom redhead could hear a few low whistles escaping from the lips of several of the male guests who were presently looking over the back part of her Golden Age Wonder Mare costume, especially as they were enjoying looking at her star-spangled skirt as it draped against her firm moving ass. 'Naughty boys,' she thought to herself with a chuckle, as she finally reached the row where her husband was seated. She stopped at the front of the row. "Excuse me, please," she said to the others who were seated across from James in that same row. She watched their heads turn to look at her. "May ich get by, bitte?"
"Uhm, sure, lass," answered a smiling Whysper, who was seated in the chair presently before her. The Clydesdale stallion then got up and moved his body as far back against the steel folding chair as he could to let her get past him.
"Danka," said Eva with a smile before she started to walk by him. As she did, her tail lightly slid across the crotch of the winged stallion’s kilt. As this caused the stallion to eep in surprise, Eva said, "Oooops, sorry about dat," before she finally got past him.
"Aye, accident do ‘appen, lass," said Whysper, as he was trying to forget what was presently happening beneath his kilt. 'Although ah be tinkin’ tat ye did tat particular one on purpose, ye naughty mare,' he pondered as he sat back down.
The redheaded mare stifled a light chuckle, as she now walked past first Margaret, then Paul, with her tail slowly sliding across the crotch of Paul’s Abraham Lincoln costume. "Oooopppps, sorry," she said to Paul after hearing him release a light gasp in response to her tail slide, before she started to walk past Helena.
"Uhm, that be quite alright, ‘Wonder Mare’. As Whysper has already said, ‘Accidents do happen’ my dear lady," said a blushing Paul.
Margaret, as she looked at Paul’s tightening crotch, before the pair sat back down, said to her husband in a whisper, "Paul Bruin, don’t you dare be getting any naughty ideas about you and her doing anything together, especially when you have me around to do it with." She then licked his ear.
Paul blinked in reaction to both her comment and to the ear lick. He then looked at his wife. "Huh?"
The buxom female bruin looked back at Paul. She gave her hubby a naughty look. "You heard me, big boy," she whispered back, then gave him a quick wink, before she looked back towards the stage, just in time for her, and several other people in the audience, to see Cedric exit from behind the stage as he headed towards Grayflank’s DJ station.
The male brown bear raised an eyebrow in confusion, before he saw his wife’s right paw start to glide swiftly across his crotch. He gulped in reaction, before saying, "I see," to a naughtily smiling Margaret. As he looked at the opened blouse of her teacher’s outfit and seeing her partly revealed cleavage, he added, "I see!" before turning his head around to look at the stage as well while his wife slowly removed her paw from his crotch, so as not to attract any unnecessary attention to them.
After finally walking past Helena, Eva slid her ample body past first Philip, then Robert, before she started to walk past Boss. The buxom redhead’s tail then slowly slid across the crotch of the latter’s unicorn costume as she moved past him. "Ooops, sorry," said Eva, as she finally got past Boss, while hearing his gasp of surprise escape his lips.
Boss, who had been waiting to see Abagail appear, so that he could get a good look at her costume, looked over at Eva, as he saw her standing in front of the chair that was placed between him and her husband. As he watched her sit down, he lightly quipped, "My mother warned me about women like you, Mrs. McEqqus. The teasing kind."
Eva chuckled lightly as she heard Boss’ comment, while she proceeded to straighten out her skirt. "Ich haff ne idea vat du mean, Herr Hoss?" she replied to him, while trying to act innocent as she looked at the unicorn-costumed stallion. After she had finished straightening out her skirt, she looked away from Boss and looked over at her hubby, who was presently looking at her, his arms folded against his massive chest. "Ja, Steve?" Eva said to him while giving him a big, innocent smile.
"Quit bein’ such a flirt, Angel. Ye be attractin’ attention to yerself," said the brunette Clydesdale stallion, as he’d noticed a few folks, most of them males, presently looking at them.
Still smiling at James, Eva replied in a sweet tone as she placed her hooves on top of her pleated skirt, "Moi, flirtink? Vatever do du mean, Steve?" She then playfully fluttered her eyes at him, before she began to lightly chuckle.
James shook his head before saying to her, "Will du please behave yerself, lass?" This was answered by some more chuckling from Eva. The Scottish stallion lightly snorted in reply before looking back towards the stage.
At the same time, as Cedric was now conversing with Grayflank over the music selection for the soon to start magic act, Boar finally found himself an empty chair and slowly sat down. After sitting down, the Friesian pony looked over at the still giggling redheaded mare. The young colt sighed as he watched her continue to tease her hubby two rows in front of him. He then looked over at the black and white ewe in the Minoan Snake Goddess outfit. Boar saw Helena presently talking to her hubby, appearing to blush as he said something to her. 'I wonder what they’re talking about?' he asked himself when he heard a female voice ask, "Excuse me, sir, but is the seat next to ye taken?" Boar, upon hearing the voice, turned his head and saw standing before him Snowy. The colt was presently speechless as he looked at the small white unicorn mare who was presently clad in the French maid outfit.
"Well, is it taken?" she asked him again, while waiting patiently for his response.
Boar shook his head slightly before finally saying to her, as he got up, "Oh, no, it isn’t." He then moved out of the way to let her walk by.
"Thank ye, lad," she said to the colt with a smile, before she started to walk past him. The female uni was soon standing before the empty chair. As she got seated, she said, "I don’t think we’d meet. I’m Snowy. And you are?" As the silver-maned female unicorn waited for Boar’s reply, she proceeded to straighten out the bottom part of her costume.
"Oh, uhm, I’m Boar-Ral," said the colt, as he watched her hooves straighten out the black skirt part of her costume. "Nice to meet you, Snowy," Boar said with a friendly grin while he put down the toy carbine between their chairs.
"Nice to meet you too, Boar," replied the female uni with a grin, as she placed her now folded hooves on top of her skirt. "New in town?"
"As a matter of fact, I am," said the male pony as he sat back down. He then looked Snowy over. Blushing a little, he added, "Uhm, that’s a nice costume you’re wearing, ma’am."
It was now the female unicorn’s turn to blush. "Uhm, thanks. I had hoped that it wasn’t, uhm, too sexy for the party when I’d put it on earlier. Or at least I thought it would be until I’d actually got here and saw some of the other female costumes."
Boar raised an eyebrow, before he started looking at some of the other female guests presently seated in the back yard, including Margaret and Helena. "Yeah, they are, aren’t they?" The Friesian colt then proceeded to blush again.
"My, ye seem to blush a lot, don’t ye?" Snowy said to Boar-Ral, which caused him to blush an even deeper shade of red. This caused her to chuckle slightly before she said something else to the young colt.
Meanwhile, as this was occurring, at the far end of the row of chairs nearest the stage sat Barbara, presently drinking from a cup filled with fruit punch. The Liberty Belle-clothed skunkette, as she continued to drink, felt a light tap on her left shoulder. The blonde mephit stopped drinking, then turned her head to her left and looked at her Xena-dressed daughter. "Yes, dear?"
"Do you have any idea when the act is going to start, Mom?" asked Cathy.
After hearing her daughter’s question, Barbara shrugged her shoulders before saying to Cathy, "I have no idea, honey. Just please be patient. I’m sure that it’ll start soon." She then smiled at her young daughter before looking forward.
"Okay, mom," replied the younger blonde skunkette with a low sigh, as she watched her mother pick up an apple piece from the paper plate that was presently seated on the older mephit’s lap. She then turned her head and looked over at the person seated next to her, Brunhilda. "She said she has no idea, Brunne," Cathy said to the princess-clothed filly.
Brunne looked back at Cathy. "Okay," she said to her, before she looked over at Eddie. She saw the count-clad wolf presently eating a pumpkin shaped cookie. "What are you doing?"
Eddie, before he could bite the cookie, looked back at Brunne. Smiling at the filly, showing her his fake vampire fangs in the process, said, "I believe zat I am about to eat a pumpkin, Princess."
Brunne smirked. "What, the count not interested in biting on some nice, white neck?" She heard some of the kids seated next to them chuckling lightly at her quip.
The canine smirked. "Would zat include yers, Frau Princess?" Eddie said in response, before biting into the cookie.
"Touché, Count," said the filly, before she lightly kicked his knee. "Besides, it’s Fraulein, not Frau, Count. Frau would mean that I’m married, which I ain’t, wouldn’t it?" She then adds, "Also, Princess would’ve been enough, like you did earlier tonight."
Eddie grunted lightly in response to the kick against his knee, while he heard the other laughs. After removing the bitten cookie from his mouth and swallowing the pieces, he replied, "You could’ve told me zat without kicking my knee, my dear Princess."
"Aw, now where’s the fun in that?" she said with a snicker. "Just remember, Frau is only to be used when speaking with a married or an elderly female when speaking German, Eddie, clear?"
"Crystal," said Eddie, while rubbing his leg. 'Man, does she have a kick!'
The filly smirked lightly before looking back towards the stage while Cathy, who had been watching them, tried to stifle a chuckle of her own before looking back at the stage as well, as did a grumbling Eddie.
Sarah, who had also been watching the pair’s antics, turned her head and looked over at Medea. After taping the female lamb on her shoulder, she quietly asked her, "Are they always like this?"
