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Halloween Party, Part 7:

Let’s See A Little Magic

By Stanley L. Alston, Jr

While the kids continued to bob for apples and the adults who were still inside the McEqquses’ house were talking among themselves near the food table, they all heard the front doorbell howl once again. “Ich’ll get it," announced Eva, who had just been conversing with Barbara, Jessica, Helena and Snowy. “Ich’ll be right back." The buxom mare, still dressed up as the ‘Golden Age Wonder Mare’, first picked up the food bowl which still contained within it some Halloween candy, then trekked on over towards the front door. Upon reaching it, and expecting to see some kids who were still out ‘Trick or Treating’ to be standing before it, she quickly opened the door. Upon opening it, Eva immediately saw that she had been partly right, as she noticed standing before the door a couple of bear cubs, along with a pair of older bears, a male and a female. The two children, a boy and a girl, she quickly recognized as being the two cubs who had earlier come to her house for some Halloween candy, as they were still wearing their costumes: a baseball player and a ballerina, respectively. The older female she also quickly recognized as being the one whom she had seen earlier with the kids when they were all leaving her front yard. Only now she could see that the buxom brunette-haired female ursine was wearing a black three-piece dress suit, which included a knee-length skirt that was slited on both sides, a white blouse, black fishnet stockings and black shoes, as well as a pair of red circular earrings on both of her ears. In her right paw she held a large ruler, while in the left front pocket of her dress jacket was placed a plastic pocket protector within which were held a couple of pens, a pencil and a black marker, which made Eva realize immediately that she was supposed to be dressed up as a teacher, and a sexy looking one at that, as her blouse was presently opened up to the second button, showing off the upper part of her 40D cleavage. Eva smiled at her, liking what she saw, before she looked over to the female brown bear’s right, where she saw standing next to her a slightly taller and a bit older looking male bear. The male ursine, although having red hair on his head, was wearing a fake black beard upon his handsome face. He was also wearing a black three-piece suit, a white shirt, a black bowtie, black shoes and a black ‘stove-pipe’ hat atop his head which made him look like the 16th President of the Unites States, Abraham Lincoln.
Eva smiled at the four ursines. She then said to them, “Frohe Abend vor Allerheiligen! Ich’m guessink dat du vier are here for der party, ja?"
The older female bear, who returned Eva’s friendly smile with one of her own, answered for the foursome. “Why, yes we are, ‘Wonder Mare’. The cubs kind of insisted that we come here after they’d seen what was going on inside your house when we were here earlier this evening." She then looked down at her children. “Isn’t that right, cubs?"
“Yes, mama," said the smiling boy cub while the girl cub nodded her head in agreement.
Eva smiled wider at the foursome, before opening the door wider and then moving to the side to let them inside. “Vell, come on in den."
“Thank you," replied the female ursine, as she and her husband watched their children enter the house first, headed towards the other children and the tub still full of apples. “Keep a good eye on your sister, Junior," she said to her son.
“Yes, mother," the younger male in the baseball uniform said in response with an embarrassed sigh, as he heard his younger sister, Sarah, giggle, while the other kids watched the two young bruins approach them.
The female bear then looked back at Eva. She and her husband then entered the house. Once inside and as they watched Eva close and then locked the door behind them, she added, “Now where are my manner? I don’t believe that we’d been properly introduced. I’m Margaret Bruin and this is my husband, Paul Bruin. And you’d already met our two older children, Junior and Sarah." She then offered the slightly shorter mare her right paw to shake.
Eva, turning around after she had finished locking the door, looked at the two older brown bears. Smiling at them, she took Margaret’s proffered paw and shook it firmly. “Hallo, Margaret, Paul, ich’m Eva McEqqus. Welkommen to der neighborhood. How do du zwei like livink here so far?"
“Well, it is a bit different from where we use to live. I mean, there’s not too many places where you’ll see guys openly ogling your wife," said Paul with a light snort, as he took off his hat, revealing the rest of his red hair, while he watched his buxom wife and Eva shake hands.
As Eva giggled, which caused her breasts to shake inside the bodice of her costume, Margaret blushed. “Now papa, I thought that you’d promised me not to mention that while we were here. After all, we’re still new to the neighborhood."
“I know, I know. But it gets frustrating after a while seeing other guys looking over you as if you were some pancakes that were just recently smothered in honey and maple syrup and not another guy’s wife."
“Now, now, Paul, du’ll get use to it. After all, it happens to me un lot, as well as to ‘Der Snake Goddess’ und ‘Witch Jessica’ over dere," Eva said, after she had finished her handshake with Margaret, before she turned around slightly and pointed towards Helena and Jessica, who were presently speaking to a smaller female unicorn with wings who was dressed up to look like a french maid (Snowy). She then looked back at the two bears. Eva quickly noticed that Paul appeared to be ogling the trio. The buxom mare snickered as she saw that. “Speakink of vhich, ich kind of recall seeink du oglink me vhile ich vas takink un swim im mein pool back im September, Mr. Bruin." Eva chuckled lightly as she watched Paul’s face turn red after she had reminded him of that earlier occurrence.
The female ursine blinked. She then looked at her husband. “Oh, did he now?"
The male bear gulped. “Now, now, dear, it wasn’t liked I’d planned to look at Mrs. McEqqus and her pretty backside that day. Uhm, I mean…"
Eva chuckled even more as she watched Paul get all flustered as his wife gave him the evil eye. She then said, “Besides, der guys on dis block know der rules. Dey can look at us gals all dey like, but dey just can’t touch us." As she released Margaret’s paw, Eva continued to look Margaret over as the female brown bear continue to look back at her husband. “Besides, ihr un pretty lookink she-bear, Mrs. Bruin. Vat guy vouldn’t vant to look at du, period."
