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The Forgotten Empire!

What's New in Kandor:
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tag of the adult and nudity websites!

The contents of Kandor!
Kandor is the land of anthro horses. Here you can find all kind of female anthro horses with both other species and animals. Female anthro horses with humans is added in Ellgar. Male anthro horses and herms alone is not added here.
I do the work here, for free. But we need some money to the artist. Even as many artist is doing artwork for free, we must, sometimes, give them a hope to earn some money.
All donations will go to the artist here in The Forgotten Empire.
Thanx for your help! Aradd

Really time for a update here in Kandor. We shall start to traveller to Artist section S and take a look at Sailor Anna's new drawings. Some of them is for all of you and other, well, not for the young ones... Here is the button:
Then we shall take a look at Style Wager. He have being here from the very beginning, but now, again, the second time in many years, he have done a drawing that can fit here in Kandor. His section is for adults only, not you there, don't try to hade behind your parents... I see you anyway. Here is the button:
Ravenwolf is also not only a well known artist, have being doing this kind of artwork for many years now. And he do it good. This time, the new drawing is for everyone.
So then we have artist section P. This section is reuploaded as it was a lot of work to check all artist there. It seems today that many artist leave the bigger artwork servers and use X/Twitter. That is not good news as we are now soon back where The Forgotten E,mpire started. Because that the artist was spread around internet. Well, the good news is that it possible to see the artist names. So we start with Nyonyo96's section there several new drawings is added. Go and take a look:
Amakuchi is a known artist, she have done several comic's and I hope you have not missed them. Her section is for adults only. So we take the red button:
Fid is one artist that have done some new drawings, but he seems not to update often. His section is for adults only, we continue with the red buttons:
Ouroboros33 have a bigger update. His section is for adults only and you know the rules...
Yunagi Rokuba have many aliases. Don't know who is really like but I hope you like the update. Yunagi Rokuba's section is for adults only!
After a very long time, Kidzukiray have made one new drawing. So now his section have being 100% bigger! And it is for adult only:
The update for Mei is thanks to Argon that find one of his drawings in The Maze. It is now added in Mei's section and thanks to Argon for all his help!
I Ate Your Kit Kat have some new drawings and it was needed to resort some of them to a new section. Anthro with Non Anthro. But go and take a look:
We are out of Latest Addition buttons, but it is just to restart. Heather Bruton is one of the artist that have being her from the beginning. Nice that she still is doing new art. The button here will take you to her main index:
Several sections in ECMajor stable is updated. Go and take a look here:
Dark Ahroun Friesian have done several new drawings. Don't miss them!
Draft At Heart have done new drawings, but also new animations! Go and take a look at once! Well, if you are old enough. Otherway you can look in her all ages section...
It is very good that Brushfire is doing many new drawings & comics. First you should use this button here: to take a look at all her drawings. Then you shall go and read the update for the comic,The Stable 5, part 2, but that is only if you are old enough!
Then it is time to get lost! Take a tour to The Maze, and never come back again... or?
Now we have come to the end of this update. I hope you will have or already have, a nice vaccation! /Aradd


Thanks to Argon it will a little update here in Kandor, but the bigger change here is that several artist have being moved because Argon have made a great help to find their new locations/names.
But we start with the update... Tina Leyk should have send me some drawings with mail for many, many years ago. I never received any and I didn't wanted to push either... That was a bad choise as I now read that she often forgott things. Now I add the drawing made by here in 2006 and she called herself Jaxx Black Fox. Well, Tina Leyk died last year in cancer. Rest in piece Tina and here is a link to your section and it is for adults only:
The artist that have beings moved around is not count as a update, so they will not be added here. /Aradd


Really time for a update here and we start direct with Ultra Violet. One of the artist that have being here in Kandor for many years. Her section is for adults only and for you that are old enough, here is the button:
It is many years since a update with new drawing from Style Wager, he is still doing artwork, but not so much for Kandor. Well, Style Wager's section is for adults only, remember how young you are...
Strider Orion is one of the artist that decided to stop to draw, so the new drawings here, is not new. Argon found out that the drawings is made by Stridor Orion and they are now moved from The Maze. Thanks to Argon for his help, and here is the button:
Sailor Anna is a well known artist and she have done some new drawings. The button will take you to her main index, then you will be on your own...
Ravenwolf is not doing so many drawings/year but he have a very high quality. As you can see if you just use this button here:
Amakuchi is a very well known artist. She have done several comic albums. Argon found out that one of the coloured drawings, was made by her. It have being renamed to match the file name of the original drawing. Thanks to Argon for his help. Amakuchi's section is for adults only, remember that:
Nyonyo96 have made some new drawings, the button will take you to his main index. Then it is up to you to choose wisely:
Nexus Jubatus have made one new drawing, his section is for adults only, but the new drawing is a non adult one. Well, use this button here and go to Nexus Jubatus section:
I Ate Your Kit Kat have done several new drawings. So it will be something for you all to take a look at. Lucky you. Now use this button at once:
Freckles have done new drawing, or is it an old one relesed now? Well, go and take a look yourself... Well, if you are old enough:
Draft At Heart have doing a new drawing but also her animation section is updated. You can just use this button here, and now we need to start with button one again...
Dark Ahroun Friesian have done some new drawings... Well, the horses have no clothes. Maybe they are poor? I don't know but if you are old enough go and take a look, and maybe buy them something to wear...
Brushfire have made many new drawings. Many for adults only but luckily there is a few ones for you to. This is really your lucky day...
However, Brushfire have also made 11 new pages for
The Stable - Chapter 5 - Temptress - Part 2. You can go direct to the comic, if you are old enough, just use this button here:
It is very strange, but for some reason, many old drawings made by Agro Alba have not being added here in Kandor. Maybe they will be new for you and Agro Alba's section is for adults only, remember that!
Hooves have write a new story, but also notice that he have started a Patreon site with his friend Alfons. The link is added at the main index section. Now this button will take to the end of the line, and as with all Hooves stories, it is for adults only:
This could be the end of this update, but it isn't! Time to take a closer look at the new artists here. We start with Green Wind-bell. His drawing is for all ages, go and take a look:
I think that these drawings can be something that could fit Swegabe's Legend of Queen Opala. I think you already have understand that this drawings is for adults only:
Pixiv member 57057160 have made one drawing that fits here in Kandor, and ofcourse we must add it. This is some nudity here so here is the red button:
Now we have come to the end of this update... /Aradd