The Greek goddess-clad ovine, after swallowing a piece of bread, looked back at the young bear cub. She then looked over at Brunne, who was now eating a ghost shaped cookie. "You should see them when he calls her ‘Wonder Girl’." Medea then took another bite of the bread that was presently in one of her hooves.
"Why’s that?" the female bruin cub asked her, curious.
After swallowing the bread piece, the young female ewe replied, "Oh, let’s just say she doesn’t like the nickname, and leave it at that." Medea then turned her head and smiled at Sarah.
"Oh," said the female bruin, before she also looked back at the stage. The young ballerina-dressed she-bear then began to eat some of the berries that she had earlier gotten from the food table that was placed next to the DJ station.
Another person who has been looking at the antics between Brunne and Eddie was Junior. The baseball uniform-clothed young bruin raised an eyebrow before he looked over at his seating companion, Holly. "Uhm, excuse me, but does she always act like that around him?"
Holly, who has been crunching on a carrot stick, looked over at the younger male. The spy outfit-clad lapin swallowed the pieces inside her mouth before replying, "As far back as I can remember." She then bit some more of the stick.
"Care to tell me why he let her do it?"
Holly looked at the young bruin again. In her monotone voice, after swallowing her food, she answered, "Because he knows that she can very easily kick his ass without really trying. And before you ask, it isn’t because he’s a wimp, it’s just that they both know that its true and that he would rather not piss her off trying to prove otherwise." The young rabbit doe then went back to eating her carrot stick.
Junior blinked, before looking back at the pair in question. It only took him a few seconds to notice that Eddie was bigger than Brunne, whom he saw was taking another bite of the ghost shaped cookie. He then thought about the basketball tournament, then gulped. He then looked back at Holly. "Uhm, mind if I ask you another question?"
"Go right ahead."
"Uhm, what do you think are my changes of beating her in the one-on-one basketball tournament next month?" He eagerly awaited her response.
Holly waited for a few seconds, before she started to hum Chopin’s Funeral March.
This caused the young bruin to gulp even louder, before he heard Holly finally end her humming and then go back to eating her carrot sticks. 'I am so doomed,' he thought to himself, while pondering how he had let himself get talked into the tournament in the first place.
Jason, who has been watching the exchange between Holly and Junior, just shook his head before he looked towards the stage.
Pakesh-De, as she sat several rows behind the others, next to the presently conversing Dark Horse and Mythic Steed, had her eyes presently glued towards the stage. The ancient Egyptian-clothed mare, whose arms were presently folded under her breasts, mused to herself, 'I’m going to keep a good eye on you, Violet, so that I can see how you’re able to do your little tricks.' The tall mare then picked up a sandwich from the dish that was presently set on her lap and proceeded to eat it, while patiently waiting for the act to start.

As the others were either settling down or looking towards the stage, Cedric has finally reached Greyflank’s table. As he watched the gray-furred stallion pick up a 78 record, he told him, "Greyflank, Violet wanted me to tell you that she wants you to get some music ready for her magic act."
The grey stallion, as he stopped what he was doing, looked at the 1930s clad draft stallion. "She asked for anything in particular?" he asked.
"Just what you think will fit the mood." Cedric replied.
"Okay," Greyflank answered with a grin and a nod, before he placed the 78 on top of one of the record players. He looked over at a nearby stack of records. He then picked up several of them, 78s, 45s and 33 1/3s, and then proceeded to looked through them to see which ones he thought would be appropriate to play during Violet’s magic act, to help add to the mood.
With his task done, Cedric stayed for a few second more to see what Greyflank would do, before he finally turned upon his heel and then quickly headed towards the seats so that he could find himself a good spot from which he can best view the upcoming act. 'I wonder if they’ll be using everything that I’d saw them use earlier at Eva’s studio or if they’ll be doing anything special just for the party?' he pondered as he reached a still empty seat, just as it appeared that the act was about to begin. As he sat down, he started to hear what sounded like several drums loudly thumping…

The stage quickly went dark as several loud drums began to play. The crowd of spectators then began to hear what sounded like a low, howling wind, the kind that people would normally hear during a very stormy night. This was soon followed by several loud thunderclaps and a long wolf howl.
"Eddie will you quit that," said Brunne, just as the lupine stopped howling. Eddie then looked back at the filly, giving her a sheepish look. "Sorry, I couldn’t help myself," he said to her as Brunne shook her head in astonishment, just as they and everyone else in the backyard began to hear a very loud rumble of thunder.
After everyone had heard what sounded like another loud thunderclap, they suddenly heard a loud scream coming directly from the stage, which was quickly followed by the equally sudden appearance of thick grey smoke which very quickly covered the entire stage. It would be several minutes before the smoke would slowly start to dissipate. As it did so, a lapin shaped form began to appear from within it. A few seconds later, a pair of spotlights, one each from opposite ends of the stage, then suddenly came on, and began to slowly creep across the stage until they both met in the middle of it, covering over the figure, who was quickly revealed to the audience to be Abagail Thornhopper. The young blonde lapin was sexily clothed in a modified version of her form-fitting magician’s assistant costume, a white pretzel style outfit which now revealed to view only a small area around her navel, a pair of white medium-heel shoes and a translucent white wrap which was presently flowing behind her sexy shoulder thanks to a breeze that was now flowing across the McEqquses’ backyard. She then looked at the waiting audience for several moments before finally smiling at them and then starting to lift up her paws, soon appearing to make the rest of the smoke seemingly vanish into thin air and then make the rest of the lights come back on. The now fully revealed lapin then said to the audience, as she slowly lowered her paws, "Good evening, ladies and gentlefurs, I, Ms. Thornhopper, would like to, on behalf of my boss, Mistress Violet, welcome you to her magic show, where she will present before all of you feats of magic that will astound and amaze you. And so, without further ado," Abagail then turned to her right, in the process revealing to those who were now seated behind her the back part of her costume, showing them a fully exposed shoulder and back until they saw that the top part of her nicely formed ass was covered by cloth. The cloth in question covers up most of her ample rump, except for her exposed cottontail and just above the line where her shapely legs met up with her ample ass. As she heard a few light whistles escape from within the audience, she concluded, "…here’s Mistress Violet!!!!" She then pointed towards a part of the stage that was directly behind her.
For several seconds nothing seems to happen on stage. The lapin blinked her eyes several times, while the audience waited patiently for Violet to appear. "Uhm Mistress Violet. That’s you’re cue. Mistress!?! Oh, please, not again." The lapin’s face slowly turned into a frown before she released a long sigh and then started to head towards the back. "I’ll be right back, folks. I need to see a vixen about a magician."
"Take your time, miss, we’re presently enjoying the view," said one of the males in the audience, a male bovine who was dressed up as Zorro, as he commented on the sexy movements of the lapin’s firm ass as she headed towards the back while most of the other males more silently agreed with his assessment.
As the now blushing buxom rabbit doe finally reached the back stage area to start searching for a seemingly missing Violet, back on stage a puff of white smoke suddenly appeared before the audience. The smoke quickly became bigger, soon lasting for several seconds, when it finally cleared, thus revealing to the surprised audience a sexy, if slightly older looking, vixen. The red-furred female fox wore upon her well coiffured grey hair a black magician hat with a big white stripe that went around the hat’s rim, while she wore upon her voluptuous form a form-fitting one-piece black swimsuit-style outfit which had a low plunging neckline that revealed to the audience part of her still firm looking cleavage, along with a pair of black fishnet stockings which fully covered her sexy legs and a pair of black medium-heel shoes. She also wore around her sexy neck a long, flowing black cape that was presently flapping behind her back. As she heard Abagail still calling for her from the back, Violet silently removed her cape, before suddenly throwing it up into the air to the surprise of the audience, who then watched it unexpectedly turn into a black wand, as they released loud awws of amazement. Violet then smiled, as she caught the falling wand, before she quickly used it to create a small round table to her right. Then with a smile, as she heard a few cheers and claps exit from the crowd, along with a few wolf whistles, she removed her hat from her head, while saying, "Abagail, dear heart, tu can stop doing your imitation of a banshee, moi am here."
The younger bunny doe blinked in surprise as she heard the crowd’s sudden laughter, before she turned around and looked through the curtain, soon seeing Violet out on stage, presently placing her magician’s hat on top of the just conjured up table. Feeling very embarrassed, she walked through the curtain, soon headed towards Violet. "Mistress, why are you always embarrassing me like that?"
"Moi? Embarrazzing tu? Whatever do tu mean, dear child?" she said to the approaching Abagail as the audience lightly chuckled at her comment, before she waved her wand around, soon producing several eggs on top of the table. She then proceeded to pick up one of them. She tapped the egg lightly upon the table, before opening it up just above her hat, soon dropping its yolk inside. She soon started to do the same thing with a second egg. "Tu know very well zat moi love tu like a daughter, Abby."
"I mean, not showing up when I cue your entrance to the crowd, ‘mom’," the still embarrassed lapin replied, as she now stood next to Violet, on her left, the frown still stuck on her pretty visage, as she watched the vixen add a third yolk into her hat, and then began to stir the three yolks inside the hat with her wand as the other eggs suddenly vanish. Abagail, who was now watching her, asked, "Uhm, what are you doing, Mistress?"