Margaret blushed upon hearing Eva’s comment about her looks, while her hubby released a light phew of relief. “Please, call me Margaret. And thanks for the compliment." She then looked back at the buxom redheaded mare. “By the way, Mrs. McEqqus, I’m guessing from your accent that you’re not from around here either."
“Ja, ich’m ne. Und please, call me, Eva. Ich’m originally from Germany, und mein stallion hails from Scotland." Eva turned around slightly and then pointed back towards the food table. The two bears, as they followed her fingers again, soon saw her husband, James, who was presently standing in front of the table in his ‘Steve Trevor’ outfit, a plastic cup in his left hoof, as he conversed with a male Pegasus who was dressed up as a kilt-wearing Vampire (Whysper), Helena and a second male Clydesdale who was wearing armor (Mythic), all of whom were presently laughing at a joke that had just been finished by Whysper.
“My, there seems to be a lot of equines around here tonight. More neighbors of ours, Mrs. McEqqus?" asked Paul.
“Heavens ne. Old freunds off me und mein husband," Eva replied, before she walked towards the table. “Here, let me introduce du to dem."
“Okay," said Margaret. She then looked at Paul. “Coming, papa?"
“Yeah, yeah," he said to her, before the pair started to follow Eva. “You know, mama, there’s something familiar about that mare, now that I’d gotten a good look at her. I’m sure that I’d seen her somewhere before, I just wished I knew where."
Margaret rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon enough, papa."
“Yeah, I guess I will," said Paul as Margaret rolled her eyes once again before the couple reached the table with Eva and were then quickly introduced to the others by the redheaded sex mare.

Except for Cathy, who was presently bobbing for apples inside the tub, on the brink of actually catching one of them with her teeth, the other kids were watching the two bear cubs approach them. The pair soon stopped in front of ‘the Princess’ (Brunne) and ‘the Count’ (Eddie), both of whom were holding a small plastic cup of apple cider in their right hands. The two cubs looked at the filly and the wolf cub, before the male bear cub finally spoke.
“Hi, I’m Junior Bruin and this is my little sister, Sarah."
“Hi," said the younger girl cub with a friendly smile on her face, who looked to be about Medea’s (greek goddess) age, if not younger, while the boy appeared to be a bit younger than Jason (athenian youth) to the princess and the count.
Brunne was the first one to talk back to the two, as she offered her free hoof to the young male bear cub to shake. “Hi, Junior, Sarah, I’m Brunhilda, but everybody else around here calls me Brunne, and the one with the slight overbite is Eddie," she said, as she started to shake hands with Junior.
“How do you do," Eddie said in his faux Eastern European accent, which caused Sarah to giggle.
“You talk funny," said Sarah, before she chuckles some more, while Eddie raised an eyebrow in surprise at her reaction.
“Sarah, please," said a sort-of embarrassed Junior, while Brunne snickered.
“Aw, don’t worry about it, Junior. You should hear how Eddie really talks," said Brunne, as she ended the handshake.
“Yeah, you should…" started Eddie before he blinked when he realized what Brunne had meant. “Hey, now cut that out, dudette," said the wolf as the other kids, except for Holly, chuckled. Holly just smirked.
As Brunne released his hoof, a relieved Junior said, “So I can hear. Anyway, as you’d probably already noticed our family had moved in down the street during the summer."
“Yeah, so I’d noticed. I was kinda surprised to see that someone had finally moved into the old Merkel place while I was away at camp this summer," commented Brunne, as she started to drink some more of her cider, while Cathy finally pulled her wet face out of the tub, an apple now in her mouth.
As his sister headed for the tub to try her own luck, Junior, a bit curious, asked, “Camp, huh? What kind of camp did you go to if you don’t mind me asking?"
'This should be good,' thought Eddie, as he started to drink some of the cider still inside his cup, while the other cubs waited to see the newbie’s reaction upon hearing what kind of camp Brunne had went to that summer.
Brunne finished drinking her cider. She looked at Junior. “No, I don’t mind telling you. It was basketball camp," the developing filly said in a matter-of-fact tone.
The young brown bruin blinked his eyes a few times as he heard Brunne’s reply to his query, which certainly surprised him. Junior quickly looked the filly over. Because of the way her princess costume was presently draped over her athletic form, the younger bruin wasn’t able to notice how muscular the filly actually was. After he had finished looking her over, he looked directly into Brunne’s face and commented, “Basketball camp? You? Uhm, no offense, ‘princess’, but I kind of find that a bit hard to believe."
Brunne looked back at Junior, as the other cubs, now joined by Cathy, who was drying off her neck with a towel and eating the apple that she has just caught, weren’t surprised at the young male bear cub’s skeptical response to her reply to his question, since they all doubted that the new kid had ever seen her participate in basketball, or in any sports for that matter, since his family had moved to San Jose. The teenage filly rolled her eyes as she thought, 'Another guy that I need to put down, huh? Okay, if that’s the way he wants it, so be it. I just hope he’ll remember that he’d asked for it.' After releasing a slight sigh, she looked directly at Junior and said, “You don’t see me as being able to play basketball, huh, Junior?"
“Well, actually, I’d never said that, Brunne. I’d just meant that I find it kind of hard to believe that you actually went to such a camp. I just can’t picture you getting all sweaty while running up and down the court, shooting hoops and dunking the basketball."
The other kids who were listening to him all shook there heads as they knew that Junior had just thrown a clunker as far as Brunne was concerned.
Still looking at the younger male ursine, the slightly older filly crossed her arms under her still developing breasts. She released a light snort, before saying to him, “Oh, is that so, Junior. Well, I have an idea on how this can be quickly resolved between us. There’s a one-on-one kid’s basketball tournament that’s been scheduled for the second week of next month. What say we both sign up for it and find out who the better player is? So, are you willing to accept my challenge, Junior?" Brunne eagerly awaited Junior’s reply.
The other cubs in the room, except for Sarah, who was presently bobbing for an apple inside the tub, and Medea, who was at the moment keeping an eye on the younger female bear cub so that she didn’t have an accident while she tried to get the apple with her teeth, looked back at Junior, all pondering if he would actually accept Brunne’s challenge, all the while knowing that Brunne would probably wipe the floor with him, since she was one of the best athletes in the city, if not the state.
'He is so dead, he just doesn’t know it yet,' thought Eddie, before he started to drink the last of his cider.
Junior blinked, as he wasn’t expecting himself to be challenged over his comment that he didn’t think that Brunne had actually gone to a basketball camp. He looked at the filly again, noticing the confident look that was now on her pretty face. This made the young cub think that he might have made a mistake with his earlier comments about not believing her when Brunne said that she had gone to the camp. But not being the type to back down from a challenge, he replied, “Okay, if that’s the way you want it, I’ll be in the tournament next month and may the better cub win." He then offered her his right paw to shake. “Shake on it?"
Brunne looked at Junior’s proffered paw. She quickly took it with her own right hoof and started to give it a very firm shake. “Right, may the best cub win," she said to him, while giving the younger male cub a very confident smile.
As he shook paws with the pretty filly in the princess costume, the young male bear in the baseball uniform quickly felt how strong her grip was this time, telling him in the process how strong she actually was. He then looked at her face and noticed her confidant smile. He internally gulped. 'Something tells me that I’d probably bitten off more than I can chew this time.' Junior smiled back at Brunne as he kept shaking her hoof while wondering what he had gotten himself into this time.
'If I know, Brunne, she’s probably already figuring out how good this guy is from their handshake,' mused the spy dressed Holly, as the young bunny doe watched the handshake. 'If so, too bad for him.'
Meanwhile, as Brunne was making her challenge and Junior was accepting it, Sarah was moving her mouth inside the tub, getting very close to an apple, while Medea continued to keep an eye on her. The young ewe soon saw the young female cub’s teeth finally get a grip upon an apple, which she then started to pull out of the tub. Medea started to clap her paws together as she watched Sarah’s wet face finally exit the tub with the apple still in her mouth. “Congratulations," she said to the young she-bear.
As she felt some water slowly dripping down her face and onto the upper part of her ballerina costume, Sarah looked over at the clapping Medea. Blushing slightly, she took the apple out of her mouth with her left paw. “Uhm, thanks," she said to the slightly older ewe in the greek goddess outfit. “By the way, I’m Sarah."
“Hi, Sarah, I’m Medea. Welcome to the neighborhood," Medea said to the young she-bear in a friendly tone. “Oh, do you need a towel?" she then asked her, as she watched the water from the tub continues to drip down Sarah’s face onto her costume.
“Yes, thanks please."
Medea smiled at Sarah before turning around and picking up a towel from a nearby table. She then turned back around and gave it to Sarah. “Here you go, Sarah."
The young she-bear quickly took the towel with her free paw. “Thanks," she said before she proceeded to wipe her wet face with it while Medea watched.
“You know, your big brother probably doesn’t realized it yet, but he has just bitten off more than he can chew as far as Brunne is concerned," commented the young ewe in a simple nonchalant tone, as she noticed Junior standing before the tub to take his own chance at getting an apple.
Sarah blinked as she heard Medea’s comment as she proceeded to remove the towel from her now much drier face. She then looked at her older brother as he moved his head inside the water-filled tub, getting ever closer to a nearby apple. “I don’t think he is as a matter of fact."
The ewe chuckled upon hearing Sarah’s response, as she figured that the younger female bear had obviously misunderstood her earlier comment. “Not with the apple, babe. With Brunne. I’m guessing it’s because both of you are new here."
The young she-bear looked back at Medea, somewhat confused. “Oh, what do you mean by that, Medea?" Sarah asked, as she now began to wipe the water off of her neck.
“Well, you see, Brunne just happen to be a former all-state junior high school basketball player," Medea told her in a friendly tone, “as well as the current co-captain of the junior varsity squad."
Sarah, as she was about ready to take a bite from the apple in her paw, stopped, blinked and looked over at Brunne, who was presently talking to the count clothed wolf and Medea’s twin brother, Jason. She proceeded to look the filly over. “All-state, huh? Oh boy, big brother really has bitten off more than he can chew this time," the she-bear commented, as she got a good look at Brunne’s form.
“Oh yeah, I think so," Medea said with an agreeable nod as she saw Sarah start taking a bite out of the apple while also noticing Junior losing his grip upon an apple that was inside his mouth as he tried to come out of the water with it. “Oh, I most definitely think so," she added, just as Junior lost the apple, watching it drop right back into the water. She then watched the young male cub released a short sigh, before he started to put his face back into the water to try again.

Meanwhile, in the McEqquses’ backyard, as a DJ dressed Grayflank played some more dance music, several couples were near the cloth-covered pool, all slow dancing to the music. Among the dancers were Cedric, who was still dressed up as a European aristocrat from the 1920s-1930s, and a witch costumed Violet Vixen. The grey-haired older vixen presently had her head resting gently atop of Cedric’s strong right shoulder. After a while, she lifted her head up and looked at the silver grey furred Clydesdale stallion’s face. Violet smiled at him and queried, “Anything on your mind, monsieur?"