"If moi does zis right, moi should soon produce," she started to say, just as three white doves suddenly exited the hat, to the amazement of the audience. "Three birds," she said, to Abagail as an astonished crowd began to clap in approval.
"Oh," said Abagail, as she watched the three birds fly around the crowd a couple of times, before they all headed back towards them. The birds then flew back into the hat. She then watched Violet placed about half of her left arm into the hat. "Huh?"
Violet’s arm moved around inside the hat for a while as she said some words, before she finally felt something. "Aha, here tu go," she announced to everyone in the audience while smiling, before finally pulling her arm back out, thus revealing a small bouquet of different color roses to both Abagail and the once more clapping audience. As she heard the audience clap even louder, she turned around and looked at Abagail. Still smiling, she presented them to her. "No hard feelings, oui?"
A blushing Abagail said, as she took the flowers from Violet, "Uhm, I guess not, Mistress," as the crowd continued to loudly clap its approval.
"Excellent, zen moi can perform moi’s next trick," said Violet, as she went back towards her hat, while showing her backside to the audience, revealing to the viewers that her costume showed a lot less fur to them than did Abagail’s, as hers covered up everything from just below the middle of her back.
"Next trick?" asked the surprised blonde lapin, just as she saw the female vulpine reach for her hat. "Uhm, next trick, mistress?"
Looking back at Abagail, she smiled at her and said, "Mais oui, mon ami. Moi will now perform ze famous rabbit out of ze hat trick." The crowd loudly clapped their approval as they heard what the next trick was going to be.
Meanwhile, Abagail’s eyes turned as big as saucers, after hearing Violet’s response. "Th-th-th-the rabbit out of th-th-th-the hat trick?" she said, as she dropped the bouquet of roses onto the floor.
Violet rolled her eyes as she heard the lapin’s reaction to the announced next trick. She then released a short sigh. "Abagail, honestly, it’s perfectly safe. Moi can guarantee zat moi won’t hurt ze bunny when moi pulls her out of ze hat," while she made the just dropped flowers vanish, to the pleasure of the crowd.
"Are du sure, Mistress?" asked a now very nervous looking Abagail, her knees lightly shaking together as she noticed that Violet had said she.
Violet looked over at Abagail, and in a soothing voice, said, while placing the tips of the fingers of her right paw atop her ample right breast, "Oui, moi am very sure, Abagail. Now, just because an idiot like Bullwinkle can’t seem to get ze trick right, it doesn’t mean zat moi, Mistress Violet, won’t get it right ze first time." She then added, "So, do not worry, mon dear, ze bunny, she will come out of ze hat with very little trouble." As she proudly made her announcement, her bushy tail happily swished behind her.
Abagail, her knees still knocking together, placed her right arm behind her head. She then said, in a half unbelieving tone, while scratching the back of her head, "If you say so, Mistress."
The buxom vixen began a slow burn as she heard Abagail’s response. "For ze last time, moi promise zat ze bunny will be safe!!!" she said to her in a less than calm voice. Violet then waited until she had regained her composure, before she lifted up her left arm. As she proceeded to point her right arm towards it, she said to the audience, "As you people can see, moi have nothing up mon’s sleeve."
Abagail, now giggling at Violet’s Bullwinkle reference, as did the audience, replied, "That’s not the only thing, Mistress."
In a calm voice, Violet replied, "Keep that up, Abigail, et moi will turn tu into Hasenpfeffer."
"Sorry, Mistress," the blonde lapin said in a low voice, while Violet began to put her left arm back into the hat.
Violet once again proceeded to move her arm inside the hat as the crowd anticipated whether she would actually pull a rabbit out of the hat, while Abagail was also anticipating the outcome, but for an obviously different reason. After a few seconds of rummaging inside the hat, the older vixen could feel her paw wrap itself tightly around a pair of ears that were inside the hat. "Ah, got tu, rabbit. Now, it is time to pull tu out of ze hat, n’est-pas?" said Violet, before she started to pull her arm out of the hat while saying loudly, "Hocus Pocus!!! Bunny appear!!!!" As she does, Abagail places her paws around her own ears, as she doesn’t feel anything happening around them. 'Huh?' she thought, presently confused by the entire situation, while the audience sees the vixen’s paw start to exit the hat, soon followed by a pair of long, cream colored rabbit ears, which were soon shown to be attached to the face of a very pretty bunny morph with platinum blonde hair. As the blonde lapin looked on in surprise, Violet finished pulling out the female bunny that appears to have been hiding inside her hat, while she said, "Ta da!!!"
"What the??" said a surprised Abagail, as she points at the buxom cream bunny, while Violet released her ears. She then watched the other rabbit quickly lowers her right ear so that it was soon covering her right eye, while she also began to place her right paw upon her sexy hips as she looked towards the now cheering and clapping audience. The new lapin, Jessica, was clad in a white one-piece outfit, which exposed part of her midriff, along with a pair of white low-heel shoes. Unlike Abagail and Violet’s outfits, hers hasn’t actually been modified.
Violet looked back at a confused Abagail, while listening to the audience’s loud cheers. As she placed her left arm atop the circular table while looking back at Abagail, she quipped, "Well, moi never did say what rabbit zat moi was going to pull out of mon’s hat, now did moi, Abby?" She then started to lightly chuckle.
Abagail, although relieved that it wasn’t her that had actually been pulled out of the hat, at least this time, replied, "No, you didn’t, Mistress," while the new lapin began to pose for the still clapping audience.
"Now wait just a minute, folks, you ain’t seen nothing yet," said Jessica in a very sexy voice, before she winked at the audience, then turned around to show them the back part of her outfit, which revealed that she was showing off a bit more of her ample ass to the audience than Abagail’s outfit had revealed hers.
Cedric, as he watched the act from inside the audience, quickly noticed that of the three females, Jessica actually haven’t modified her outfit after all. As he clapped along with the others, while also hearing some very loud cat whistles being released by several males in response to Jessica’s appearance, he thought, 'Guess those three have decided to keep Jessica’s outfit as it presently is.' As he watched Jessica appear to flirt with the males in the front row by quickly shaking her ass at them, he added, 'Although I get the distinct feeling that she wouldn’t have changed it anyway.'

Eva, as she clapped her hands along with everyone else in the audience, looked over at Jessica’s hubby, Robert, who was presently watching his wife shake her shapely tush before the ooing audience. She released a light chuckle, before whispering to the redheaded stag, "Once der tease, always der tease, ja?"
The clapping stag, who had just moments earlier switched seats with Boss, looked over at Eva. Blushing, he replied, "Would seems that way, wouldn’t it?" He then heard Eva start to chuckle a little bit louder, before he saw his platinum blonde wife finally stopped teasing the audience with her ass. She then sexily walked towards a large standing box which Violet had just recently made to appear in the middle of the stage, while Abagail, no longer looking nervous, stood to its left, as she began to open its door, soon revealing to the crowd that it was presently empty.
"Now then, after my lovely assistant, Jessica, has finished entering ze box, moi intends to slide these two sharp metal blades into it," a still snickering Eva heard Violet announce to the crowd, before she observed her pick up the two steel blades in question off of the round table. As she watched the vixen show everyone how sharp the two blades were, the buxom redhead saw Jessica enter the box, soon followed by Abagail closing the door behind her. She whispered to Robert, "Ist dis der erste time dat du haff seen dis act, Robert?" just as she watched Jessica place her head through a hole near the top of the box, soon followed by her placing her right paw through another one set near the box’s middle. She then saw the bunny doe wiggle her fingers after being asked to do so by the black-clad vixen.
"Actually, I’d seen it a couple of times before the first time we had ever met in person," Robert replied, as he saw Violet walk over to the box and then, as she stood to its right, start to push the first blade through it, about halfway between Jessica’s ample breasts and her stomach. "To be honest, that outfit always got me going."
Eva, who was now looking downwards, smirked, as she saw Violet now begin to push the second blade between the cream-fur lapin’s stomach and her crotch while Abagail watched her from the left side of the box. "So ich’ve noticed mit der quarterstaff dat du’re presently sportink under ihr tights, ‘Little John’. Or should dat be ‘Big John,’" she said to him with a light chuckle, as she heard the rest of the audience aww loudly as they watch Violet now start to push towards her body the part of the box that was now placed between the two blades.
"Huh?" said Robert before he looked down at his crotch to see what Eva was talking about. Upon noticing that the Wonder Woman-costumed mare was right about the present positioning of his tights, he blush a very deep red before quickly placing both of his hooves over his groin. "Uhm, don’t say anything about this to Jessica, okay?" he nervously asked Eva, who was still chuckling. "She won’t let me hear the end of it."
Eva continued to lightly chuckle as she heard Robert’s request. "Don’t vorry, ich von’t tell her," Eva promised the blushing stag between chuckles, just as she and everyone else in the audience heard Violet ask for a volunteer from the audience to help her with the present part of the act. She and Robert then saw the hands of almost every adult male, and a few females, in the audience quickly shoot up, obviously wanting to be the one picked by the sexy vixen. "Although ich don’t dink she’s goink to be dinkink about anythink im un moment."