Cedric, who had been leading in their dance, looked back at Violet. He smiled at her and answered, “Well, actually, I do have two things on my mind. One, do you think that it might be time to start the magic act and two…" The stallion stopped talking, then looked in the direction of Pakesh-De, whom he soon found seated in a wooden folding chair. He quickly looked back at the pretty vixen and continuing, said, “…aren’t you worried about her finding out that you’re a real witch?"
The red furred female vulpine raised an eyebrow. She then turned her head. Violet quickly found the seated tall ancient egyptian dressed female Clydesdale mare, whom she saw presently eating a slice of pumpkin pie. She giggled lightly before she looked back at Cedric. Smiling at the stallion, she answered, “First, moi am a sorceress, not a witch, Cedric, and second, non, mon ami, moi am not worried at all."
Now it was Cedric’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Oh, and pray tell why not, if I may be so bold as to ask you, madame?"
Violet released another chuckle, then said, “Because moi am always careful when moi use mon magic in public. Considering how old moi am, moi has to be."
“Oh, and how old are…" Cedric began, before he felt something invisible clamping his mouth shut. The stallion blinked his eyes several times as he felt himself trying unsuccessfully to reopen his mouth, before he heard some nearby giggles. He looked back at Violet, whereupon he discovered that she has been the source of the giggles.
Through several giggles, Violet said, “Now monsieur, hee hee, you know it’s not polite for a gentleman to be asking a woman her age. You know better than zat." After another giggle had left her mouth, the older vixen whispered an incantation which allowed Cedric’s mouth to reopen.
“Now that wasn’t very nice, Violet," Cedric quickly stated after his mouth was free, “but you’re right. A gentleman shouldn’t be asking someone as pretty as you are her present age. And for that I do apology. But, what about the magic act?"
Violet looked up at the moon, noticing its present position in the heavens. “Right, moi better go and get ze girls. Just give us ten minutes and then introduce ze act. Moi’ll handle ze rest." She smiled at him.
Cedric looked back at Violet. “Okay, Violet, you’re the boss," he said to the grey-haired vixen as he stopped dancing with her. He then released her paws. “Ten minutes. Got you."
Violet nodded, and turned around, revealing once again to Cedric’s view the low plunging back of her witch’s costume. She then naughtily slid her tail up along the stallion’s crotch before heading towards the back door.
Cedric eeeped lightly as he felt the vixen’s soft tail slides slowly across his crotch, before he saw her sashaying sexily towards the back door. He chuckled while thinking, 'Naughty vixen,' before he turned around and headed towards Grayflank and his DJ equipment, to ask him to end the dance music in about ten minutes.
At about the same time, Pakesh-De, as she was taking another bite of her pumpkin pie slice, noticed Violet heading back towards the house. 'Okay, I’m going to get to the bottom of her magic,' she thought to herself, as she started to get up. As she saw Violet start to enter the house, the now standing tall equine mare placed the small dish which contained the still uneaten pie slice and the fork that she had been using to eat the pie slice with onto the wooden chair and started to follow the older vixen. 'Time to find out how she does it.'
Violet soon reentered Eva’s house. As she did, the first thing she saw inside the kitchen was of her assistant, Abagail Thornhopper, who was presently talking to the unicorn dressed Boss Hoss. 'Well, at least moi won’t have to go far finding her,' she mused to herself before she loudly cleared her throat to get their attention.
Abagail and Boss, who were both seated at the kitchen table and eating some ice cream, were startled by the throat clearing noise that they heard coming from behind them. The pair looked towards the back door, where they discovered Violet standing before it.
“Oh, uhm, hi boss. I’m guessing that its time to do the act, huh?" the buxom doe said to the white-haired vixen with an innocent smile.
Violet nodded her head in response to Abagail’s question. “Oui, it is," she said in a matter-of-fact tone, before she proceeded to walk towards the kitchen door.
After hearing Violet’s response, Abagail looked over at Boss. “Well, I have to go. Been nice talking with you, and I hope you’ll come out to watch the act, Hoss". The young doe smiled at the young stallion, before she got up from the table. She then walked towards the kitchen door, soon following Violet into the dinning room.
“Ok. And I’ll be watching the act, if just to see what you’re wearing," Hoss said to the female lapin, which caused her to blush before he saw her walked through the kitchen door. The male stallion then turned and proceeded to eat the rest of his ice cream before actually going outside to see the act. 'I wonder if she’ll be wearing something sexy or plain. Hmmm, probably something plain because of all of the cubs around here.'

After entering the dinning room, Violet started to look around. She soon found whom she was looking for, Eva. She noticed that the buxom mare was presently talking with Barbara, who was still dressed up as the DC comics heroine Liberty Bell, Helena, Jessica, and a buxom female bruin who was dressed up to look like a sexy looking teacher. As Abagail exited the kitchen, she walked towards them. As she did, the older vulpine and her lapin assistant were quickly noticed by some of the males in the room, including the Abraham Lincoln outfitted Paul Bruin. The male brown bear was taken aback by the two passing ‘witches’, especially by the fact, as he got a good look at their backsides, that the younger rabbit doe appeared to have been dressed a bit more conservatively than the older vulpine. He looked over at Whysper, whom he was standing next to and asked him while pointing at them, “Who are they?"
The vampire in a kilt dressed Clydesdale stallion looked at Paul, then he looked past the bear, just in time to see Violet and Abagail walk past. “Oh, tat be Jessica’s cousin, Abagail, n ‘er boss, Violet. Tey’re goin’ ta be puttin’ on a magic act later on, lad" the Scottish male equine told the bear, before sipping some punch.
“Aye, tat’s probably why tey be ‘ere right now. Ta pick up teir partner, Jessica," added James with a nod. As he spoke, he noticed Pakesh-De entering the living room a short while after the other two. He politely waved at her, which the tall mare returned, before he looked back at Paul, who appeared to have a confused look on his face.
“Magic act? You mean as in saw the lady in half trick and things liked that?" asked Paul, curious.
“Aye," replied James. “N considerin’ tat ah helped ta put teir equipment up in me backyard earlier today, ah should know so."
“Really? Very interesting. I’m kind of handy with tools myself. Tell me, did you have to nail everything together, or did you have to slide everything into place?" asked the bruin.
“Tis be a bit of both actually, laddie," James said, before he began answering another question from a very curious Paul about the magic equipment that he had helped to put together, while he saw Whysper leave the group and walk towards Pakesh-De.

As Whysper headed towards Pakesh-De and James continued to answer Paul’s woodworking questions, Violet and Abagail reached Eva and the others. “Good evening, Madame Eva. Moi have come to pick up Jessica so zat we can get changed for our magic act," she said to the buxom redhead in the Wonder Mare costume.
Eva, who has just said something to Barbara, looked over at Violet. “Hallo, du zewi witches. How nice off du to rejoin us. Before du zewi go und spirit Jessica away from us for any planned mischief ich vould like du zwei to meet Margaret. Her family have moved into der neighborhood durink der summer." She then pointed at the buxom ursine in the sexy teacher outfit. “Margaret, say hello to Jessica’s cousin, Abagail, and her boss."
Margaret, who had been standing between Jessica and Helena, turned her head around upon hearing her name being mentioned. The tall ursine female looked over towards Eva, quickly noticing both Abagail and Violet standing behind the mare in their witches’ costumes. Smiling at them, she said, “Hi, I’m Margaret Bruin, and as Eva said, my family has just recently moved into the neighborhood. And, I’m been learning some very interesting things about this particular neighborhood."
Abagail looked at her cousin. “Interesting things, cos?"
Jessica just smiled. “Just what we four actually do for a living," she said with a giggle, while Margaret blushed.
“Oh, I see," said Abagail, before chuckling herself.
“Yeah, it kind of explains why Paul told me earlier that he thought that he’d recognized you, Eva, since he has a few of your adult films hidden in the house," added the she-bear, her cheeks now an even deeper shade of red. “He tends to play them when he’s in a horny mood and I’m not around to help relieve him." The buxom bruin then naughtily giggled as she recalled the many times that she had caught her hubby playing those tapes and what he was doing while watching them.
“Oh, and who exactly is Paul?" Violet asked, curious.
Margaret turned around and quickly pointed at the male bear in the Abraham Lincoln costume who was still questioning James. “He’s over there talking with Eva’s hubby and it looks like he asking him some more woodworking questions." She sighed loudly. “Typical Paul."
Eva and Jessica looked at each other. They then looked back at the she-bear. “Is there a problem, Margaret?" the platinum blonde rabbit queried the female ursine.
Margaret looked back at the two. She blushed. “Oh, sorry. It’s just that Paul just happens to like putting things together. And well, he tends to ask folks a lot of woodworking related questions. It can get very embarrassing at times."
“I see. Hee hee. I’m guessing that’s why you came over here wearing that sexy outfit," commented Abagail with a light chuckle.
“Margaret blushed once more. “Well, yes it is. I’d hoped he would look at me and not think about asking those kinds of questions for a while. It doesn’t seem to have worked so far."
Eva and Jessica looked at each other again. The buxom cream white bunny then walked over to the female ursine and started to whisper something into her right ear. She soon saw a smile appear on the buxom she-bear’s face.
“You sure that will work?" Margaret queried Jessica after the buxom bunny had stepped back after she had finished whispering into her ear.
Jessica nodded and smiled. “It had always worked for me."
“Okay, I’ll give it a try," Margaret said to the still smiling bunny doe.
After watching what Jessica had just finished doing, Violet said, “Sorry to interrupt you, Jessica, on your good deed, but we still need to change." The red-furred vixen then looked over at Eva. “Could you please tell everyone zat we’ll be performing our magic act in about ten minutes, Eva?"
Eva looked at Violet and nodded. “Sure thing, Violet."
The older vixen smiled and nodded her head. “Thank you." She looked at Abagail and Jessica. “Come along, ladies." Violet then turned around and headed for the stairs.
Abagail quickly followed her, while Jessica looked back at the other three femmes. “Excuse us, ladies, and I hope to see all of you later in the backyard watching our magic act." She then looked at Eva. “We’ll probably be using your room to change, Eva." Jessica smiled, turned around and was soon walking towards the stairs, as she saw Violet and Abagail already walking up them.
“Okay," said Eva in an understanding tone, before she looked back at Helena, Barbara and Margaret. “So, vat did Jessica suggest, hmmm?"
Margaret, blushing even more deeply, answered, “She suggested that I look at Paul’s favorite film that had you in it and wear whatever sexy outfit that you were wearing in that particular film. She figures that it should make him forget all about building anything for a while."
Eva started to snicker after hearing that. But before she could say something to the she-bear, she and the others heard a loud howl from the doorbell.
Helena looked at Eva. “I’ll get that for you, Eva. Hopefully it’s Philip." The snake goddess dressed ewe then headed for the door.
Eva nodded. “Danka," she said to Helena, before she looked back at Barbara and Margaret. “Excuse me, ladies," she said to them, before she headed for the center of the room.
“Sure, ‘Polly’, just hope that it isn’t ‘Doctor Psycho’ at your door, trying to get into the house to cause you trouble," said Barbara to Eva, which caused the buxom mare to snicker loudly. The skunkette then looked over at Margaret. “Oh, and how many adult films does you hubby own, if I may ask?"
Margaret began to blush again in response to the blonde skunkette’s question, as Jessica reached the top step, Helena got to the front door and Eva walked towards the middle of the living room.