The redheaded stag breathed a heavy sigh of relief after hearing Eva promise him that she wouldn’t tell his wife about his raised tights, as he watched Violet search the crowd for a volunteer. He then saw her point at Boss. As the rest of the crowd loudly clapped, Robert saw the unicorn-dressed stallion get up, and then quickly start to slide past first him, then Eva and then finally James, before he started to approach the stage. As he watched him, he soon noticed how excited the stallion was to get to the stage. He looked over at Eva and asked, "Any idea why he’s heading towards the stage so quickly?"
The buxom mare looked back at Robert, just as the stallion in question was stepping onto the stage. "Nein," she replied to him while shrugging her shoulders. She then turned to James. "Do du haff any ideas?"
The brunette stallion turned his head and looked at his wife. "Aye, ah do. Ah saw him earlier talkin’ wit Jessica’s cousin before she came back into tae dinin’ room wit Violet. Ah tink ‘e might be a wee bit smitten on tae lassie." He then turned around and looked back at the stage, just in time to see an excited looking Boss standing before Violet, Abagail and Jessica, although standing closer to the blonde lapin than he was to the vixen.
Eva snickered upon hearing her hubby’s response then looked over at Robert. "Never underestimate der power off der bunneh, ja!"
Robert smirked at Eva’s comment. "Guess not," he said back to her, as they watched Boss place his right hoof inside the hole where the platinum blonde bombshell’s own right paw has been just a few moments earlier, to prove to both himself and the rest of the audience that Violet had indeed moved the lapin’s middle to the right. The stag, and everyone else, including a surprised Boss, soon saw the buxom bunny’s head start to laugh as she was obviously feeling her middle being rubbed by the stallion’s hoof.
"Hey, hee hee, cut that out, that tickles," she said in response to the stallion’s hoof rubbing, to everyone else’s amazement, before they started to clap while the still surprised stallion finally began to move his arm from within the hole.
"Thank you," Jessica said to Boss, as he looked over at Abagail.
"Sorry, Boss, but it’s a trade secret. Can’t tell you how she does the trick," the blonde lapin immediately told the stallion, his arm now placed at his side, while Violet proceeded to open up the middle section of the box, thus revealing the middle third of Jessica’s sexy form to the audience.
"You sure?" Boss pleaded, as Violet looked at him. As he saw Abagail shake her head in the negative, he heard a loud ahem escape from the vixen. He then looked at Violet, just as he heard her ask him, "Would tu mind touching her middle again, Monsieur Boss?"
"Oh, sure," he said with a sheepish grin, before he began to approach the cream-furred bunny’s middle again and then slowly touched it once more with one of his hooves. He then heard her laughing again.
"Hey, now quit it, didn’t I already say that I was ticklish?" said Jessica to Boss, while the audience clasped again.
"Oh, uhm, sure," said a blushing Boss, before he pulled his arm back once again from her flesh, before he watched her closed the door shut.
Pakesh-De, as she continued to watch the act, was trying to figure out how the vixen was able to perform her tricks. 'Now how is she doing this?' the tall female Clydesdale asked herself, as she witness Violet starting to turn the box around, while Boss and Abagail moved over to her right, to get themselves out of her way. She then watched the white-hair vixen stop turning the box around, and then start to put the middle section back into place. Once she had watched the female vulpine finish the move, she and everyone else in the audience next saw Violet pull the two blades out of the box. Pakesh-De then noted her showing off the still sharp blades to the audience, to prove to them that they have not cut into Jessica’s soft flesh. After seeing her put the bloodless blades back onto the table, she heard Violet tell Abagail to reopen the box. The ancient Egyptian-costumed mare then watched the blonde lapin move over to the box and then open it up, thus revealing to the audience a completely intact Jessica, who then quickly exited the box. She then saw the cream-furred bunny doe raised her arms, before she started to turn her body around, to prove to the audience that she was okay, before she was touched again in the middle by Boss, just to make sure.
"Now, watch where you put those fingers, Boss. We don’t want to give the folks watching this the wrong impression now do we?" she and the rest of the audience heard Jessica quip, as one of Boss’ hooves got too close to one of her breasts, which caused Boss to blush a very deep red. As she watched the platinum blonde lapin continued to chuckle, Pakesh-De noted that Boss has just finished moving his hooves across the middle of Jessica’s body, before she saw him show his very clean hooves to the audience, at Violet’s request. Pakesh-De, as she watched Boss start to leave the stage, to the cheers of the audience, thought to herself, 'Okay, now how is she able to do all that?'
As she saw Boss head back towards his seat, Margaret looked over at her hubby, soon noticing the unhappy look on Paul’s face. "What’s wrong, Papa?"
Paul looked over at his buxom wife. With the frown still on his face, he told her, "I wanted to be the one onstage, Mama." A short time after that, Boss was seen to be moving back towards his seat, so that he could sit back down again.
The teacher-costumed she-bear raised an eyebrow, as she noticed Abagail being lead towards another box, with this one standing atop a pair of long wooden horses, both of which were covered by a very thick wooden plank. "And why is that, Papa? To get a good look at the naughty lapin who was inside the box?" Margaret smiled as she teased her husband with her question.
Paul sat in his chair, a bit dumbfounded by Margaret’s question, while the lapin in question was helping Violet put her seemingly protesting cousin into the new box. "What, me…Good heavens, no. I just wanted to get a good look at that box she was in to see what kind of wood had been used in its construction."
The buxom she-bear blinked her eyes a couple of time as she was caught off-guard by her hubby’s answer, while she watched the box’s door being closed shut atop of Abagail’s prone body, her head and feet now sticking out of the box from opposite ends, before she heard Violet announce to everyone that she was now going to perform the saw-the-woman-in-half trick, with a seemingly unhappy Abagail being the one whom she would soon be cutting in half. After she has finally recovered her composure, she started to chuckle lightly once she had given his answer a moment’s thought. "I should’ve known that you would be more interested in wood than flesh, Papa." Margaret then looked back at the stage, where she now saw Violet, with a very sharp saw in her paws, beginning to cut through the box, while the sweating blonde lapin inside the box and her platinum blonde cousin looked on.
Paul looked back at his wife. "Meaning, dear?"
"Oh, you’ll find on when we’re home, dear. Boy, will you find out," Margaret said to Paul with a light chuckle, as she saw that Violet has just finished sawing through about half of the box.
The male ursine raised an eyebrow, while he watched his wife chuckle softly. The brown bear then shrugged his big shoulders, before saying to her, "Okay, Mama," as he looked back at the stage, just as the black-clothed vixen has just finished cutting through the box. He and the rest of the crowd then saw the white-clad platinum blonde bombshell start to separate the now cut boxes from each other, pushing one upwards while she pushed the other one downwards, towards the front of the stage. 'And I wonder what Margaret has in mind,' he thought to himself, as he watched Violet now ask for another volunteer as she placed the saw on top of the round table, which prompted him, and most of the other males in the audience to once again raise their hands. 'Hopefully she’ll pick me this time.'
Helena and Philip looked around the crowd, seeing the large numbers of males who wanted to be picked to come on stage, while Philip kept his own hooves down. "Who do you think she’s going to pick this time?" the Minoan-goddess dressed ewe queried her green-tights clothed hubby, as she watched Violet carefully look over the crowd, while also seeing Jessica behind her teasing her cousin, whose body was still inside the two separated boxes, by giving her a light kiss on the mouth, which caused the blonde lapin’s feet to slightly move about in the other box in reaction to the kiss. "Seems like Jessica sure likes to tease her cousin, doesn’t it?"
"I have no idea," Philip replied, before he looked towards the boxes, soon seeing the platinum blonde knockout end the kiss, and looking down at a presently out of it blonde lapin. "And now that I’ve actually seen it for myself, it does seems that way, doesn’t it?" he added, just as he saw Violet pick Dark Horse to be her assistant this time. As he watched some of the other males in the audience grumble at their bad luck, he said to his wife, "Looks like its stallion night, tonight." He then snickers at his comment, as he watched the light armored clad draft horse head towards the stage.
Helena looked back at her hubby, before replying, "So it would seem." She then watched the black-haired stallion walk onto the stage, before he approached Violet. "But I won’t believe that until I see James get up there," she said with a slight snicker, as she and everyone else in the audience watch Violet direct the dark-haired stallion to remove one of Abagail’s shoes. After seeing this, she looked back at Philip and asked, "Any idea why she’s asking him to do that?"
"Maybe she wants him to show the audience that she’s actually is cut in half," said a voice to the two sheep’s left.
As Dark Horse started to remove Abagail left shoe, Helena and Philip turned their heads to their left, where upon they saw Barbara. "Oh, and what makes you so sure, Babs?" Helena queried the Liberty Bell-dressed skunkette, just as the ebony stallion’s hoof started to tickle the lapin’s exposed foot. The audience then saw Abagail’s head start to laugh in response to the foot tickling.
"Stop that, ha ha ha, I’m ticklish," began a laughing Abagail, while Violet said to the audience, "I guess being ticklish runs in the family," before she took a slight bow.