Upon reaching the center of the living room, Eva stopped. The buxom redhead looked around at the other people who were still in the living room, including the cubs. She then put her hooves together and for several seconds loudly slapped one hoof against the other. This quickly got everyone’s attention. Once she was sure that they, except for Helena who was getting ready to open the front door, were looking at her, Eva stopped clapping her hooves, before she announced, “Ladies und Gentlemen, ich vould like to take dis time to inform du all dat im about ten minutes from now un magic show vill be performed im mein backyard. Ich hope dat all off du vill attend. Danka for ihr time." With that done, the redheaded female equine smiled at everyone, turned around and started to walk back towards Margaret and Barbara, whom she’d noticed had just been joined by Snowy.

As Eva was starting to make her announcement to everyone else in the room, Helena was starting to open the front door. 'I hope it is Philip who’s on the other side of the door,' pondered the black-haired ewe as she first turned the knob and then pulled open the door. She looked ahead and saw standing before her a couple of males, both of whom were dressed in green tunics and lighter green tights, as well as a pair of green shoes and green caps with a feather sticking out of the right side of each one. Both males were carrying some sort of equipment. The shorter of the two, a black ram, was carrying on his back a quiver filled with what appeared to be arrows, while also carrying in his right hoof a bow, while the taller one, a brown-furred white-tail deer, was carrying what appeared to be a quarterstaff in his right hoof. She smiled at the pair. “And how may I help you two gentlemen?" she asked them.
“Ah, me lady, I am Robin of Lockley and this is my good friend, Little John. And my friend and I are here to take from the rich and give to the poor. And it looks to me like this house is filled with the sort of people who won’t be worrying too much about missing a pence or two." The ebony ram then smiled at the ewe. “Hi, honey, sorry we’re late but trying to get home from the studio earlier tonight was murder." Philip then moved forward and gave his wife a quick hug and a kiss on her left cheek. “By the way, nice costume, oh snake goddess," he said to her while Robert Stag, Jessica’s hubby, started to enter the building.
Helena smiled as she heard her hubby’s comment about her outfit before she felt the black ram’s arms wrapped themselves around her sexy form and then gave her left cheek a kiss. “Why, thank you honey. But, Robin Hood? I thought the family was going for a Grecian theme tonight?" the sexy ewe queried him as her hubby finally released her while the white-tail stag walked past them. “Oh, and Robert, Jessica is upstairs, getting changed for the magic act," she quickly told Robert, before closing the front door after Philip had moved out of her way.
Robert stopped and looked back at Helena. “Thanks," he said to her with a friendly smile, before he turned around and headed towards the food table. “I’d always did wanted to see that act."
Philip, as he watched Helena close the door, said to her, “Oh, this was actually Robert’s idea, honey. Besides, it was either this, or the two of us showing up dressed up as Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, and I’m sure you can guess who the doctor would’ve been."
Helena smiled, before she turned around and looked at her hubby. “Awww, I’m sure you would’ve made a nice looking monster, honey."
“That…" Philip began, before he blinked. He then looked at Helena. “What? No, I’d would’ve been the…" he began to protest before he heard his wife’s loud chuckling. After a few moments of confusion, he placed his hooves against his waist and said, “Oh, very funny, honey. You got me." The black ram then began to shake his head.
“Yeah, hee hee, it was my little trick. Just be sure to give me a treat later, hmmm?" Helena said between chuckles. “Come on, dear, let’s join the others."
Philip smiled and shook his head. “Okay, I’ll give you a treat later. But for now," he said, as he bowed and offered her his right arm, “shall we joined the others, milady?"
Helena looked at the proffered arm. She smiled as she took it. “Sure," Helena said, before the two sheep began to walk towards Eva, Barbara, Margaret and Snowy, while they saw Robert standing in front of the food table with a plate and starting to fill it up with some food.

During the moment when Eva was announcing to everyone still in the room that the magic show would soon start, and Helena was getting the front door, Whysper, who had just reached Pakesh-De, was starting to talk to the tall mare in the ancient egyptian costume.
“So, are ye enjoyin’ tae party, lass?" he asked her, before starting to drink some more punch.
Pakesh-De, who was watching Jessica walking up the stairs to join Violet and Abagail, said to the male Clydesdale in an anxious tone, “Yes, I’m enjoying the party, Whysper, but I really must go."
The stallion, after having brought down the cup from his mouth, looked at the mare, a very curious look placed on his visage. He quickly noticed her body movements, noticing that she was squirming. After a while, Whysper blushed a very deep red, before saying, “Ooops, sorry, lass, me bad, ah dinnae know tat ye needed tae go," as he thought that she needed to use the bathroom, when in reality the mare simply wanted to catch up with Jessica and the others so that she could find out about Violet’s magic.
Pakesh-De blinked several times as she was a bit confused by his comment, then she looked at the stallion. “Uhm, no actually…" she started to say to him, when she noticed the redness on Whysper’s cheeks and then saw the embarrassed look on his face. She then began to realize what he had meant. Deciding to take advantage of his mistaken notion, she said, “Oooh, yes, I really do need to go, Whysper." She then started to squirm even more emphatically, to add more to his mistaken thoughts so that she could catch up with the now gone Jessica.
“Okay, lass, ah’ll let ye go ten. Anyway, ah ‘ope ta see ye at tae magic show."
“Sure, I’ll see you there," she said to him, before she headed for the stairs. She was soon walking up the steps while Whysper had turned around and began to walk towards the kitchen door to head outside. As she walked up, she noticed Boar-Ral coming down, with a very deep red blush on his young face. Pakesh-De noticed that the Friesian colt was dressed up to look like a U.S. Calvary private of the late 19th century, including the hat, and carrying in his right hoof a toy version of the Winchester rifle of the time period. As she got next to him, she stopped and said to him, “Excuse me, uhm, Boar-Ral is it, did you just happen to notice a pair of rabbit does and an older vixen while you were coming down?"