"Need I say more?" replied Barbara with a light grin, while Helena chuckled, as they both heard the rest of the audience start to clap their paws in approval.
"So I see," replied the buxom ewe, before she watch Dark Horse stop tickling Abagail’s foot, before she saw him start to put her shoe back onto it.
Cathy, as she continued to sit next to her mom, was clapping her paws loudly along with the rest of the audience as she saw the ebony stallion place the shoe back upon Abagail’s foot. The young two-tone mephit then looked to her left and whispered to Brunhilda, "I thought that rabbit feet were suppose to be lucky, not ticklish."
Brunne, who was also clapping, looked over at the Xena-clad blonde skunkette. "I guess some feet are just naturally ticklish," she replied to her friend with a light chuckle. She then put her hooves down, soon placing them atop the lap of her dress as she watched Violet, after Dark Horse had gotten out of her way, start to place the two cut halves back together. "I’m betting that she’s now going to come out of the box in one piece, just like ‘Aunt’ Jessica did earlier."
Eddie, who looked over at the princess-dressed filly, remarked, "How can you be so sure about that, Wonder…" before stopping as he saw Brunne once again give him the evil eye before he can finish calling her ‘Wonder Girl’.
The young redheaded mare released a light snort, before saying to the young wolf, "It’s very simple, Eddie. It’s a magic act, silly. They always come out of those boxes in one piece after the box had been put back together. Just try to remember that these tricks are mostly done via misdirection and mirrors."
Medea, who couldn’t help listening in on the conversation among the other cubs, asked, as she and the others watch Violet, with Jessica’s assistance, now place a large white table cloth over the box and Abagail, queried, "And you know this, how, Brunne?"
The young mare looked over at the slightly younger ewe. Smiling at her young female ovine friend, she answered, "Mostly by reading up on it, as well as seeing a few of these shows on cable television, silly."
Medea and the others each raised an eyebrow upon hearing Brunne’s answer, while at the same time they all watched Violet wave her magic wand over the large cloth, which then fell down on top of the now seemingly empty plank, to the amazement of the once again ooing crowd. "Uhm, I hate to burst your bubble, Brunne, but it appears that the whole box, including the rabbit inside it, has just done a vanishing act."
"What?" said Brunne, as she looked back towards the stage. Soon seeing an empty plank, as the adults and most of the other kids, clapped in approval, she said, "I have never seen anyone do that before."
"Oh, I guess there’s a first time for everything then, hhmm?" commented Eddie, as the young filly released a light snort, while Dark Horse, at the insistence of the grey-haired vixen, walked over to the plank and then placed his hooves atop it to show the audience that the box had indeed vanished. Once he had done that, he looked over at Violet, before asking her, "So, where exactly did she go?"
"Oh, moi am sure zat she is, how do tu say, hanging around somewhere, oui?" a smiling black leather clad vixen remarked to the stallion, before everyone heard a voice above them say, "You got that right, Mistress. Uhm, could someone get me down from up here, please?"
Everyone, after hearing the voice, looked up and soon saw Abagail, who was definitely no longer inside the box, standing atop a telephone pole wire, just above the audience. As some of the male members of the audience were getting a good view of the blonde lapin’s nicely shaped butt, a seemingly exasperated Violet said to her, "Abagail, how did tu get up zere? Tu are suppose to be standing above ze stage, not ze audience." As Jessica snickered a little, the audience heard Abagail respond, "How should I know, boss. I’m just your assistant, remember?" The audience loudly laughed at the younger lapin’s comment while the vixen rolled her eyes.
"Please, someone get me down, I’m afraid of heights," announced the lapin, as she tried to keep her footing as she stood atop the not very thick wire.
Cedric, as he looked on, raised an eyebrow as he watched Abagail stand on top of the telephone wire. 'Okay, now that was unexpected,' he thought to himself, as he watched Violet walk off the stage, followed by Jessica and Dark Horse. The grey-haired stallion quickly noticed that Jessica was now carrying something across her right shoulder. As he watched the platinum blonde bunny doe, he pondered, 'Now, what are those two up to?' Cedric then saw the trio get close to Abagail’s present position on the wire. He next saw Jessica move directly under the blonde lapin and then place the object that she has been carrying onto the ground, which was soon revealed to be a very thick rope. This caused him to raise an eyebrow, especially as he saw Violet stand next to it, before she began to wave her wand at it. The stallion, and everyone else in the audience, was soon surprised to see the rope start to move up into the air on its own, slowly snaking its way up towards the very anxious looking Abagail. "The Indian Rope Trick," the male Clydesdale lightly said to himself as he continued to watch the trick develop, while everyone else in the audience were oooohhhing at they watched the rope head towards the blonde lapin.
"Could everyone in the audience please lower your voices. Violet needs to concentrate real hard to make sure that this trick works," Jessica said to the audience, after turning her head to look behind her. The platinum blonde bombshell then winked at everybody who stood behind her, before she turned her head back around and then looked up once more, whereupon she saw the rope finally reach Abagail.
"It’s about time," said Abagail, before she grabbed the now stationary rope and started to slowly slide down it so that she wouldn’t get any rope burns upon her body. As she came down, Violet directed Dark Horse to stand underneath her, just in case she lost her grip on the rope and fell down. The armor-clad stallion nodded his head and then moved forward until he stood directly under the downwards-climbing scantily clad lapin. "Don’t ye worry, my lady, I’ll be making sure that nothing happens to you," Dark Horse said to the lapin.
Snowy and Boar-Ral were both watching Abagail slowly come down the rope, while Dark Horse waited patiently beneath her. The French-maid clad female uni whispered to Boar-Ral, "Do ye tink tis be real magic?"
The Friesian looked at Snowy. He shrugged his shoulders. "To be honest, I don’t know. But if it isn’t, it’s certainly one heck of a special effect stunt," he commented to her before looking back at Abagail, who was now about half way down the rope.
The female unicorn listened to the young colt’s comments. She then nodded her head in agreement before saying, "You do have a point there." She then looked back at the coming down lapin as well.
'By the goddess, this is harder than I thought it would be. How did I let Violet talk me into doing this after our practice session at Mrs. McEqqus’ studio?' pondered Abagail as she kept sliding down the rope, getting closer to the ground with each downward slide. 'Besides, Jessica should have been the one doing this stunt, not me. I mean, she’s the one who likes showing off her ass to people,' thought the blonde lapin to herself, as she recalled how some of the males had enjoyed looking up her costume as she stood on the wire. Abagail then sighed, as she kept coming down. 'I guess I should be happy that my costume isn’t opaque, or those guys would really be enjoying themselves as I come back down.'
Whysper, who has been watching Abagail come down the rope, noticed how Mystic Steed eyes seem to be focused on her ass. He whispered to the other armor dressed stallion, "Ah guess nice asses runs in her family, aye, laddie?"
Mystic blushed upon hearing the Scottish pegasus’ comment, as he had been among the males who earlier had been watching Jessica showing her ass to the audience at the start of the show. "They do, don’t they?" the still blushing stallion replied as Whysper lightly chuckled.
Jessica, as she saw Abagail come even closer to the ground, decided to turn her head to look into the audience. She soon noticed that while most of the males were looking at Abagail, her hubby, Robert was looking at her. She smiled at the stag, before placing one of her paws before her face and blew him a quick kiss. The platinum blonde lapin then giggles as she saw her hubby blush in response to her move. She then turned her head to once again look at Abagail, soon seeing that her cousin was almost back on the ground.
Robert had been looking at his wife, admiring her and the outfit that she was wearing, or rather almost wearing, for the magic act. The brunette stag soon noticed that Jessica was looking back at him, with a smile on her pretty visage. He then saw her smile directly at him, before seeing her blow him an imaginary kiss. This caused him to blush a very deep red before seeing her turn back around to look at her cousin as she continued to climb down the rope. He then heard a light chuckle coming from his right. He turned his head and saw that the chuckler in question was Eva. As he noticed her breasts bouncing against the bodice of her costume, he blushed an even deeper shade of red, which in turn caused her to chuckle a bit harder.
Violet continued to concentrate on her spell to keep the rope up in the air while she watched her main assistant use it to come back down. "A little quicker if tu will, n’est-pa?" she said to Abagail in a gentle tone. As she continued the spell, she had no idea that Pakesh-De was looking her over very carefully from her seat in the audience, trying to see how she was performing her present trick.
'Hhhhmmm, what is she doing to keep the rope up?' the ancient Egyptian-clothed female Clydesdale mentally asked herself as she continued to view Violet’s spell casting from her seat in the audience, while noticing that Abagail was about to reach the ground.
After going down a few more inches, Abagail could see that she had almost reached the ground. 'About time,' she thought, as she let go of the rope. She soon felt her feet hit the ground, before she felt a pair of strong hooves grab her around the waist, obviously to keep her from losing her balance after her landing. The blonde lapin quickly turned her head to look behind her, soon seeing that the hooves belong to Dark Horse.
"You okay there, miss?" the armor-clad stallion asked her.
Abagail, blushing a very deep red, replied, "Yes, I am, thanks." She then added, "So, you can release me any time that you’re ready, sir knight. Especially considering where you got you hooves presently placed right now."
Dark raised an eyebrow, before he looked down. He soon noted that he had one of his hooves placed just above her right tush. It was now his turn to blush. "Ooooppps, sorry about that," he said to her, before letting her go.
"Thanks," the lapin said, as she felt him release her.
Jessica snickered lightly as she saw the scene occurring between her cousin and Dark Horse, while Violet started to let the rope fall back onto the ground. She then quipped, "So, tell me, anyone still zinks zat Chivalry is dead?"
The audience laughed at Jessica’s quip, before starting to clap, which made Abagail and Dark’s cheeks blush even more. Except for Hoss, who appeared to have an unhappy look on his face.
As the audience continued to clap, Violet finished bringing down the rope. She looked over at Jessica and with a few hands gestures, told her to get the rope. Once that has been done, she saw the buxom platinum blonde bunny walk towards the rope before she herself turned around to face the audience. "Okay, zat’s enough for now, oui, mon amis. So, moi will now perform for you just one more magic trick et zat will be ze end of ze show, oui?" After saying that, she heard some aaaawwwsss escape from the audience, as Abagail proceeded to walk back towards the stage. The grey-haired vixen quickly put her paw before her face. Putting a finger in front of it, she started to wave it before her, before starting to tsk-tsk the audience. "Now, now, shame on all of vous. Vous all seem to have forgotten zat tomorrow is a school day, non? Think about ze children, oui?" She smiled at the audience, and then winked, while Abagail started to walk onto the stage, and Jessica, with the now recoiled rope placed once more atop her right shoulder, was heading back towards the stage as well. This caused the audience to chuckle, before she stopped her finger wagging. Violet then looked back at Dark. Bowing slightly before him, which gave some of the males who were seated near her a good look at her cleavage, she then said to him, "Thank tu for your assistant, mon ami."
Dark Horse, who had been looking at Jessica, or rather her moving ass, as she had almost reached the stage and was starting to walk up the steps, looked over at Violet. "Uhm, well, ah, it was my pleasure, me lady," he said to her, having been caught off-guard by both her sudden thanks and her cleavage. He then returned the bow with one of his own.
Violet, after coming back up, smiled back at the stallion, before she turned around and headed back towards the stage. As she walked, the older vixen could see Abagail removing the earlier dropped cloth from the floor while Jessica, who was now back on the stage, was placing the rope onto the table. The older female vulpine soon reached the stage itself and began to walk up the steps before finally starting to walk towards the front of the stage. The grey haired vixen then stopped in the middle of the stage, and began to look through the audience. She looked, soon noticing that Dark Horse has already sat back down in his seat, until her eyes finally saw Cedric. Smiling, she said to him, "Would zu mind coming to ze stage, monsieur?"
Cedric, who had been watching Dark Horse return to his seat while everyone else in the audience were sitting back down, blinked as soon as he heard Violet asked him to come to the stage. He turned his head around and looked back at the grey-haired vixen, while also seeing the two female lapins in the background putting away the board and the two wooden horses. "Me?" he asked her.
Violet, still smiling, nodded her head while saying to him, "Mais oui, Monsieur Cedric."
"Okay," replied the grey Clydesdale stallion, before he started to head towards the stage.
The older vixen watched Cedric slowly approached the stage while her two lapin assistants continued to clear the stage behind her. As she did, she said, "So, tell me, monsieur, tu have enjoyed ze show so far, oui?"
"Why yes I have, to be honest, although I wasn’t expecting your assistant to suddenly become a tight rope walker," said the stallion with a grin on his visage, before he began to walk up the steps.
Violet, while shrugging her shoulders, answered, "Sometimes, how do tu say it, zings happen," as she saw the stallion approach her. At about the same time, the lapins have finished clearing the stage. She then saw the grey-haired male equine stop next to her, to her right. Smiling at him once more, she said, "So, tell me, monsieur, have tu ever played with cards?"
Cedric, surprised by Violet’s question, replied, "Why, yes, I have."
Violet, still smiling, nods her head a few times. "Good, good," said the vixen before she looked past the stallion. Upon seeing Jessica and Abagail, she said, "Abagail, be a dear and bring ze table over to moi, sil vous plàit?"
The older of the two lapins did as asked. She walked over to the table, and proceeded to bring it over to where Violet and Cedric stood. She then placed it between them, as instructed to by Violet. She then moved over to their left.
"Merci," said Violet, before she looked over at Jessica. "Jessica, would tu be so kind as to get me a deck of playing cards from ze back et bring it out here, tout suite?"
Jessica raised an eyebrow, before she turned around and then headed backstage to gets a pack of playing cards, while hearing several catcalls escape from the audience as she sexily walked away.
As the buxom bunny doe began to walk behind the curtain, the stallion looked at Violet. "So, what exactly are you up to?"
Violet, in mock shock, replied, while placing her left paw atop her cleavage, "Moi, up to something? Mais non, monsieur, I’m just going to show both tu et ze audience a simple card trick." She then gave him a big smile as she removed her paw from her breasts.
"A simple card trick, huh?" commented a curious Cedric, as she looked at the presently smiling Violet.
"Oui, a very simple card trick," she said, still smiling, as Jessica finally reappeared from behind the curtain, now carrying a deck of cards in her right paw. Violet, whom had just turned her head, saw the approaching platinum blonde lapin. As soon as she had reached her, she took the cards from Jessica and instructed her to go and stand next to Abagail, to her cousin’s left, which she soon does. The grey-haired vixen then looked at the audience. With a smile, she said, "Cedric, ladies et gentlemen, we have here an ordinary set of playing cards." She then looked at Cedric. "Tu can check zat out for yourself, monsieur." Violet then offered the cards to him.
The stallion looked at the cards in Violet’s paw. He took them from her, and as Violet, Jessica and Abagail looked on, he looked the cards over. As he looked at them, he proceeded to look over each one very carefully, trying to make sure that there wasn’t any markings on any of the card. 'Hhhmmmm, I can’t see any marks on the back of any of these cards,' he thought to himself, before he finally stopped looking at them. He then looked back at Violet. With a smile, he said, "I don’t see anything extraordinary about them, Violet."
Violet smiled back at Cedric upon hearing his comment. "Good. Now then, would tu be so kind as to shuffle ze cards for moi, oui?"
Cedric thought Violet’s request over. He then smiled and said, "Sure, why not." He then proceeded to shuffle the cards. He did this several times until he was finally satisfied that they were all shuffled. He then put the cards back together and looked at Violet. With a friendly smile, he said, "The cards are all shuffled, Violet."
Smiling, Violet said, "Very good," while nodding her head. She then turned her head and said, "Abagail, would tu please take ze cards back from Cedric?"
Abagail looked at Violet and nodded, before she approached the stallion while the vixen turned her head back around. Soon standing before Cedric, the blonde lapin took the deck of cards from him.
"Okay, now zen, Abagail, if tu would be so kind as to spread ze cards out," Violet then said to the blonde lapin.
Abagail looked at Violet. She nodded her head, then turned back around and then started to spread the cards out. She soon had the cards looking as if they were a small fan.
Once Abagail had finished spreading out the card, Violet looked back at Cedric and said, "Now zen, Monsieur, please take out one of ze cards from ze deck, look ze card over and zen put it back into ze deck. Once zat is completed, ze cards will be reshuffled et moi will reveal to everyone ze card zat tu had taken out."
Cedric looked at Violet. "That’s what you want me to do? Pull out a card, look at it, and then put it back into the deck?"
Violet, with a big smile on her pretty face, nodded and said, "Mais oui, Monsieur Cedric."
The Clydesdale stallion continued to look at the vixen for a while, before he finally shrugged his shoulders. "Okay," he said to her, before he looked at the spread cards. He placed one of his hooves in front of the cards, soon moving it from one card to another, as he tried to decide which one to actually pull out of the deck, while being watched by Violet, Abagail, Jessica and the audience. 'Let’s see, should I take this one? No, maybe this one? No, this one?' Cedric constantly thought to himself as he at the moment couldn’t decide on which card to take.
"Having trouble deciding, Cedric?" Violet asked him in a friendly tone.
"No, just trying to make up my mind," the stallion replied, before he finally placed his fingers upon a card that was to the right of the card at the center of the deck. Cedric then proceeded to slowly pull out the card. Soon, he had freed the card from the rest of the deck. He then pulled it up and had its face facing him, so that he could tell which card it was. He soon saw that the card that he had pulled out was the Queen of Hearts. 'Interesting,' he thought to himself, as he continued to look at the card.
Violet, as she watched Cedric look at the card, as did the audience, said, "Finish looking over ze card, oui?"
Cedric looked at Violet. He gave her a smile before saying, "Just about." He then looked at the card again, before turning it so that it was once again face down and then proceeded to put the card back into the deck. He then looked at Violet. "There we go," he said to the grey-haired vixen.
Violet watched Cedric put the card back into the deck. She then said to Abagail, "Abagail, if tu will, could tu please reshuffle ze deck?"
Abagail nodded her head, before closing the cards until they were no longer forming a fan. She then proceeded to reshuffle the cards. She did this for a while until she was quite sure that the card that Cedric had originally picked out was now hidden among the others. The blonde lapin then looked at Violet and said, "All done, Mistress."