Boar-Ral stopped his descent, before looking at the buxom mare. The young colt blushed even more as he got a good look at the almost translucent costume that Pakesh-De was wearing. “Uhm, yeah, I uhm, saw them inside the front bedroom as I was leaving the back bedroom," he said to her in a very low voice, obviously sounding bashful.
“Thanks," she said to him with a smile, before turning around and quickly walking past him and up the stairs, not knowing that the colt was now looking at her as she went up.
'I wonder how Eva would look like wearing that costume?' Boar-Ral asked himself, before he began to picture Eva clothed in such an outfit. This soon caused him to blush even more, before he turned away from Pakesh-De, who had just reached the top step, and resumed walking down the stairs.
'Front room, huh?' mused the Clydesdale mare, as she started to turn to her left after having reached the top step. As she headed for Eva and James’ bedroom, Pakesh-De mused, 'Well, Madame Violet, you’re now going to answer my question.'
Moments earlier, Jessica, after having reached the top step, had turned left, headed for the front bedroom. As she neared the opened bedroom door, the buxom cream-furred bunny doe looked into the room, soon seeing Violet and Abagail standing between the McEqqus’ queen size bed and their main dresser, both wearing their magician and magician assistant’s outfits respectively, although both were modified a little bit, so that they wouldn’t be considered too provocative for the cubs to view: Violet’s black one-piece swimsuit now only plunged down to the middle of her cleavage instead of to her navel, while she continued to wear the black fishnets and shoes; Abagail’s white pretzel-style outfit presently exposed less of her midriff as she started to place her translucent wrap across her shoulders and put on her white shoes. The younger bunny also noticed that Violet, who was now looking at her, was holding in her right paw her top hat. As Jessica entered the room, she heard the now smirking red-furred vixen say to her, “About time you showed up, missy. We were planning to leave without you. Anyway, ready to change, Jessica?"
Jessica, after releasing a short giggle, replied, “Yeah, I’m ready." The female lop-ear rabbit then stopped in front of the door, waiting for Violet to use her magic to change her outfit.
Violet nodded, spoke a short incantation and then waved her fingers at the platinum blonde doe. Jessica’s witch costume was quickly changed into her white one-piece magic show outfit, which still included her exposed midriff, and her white shoes. As this was happening, Boar-Ral had finally exited the guest bedroom, wearing his U.S. Calvary soldier costume, finally ready to join the party. The young colt, as he neared the stairs, looked into the front bedroom and saw the trio in their still sexy looking magic act outfits. This caused him to blush a deep red, before he began to walk downstairs, just as Pakesh-De was coming up.
As Jessica looked her costume over, and after Abagail had finished putting on her shoes, Violet said to the two rabbit does, “So, are we ready to go, ladies?"
Abagail looked at the older red-furred vixen. “I don’t know about my cousin, but I am."
Jessica, now also looking at Violet, added, “Yeah, I’m ready." She then looked at Abagail, soon licking her tongue at her cousin."
Abagail saw Jessica lick her tongue at her. She rolled her eyes. “Jessica, kindly act your age."
As Jessica snickered, Violet said, “Okay, ladies, zat will be enough of zat. Please allow me to concentrate so zat moi can get us outside with little trouble, oui?"
“Sorry," the two does said in unison, as Violet began to raise her arms. The gray-haired vixen then said a short incantation, and the trio was soon being covered up by smoke.
At about the same time, Pakesh-De had just turned the corner and was heading for the front room, just in time for her to see the trio being covered in smoke. “No!" the mare said, before she started to run towards the room. But, by the time she got into the room, it was too late. The smoke had cleared and the trio were nowhere to be found.
'Darn it!' the Clydesdale mare thought as she turned around and headed back towards the stairs. 'She’s not going to make this easy for me, is she?'

As Boar-Ral reached the bottom step, the other folks who were still inside the house were all talking about the upcoming magic act that Eva had just announced would be occurring in her backyard in the next few minutes. This included the children, most of whom were standing around Holly, Jessica and Robert’s adopted daughter, since they had all earlier noticed Jessica heading upstairs with Violet and her cousin Abagail.
“So, Holly, what kind of magic act are they going to be performing outside later?" a still Xena-dressed Cathy queried the young lop-ear bunny.
“Yeah. Will it be a traditional magic act, or something a little bit different?" chimed in a young male pig who was wearing a policefur costume.
Holly, still clad in her black spy get-up, was presently drinking a cup of apple cider. As she did so, she shrugged her shoulders in response to the pig’s question. After removing the cup from her lips, she answered, “I have no idea. I didn’t even know that my mother use to be involved in such things."
The other kids raised their eyebrows in surprise upon hearing that. “Oh, come on now, ‘Raven’, you aren’t going to tell us that your mother didn’t tell you that she use to perform in a magic act when she was younger?" said the male pig.
Holly looked at the pig, a very stern look on her pretty face. “First off, don’t you ever call me, ‘Raven’, bacon bits. Second, no she did not. It’s not like it ever came up in conversations between us." The young bunny femme waited a couple of seconds before adding, “Oh, and by the way, honey, I use to have myself cut in half when I was younger? It was so much fun."
As the other kids laugh at her comment, Holly went back to drinking her cider, while the male pig started to grumble.
Sarah looked at Medea. “Is she always like this?" she asked the ewe.
Medea looked back at the young she-bear. “Yeah, pretty much. ‘Ms. Gloom and Doom’ we like to call her. Anyway, you’ll get use to it as long as you don’t do one thing."