Violet smiled at her, before she looked at the audience. "Moi will now make ze card zat Monsieur Cedric has picked out earlier appear from within ze deck." She then looked back at Abagail. "Will tu please hold up ze deck, Abagail?"
Abagail looked at Violet and nodded her head, before she moved the deck so that they were being held up in her left paw, with its face facing Violet.
Violet smiled. She then lifted up her wand and as she waved it over the cards said a few words in what sounded to everyone who was listening like Latin. As she waved her wand over the cards a second time, one of the cards near the front of the deck began to rise, which created a lot of ooohhhs from inside the crowd.
At the same time, Cedric, who was looking at the cards inside Abagail’s paw, was looking at the rising card. He raised an eyebrow as he saw that the card that was rising was indeed the Queen of Hearts card which he had earlier pulled out of the deck. 'Woo, that is just amazing,' he thought to himself, as he continued watching the rising card.
Violet, after she had waved her wand one more time over the deck, finally lowered her arm and then looked at Cedric. With a smile, she queried, "So, is zat tu card, Monsieur Cedric?" As she asked him, the card suddenly stopped rising.
Cedric looked at Violet. He replied, with a smile, "Why, yes, it is, Violet."
Violet, still smiling, looked over at Jessica. She then said to the platinum blonde lapin, "Jessica, would tu be so kind as to remove ze card from ze deck, et zen show it to me?"
Jessica nodded her head, and then approached Abagail and the deck. She stopped before Abagail, and then removed the card from the deck. She then turned back around and walked over to Violet. Jessica then showed Violet the card.
Violet took the card from Jessica. As Jessica stood to her right, the grey-haired female lupine looked the card over. The vixen then raised an eyebrow, before looking back at Cedric. "Ze Queen of Hearts, hmm. Interesting choice, mon ami," she said to the stallion. Violet then lightly chuckled before she gave the card back to Jessica.
Cedric just simply blushed, although at the moment not knowing what Violet meant.
"Jessica, if tu would, please show everyone ze card dat Cedric has earlier picked, merci?" Violet asked Jessica.
Jessica does as asked. She turned the card over and proceeded to show it to the audience.
The audience, collectively blinked, before they began to clap, as they noticed that the faces of the queen on the card were actually Violet.
Violet, still smiling, looked back at the crowd. As she took a quick vow, she said, "Merci, ladies et gentlemen. Et, with zat, we conclude our show. Merci for watching. Bonne Nuit!" As Violet and the two lapins started to take a vow together, with Cedric watching, the crowd saw the stage quickly being covered by a curtain.

As the curtain slowly covered the stage, Eva got up from her chair near the front row. The buxom redhead then turned around and looked at the audience. With a smile, she said to them, "Let’s give Violet und her assistants un big round of applause, ja?" The Wonder Mare-costumed mare then started to clap her hooves together, soon joined by everyone else who has been watching the show. This continued for a while, before the mare stopped. She then waited for everyone else to stop clapping as well before adding, "Und now, ladies und gentlemen, on dat note, ich vould like to danka all off du for comink to mein husband und mein’s Halloween Party, but, like all gut dinks must, it ist time for der party to end. After all, it ist un school nacht as Violet has pointed out earlier, ja?" As she heard some groins escape from some of the children, she continued, "Du can all leave by der front door. Just follow mein husband, vho ist at dis moment already goink back into der house." Eva then pointed toward the back door, where, sure enough, James was starting to go through the door, obviously headed for the front door. Upon hearing that, other people started to get up from their seat and headed for the back door.

Meanwhile, behind the curtain, as she heard the loud clapping that they were receiving from the audience slowly fade, Violet looked at Jessica and Abagail. With a smile on her pretty visage, she said to them, "Bonne show, ladies."
"Thank you, boss," the two lapins said in unison.
Violet then looked at Cedric. Still smiling, as she heard the clapping end, she added, "Et merci for helping us with ze card trick, Monsieur Cedric."
Cedric, as he looked at Violet, smiled at the vixen, before bowing in front of her. "It was my pleasure, madame," he said to her, which caused Jessica to lightly chuckle. The stallion then came back up. Looking once again at Violet, he asked her, "So, what are you going to do now?"
Violet, with a naughty smile on her face, replied, "Well, moi don’t know what Abagail et Jessica have planned for ze rest of ze evening, but moi was wondering if tu would like to spend a little time with moi?"
Cedric, taken about by Violet’s query, looked at the vixen for a while, before finally answering, "That’s depends. It is a little late to be going somewhere around here, isn’t it?"
Violet chuckled lightly. "Maybe around here, but moi am sure it is early morning over in Paris, oui?"
Cedric blinked his eyes. "Paris? Us?"
"Oui, us, Paris," Violet replied with a light chuckle, as she changed her costume to a half-zipped light brown coat, which was covering a sexy looking red dress, tan stockings and medium-heel black shoes, along with a pair of heart-shaped earrings and a pearl necklace. Looking back at Cedric, as she clutched a black pocketbook in her left paw, she quickly offered the Clydesdale stallion her right paw. "Shall we go?"
Cedric thought things over for a few seconds, while looking the vixen over, before finally taking Violet proffered paw. "Sure, why not."
Violet smiled, as she felt the stallion’s hoof take her paw. She then looked back at the cousins. "Don’t wait up for moi, ladies," she said to them, before she waved her free paw and returned them to their original witches’ costumes.
Jessica, with a giggle, said, "Have fun, Violet. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t."
Abagail just shook her head. "Just have fun, Mistress."
Violet replied, "Oh, moi plans to," before looking at Cedric. "Ready to go?"
The stallion, who had earlier changed his own clothes to a light grey sports coat, a brown short, grey slacks, and black shoes, just nodded his head, before he saw Violet say a few words, which soon led to the creation of a portal. She then looked at Cedric. "Here’s our ride, Monsieur," she said to him with a grin.
Cedric shook his head. "I think that there’s something else that you would rather be riding right now, madame." As he heard her laugh, he began to walk towards the portal with the grey-haired vixen.
The pair soon walk into the portal, which quickly closed behind them.
Abagail and Jessica then looked at each other. The platinum blonde chuckled loudly while her cousin continue to shake her head. They then turned around and headed for the curtain.

Abagail and Jessica, as soon as they have exited the stage, were both surprised to see standing in front of it, and them, Pakesh-De. The ancient Egyptian-dressed mare looked at the two lapins, soon noticing that neither Violet nor Cedric was following them through the curtain.
"Where’s Violet, ladies? I would like to ask her a few questions about her little magic display," said the impatiently sounding mare.
The two lapins looked at each other, before they looked back at Pakesh-De. "You’d just missed her, ma’am. She’d just left with Cedric," finally replied Abagail, while Jessica nodded her head in agreement, both telling the truth, just not telling the mare exactly how they’d left.
"Really? Well, I think I’ll be the judge of that. Thank you, ladies. Now, excuse me, please," said the female Clydesdale, as she started to walk onto the stage.
"Okay, but don’t be mad at us if you don’t see anyone back stage," commented Jessica, as she and Abagail watched Pakesh-De first walk up the steps and then head towards the still closed curtain. The two lapins then looked at each other and slowly shrugged their shoulders, before they themselves headed for the steps. As they began to walk off the stage, they soon saw standing between several rows of seats, obviously waiting for them, Jessica’s hubby and adoptive daughter, and Boss. While Jessica smiled at her hubby and daughter, Abagail raised an eyebrow as she was surprised to see the stallion waiting for her to reappear.
"Nice act, dear," said the green tights-clad stag to his approaching wife, before he proceeded to wrap his arms around her waist, stopping his wife’s movements, while her cousin continued on.
"Yeah, nice act, mom," added Holly in a neutral tone, as she soon saw her adoptive parents looking at each other.
"Why, thank you, honey, Holly," Jessica said to the pair, before she moved in close to Robert’s ear. She then said lightly to the stag, "Liked my stage outfit, did we, Robert?" The buxom platinum blonde then likely chuckled.
Robert blushed upon hearing his wife’s comment. "You saw that, huh?" he said to her in her ear.
"See it? I can feel it right now, you naughty boy," she said to him in a naughty tone, which caused the stag to blush even more, before she began to kiss him on the lips. This lasted for a while, as Holly watched them.
"There they go again," Holly said with a loud sigh.
Meanwhile, Abagail, after walking past Jessica and her family, has stopped in front of Boss. "So, did you enjoy the act, Boss?" she asked him.
Boss nodded. "Yeah, I did. Also I liked the costume that you were wearing. Nice little tushie you got there, by the way." The stallion then lightly chuckled.
Abagail blushed. "Uhm, thanks. Although I get the feeling that you weren’t the only one to notice that tonight," she commented, meaning some of the other males in the audience. She then looked around. "Uhm, where’s our host?" she asked Boss.
The stallion raised an eyebrow. "Eva? Oh, she’s at the back door, saying good night to the guests who are leaving now," the unicorn-dressed stallion said, while pointing towards the back door.
Abagail followed Boss’ hoof and soon saw Eva standing in front of the backdoor, presently saying goodbye to Paul and Margaret Bruin and their kids while another couple walked through the door. She then looked back at Boss. "So I see," she said to him.
Boss nodded, before he started to say something to the blonde lapin.
Meanwhile, at the back door, Eva was at that moment shaking Margaret’s paws, while Paul was walking through the door, along with their two cubs. "Just go on ahead with the kids, Paul, I need to ask Mrs. McEqqus something."
Paul looked back at his wife. "Sure thing, Mama," he said to her before he looked at the cubs. "Sarah, Junior, let’s go. Mama will catch up with us later," the male ursine said to them, as he led them through the door.
"Coming, Papa," said the two cubs in unison, before they all went through the back door while being watched by their mother and the mare.
Once the trio was out of ear shot, Margaret, after ending the handshake looked at Eva, and said to her, "So, tell me, Mrs. McEqqus, do you have a card on you so that I can contact you at your studio?" She then gave the buxom redhead a nice smile.
The Wonder Woman-costumed equine raised an eyebrow before she said to the brunette she-bear, "Any particular reason vhy, Frau Teacher?" Eva then began to chuckle lightly, as she waited for Margaret’s response.
Margaret blushed, before she replied, "Let’s just say that I’m feeling a bit horny and leave it at that, Wonder Mare," before releasing a light giggle of her own.
"Ich see," said Eva between chuckles, as she looked at the female bruin. Before she could reply, though, she heard a voice say, "See you tomorrow, Wonder Mare." The buxom redhead turned her head slightly, and soon saw that the speaker has been Barbara, who was presently walking past her with her daughter, Cathy, and Eddie.
"Guten Nacht, Liberty Bell, see du at vork tomorrow," she said to the older skunkette, before releasing a light chuckle.
Barbara lightly chuckled back, "Sure thing," before she headed for the kitchen door with the two young cubs.
Eva then looked back at Margaret. With a smile, she said, "Come to mein door tomorrow mornink und ich’ll give du der address und phone number off mein studio. Just be prepared for un possible audition vhen du come to der studio."
Margaret raised an eyebrow as she heard Eva mention a possible audition, before she saw Helena, Philip and her family coming towards the door, then looked further back, where she soon noticed that Jessica and Robert were still kissing each other while an unhappy Holly was seated in a nearby chair. She then looked back at Eva. "Will either of two those males be my audition partner?" Margaret asked the mare, before pointing first at the approaching Philip and then towards the kissing stag.
"Maybe. Ou it might be mein stallion. Ou it might be none off der above. Ich von’t know until tomorrow," the buxom mare quickly replied. She then added, "Ou, ihr partner might even be female."
Margaret looked at Eva. With a chuckle, she said, "Like the naughty mare who is presently standing in front of me?"
Eva chuckled back, as she gave the she-bear a wink. "Could be."
Just then, Helena and her family had reached the back door. As Philip and the kids walked by, Helena said, "Nice party and magic show, Eva." As Eva nodded her head, the Minoan goddess-clothed ewe then looked at Margaret. "And it was nice to finally meet you and your family, Mrs. Bruin. Don’t be a stranger, now." The white and black ewe then winked at the she-bear before turning around and going through the door, to join her leaving family.
Margaret raised an eyebrow. She then looked back at Eva. "Was she just?"
"Maybe," said Eva, whose present body language didn’t give Margaret either a positive or negative response. "Guess du’ll haff to find dat out on ihr own, ja?"
The she-bruin blushed. "I guess I do at that. Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow, Eva," Margaret said, before she headed through the door herself.
"Ok, see du den," Eva said to her, before she pinched the female ursine right butt cheek, which produced a low eek from Margaret and a chuckle from Eva, as she watched the she-bear, who was presently rubbing her ass, head for the kitchen door.
"Yeah, my mother warned me alright," Eva then heard behind her back, before she turned her head. As she did, she saw standing behind her Boss and Abagail, with Boss being the one who had just spoken.
"Oh, did she now?" the buxom mare said to the stallion.
"Yeah, warn me that such women can be real teases," he added.
Eva laughed a little. "Oh, are ve now? Too bad for du, ja?" She then laughed a little bit harder after saying that.
Abagail just giggled while Boss said, "I guess so." The two then headed for the door. "Oh, if James hasn’t told you yet, I and the others will be by tomorrow to help you guys clean up."
Eva smiled. "Dat’s gut to hear," she said, as she watched the lapin and the stallion go through the door.
At the same time, Pakesh-De has finally reappeared. She soon walked towards Jessica who was still kissing her hubby. Upon reaching them, she tapped Jessica’s shoulders. "Where is Violet and Cedric?"
Jessica and Robert stopped their kiss. The buxom cream-furred lapin looked at the draft mare. "Abagail and I did say that they have both left together, didn’t we?"
"Yes, but…"
"So, there’s not anything to talk about, right?"
"Actually, there is…" Pakesh-De was about to say, when she felt a light tap on her shoulders. The ancient Egyptian-dress mare turned and saw Whisper standing in front of her.
"Come on, lassie, tis be time for us ta go," he said to her.
"But, but," she began to say, before he interrupted her.
"Nay buts, lassie, tis be getting’ late, n ah be sure tat tae McEqqus’ wodda like ta be gettink some sleep soon, especially their we little one, aye?"
The mare sighed before saying, "Yeah, your right. Besides, I’m sure I can catch Violet before she leaves town." She then headed for the back door.
As she left, the kilt-wearing pegasus looked back at Robert and Jessica. "Sorry about tat, folks. She just sometimes get a wee bit too curious. Anyways, good evenin’ ta ye." He then gave the two a wink, before turning around and heading for the back door himself.
Robert and Jessica looked at the departing Whisper for a while, before they looked at each other. They then chuckled for a while before Jessica said, "Guess we better get going as well." She then looked at Holly. "Okay, honey, time for us to go."
"About time," said Holly, as she got up and quickly headed for the door.
Jessica just laughed, before she and Robert also headed for the door. "Kids. So impatient."
As the Stags were getting ready to leave, around Grayflank’s table, he, Dark Horse and Mythic Steed were slowly taking apart his DJ station. Near them, seated in a couple of chairs, Boar-Ral was talking to Snowy.
"So, plan to stay in town long?" Boar asked the female uni.
Snowy looked over at the Friesian colt. She blushed for a little bit before replying, "No. I plan to go back home after we’d help clean up the McEqquses’ house tomorrow."
Boar sighed. "Sorry to hear that," he said to Snowy, before looking back at the table, where he saw Grayflank placing some of his records inside a large, opened box that was set on the ground, while Dark and Mythic were picking up the stereo system.
Snowy looked at Boar. She laughed for a few seconds. "Maybe we can do something together tomorrow, after we’d finished with the clean up?"
Boar looked back at Snowy. He smiled at her before saying, "That would be nice. Thanks."
"Hey, how about helping us with this stuff?" the two equines heard from behind them before they turned around and saw that it was coming from Grayflank, who was presently carrying a box filled with records. The stallion then added, "If it wouldn’t hurt you two, you could pick up the other two boxes?" He then nodded his head in the direction of the boxes.
Snowy looked at Boar. She then giggled before she got up. "Come on," she said, before she headed towards the table.
Boar-Ral nodded his head in agreement, then got up, before he headed towards the table as well, to help the gray-furred stallion with his records.

Several minutes later, James and Eva stood in front of their house, as they watched Grayflank, Dark and Mythic place the last of Grayflank’s DJ equipment inside Whysper’s rented car. After the last box of records was placed inside the car, and covered up with some cloth, the gray-furred stallion looked back at James and Eva.
"We’ll be back in the morning to help you two with the clean up," Grayflank said, as the others entered the car.
"Tank ye," said James, as he waved at them.
"Okay, see du all im der mornink," added Eva with a smile.
The stallion nodded at them, and then entered the car, followed a few seconds later by Whysper, who walked to the car’s driver seat. After opening the door, Whysper looked back at James and his wife. "See ye later, laddie," he said to the brunette stallion, before he entered the car. Several seconds later, he started the car’s engine and soon began to drive the vehicle towards the hotel that he and the others were staying in.
James and Eva waved at the leaving car until it was out of sight. The two equines then lowered their hooves and then looked at each other.
"Another successful party, aye?" said a smiling James.
"Ja, another successful party," answered Eva with a smile of her own, before she kissed her hubby on the cheek. She then turned around and proceeded to sashay back into their house.
James looked at his wife, or rather at the star-covered skirt of the costume that she was still wearing, as he watched her enter their house. He smiled, before he entered the house himself. Once inside, James closed the door behind him, which he then locked.

The End

Eva © 2008 Scott and Stanley Alston, Jr.
Holly, Abagail, Violet, Jessica and Robert © 2008 Scott Alston
James, Brunne, Eddie, Cathy, Barbara, Jason, Medea, Junior, Sarah, Margaret, Paul and Philip © 2008 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Boar-Ral, Cedric, Whysper, Boss Hoss, Grayflank, Dark Horse, Snowy, Pakesh-De and Mythic Steed © 2008 their respective owners
Wonder Woman and Liberty Belle © 2008 DC Comics, Inc.

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