“And that is?"
“Call her ‘Raven’. She hates being called that. She doesn’t consider herself a Goth. Close to it, maybe, but not that close," said the ewe, before she started to eat a cookie which was shaped like a ghost.
The young female bear cub blinked her eyes a few times as she was confused by Medea’s comment. “Wait a minute. ‘Raven’? As in the Teen Titan’s Raven? The girl in the black outfit with the magic?"
“The same," mumbled Medea, as she chewed up the cookie pieces inside her mouth.
Sarah looked over at Holly who was still drinking her cider, and then looked back at Medea. “She’s related to one of the female bunnies who just went upstairs, right?"
“Yes," answered Medea.
“How come she seems to be so different from her mom?"
“Adoption. Holly just seems to be a natural-born pessimist. Don’t get me wrong. She’s nice, once you get to know her, but she does tend to expect the worst to happen."
“Oh, I see now," said Sarah, before she looked back at Holly, just in time to see Pakesh-De running down the stairs. “Hmm, she seems to be in an awful hurry," commented the young she-bear.
The young ewe looked at the big mare in the ancient egyptian outfit, who was now headed towards the kitchen. “So I’d noticed. Guess she doesn’t want to miss the show." Medea then bit once more into the cookie.
“I guess," said the young she-bear with a shrug. She then looked back at Medea. “So, she’s adopted, huh?"
Medea nodded her head again, as she chewed some more of the cookie as she heard some more questions from Sarah about the younger lop-ear rabbit.
Boar-Ral, meantime, had been getting some food for himself at the food table. As he was placing some carrots onto a paper plate, he looked towards his right, soon seeing Eva, who was presently talking to Barbara and Snowy. The colt blushed as he saw the outfits that Eva and Snowy were wearing, especially the former’s Wonder Mare costume. 'Oh, she can tie me up anytime,' mused Boar-Ral as he looked at the gold-painted lasso that was placed upon the belt which went around the older mare’s sexy waist. Once he was finished filling up his plate, and after getting himself a cup filled with cider, he approached the trio. “Hi, Eva," he said to the buxom redhead.
Eva, who was presently conversing with Barbara, stopped speaking once she had heard the young Friesian’s voice. She turned around and faced the young colt. Smiling at him, the older, taller redhead said, “Guten Abend, Boar-Ral. Nice to see dat du are finally able to join us, ja? By der vay, nice costume." After saying that, she proceeded to drink some apple cider of her own.
Boar-Ral, as he looked at Eva and the costume that she was wearing, began to blush an even deeper shade of red as he answered, “Uhm, thanks. I happen to like your costume as well. You seem to fill it out so well in all the right places."
As Barbara snickered next to her, Eva stop drinking the cider. As she lowered the cup, she said, with a smile, “Aww, ain’t dat sweet. Danka, Boar-Ral. Und ich bet du vish to see me out of it, ja?" As the buxom heavy mare saw him blush even more in reaction to her last comment, she turned around and said, “Anyway, you remember Barbara from dis mornink, ja?" Eva then pointed at the blonde skunkette in the Liberty Bell costume.
Barbara stopped snickering and smiled at the colt. “Yeah, nice to see you again. And before you ask, I’m wearing contacts." She then began to giggle again.
“Oh, I see," said Boar-Ral, as he noticed the way that the older skunkette’s breasts were bouncing under the blouse of her costume. This caused him to blush even more.
The buxom redhead then pointed at the shorter unicorn with the wings, who was wearing a traditional french maid costume. “Und, dis ist Snowy."
The white-haired, silver-maned mare looked at the colt. The female unicorn smiled at him before saying to him, “‘allo, Boar-Ral. ‘ow nice ta make ye’s acquaintance, lad." As she spoke, her wings fluttered behind her.
Boar-Ral, as he saw her wings move, said, “Uhm, nice to meet you, too, Miss Snowy. Nice costume that you’re wearing by the way and did I just see your wings move?"
Snowy looked at Boar-Ral, as her wings continued to flutter behind her. She was silent for a little while, before she finally smiled and said, “Aye. Tat’s be because me wings are real, son." She then released a short giggle.
“Oh," said Boar-Ral. “They’re lovely by the way."
“Thankee, lad," Snowy replied with a smile.
As they spoke, Eva looked at her watch. Upon seeing the time, she looked up, then said, “Okay, everyone, der magic act vill be startink im about zwei more minutes. Ich dink ve should be headink outside, ja?"
With that said, the others still in the room stopped what they were doing, turned around and started heading towards the kitchen and then the back door that would lead them to the McEqquses’ backyard. Eva waited until everyone else in the room had headed into the kitchen before heading that way herself, following behind Snowy and Barbara. She was soon followed by Boar-Ral, who was looking at the back of her costume, noticing how much of her strong back it exposed to view, although disappointed by the fact that she was wearing on her firm butt a star-spangled skirt instead of the star-spangled bikini bottom that the present age version of Wonder Mare was wearing on her ass. Thinking about how much Eva would look like wearing that version on her own ass made him blush once more, as he started to walk through the kitchen door.

Eva © 2006 Scott and Stanley Alston, Jr.
Holly, Abagail, Violet, Jessica and Robert © 2006 Scott Alston
James, Brunne, Eddie, Cathy, Barbara, Jason, Medea, Junior, Sarah, Margaret, Paul and Philip © 2006 Stanley L. Alston, Jr.
Boar-Ral, Cedric, Whysper, Boss Hoss, Grayflank, Dark Horse, Snowy, Pakesh-De and Mythic Steed © 2006 their respective owners
Wonder Woman and Liberty Belle © DC Comics, Inc.

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